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How to organize your business. How to start your own business from scratch: from A to Z, what a novice businessman needs to know! The conditions for partners to exit the business are the most important point of the agreement

We all know that in a capitalist world it is impossible to live without money. More precisely, without a certain amount of them, which will be sufficient to satisfy at least the basic needs of a person for food, food and a roof over his head. For me, this is a very simple and rather cynical fact that should be taken for granted, since this is how the world works.
Let me introduce myself - Vitaly Larin, an active businessman, I want to tell my story of how to start my own business from scratch.
Realizing that I needed big earnings, I began to think about how and where I could get the amount of money that would allow me and my loved ones to live in abundance.
The first thing that came to my mind was that I needed to get some kind of job as an employee. In my opinion, this is the easiest way to make money and it’s quite good because it has a number of advantages:

  1. Essentially speaking, it is not you who earn money, but your boss, therefore the main entrepreneurial burden falls on him;
  2. The hired employee does not risk anything except his time, maximum salary for the last month of work;
  3. If you don’t like the job, you can always quit and look for something better - there’s enough work for everyone.

As you can see, being an employee is really easy in terms of the obligations you take on. And one could say that this is simply a great way to earn money, if not for one huge drawback - the boss gives employees salaries and their amount is almost always insufficient. Which is quite normal - the higher the worker’s salary, the lower the employer’s profit.

What should a worker do if he is really not satisfied with the monthly salary or he just wants more? The answer is very simple - he must become the boss. Of course, this path is more difficult, but the benefits from this type of activity more than compensate for all the difficulties:

  1. Firstly, you decide for yourself what, how and when to do.
  2. Secondly, you will be financially independent.
  3. Thirdly, opening your own business is an excellent incentive for self-development and self-realization.

And frankly speaking, everything will not be so difficult if you know in advance what and how to do. This is exactly what I will try to help you with, describing how I decided to start my business from scratch, what it took for me to do this, and what may be required of you if you decide to become an independent entrepreneur.

I want to be the boss!

Frankly speaking, I quickly abandoned the path of a simple worker and decided to become a boss, since I did not want to work 10-14 hours a day and receive a small salary for it.

In addition, I was always frightened by the thought that I would be deprived of bonuses or fined at the whim of my superiors, precisely at the moment when I urgently needed money. What has already happened to me.
Realizing this, I began a futile study of everything related to how to start a business with minimal start-up capital and with even less experience as an independent entrepreneur.

Here I was a little lucky, having a very extensive and deep knowledge of economics, I clearly understood that the generally accepted opinion that you need to engage in some kind of production in order to earn a lot is great stupidity. Money in modern capitalism is earned in two ways - through speculation and through the provision of services.

It should be mentioned here that I used my economic inclinations mainly to predict the exchange rates of the CIS countries. Thanks to this, he had a stable additional income by trading binary options.

This may seem like a difficult activity, which is partly true. However, if you look into this issue, even a beginner will quickly realize one thing - in the long term, the price of the dollar can only rise, since this is how the global financial system works.

Therefore, anyone who wants to make money on binary options must simply predict how much the dollar will rise in price in the near future. What is done through technical analysis, which is not difficult to learn if you are diligent and patient.

Advice from experienced people - 7 basic principles from those who started their business from scratch and achieved success!

1 . Henry Ford - founder of the Ford automobile brand: “Everything can always be done better than it has been done so far.”
In other words, you always have the opportunity to start your business from scratch in any field of activity.

2. Elon Musk - founder and head of SpaceX and Tesla Motors: “Study the sciences carefully—learn to reason according to fundamental principles, not by analogies.”
The discoverer of space as a market for commercial activity speaks of a simple law - you cannot copy the success of another person without understanding what caused it.

3. Steve Jobs - Founder and CEO of Apple: “There is no point in hiring smart employees and then telling and ordering them what to do. We hire smart, educated and experienced people to tell us what to do."
If you need to hire a person, then hire only smart people and do not stand over their souls, commanding them.

4. Grant Cardon - founder of What Ever It Takes Digital Network and best author describing sales methods and techniques according to the New York Times: “The best investment you can make is in yourself.”
This is what Grant’s grandmother said, and one eminent grandfather said something similar: “Study, study and study again.” And I completely agree with them - a businessman must develop by reading a lot, improving his skills and communicating with successful people.

5.Mary Kay Ash - founder and director of Mary Kay Cosmetics: “If you think you can do what you set out to do, you can. However, if you doubt and are not sure, you will not be able to.”
The most successful businesswoman of the 20th century talks about confidence, without it you will be confused at the first difficulties.

6 . Bill Gates - Microsoft co-founder: “Your worst clients are your richest source of knowledge.”
In business, not only the experience of success is important, but also the experience of failure. By realizing this and analyzing your mistakes, you will understand what not to do and where you can do much better.

7. Many many bankrupt entrepreneurs : “You shouldn’t take out a loan if you’re planning to start a business from scratch. Also, do not use funds that were intended for children's education, medical treatment or mortgage payments.
You must be aware of all the risks and understand that there is always a possibility of failure. Therefore, you should not go all-in.

Dream! Go for it! Rejoice!

So, I decided to become an entrepreneur. But can I, do I have the makings of a businessman?
Looking for an answer to this question: “how to start a business from scratch,” I read a lot of literature and several autobiographies of successful businessmen. And this is what I understood:

  1. Firstly, you need to thoroughly approach the issue of choosing the field of your activity.
  2. Secondly, you can’t do without strong motivation and a willingness to overcome difficulties.
  3. And thirdly, you always need to set clear goals - the common good and a happy life are not the goals of business, its main task is to make a profit from its activities.

Motivation is 95% of success!

First, I decided to figure out my motivation. To do this, I asked myself the following questions:

1. What do I want from life in material terms?
My answer: an apartment, a car, many, many books and wealth for my loved ones.

2. Can I get what I want through business?
Answer: yes.

3. Are there easier or faster ways to achieve your goals, other than personal business?
Answer: I can try to win the lottery, but I’m unlikely to be lucky.

4. Am I able to make difficult decisions on my own, or have I in the past delegated these decisions to others?
Answer: yes, I got used to it from early childhood.

5. How quickly do I make decisions?
Answer: with a slight delay, I like to think everything over, but I do it quickly enough.

6. Do I have enough strength to overcome possible difficulties?
Answer: I'm not 100% sure, but I definitely don't like giving up.

To me, these are the answers of the average person, except that I want to have a large collection of books with the works of philosophers and key scientific figures.

You should also ask yourself these questions and think carefully about the answers. Remembering that there is no need to lie or embellish - you are doing it for yourself, and no one will know about it.
Because at this stage, you, like me, should find out what motivates you.

This could be the desire to buy a car that you have dreamed of since childhood, an apartment for your family, the opportunity to travel, or a strong desire to prove to yourself and everyone around you that you are capable of more than vegetating at work from 8 to 18:00 all your life.

Essentially speaking, the reason for your “I want!!!” not significant. The main thing is that it is a desire with three exclamation marks - the strength of motivation and its consistency are important.

My main “I want!!!” - these are books, each time overcoming difficulties, I thought about a new rare edition or a whole series of books. What gave me the incentive to continue after the first difficulties with suppliers appeared and when I was simply tired of daily small troubles.
By the way, I spent my first serious profit on the “Philosophical Heritage” series from the Mysl publishing house. As far as I remember, it cost me two or two and a half thousand dollars.

What will you buy with the money from your first earnings?

What brings profit - Business ideas!

Having realized that I had enough incentives to start my business from scratch, I moved on to the next stage - a business idea. With my resources and capabilities (no experience, no connections, almost no money), I selected the following options.

1.Training and consultations.
This is a good way to earn money if you are good at something and can teach it to other people. Plus, it doesn't require a lot of money. Let me explain with two examples how people make money in this area.

Example No. 1. You are a professional plumber, mechanic, welder of the highest level, working in the Housing Office and you are not satisfied with your salary. If I were you, I would buy a good video camera and make some instructional videos of you repairing or doing something.

Next, I would create my own channel on YouTube and post the video I filmed there. Afterwards, via social media. networks and specialized forums began to advertise their training. If you do this systematically and do it well, then over time you will have a sufficient number of subscribers and your YouTube channel will begin to make a profit.

Later, having gained considerable popularity (from 20 thousand subscribers), you can engage in hidden advertising, using or mentioning certain tools, brands or store names in the video.
You may think that no one needs this, but you are wrong! I myself recently changed the fittings in the drain tank, following the video instructions. In addition, by running such a business, you do not need to leave your main job.

Example №2 . I have a friend named Evgenia, the proud owner of a diploma with honors as a psychiatrist from one of the famous universities, specializing in human archetypes and family psychology.

So, two years ago, when the 2014 economic crisis hit, she lost most of her clients as people began to save on everything and on her services in particular. And she has two small children in her arms and a husband who has a high chance of losing his job.

Realizing the deplorable nature of her situation, she decided to take matters into her own hands by opening her own small business conducting seminars. To do this, she called her colleagues and classmates, found among them those who were also experiencing financial difficulties, and invited them to her home for a cup of tea.

At the meeting, Evgenia told about her situation and suggested that they unite to create a company to train and advise people through seminars. But she did it wisely, having found out in advance:

  • How much do such teachers earn?
  • How many competitors will they have?
  • How much does it cost to rent a room with an open area for lectures;
  • How to formalize such activities from a legal point of view;
  • What is in demand among the local population, what are their problems.

In other words, Evgenia did not propose an idea, but a normal business project with sufficient justification. Several of her colleagues decided to give it a try and after a couple of weeks of preparation, they held the first seminar on the topic “How to survive a crisis.”

I will omit the details of how they prepared for the seminar, since these things are of an individual nature. Let me just say that a year later their small “troupe” began to be invited to other cities. And this says a lot.

2.Trade on the Internet.
This is probably the easiest way to make money. Since this is the usual purchase and sale of goods (speculation), only in this case customers come not to your store, but to your website.
Therefore, for such an activity you need:

  1. Analyze possible options regarding what you will trade;
  2. Establish a legal entity face;
  3. Create your own website or social page. networks where you will offer your product to visitors;
  4. Find suppliers and make first purchases;
  5. Advertise your store and product by all available means;
  6. Make the first deal and continue in the same spirit, increasing the pace.

This is how a medium or large online store is created. But there is another option for speculation on the Internet - trading on avito or Olkh. These are web portals where people post advertisements about what they want to sell or want to buy.
To trade this way you only need to do four things:

  1. Understand what you will be trading;
  2. Register on and/or another similar site;
  3. Post an ad about what you are selling;
  4. Wait for the buyer and complete the transaction.

As you can see, it is not difficult and accessible to everyone. The only difficulty is understanding what you will be trading. But given the audience of such sites, which amounts to tens of millions of people, it is best to choose what you are knowledgeable about. And do business precisely on this.

3. I do what I can, but without management!
This section includes all types of business activities providing a wide variety of services. For example, if you are a gas equipment repairman and work for an intermediary company, then you can eliminate the extra link and communicate directly with your customers.

Let me give you an example from my personal life. I have an acquaintance, Victor, who used to work as an auto mechanic for a large automatic telephone exchange; he earned relatively good money, but he didn’t have enough to buy his own car. And after another conversation with the boss about increasing the salary, he got angry and quit.
When the anger passed, he was slightly frightened and even thought about a humiliating return to the telephone exchange from which he quit with all the pathos of an offended employee.

But one might say he was lucky. One of the managers of a construction company, which often repaired its equipment at the mentioned automatic telephone exchange, was surprised that Victor was not there. Remembering the professionalism of my friend, he found him and offered him to repair several cars at their service station. This is how another private entrepreneur appeared.
I was probably wrong. Victor was unlucky - it was entirely his fault.

5. A banal, but very simple way to make money on the Internet is advertising!
Surely you all already understand what I will write about in the title. Yes - it’s banal, yes - everyone does it, yes - you’re sick of this advertising. But it brings in a lot of money. Therefore, this method of earning money fits into the category of how to start your own business from scratch.
So what does a budding advertiser need?

  1. First, you need to create a place where advertising will be placed - a page on social media. networks, blog or your website.
  2. Secondly, you need to attract as many people as possible who will regularly visit your website or page - create interesting and constantly updated content.
  3. Thirdly, then you need to find advertisers and make them appropriate offers to advertise their goods and services on your portal.

You can do the last point yourself, or you can use special advertising banners from Internet search engines. By placing them on your page, you will make a profit without making any effort to find an advertiser.
This is one of the easiest ways to make money, but it has one significant drawback - a lot of competition. What is natural is that the easier it is to enter the market, the more people want to enter it.

6.How can you make money if you have a lot of money?
The options listed above worked for me and may work for you if you have little experience and virtually no money. However, if your resources are not as limited as mine, then you may want to consider other, more costly options.

  1. Startups– this is, roughly speaking, making money on other people’s business ideas. There are two types: the first is the search for people with ideas and the implementation of their ideas; the second is to act as an intermediary between people with ideas and investors.
  2. Classic production- This is the creation of a product by processing any raw material. For example, creating clothes, cast iron frying pans or children's toys.
  3. Agriculture- apart from growing mushrooms in the basement, this is a difficult and very expensive business, requiring very specific knowledge of what you will be growing.
  4. Production is the removal of fossil resources from the bowels of the Earth. Difficult, expensive, requires connections.

What kind of entrepreneur am I? Which one of you?

So, we determined that we had a reason and motivation to start our business from scratch, and we looked at possible options on how we could make money.
Our next step is to identify among the types of entrepreneurial activity the most suitable for us.
To do this, I used a method borrowed from psychologists. It consists of the following actions:

  1. We take a piece of paper and divide it vertically into three parts: my pros, cons, and what excites me. Regarding the latter, this is something you can do for a long time, and it does not cause you negative emotions. We fill in all the fields.
  2. Afterwards, in a similar way, we divide the A4 page in MS Word and send it to all our relatives, friends, classmates, colleagues, and clients. At the same time, we politely ask you to take a little time and fill out the document with all seriousness and honesty. Justify the request by the fact that you are deciding your fate or, alternatively, this is necessary to participate in a professional development seminar.
  3. After receiving the answers, analyze them, highlighting those that are repeated. Compare the result with your answers.

This simple method will help you understand how you see yourself and how others perceive you. Among the answers, we are most interested in people's observations about what you are interested in and what makes you enthusiastic. Once you find this, you will understand what is worth doing.

Considering the answers I received, my skills and education, I came to the following conclusion:

  1. The only services I can provide are teaching philosophy or consulting with an economist.
  2. But making money from buying and selling is nothing new to me. I worked for several years in a construction company, doing wholesale trade. And judging by the reviews of my colleagues and former clients, I did it well.

I decided to become a speculator. Of course, in the best sense of the word.
After reading many success stories of entrepreneurs and tips on how to start your own business from scratch, I chose for myself the simplest and at the same time the most budget-friendly option for starting a business - an online store selling clothes and shoes.

And that's why:

  1. Firstly, the costs of opening such a store are very small. It is enough to buy office equipment, open an individual entrepreneur and make a small supply of goods.
  2. Secondly, ease of entry into the market combined with ease of management. Of course, there is competition in this segment, but it does not satisfy all existing demand. And management comes down to technical solutions, which only need to be understood once.
  3. Thirdly, shoes and clothing are in stable and steady demand. I decided to sell those clothes that are considered branded in our country, although in fact they are not. That is, this is something that here costs from 50 dollars, and in Europe from 5 euros.

Using the scientific method to build a business from scratch.

You probably already realized that I have a technical background and I love philosophy. Therefore, you are unlikely to be surprised by my approach to the process of creating your own business.

To achieve my mercantile goals, I applied the Scientific Method of cognition to solve the assigned problems. Which proved its effectiveness 2 thousand years ago and is successfully used to this day.

It consists of 5 steps:
1. Definition of a task, goal or problem.
2. Observation.
3. Proposing hypotheses regarding how to complete a given task or solve an existing problem.
4. Conducting the experiment, that is, putting the hypothesis into practice.
5. Summing up: if the goal is achieved, then this leads to the end of the process; if not, we move on to the first point and begin a new cycle.

Next, I will tell you how to adapt the Scientific Method to start a business. But first, I would suggest you read a book by Robert Pirsig called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. This is a bestseller, the best-selling book of American literature of the last century, which, according to many people and publications like The New York Times, is among the 100 best books of world literature.
In this case, it will be useful to you for two reasons:

  1. It says a lot about how to apply the Scientific Method of knowledge in everyday life;
  2. There is also a whole chapter in the book about smarts.

Regarding the latter, this is an old word that combines three concepts: will, desire and enthusiasm. The book describes how to work with ingenuity so that it does not disappear, and you are always motivated to do what you need to do.

Step one is understanding the problem.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Once you and I have decided what kind of business is best to open, we must take the next step - set clear and very specific goals. Both intermediate and final.
In my case, this is a monthly stable income of 2 thousand US dollars, buying an apartment, creating a collection of books.

Moreover, I should receive such a profit within a year after opening the business, I planned to buy an apartment in a maximum of five years, and the collection of books should be replenished monthly.
As you can see, according to the scientific method, goals should not only be identified, it is also necessary to set a time frame for achieving them. Without doing this, you will always find a reason to put off something important for later.
Regarding the ultimate goal, for me it is the prosperity and well-being of my family. You may have something similar or something more specific. For example, earn $222 million and retire. You may also want to become a leader in your market segment.

Step two – observation (market analysis)

After setting a goal, it is necessary to understand the environment in which we will act, identifying subjects and objects, cause and effect. Which in our case will be marketing market analysis.
In other words, you need to conduct research on your own or contact a marketing campaign. During which we must understand the following:

1. Who is our consumer and what are his needs;
2. What about competition;
3. What we will sell - specific names of goods or services.
4. Where will we get the goods from if we trade;
5. What are the advantages of our product and what are the advantages in my organization compared to competitors;
6. How to attract customers and how to stimulate sales by increasing the average check;
7. How to increase the number of regular customers;
8. In what legal framework will we act?
9. Who is the most successful among my competitors and why.
10. What is the stability of the market, and what are the risks in this area of ​​activity.

In my case the answers would be:

1. Women from 15 to 45 years of average income, men from 20-35 years of average income, parents and guardians of children from 15 to 18 years of average income. Their need, which I focus on, is the purchase of branded, high-quality clothing at low prices.

2. My competitors are divided into two types: stores and private sellers selling online, as well as regular boutiques. I decided to select clients in the latter.

3. Sports shoes and clothing from famous sports brands, budget category. And outerwear is mostly for women from well-known brands. I don’t remember the exact names, it was a year and a half ago, and fashion, as you know, is highly variable.

4. We bought goods almost directly from manufacturers and transported them ourselves; we also bought goods with big discounts on Aliexpress and similar portals.

5. Our main advantage is price. We also offered many discounts for customers and did generous drawings of coupons for free purchases in our store.

6. It was decided to attract clients through the Internet and friends. In addition, in front of several boutiques, we bought banners and on them showed a couple of products that are sold in boutiques nearby and here. Comparing prices. Very effective, but there may be problems with boutique owners.

7. We attracted regular customers with the quality of service and its speed, as well as with promotions and discounts.

8. To open a business, it was necessary to establish an individual entrepreneur and hire a contractor to provide accounting services. In general, nothing complicated.

9. The most successful competitors are boutiques in crowded places (we cannot repeat their success) and several online stores that have been operating for a long time. The latter were successful thanks to excellent (I would say expensive) advertising. They also had a huge selection and big seasonal discounts. From this, at first we adopted only seasonal discounts and some positions of their Top Sales.

10. Considering that our segment is budget clothing and shoes, we can say that the market is very stable and there is always demand. But there are also risks, for example: closing the border for trucks, changes in legislation in terms of duties and customs clearance rules. I bet you will come up with something similar in many respects. And like any beginning entrepreneur, you will make money on the market by offering the same thing, but: cheaper, faster and better. Just like Gerald Ford said.

Step three is prediction and hypotheses. Business planning!

Having understood what our environment is like, we can begin to lay the foundation - creating a business plan. This is a fundamental document for any enterprise. Because it prescribes what, how and why to do in a given situation. In other words, these are instructions that you will follow when opening your own business. Typically, a business plan consists of the following sections:

1. Description of goals, objectives, environment, current state.
2. Description of what you will do, what services or products your company will offer to customers.
3. Marketing part. How you will sell, to whom you will sell and in what ways, including advertising and other marketing tools
4. Where you will get the product from or how you will create the services to sell.
5. Organizational part. Everything about the personnel and technical aspects of your activity is described here.
6. Budget. More precisely, its planning for several years in advance.
7. Methods of control and methods for summing up the final results.
8. Description of critical situations, such as bankruptcy or the occurrence of force majeure.
9. In what ways, if necessary, will the organizational and legal form of your business change.
It is necessary to draw up a business plan in such a way that it describes the most likely development options, as well as extreme options. With the addition of instructions for action to each of these options.
It is important to note that a business plan is very often a document for internal (secret) use. You understand that you should not disclose your action plan to potential or current competitors.

Step four – practice!

I will not describe this step much, since a scientific experiment in our case means the implementation of a business plan in practice. And everyone at this stage will have their own personal and unique experience. I will describe only the basic details.

I didn’t want to get involved with legal issues, so I used the services of a company that specializes in this. Their employees opened an individual entrepreneur and took over my accounting.

This was more than a year and a half ago. There were no problems with the tax service and other government agencies, so I have no desire to refuse this cooperation and hire a full-time accountant. After creating an individual entrepreneur, I bought the necessary office equipment and set up an office at home. I also hired an assistant. By luring him away from a successful competitor, offering a partnership if the store begins to make a profit.

By the way, this helped me a lot, both with creating a client base and with finding suppliers. And frankly speaking, in the beginning I was a subordinate, and my future junior partner was the boss. Which probably saved me a lot of growing pains.

In parallel with solving legal and technical issues, I also started a small advertising company. Which mainly consisted of distributing advertising postcards on the Internet.

On one side they showed celebrities in casual clothes, and on the other - photos with an assortment of boutiques. At the same time, price tags were drawn on the image, showing how much it cost celebrities to buy clothes and how much they cost in boutiques. And at the bottom of the picture there are small slogans like “feel the difference” or “not everything is gold that costs a lot.”

We also placed such pictures on banners at boutiques. Which had a double effect. We had more clients, but the owners of these boutiques “noticed” us and decided to “help”. Sending the tax and fire departments to visit us for a cup of coffee was fun.

Step five - preliminary results and changes to the primary action plan.

This step, according to the Scientific Campaign, is carried out to monitor the effectiveness of completing assigned tasks and draw conclusions about the success of hypotheses.
In business activities, this is the preparation of quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports. What is necessary to understand the general situation and control the level of sales, profitability, availability of goods in warehouses, etc.

Having compiled a report, it must be compared with the forecasts described earlier in the business plan. If there is such a scenario, then you need to continue to do everything as stated in the instructions. However, if the results achieved and the state of affairs go beyond what was predicted, adjustments need to be made to the planned action plan.

At the same time, you need to once again compare the assigned tasks and your resources, since sometimes everything changes so much that you will not be able to make a profit even with the optimal development of events. In addition, sometimes there are risks that outweigh the possible benefits - this means that you need to close your business and start from scratch in another market segment.

In my case, everything was very successful. Having organized everything and purchased the goods, my store began work.
My first clients were my friends and acquaintances, who knew that I would not deceive them. Then acquaintances of acquaintances came, and then their acquaintances, and in this simple way my store acquired the core of its customer base. Which gradually grew over time, thanks to advertising and satisfied customers.

A year and a half later, my online store was no longer just mine - I had two partners. Which made it possible to increase turnover, and more importantly, it freed up a lot of time that I can spend on what I like.
I haven’t changed my online store development plan, it still works.

The big problem is where to get money for start-up capital?

As you can see, my example turned out to be very simple and easy to repeat. The only thing you may have difficulty with is the formation of start-up capital.

Frankly, money to start a business is the main obstacle for most new ventures. For this reason, I missed this point in describing my experience as a new entrepreneur.

However, I did this not in order to bypass this detail, but in order to pay more attention to it, devoting a whole section to it.

Where can I get the required amount?

First, let's look at all the possible options from where, at least theoretically, you can get money for start-up capital.

1.First option – take a loan from a bank or lend money to relatives, friends or private lenders. I will write about this in more detail a little further down the text.

2. Second option – use of personal funds and savings. In my opinion, this is the best option if you have free money or savings without a specific purpose for using it.

3. Third option – search for an investor. That is, you need to find someone who will give you money to implement your business plan. Not a bad option, but, as a rule, this way you will lose some control over your business even before it opens.

If you want to find an investor, you can contact special structures that deal with startups or submit your business plan to one of the crowdfunding sites.

Crowdfunding is the group funding of something on a voluntary basis.

In the CIS, these are platforms such as Kickstarter and Boomstarter. By the way, by posting your idea on one of these sites, you can understand how feasible it is and how much investors believe in it. Big and small.

4. Fourth option – earn money. It’s difficult to add anything here, just work and accumulate funds until there is as much as you need to open a business.

5. Fifth option – sell what you don't need property, but one that you can do without. For example, a house in the village, a dacha, a car or an unnecessary decoration. In this case, weigh everything carefully and think about whether it’s worth risking what you already have.

6. The sixth option - few people know, but there are many international funds that finance free of charge various kinds of undertakings. As a rule, this is everything related to the environment, the fight against poverty, social development and the like.

If your business project directly or indirectly affects these goals, then you can receive a grant to start your business.

How to start your business from scratch without loans?

Remember the advice from those who created their own business from scratch? Among them there is one who says that you should not take out a loan to form start-up capital. Beginners really shouldn’t do this and here’s why:

  1. Firstly, without experience as a novice entrepreneur, the risk of ruin is very high. By taking out a loan, you are taking on a financial commitment that will remain even if you go broke.
  2. Secondly, loan payments will eat up the lion's share of your income, which will hinder your development or completely deprive you of income.
  3. Thirdly, when you take out money on credit, you largely become controlled by the lender.
  4. Fourthly, the need to pay money to the creditor every month almost always has a detrimental effect on your emotional state. Because of this, the quality of decisions made decreases.

Where did I get the money?

Having calculated in the business plan how much money I need at the initial stage: about 10 thousand dollars to solve technical problems, about 5-10 thousand dollars for promotion and another 3-5 thousand dollars in order to live while the store is closed will begin to make a profit. I realized that I was missing half of this amount - 10-15 thousand dollars.
I didn’t want to take out a loan - it’s unlikely that they’ll give it to me without collateral, and if they do, the interest rate will eat up all the profit.

There was another option with loans to relatives, but as smart men on television say, “modern economic realities did not allow this idea to be realized, and therefore we need to look for other options that would allow us to achieve the optimal development of this situation.” Therefore, I decided to follow the proven path - I began to trade binary options more actively.

For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll explain. Binary options are a unique tool for trading contracts for the purchase of goods with a predetermined execution time at a price predetermined in the contract. With such trading, the trader makes a profit if he correctly determines the movement of the value of the product.

In other words, if you bought an option on Rosneft shares for $100 with an upward forecast, and before the contract is executed, the price of these shares increased by 40%, then you will make a profit of $40. If the stock price falls, you will lose $100 completely, or most of it, depending on where and under what conditions you trade.

As you can see, making money on binary options comes down to predicting the movement of the value of a product. And it's actually not that difficult. In addition, trading can be entrusted to a third party, in which the percentage of successful binary options transactions is quite high - 85-95%. And just make a profit, like with investments, but faster.

Examples of successful stories from newbie entrepreneurs who built their business from scratch!

I probably won’t sum up my story with beautiful words and praise itself. Let me tell you two more stories of successfully starting a business from scratch, which can serve as a clear example for you and perhaps you will repeat them.

Masha, who could!

I have an excellent friend Masha, who received a diploma in historian-ethnologist a couple of years ago. When asked why she needed it and how she would earn money, Masha always answered - I like it, but I’ll get the money somehow.

So, after graduating from college, she got a job as a waitress, which is why many people made fun of her. And why lie - I often did this too. And at least give her some credit, she was always cheerful and self-confident. Which we chalked up to her friendly nature. But after some time we realized how wrong we were all. It turned out that all this time a grandiose plan was hidden in her pretty head, which she gradually implemented in secret from all of us.

The essence of her idea was simple - to find those who make authentic things of the 16th-19th centuries and find those who need them. You will say that it is simple and everyone can do it! However, by doing this, you only show that you do not know what you are talking about.
Yes, there are many copies and surrogates of antiques, but there are very, very few truly genuine, authentic antiquities. It's like the Katana trade - there are genuine swords from masters of their craft, which take months and sometimes years to make. And there are simple stamped copies in souvenir shops.

Let's continue the story. It took Masha a little more than one year to carry out her plan. During this time, she traveled through the darkness of cockroach towns and villages, where she looked for blacksmiths and needlewomen doing everything the old fashioned way. When a sufficient number of them had gathered, Masha organized an exhibition of these products, inviting representatives of the press and owners of companies involved in organizing various kinds of special events. In addition, there were many fans of historical reconstructions.

At the exhibition, our heroine invited everyone to try everything on and with extraordinary generosity handed out her business cards “Representative of the best masters of needlework and blacksmithing.” In the end, the idea was a success. Six months later, she put this business, as they say, “on stream.” And now he makes fun of us, sometimes.

From photoshopper to art studio manager.

The second story will be about a simple guy named Dima. He did not stand out in any way and lived a quiet, calm life, working in a photo studio, receiving quite normal money for it. Dima, as they say, was a professional “Photoshopper”. But as often happens, he was unlucky - he met my friend Alla. I really love her, but frankly speaking, I still need to look for such a “saw”. And her requests are not small.

And when everything became serious between them, she began to eat his brain out with conversations about the future, about children and the fact that he needed to strive for more, which means earning more. Dima, like a true man, of course, resisted for a long time. For about a week, but in the end he unconditionally capitulated.

At first, he began to earn extra money as a freelancer, fulfilling orders that he received on specialized exchanges. And very quickly his money began to increase. After just two months of working as a free mercenary, his salary increased two to three times.
During this time, Dima acquired regular clients and began collaborating with several freelancers like him, only they were engaged in programming and copywriting. Together they occasionally made websites for one customer.

Surely you already understand where this is going. Yes - Alla achieved her goal and Dima opened an Art Studio.
I won’t talk about what happened next; as they say, it’s a completely different fairy tale, but with a “happy ending.”


I'll probably end my story with one of my favorite quotes: “In baseball, as in business, there are three types of people: those who make things happen; those who look at what is happening and those who are surprised that this is happening at all.” This was said by famous basketball coach Tommy Lasorda.
Of course, he was talking about his own thing—baseball. But, in my opinion, this is the best parting word for a beginning entrepreneur. You have learned how to start your own business from scratch, now take action!
Be the one who surprises, not the one who is surprised!

Hello, dear readers of “PapaPomog”! In touch, Airus Rohan is the founder of the famous startup school for teenagers “Heritage XXI”, a businessman, co-author of 12 patents for inventions in the field of alternative energy, construction of sewerage and water supply.

Is it possible to open a business from scratch without starting capital and investments? Is it worth taking on this in 2019 or postponing your ideas until better times? How to avoid mistakes if you decide to open your own business?

Friends, in this article you will find only the practical experience of an active businessman and no theory. By applying these tips, you can launch your business and dramatically change your life.

Make yourself comfortable, we're starting!

There is an opinion that those who have already accumulated experience in running a business should open their own business. I disagree with this statement. Mark Zuckerberg didn't have any experience when he created Facebook. Steve Jobs had minimal work experience at Atari when he decided to start his own business.

I myself started my own business while still a student, simply having an entrepreneurial “string”, the belief that everything would work out. Experience is not necessary to start your own business, but if you have it, it will be a little easier.

The most important criterion of success for a novice businessman is the willingness to overcome daily difficulties, deal with failures and doubts, especially at the start, and make decisions quickly.

A beginner will have to learn to cope with problems that pour in from everywhere, with constant stress. Over time, you will come to understand that this is just a work process, and the stress will pass.

I advise opening a business to those who know how to overcome social and emotional pressure, to those who are able to analyze their mistakes in a timely manner, quickly work on them, and correct them. Make decisions and act quickly.

If you have these qualities, you will not break at the start, you will develop, take responsibility for your actions and the actions of other people, and become a successful entrepreneur.

What is important to know before starting a business?

Many entrepreneurs do not have any special or universal knowledge. You need to prepare yourself for the fact that many difficulties await you, but you will overcome them all.

Many successful businessmen do not know what a USP or a sales funnel is, but they intuitively make the necessary, successful decisions, having the ability to transform their experience into new ideas.

First of all, an entrepreneur must think about the value of his business for people and be able to build a team and trust other people.

If you strive to do everything on your own, you will not become an entrepreneur, but a private owner. That is, those who exchange their strength and time for money, like a hired worker.


There is safety in numbers!

My business story from scratch

In fact, my business history begins with a film school, which I opened in the canteen of one of the schools in Krasnoyarsk. Acting skills and stage speech were taught there.

We were allowed to conduct classes for free in the cafeteria. I found specialists who were ready to train the guys and the director and cameraman, who for only 1,000 rubles (director) and 500 rubles (cameraman) made a short film like “Jumble.”

Businessman Airus Rohan

During the lessons we gave a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice, and filmed short sketches.

Having gained experience from our teachers, I myself began to teach acting, stage movements, and speech. During 2 years of teaching at school, I learned how to shoot and edit videos myself.

One of my students was a pickup artist and offered to teach me how to do it in exchange for my acting experience.

Together with him, we began to teach free courses for high school students on the topics: “How to get rid of bad habits”, “Financial independence and success for girls.” The guys who were interested then came to us for paid pickup training.

I decided to do the same with acting. After the first presentation in one of the schools, 7 people came to us for training. There are 150 schools in Krasnoyarsk in total. I realized that if I gave a presentation in every school, I would recruit 1,000 students. According to my calculations, with 700 students my net profit would be 1,000,000 rubles.

That's exactly what I did. Earned in 2 months 1,200,000 rubles of net profit.

The next stage is a trip to Omsk. Following Omsk were Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. I decided to move to a franchise model and converted the film school into a business school. The first franchise branches opened in Krasnoyarsk and Kazan, and then in 7 more cities.

As of 2019, our schools operate in 50 cities. We combined filming with business training, startup discovery and innovative ideas and got a unique product - a reality show about creating startups. We produce the highest quality videos on startups in the CIS and are preparing a full-fledged training series.

Monthly personal income from all my businesses - 500-700 thousand rubles per month, and all other income is invested in new innovative projects, which do not bring me any income yet.

Is it worth starting a business in 2019?

According to analysts, traditional business models no longer bring super profits. Therefore, many existing entrepreneurs either sell their business or are looking for new ways to grow and increase income.

The market is never stable for a long time. Changes in the economy and legislation for some become a reason to changing the direction of activity or selling a business , and for others - favorable conditions for starting .

A crisis– a transitional stage for the implementation of new solutions, new ideas and startups, a favorable time for innovative business, when you can offer customers a new idea much cheaper than competitors and win. A crisis is a test of a businessman’s resilience, efficiency, and openness to new solutions.

If during a crisis you figure out how to provide the same services that were in demand before the economic downturn, only cheaper than your competitors, you will not only not fail, but, on the contrary, you will win.

Let's look at how this works using a cafe as an example.

Customers regularly came to the cafe and they liked everything. But with their income dwindling due to the crisis, many of their clients were unable to visit. You decide to open a nearby cafe that is just as cool as your competitors.

We just found a way to optimize costs without losing the quality of dishes and offer them at more affordable prices. As a result, those visitors who went to a neighboring cafe will come to you, because it costs 30% less to dine at your place.

If you are determined to move from employees or private owners to the ranks of businessmen, this year may be the most favorable for you. If you open up in difficult conditions, then nothing will break you!

Is it possible to start your own business without investment?

It is possible to start a business without financial investments. Money itself is not a resource, but an intermediary between resources. With money you hire people, purchase raw materials, technical and information resources.

To purchase them you can use prospects. Offer to intermediaries percentage of future profits , share your idea so that your potential partner will agree to provide you with the resource you need.

We teach this principle to our students. A striking example of the work of such a model is the project to create a glove that cools the blood of athletes. This is a premium product and has promise. Our students agreed with the Innova company to produce it for a percentage of future sales.

The story of my business is an example of building a business without investment. We often agreed to open schools in different cities in business centers without paying rent, at the expense of the traffic of people into the premises, and advertising. Or asked "rental holidays"– the ability to not pay rent at all or pay partially for a certain period of time.

If there are a lot of premises idle in a shopping or business center, then landlords will easily agree to such a profitable “deal” for you. The landlord does not lose anything if your business fails, but if it succeeds, he receives: rent, increased traffic in the shopping center, new potential tenants, advertising.

I always tell my franchisees to try to be smart with their finances. There is no need to immediately invest large budgets: in advertising on TV, with bloggers, contextual advertising, or hiring employees. You will always have time to do this with working capital.

Start earning money first, show that you are efficient, that you know how to work with people, provide high-quality services, and learn to optimize costs. And when you have a stable, large net profit, 50-70% of it can be poured into promotion and scaling.


Look for the maximum opportunity to perform those actions that will bring money right now: in a few days, a week. 90% Everything you do should be related to making money “today.”

The second successful project is rolling coasters for soft chairs. We have already made sales of 300,000 rubles without launching production of the product. We received pre-orders by making a prototype and a beautiful presentation video.

Using this principle, you can make the first model, give it to someone (for example, a blogger), and take a video interview with reviews. Next, prepare a commercial proposal and send it to anti-cafes and coworking centers. The second way is to present the video and raise money for mass production on crowdfunding platforms.

A business opened without investment is the strongest!

It is based on:

  • “powerful” team;
  • cool idea;
  • charismatic leader;
  • ability to communicate with other people.

It’s easy to start a business with money, but those who have mastered the principles of this section will be able to open without money.

What to choose: LLC or individual entrepreneur

Choosing a legal form of ownership is a very important point when starting a business. I recommend understanding all the nuances, advantages and disadvantages of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs by studying the articles on our portal.

The decision of whether to open an LLC or an individual entrepreneur is influenced by many factors. They need to be considered in the context of what line of business you have chosen.

We list the main ones:

  1. Tax system. The choice is based on an analysis of many factors and features of your business.
  2. Interaction with people(how many people will you hire). In this matter (hiring staff), the conclusion of civil law contracts is suitable for beginners. By concluding a contract, you will not need to pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the employee and pay “sick leave” in the event of a person’s incapacity for work.
  3. Complexity. Individual entrepreneur is a more simplified form of reporting and taxation activities. It will be easier for you to understand documents and reports.
  4. Risks. An LLC is liable with its authorized capital, and an individual entrepreneur is liable with all its property. It is important to understand the financial risks associated with your activities. Information and consulting business is considered non-risky.

After watching the video below, you will be able to figure out what is right for you: an LLC or an individual entrepreneur.

How to open your own business - expert instructions

Regardless of what idea you base your business on, you need to take several important steps, on which the success of its implementation largely depends.

Let's look at every step a new entrepreneur needs to take.

Step 1: Choose your business model

There are many options and ideas for starting your own business, in different directions. The choice depends on whether you are opening with or without start-up capital, whether you have experience in entrepreneurship or are new to this business.

Depending on these factors, you can consider both a startup and other business options. We will now talk about each of them in more detail.

1. Creating your own product/service. Your idea must benefit people, otherwise it will not interest anyone and will not sell. The basis of such an idea is a new combination of already existing elements or ideas. The result of such an idea is a solution to a specific problem for specific people.

When working on creating a new device or inventing a service, always represent the target audience - those to whom your offer will be interesting and necessary.

2. Franchise business. The advantage of this solution is that you are joining an already existing, profitable business that has a ready-made idea or product. You don't have to create or invent anything. It is enough to follow the franchise agreement.

To start a business using this model, you need finance to pay the initial (lump sum) payment, and you will need expenses to start the business. You will also pay the franchisor a fixed monthly payment (royalty).

The advantage of this model is the receipt of invaluable experience in running a business from the franchisor, guarantees of success and profitability. The main thing is to analyze the market well and choose the offer that is most interesting to you.

3. Business on resale of goods. Reselling goods is another way to start your own business with a small investment at the start. The main thing in this niche is to analyze the market well and select products that will help your project take off. Cooperation with reliable suppliers is also of great importance.

Practice shows that Business with China is not a “runaway train”, but on the contrary, it is a direction that is gaining momentum

4. Opening a traditional business. If you have start-up capital, as well as a desire to open a business in a competitive niche, but have not yet decided on the direction, subscribe to our group on VK and follow new articles on business ideas. Each new publication is practical information from entrepreneurs on how to launch and run a business in different niches and directions.

Since this article is dedicated to those who are planning to open a business from scratch, the following steps will describe the actions of beginners who want to start their own business without large investments.

Step 2. Analyze the market and offers similar to yours

Your idea doesn't have to be innovative or unique. It may be “as old as time,” but you presented it in a new interpretation.


You open a small cafe with a low price tag for good, nutritious lunches. Low prices and excellent quality of food guarantee you a stable income.

To compete with other cafes, you can make an ascetic interior design and make do with a minimum number of service personnel (only cooks, cashiers, cleaners). Your audience is employees of nearby offices and shops. You won’t be able to compete with expensive restaurants, but you will feel confident in your niche.

For your idea to be competitive, it must meet at least one, or preferably two, criteria:

  • Comfort and quality for the buyer.
  • Speed ​​(delivery, order fulfillment).
  • Prestige.
  • The price is lower than competitors (without losing the quality of the product/service).

At this stage, you need to create a competent Unique Selling Proposition that will distinguish your product or service from similar offers from competitors.

Find out how to create a USP from the video:

Step 3: Identify your customer

Even at the stage of developing an idea, you should represent those who will need your product. You must clearly understand who your buyer is, where he lives, what he is interested in, and how he will be attracted to your offer.

Make at least 4-5 portraits of your target audience. These portraits will help you deal with the worries, fears, and possible objections of your potential buyers.

The more detailed you describe desires, objections and fears, the easier it will be for you to offer a product that solves the problems of your future customers.

Determining your target audience is not an easy task, so we have prepared a table for you that will make it easy for you to analyze the criteria of your audience and work with their objections. Using the example of portraits of the target audience of an online school that teaches how to make money on social networks, it will be easy for you to create a portrait of your potential consumers. Download the spreadsheet and use it every time you launch a new product or service!

The better you know your target audience, the easier it will be for you to attract and interest them.

Step 4: Create a Product

Launching mass production of a product is possible only when you are convinced that your idea is in demand.

First, create a prototype of your product, a trial version. It can be quite simple, made from what you have on hand. A prototype is needed so that you can test the complexity of manufacturing a product, find its weak points, ideas for improvement, and work out connections with suppliers of raw materials.

One of our successful startups is the manual concrete mixer-wheel WILLY. The prototype for its creation was a simple metal barrel, to which a handle made of a bent aluminum pipe was screwed. We placed the ingredients for the concrete mixture inside the barrel and rolled it.

Further work on the concrete mixer is to improve the design.

Feel free to bring in experts to help you refine your idea. If you cannot yet pay specialists for their help, agree with them to cooperate for a percentage of the profit that the new product will bring you.

Step 5. Start selling

The ideal solution for business is sales at the stage of product preparation, that is, work on pre-orders. This requires an effective advertising campaign even at the prototype stage. Take a photo or video showing the product and advertise it.

It is important to correctly determine the cost of your product. Include in it the cost, your margin and the cost of attracting a client.

Always divide the profit from the first sales into three parts: personal income, finances for finalizing/improving the product and funds for increasing turnover.

Step 6: Build Power

At first, you will be able to scale (increase sales) through well-constructed advertising. Over time, there will be fewer buyers from your region or city, so you need to explore new markets.

You can scale in three ways:

  1. Increase your coverage area (start sales in other cities and regions).
  2. Expand your range (introduce new products or additional products to your main product).
  3. Conduct sales in a cyclical way (releasing new versions of your product).

Basic mistakes of newbies

It’s no secret that not all businessmen succeed in starting their own business successfully. Many people make mistakes at the very beginning of their journey, become disappointed in the idea, and see no prospects.

The most common mistakes of novice entrepreneurs

1. Desire to make money instantly, and not to give something to people, to bring a new solution.

2. There is no attempt to find competitive advantages. The businessman does not try to understand the niche (product, service) and prepare his own unique selling proposition.

3. The desire to work alone, without a team. There is no command that closes 4 functions: entrepreneur or generator (author of the idea), producer (knows what to do with the product at each stage), integrator (sets up communications), administrator (routine tasks).

4. Working with relatives and friends. Friends and relatives often envy, slow down the entrepreneur, and force him to please them. There is no strategy for when friendships are lost, you have to break up and you have to keep the company.

5. A lot of extra expenses at the start, loans to start a business. We need to try to look for smart solutions without attracting funds. If you think that your business urgently needs money, then you are mistaken about something!

6. Perfectionism, striving for ideals, decadent moods. The discrepancy between the real state of affairs and the ideal that the businessman imagined for himself creates stress and there is no opportunity to see new solutions. It is important to understand that even failure in business is an experience that can bring income in the future.

Try to treat running a business like a game with missions and levels of varying complexity. Difficulties and new tasks to be solved will appear on your path. If you take them too seriously, you will become stressed, you will worry, and you will end up not seeing the right, effective solutions to these difficulties.

A “game” attitude towards business will give you a certain reserve of emotional strength, will help you more easily survive any trials and problems, and receive pleasure and income from the process.

Just when “playing,” never go beyond the Criminal Code!

Where to find an investor

In cases where there is little time to start a business, you cannot do without investment to open it.

Investors prefer to invest in profitable projects that can be scaled. They must see the willingness of customers to use your product, your first profits. Without a product or its prototype, first sales results, it will be difficult to convince an investor to help you.

You can get the required amount of money in different ways. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Method 1. Crowdfunding, startup exchanges

Boomstarter, Kickstarter, Planeta, Indiegogo are the main platforms for investing in startups. Here you can post your idea and wait for the required amount to support it. The operating conditions of such exchanges are publicity. The authorship of the idea remains with you, and the report on its implementation and other information on the project becomes public.

To present your project you will need high-quality photos and videos of your product, a beautiful, interesting presentation.

Method 2. Involving friends, acquaintances, relatives

Get your friends or relatives interested in your idea. They can help you not only financially, but also physically, for example in making a presentation of the product or the product itself. They can also provide assistance in administration, delivery of materials, and their purchase.

You can motivate your assistants with a percentage of future profits, but be careful. Friendship and family relationships may not stand the test of joint business.

Method 3. Attracting an investor

Look in your city for those who supervise business projects or are involved in investing and simply wealthy people. Select several potential investors and prepare to talk to each of them.

You need an interesting presentation, as well as information about each of the potential investors, so that you can interest them as much as possible. Do not limit yourself to searching for an investor only in your city, look in other cities and regions.

Handle investor objections. If you consistently receive refusals, analyze them and eliminate the reason (unconvincing presentation, “crude” product).

Method 4. Obtaining government support

You can count on government support only if you have already registered an LLC or individual entrepreneur and if your activities are not related to pawnshops, investment funds, insurance, minerals, excise and excise goods, securities and loans.

To support start-up entrepreneurs, the state provides grants, subsidies, or provides loans on preferential terms. Such support is temporary, paid and repayable. Therefore, before applying for it, consider whether such help is right for you.

Where to get a business loan

At the start, you need to spend money only on what you can’t help but spend on! Remember this important rule. Only if you have no personal savings at all, contact credit institutions.

Banks will not give you a loan to open a startup. They prefer to cooperate with companies that already have a stable income.

Convenient and practical option - credit card registration . The most interesting offers on the credit market:

  • Tinkoff Platinum credit card. The maximum limit on it is 300,000 rubles. When making purchases on the card, you get 30% back with points, interest-free installments with partners for up to 12 months. The interest rate on the card is from 12% per annum.
  • 120 days without interest. This is an offer from the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development with a limit of up to 300,000 rubles. There is a grace period for all transactions. Cashback up to 1% on purchases.
  • "#Everything is allowed" . A special feature of this card from Rosbank is a limit of up to 1 million rubles. Approval of most applications. Choosing a preferential program - cashback in stores or travel bonuses.
  • 100 days without interest. This Alfa-Bank card has a limit of up to 500,000 rubles. The interest rate starts from 11.99%. 0% interest on the loan is valid for 100 days.

Consumer loan

A loan without collateral or guarantors for the implementation of any goals is offered by Raiffeisenbank. The maximum offer limit is 2 million rubles. The interest rate starts at 8.99%. The loan term is up to five years. The decision on your application takes just a few minutes.

Another advantageous offer has been prepared by Sovcombank. Open the Halva card and actively pay with it in stores. You will have the opportunity to get a loan at 0%, and also, after repaying it, receive interest from Sovcombank. The loan limit is up to 1 million rubles. The loan term is up to 5 years.

This offer is beneficial not only to you, but also to the bank, because it makes a profit by returning interest from partner stores where you pay with the card.

To be guaranteed to receive the maximum loan amount, you must provide proof of income and confirm your employment.

What kind of business is profitable to open - what worked?

I categorically do not advise doing something that you don’t have a passion for and that you don’t understand. Even if a direction you are not interested in is now mega profitable and popular, do not take it up.

Make a list of what you love and can do. Pay attention to the “I love and can” matches in your list. Obviously, this is the direction you should take.

Additionally, make a list of things that irritate you. Obviously, in the things that irritate you, there are things that irritate others, which means you can also build a business on this.

Try to bring play, interest, features into business processes, add something new, something that others don’t have. And then your business will definitely take off.

Wealth is created when innovation is introduced into an existing industry.


Wheels for suitcases. There has been a suitcase industry for many years. When people began to fly on passenger planes en masse, there was a need to carry a lot of luggage with them. The idea of ​​adding wheels to a suitcase made things easier for passengers and brought profit to its creator.

Today, any direction is promising and you can achieve success in any niche if your idea has game aspects, a USP (unique selling proposition), as well as “what I love and what I can do.”

Successful case

The Lingualeo application for learning English, created by a friend of mine, is an example of a combination of a game, learning, an interesting idea and what my friend likes and does.

Directions that struck my students

For now, we can talk about the success of projects implemented earlier. The anti-cafe and sale of interesting sweets have proven themselves well. It is too early to talk about the success of innovative ideas, because these areas are still developing. They are already generating income, but they have not yet turned into large projects.

Today the most successful projects are:

  1. Blood cooling glove.
  2. Levitating advertising. A mock-up of a hamburger that flies in the air.
  3. Stand for poufs.
  4. Heated lunch box (heating due to a chemical reaction that is safe for food).
  5. Suspenders for clothes, thanks to which the shirt does not come out of the pants.
  6. Manual concrete mixer wheel.
  7. Smartphone stand PIN-POD.


Business – providing an opportunity for a person to satisfy his basic needs with the help of certain products or services. Make a product better than your competitors, better quality, more prestigious or faster, and you will have a unique selling proposition (USP).

Books, films to help aspiring businessmen

I recommend watching films strictly in a certain sequence:

  • « A Brief History of Time" about the history of evolution, the history of the Universe.
  • "Evolution of Life" about how evolution works in the example of humanity. The formation of a business, team and personality follows the same milestones as evolution.
  • "House" And "House. Travel story" about what is happening to the world now.
  • "Spirit of time. Next step". Description of the solution to the problem from the previous film.
  • "Matrix" - a brilliant metaphor for how humanity is being blinded.
  • "On the Edge" with E. Hopkins. He talks about how productive thinking helps you survive.
  • "American Gangster" R. Scott. The film is about how to think outside the box. He inspired me to scale my business.
  • "Pirates of Silicon Valley." It is about the idols of world business, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and how competition can become an impetus for development.
  • "Jobs." Biography of Steve Jobs.
  • "Aviator" with DiCaprio. The film is about what makes a person truly successful.
  • "Founder" about the opening of McDonald's .
  • "Wall Street" And "Wall Street. Money doesn’t sleep.”
  • TV serials "Billions" about businessmen and their thinking, "Silicon Valley" about startupers and "In everything heavy" shows how much a person can change under the pressure of his desires.

A few books for aspiring business owners that I recommend:

  • "A Dog Named Mani" Bodo Schaefer. A book about money written in the format of a children's adventure story. She teaches you how to properly handle money and increase it. Together with the heroes of the book, you will understand how to deal with your finances correctly, what needs to be changed in life to make your dreams and desires come true.
  • "The Richest Man in Babylon" George Clason. This book talks about the importance of financial success and how to achieve it. Available to a wide range of readers.
  • "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" Robin Sharma- parables about a man who experienced a deep spiritual crisis and discovered a new world for himself. A book about the importance of positive thinking and living according to your calling.

Main conclusions

To wrap up the topic, I’ll voice a few main thoughts on how to open your own business from scratch:

  1. Be sure to try doing business. Even if it doesn’t work out, you will have experience that will be useful to you in the future. Try opening a business several times. Today he is the engine of progress, of changing the world. This is a type of creativity where you can look for new ways.

To start your own business, you need to choose a suitable direction of activity, draw up a business plan, and find a platform for the implementation of your plans. After which – purchase equipment and tools for work, register with the tax office, hire staff and get to work!

Owning your own business is the cherished dream of millions of Russians: who could be a better boss than yourself? Who else should you share your success with, if not with yourself and your partners? Thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs are not afraid even of the crisis and the prospect of complete ruin. The most difficult thing is to take the first step, abandon the usual pattern of behavior and plunge headlong into the world of high earnings.

Before you start your business, you need to create a certain reserve. It is possible that for several months the new enterprise will not bring any profit - only losses. It is important to evaluate each step, analyzing its prospects, otherwise ruin is a matter of time. What should a young entrepreneur do on his path to success?

Starting a business includes many stages:

    Choosing an idea.

    Maybe you'll like selling ice cream at a children's park: the profits are solid. Or you are crazy about beer, and therefore want to open your own factory. Or, like Oleg Sirota, organize the production of Parmesan in the Russian outback. Perhaps an entrepreneur is seduced by his own sugaring studio - there are many options.

  1. Search for a site.
  2. Every business needs a headquarters where activities are planned and coordinated. This could be a traditional office, rented for a certain period of time, a coworking space, or a virtual space. This expense item is very important for productive work.
  3. Activities must be based on a competent and accurate project that will allow success to be achieved in the foreseeable future. The fewer “white spots” in the plan, the clearer and more understandable the labor process.


    The legal form can be an institute or LLC. Less common forms of doing business require more time and money to register.

    Obtaining permits and approvals.

    Licenses will be required for the sale of alcohol, private investigation, educational, medical activities and other areas of work. Decisions of various bodies are also needed for trade and construction - it all depends on specific circumstances.

    Registration of credits and loans.

    If your own working capital is not enough, you need to think about attracting resources. A loan can be issued to start working on a franchise; equipment can also be purchased on lease - you need to look for options. In addition, the newly created company can nominate shares, which is also an excellent way to raise funds.

    Purchase and installation of equipment.

    To carry out any activity, objects and means of labor are required: their role can be machines, cars or simply computers. Without your own equipment base, it is impossible to ensure stable operation and plan it.

    Hiring staff.

    For a specific business plan and company, you need to select all the necessary employees: from the chief accountant to the cleaner. The process of hiring them depends on the organizational and legal form, but in any case must comply with the law.

    Choice of taxation system.

    Various alternatives are suitable for specific companies, depending on the number of employees and turnover. The choice of taxation system is very important for maintaining the maximum amount of resources on the company’s account.

    Launch of the project.

    After the main stages have been completed, you can proceed to the start. A big mistake is made by those entrepreneurs who start working without their own business plan and a clear answer to the question of what they want to achieve from life.

There are many other steps that a future millionaire will have to take. When thinking about how to start your own business, do not forget to make sure that it is legal in Russia. Thus, in our country the sale of psychotropic (narcotic) drugs, the activities of financial pyramids, and totalitarian sects are prohibited.

For 7 months of 2015, 383 thousand individual entrepreneurs were registered in Russia (this is almost 17% more than a year earlier). The total number of entrepreneurs was 3.5 million: approximately 5% of the total working population of Russia. Rapid growth was also noted among farms: the annual increase reached almost 50% - 18,500 more. In total there are 139.6 thousand units in Russia.

Buying a franchise as a sure start to business

Don't know how to start your own business without any hassle? Then you should definitely try an easy start with the help of a franchise. This is a ready-made model of work, more details of a business plan, thanks to which stable and successful activities are ensured. The most common types of franchises are chain restaurants, cafes, beauty salons, clothing and shoe stores.

A franchise has a number of advantages:

  1. Fixed costs. The level of expenses is carefully verified by the developers, deviations from the “general line” are within 10%.
  2. Training and assistance. Franchise creators will help in training staff, creating a corporate style, and achieving the desired level of service.
  3. Fast project progress. Good promotion of network companies is an excellent opportunity to quickly take your share of the business.
  4. Stable profit. Unlike the trial and error system, working with a franchise guarantees a certain income if all the recommendations of the model creator are fully followed.

Not everyone is equally lucky: entrepreneurial activity is always associated with high risks. Thus, in just 3 months of 2015, 3,756 legal entities in Russia were declared bankrupt in accordance with the established procedure. This means that they were unable to pay off their obligations and were forcibly liquidated. In total, 14,500 companies went bankrupt in 2014, and about 10% in December.

Purchasing an existing business

To avoid doubts and torment at the very beginning of your entrepreneurial career, you can purchase a ready-made business. This is much easier than creating your own store, restaurant or beauty salon. The buyer will not have to go through the process of registering a company or hiring staff again. It is enough just to competently take on the management of activities for the organization to generate stable profits.

Unlike purchasing a franchise, purchasing an existing business does not require paying royalties. It is enough to pay the seller once to keep all the dividends for yourself in the future. Some banks issue loans for the purchase of other people's businesses, so theoretically you can buy someone else's dream even without your own funds, but in practice this is unlikely.

Crowdfunding platforms - an investment tool

One of the main problems of a young entrepreneur is the lack of his own resources. CF platforms will help solve this issue: a place where money is issued against promises. The idea itself originated in the West, but has also taken root in Russia. Various amounts of funds are collected over several days or weeks. The main thing is that the idea is fresh, original and catchy: in this case, the success of the entrepreneur is guaranteed.

Summary: stop dreaming, it's time to act

So, starting your own business is a significant risk because every entrepreneur risks everything he has. However, with a competent approach to business, success is inevitable: every year thousands of people around the world become millionaires, and you have a real chance to be one of them.

What is a small business? What are the origins of entrepreneurship in Russia? How can a beginner start a small business on his own?

Hello, dear readers! Eduard Stembolsky is in touch!

The article will help you open your own business from scratch: I will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to open your own business and explain how to avoid common beginner mistakes.

Read the article to the end, and you will not have a single question or doubt on this topic.

Let's start friends!

1. What is small business and entrepreneurship in general?

Small business is synonymous with private entrepreneurship. In the special economic literature, the definition of this concept is as follows:

is a set of legal structures and individuals engaged in business and not part of monopolies and large corporations.

Small businesses are characterized by limited production volumes and a small number of full-time employees. Sometimes you can find the following definition:

– a business activity carried out by a limited group of individuals or a company managed by one owner.

Economic experts consider small business to be a high-risk financial and commercial activity.

The ultimate goal of entrepreneurship is to obtain constant profit from the production or sale of goods (services).

The efficiency of a small enterprise is determined by the growth of income over a certain period. Business profitability (economic benefit) is the ratio of the costs of organizing business activities to the profit received.

Many citizens of our country who want to raise their income above the average level begin to engage in entrepreneurial activity. Anyone can open their own business. The most important thing is to find a profitable idea and provide a competent approach. We will tell you how to build your business from scratch and grow during a crisis in this article.

First steps

Before you start a small business from scratch, you need to find a working idea and preferably more than one. An entrepreneur must constantly come up with something, test and take risks, of course, within reasonable limits, that is, test ideas in practice. If something doesn’t work out, you need to try your hand at another area of ​​activity.

So, where can you start a business from scratch?

Most often, the basis for starting your own business is knowledge or skills in a particular field. Think carefully about what you can do best and sketch out options on where you can apply this knowledge with minimal investment. Of all the selected ideas for 2019 on how to start your business from scratch, test 2-3 of the best projects. If an idea doesn't work, don't waste your time on it. You can always find another, more promising option.

Now let's look at several popular ideas on how to start your own business from scratch, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in practice.

Taxi service

If you live in the city, you can organize a taxi dispatch service. To do this, you do not have to buy cars or hire contract drivers with their own cars.

To get started, it is enough to rent a small room in which dispatchers will work. To save on office rent, you can find suitable premises somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

In terms of equipment, you will need:

  • Telephone line with a memorable number;
  • Computer;
  • Access to the Internet;
  • Chairs and tables.

For all this you will spend 1-3 thousand dollars. In the future, if you develop your business, it can develop into a full-fledged transport company.

A taxi dispatch service is a great idea on how to organize your business from scratch. To attract customers, offer them various discounts and bonuses - free trips or ordering a taxi via smartphone.

Cleaning agency

This is a great option. All you need is to purchase cleaning products, rent professional cleaning equipment and hire qualified staff. This line of business is highly profitable, so you can return all your initial investment in the first month of operation.

Before opening a business, it is advisable to find several regular clients whom you will visit 2-3 times a week. This could be a small shopping or business center. In order to organize a cleaning company, you will need approximately 150 thousand rubles. But at first, as mentioned above, you can get by with minimal investment.

Business with China

Recently, Chinese products have become in great demand among domestic consumers. The main reason for such popularity is affordable prices and acceptable quality. Goods from China can be purchased at a low price from the manufacturer and sold at a good margin. You can build a business on this from scratch with minimal investment.

The easiest way is dropshipping, that is, direct deliveries. This type of entrepreneurial activity appeared in our country relatively recently. It began to develop along with the opening of the first online stores. Dropshipping attracts many enterprising people because they do not need to purchase products in bulk and pay money for them. You buy the product after the customer places an order in your online store and pays for the purchase. All you need to do is agree on cooperation with the Chinese supplier. After you transfer the money to the seller's account, he will send the goods to the address you specified. This scheme has been working for many years and brings decent profits to dropshippers.

Training courses

Selling educational video courses is one of the most common ways you can build a business from scratch on the Internet. Almost every person has knowledge in a particular area.

It could be:

  • Growing indoor plants;
  • Rabbit breeding;
  • Playing guitar;
  • Soap making;
  • Handmade crafts and much more.

Modern people are eager to learn something new, so they are happy to buy educational video courses. These can be extensive lessons or small master classes. In order to create such a video course, you will need a computer, a video camera and headphones with a microphone. Another option is to conduct lessons online via Skype. This is a great way to start a business from scratch without money and say goodbye to working for the owner. If you organize this business correctly, success is inevitable.

Courier service

Do you want to open your own, but don’t have money to start? Don't be upset. There are many ideas that allow you to start your own business without an initial investment, for example, your own.

This type of activity does not require any special knowledge or skills, so it is perfect for beginners who have limited financial resources. It is better to open a courier delivery service in a big city, since in small towns your business will not bring good profits.

If you plan to deliver correspondence and small parcels, you can do without transport. For larger shipments, you can hire drivers with their own cars. In addition, you need to take care of the computer and telephone network. You will spend 10-15 thousand rubles on this. All initial investments will pay off in the first month of operation. If you are looking for ideas on how to start a business from scratch, pay attention to this promising and quite profitable line of business.

Growing vegetables

Do not know, ? Try growing vegetables in your own garden plot. Decide which products are in greatest demand and get to work. At first, you can grow vegetables in open ground.

Profits from the sale of crops can be invested in the construction of a greenhouse. In this case, you will be able to sell fresh vegetables and herbs all year round. In warm regions, it is more profitable to grow melons - melons and watermelons. A good income comes from growing green onions, dill and parsley in a greenhouse.

Another profitable option is growing flowers for sale. The profitability of such a business reaches 300%. At first, in order to save money at the start, you should focus on “standard flowers” ​​- petunias, chrysanthemums, tulips. When the business begins to flourish, you can try growing expensive exotic plants. According to experts, your own greenhouse is an excellent option, without large financial investments.

Restoration of pillows

This is one of the simplest. Developing your own business in a small town is much more difficult than in a large metropolis. But if you choose the right direction of activity, it will bring you excellent profits. In order to open a workshop for restoring pillows, you need to rent a room and purchase special equipment. The cost of such a unit is 1–1.8 thousand dollars. In addition, you will need another $300-350 to purchase additional equipment and paperwork. Such a business can also be opened as a franchise. Its starting price is 3 thousand dollars. If you complete 15 orders daily, you can earn 2.5 thousand dollars a month. After deducting monthly expenses, the net profit will be approximately 1.5 thousand dollars. And this is a good indicator for a novice entrepreneur.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in how to properly build a business from scratch so that it brings not only good income, but also pleasure?

  1. Opening your own business without financial investments in the production or trade sector is not so easy. But saving at the initial stage is quite possible. For example, at first you can set up an office in your own home, advertise your business using free advertisements in the media or on the Internet, and perform all the basic functions yourself, without hiring hired employees;
  2. After you choose an idea to start a business from scratch, draw up a project implementation plan and complete all the necessary documents, you can begin promoting your enterprise;
  3. If you want to start a new business from scratch, it is impossible to do without an effective advertising campaign. Thanks to this, you will be able to attract potential clients and take your business to a new, higher level;