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How to find a clothing supplier for sale. Clothing suppliers from China with free shipping

Finding suppliers is a mandatory step in launching any online store. The supplier can be a product manufacturer or a dealer. At the beginning of business development, you can turn to intermediaries who will supply goods in small quantities. The only question that may arise is where to find a good supplier with whom you can work on mutually beneficial terms.

How to contact clothing suppliers?

Today, searching for suppliers of children's, women's and men's clothing is already a well-established process, because online commerce does not stand still, but creates its own mechanisms and ways of interaction between different market players. There are proven options that will help an entrepreneur contact suppliers:

  1. Thematic Internet portals, catalogues, databases with links to intermediaries and manufacturers. Searching the Internet takes a minimum of time and effort, since the information in catalogs is usually conveniently divided by topic.
  2. Search results. When accessing search engines, add the word “wholesale” to the product name. Don’t stop on the first page - explore everything up to 20, because some, including good ones, manufacturers and suppliers do not pay enough attention to website promotion and therefore do not make it to the TOP search results.
  3. Traditional catalogues, directories, magazines
  4. Competitive suppliers. If you like your competitors' products, it's worth finding out who their suppliers are. Do a little research - ask the store manager, study the packaging and warranty documents, ask for quality certificates.
  5. Package. In offline stores you can look at packaging, boxes, labels on clothes and shoes with information about the dealer or manufacturer. Contact them and find out the terms of cooperation.
  6. Local clothing manufacturers
  7. Foreign suppliers. Clothing is often imported from Turkey and China, where low purchasing prices make it possible to create a favorable markup. Trade in imported goods will incur customs and shipping costs.
  8. Industry events - exhibitions, fairs and conferences where you can meet manufacturers or intermediaries.

How to choose a clothing supplier in Kyiv, Moscow?

Firstly, we advise you not to limit yourself to one single partner in order to avoid disruption of supplies: he may go bankrupt, significantly raise purchase prices, change the range, etc. Don’t take risks, don’t jeopardize your sales - focus on 3-4 suppliers at once to insure yourself.

If you have found a database of intermediaries, then proceed to the selection stage. Pay attention to the following criteria:

  • purchase price of goods per unit and batch
  • quality and range of products
  • the minimum number of units of goods that must be taken over a certain period
  • frequency of updating the product base, informing about new arrivals and price changes
  • availability of necessary certificates and documents for the goods
  • methods of payment and delivery of clothes to your warehouse
  • possibility to defer payments
  • supplier warehouse location
  • terms of payment for packaging
  • terms of return or exchange if the product turns out to be defective
  • availability of discounts
  • good communication, speed of feedback, presence of a responsible person
  • clothing supplier reviews

Enter the collected data into a table - this will make it easier to compare.

Options for cooperation with clothing suppliers

There are three schemes for interaction with suppliers of any product, not just clothing:

Sales from your warehouse. The simplest and most reliable method, but it requires certain investments to rent a warehouse if you do not have your own premises. This way you can personally control the quality of the goods your customers receive.

Dropshipping sales. With this scheme you will not need your own warehouse. In this case, you will work to order: your online store receives an order, you redirect it to the supplier along with the customer’s data, to whom the goods are shipped directly, without your mediation. You earn on the markup. Material


Contact large wholesale warehouses. As a rule, such warehouses are located not only in premises specially equipped back in Soviet times, but also in buildings of former vegetable warehouses, railway warehouses, as well as in more modern ones. In addition, many once large enterprises have recently increasingly rented out huge warehouse spaces that have become unnecessary to wholesalers.

Be wary of sellers of confiscated items at amazingly low prices. Firstly, there is a high probability that the goods are simply stolen, and secondly, even if there are some documents for it, these wholesale channels cannot always be regarded as permanent.

If you are interested in purchasing goods, contact one of the nearest hypermarkets (such as Metro) for this purpose. Such hypermarkets are simply irreplaceable for owners of small shops and catering establishments.

If you live in Moscow, then in order to find wholesalers, go to the website first Wholesale Warehouse for Moscow and the Moscow region).

If you are interested in purchasing or selling food products, be sure to visit the website and get acquainted with the widest range of products or place an offer in one of the categories. You can order a review, an analytical article, and other presentation materials about almost every type of product or batch.

Go to one of the Internet business forums (for example, to the "Marketplace" section) and register in order to post information about your product or contact suppliers.

Contact the site catalog of wholesale companies). Register and select from the price list of the site the wholesalers whose conditions suit you or, if you yourself are a supplier of goods, place information about yourself.

You have decided to start your own business, and one of the first questions you will face is the issue of finding reliable suppliers. Despite the fact that there are a huge number of offers for the sale and supply of goods, finding a supplier who will provide you with the necessary assortment on terms convenient for you and at reasonable prices is a big problem.


In our country, word of mouth is one of the most common ways to find anyone, including partners. Therefore, ask businessmen you know, friends, relatives, maybe they know reliable suppliers in your region.

Look for a supplier who will be as interested in you as you are in them. Build only mutually beneficial relationships with business partners.

Pay attention to the following points: does the price of the products offered match, is the full range always available, what discounts does it offer, what is the speed of delivery of the ordered products, what are the conditions, what additional services does the supplier provide.

No matter how you choose a supplier, be sure to check their reputation. Don’t be shy about asking businessmen who are already working with your potential partner.

Happy partnership!

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It is extremely difficult to build an effective and profitable business related to the circulation of any goods if there are no reliable suppliers. It is possible to establish long-term business cooperation only with a trusted supplier, the search for which requires considerable resources.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - business press;
  • - newsletter about exhibitions;
  • - appeal to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Decide what level of suppliers you need. If your business is connected with large wholesale, then it is more profitable for you to work directly with the manufacturer. In this case, you will receive the lowest possible price, will have the prospect of a regional dealership, and will also be able to resolve any issues and make quality claims. If you plan to purchase goods in small quantities or want to purchase a product from an assortment of different brands, it is better to enter into an agreement with. In this case, the price will be slightly higher, but you will get rid of many documentation and logistics problems.

Not all suppliers and manufacturers are active. Especially when it comes to small companies or. Attend exhibitions in your field of activity. Subscribe to expo centers' email newsletters, which will inform you in advance about what's coming up. At the exhibition you will be able to establish direct contacts and get acquainted with the company’s products. However, after this you should still find information about them in open sources.

Get a membership in your city's Chamber of Commerce. This organization even has information about companies that you are unlikely to find on your own. In addition, you will be able to participate in seminars and trainings, and receive advice on organizing a business.

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Be careful with competitive intelligence. Purchasing certain information or introducing your own people into another company is always associated with a violation of trade secrets and is subject to administrative prosecution.

Helpful advice

Make active use of your business connections. Your partners and clients can suggest you already verified suppliers, and you will save a lot of time.


  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Finding the right manufacturer is always a difficult process. As you know, there are a huge number of different plants and factories around the world. How to find a supplier who will be able to provide you with the necessary goods at an affordable price?


Decide which product you want to order. To do this, use one of the systems for searching products by manufacturer on the Internet (for example, suppliers of Chinese products can be found on Alibaba, Global Sources, Baidu, EC21, Made-in-China). To easily find information in these free catalogs, you need to know English well.

Formulate clear requirements for the product and, based on them, begin searching for a suitable supplier, comparing it with your wishes. Make sure that the manufacturer you choose is a company that can solve any problem, including prepayment of the ordered product and its delivery. Therefore, first find out as much as possible about the manufacturer and only then enter into an agreement with him.

Find out how the manufacturer works with clients, what is the area of ​​the enterprise and the workers involved in production. Request samples of the manufacturer's key documents, including registration certificate, marketing license, and others. Thanks to the key points, you will better understand who you will cooperate with in the future, and you will be able to decide which manufacturer is most suitable for you. And never make an advance payment for a product without familiarizing yourself with the product sample offered.

Ask for advice from people you know who have experience in choosing and purchasing such equipment. Let them assist you in negotiations with major manufacturers and in arranging supplies.

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  • How to choose a manufacturer

A good supplier who can regularly supply you with the necessary goods at reasonable prices often becomes a guarantor of business stability. That is why finding the right supplier can become a key task both at the stage of establishing a new business and during the operation of the company.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - Exhibitions;
  • - thematic catalogs.


Use thematic directories that list the main companies operating in your region and beyond. Such directories are distributed in various institutions and are also sold at newsstands.

Turn to the Internet, as today it is one of the most effective search tools. Try searching for wholesale suppliers directly through search engines. In addition, you can register on business resources that provide their subscribers with information about all products and manufacturers. For example, if you are looking for a supplier from China, will help you.

Take part in exhibitions in your industry. At such events, you always have a chance to get acquainted with the largest enterprises, see their products, and also discuss the terms of potential cooperation on the spot.

Look for suppliers through business partners and acquaintances. In this case, you get an important advantage: personal recommendations that can say much more than any website.

Conduct competitive intelligence. If you see exactly the product on the market that you would like to deal with, try to find out the channels for its purchase. At the same time, act in legal ways, avoiding bribes and other illegal methods. In most cases, such information is quite easy to obtain.

Let suppliers find you themselves. Place information in relevant directories, indicate information about finding business partners on your website. Most companies are interested in expanding their customer base, so you should encourage people to approach you with business proposals.


  • how to find wholesale suppliers

In the process of conducting trading activities, any enterprise is faced with the need to look for suppliers from time to time. This may be due to the expansion of trade areas or the replacement of an old contractor whose services for some reason are no longer suitable for you. How to quickly find a reliable contractor?

You will need

  • - calendar of exhibitions in your trade area;
  • - industrial magazines and product catalogs;
  • - Internet.


Find out how many suppliers are needed to ensure uninterrupted supply of goods. If you are going to create a business, to begin with you can limit yourself to two or three contractors.

Attend exhibitions that are specific to the industry in which you work or intend to work. At such events there are many meetings between specialists, manufacturers and distributors of certain categories of goods. Look at all the samples presented, choose the ones you like, write down the manufacturers’ contacts. In addition, representatives of the manufacturer can be found at each exhibition stand. They can talk in detail about the products they represent.

Buy industry magazines or product catalogs. In them you will find the coordinates of all companies whose products are described in the publication. This method is one of the most effective in finding suppliers.

You can find a supplier via the Internet. In any search engine, enter “Manufacturer (product name)” in the search bar. Large companies necessarily have their own website on the Internet, where their contact information is indicated and an overview of the products is presented.

Ask your friends about companies that produce products that interest you. Pay attention to the opinions and recommendations of people you know related to the field in which you work.

Place advertisements for suppliers in newspapers and place them on relevant boards on the Internet.

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When choosing customers, be sure to find out as much as possible about the selected candidates. Look for reviews, visit thematic resources on the Internet, ask competent people about the company. Choosing a supplier recklessly can have a significant impact on the health of your business.

Helpful advice

At the preliminary stage of negotiations with the proposed supplier, try to mention that you are considering proposals from several candidates and are looking for the most acceptable ones. Perhaps with this remark you will push the supplier to more profitable offers of cooperation.

If you decide to open your own store, your first task is to find a supplier for the store, and this is not a very easy task. The stores themselves do not share such secrets, fearing competition, and good suppliers are not very willing to cooperate with partners who are just starting to work - their volumes are small.


Suppliers come in three categories. The most preferred, although the most expensive, are product manufacturers. The second category includes dealers and distributors who officially represent manufacturing companies. They are not so demanding when it comes to investing money. The third category is resellers, the most undemanding, but also the most unreliable category.

As for manufacturers, it will not be difficult for you to find such a supplier - just look at the packaging of the product you like. It usually shows the name, address and email address or website. Your task will be to overcome resistance and conclude an agreement, since suppliers tend to work only with large wholesalers. But be sure to check the availability of certificates from the manufacturer, since it is quite difficult to certify the product yourself.

You can select an official dealer by typing the name of the product in the search bar of your browser and adding the word “wholesale” to it. But the problem is that not always those companies that will be indicated in the first lines of the request result are really official suppliers and will be able to work with you by bank transfer, as with a legal entity.

The information and methodological center “Expertiza” will help you in finding suppliers; it has a database of registers of Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemiological service of Russia. You need to use it using queries. If, for example, you are interested in products of a certain brand, in the search bar on the website, type E8%E7%EE%F0%FB + brand name. The names and addresses of sales offices will be provided to you upon request.

Be careful when choosing a supplier from the third category - intermediaries. As a rule, they do not bear any responsibility for the quality of the product and cannot guarantee it. The goods can be delivered to you without any accompanying documentation or warranty obligations.

The choice of supplier also depends on the transport leverage and payment terms. It is clear that the closer the supplier, the lower the cost of delivering the goods. Please also note that the smaller the wholesale supplying company, the less dependent it is on the bank, since the costs of maintaining the machine are low. Choose small companies with a good assortment - it is less likely that the bank will use your money transferred for goods to pay arrears.


  • Information and methodological center "Expertise"

It is difficult to find quality employees, but it is even more difficult to find stable partners, because you cannot do business with just anyone.

Networks of exhibition centers regularly hold exhibitions on various topics and industries. At the stands you can learn more about the products offered and also arrange follow-up meetings.

Search on the Internet.

You can try to find suppliers via the Internet. However, in the first positions for most search queries are companies that are already established in the market and are unlikely to be interested in additional cooperation. But small suppliers may not have their own website.

Notice boards.

If your search on the Internet is not successful, then the solution to the situation will be bulletin boards, where you can either place a search advertisement yourself or view already published ones. The most popular message boards are Slando and Avito.

Tip 9: Where to find a wholesale supplier of original Adidas clothing

The Adidas brand has long been known. This brand is loved all over the world and it seems that the demand for clothing from the German industrial concern will never fall. Undoubtedly, clothing from Adidas is also interesting to entrepreneurs from a financial point of view. The question immediately arises, if this brand is so popular and in demand all over the world, where to find a supplier of original Adidas clothing.

Brand production

For a long time now, global brands from Europe and America have moved their production to China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. This is due to cheap labor and a more favorable tax system. And Adidas is no exception. All original Adidas clothing is made in China. The factories have strict quality control. Due to any, even the most insignificant defect, the item is sent to be rejected. All clothing and shoes are made to order with the appropriate labels for different countries.

Supplier search

First of all, you should look for a wholesale supplier of original Adidas clothing in the Middle Kingdom. One option to find an intermediary without leaving your city is via the Internet.

This can be done on any online platform for Chinese goods.

Adidas is a very popular company, so you will have to work hard to choose the right one from the many offers. Next, you will have to establish communication, check the reliability and authenticity of the information provided. The intermediary will take a percentage for his work, but you can bargain with him and achieve a reduction in wholesale prices.

It will be more difficult to reach a direct manufacturer, but nothing is impossible. To do this, you will have to go to the site itself, and agree on cooperation on the spot. Here you will need a guide, a translator and perseverance.

Quite often, the Chinese offer to purchase sports goods with minor defects, which did not pass quality control and were rejected.

As a rule, the defects are very minor and almost invisible to the average buyer. And the price of these things is much cheaper, although they are original and of excellent quality, but without a certificate.

These two options are more suitable for small entrepreneurs who have a small stationary or online store and do not need large supplies.

If you don’t want to bother yourself with a trip to another country and find a supplier, you can enter into a supply agreement with the official representative of Adidas in Russia. Quality certificates for all products are provided. Ordering from such a supplier will be a little more expensive than from a direct manufacturer, because the wholesale supplier takes care of all the hassle of ordering and delivering the original product to your warehouse or store.

Before you decide to start working with Adidas, think carefully about everything in advance and draw up a business plan. Will it really be as profitable as you think? After all, now in many cities there is at least one official store representing this brand. It will be difficult to compete with them.

Clothing suppliers are essential for any online store. Large suppliers are usually manufacturers, and small suppliers are intermediaries. At the beginning of business development, you can turn to small suppliers who deliver goods in small quantities.

There are various methods of where you can find a partner for your online store. This:

  1. Thematic online catalogs, lists, supplier databases for online stores containing links. Finding information in them requires spending a lot of time.
  2. Regular catalogs and directories.
  3. Search for suppliers for an online store among producers in the regions only makes sense if they definitely have the right products.
  4. Local producers, selling goods at a lower price.
  5. Foreign manufacturers, with whom you can cooperate provided you have a good knowledge of the language. In this case, costs will arise during customs clearance and subsequent delivery of goods.
  6. Representatives of trade brands in Russia or in other countries.
  7. Special exhibitions and fairs, where you can directly see the quality of the product and discuss the terms of possible cooperation.

The easiest way to find a supplier is in the following ways:

  1. Using Google or Yandex search engines, where you should type the name of the desired product or brand marked “wholesale”.
  2. Viewing advertisements, magazines.
  3. Visit to an industry exhibition.
  4. Creating your own advertising based on niches of interest to suppliers.
  5. Ordering a product in an online store in order to obtain information and contact details about its supplier.

Many people advise having not one, but several partners. This will avoid the risk of supply disruptions. When choosing a supplier, you should pay attention to criteria such as:

  • price;
  • quality;
  • minimum volume of goods purchased;
  • frequency of product updates;
  • availability of necessary certificates and documentation;
  • terms and methods of payment;
  • availability of deferred payment;
  • delivery methods;
  • warehouse location;
  • availability of packaging and the need to pay for it;
  • guarantees of return and exchange of goods in the event of a defect;
  • existing discounts;
  • the ability to obtain information about new products and prices;
  • presence of a responsible person.

You should pay attention to the location of the supplier and how quickly the shipment will take place. It’s a good idea to look at their photos before ordering products. Good suppliers have a sufficient range of products.

Schemes of working with clothing suppliers

The simplest option here - using your own warehouse. This is beneficial when goods are small in size and sold at retail. The advantage of this method of trading is the constant availability of goods in the warehouse, which allows you to receive payment for them almost immediately. Disadvantages include the need to maintain a warehouse and the possibility of a decline in demand.

Another variant
— sales in the absence of a warehouse, that is, to order. This is convenient because you don’t need to keep a large warehouse. The online store receives an order from the buyer, checks the availability of the goods from its supplier, sends an application for it and, if necessary, makes an advance payment. After this, the product is sent to the online store and sent to the buyer. The goods can be shipped directly from the supplier to the buyer, bypassing the online store. Disadvantages are long delivery times, the possibility that the supplier may not have the product or its poor quality, which negatively affects the rating of the online store.

Third option involves selling simultaneously from your warehouse and to order. An online clothing store can keep items that are in high demand in its warehouse, and take the rest from the supplier. In this case, there is no need to maintain a large warehouse; popular products can be shipped immediately.

Suppliers of children's and adult clothing from China: features of work

In China you can order high-quality clothes at low prices. But the goods have to travel a huge distance, so you have to pay a decent amount for its delivery. There are various ways to work with Chinese manufacturers of goods for online stores.

  1. Find a direct clothing supplier from China. Delivery can be made directly from the manufacturer. Such a transaction can only be carried out if you have knowledge of the language and the ability to bargain. It's also nice to be able to travel to the factory in an emergency.
  2. You can also purchase goods through intermediaries. who do not produce goods themselves, but repurchase them. There are no strict limits on the required volume of purchases; there is a large selection of goods. But there are also disadvantages here - high price, lack of quality guarantee and production control.
  3. Sometimes special companies supply wholesale clothing from China. Such companies have sufficient information about manufacturers, know how to communicate with Chinese sellers and know how to organize profitable deliveries without risk. They take care of all negotiations with sellers (many meetings are held, contract signing, quality and quantity control of goods, document verification, delivery. But you should choose only a reliable and well-known company that you can trust.

Working with suppliers is not at all difficult, you just need to follow certain rules. You should obtain all the information about the supplier’s goods, cost, payment methods, quality. Such a company must have a sufficient reputation. An online store can have its own warehouse or do without it. A start-up store can operate without a warehouse. When collaborating with wholesale clothing suppliers from China, there are risks. To purchase goods there you need experience and knowledge of the language.

Amorce is a proven supplier of quality clothing

The experience of many businessmen who have achieved considerable success in the field of clothing sales has proven that it is the supplier who plays the main role in the “supplier-seller-buyer” scheme. An excellent example of a reliable partner is

The successful operation of any online store is impossible without prior planning for the purchase of goods. Businessmen should pay special attention to this point. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the retail facility will cease to operate. This means wasted time, money and accumulated debt obligations.

Businessmen, especially beginners, should remember that concluding contracts with reliable suppliers is an important step in the development of their own business. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs make the same mistake. Burning with the desire to open their own online store as soon as possible, they incorrectly choose the companies selling the goods. Inexperienced businessmen often enter into agreements with unfamiliar partners, without even delving into the agreed terms of cooperation. The result of such actions is sad. The delivery process is poorly organized, and this leads to disruptions in work, loss of income, debt to customers and, ultimately, to the closure of the retail facility.

Internet directories

What primarily concerns aspiring entrepreneurs who set themselves the task of opening a store that sells goods through the World Wide Web? Most often they try to find an answer to the question: how to find reliable suppliers? And here the first disappointment awaits entrepreneurs. The fact is that searching in RuNet will not give the desired results. It will not allow you to get an answer to the question of how to find a supplier of goods for an online store. Why? The fact is that reliable companies have no time to place their advertisements. They are busy purchasing or producing goods. In addition, serious companies do not need special advertising at all. And novice online store owners need just such suppliers, because they have already proven themselves in practice. You can find such companies. The main thing is to know where.

How to find suppliers for an online store? To find reliable partners, you should refer to the appropriate directory. Its location is various search engines, in particular Google. To obtain the necessary data, you need to search for a list of suppliers. The result will immediately appear on the monitor screen. However, it is worth keeping in mind that among the listed companies there will be some that are not suitable for you at all.

Making contacts

How to find suppliers for an online store with a list of existing companies? To do this, you need to arm yourself with a pen and paper or just open a Word window. Next, from a whole list of companies specializing in the supply of the goods you need, you should choose the most suitable ones. After that, you need to contact them in one of several ways. It could be:

  • phone call;
  • writing a letter to the company's e-mail address.

The first method is preferable, as it will allow you to establish direct contact with one of the company’s managers. Many new entrepreneurs try to contact potential partners via email. However, they should remember that this option is not able to determine clear patterns of further cooperation. After all, most often electronic correspondence is read by ordinary office employees.

Access to company websites

Today, almost all companies have their own website on the Internet. Here you can see the assortment list of products offered. However, you should not refuse a supplier who has an unremarkable and simple website. Serious companies often do not want to spend time on its registration, which is not an indicator of responsibility. The fact is that the services of reputable suppliers are in demand and do not need advertising. Even without special design of their website, such companies have a decent income from wholesale sales of goods, paying special attention to their quality.

Exploring offline directories

How to find suppliers for an online store? One of the offline directories can be a place to search for potential business partners. These are traditional publications, the pages of which cover one or another area of ​​public activity.

What actions need to be taken? First of all, you will need to select the necessary theme that corresponds to the one you intend to sell in the online store. For example, this could be the “Children’s Health” section. And here the entrepreneur will be able to answer the question of how to find wholesale suppliers. After all, often those companies that are presented in such catalogs focus on shipping only large quantities of goods. They simply will not enter into contracts for small amounts.

Competitive suppliers

How to ensure your online store has an uninterrupted supply of goods? To do this, you can enter into agreements with those suppliers who provide services to your competitors. Yes, this option is quite good and very promising. However, its implementation is fraught with some difficulties. First of all, it is unlikely that such suppliers will initially supply goods at the same cost as your competitors. After all, unlike you, they already have established connections and certain discounts work. The desired price for a product can only be set after a certain period of time.

Another difficulty with this approach to choosing suppliers is that it is very, very difficult to achieve superiority over your competitors. To do this, it is necessary to develop various marketing strategies that attract customers specifically to your online store. These could be promotions and discounts, a high level of service, etc.

Appeal to domestic manufacturers

How to find suppliers for an online store? A good option would be to work with the manufacturer. Directly purchasing goods from such a supplier is the most profitable and reliable business that brings maximum profit. The fact is that the price for products at the plant will be the lowest on the market, that is, the purchase price, without any

However, in this case there are also some disadvantages. The most important of them is the lack of high demand for domestically produced goods. Only a small part of them is suitable for online sales. Under such conditions, the store’s assortment will need to be supplemented with imported goods by concluding agreements with foreign manufacturers.

There are also certain difficulties in this. The fact is that when goods cross the border, questions arise related to customs clearance and inspection. In addition, some foreign-made goods in our country are subject to high tax rates. If you are ready to enter into such cooperation, do not try to find easy ways. It is worth abandoning fake documents and illegal import routes, as well as deliberately underestimating the value of goods for customs authorities. All these frauds can have serious consequences. In addition, foreign companies are unlikely to agree to cooperate with such buyers.

Federal exhibitions and fairs

How to find a product supplier for a beginning businessman? The most optimal and promising search option is to visit federal exhibitions and fairs. These events provide the opportunity to:

  • getting acquainted with large companies that produce the range of products you need and are ready to establish contact;
  • assessment of the proposed product and on-site discussion of all terms of cooperation.

A budding businessman should remember that any exhibition or fair is a place where new acquaintances are made, ideas and business proposals are implemented. In addition, at such events, new products are often exhibited, which are ideally suited for sales in the online store being created.

Foreign suppliers

Finding partners outside your state is the most difficult and costly option. How to find a supplier from China, Europe or America? To do this, publishing your ad on one of the foreign resources is not enough. It is unlikely that your desire to order products will find a response from the management of large companies. Various scammers selling low-quality Chinese goods can provide feedback on the cooperation announcement. That is why, when receiving a response from abroad, you should be careful and not fall for deception.

How to find a supplier of clothing, shoes, household appliances and other goods you are interested in? The basic rule regarding the search for a foreign partner is to personally get to know him, his production and the quality of the goods produced. This will require significant financial resources for a translator, for travel, for processing the necessary documents, etc. A small entrepreneur cannot afford such costs. This moment becomes especially relevant for those who are deciding the following question: how to find a supplier from China? To overcome the language barrier, you will need the services of a professional translator, who are paid at a high rate. But this is not all the difficulties that the owner of an online store will have to face. There is a certain specificity of international trade relations, which involves the need to purchase large volumes of goods. This is how foreign manufacturers seek to protect their business from unreliable entrepreneurs.

Difficulties in supplying goods from abroad are also associated with the imperfection of our logistics and customs system. The inability to draw up an effective border crossing scheme leads our businessmen to significant losses.

However, despite the existing pitfalls, working with foreign manufacturers is a good and promising option. Such cooperation eliminates contacts with intermediary companies, which allows you to pay for goods at purchase prices.

What is dropshipping?

Today, products in the consumer market can be delivered using a completely new model. It is called dropshipping. This is a scheme that allows a businessman to purchase individual items from a wholesaler, delivering them to his buyer.

What are the advantages of dropshipping? With this scheme, the entrepreneur does not need to purchase large quantities of goods. It is enough to simply organize cooperation with one or another supplier who agrees to direct deliveries. In this case, it is enough for your online store to act as a kind of showcase. When an order is received from a buyer, it is immediately redirected to the supplier. The latter sends the goods directly to the end consumer's address, billing the businessman only for the shipped products.

Search for a partner

How to find a supplier using the dropshipping system? Before contacting a potential partner, you will need to verify the legality of the business you have started. Before concluding contracts, suppliers are asked to provide information about the registration of an individual entrepreneur or company, as well as a copy of the taxpayer’s certificate. Only having a package of relevant documents in hand can you begin to establish connections with those distributors who offer dropshipping. And here you will need to be especially vigilant. The market is full of scammers and false information.

How to find a supplier for an online store (dropshipping)? In these searches, the most effective assistant for a businessman is an Internet search engine. However, there are pitfalls here too. For example, how to find clothing suppliers for an online store? To do this you will need to carry out a thorough search. It is unlikely that a list of wholesale suppliers will be on the first pages of a search engine. These companies do not strive to promote themselves and are not strong in SEO. You can find them only by flipping through several dozen pages.

Also, anyone who decides how to find a dropshipping supplier should not pay attention to the web development of the cover of such a company’s website. A poorly thought out and ugly designed page on the Internet does not at all mean that this partner will be dishonest.

How to find clothing suppliers for an online store? To do this, you should not limit yourself to just one question. It is also worth searching for various derived phrases. This could be “Large batch of clothing”, “Distributors”, etc. These phrases will help achieve the desired result.

Online clothing store

Very often, businessmen start their business by selling wardrobe items. How to find clothing suppliers in this case? To do this you will need to follow the standard steps:

  • view lists of suppliers in thematic online catalogues;
  • contact local manufacturers;
  • leaf through regular directories and catalogues;
  • conclude agreements with foreign manufacturers;
  • visit specialized fairs and exhibitions.

In addition, those who are deciding how to find suppliers of clothing for sale in an online store are advised to contact representatives of trading brands located in Russia or other countries. Or you can go a slightly different route. For those who don't know how to find a clothing supplier, you can create your own advertisement. It will need to indicate market niches that may interest a potential partner.

When choosing a supplier, it is important to pay attention to criteria such as:

  • quality;
  • price;
  • frequency of assortment updating;
  • minimum purchase quantities;
  • availability of necessary documentation and certificates;
  • payment methods and terms;
  • possibility of deferred payment;
  • delivery method;
  • availability of packaging and its cost;
  • warehouse location;
  • availability of discounts;
  • guarantees of exchange and return of defective items;
  • availability of information about new products and price changes;
  • presence of a responsible employee.

How to find suppliers of children's clothing and adult products in China? This question interests those who want to purchase high-quality models at a low cost.

To do this, you need to know the basic ways to find a supplier for an online store. Ukraine, Russia and other countries of the former CIS have long used these schemes to purchase goods. The very first of them is to search directly for a Chinese manufacturer. Such transactions are carried out in cases where the buyer knows the language of the Celestial Empire and knows how to bargain.

You can also buy goods for your online store using the services of intermediaries. At the same time, there will be no strict minimum purchase volume, and you will offer a fairly large range of clothing to your customers. However, in this case, the product will have higher prices, there will be no production control and

It is also possible to ensure the operation of an online store if contracts are concluded with companies that provide wholesale supplies. These intermediaries have a sufficient amount of information about the manufacturer. In addition, such companies undertake negotiations with sellers, and also control the quality and quantity of goods shipped. But it is worth keeping in mind that contracts should only be concluded with well-known and reliable wholesalers who have proven themselves well in the market.

Of course, all conditions for further cooperation must be agreed upon in advance and enshrined in the drawn up agreement. This document will be a formal agreement that suits both parties. There is no need to rush into signing papers. As more and more new questions arise, it is worth clarifying them to the end. A good and reliable supplier who is interested in further cooperation will definitely devote the necessary amount of time to you. If you have the impression that the other party is not interested in clarifying your questions and is not making any efforts to win the trust of the future partner, then this is worth thinking about. Is such a supplier needed? No. Use the compiled list from the catalog and start a dialogue with another company.

Choosing a future business partner is a very important stage. This important step will require the entrepreneur to make precise calculations, cold analysis and critical assessment of the situation. But even with an objective look at the state of affairs, one should never exclude the human factor. The success of the opening online store will be influenced by both subjective reasons and the personal relationships that have developed with the supplier.

One of the most important factors is the correct choice of suppliers. Your profit, the quality of the goods sold and the number of complaints and returns from customers will depend on this.

Before you start searching for the product in which you will be working. This will significantly affect your business strategy and building relationships with suppliers and clients.

Provider- is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur engaged in the sale of manufactured or purchased goods to other legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, as well as individuals for use in business activities or for other purposes not related to personal, family, home and other similar use , including organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in importing goods from abroad for their subsequent sale.

Where can I get goods to sell in an online store?

Most often, self-production is used by those who consider selling goods as a hobby or. You can make various products with your own hands, from jewelry to body care products. In the case of hand made, you will only need to purchase consumables.

Advantages of this type of product manufacturing include low initial costs and complete control over product quality and prices. The disadvantages include spending a lot of time directly on the production of goods. This can become an obstacle to business development and scaling. In addition, the range of products will be limited by your skills and abilities.

A profitable option for purchasing products for an online store can be the production of goods in factories and factories to order. The search for a manufacturer can be done both in your own country and abroad, which is often cheaper. Most often, the choice falls on Chinese and Taiwanese companies, which can be reached through the Alibaba platform.

Ordering goods from the manufacturer is suitable for those who have a unique idea and are confident in their success. The advantages of this method of supplying products are the low cost of goods and quality control. However, you need to remember that manufacturers require an advance payment and a minimum order quantity. As a result, a trial batch of the product can cost you several thousand dollars. Additionally, when working with third-party manufacturers, you will need time to establish contacts and overcome legal and language barriers.

Wholesale purchases

This type of purchasing goods is characterized by a relatively simple process. You purchase finished goods from other manufacturers or wholesalers (dealers, resellers, distributors) at a wholesale price and retail them at a higher cost in your store. This business model is less risky than in-house production. You will buy products that have already been tested by the market and will avoid the need to place a large minimum order.

Wholesale purchases are suitable for those who want to have a large assortment of goods. This is also a great way to promote domestic brands in other countries. Often manufacturers are not efficient and do not sell their products abroad. You can take advantage of this omission and become a large wholesaler with a good turnover.

When choosing this method of purchasing goods, remember that you will have to compete with other stores. In addition, the price and terms of delivery of products will depend on the manufacturer. Also, with a large range of brands, you will have to contact a large number of suppliers, which takes a lot of time.


This term refers to the direct delivery of goods that do not actually belong to you. An order will be organized through you, which will be sent to your supplier (manufacturer or wholesaler). He, in turn, will ship the goods to the client on behalf of your store. Your profit will be the difference between the cost of the product from the manufacturer and the price for the final buyer.

Dropshipping is one of the best options for online store startups. You will not need to purchase goods and store them. There is also no risk of buying products that no one needs.

If you decide to engage in this particular type of trading, then keep in mind that this is a highly competitive business. Also, you should not count on a large margin per unit of goods. In order to make a good profit, you will have to increase sales volumes, which is not always possible at the start. If the supplier for some reason cannot deliver the goods on time, you will have to explain to the customers and resolve this problem.

It's no secret that the number of orders in online stores is growing every year. Moreover, experts predict that this figure will increase in the next few years. Nowadays you can order almost any item online, be it a T-shirt or even a car. However, some niches are much broader than others and are in high demand among buyers.

Online sales rose 9% to 1.66 billion, according to Statista. The total turnover of online sales amounted to $2,290 billion, which is 23% more than in 2016. According to experts, by 2021 turnover will increase by 95%.

According to the Data Insight agency, in 2017 the most popular categories of online stores in Russia were appliances and electronics (27%), clothing and footwear (21%), department stores (18%), and household goods (11%). Less popular goods were auto parts (6%), as well as goods for children (3%), food (2%), and beauty and health products (4%).

Despite this, even the most unpopular niches showed a steady increase in orders. For example, in 2015/2016, the growth in sales of food and pet products was 63%, beauty and health – 51%, goods for children – 49%, goods for the home and repair – 34%.

Export of goods abroad

As for the sale of goods to other countries of the world, according to the same agency for 2017, in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe the most popular goods were clothing and footwear (40%), household goods (27%) and electronics (9%) . Books (8%) and collectibles (7%) were also in demand.

Suppliers of goods for your online store can be:

  • Manufacturer. This is a direct supplier with whom you can work directly. As a rule, cooperation directly with the manufacturer of the product is more profitable and reliable. The absence of intermediaries and unnecessary links makes it possible to purchase products at lower prices and offer good purchasing conditions to our customers.

The manufacturer can be both domestic and foreign. Each product category has its own leaders and proven companies. The manufacturer does not have to be a large plant. Sometimes these can be representatives of medium and even small businesses. The advantage of working with a manufacturer is long-term cooperation and more favorable conditions compared to distributors. However, everything is not so simple here. Often large manufacturers do not want to cooperate with small shops, since their orders are quite small on an industrial scale. Because of this, store owners have to establish relationships with intermediaries who place large orders.

  • Distributor. In most cases, goods are purchased not from manufacturers, but from large intermediaries. Typically, distributors offer simple and flexible terms of cooperation. But the cost of the product in this case is higher than that of the manufacturer.

Such companies work with any stores, so you can choose any volume of orders. In addition, distribution companies often work with several manufacturers, so they offer a good selection of brands.
The downside of such a supplier may be delays in the delivery of goods and delays in the transfer of information about new items.

  • Exclusive supplier. To more effectively promote their products among customers, some large manufacturers give their representatives the exclusive right to represent their products. Such exclusive suppliers offer lower prices than regular distributors and are also willing to provide favorable purchasing conditions. However, this is where budding entrepreneurs may run into problems. Large enterprises try to work with large buyers and do not enter into contracts with small companies. In this case, you will have to purchase goods from regular distributors.

If you do not yet have an established supplier base, then the logical question arises where to find them. Today there are many options for finding potential manufacturers and suppliers.

In search engines

One of the easiest and most accessible ways to find a supplier of goods is to search on Google, Yandex and other search engines. You can enter several query options, for example, “buy men’s hats wholesale” or “men’s hats wholesale suppliers.”

Get ready for the results you need to be found only on page 10 or 15 of the search results. Many suppliers and manufacturers do not pay much attention to online promotion. Because of this, search engines display their sites on the last pages, and at the beginning they offer the services of resellers with optimized sites and inflated prices.

For this reason, you should not pay attention to the “beauty” of the site and its convenience. It is much more important to find information on how to contact company representatives, get a price list and terms of cooperation.

Although print publications are no longer as popular as they once were, they can still provide useful information about suppliers. As a rule, such advertising is placed in special blocks.

You can also try to purchase a themed publication related to the theme of your online store. It is likely that you will find contact information for suppliers of goods there. Some publications post PDF versions of their magazines on the Internet, which is very convenient. In addition, in the printed edition you can find announcements about industry fairs and conferences.

The most convenient way to learn about such events is in thematic magazines or websites. Large exhibitions attract a large number of suppliers offering their products. They often have stands with product samples and advertising catalogs with them.

This is a fairly effective and convenient way to find a supplier. On the forum you can communicate with a direct representative of the company, find out the terms of cooperation and ask for the necessary contacts.

Exhibitions are also a great chance to get to know your competitors better and find out what they have achieved. Also here you can meet newcomers in your field and understand what they want to offer customers.

Perhaps there is a production facility in your region that produces exactly the products you need. In this case, you won’t have to look for suppliers for a long time. You can come directly to their office or request a price list and terms of cooperation by email.

A significant advantage of such cooperation may be the lower cost of goods than that of distributors. However, the option of working directly with the manufacturer is not always possible. Firstly, not all companies are ready to sell their products through online stores. Secondly, a large manufacturer may simply refuse to work with a start-up store that no one has heard of yet.

It is possible that representatives of other online stores will not give you information about their suppliers. However, you can still try to get company names. First of all, you need to study the photos on the site. They may have supplier watermarks on them that no one thought to remove. You can also request information about warranty service, which is often provided by suppliers. Finally, you can ask for quality certificates, which may also contain dealer seals.

The advantage of this method of searching for suppliers is that their product has already been verified by others. You can safely order a trial batch for your store and see if it will be popular with customers.

In the shop

Go to the store and take a photo of a sticker with information about the importer or supplier of the goods you are interested in.

On specialized Internet sites

There are several online platforms in Belarus where you can find a supplier. All companies are divided into thematic directories to facilitate the search process.

Most popular resources:

In Russia:

In Europe:

In America:

  • Find out the cost of a sample. You may need a sample for review before ordering the product. Check its price and the possibility of receiving a discount.
  • Check the unit price. Be sure to inquire about the cost per unit of production. Find out how the price will change depending on the order volume.
  • Ask how long it will take to complete your order. An important factor is the time it takes to complete your order. Perhaps the supplier will indicate too long deadlines that will not suit you.
  • Find out the terms of payment. Many companies require full advance payment for their products. By clarifying this point, you will know how much money you will need to purchase the goods. Also, do not forget to ask about payment terms within the framework of long-term cooperation.

To prevent potential suppliers from ignoring your request, it is important to follow several rules for submitting a request:

  • Write a short text. Nobody likes to read long emails, so keep your request short and to the point. Write the above questions that will show the supplier that you are serious about your intentions.
  • Don't ask too many questions. It is unlikely that company representatives will want to answer the 20 questions you asked them. Try to find out only the most important things that will help you form an impression of this supplier.
  • Don't insist on a very small order. If you specify too small an order quantity in your request, you will most likely not receive a response. To quickly find out the minimum order quantity, call the supplier or send a short request by email.
  • Competent text. Be sure to check your letter for grammatical and stylistic errors. If you are writing to a foreign supplier, it is better to write your request in English.

Once you have a few responses from suppliers, you can start comparing them. As you communicate with company representatives, compare important parameters:

  • Product cost per unit;
  • Cost and minimum order volume;
  • Minimum order for a specific product;
  • Minimum order per unit of time;
  • Location of the warehouse with the goods;
  • Delivery conditions and availability of transport;
  • Supplier guarantees;
  • Product certification;
  • Methods of payment for the order;
  • Availability of deferred payment;
  • Conditions for receiving discounts;
  • Frequency of deliveries;
  • Availability of a security deposit;
  • Notifying the customer about price changes and termination of supplies;
  • Conditions for exchange and return of illiquid goods;
  • Supply of promotional materials;
  • Financial participation in promoting a brand or products in your region;
  • Detailed description of the goods supplied.

For ease of comparison, you can create a table, thanks to which you can quickly analyze the points that interest you. Also try to follow a few tips:

  • Try not to settle on one supplier, but build relationships with several partners.
  • It’s easier and more convenient to start working with domestic companies and dealers from neighboring countries.
  • If you decide to cooperate with foreign suppliers, in particular from Asia, try to find as much information about them as possible.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions that interest you so that there are no disagreements and omissions in the future.
  • Try to build trusting and long-term relationships with partners. Subsequently, this will help you receive discounts and advantageous offers, and will also reduce the risks of interruptions in delivery and return of goods.