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How to learn to sell any product or service at a high price! Basics of sales. How to sell slow-selling goods - effective methods

At a reduced cost.

Make your ad as visible as possible. Highlight these products, display them at eye level, in the front rows, at the entrance to the store. Instruct everyone to recommend exactly those products that are currently on sale, motivate them with bonuses and additional bonuses for selling a certain quantity goods.


  • Rituals for selling a specific product

The main rule of a seller is to understand why you are offering this or that product. For example, a buyer’s nails are peeling, and you sell a product for the care and restoration of the nail plate, thereby you are selling him a solution to the problem. A huge number of companies specialize in this type of activity, improving and improving their skills every day.


Optimists always achieve high interest rates, unlike pessimists. The way you treat yourself is entirely reflected in how people treat you. If you are dissatisfied with something and you are in a bad mood, then the buyers who come to you to solve their problems will also be in a bad mood, and your sales, naturally, depend on this.

Consider the features of horizontal display of goods by brand. One or even two of the most advantageous horizontal shelves occupy one at a time. They are located at eye level and along the entire length of the section. Then products from other brands have to occupy less popular places on shelves. Always keep in mind that this type of display does not provide significant benefits especially for general merchandise distributors.

Also take into account the features of vertical display by product type. When thinking about how to sell your product more profitably, this strategy will yield results. After all, this is extremely dangerous for the undisputed leading supplier. And such a display conveys to the buyer that goods, which follow the market leader, are real substitutes for the product - .

Hello! Valery Lisin is in touch and in this article I want to start from the very basics.

Since we have begun to approach the issue of increasing sales, let’s talk in simple terms about what sales is.

What is a sale

Selling is when you convince a person of something and then he does it.

You can sell your child the idea that they need to clean their room. You can sell the idea that a juicer will solve the problem of excess weight or that diapers will help save mommy time and nerves, and the baby’s bottom will breathe.

Please note that even if you are selling a banal well-known drill, then in fact you are not selling a drill, but the idea that a person will have the opportunity to drill a hole with which he can attach everything he needs to the wall.

You may ask: Isn’t this manipulation when a person does what you want? Yes, you are thinking correctly! Selling is manipulation. Many people will be put off by this word. But think for yourself and look around. Everything that happens in the world is manipulation.

A parent, when selling the idea to a child that they need to get ready for kindergarten as soon as possible, has good intentions. Otherwise, the child will not have time for breakfast.

When they sell you a car not for 200, but for 900 thousand rubles, then you understand that the second version of the car is much better in quality and characteristics. The seller wants the best for you.

When a man invites a girl to a cafe, it’s wonderful. Otherwise, the girl will spend the evening alone.

In general, my point is that we are all manipulators and constantly manipulated. This is the law of nature.

The word manipulation has a negative connotation because some manipulators try to deceive and many have fallen for it.

But let's not go to extremes, I'm now only talking about useful manipulation that benefits you, and if you don't like it, then you can always refuse the offer and no one will force you.

The way the world works today is that everyone needs money.

To make money, you need to sell!

Business is a system for making profit.

To get this profit, the counterparty needs to pay money.

So, selling is the process of exchanging your service or product for money.

Hence the task arises of extracting as much profit as possible per unit of time, but in practice we see that some companies buy more than others.

And perhaps they don’t buy from you at all.

Why is this happening?

Why people don’t buy from you and how to make a lot of money

What are people willing to pay you money for?

Let's start with you personally.

What are you buying and what are you willing to pay other people for?

Do the exercise:

Write 5 points for what you pay money for. In these 5 points you need to enter not goods and services, but what problem you are solving. And what would happen if you couldn't buy it.

For example,

  1. Because my employee does all the routine work, otherwise I myself would have to spend a lot of time. (buying my time)
  2. For swimming in the pool. Otherwise, I would have to go to the lake 70 km away or do other sports, since I need to take the load off my spine (I’m buying my health).
  3. I pay for the university. Otherwise, I would have to figure out how to study myself (I pay for the opportunity to get a good job).
  4. I pay for gasoline. Otherwise, you would have to walk or take public transport. (buying time and effort)
  5. I pay a tailor for high-quality and stylish clothes. Otherwise, you would have to wear something ugly or sew it yourself. (I buy confidence, a pleasant first impression)


If you have done this task, you will most likely find that you are willing to pay for the value that is given to you.

Moreover, for different people the same service has different values. Someone is ready to pay 5,000 rubles for a haircut, and someone is even 500 rubles. won't give it back.

Well, you’ve already experienced for yourself that you need to sell to people in order for them to buy from you, and now let’s talk about how to make money on this knowledge.

How to sell more than competitors

Our task is to sell as much as possible and for the maximum amount, and since time is limited and competition is high, it turns out that we need to present our product or service as quickly as possible and from the most advantageous side in order to interest the client before he runs away to a competitor.


The promoter says: “Fill out the form,” but no one wants to fill out any form. There is no value in filling out the form.

And if we reformulate his proposal differently, then he will say: “Do you want to drink high-quality and tasty coffee for free? You can even take it with you to the office.”

You will like this offer more, since in principle you would like to drink coffee when you go to work, and here it is for free. Fairy tale!

But in return you will be asked to fill out a form. Now this is such a trifle for you. And now you already agree. And in addition, you will buy 2 more delicious cakes while your coffee is being brewed.

Home Sales Scheme

  1. At the initial stage, it is important to sift through and engage those who are fundamentally interested from the entire mass of people.
  2. If a person is interested, then you already tell the conditions in more detail.
  3. Then the person decides how profitable and valuable it is for him and makes a decision.
  4. If he sees value, he buys.
  5. If he doesn’t see the value or it’s not enough, then he responds with an objection (expensive, takes a long time, not now, already exists, I’ll think about it, etc.)
  6. At this moment, you will either convince him or he will convince you.

That's the whole pattern, which is repeated time after time.

From one sale to another.

Everything else is nuances.


  • If you sold, then you convinced
  • If you didn't sell, it means you were convinced.

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Issues discussed in the material:

  • What are the basic principles of selling goods quickly?
  • How to sell a product quickly?

A person first encountered the question of how to quickly sell a product, perhaps, at the time when money appeared. Whatever methods he resorted to, trying to sell his products as quickly as possible. For a modern market economy, the speed of turnover is much more important than the trading margin. Accordingly, for the success of any business, what is important is not how much more than cost a particular product was sold, but how quickly it was sold. From the article you will learn about the basic principles of selling products as quickly as possible.

5 basic principles for quickly selling goods

For quite some time now, studies have been conducted analyzing customer behavior, studying ways of influencing a person that would encourage him to purchase any item. Scientists have come to the conclusion that managing people is much easier than it might seem at first glance. We don’t even seem to notice some things, but meanwhile they are reliably recorded in the subconscious, and then suddenly there is a desire to take a closer look at some products, stop near a certain rack in the sales area, buy this or that product.

1. Taking into account customer predictability.

The predictability of people can be compared to the predictability of animal behavior during migration. Most often we walk around the store using the same route. Studies conducted in various countries have shown that we inspect shopping malls counterclockwise.

All modern stores are designed in such a way that the customer passes through the counters along a carefully planned route. Since, upon entering the sales area, a person initially turns to the right, this is where marketers place the most recent and attractive products. And you, willingly or unwillingly, looking at them, think about the need to purchase.

In most cases, it is not popular products that are placed here, but those that need to be sold as quickly as possible. That is, when a buyer sees a refrigerator with beer or a rack with chips and crackers at the entrance to the store, he will take them and head to the checkout without getting acquainted with the rest of the offered assortment.

Another trick to selling a product quickly is to give the customer the right first impression. After all, when you enter a retail space and see glossy apples, fresh vegetables and fragrant herbs, you will automatically begin to associate it with bright colors and pleasant aromas.

Essential products such as bread, dairy products, meat and eggs are placed in the part of the store farthest from the entrance. This means there is an increased likelihood that by the time you get to them, your basket will be filled with goods that you didn’t even think about when entering the store.

The task of marketers is to force the consumer to spend as much time as possible in the store, go around the maximum number of shelves and look at the entire range of products. A customer will never buy any product if he does not know that it exists.

2. Lure with glitter.

A person automatically believes that if a product looks shiny and beautiful, then it is new, fashionable and valuable. Some drivers even say that a good wash improves the performance of the car. And now the old car, which has been polished and waxed to a shine, seems to be starting to drive better.

For this reason, in good and expensive stores, focused on how to quickly sell goods, the products offered, shelves and racks sparkle and shimmer.

As a result of extensive research by Envirosell Inc. It turned out that most people involuntarily slowed down when passing by the shiny display case, and some of them stopped to take a closer look at the products displayed there. And resisting this desire is practically useless.

One of the current hypotheses is that previously, when people went in search of water, they recognized it by its shine. This skill is ingrained in our subconscious, despite the passing of millennia. That is why, when we see something shiny, we involuntarily stop to take a closer look and understand what exactly is in front of us.

3. Enjoyment from shopping.

Most stores in Europe and America, and in recent years large shopping centers in Russia, who are concerned about how to quickly sell goods, organize big sales on significant holidays, as well as before the New Year and Christmas. The USA is famous for its discount season, the beginning of which is marked by Black Friday. In anticipation of a huge discount, people take vacations or days off from work and line up at shopping centers at night, waiting for them to open.

Moreover, this is not caused by the desire to purchase a specific item or save money. In fact, 95% of consumers during sales enjoy the process of shopping, shopping and the opportunity to get what they have long dreamed of, and sometimes something completely unnecessary, but cheaper than a couple of days ago. Thanks to knowledge of this human weakness, experienced sellers who understand how to quickly sell goods are able to sell products that have been stored in warehouses for a long time during this period.

You can make fun of shopaholics and girls who are ready to do almost anything for a new blouse, handbag or pair of shoes. However, this technique is used not only by sellers of clothing, shoes or accessories. Statistics show that almost every gamer has about 10% of games that they purchased but only played a couple of times gathering dust on their shelves. And someone moves from place to place books bought at a discount, but never opened. If a person believes that he needs a thing, then the likelihood that he will acquire it is very high.

The hormone dopamine is to blame. It is produced by the human brain during the period of falling in love, while doing what you love, watching a good movie or during a delicious dinner. This hormone controls functions such as behavior, cognition, movement, etc. For example, it affects our ability to retain saliva in our mouth.

The effect of the hormone increases when visiting a new boutique or shopping center, other cities and countries. Fresh emotions give rise to desires. Scientists have long noted that most of the absolutely meaningless purchases were made while traveling. We buy completely unnecessary things just to feel positive emotions and get another dose of dopamine.

4. Appeal to the magic of numbers.

Most price tags still end in nines rather than round numbers. And it doesn’t matter that buyers know that 3999 rubles is, in general, 4000. Yes, many have known for a long time that this is just a marketing ploy and nothing more. However, just understanding that they are trying to manipulate you is not enough; it is important not to succumb to it.

Not many people are comfortable with numbers and can calculate the real benefit, determine what the actual cost of a particular product is. For example, you waited for a discount on the shoes you liked and bought them by paying with a credit card. And the bank charged a percentage for its use, and in the end it turned out that the new thing at a discount was even more expensive than it originally cost.

Sellers who know how to quickly sell a product understand perfectly well that its price depends on them. Even when you see a 50% discount. You can conduct an experiment by studying the discounted prices in the store, for example, on household appliances, and then searching for similar products on the Internet. You can be sure that you will find similar offers, but without discounts and at a lower price. That is, the discount at the point of sale will be based on the price set by the seller himself.

Numerous researchers have come to the interesting conclusion that the spending of customers who calculate their expenses directly in the store, trying to save on purchases, actually turns out to be even greater. Because of the nines at the end of the price tag, we are unable to quickly and accurately determine the cost of the product. Well, for example, it’s easy to calculate how much you need to pay for three mangoes at fifty rubles each. But if the same mango is sold at a price of 49.89 rubles, then calculating the correct price becomes much more difficult.

5. Attractiveness with a logo.

Consumers trust brands. However, this trust can be justified only to a certain extent. For example, if you drive a Mercedes-Benz car, then it is quite natural that next time you will prefer a car of the same brand. Likewise, fans of the Apple brand are unlikely to buy a Lenovo phone or tablet. However, it may happen that at a certain point you begin to idealize the products of a particular company so much that the pleasure of using it turns out to be greatly exaggerated.

This time it will be in the hemispheres of our brain, one of which is responsible for our visual perception, and the second for taste. If you don't see a particular brand's logo, you're judging the product based on actual taste. But as soon as the brand comes into your field of vision, your memory awakens, associating the product with something famous, and therefore good and of high quality. Thus, the product itself, falling under the influence of the logo, seems better.

Sooner or later, every entrepreneur is faced with such a nuisance as the need to sell a slow-selling product. The reason for its appearance may be either low brand awareness, due to which consumers give it less preference, or an unpresentable appearance, for example, insufficiently bright packaging. There are also cases when the demand for one product decreases due to the release of a newer, higher-quality or inexpensive product. This is most relevant in the technology and electronics market, when, for example, a well-selling phone immediately becomes unpopular after the release of a phone of the same brand, but of a new generation.

  • But if in the case of consumer electronics, the product will be bought anyway sooner or later, then, for example, food products cannot lie for a long time waiting for their buyer and require operational actions.

It is worth clarifying in advance that slow-selling products include products whose quality characteristics are at an acceptable level, and low demand is explained by the lack of brand advertising and other features. Frankly expired, low-quality, defective products do not belong to this category.

Regardless of the reasons why illiquid stock appeared, you should not despair because of this, because as one of the laws of marketing says, there is no product that cannot be sold, you just need to find a client who is ready to buy it.

It is important to create the necessary demand for the product, to make sure that the client is convinced and understands that he needs the offered products. We need to talk in more detail about how to find such a client, interest him and convince him that the product is worth buying, and what to do to increase demand.

There are several effective ways to sell slow-moving goods or at least increase demand for them by significantly reducing inventory:

Optimizing the layout of products and methods of selling them directly in the store;
Offering goods in addition to other more popular products;
Reduced prices as part of discount programs and promotions for certain products.

Each of these options is good in its own way and allows you to attract an interested target audience. There are methods for increasing sales without additional investments and expenses, and there are technologies that will require additional expenses, in particular for an advertising campaign. To successfully implement the chosen sales methods, it is worth using them correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the product.

Increase sales with promotions

Advertising is the engine of trade, a law that has been in force at all times and applicable to any product. First of all, it is necessary to attract the client’s attention to the product, and also let him taste it, literally and figuratively. To do this, the store organizes a promotion with the distribution of free samples or free tastingproduct. Also, during promotions, you can prepare booklets on how else you can use the offered product. For example, if we are talking about food products, then you can prepare booklets or brochures with simple, but interesting and original recipes, the main ingredient of which is the proposed product.

Most customers prefer to buy things that they know through personal experience or through recommendations from people they trust. That is why, after trying a new product and making sure that it is no less good than its usual analogues, many will agree to buy it. As practice shows, holding such actions increases sales by an average of 30%, and this is an excellent result.

It is necessary to choose the right time for the promotion, comparing it with the maximum influx of customers.

For example, on weekdays, the largest number of buyers occurs in the evening hours from 18:00 to 21:00, and on weekends from 13:00 to 19:00.

During these periods of time, the influx of buyers can increase up to 3 times, which means sales efficiency triples. The effectiveness of promotions also increases on the eve of the holidays, which can be timed with discounts on certain categories of goods.

Holidays are a busy time for selling a wide range of products. Therefore, if a lot of illiquid goods in good condition have accumulated in the warehouse, it is worth advertising the promotion in advance and starting it on the eve of the holidays.

The correct layout will help sell slow-selling goods

Placing products on supermarket shelves is a kind of art, and having mastered it perfectly, you can quickly get rid of slow-selling products. The secrets of correctly displaying illiquid assets come down to the following rules:

  1. Use " golden shelves“—products placed on store shelves at eye level are sold out faster. This is due to the usual inattention and absent-mindedness of a person who finds it easier to see and take what is directly in front of him than to look around the entire rack and reach for the lower shelves;
  2. Place illiquid assets in the first row– the product that the client looked at first is sold out more efficiently. In addition, this way you can sell products that will soon expire, but for now they are in perfect order. Please note that in most stores, perishable products delivered today are most often found in the second and third rows, and the first row consists of yesterday’s goods, thus avoiding spoilage and eliminating the occurrence of delays;
  3. Place an inexpensive product next to an expensive analogue– the difference in price, even not so significant, always serves as an incentive to buy. Therefore, out of two packs of the same juice, the client is likely to choose the one that is cheaper, because in general, the product is the same;
  4. Use shelves close to the checkout or exit- approaching the checkout, each person remembers whether he bought everything from his own list of products, and if something is forgotten, few people will return deeper into the store and with great pleasure will take a similar product that is nearby.
  5. Use floor and mass display of goods– passing by a pyramid of packs of washing powder, boxes of cookies or other goods, the client will certainly pay attention to them. And a massive display will create the feeling of a promotion or sale, which will also be an incentive to buy the product;
  6. Locate “related” products nearby- for example, if you have a set of slow-selling seasonings, you can place them in the meat department so that a person who comes for basic purchases can become interested in these goods and buy them in addition. Costume jewelry can be placed next to the perfume departments, since related products will certainly attract the client’s attention, and if they like it, the person can buy them, if not immediately, then on their next visit.

All layout methods are based on a simple game with human psychology. You are not deceiving anyone, but simply giving them the opportunity to look at an unusual product from a new angle. This technique is highly effective, but more importantly, does not require any additional costs.

Slow-selling goods in load

Another great marketing solution is to sell slow-moving goods as an accompaniment to more popular ones. This is done, as a rule, when creating various ready-made gift sets, when a set of popular goods and something from non-liquid stock are placed in one colorful package. A similar solution is applicable to cosmetic sets, household chemicals, holiday sets of sweets, etc.

This idea is most relevant on the eve of the holidays, when ready-made sets in gift wrapping will sell out with a bang. To increase sales efficiency, it is enough to give up a little in price by organizing a promotion. It is also worth indicating the original cost of the product, the discount percentage and the final price. By giving in a little in price, you will get an excellent opportunity to get rid of warehouse stocks of stale products, which, without cunning, but fair to the client methods, would simply go for disposal.

The colorfulness of the packaging plays a significant role in preparing gift sets. Often, a slow-selling product does not have an attractive appearance or a well-known brand. That is why it is worth placing it together with products from more popular manufacturers. For example, a face cream from some unknown manufacturer called “ Chamomile", which is of excellent quality for its price segment, is unlikely to sell out successfully. And if you place it in the same package with more well-known products, for example, from the company NIVEA, then the buyer will be happy to take it, because proximity to a well-known brand can serve as confirmation of the quality of an unfamiliar product.

In this case, the instinct of trust in popular products is triggered, against the background of which lesser-known ones play the role of a pleasant bonus. And an additional discount will stimulate interest in the offer, increasing the chances of a sale. Moreover, having assessed the quality of the product that is included in the appendage, the client may continue to be interested in it in the future, which will also contribute to an increase in demand for the once illiquid product.

A small discount is the way to big sales of slow-selling goods

It is obvious to every entrepreneur that discounts on goods reduce revenue. But if we are talking about illiquid assets, a small discount can save you from large losses and bring good profits. After all, if the product is not sold on time, it will deteriorate, and all that remains is to dispose of the product due to the fact that it was not possible to interest the client in it.

There are subtleties and nuances to offering a product at a discount.

First of all, you need to create excitement and anticipation by attracting the customer's attention. For example, a few days before the start of a sale at a discount, you can set up a stand with an announcement about the promotion and that its duration is limited - this will create the illusion of scarcity, and therefore high demand for products.

When displaying goods on the price tag, be sure to indicate the price without a discount and the price with a discount so that the client can feel the difference and be convinced that the offer is profitable.

You should not deceive someone and inflate the price of a product without a discount - too large a difference in price can scare off the client, because it seems that the seller wants to impose the product, which means it is either bad or expired.

An additional, but very important advantage of such discount promotions can be increased customer confidence. After all, a store where there are often discounts on various products is much more attractive than other competitors whose prices are steadily increasing. By adhering to simple rules, you can not only sell an unpopular product, but also generally expand the store’s audience by attracting new customers who will come on the recommendation of regular customers. To get a lot, sometimes you have to sacrifice something, and the system of discount promotions is exactly this case. Moreover, statistics show that discounted products are sold out faster by 20%-40% .

Clarifying the timing of the promotion can also spur customer interest. For example, you can arrange a season “ burning» discounts that will last only 3 days, come up with a slogan and call to action that motivates customers to buy now, because then it will be too late, and everything will be sorted out before it.

Increasing the exclusivity of a slow-selling product

Bright appearance and exclusive packaging always help to distinguish slow-selling products from other goods. For example, the store has a batch of oatmeal cookies that are sold by weight and are not in great demand. You can increase the attractiveness of a product by creating individual packaging, which is not difficult with modern printing capabilities. It is enough to pack them in disposable plastic trays and pack the cookies with regular cling film, attaching a colorful label.

  • The label can include the name of the product and its benefits.

If the cookies are made with a minimum amount of sugar, this is worth emphasizing. In addition, cookies made from oatmeal are healthier than regular wheat ones, please indicate that as well. The client must be interested and demonstrated the benefits of the product. Just a few simple manipulations and minimal investments in printing will greatly increase the demand for the product and increase its exclusivity.

From all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion - any product can be sold, you just need to create demand for it and show the client its advantages. We hope that now, knowing how to sell slow-moving goods, you will be able to solve the problem of the appearance and accumulation of illiquid goods.

By following simple methods of increasing demand, you can get rid of any slow-selling products. However, it is worth remembering both respect for the client and your own reputation, excluding any manipulations with expired products that have lost their properties or are dangerous to humans.

The approach to sales should always be individual.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the product, the target audience that the product may be interested in, as well as the possibilities of making it more attractive to the client.

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