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How to find a job without experience, but with great desire. How to get a job: without work experience How to get a job without work experience

Greetings, dear friend!

No experience - no bad habits. Someone said: A qualified specialist is a person who, avoiding minor mistakes, moves towards one global misconception) How to look for a job without experience?

Lack of experience, of course, has its limitations, but it also has its advantages.

As you know, it is more difficult to move off the beaten track than to initially choose a route and follow it in the future.

First, it would be a good idea to decide what kind of work you need in terms of the long term?

What career do you want, in what industry.

The advice is of course banal, but correct. It's important that you enjoy what you do. Otherwise, your stay at work will turn into an endless wait for the end of the working day.

One way or another, during the interview you will be asked, why do you need the job you are applying for?.

So, it is advisable to prepare an answer in advance so as not to roll your eyes or say that you caught your eye on a vacancy in a newspaper or on a website.Such an answer will not impress anyone and will not add points to you. Quite the contrary.

Even if you are looking for a job simply because you need money. Because you can’t find a job that interests you yet. About the interview - a little lower.

2. Expectations

It is quite possible that the compensation you will be offered will be lower than your needs. We'll have to take it for granted. Besides:

But more seriously: In this world they pay well for what you can do better than others. Or you have connections that others don’t have.

3. Speaking of connections

Connections are not a casual acquaintance with an influential person who can help you once, and to whom you will be indebted for the rest of your life. Or maybe it won't help. Like in that joke:

The phrase “I am a friend of the prosecutor” failed to scare away the bear.

Connections are not contacts. It's relationships with people who can recommend you. Over time, you can develop a huge network of connections that will help in many situations.

How to build this network, what networking is, is a separate topic, not for this article.

All I can say is don't waste your time. I strongly advise you to make connections from a young age. The good friends and connections you make in your youth can serve you throughout your life. Over the years, the number of contacts you have may even increase, but the number of friends and reliable connections does not! Take my word for it.

4. Summary

If you have a higher education, you will need a resume. In general, a resume will not be out of place in any case.

Find out how to properly write a resume without experience in this article.

5. How to search?

Resumes should be sent out. The likelihood that an employer will pay attention to your published resume, even on TOP job portals, is extremely low. Be sure to write

Job sites are, of course, not the only search channel. There are a lot of such channels. Read about how to properly look for work in Moscow in the article.

Please note that not all applications to you come from adequate employers. To avoid wasting time and money, read.

6. Interview

You should have enough interviews. Of course, there are positions where certain knowledge and experience are simply necessary. But there are others where you can learn to work well very quickly.

Many employers are quite loyal to candidates without work experience. They believe that it is easier to adapt a person who is not burdened by the bad habits of a typical “hard worker” of domestic companies to fit himself into the culture of the company.

Please note that experience only relates to one question that the employer is interested in: What can you do?

The question is important, but as we have already said, it is not decisive for all positions. If the employer makes positive conclusions on the remaining issues, you will easily receive an offer.

A story about yourself

There is always experience. If you have no work experience, tell us about your academic success. Or in other endeavors that somehow correlate with future work. It is important to show that you are capable of achievement. You can see how to build a story about yourself. I also recommend the techniques from the article.


Good habits can become a very powerful argument. No, it’s not a habit to run in the morning)

For example:

  • habit of bringing things to their logical conclusion
  • the habit of solving problems independently, perceiving them as challenges rather than obstacles
  • habit of taking care of the client

Keep in mind: the employer sleeps and sees in his team employees with such habits. The set of necessary habits will easily outweigh the experience and qualifications of an employee who, in case of any difficulty, runs to his superiors and asks for advice or help.

Be sure to stock up on examples that demonstrate your achievements and useful habits.


Try to align your career plans with the company's plans. “I want to become one of the best specialists in this field. To do this, you need to work on cool projects with the best professionals. As far as I understand, your company has such projects?”

"By itself!" - they will answer you. Even if this is not true at all. So, your words can be regarded as a compliment) It won’t hurt either.

Learning ability

Show that you are capable of learning at a speed that “experienced” people have never even dreamed of.

This is another nail in the coffin for the “experience”.

So, lack of work experience is not at all a reason for disappointment. Read my blog, write a resume and then down the list)

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Have a nice day and good mood!

Work experience is one of the most important points in a candidate's resume for many employers. Everyone has encountered this vicious circle: to get a good job in your specialty, you need work experience, and to get this same experience, you need to get a job. But there is no need to despair in this situation and give up on your dream job. If you have a great desire to work and develop, you can find a good job without work experience, although it is difficult.

It's not all bad

It seems that people who have just left the university face a long and difficult search for their first job. In fact, the chances of successful employment without work experience are much greater than it seems. Famous portal conducted a study, the results of which were the following data: 66% of medium-sized companies and 85% of large companies are ready to hire a specialist without experience. There is a fairly loyal attitude towards successful university graduates, however, they go through a more thorough and lengthy selection process than people with serious work experience behind them.

If you analyze the pages of the most popular HR portals and job search sites, it becomes clear: every year more and more vacancies appear with the note “possible without work experience.” Many employers are ready to teach everything to a university graduate who has received excellent basic knowledge and turn him into a real specialist.

Despite all this, the number of graduates who literally don’t know what to do next and how to look for the job they want is not getting smaller. We have prepared several important recommendations that will help dot the i's in the matter of employment without work experience.

Start as early as possible

As practice shows, the vast majority of students begin to work even before graduating from university. Most often this is, of course, a part-time job, but it often happens that in their final years students already have a full-time job. And then, having received the long-awaited diploma, these people often remain at their place of work, but if not, then when looking for another job, they already have some experience. Hence the conclusion: you need to think about your career even before receiving your diploma. Students can be hired as assistants to a specialist, to run errands or for some very simple tasks that a specialist would not be able to perform. If such work is related to your specialty, or you simply feel that this experience will help you in your future career, be sure to agree to such offers or look for them yourself. It is important to maintain an optimal balance between study and work. Work should not interfere with studies, otherwise the whole point of learning is lost.

Well, if you have already missed this moment and did not start worrying about your career while still studying at the university, then you have no choice but to implement all the other tips as effectively as possible.

Attend trainings and courses

Now you can find trainings and courses in almost any specialty. If you pass several of them successfully, it will give you an advantage over other job applicants who also have no experience like you. Successful completion of courses or participation in training usually results in the issuance of certificates or certificates from the company that organized them. Attach them to your resume, and you will already look a little more presentable in the eyes of the employer. In addition, attending training courses is a real opportunity to improve your professional skills and expand your theoretical knowledge to practical knowledge.

Write a good resume

Let’s not refute the fact that the “work experience” line is one of the most important in a resume. And employers pay attention to it first of all. However, if you don’t have work experience yet, you can move out at the expense of other advantages. In your resume, indicate the maximum of your achievements and skills that you think can influence the employer’s decision. In addition to the required items in your resume (personal information, education, etc.), fill out the following lines:

  • personal qualities: sociability, determination, focus on results, activity, etc.;
  • your skills and abilities: knowledge of computer programs that are used in your field of activity, knowledge of any technologies or techniques, etc.;
  • knowledge of foreign languages: indicate the level of proficiency;
  • availability of certificates, special diplomas, etc.

If the topic of your thesis is directly related to the content of the job for which you are applying, then indicate that as well. The same applies to the place of internship. Indicate where you did your internship, what exactly you did there and what you learned.

Post your resume on as many job search portals as possible. Send it to specific companies that you consider an excellent start to your career. After sending your resume, do not wait for them to call you back. If you haven’t received a call back after 3-4 days, call yourself. Ask if the hiring manager has already reviewed your resume. You will either be invited for an interview or immediately told that the company is not interested in your candidacy. In the second case, politely inquire about the reasons for the refusal. In most cases, persuading the manager to interview you will be inappropriate, so just listen to the reasons for the refusal and thank him for his time. You can use the information received in the future to avoid repeating such mistakes.

Approach the interview responsibly

Interviews are always a kind of stress. Everyone always worries about him. And if this is the first interview, then the level of excitement triples. We have already written several articles about interviews. Read them and you'll be prepared for that important step of landing your first job.

Place your bet on an internship or training

Many large companies organize internships or training for young professionals. For a university graduate without work experience, this is a real chance to get a job. Of course, not everyone is accepted for an internship. To do this, you will need to go through a selection procedure (often long and difficult), and if you show that your theoretical knowledge is at a high level and you are passionate about working and developing, then you will have every chance of getting an internship. And after successful completion - and a permanent position in the company.

If the company you are interested in has an internship, then immediately say that you want to do it. On average, it will last three months, but depending on the specialization, it may be a different period. The fact that you are aware of your inexperience, don't go overboard, and are willing to learn so that you can benefit the company in the future will show you in a favorable light in the eyes of the employer. There is usually a very skeptical attitude towards people who do not have any experience behind them, but immediately aim for the position of general manager.

Often university graduates have a somewhat misconception about their first salary. Of course, everyone wants to receive high salaries right away, but this is not possible for a specialist without experience. You need to realize this and not expect that you will be swimming in money at your first job. If you go to an interview and say that you want the same salary as professionals with many years of experience, you will be considered a person with inflated ambitions and self-importance. You are unlikely to get a position this way. We are not saying that you should agree to any money, but try to adequately assess your current level of professional training and understand what salary would be objective for you.

Use all your connections

A large percentage of people find work through connections. This applies to both experienced specialists and yesterday’s university graduates. Tell all your friends, relatives, acquaintances, and acquaintances that you are looking for a job. Actively participate in professional communities on social networks, make new acquaintances, find out which companies have open vacancies that interest you.

It’s a proven fact: if an applicant comes to an interview “from someone,” then the attitude towards him immediately becomes more loyal than towards a person on the street. Especially if this “someone” is directly related to the person who will decide whether to give the position or not. If you're lucky, you'll be able to get your first job with little or no effort to search for it, but to keep it, you'll need to show your best side.

Don't downplay your achievements

As mentioned above, it often happens that specialists without experience immediately want to get a boss’s chair and a high salary. But there are often the exact opposite situations, when a graduate without experience is so unsure of himself that he does not take into account his achievements and already acquired skills. If you have successfully graduated from a university, it means that you already have some experience. You wrote your thesis, scientific papers, and probably participated in some conferences or seminars. All this is also an experience, and it should not be downplayed. Confidently proclaim everything you can do in interviews. An employer would rather give preference to an applicant without sufficient experience, but with adequate ambitions and a great desire to work, than to someone who says “I haven’t worked anywhere yet, I don’t know much.”

And a small warning. Unfortunately, there are now many fraudulent companies operating in the labor market. It is very easy to deceive an inexperienced specialist, and even more so a graduate looking for his first job. Such companies promise huge salaries from the first month of work, fantastically ideal working conditions and other suspicious things. You just need to make a cash “contribution” when applying for a job, pay for documentation or something else. If an employer asks you to pay for something, immediately turn around and leave - these are scammers who are not going to offer you any work. Must be paid for work to you, but not You.

Happy searching for your first job!

33 478 0 Good afternoon This article will talk about what to do if you cannot find a job for a long time. We will consider in detail all the mistakes and reasons that hinder you on the path to this goal. You will learn how to get out of this situation, and also understand how to get a job if you do not have the proper experience.

Reasons for the long search

Let's look at the most popular reasons that prevent you from finding a job:

  • Little activity

It may seem to you that you are constantly searching, but in reality, you are not making any effort. Today's competition is so high that desire alone will not be enough. Sending your resume and sitting and waiting by the sea for the weather is pointless and useless. Imagine how many applications a good company considers. You have to be interested in something more.

What to do:

  1. Be more persistent and come or call the company that has opened a vacancy. Remind yourself, show that you are ready to do anything to work there. Just don’t overdo it, because intrusiveness can start to irritate.
  2. Try placing a job search ad not only on the Internet, but also in the newspaper, or vice versa. Some companies may not use one resource but be active in another. The same goes for personal searches. You should use different sources.
  3. If you think that exchanges are useless, then they are not. First, the state actually has a motivation to find you a job. Secondly, during this time they will pay at least some money. If you have already passed this stage, then try contacting a recruitment agency. Just be careful as there are a lot of scammers out there these days.
  4. Tell your friends that you are now unemployed. Word of mouth is much more effective than you think. Perhaps one of their buddies or friends is looking for the right person. This way you can find at least a part-time job.
  5. Don't forget to update your application on the website where your resume is posted. Still, new profiles appear, and yours goes lower every time. In addition, this way the employer will be sure that you are still looking for a position and have not just forgotten to delete your resume.
  6. Constantly monitor new vacancies, because sometimes it is better to call immediately than to remain a backup option after someone who does it first.
  • Excessive requirements

Think about it, you may be overestimating your talents. Courage and self-confidence are good, but the employer always has an advantage. If you have little or no experience, and you are applying for a very good vacancy, then there is only one chance in a hundred that you will be chosen. Still, the company is looking for a professional in their field, considering many similar profiles.

If you really know how to do everything, but are looking at an excessively large salary, then difficulties will arise here too. Look at different vacancies in your profession and estimate how much they are willing to pay on average for your skills. You can also omit numbers at all to impress with your skills during an interview. In this case, the person may fall in love with you so much that he will make concessions.

Think about it, maybe you have other expectations? For example, you want a big salary, an easy job, a good schedule, and that it be close to home, as well as countless similar desires. Unfortunately, the ideal job does not exist, and if it does exist, it is usually taken immediately.

Of course, you can find a job you like, but sometimes you have to wait too long for such a chance. If you are not ready to make concessions, then search in parallel with other work that provides at least some income.

High self-esteem is bad, and low self-esteem is bad too. Only if in the first case persistence can save you, then here the problem is more serious. Still, considering yourself unworthy of a certain job is one of the biggest mistakes. Especially when you know how to do it, but you think that there are more professional competitors.

Understand that you can try anyway. If they don't call you back, it's okay. And you need to understand that the reasons for irresponsibility can be completely different, and it’s not necessarily about you.

Get over yourself, because in extreme cases you can refuse.

  • Errors insummary

Very often the reason for the lack of responses is a bad resume. And the point is not even that you are an unqualified specialist, because sometimes even this fades into the background. The problem can be in several nuances:

  1. Too superficial and incomplete . You've covered the main points but haven't added many other criteria. For example, you did not indicate your strengths or forgot to note that you have some awards or have completed certain courses to improve your qualifications. All such little things should not be missed, because they often play the greatest role. Imagine that your opponent has six months more experience than you, but has no other advantages. Now think about who the employer will choose?
  2. Too formulaic or there is a lot of unnecessary stuff . If you are looking for a job in a certain profession, then you do not need to indicate absolutely distant school achievements in your resume. Write only what may be useful to someone who views your profile. If a person sees that most of the points are absolutely useless, then this will make him think about your normality.
  3. Absolutely uninteresting and even faceless resume . Of course, this is almost an official document, but it needs to be diluted. Perhaps some work allows for a little frivolity in the text. Just keep in mind that you also need to know the limits.
  4. If you don't see any errors, try looking at other people's resumes. It is best to look for those who are applying for the same position. If you have problems with creativity and want to copy witty lines or interesting details from another person, then do so. Just keep in mind that the company may look at both profiles and notice similarities. Therefore, it is best to monitor the resumes of people who live in another city or even country. This way you will eliminate the possibility of getting into an awkward situation.
  5. You made a lot of grammatical errors in the application form . Managers who are obsessed with spelling rules will notice this immediately. They will not trust a person who does not know basic things.

Sample of a good resume

  • Behaving incorrectly during an interview

You were called and had an interview, but no one called back. Main reasons for silence:

  1. You came unprepared for the meeting and were simply confused . When the manager asked you to tell us about yourself, you got confused and said something incomprehensible. A lot depends on the presentation, because this is why you were called for an interview. If you can’t come up with a beautiful story on the fly, then write and memorize a speech at home. Also understand the answers to questions that the employer may ask.
  2. Caught asking provocative questions . For example, that your children often get sick or that you are planning to have a child in the next year. No company will want to hire a person who will immediately go on maternity leave or will constantly ask for time off. Also, don’t talk about the fact that you quarreled with your previous boss or other colleagues.
  3. Are you constantly silent or talk too much? . Shyness is not a hindrance for some work, but excessive passivity may indicate that this vacancy is not what you really need. Too many words can, on the contrary, confuse your interlocutor or even make you angry. Nobody likes to be interrupted or not listened to.
  • You don't want to find a job

In fact, this happens often. You actually look at vacancies, go to interviews, but things don’t move forward. Read:

Remember, how often did you refuse an internship when you were already invited to do it? Or did you cheat that you couldn't at a certain time? If you constantly use excuses, then the problem is only you.

You feel like the job just isn't right for you. However, why did you apply for this vacancy or even go for an interview? Admit it, is it because they really didn't live up to expectations or is it because you don't want to work?

It's worth noting that this is completely normal. This happens when a person is tired and just wants to take a break. Or you are hoping and using someone else's help, so you don't want to change anything. In any case, you need to be honest with yourself and stop deceiving others. If you need rest, then take a short break. If the problem is laziness, then you should voice this to those who support you. They may even be pleased to help you.

How to deal with the problem?

What to do if there is no work? First, you need to understand the reason for your long search and try to fix it. If you are doing everything correctly, but there are no offers, then the problem may simply be a lot of demand and a small supply. Many firms have collapsed due to the crisis or laid off employees, reducing jobs.

If it's not about you, then under no circumstances should you become discouraged and lose your spirit. When you're depressed, you won't want to do anything at all, but what's happening now won't last forever. Try to find the positive sides of unemployment, because they exist too. What can be done:

  • Allow yourself to rest. Surely you haven’t had a normal vacation or long weekend. If you don’t have much money, you can go to your parents or relatives. It’s especially great if you have a dacha or someone lives outside the city to spend their holiday actively. You can also finally meet with friends or spend longer with your loved one or children. In this case, it all depends on your budget.
  • Go to some training or courses. Perhaps you lack the knowledge for your desired profession or you are a little behind modern rules. By the way, classes may be on a completely new topic for you. It is not necessary to stagnate in the same place if you are unlucky there. Perhaps you are at a stage when you need to reevaluate your life and change something in it. Think, maybe you have always been interested in something else?
  • Find a hobby. You need to distract yourself and stop thinking about the fact that you are having difficulty finding a job. The best way out of depression is to be actively involved in something. By the way, not every hobby requires a lot of investment, so don’t come up with excuses. By the way, very often a favorite hobby turns into a very profitable business in life. Read:
  • Don't be alone all the time. Loneliness is the main friend of despondency, so go out more. Friends and loved ones will help you get distracted, which means that time will fly by much faster.
  • If you really need money, then get any part-time job or consider a vacancy that didn’t suit you before. This needs to be done if you currently do not have the opportunity to find a job in your specialty. Most likely, the offer will be below your dignity, but it will at least make some money. In addition, a vacancy with a small salary can be very promising, or good bonuses are possible for this job. The main thing is to at least move somehow, because you cannot predict the future.
  • Start working on your thinking. In fact, constantly replaying negative thoughts in your head has the ability to come true. Try using affirmations that have brought many people closer to their goals. We are talking about phrases that the Universe hears more sensitively and quickly executes. The following will help in your case:
    - “I have a great job and I like this place”
    - “They pay me a high salary”
    - “I have a lot of good job offers,” etc.

You must realize that the fact that you don’t have a permanent job right now is not a disaster. There is enough work for everyone, because in fact there are a lot of vacancies. Try to change your views on the world at least temporarily and under no circumstances become depressed .

I can’t find a job, what should I do if I have no experience?

The paradox of today is that people don’t hire people without experience, but they have to get it somewhere. In this regard, many young specialists cannot find work in their specialty.

  • You can try looking for vacancies for students, as they often only require education or at least some knowledge. You can start with a small salary, but the future is more important in this situation.

If you are not satisfied with such conditions, then you need to change something in yourself. Try to format your resume in such a way that the employer is interested. You need to show him that you have a lot of advantages, you grasp everything on the fly, and you don’t need to be retrained. Show your imagination and they will definitely be interested in you. ( See a sample of a good resume above).

  • Be persistent and join a company that attracts you. Ask about the availability of any possible vacancies. It is likely that there are now several offers where experience is not required. This is a good opportunity to get a job in the desired company and prove yourself. Very often, successful leaders started from the bottom and achieved what they have only after a few years.

By the way, there are now a lot of alternative professions where official experience is not the most important part. Check out the options that bring good income without an entry in the work book:

  1. Infobusiness
    Now it has become very popular to make money on your knowledge and skills. For example, if you studied well at school and college, then there is a great chance to share this for money. The advantage is that you will not have a boss, and expenses are minimal. Of course, it all depends on what you want to surprise with. By the way, not only a diploma or a gold medal from school, but also various seminars will help increase your price. Learn from others and use it to your advantage.
  2. Distant work
    Working on the Internet is available to everyone and many professions require a minimum of skills and knowledge. Some employers are even ready to train, but, of course, in response to a small salary. In this case, you can get experience there and then go to a place where they will pay more. One of the most popular professions is copywriting. If you can write competently, then you will like this job. You can also consider such vacancies as: online store manager, administrator of groups or social pages. networks, operator, personal assistant, moderator, content manager and many others. Don't be afraid to learn something new. Read:
  3. Blog or vlog
    On a blog, you can write articles on topics that interest you. Also, most readers really like pictures, so add them too. In vlogs you need to film something interesting. As for topics, there are quite a lot of them. Some people talk about travel, others write culinary recipes or reveal secrets about cosmetics. It’s also now popular to make vlogs about your daily routine, because many people are interested in other people’s lives. Find something of your own and create a channel or blog. At first, you will earn money simply from clicks, and then from advertising. If you have a lot of subscribers, then some brands will become interested and offer you to advertise their products on your page. Read:
  4. Hobby
    Turn your favorite thing into a profession. There you will not only have experience, but also skills. You will know some mistakes and subtleties of a certain activity, which will definitely be useful to others. Before you start, it's a good idea to take additional courses to ensure you have some sort of certification. As for the options, there are a lot of them: if you like to cook, create cooking courses, if you like photography, do private shoots, if you like to play sports, become an instructor, etc.

Today it is quite difficult for a young specialist to find a job, and all because employers are looking for a vacant position for a person who has extensive experience, but at the same time he is young, energetic, without children or other relatives.

And so as not to get sick, he didn’t go to matinees, he worked, worked and worked some more. Preferably without stopping, weekends and holidays. A trouble-free employee is the dream of every manager. But where can one find such a superhero?

Finding a job without education and experience is difficult, but possible

Are you a student looking for a job for the first time? First you need to decide who you would like to be. But you shouldn’t immediately expect that you will be hired for a good position and offered a lot of money.

Most often, employers can offer you a vacancy as an assistant, assistant, intern, secretary, courier, and so on. They did not expect? What should I do? After all, you really have no experience.

There is one more important point that will help you both mentally and physically. If, when choosing your first job, you look for a company that is close to your type of activity, then it is likely that after working in the lowest paid position, you will be offered a more interesting vacancy.

Of course, you shouldn’t count on colossal career growth in the first year, but you can and should give your best. Only then will you be noticed and stand out from the crowd.

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Is it possible to find a job without experience, and how to do it?

Your very first action is choosing a profession. You are studying at the university, you are satisfied with your future specialty, and you want to follow this path, then go for it. If not, then you should think about what interests you.

Now create a resume: do not hesitate to indicate all your skills, if you speak excellent English, then be sure to indicate this, regardless of what position you are applying for. If you're good at Photoshop, don't forget to mention that too.

Once your resume is ready, go to sites where you can find job advertisements. Having collected a dozen more or less interesting ones, send your resume. In your case, you should not be upset if the response comes from only one company. A little patience and luck will find you.

Sometimes it may seem that finding a job in Moscow or some other city without work experience is almost impossible, but this is not at all true. Your perseverance will definitely receive a response. Therefore, you should not despair if no one called you, or, after visiting several companies, you were simply refused.

Finding a job without work experience is possible

If you are nevertheless invited to an interview, then the main thing is to present yourself correctly. If you have never been to an interview and don’t even know what they ask and what you need to answer, then we will help you.

Remember the saying: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” So, she matches the interview like no other. You need to look good, and then you will make a good impression on the employer. Put on a clean, ironed suit, a white shirt, and half the success is in your pocket.

Behave casually, try not to worry and answer all questions honestly. Yes, you shouldn’t lie about any of your skills, because in the process of work it will easily manifest itself, and then it may become the reason for your first dismissal. Therefore, we answer only the truth.

When going to your first interview, don't forget to bring a good mood with you. Believe me, your desire to find a job will definitely be rewarded. Therefore, we wish you success.

It is impossible to find a job without work experience

If you think this is true, then answer the question: “How do people do this?” After all, no one has yet been born with rich work experience, for example, as an engineer. Therefore, this statement was most likely invented by lazy losers who are afraid to work hard in search of an interesting vacancy.

Remember also that work will take up part of your time, which means you will have to give up your studies a little. To prevent this from happening, contact us - we will always help you write any student paper and pass it with flying colors!

Gone are the days when a lifetime job at one company was considered a successful career. Today you can change your profession at any age, and lack of experience is unlikely to become a barrier to employment. The main thing is to prepare for the search: write a resume correctly, present a high-quality portfolio and not be afraid to complete the test task.

Putting emphasis in your resume

A resume is the employer's first introduction to a candidate. If you don’t yet have work experience in your new specialty, your resume needs to be edited. First of all, change the title: from the old profession to the new one.


List all training and continuing education courses completed that are relevant to your future job. If the applicant’s specialized education is philological, but in parallel with his studies at the university he attended design courses, this will be an argument in his favor.

Nevertheless, the first education should also be mentioned, especially if the specialty is quite general: sociology, management, history. Higher education is often one of the filters when selecting a candidate. If there are several educations, they are highly specialized - for example, medical, and the candidate wants to leave this industry - then you don’t have to indicate them.


Be sure to tell us about your experience, even if it is not related to the new job. Pay attention to those aspects that will be useful in a new field: a candidate who has worked as a developer for many years can apply for the position of sales manager in an IT company.

Experience doesn't always mean working for money. Add participation in volunteer projects, internships and internships to your resume.


Imagine a candidate who started working in a clothing store as a student and became a regional sales director before graduating from university. Most likely, such an employee has great potential for development even in a new professional field.

Therefore, it is important to present your growth within the company in your resume. Each role does not need to be listed in a separate section; they can be listed under the responsibilities and results of the last position held. There is no need to write a detailed story; it is better to do it in the format of short abstracts - this is a more suitable option for a resume.

Skills and personal qualities

If the applicant “grabs everything on the fly” and “learns quickly,” you definitely need to talk about this. It’s best with evidence: “I was a member of the student council and organized festive events,” “received gratitude from the dean of the faculty for...”, “became the best employee of the branch based on the results of the half-year,” and so on.

Compare the job requirements with your knowledge and competencies. Select exactly those that will be useful in your new position. Add them to the “Key Skills” and “About Me” sections.


Pay attention to the final phrase in your resume or cover letter. It is this that ultimately shows that the candidate has an interest in a new field. For example, you can write like this: “Aimed at personal and professional development in the IT field, in the near future I plan to take educational courses/trainings or receive additional higher education on the topic.”

We are writing an accompanying

Don't start your letter with the phrase "I have no work experience." Use positive language:

  • “during my studies, I gained knowledge from the field...”;
  • “I have the personal qualities necessary for this position...”;
  • “at my previous job I gained experience...” and so on.

Pay attention to motivation: tell why you are interested in a specific position in a specific company. Sometimes candidates without experience, but “with shining eyes”, due to motivation, bypass professionals who are tired of work.

Attaching a portfolio

Experience and work skills in some cases can be assessed without an interview, based on a portfolio. Using it, the employer will get an idea of ​​the professionalism of designers (web, graphic, landscape, interior, clothing), authors (content, rewriting, copyright), photo and video operators. A person who is familiar with computer layout and has experience in creating websites can start working in printing. Or a journalist with extensive experience always has a chance to retrain as a public relations specialist or press secretary.

Most employers also pay attention to general knowledge and basic skills: communication, presentation, analytical abilities of the candidate - regardless of whether he has experience or not.

Leave time for the test task

The test is a chance to prove yourself. If an employer has noticed an applicant without relevant experience on his resume and offers to complete a test task, it is worth taking the time to do it. In this way, the candidate will not only demonstrate his skills and knowledge in practice, but will also be able to assess for himself how ready he is to take on the job.

Experienced candidates have to take test tasks much less often. In their case, a portfolio is usually enough.

We respond to suitable vacancies

Often those who have no experience have to start with internships. But we recommend applying for entry-level positions too, especially if your resume already includes work experience in another specialty. Act confidently and persistently: everything will work out!

For those who still doubt themselves, we have compiled them with examples and useful formulations. Experts from the “Ready Resume” service can create this for you: HR specialists will conduct an interview and prepare a document suitable for your career plans.