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How to start trading in the stock market. How to start trading shares on the stock market What is better for a beginner to trade on the stock exchange

Nowadays, accessing stock exchanges is not something difficult. Any person who decides to engage in trading can afford to buy and sell shares in order to make a profit.

However, for any trading on the stock exchange, as well as for trading in the foreign exchange market, it is necessary to have a certain knowledge base. To understand how to start trading stocks, there are many books and videos that can provide all the information you need about stock trading and trading in general. The stock is an organization that provides funds through the buying and selling process. Moreover, trading takes place using the most developed electronic trading systems. Thus, stock exchanges are, as it were, an indicator of the development of the economies of states and the world economy as a whole. Top five stock exchanges:

So how do you start trading stocks? First of all, you need to choose a broker (of course). The broker provides the opportunity for traders to trade in real time. And you need to choose for the reason that an individual does not have direct access to trading on the stock exchange.

A broker is an intermediary. When choosing one, you should pay attention to the commission, the quality of service, in general, and no less important, what kind of analytical platform this intermediary is ready to provide. Fortunately, there are currently many programs from which you can choose the one that is most convenient.

Of course, before you start trading shares, you need to open a deposit into your trading account. But you shouldn’t immediately rush into it and try to earn a lot of money. The approach here is slightly different than, for example, in the foreign exchange market.

Firstly, shares are an instrument that can be bought or sold only during a certain period of time. At the end of the day, it will close. This means that the frequency of gaps is 5 times greater than in the currency market. It matters.

The second is the role of stock indices, which act as the first indicators of stock market dynamics.

You can start investing or trading on the stock market on your own with an amount of 5,000 rubles. To do this, you first need to choose a broker, i.e. a financial intermediary between you and the MICEX exchange. The broker must have a special license giving him the right to provide you with such a service. Which brokerage firm should I contact? This decision is as important as choosing a bank to store your money.

Previously, the assessment of brokers was carried out by the National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR). Now the National Rating Agency (NRA) is responsible for rating all companies in Russia.

The most important criterion when choosing a broker is the financial reliability of the broker. NRA financial reliability ratings have existed for several years and are a kind of benchmark for investment companies and their clients. When determining the financial reliability rating, the following indicators are assessed: average monthly trading turnover, balance sheet currency, net profit, trading safety, equity capital adequacy, liquidity, return on assets, etc. Companies with an AAA rating are the most reliable among all Russian professional stock market participants . Companies with an AA+ rating are considered very reliable among Russian professional stock market participants. Any company from the AAA and AA+ ratings can be chosen as your broker.

Of no small importance when choosing a broker is the size of his net worth and time on the market. It is better to choose a broker with an average or above average net worth.

Next, from the selected companies, you need to choose the one that is most conveniently located for you, has low tariffs and other specific features that are important to you. The location of the company plays an important role, since you will have to contact the company often. When analyzing tariffs, pay attention to commissions, depository service fees, interest on the use of borrowed funds and securities (margin lending), interest on cash withdrawals, and subscription fees for using an Internet trading program. The lower the rates, the better for you and your finances. An obstacle for you may also be the minimum cash limit, below which the broker does not work.

  1. Conclude an agreement with a broker.
  2. Receive electronic keys from a broker or create them yourself using key generation programs included in the distribution kit of the Quik program, etc.
  3. Deposit funds into the account.

Creation of a workplace for investors and traders:

  1. Download from the Internet distribution kits of programs for Internet trading (Quik, etc.).
  2. Install an online trading program (Quik, etc.) on your computer and make the necessary settings.
  3. Connect to the Internet.
  4. Insert the floppy disk with the secret “keys” into the computer.
  5. Launch an Internet trading program (Quik, etc.) and enter a unique login and password used to create secret “keys”.
  6. Start trading.

Let's look at the individual stages of this plan in more detail.

Conclude an agreement with a broker

If a broker is selected, then you can go to the company itself to conclude and sign a package of documents for brokerage services. The brokerage company opens you an account intended for depositing, withdrawing and transferring funds to other accounts, as well as an account for storing and accounting for securities that you will buy on the stock exchange. In addition, the brokerage company gives you a floppy disk with secret electronic keys, login and password, all of which you need to trade through the Internet trading system (Quik, Web-Quik, etc.).

So, the documents have been signed. You can deposit money into your account.

Deposit funds into account

The money is deposited into the cash desk of the brokerage company with which you entered into an agreement.

The amount of money you deposit into the account should not be the last money you have. At the initial stage, you can deposit 10% -15% of your savings into the account. In the future, when trading experience is acquired, it will be possible to increase the amount to 25% -50% of savings.

Funds can be deposited into your trading account either in cash or non-cash. Your broker will provide you with all the information you need for this.

Keep records of all transactions involving deposits, withdrawals, and transfers of funds. Store documents received from the broker in one place, in a separate folder.

Creating a workplace for investors and traders

Your broker will help you install and configure programs for online trading.

For all questions related to connecting and setting up Quik programs, etc., please contact your broker. Usually, after calling the broker, within half an hour the user can place orders independently.

For ease of use, you need to configure the parameters and interface of the Internet trading program so that all the necessary trading data is presented in the most convenient form and form for you.

To understand the basic options of the Quik program, you need to carefully read the user manual, which may take 5-6 hours. This time can be saved if someone who is already using these programs agrees to help you.

The Quik program can be obtained from a broker or downloaded yourself at The user manual can also be downloaded from this address.

Start trading

If you have a friend who is already trading and if there is an opportunity to work next to him, be sure to use this opportunity. This way you will learn faster.

The level of your income depends on the initial level of training and on your qualifications, how well you understand the principles and laws by which the financial market lives, how well you know investment and trading technologies. In general, you need to learn how to invest.

- Stock
— Stock trading
— Purchase and sale of shares on the Moscow Stock Exchange (MICEX)
— How to trade securities on the stock exchange?
— How to start trading shares?
- Conclusion

Shares are a share of a company. A person who owns shares in a company is a co-owner. The company is the issuer of these shares.
The exchange is the organizer of stock trading. The purchase and sale of shares takes place there.

In Russia, the only exchange where you can buy shares of large Russian companies is the Moscow Exchange (“MICEX RTS”). In order to trade shares on the stock exchange, you need to open an account with a brokerage company.

Shares are traditionally divided into three “echelons”, these are:

1) "Blue chips".

The most liquid shares of the largest Russian companies are named after the chips in the casino, where blue chips are the most expensive. During the day, most exchange transactions are carried out with first-tier shares, both in quantity and in volume.

2) Shares of the second and third tiers.
These are shares of medium and small companies, which, however, are listed on the stock exchange. Due to their lower trading volume, these stocks are mostly potentially undervalued, meaning they have significant growth potential, but they are less liquid and working with them requires more experience and economic knowledge.

— Stock trading

Stock trading, one of the most common forms of trading on the stock exchange, is essentially quite simple and can be learned by anyone. You can trade stocks without leaving your home.

However, it is necessary to acquire a certain minimum of knowledge and make certain changes in your life rhythm. After all, in the activity of trading shares you will not have bosses, and you yourself will give yourself instructions and control their execution. Your main tasks will be in the field of psychology rather than technology.

Of course, you should first obtain theoretical knowledge about such an activity as stock trading. The necessary information is widely presented in the relevant literature and other information resources.

Two of the strongest feelings permeate a person when trading shares on the stock exchange - fear and greed. Your main task is to bring these feelings under your control. Whether you take advantage of your chance or not depends only on you. You will have to take any step consciously, understand why you are doing this and not otherwise. This will give you confidence in your decisions.

Let's establish the basic configuration parameters of an ordinary person who is engaged in activities such as trading shares on the stock market:

1) At home there is a computer connected to the Internet on which specialized software is installed, usually provided by a broker (trading terminal plus CIPF - information cryptographic protection system);

2) An agreement on brokerage services has been concluded with a broker (bank, investment company, etc.);

3) The investment account balance is from 1000 US dollars;

4) Trading platforms - MICEX, RTS (including FORTS), trading instruments - shares of Russian issuers;

5) Frequency of transactions - from several days to several weeks;

6) Time for trading shares (viewing quotes, news and analytics, making and implementing trading decisions, analyzing achievements and mistakes) - morning (before work), afternoon (if possible), evening (after work), weekends and holidays;

7) Sources of news and stock analytics - RBC TV channel, and PRIME websites (at first this is quite enough);

8) The amount of profit is not established...

— Purchase and sale of shares on the Moscow Stock Exchange (MICEX)

Trading shares on the stock exchange is the most common and easiest way to take your first steps as a trader in the stock market. The most popular platform for trading shares on the stock exchange in Russia is the Moscow Exchange stock market - the largest stock market in the CIS countries, Western and Eastern Europe.

The stock and unit market of the Moscow Exchange allows for trading shares of leading Russian companies (for example, Gazprom, Sberbank, VTB and other issuers), shares of mutual funds, foreign shares, depositary receipts for them, etc. Since the stock market for shares is an organized platform, unlike the over-the-counter market, it has a number of rules and restrictions on the mechanism for making transactions (for example, the volume of shares within one lot is limited).

In order to try trading shares on the Moscow Exchange stock market without financial consequences, it is enough to open a special demo account with a brokerage company.

— How to trade securities on the stock exchange?

1) If you have decided and want to engage in stock trading, you need to start with the theoretical part. This is a very important stage at the beginning of your career.

2) Trading shares has its own characteristics and subtleties, try to study them. It is best to work purposefully; if you have chosen this investment goal, do it until you have studied this area thoroughly.

3) Make it a habit to always monitor the economic situation in real time; you need to know the situation both globally and in the target direction. Bookmark sites on your computer with stock news and forecasts.

4) Usually new traders start with a demo account - this is a virtual exchange that helps assess their strength. Only after this you can go to real trading.

5) After training on a demo account, you can move on to the next stage, choosing a broker.

6) If you want to trade shares on the stock exchange yourself, online, you need to choose a trading platform. Pay special attention to this, trading platforms differ from each other - study all the features of the platform you have chosen.

7) Trading on the stock market is very hectic; you should always monitor your emotional state.

— How to start trading shares?

First of all, you need to choose a broker. The broker provides the opportunity for traders to trade in real time. And you need to choose for the reason that an individual does not have direct access to trading on the stock exchange.
A broker is an intermediary. When choosing one, you should pay attention to the commission, the quality of service, in general, and no less important, what kind of analytical platform this intermediary is ready to provide. Fortunately, there are currently many programs from which you can choose the one that is most convenient.

Of course, before you start trading shares, you need to open a deposit by putting money into your trading account. But you shouldn’t immediately rush into the market and try to earn a lot of money. The approach here is slightly different than, for example, in the foreign exchange market.

Firstly, shares are an instrument that can be bought or sold only during a certain period of time. At the end of the day, the stock market will close. This means that the frequency of gaps is 5 times greater than in the currency market. It matters.

The second is the role of stock indices, which act as the first indicators of stock market dynamics.

Thirdly, this is the liquidity of the shares themselves. This is perhaps the most important argument. Liquidity determines the size of the spread, the fee charged by a broker for executing a buy or sell command. Although, having selected a list of companies whose shares you plan to trade, it is still worth practicing on a virtual account. The market is the same. Only virtual money.

Work out your trading system. If a trader has moved from the foreign exchange market, he needs to feel the movement, the dynamics of stock prices, and the trading process itself. If a future trader decides to start trading for the first time, it is necessary to have a ready-made trading strategy.

It is necessary to work on it in the stock market, but you shouldn’t get too carried away in order to develop a strong reflex of fear of opening real transactions. It is possible to rebuild the indicator, perhaps to devote more time to fundamental analysis. When everything is ready, you need to boldly and carefully start trading shares.

Since this is a stock market, special attention should be paid to stock indices. They reflect the average dynamics of the stock market itself. The value of indices is highly dependent on the prices of shares that are included in this index. Thus, an index, which is calculated using a certain list of companies, can reflect the dynamics of a particular, say, industrial sector, or even the national economy as a whole. The most common indexes:

1) Dow Jones Index. (USA)
2) Indices FT – SE. (Great Britain)
3) Nikkei 225. (Japan)
4) CAC – 40. (France)
5) DAX indices. (Germany)

When trading shares, you should pay attention to the indicators of the index that includes the company data. Thus, stock index performance can be, and is, part of a trader’s trading strategy.

- Conclusion

These days, more and more people are thinking about earning extra money. Every day the number of people who decide to trade shares is growing. And this is not surprising, because the chances of increasing your income on the Forex market are quite high.

In addition, any person who decides to try his hand at trading can easily buy and sell shares to make money.
Of course, everything is not so rosy here. After all, your profit depends on hard work and correct analysis of the current situation. But there is nothing complicated here either.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

It can be very difficult for a person who is far from trading on the stock exchange to take the first steps. Many questions arise, the answers to them have to be collected bit by bit on the Internet, unless you immediately find a good guide to the world of finance. An already established trader can shorten this path tenfold. But how to find it? Who can really teach you how to trade on the stock exchange constantly in profit in order to regularly increase your deposit? Some points will be clarified in this article.

Where should a newbie in trading start?

We are bombarded with Forex advertisements from literally everywhere - you can find them much more often than offers from brokers for trading futures and shares on the stock exchange. Why is this happening. The fact is that trading currency pairs on the international Forex currency market is available to literally all people. It can be started with a minimum amount of money. And in order to learn, you don’t need money at all - many brokers offer opening a demo account for an indefinite period. In the same way, you download the platform for trading and the quotes in it are the same as on a real account and all the functions are exactly the same, it’s just a virtual account, there is no real money on it. Therefore, if a person does not know how to trade on the stock exchange, he can try his hand without fear of losing his savings.

How long does it take to study on a demo account and when to switch to a real one?

Experienced traders have slightly different opinions on this matter. But everyone advises not to stay too long on a demo account, since trading on it is still different from trading in real life. Not the functions of the platform and not the quotes, there is a much greater difference between a real and a demo account - the psychological component. As a rule, learning the rules of trading on the stock exchange and learning how to use two or three popular indicators is not difficult. Many novice traders almost immediately begin to show good results on a demo account, but in real life they begin to lose money. Don't blame the broker for this. The main obstacle to stable earnings is the psychological aspect. By all accounts, work on psychology is never finished.

Opening a demo account does not oblige us to anything. Therefore, you shouldn’t think too much about choosing a broker at this stage. But later this choice becomes very important. On the Internet you can find a lot of advice for novice traders, a huge number of reviews that list the main points of the trading conditions of different brokerage companies. They differ, for example, in the size of the initial deposit. The most democratic offer to open a cent account for 10 dollars. The money is very real, trading is carried out in cents or even fractions of cents. Of course, there is no need to talk about significant profits here, but a cent account can become a bridge when switching from a demo account to real trading.

Best markets to trade

When the first trading experience has already been gained and the price charts do not seem like gobbledygook with incomprehensible spikes up and down, you can think about better assets and a more careful choice of broker and exchange. Serious investors looking for the best ways to invest and increase their capital have a choice of three options: trading on the Russian, European and American markets. There are also more exotic options: India, Asia, Australia. In practice, few people seriously consider these markets. The reason lies in volatility, because the more volatile the market, the more profitable it is to work on it. In this sense, the European and American markets are considered the best. Although trading shares and futures on the Moscow Exchange is also very popular among domestic traders. There are many special educational materials on how to start trading on the MICEX exchange.

What is the best way to trade?

The choice is between stocks, commodity futures, options or currency pairs on the Forex market. Bloomberg broadcasts quotes for a huge number of financial products. We are talking about millions of shares. You can’t help but get confused when you think about where to start trading on the stock exchange. Is it realistic to trade all the offered assets? Of course not. Just to view them will take more than one month. Forex is simpler in this sense; it does not confront the trader with such a huge choice. Most brokers support the ability to trade several dozen major currency pairs. Of these, up to ten assets are the most popular: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY, USDCAD, AUDUSD and their crosses. As a rule, a person working in the Forex market manages to look at the main pairs before starting trading and select the most promising ones for the current day or week. Trading shares on the stock market requires a different approach.

Selecting an asset in the stock market

Even after the previous tips for novice traders on market segmentation, the list turns out to be quite an impressive one. And again, it is not clear how to choose from it what is best to trade. There is no clear answer to this question. Many traders successfully trade currency pairs on Forex. There are also those who believe that trading on Forex cannot be compared with futures and stocks, where the volatility is much higher and you can earn much more. We must not forget that high volatility is also a double-edged sword; it allows you to make good money, but you can also quickly lose everything. Much here will depend on the individual qualities of the trader: character, skills, personal preferences. If you have already chosen a trading option that suits you, all that remains is to work on improving your skills in this particular market segment. Believe me, the market always provides a large field for activity, and you can improve your trading results indefinitely. For beginners, a few tips on how to become a trader will be useful - they are collected in the next section.

Some of the following secrets of stock trading may seem elementary, while others may seem dubious, but all of them are sealed by the destinies and losses of millions of traders. Before becoming successful, everyone went their own way, usually through deposit loss and personal dramas:

  1. Do not use all your savings for trading. Invest in a new business only such an amount that you can lose without drama or significant damage to the family.
  2. Learn to take losses calmly; they should not disturb your sleep, just like successful days in the market.
  3. Don't think about profit while trading.
  4. Don't change your mind during the bidding process. Analyze the situation, make a decision that clearly outlines the moments of closing a position, both positive and negative, and do not retreat under the pressure of the market.
  5. Learn to make your own decisions and not be fooled by the judgments of others. Trading is an almost intimate matter, you need to learn, but in the learning process you must develop your own trading style and your own strategy.

Sometimes it is useful for a participant in exchange trading to simply take a break from trading. Do not despair if nothing works out and all trades are unprofitable. It seems that the car has already received the information, but there is no point. If you find yourself in this, take a break. Forget about profits, don’t expect anything from the market. After a while, you will return calm and balanced and everything will go like clockwork. This advice will be especially useful for those who absolutely cannot tolerate drawdown. As soon as the price goes in the wrong direction, your nerves begin to give in, the deal is immediately closed, and literally after a short time the price goes where you expected. A break for a couple of weeks will be of invaluable help in such a situation.

When will the first success come?

At first, trading will never become your main activity, even if you enjoy the process. There are different opinions regarding the timing of development, but all experienced and successful traders talk about years. Therefore, if you have just come to the exchange, you should not think that trading is not available to you if nothing is working out yet. Time must pass, without personal experience, the general opinion is that no matter how much you study, you will not become a trader. There are too many nuances in trading that cannot be perceived in a short time. Is it possible to become an engineer in six months? Trading is a profession that is equally complex and takes time. Of course, by being trained by a trader who has been trading successfully for a long time, your own process of development can be significantly accelerated. But it will take at least several months to feel confident on the stock exchange.

Minimum tools and indicators to get started

Try not to spread yourself across many assets at first, and use a minimum of indicators when trading. It's better to learn to use one or two of them, but study them thoroughly. This will be of more use than jumping between different strategies and different tools. The famous trader Alexander Elder, and not only him, advises using one indicator from different groups: one oscillator (for example, Stochastic or MACD), one trend indicator - Bollinger bands or moving averages, and one volume indicator. This is the minimum set that is always present on any platform of any broker. The general consensus is that even with this set of standard indicators, you can build many profitable strategies on different time frames and for different instruments. There is a lot of information on how to trade on the stock exchange using these indicators - if you thoroughly study the work of the main ones, success in trading will not be long in coming.

If you trade currency pairs, take one or two pairs to start with, no more. When the result is consistently positive, you can begin to gradually increase the number of tools. For those who trade stocks or commodity futures, the advice is also relevant: choose assets from the same commodity group that can correlate with each other. Let's give an example of how to trade stocks on the stock exchange using the correlation between assets. If in the group of legumes there is a clear increase in prices for all instruments except soybeans, it makes sense to prepare for sales on this product - it is obvious that at the slightest hint of a downward movement in the group, soybeans will be the first to rush down.

The following few tips can become the basis of a successful strategy, as they themselves provide valuable hints for opening positions. There are some patterns in price behavior depending on the opening of the current day or the close of the previous one. For example, if the price opened up, then with a greater degree of probability it will continue to go up. It is also recommended to open long positions if the price has consolidated above yesterday’s close and vice versa. This rule, in fact, applies to any time frames - if you scalp on minutes, you can also adapt it to your trading.

Choosing a trading style and timeframe

Now about timeframes, or how to trade on the stock exchange and Forex better - intraday, medium-term or long-term. The main task of a trader is to make a profit; what it will be is another question. There is no need to set yourself obviously impossible goals in the hope of receiving excess profits. Many beginners are interested in the question of how much interest can be “raised” in a week, month, or year. You shouldn't focus on this. At the first stage, it will be a great achievement if you learn not to lose your money. As for percentages, there are no clear statistics here. It all depends on the person, the strategy, the asset being traded and many other things. It is known that trading on small time frames can bring large profits in percentage terms, but it is exhausting, both physically and psychologically. Sitting all day under extreme stress - how long will it last? This approach can be beneficial for a short period of time, in order, as traders say, to “accelerate” the deposit to an amount with which it will be comfortable to trade in the future.

Over the long term, scalping or short-term trading can lead to exhaustion of the nervous system. Although there are people well-known in RuNet trading circles who do not change this style of trading and receive visible pleasure and good income from it. If you have just come to trading and do not know the difference between a trader and a broker (a trader is a person who trades on the stock exchange, and a broker is a company that provides intermediary services for traders), do not try to conclude more transactions. Let it be one transaction a day, but a high-quality one. Imagine that you are a hunter tracking down your prey for a long time. Watch, watch, wait, and finally, at the right moment, “shoot” a profitable trade. This style of trading will bring satisfaction at first, and over time you will understand what you like best.

With a larger deposit, more opportunities

Finally, we will talk about how to become a trader and work without the participation of brokerage companies. Some beginners are immediately interested in such advanced questions. How to trade on the stock exchange without a broker if you are a trader with very modest funds. You need to immediately decide that such an opportunity exists only for those who own fairly large capital. After all, the broker not only gets rich from our losses, but also brings a lot of opportunities to traders: it provides quotes and leverage, thanks to which a trader with a minimum deposit can participate in trading. The broker gives you the opportunity to use its platform, already tailored to the basic requirements.

Many accuse brokerage companies of manipulating quotes - after all, they have all the orders of small traders in the palm of their hands. All this has a basis. Therefore, large investors are looking for an opportunity to enter the international market without the mediation of a broker. However, the starting capital for trading without an intermediary must be at least $10,000,000. It is clear that the vast majority of traders without the participation of a brokerage company would not have the opportunity to take part in trading.

However, you must understand that No Dealing Desk, as trading without a broker is called, does not guarantee that your orders will not be read. In fact, real trading without a broker is only available to very large investors who can spend a lot of money on the appropriate software and hardware and have millions of dollars to enter the market directly. Everything else - renting a separate trading server from a broker or any other options - does not provide any special privileges or advantages.

The Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX) has existed since 1992. In 2012, it was merged with RTS and renamed Moscow Exchange OJSC.

Almost immediately, the updated MICEX became the best Russian stock exchange, both in terms of the number of clients working on it and in terms of trading volume. Today the Moscow Exchange is one of the twenty largest in the world.

The principle of operation of the Moscow Exchange

The Moscow Exchange carries out transactions with currencies, securities, shares of exchange-traded funds, futures, options, precious metals and other financial instruments. Clients of the trading platform are credit institutions, management companies, non-state pension funds, exchange intermediaries, institutional and private investors who work on the exchange through intermediary brokers. The main work at the Moscow Exchange is concentrated in data centers, where powerful equipment and special software necessary for conducting and recording exchange transactions are installed. Investors send applications for transactions through trading terminals that are connected to the Internet. All information received from users is recorded in the exchange database.

The Moscow Exchange pays special attention to security. It is impossible that personal data will be stolen or lost: every transaction carried out in the system is certified by the investor’s electronic signature.

How can a beginner start trading on the Moscow Exchange?

There is nothing complicated about starting to trade on the Moscow Stock Exchange. To gain access to the Moscow Exchange, you need to perform a number of simple operations:

  1. Find a suitable broker. The domestic securities market is structured in such a way that individuals cannot trade directly on the stock exchange. Therefore, all stock exchange transactions on behalf of private investors are carried out by stock brokers. Finding an intermediary is where you should start trading on the Moscow Exchange. The general list of trading participants is presented on the exchange website.
  2. Select a tariff. You need to start working on the stock exchange by choosing a tariff plan from a broker. To do this, soberly assess the volume of transactions you plan to make. Traders who do not carry out too many transactions on the exchange will benefit from tariff plans with a fixed minimum fee for brokerage services. Active investors should compare rates to see what fees are charged based on the volume of trades made over a given period: generally, the higher the volume of trades, the lower the transaction fees.
  3. Conclude a service agreement with the broker. There are two ways to do this: without leaving home, open an account remotely through the government services portal or personally come to the office of a brokerage company. When visiting in person, you must have a set of documents with you, a list of which can be found on the official website of the intermediary. After the conclusion of the agreement, a brokerage account will be opened in the name of the applicant.
  4. Select a trading terminal. To start trading on the Moscow Exchange, you need suitable software. Each broker offers its own version of a trading terminal, sometimes even of its own design. The list of the most popular ones includes QUIK and MetaTrader 5.
  5. Set up the software. To configure the software, we recommend watching a video course on working in the QUIK program or a video course on Metatrader 5.
  6. Deposit funds into the account. Even for “dummies” it is no secret that it is impossible to trade on the Moscow Exchange without money. Therefore, before you start real trading, deposit some money into your account. This can be done either through the bank’s cash desk or through numerous online services. It should be remembered that the money in the account is not insured, so the trader takes full responsibility for incorrect transactions. Therefore, before you start trading on the stock exchange, you should thoroughly study all the intricacies.

How is trading conducted on the Moscow Exchange?

There are three main markets on the Moscow Exchange, and each of them has its own operating schedule.

The stock section of the Moscow Exchange is the base platform where you can invest in Russian or foreign assets. This section is available to both residents of the Russian Federation and residents of other countries.

The start time of trading on the main market of the Moscow Exchange is 10:00 (MSK), the pre-trading period starts at 09:45.

Main trading takes place from 10:00 to 18:40 (MSK).

On the currency section of the Moscow Exchange, Swiss francs, US dollars, pounds sterling, euros, Chinese yuan and Hong Kong dollars are traded in two delivery modes - TOD (for today) and TOM (for tomorrow). All currencies are traded against the ruble.

Trading time on the currency section with TOD delivery mode:

US dollars - from 10:00 to 17:15 (MSK)

Swiss francs, pounds sterling, euros - from 10:00 to 15:15 (MSK)

Chinese yuan and Hong Kong dollars - from 10:00 to 10:45 (MSK)

Trading hours on the currency section with TOM delivery mode for all currencies - from 10:00 to 23:50 (MSK)

The derivatives section of the Moscow Exchange is the territory of futures and options contracts. The list of the most popular assets includes the RTS index, currencies of different countries, oil, gold, and raw materials.

The pre-trading period on the derivatives market starts at 9:45 am. Trading begins at 10:00 and continues until 23:50 (MSK).

More detailed information about the trading schedule can be found on the Moscow Exchange website.