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How to start your own business as an accountant. Accounting firm business plan

Determine your direction in accounting. Very often, independent accountants work in very small firms, consisting of themselves, some partners and one or two managers. These firms often offer tax preparation services for individuals and basic accounting, auditing, and tax return filing services for small businesses. However, your own level of training and experience in accounting may help you pursue a different career in accounting.

  • If you have experience in providing advice, you could start an accounting consulting company. In this case, your business will offer clients a choice of the optimal organization of accounting and internal control. This may include training in accounting software and providing guidance to staff members.
  • Specializing in a particular type of accounting can define your firm's core competencies and set you apart from your competitors. However, entering a niche that is too narrow may scare away a certain number of clients in another field. In the early years of your accounting business practice, try to remain open to all new clients.
  • Choose a strategy to enter the accounting services market. Entering the accounting services market can be different. Starting from scratch is a good option, but choosing clients who need part-time services, partnering with an existing accountant, or purchasing an existing firm are also good options.

    • By starting from scratch providing accounting services, you gain complete control. You won't have to deal with the burden of outdated software, existing pricing, and other issues. However, the tasks of attracting initial capital and finding first clients are becoming more complicated.
    • Working part-time as an accountant at the beginning is a good way to avoid being at a disadvantage. Working with clients in your free time from your main job will allow you to “test the waters” of the accounting business without huge financial risk. Establishing relationships with these clients will also smooth out the transition in your employment when moving from your main job to self-employment.
    • Partnering with an established accounting professional can help you get started. Working with a partner means more connections, more capital, and more potential client relationships.
    • Buying an off-the-shelf accounting firm will save you from many of the hassles that newbies face, but it will also reduce your level of control, which can cost you a fortune. In addition, it takes time to study the market for services in your region.
  • Create a business plan for your accounting practice. A business plan is a formal document that outlines all of your business's mechanics, vision, as well as mission and core values. A business plan is key if you are looking to take out a development loan, it will also help you make sure that you have planned everything correctly.

    • Defining the concept, mission and values ​​is key when choosing a niche and development course. The vision defines your firm's place in the world, while the mission represents the more specific method you will use to bring that vision to life.
    • Business structure is another important part of a business plan. Limited liability companies (LLCs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are very popular among small accounting firms. C-corporations and S-corporations are ideal if you plan to expand your business, and sole proprietorships are a good option in the accounting business because taxes and overhead tend to be lower.
    • The business plan should also cover key areas such as marketing strategy and cost and income forecasts. Overall, the plan should demonstrate that you understand your target market and have a work plan in place to manage the administrative and financial aspects of your accounting firm.
  • Creation and launch of an accounting company. Once you've written your business plan and chosen your exit strategy, business structure, and marketing strategy, you're ready to take action. Bringing your story to life, purchasing materials, and renting office space are relatively simple tasks. Attracting your first clients is often the most challenging aspect of starting an accounting business.

    • Use your latest contacts to attract clients. If you have established strong client relationships with your previous employer, you may be able to attract those clients for your new business.
    • Marketing largely deals with building a network and image. Nowadays it becomes important for a company to have its own website, because most often potential clients look for information on the Internet. In addition, list your business in the local telephone directory and consider advertising in print and on television.

  • The work is aimed at offering services to companies that need them. Many organizations opt for outsourcing, since hiring an accountant on their staff is not always profitable. If the company employs experienced accountants, and the owner advertises the services provided well, then it will be possible to achieve high profits within a year.

    Business demand

    An individual entrepreneur is suitable for those who are starting a business alone, without planning much growth. Even if you are at a low or medium level, you can make a good profit. Among the advantages of choosing an individual entrepreneur are:

    • lack of a legal address (you can register a business even for an apartment)
    • no accounting required
    • smaller fines
    • opening and closing a company is easier

    You can choose the appropriate option only after an in-depth analysis of your future business. To officially launch the organization’s work, you need to contact the federal tax service. They will be able to tell you what documents will be required and how much you need to pay for it.

    Everyone who is engaged in business pays taxes. The Federal Tax Service provides several options to choose from. You can choose the appropriate one after studying each in detail.

    A businessman has a choice of the classical taxation system, the simplified “income” system and the simplified “income minus expenses” system. When starting your own business, economists recommend choosing the simplified “income” option.
    "Income" has the following advantages:

    • tax 6% of income (rate depends on the region)
    • no need to provide financial statements
    • filing a tax return only once a year

    You should carefully study the features of all. Only based on personal requirements, you can choose the appropriate option. If you have any problems, you can always get advice from a specialist.

    If a person opening a business providing accounting services has an economic education, choosing the appropriate type of taxation will not be difficult. In any case, it is advisable to acquire simple accounting skills and an understanding of economics in order to achieve success in the future.

    Hiring workers

    Hiring employees is considered an important stage, since the work of the company in the future will depend on it. They work alone if they have qualifications and experience as an accountant. If a person works alone, the development of the organization slows down. In any case, after a certain stage you will need to hire workers.

    To create a promising outsourcing company, you need to invest a lot of money and hire educated workers. Typically, the staff consists of:

    • (if the budget is insufficient, limited to 1 person)
    • assistant accountant
    • courier

    A large organization will need a system administrator who will maintain the equipment and keep it in the required working condition. Personnel must perform their duties responsibly. The company's reputation will depend on this. If low-quality services are provided, there will be significantly fewer clients. Some of them will want to solve the problem in the legal field, disrupting the work of the company.

    You will need to do the hiring yourself. Selection criteria must be determined in advance. It is necessary to clearly communicate the duties and payment for them to the potential employee. If in doubt, contact a special agency. They will act as intermediaries and help find experienced workers.

    Work room

    If you plan to open a large company, then you cannot do without purchasing an office. It is recommended to choose property in the city center. Another place with a large crowd of people would also be suitable. There are no special requirements for the premises itself. The main thing is that all workers can comfortably accommodate it.

    At the initial stage, only a small number of businessmen are able to purchase real estate, so the choice of the majority is renting. The rental agreement is drawn up together with a specialist. All the smallest details are taken into account. You need to choose an office based on your budget and your own preferences. The main requirement is that it must be neat and not scare off potential clients.


    Employees of the company through which part of the work will be performed. A company cannot do without computers and special software. You will need to provide an office:

    • computers
    • PC software
    • Internet access

    The most popular utility that helps with accounting is 1C Accounting. Licensed software is purchased for each computer.

    If the organization hires a system administrator who understands software for accountants, then there will be no problems setting up computers.


    The question of whether it is necessary to obtain a license is an acute one for all beginning businessmen who have decided to start providing accounting services. Most services are provided without a license. Only for a mass audit you will need to obtain the appropriate document.

    Services for calculations and filling out papers. All samples are easy to find in the public domain. The contract is concluded only after advance payment. It is necessary to create in advance an agreement suitable for the company, if necessary adding your own changes to it that do not contradict the law.

    Business development

    To achieve success, you need to actively promote your own business. Without advertising, promotion will slow down significantly. Nowadays it is impossible to imagine a company that does not have its own website. It is through the Internet that people find the services they need. If someone wants to get help from an accountant, then first of all the search will be conducted through the network.

    Don't forget about the classic methods of advertising through ads. You can place advertisements in newspapers or post them around the city. If the budget allows, they purchase advertising on regional TV.

    Creating your own website

    It is impossible to perform this action yourself. You will need to contact specialized companies or hire individual people who create websites.
    Creating a website will take a lot of time and a considerable amount of money. Once launched, you will need to promote it. This is what SEO optimizers do. They will make sure that when searching for a company that provides accountant assistance, their customer will be in the first place.

    The site contains useful information:

    • Contact details
    • price list
    • range of services provided

    Useful articles may also be posted. This will help attract more visitors to the site. Some of them will use the company's services.

    A person through the site will be able to get acquainted with the prices in detail and decide whether he should seek help or not.

    Classic advertising

    It is possible through regular advertisements. You can post them on the Internet or in newspapers. They are also posted all over the city. This way you can attract customers. You should carefully study those who often turn to the company for help. Advertising must be directed to the target audience.

    A person is engaged in advertising promotion independently. If there are extra funds, then specialized companies can handle turnkey promotion. The more starting capital you have, the better you will be able to advertise yourself.

    Opening a company that provides accounting services is a profitable decision. This type of business is in demand and has high prospects. With simple steps you can easily expand in the future. As soon as there are too many clients, a new employee is hired.

    You need to plan everything carefully. You will need a business plan that will take into account all the details. You will also need a starting capital of at least 500-800 thousand rubles. To save money, they begin to provide accounting services alone. If everything goes well, the business expands.

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    A step-by-step guide on how to open an accounting firm. This business does not require large capital investments and will pay for itself in less than a year.

    Capital investments: from $10,000

    Payback period for services: up to 12 months

    If you have worked as an accountant for a long time, one day a logical question may arise: how to open an accounting firm.

    Why not, because you know the intricacies of the matter from the inside!

    But it may also be that you have a desire to organize the process, but have no experience at all.

    Whatever the starting conditions, this article will become a guide for you that will put all the stages of starting a business on the shelves.

    An accounting firm requires a relatively small capital investment, which can be recouped in less than a year!

    This is an excellent indicator, so those who want to open such a business should not put off the decision for a long time.

    Analysis of the accounting services market

    Absolutely any business requires that the entrepreneur draw up a business plan for the company before opening it.

    At least in order to analyze the current state of affairs in the chosen field and assess your chances in the market.

    Just because you are good at your job as an accountant does not guarantee that there will be enough demand for your accounting organization's services.

    When you study data about your competitors and development trends in the field of accounting services, you will be able to determine for yourself several fundamental points:

    1. Who is your circle of potential clients?
    2. What price should you set for your services, and what list should be present at the start?
    3. How saturated is the market with similar offers, and what competitive advantages will help you gain the upper hand?

    Where to start providing accounting services?

    Interesting fact:
    Accounting originated in ancient times, when the earth was inhabited by humanoid Neanderthals. Primitive people kept primitive “records”, due to the fact that in those days numbers, as such, did not exist; they were designated in the form of notches on stones, cave walls, animal bones, pieces of wood. Later, ordinary ropes on which knots were made began to be used as a method of counting.

    An important basic step that you must take to open a company is to choose between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC.

    Usually the first option is preferable, but a sole proprietorship will never be taken as seriously as an LLC.

    And in the field of accounting services, a strong reputation is especially important.

    But at the same time, individual entrepreneurs can be registered faster and with less paperwork.

    So everyone makes their own choice in this matter, having studied the available pros and cons.

    Depending on the chosen option, you register: individual entrepreneur - at your place of residence, LLC - at the location of the company.

    How to choose premises for an accounting business?

    One of the significant advantages of the accounting business is that there is no need to rent premises exclusively in the most accessible places for the client.

    Rent in the center will cost much more, but does not significantly affect the success of the accounting firm.

    Therefore, you can safely open a business in a small room in a residential area.

    For starters, 10 m2 is enough for you.

    This is enough to equip one full-fledged workplace, or two - but then you will have to make room.

    Finding such a site will not be easy, but a room in the office of another entrepreneur is quite possible.

    When the business expands, and the staff along with it, it is worth looking for an office with an area of ​​at least 40 m2.

    This is already enough for a staff of 4-6 employees to operate normally.

    It is important to provide your people with truly comfortable conditions.

    After all, accountants work a lot and hard without breaks.

    And if the environment distracts them or depresses them, the quality of their work will drop.

    Equipment for an accounting services company

    Buying equipment to open an accounting firm requires a significant portion of capital investments.

    But for the first time, it’s enough to buy or use your regular laptop; you don’t have to spend money on something “sophisticated” and super expensive.

    Likewise, the purchase of a printer along with a scanner can also be put on hold.

    Having a mobile phone for business is not discussed, since at the stage of work as both an employee and a manager, you can safely use your personal device.

    But when expanding your staff, you should worry about buying a separate mobile phone.

    Some stores may hold promotions or offer discounts on office equipment.

    Carefully study all offers, because at the opening stage there should be reasonable savings in everything.

    You must install software on your computers to compile and submit reports.

    Agree to connect to legal systems on a monthly payment basis.

    How to open an accounting firm: personnel search

    If you decide to open an accounting firm, based on your own extensive work experience, at first you can completely cope on your own.

    But if you are just acting as an organizer, you will have to find an experienced accountant on whom you can completely rely.

    In the future, it is worth expanding the list of services and recruiting staff so that everyone has their own specialization among the sections of accounting.

    At the same time, a single requirement will be put forward to everyone - high quality work and experience.

    And the willingness to complete tasks in a short time, because often clients will contact you “at the last minute.”

    To be on the safe side, you can even have contact with accountants who are not on your full-time staff so that you can transfer orders to them if necessary.

    The services of a courier, lawyer and security will also be useful to you.

    But such people do not need to be hired for the position.

    It is enough to delegate tasks to appropriate outsourcing companies.

    It is imperative to conclude an agreement with a security service - install an alarm and a panic button in case of an emergency.

    Business accounting services also need advertising

    Any business needs advertising, especially when you just decide to open it.

    Accounting firms are no exception.

    Moreover, a novice entrepreneur should not worry that this will take away a significant part of the starting budget.

    Among the available options, some are quite affordable, or even free.

    You don't have to come up with anything supernatural.

    You need to monitor the effectiveness of the methods you already use and introduce new ones as your profits increase.

      Even before you open an accounting firm, develop a high-quality and eye-catching business card design.

      At the initial stage, a batch of 1500 copies is sufficient.

      They should be left with all clients and distributed to friends.

      It is also worth agreeing on placement in places where your potential clients may appear.

      This may include tax authorities, banks and other similar institutions.

      The Internet is a channel that makes it possible to promote a business, even for free, and at the same time gives an excellent effect with proper management.

      It is advisable to create a full-fledged website on which you will place a list of your services, an approximate price list, and articles useful for clients.

      This way you can use very effective contextual advertising for promotion.

      But in this case, the following principle applies: if you don’t have the funds for a good website, it’s better not to start one at all.

      Save money from profits, find highly qualified specialists and order a quality product.

      In addition to the site, you can use other resources on the World Wide Web.

      For example, post advertisements about the company’s services on free message boards or specialized forums.

      These can be specialized magazines on economics and accounting topics.

      Regional newspapers are also suitable for these purposes.

      Although many consider this method outdated, cold selling also has its effect.

      Arm yourself with a list of companies in the city and triple your calls to your potential clients.

      You shouldn’t be too persistent, but learning the principles of increasing the effectiveness of active sales will not hurt!

    You may not realize how many new businesses that could be your potential clients can open every month!

    Therefore, it is important to constantly update advertisements.

    Then clients will contact you again and recommend you to their friends.

    What investments in an accounting business are needed at the start?

    An accounting firm is a business option that does not require large initial investments from you to open it.

    If you have some of the resources necessary to get started, this amount will be even less.

    At the first stage, you can get by with modest volumes, further investing profits in the development and scaling of your business.

    You will be able to hire new people on staff, strengthen your advertising campaign and expand the list of services provided.

    If you have just decided to open a company, it is better not to take loans.

    But when things are in order and you are convinced that this business model is working, then you can take out a small loan to promote services.

    According to approximate calculations and practical data, the payback of an accounting firm will occur in less than a year after the start of its activities.

    If you and your employees manage to build a large customer base earlier, then the payback period will decrease.

    What are the advantages of running an accounting business?

    and why entrepreneurs often turn to this type of service,

    learn from the video:

    How much should you invest in your accounting business monthly?

    In addition to the costs of starting an accounting firm, we must not forget about the need to monthly finance the development of an organization to provide these services.

    What amount can we talk about?

    To understand how much money you will need to start a business, you need to add up the size of the starting investment and the amount needed to develop an accounting services company.

    According to the average statistical data given in the tables of this article, to open such a business you will need at least $7,500.

    The amount will vary for each entrepreneur depending on the scale of the business, the means of advertising used, the number of employees on staff, and so on.

    To summarize, we need to remember that only a few companies can do without accounting services.

    Even those companies that initially manage on their own, after a while delegate the solution of accounting tasks to outsourcing firms.

    The reason lies in regular reforms and changes in financial accounting laws, rules for the functioning of organizations and the complication of taxation schemes.

    To keep up with all these innovations and not lose money, accounting issues must be solved by highly qualified specialists who keep up with the times.

    After all, in addition to paying wages, you also need to worry about the equipment of the workplace.

    The combination of all these factors led to the fact that business accounting services is now popular and in demand.

    If you have the necessary resources to create a high-quality accounting firm, you can set up a cost-effective and profitable business.

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    • What are the prospects for such income?
    • Company registration
    • Premises and equipment
    • Staff
    • Advertising
    • Income and expenses

    In each of our articles dedicated to how to open a small business from scratch, we advise our readers to hire an outsourced accountant. This is really very convenient and allows you to save money on a full-time employee. If you yourself decide to organize a business in accounting services, then we will tell you where to start and how to promote your company!

    What are the prospects for such income?

    Accounting services as a business is a rather promising area, because... Most entrepreneurs, when they open a small business from scratch, do their own reporting and other paperwork. This is due to the fact that not all businessmen initially have enough start-up capital to hire an accountant. Therefore, the manager himself begins to understand zero reporting and other matters, devoting less time to his business. As a result, there comes a time when a lot of paperwork accumulates and you urgently need to look for a specialist who will help solve the problem.

    In order not to complicate running a business, remote accountants have recently become popular; they handle company reporting from home or in their own office, earning slightly less than a full-time employee. The benefit is mutual - the businessman saves time and money, you get the opportunity to earn money on accounting services. Interested in the idea? Then read on to learn how to open your own accounting for a woman!

    You may also be interested in our article: Ready business plan for a law firm.

    Company registration

    If you want to organize a business providing accountant services, first decide on the organizational and legal form. You can open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To make money on accounting services, it is better, of course, to register an LLC, but opening an individual entrepreneur will require much less documents and, accordingly, initial costs. We still recommend registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur, and in the future, when you are able to build up a client base and earn solid money, expand your office and open an LLC.

    Also at the registration stage you need to select the type of activity. For your own accounting department, we recommend OKVED code 74.12 - “Activities in the field of accounting and auditing.” It is better to choose the tax regime “simplified taxation, simplified tax system”.

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    As for the areas in which you can earn money, to begin with it will be enough to provide the following services:

    1. Registration and liquidation of enterprises.
    2. Accounting.
    3. Preparation of reports to the social and pension fund, as well as the health insurance fund.
    4. Personnel accounting, as well as payroll for company employees.
    5. Zero reporting.
    6. Development of accounting policies.
    7. Maintaining a book of sales and purchases.

    To begin with, this will be enough to organize a business in accounting services. In the future, you can also provide the services of an auditor, a lawyer (if you hire the appropriate employee) and even conduct accounting courses.

    Premises and equipment

    To organize a business providing accounting services, when opening an individual entrepreneur, it is not necessary to rent an office. At first, you can open an accounting office at home and meet clients on their territory. When the volume of work increases and there is a need to attract new employees, you can already think about an office with an area of ​​40-50 square meters. Such a room will be quite enough to accommodate 5 computer desks for your accountants.

    The best office location is close to potential clients. In addition, you should conduct a competitor analysis so as not to rent premises next to some well-promoted company that also provides accounting services. Another very good idea would be to rent a room next to the tax office, so that clients can do several things related to the company’s reporting in one place at the same time.

    As for equipment, if you work from home for the first time, you will only need a computer, Internet, office equipment and licensed programs. For an office, you will have to allocate money to renovate the premises and purchase furniture.


    Opening your own accounting department at first may be possible without involving partners, but when business starts to improve, you will need to hire several qualified accountants. A mandatory requirement is work experience, because... Your little-known company should not be tarnished by unskilled workers. You can even find employees via the Internet. Many female accountants are interested in how to earn extra money while on maternity leave on your knowledge. Look for appropriate forums and offer cooperation.

    The services of professional accountants are in demand by private entrepreneurs, and sometimes by large companies. It is possible to maintain financial documentation in order and conduct a competent audit only by using the services of an accounting company. Below is a business plan for an accounting firm. The example is designed for organizing activities in a large municipal center.

    Legal information about the company

    The company offers accounting services: calculation and preparation of balance sheets, filling out financial statements for tax purposes, calculations before audits and other financial services for entrepreneurs and individuals.

    Legal form: LLC, since it is planned to work with large companies.

    Location: the company's office is located in the central part of the city, has several access roads, nearby parking, and public transport stops.

    Target clients: large and small companies, individual entrepreneurs.

    Work space: office area of ​​70 sq. m, with a waiting room for clients and three small offices. The premises are rented, which is confirmed by the rent agreement.

    The provision of accounting services is organized due to the high demand for accounting outsourcing.

    To achieve its goals, the accounting company, in accordance with the statutory documentation, offers the following types of services:

    • Preparation and maintenance of balance sheets for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.
    • Producing zero reporting for legal entities and individuals.
    • Calculation of wages for employees.
    • Consulting services for accountants.
    • Preparing the company for an audit.
    • Supporting financial issues of legal entities and individuals.

    As a bonus, regular customers are offered a free courier service, sending reports to the tax office, and oral consultations.

    Of the potential clients, 80% are legal entities, the remaining 20% ​​are individuals. The main difficulty in organizing work is high competition. Large companies have long been regular clients of competitors, of whom there are many in large cities. Implementing a business plan is beneficial for accountants with already established clients who have decided to break away and organize their own business.

    Price list for services

    Preparation of accounting with zero reporting:

    Filling out a tax return:

    Support and maintenance of accounting with the entry of primary documents based on the simplified tax system:

    Support and maintenance of accounting with the entry of primary documents on the basis of ORN:

    Each operation is calculated taking into account one document being created, including documents in the tax service.

    Working with employees, calculating wages, drawing up orders for dismissal and hiring of workers, counting shifts and output is carried out depending on the number of people:

    • Staff from 1 to 25 people – 450 rubles. from one personnel unit.
    • From 26 to 45 people – 400 rubles. per unit.
    • More than 45 people - by agreement.

    Consultation on accounting and labor law issues – 500 rubles/hour.

    Project costs

    The accounting firm business plan with calculations presented below will help you plan expenses and prepare initial capital. The business project estimate consists of the following items:

    The estimate includes the purchase of inexpensive furniture and computers with full software. Additionally, the cost of maintaining the software by the company to which the product was provided is added to the estimate. The average cost of software support in regional centers is from 5,000 per month.

    Also added to the estimate is an item of expenses for the financial maintenance of the project in the first few months, until several regular customers appear and monthly expenses can not be paid from profits. The estimate also includes depreciation of equipment, which will amount to another 3-10 thousand rubles.

    Project implementation planning

    It is possible to implement a business plan along with paperwork in two months. Since seasonality does not affect the provision of services, any convenient month is taken. The plan provides for the period from April 1 to June 1. Each stage is outlined according to specific numbers, so it will be easier for the entrepreneur to control the organizing process:

    The implementation of each stage is controlled by the owner. It’s easier to describe the stages in more detail for specific dates, then the time lag will be minimal and the time will be optimally planned.

    Office equipment

    To equip a small accounting company, the following furniture and equipment are purchased:

    • Computer tables (3 pcs.) – 45,000 rub.
    • Filing cabinets (3 pcs.) – RUB 25,000.
    • Computer chairs (3 pcs.) – RUB 12,000.
    • Chairs for visitors (6 pcs.) – RUB 35,000.
    • Coffee table for the waiting room (1 piece) – 5,000 rubles.
    • Computers (3 pcs.) – 100,000 rubles.
    • Printer-scanner (1 pc.) – 10,000 rub.

    In total, you will need 232,000 rubles for furniture and equipment for the office. These expenses are supplemented by consumables: computer software, paper for printers and records, reporting journals, customer logs, office supplies. On average, you will need another 10-15 thousand rubles for consumables. per month.

    In total, the cost of a small company providing accounting services is 247,000 rubles.

    We select personnel

    There is no need to recruit a huge staff for the initial launch of the project. The accounting company's staff includes the following employees:

    1. Chief accountant (1 person).
    2. Accounting consultants (4 people).
    3. Cleaning lady (1 person).

    The chief accountant also holds the position of company manager. Typically this position is occupied by the owner of the company. Accountants are hired with at least 10 years of experience (to save money, you can hire two experienced accountants and two young specialists at a lower salary with the prospect of training). Every year, workers are sent to retrain and improve their knowledge. Monthly costs for paying employees and payments to various government funds are presented in the table:

    Employees need to allocate 221,000 rubles per month for salaries. In addition to the basic salary, accountants will receive a percentage of the transaction in the amount of 3-5%, depending on the wishes of the owner. At the end of the year, an incentive bonus is paid in the amount of one salary.

    Company working hours: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.00. On Saturday and Sunday, 1 accountant works from 10.00 to 15.00. This employee can be registered as a part-time worker. If the order is urgent, the employee can stay outside of working hours. The staff includes a cleaning lady as support staff. Her work schedule: in the evening from 17.00 to 19.00. The payment is salary, and a bonus is issued as an incentive.

    Planning consumption

    A small company providing accounting services will require the following financial contributions from the owner on a monthly basis:

    • Salary for company employees and payments to funds – 221,000 rubles.
    • Payment of utilities (specified in the rent agreement) – 15,000 rubles.
    • Purchase of consumables – 15,000 rubles.
    • Needs (unforeseen) – 10,000 rubles.
    • Software maintenance – RUB 5,000.
    • Depreciation of equipment – ​​10,000 rubles.

    Total to keep the project afloat you will need to invest in it per month: 276,000 rubles. The percentage of monthly expenses is presented in the form of a graph:

    The graph shows that 80.1% of monthly expenses are on employee salaries. Therefore, this type of business is beneficial to people who are willing to provide accountant services themselves and have solid experience in this industry.


    As an advertisement, it is effective to place an ad in periodicals of the city. But the most productive way will be to promote the group on social networks and create your own website. Initially, you can provide free verbal consultations to clients through social networks. This will increase your reputation and attract the attention of users.

    If the work is completed on time and with high quality, then regular clients themselves will recommend you to their friends. In this area of ​​the market, word-of-mouth advertising is effective.

    Project payback

    If the company has several regular customers, its income will initially be about 350,000 rubles. From this amount you need to subtract monthly expenses for the company in the amount of 276,000 rubles. As a result, the net profit is 74 thousand rubles. This amount will increase with the arrival of new clients. It is initially recommended not to overestimate the cost of services, since the company must win its place in the market niche. Net profit by the end of the first year of operation should be at least 320,000 rubles. per month. Net proceeds will be divided into parts:

    • The company's fixed capital is 20%.
    • Return on investment – ​​40%.
    • Expansion of production – 30%.
    • Depreciation and contingencies – 10%.

    With this division, a minimum of 30,000 rubles will be spent monthly to return the investment. 80% of the proceeds in the first six months of work will be used to keep the project afloat. Investments in the project amounted to 465,000 rubles. Payback, on average, is planned in one and a half years. Profitability will increase, so the payback period will shorten. The main fund and the expansion item are necessary for the further growth of the company without additional financial injections. In a year and a half, it will be possible to rent space and open a full-fledged center for the provision of legal and accounting services.


    With an initial capital investment of 465,000 rubles, an accounting company is able to generate income in the amount of 350,000 rubles per month. Of this amount, 270,000 rubles. will be used to pay employees and other needs of the company. Net profit initially amounts to only 74,000 rubles. The project will pay for itself in a year and a half. Profitability will increase due to the expansion of services and the growth of the customer base. With growth in 4 years, from a small office it is planned to transform into a large company providing legal and financial services.