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How to open a children's development center from scratch? What is needed to open a children's development center? Children's club: how to open and make it profitable What is needed to open a club.

The materials in this thematic section will help in the development and execution of work programs in the system of additional education for children. These pages contain ready-made programs for clubs of various types. These materials are often provided with comments from teachers about their direct application in practice. Each of the publications represents a developed additional educational course in a specific area. Including: experimental, artistic and aesthetic, local history and environmental, physical education and valeology.

Create only excellent work programs, using the positive experience of your colleagues.

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  • Programs. Educational, working, variative, additional education

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All sections | Circle work. Club programs, work programs for additional education for children

Report on the additional program of club activities in the preparatory group Report on work mug"Future Schoolboy" for 2018-2019 in preparatory group No. 5 Preparation children to literacy learning occupies a special place in the development of children's speech. Literacy is the ability to read and write texts, express one's thoughts in writing, understand...

Program of the "Origins" circle in the second junior group Adopted by the pedagogical council on August 30, 2018, Protocol No. 1 APPROVED by Order of the head of the MBDOU DS No. 2 dated August 30, 2018. No. 50-osn Head of MBDOU DS No. 2 _ I.A. Lezhikova Municipal budget preschool educational establishment of a general developmental kindergarten with...

Circle work. Club programs, work programs for additional education for children - Approbation of the additional education program “I am a researcher” in the practice of preschool education"

Publication “Approbation of the additional education program “I am a researcher” in...” Relevance of the project under development: The desire to observe and experiment, to independently seek new information about the world are the most important features of normal children's behavior. Research and search activity is the natural state of a child. Children's need for...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Program for a circle in kindergarten Club program "Merry Orchestra" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "General developmental kindergarten No. 110" Author - compiler: Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Dorovskaya, music director 2018 1 Contents Explanatory note page 3...

Play is one of the main activities of children. At any age, play is a leading activity, a necessary condition for the comprehensive development of children and one of the main means of their upbringing and education. During the game, favorable conditions are created for the formation...

Group work program on non-traditional drawing techniques “Merry Rainbow” for children of primary preschool age Municipal budgetary preschool education institution "Kindergarten No. 12" "MERRY RAINBOW" ARTISTIC AND AESTHETIC CIRCLE WORK PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN OF JUNIOR PRESCHOOL AGE Compiled by: teacher Shchedrinova A.M. Implementation period: 1 year Contents...

Circle work. Club programs, work programs for additional education of children - Additional educational general development program “Entertaining Logic”

Age of students: 5-7 years Implementation period: 8 months (1 academic year) Author-compiler of the program: Gaidarova Liliya Agamirzoevna Sergeeva Svetlana Vladimirovna teachers of additional education: Moscow, 2019 Explanatory note. The focus of the program...

You will need

  • - methodological developments for the chosen type of activity;
  • - standard or original program;
  • - approximate cost estimate;
  • - list of materials and equipment.


Find out what clubs are available in nearby schools, cultural and additional education institutions. Decide what you would like to teach. The organizational form depends on what kind of circle it will be and what contingent it is intended for.

It is most convenient to create a circle for a wider range of students at any cultural or additional education institution. Contact your manager. Explain what you want and what your circle will work on. In an additional education institution, it can become part of the overall structure. In cultural institutions, circles are most often created on a self-sufficiency basis.

For a circle at an additional education institution, you will need to complete a package of documents common to similar institutions. Each children's art house has its own nuances, but what you definitely need is a program. You can take a standard program; they are available for many types of circles. Develop your working one based on it. Consider the number of hours allotted to you. Don’t forget to record your participation in competitions and exhibitions; these hours are also included in the total class time. The rest is the responsibility of the head of the institution.

The fate of the circle at a cultural institution is decided by the director of the cultural center. There are less stringent documentation requirements here. You will need a work plan and attendance log. Make an estimate. Usually a fixed rental payment is required, and the rest is up to you. Consider the necessary costs for materials, etc.

You can create a children's circle even in your apartment. To do this, you need to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur and indicate “educational services” in the permitted activities. The pedagogical activities of individuals are not regulated by Russian legislation. So you can engage your children in an interesting and useful activity completely freely, if there is no need to issue them with completion documents. By the way, as an individual entrepreneur, you can organize a children’s club in absolutely any institution that agrees to rent premises to you.


If your circle becomes part of the structure of an institution, the management of the institution bears responsibility for the life and health of children. In an independent circle, you take responsibility.

Helpful advice

It may also turn out that the director of the children's creativity center does not have the opportunity to include your circle in the structure of the institution. In any case, this will take some time, because the issue must be agreed upon with the education committee. You can create a circle on self-sufficiency terms. You only need to agree with the director to rent an office for a few hours a week. In this case, you are essentially creating a new institution of additional education. It will be subject to all requirements of Russian legislation. You need to write the charter, choose founders, form of ownership, etc. If you are going to issue state-issued documents to graduates, you will also need licensing. This is a fairly lengthy procedure, which makes sense if you are creating a training center with a large number of clubs.

If you are an artist or musician and make money from your craft, but are quite tired of working in a professional environment, start working with children. You can organize your own creative studio. Working with children will bring you a lot of positive emotions, and over time, perhaps, will develop into a profitable business.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - start-up capital;
  • - recruitment of teachers;
  • - a large number of legal consultations;


Ask for help from any existing children's club or development. Such clubs can be located at Palaces of Creativity or youth clubs. Offer your educational program. Often such institutions require additional education teachers. Many of them will be happy to hire you. The advantages of such work are obvious - you will be given a room and everything you need for classes. In addition, you will be officially employed, and the work schedule will be a maximum of 20 hours per week. But this option is suitable for those who look at themselves only as a teacher.

Rent a room suitable for classes if your goal is not just to become a teacher, but to organize a studio as a business. Make sure the room meets fire safety requirements. You will have to obtain the appropriate conclusions from the fire inspectorate and sanitary and epidemiological station.

Register as an individual entrepreneur or obtain a license for educational activities. After this, you can select teachers to work with children. At the first stage, do not try to collect many referrals. Take one or two items. At the same time, you yourself need to understand these subjects. For example, organize a guitar course or studio. Choose activities that you won’t need any special expenses to start. And you can easily recruit students for such popular areas.

You can make hand puppets on your own! For this, gloves that are unnecessary on the farm are suitable, on which you will need to embroider eyes, a nose, a mouth, and decorate the resulting face from threads. The main thing is that the toy is the size of the puppeteer’s hand.

Make a fabric toy. To get a pattern, place your palm on the paper and trace. The hand should be as if it were being worn: the index finger looks up, the thumb and little finger are spread out to the sides, the remaining fingers are tucked. On the pattern, make allowances on the sides of one centimeter for the seams. Now take a thick fabric that is soft and pleasant to the touch. Cut the two parts of the glove doll and sew them together. As a head, you can use a ball made using papier-mâché or borrow this part from an old unnecessary toy.

Come up with a scenario. You can take well-known fairy tales or something original as a basis. The younger the participants in the performance, the simpler the work should be. At first, you can entrust the child with a role with a minimum of words, and then complicate his part. When the script is ready, select suitable scenery and costumes.

Find sound effects for the performance. You can record music on a separate disc and turn it on and off at the right time.

Arrange a rehearsal for the performance, where each puppeteer can repeat his part of the words and practice interacting with the toy before performing to the public.

When everything is ready for the premiere, build an auditorium out of chairs. You can make toy tickets for a puppet show, or create a mini buffet with drinks and popcorn. The main thing is that all participants in the home performance get maximum pleasure from the process.

A theater studio can be created for children and adults. At the studio, students and visitors receive knowledge in acting, vocals, dancing, stage speech and stage movements. But the main calling of the theater studio is still numerous productions and sketches in various genres, thanks to which the acting talent of the participants in the process develops. How to organize your own theater studio from scratch?

One leader is not enough for an organization. A staff of professional creative specialists is required who will teach the art of theater to everyone who enrolls in the studio. You will also need an accountant and cashier to carry out the required calculations and offer tickets to studio guests. You may need an administrator or a part-time assistant. If the studio plans to go on tour over time, it will need transport that delivers the troupe along with its props to the place, as well as a driver.

To open your own theater studio, you will need start-up capital. But if it is not there or is catastrophically small, you can consider the option of a studio acting as a franchise. To do this, you should find through the Internet or advertisements offers from large theater studios that promote their systems of teaching theater arts, starting from childhood. Such training centers help initially support financially and creatively newly opened theater studios, centers and clubs.

Organizing a circle First, take care of looking for future regular customers. The best place to look for them is among friendly families who know you well and want to attend your classes. After receiving two or three “clients”, determine the time for your circle. Typically, such events for preschool children take place between ten in the morning and six in the evening. Arrange for regular meetings on a certain day of the week, keep in mind that if at the very beginning of the circle’s activities the meetings are suddenly cancelled, it will be very difficult to gather people again.

After solving basic organizational issues, think about the theme of the circle. If you don’t have a lot of clients, you can arrange a meeting with them and discuss the proposed topics. You need to prepare very carefully for such meetings so as not to look stupid by coming empty-handed. Choose global, large topics that will require several lessons to develop. For example, if you are going to create with an emphasis on drawing, suggest studying color combinations, proportions, perspective. Such global topics are enough for six months to a year of study. The main thing is to present them in a correct and accessible playful form if your club is designed for preschoolers.

Make classes interesting

Be sure to search the Internet or buy specialized manuals in which you can find valuable information about teaching children, interesting exercises and assignments. Be prepared to devote a lot of time to this. Useful information like this will make your clubs more interesting for participants.

You can expand the circle with the help of advertisements that can be placed in nearby kindergartens, libraries and schools. You can place an ad on the Internet on specialized resources.

To keep the circle together, to interest children and their parents, you can find some external goal - preparation for an exhibition, participation in a concert, competition or charity event. Think in advance about what could become such a unifying factor. The first “outings” help all participants unite and increase their interest in the activities of the circle.

Over time, if your event is a success, you might want to think about renting a dedicated space for it. A studio, a gym, a dance hall - all this can be found quite easily in almost any area of ​​the city. In this case, it is important to discuss all financial issues with the parents of your students.

Today, products and services related to children in one way or another are becoming increasingly popular. One of the first places in this area is occupied by preschool development centers. Due to the catastrophic shortage of places in public schools, as well as their widespread dilapidation and impoverishment, various developmental centers for children are a great idea.

That is why many mothers, concerned about the lack of quality development of their children, as well as those who are in search of opportunities to earn money “without taking time away from the child,” are increasingly thinking about how to open a children’s center. What needs to be done for this first and how much effort and money will have to be spent at the initial stage. We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

Analyzing the market

So, you have decided to open a children's development center. Where to start and what to pay attention to first? As in any other business, it is best to start with an analysis of the existing services market. In order for your upcoming venture to be successful, you first need to carefully look around and soberly assess the presence of potential competitors. Before opening a children's development center, find out if there are such institutions in your area:

  1. State kindergarten. The advantages of such an institution include the relatively low cost of services and the fact that children are supervised all day long. Disadvantages: a large number of children in the group, which negatively affects the quality of learning the educational material. In addition, the qualifications and level of interest of educators often leaves much to be desired.
  2. The good things are small groups and high interest of teachers. The negative is the high level of payment.
  3. Sport sections. Quite a narrowly focused development, and besides, children are usually accepted there no earlier than three or four years old.
  4. Fitness clubs. About the same as sports clubs, but the cost of visiting them is much more expensive.
  5. Circles in various interest clubs. The advantages include low pay and the ability to often change direction - if you didn’t like one thing, let’s try another. One of the disadvantages is the “age requirement” - such establishments usually accept children no younger than 4-5 years old. In addition, the pedagogical level of the team does not always meet the expectations of parents.

If your area already has a sufficient number of the above establishments, consider whether you can offer your customers something that can withstand quite a lot of competition.

How to open a children's development center: business plan

As you know, any good business begins with careful planning. Of course, it will not be possible to draw up a detailed business plan within the framework of this article, because each region, city and town has its own prices, and everyone has different starting opportunities. But a few general recommendations can be considered. Before opening a children's development center from scratch, you need to:

  • develop the very concept of the business - think about what services you will provide;
  • prepare and issue all permits;
  • select and prepare documents for the premises in which the center will be located;
  • purchase the necessary equipment, teaching aids, toys, and so on;
  • determine which specialists can help you in your work, arrange a casting for personnel selection;
  • conduct a competent advertising campaign, arrange a presentation of a new development center;
  • establish a workflow, eliminate minor problems that cannot be figured out until the center starts working;

Now let's look at some of these points in more detail.

Choosing a room

Of course, the choice of premises will primarily depend on your financial capabilities and the availability of offers. However, anyone who already knows exactly how to open a children's development center from scratch can confidently confirm that there are several mandatory requirements that must be met when choosing premises.

  • If you do not plan to open a full-fledged kindergarten, even with a mini-prefix, then a room with a total area of ​​50 to 100 m2 is quite enough for you.
  • Pay attention to the height of the ceilings - at least 3 m.
  • The room should be divided into several isolated rooms: a locker room/reception area, a training area, a games room, a toilet/washbasin. If your center is designed for long-term stay of children, you should also provide a separate room for sleeping and eating, as well as a room for staff.
  • The finishing of walls and ceilings in all rooms must be such that regular wet cleaning can be carried out. Ordinary paper wallpaper will not work; you will have to make repairs.
  • In bedrooms and playrooms, the temperature regime must be maintained - 19-21˚C.
  • All switches and sockets must be located at least 1.8 m above the floor level.
  • The premises must have a fire exit and be removed from the housing stock.

We are hiring staff

Before you open a children's development center from scratch, think about what services you will provide. It can be said that staffing is the most important step in the opening process. How qualified and dedicated your employees are will determine whether your center will be successful and popular. The minimum set of employees you will need looks like this:

  • director/manager;
  • accountant;
  • teachers/educators by number of chosen areas;
  • teacher assistant/nanny;
  • nurse;
  • security guard;
  • cleaning woman;

If you plan to provide catering, you will also need a cook and dishwasher. Of course, in order to save money, employees can work part-time: a security guard, for example, can perform the duties of a plumber and electrician, and a nanny can combine babysitting with working as a dishwasher. If relatives can help you as service personnel at first, then you need to pay special attention to the selection of teachers (educators). If the kids are bored in class, and mothers remain dissatisfied with the level and speed of development of their child, your center will very soon be left without a clientele.


Now let's move on to the next stage. What else will you need to do to open a children's development center? Where to start attracting clients? Well, of course, with advertising, it is known to be the engine of trade.

Of course, it all depends on your financial capabilities, but in general terms, methods of attracting clients can be as follows:

  • colorful invitation leaflets (distributed on the street, you can negotiate with teachers and leave them in the locker rooms of kindergartens or clinics);
  • banners and banners on the streets of the area;
  • advertising in transport (routes passing through your area);
  • events with the invitation of animators for residents of the microdistrict, at children's playgrounds;
  • creation, development and promotion of your own website;
  • creating a group on social networks and forums in the region;
  • viral advertising;
  • advertising on a local TV channel or radio station;

Payback period and profitability

Before opening a children's development center, it is necessary not only to thoroughly study the activities of competitors, but also to carefully calculate the costs. The main monthly expense items will be:

  • rent of premises, utility costs;
  • remuneration of hired personnel;
  • taxes;
  • security during the day and night;
  • One-time expenses are also possible:
  • indoor renovation;
  • purchase of furniture, toys and sports equipment;
  • expenses for processing a package of documents and permits from various authorities (SES, firefighters, etc.);
  • purchase of household and office equipment (boiler, TV, computer, stereo system, etc.);

Based on the experience of people who have already opened similar centers, we can say that depending on the region in which you live, the total costs can range from 50-70 thousand rubles (20-25 thousand UAH) to half a million (150-160 thousand). UAH). The payback of such projects is estimated at 2-3 years, and profitability is 20-25%.

So if you dream of quick profits and high incomes, you should look for another way to achieve what you want.

How difficult is it to open a children's development center as a franchise?

If all of the above seems too complicated to you, and you are still afraid to take the first step, you can consider purchasing a franchise. This means that for a certain fee, an already existing and successfully operating company will provide you with all its developments. All you have to do is repeat the path you have taken step by step. Specialists from the franchisor company (the one who transfers their experience) will accompany the opening of the center from the first to the last day, and will bring you, so to speak, “to the result.”

So, what is needed to open a children's development center as a franchise? You can find a lot of offers on the Internet; all you have to do is study them carefully and choose the most suitable one for yourself. At the same time, be sure to carefully study the terms of the franchise, as some companies may impose conditions that may later turn out to be unacceptable. For example, it may be too large monthly payments (royalties).

What is needed to open a center in Russia

Before you begin your work, you need to formalize everything and obtain the appropriate permits. Here is a list of what is needed to open a children's development center:

  • register an individual entrepreneurship;
  • select OKVED codes that suit yours; this could be: 93.05, 85.32, 92.51, which means personal services, child care and supervision and organization of club-type establishments, respectively;
  • register and open a bank account;
  • register (register) with the tax service at your place of residence;
  • choose a taxation system - many advise in this case to choose the simplified tax system, this allows you to significantly save on accountant services;

If the activities of your institution are related to education, then in order to open a children's development center, you will additionally need to obtain a license. This is quite a troublesome matter, but there is one unwritten rule here - if the full official name of your center does not contain the words “training” or “educational”, you do not need to issue a license. But it is best to get advice from a qualified lawyer for each specific case. It’s not that expensive, but it will help you avoid troubles and fines in the future.

Features of opening a center in Ukraine

To be honest, the opening of such a center in Ukraine is not much different from its Russian counterpart. The biggest difference is that it is quite difficult to open such a center without obtaining a license. Therefore, before opening a children's development center in Ukraine, you should definitely obtain legal advice. Most often it is advised to choose the following OKVED codes:

  • 47.90 - retail trade outside the store;
  • 96.06 - provision of other individual services;
  • 93.29 - organization of other types of recreation and entertainment;

In Ukraine, you will also have to register a private enterprise, or more precisely, a sole proprietorship - an individual entrepreneur. For work, it is best to choose the second tax group, so you will have to pay less taxes. And one more small nuance: in Ukraine, the employment contract for employees is tripartite - they must be registered at the employment center.

Now you at least know in general terms how to open a children's development center from scratch. At the end of the article, I would like to add some useful tips that will help you save some money and reduce the payback period of a young enterprise.

  1. If you chose “unlicensed” OKVED, do not write “teacher” or “teacher” in the work books of employees. It is better to use the wording “consultant” or “instructor”; the same applies to the employment contract.
  2. Come up with a highlight for your center - something that will distinguish it from other similar establishments. For example, let’s say you only have clowns perform every first day of the month, or in the month when a child has a birthday, he will get a discount on a subscription. Anything, as long as people remember it.
  3. Conduct monthly/quarterly parent surveys. Find out what other skills they want to develop in their children, and what they are willing to pay extra for. Maybe mothers will want to invite a children's yoga instructor, but classes with a French teacher are not interesting to them.
  4. To partially recoup the cost of renting the premises, you can sublet part of it hourly for classes with a psychologist or speech therapist.
  5. Introduce a bonus invitation system based on the principle: “bring 3 friends and get a discount for the next month.” This will allow your center to receive an additional influx of visitors.

And, of course, love your new endeavor. Remember: in order to open and successfully develop such a center, first of all you need to love children.

Okay, then let’s be honest: I’m deeply “violet” whether you will get promoted or not. Can you organize it or not?
I answered you as a mother-consumer.
My experience as a mother: two children. The son has music, dancing and preparation for school, the daughter has a sports school. In addition to kindergarten, both have a kindergarten program and additional classes.
So, specifically for “private” lessons or kindergartens, extended day groups...
1. I don’t care where to come and where to change my child’s clothes.
2. I care where to expect my child, especially important during the cold season.
3. As a mother, I want to see what my child is being taught, especially if it is not professional sports (the same dance ensembles or sports school, where mothers are distracted from the result, and children go to a diploma from the same dance school or categories).
4. I care how my child’s safety is ensured in relationships with other children.
5. conditions – cleanliness, comfort, comfort (reasonable), safety (sharp and breakable objects), lighting.
6. how many children are in the group. More than 10 – no need, excuse me, “kindergarten”. Or then this is a kindergarten.
7. provision of drinking water and food. What is provided. If food is included, then under what conditions (but it’s better for you not to get involved in this). But the availability of drinking water for my child will not be the last point, since I may simply not have time to buy it, take it with me, or the child will drink it, especially in the heat.
8. At home - having a medical book from the teacher is mandatory. In institutions, this issue has been brought up to speed.
9. Permission from the sanitary station to work in this premises with children.
10. Educational material. The presence both in the group and the need to buy something with you. If I were to buy it, then the availability of available material (the same clay for modeling is not always available for sale, especially “blue.” And even the “German” plasticine putty is not suitable for everyone in terms of fat content, viscosity, etc. Sometimes it’s easier for a child give the usual “Soviet” one, albeit fatty, but easy for modeling).
11. Study time, break time. Sorry, but at school the preparation time for 5-6 year olds is given no more than 30 minutes per lesson. And yes, 3 hours is 4-5 lessons with breaks. And yes, I don’t care whether my child will constantly sit, switching his attention, or whether there will be “jumping ropes”.
12. A sports complex, a playground and a studio for modeling and drawing are completely three different rooms according to their purpose. Drawing and sculpting means getting dirty, “throwing” leaves and boards all over the table. Play is a place to run, play, make noise. The Swedish wall means the presence of mats is mandatory and more thorough cleaning even than in the first two rooms, since it is “floor-mat-wall-ceiling”.
13. How many people will take care of the children at the same time? Since not everyone wants to string beads on a string for 10 minutes and exchange the same monotonous activities all this time. I have experience going to a Montessori group. The big-ass kids are bored there. But modeling and playing at the same time are incompatible.
14. Your statement that my 6-year-old, and even more so 3-4-year-old child is hyperactive and it is not normal for him to be like that at his age would be your last statement to me personally. After that, I would try to create anti-advertising for you in our neighborhood and would also incite not only the sanitation station to see if you have all the permits. Since this is rudeness to the mother towards the child. At 6 years old this is normal. You are not a doctor to hand out diagnoses in absentia (even when you see a child for the first time), and in general, not every calm child will sit through 3 hours with the same type of task. If my child has certain problems, then I, as a mother, know this. And your remark will be, at best, an unforgivable tactlessness. It’s one thing to listen about my “mind,” but another thing about my child.
Therefore, my advice to you is to watch your attitude towards children and what you say to mothers, even if their child is “not like that” and even more so if the child is different from the others.

In general, a bunch of things that “at first glance” decide a lot right away.
Moreover, please note, I did not at all tie your circle to any definition of this activity.

And so, then from the tax office you receive a code for the type of activity (here you can get advice on how exactly to designate the type of activity - they have a list of diverse groups), choose a tax reporting method, and receive permission from the relevant authorities. When working with children, have a special conversation with firefighters and especially with the SANITARY STATION. Next, the equipment of the premises and advertising. And then, strictly speaking, the work itself.
And the fact that you like to tinker with children;)... In general, good luck. Just remember that when working with other people’s children, mothers look not only at how you communicate and what you teach their offspring, but also at many other factors. Including your appearance, your manner of speaking, what you say to your parents and especially about their children...

In general, I advise you to work as a nanny in a kindergarten for at least a month;). Then you will immediately decide whether you can work morally with children of approximately the same age and in numbers of more than two or three;).

In general, good luck to you ;).

The easiest way to open a children's studio is to buy.

But if you still want to do it yourself, we offer you step-by-step instructions from an expert at SandLand.

Business with children has become increasingly popular lately. There are several reasons for this - firstly, the trend towards early development of children is capturing the minds of an increasing number of parents. Almost from the very birth of a baby, mothers and fathers think about how to develop the creative abilities of their child, how to make him smarter and more educated, how to promote the full and multifaceted development of his personality.

This issue is especially acute for parents of children aged 3 to 5 years. It is at this age that any parent tries to invest the maximum in the child’s development by enrolling him in various sports sections and creative clubs, dance schools, music schools, etc. If just a few years ago the number of offers to spend children’s leisure time usefully was limited to sections and clubs of city children’s creativity centers, as well as specialized art, music and choreography schools, today the situation is changing radically.

Now the children's leisure and early development industry is represented by private children's studios, which offer more competitive services compared to municipal institutions. Moreover, the very approach to children, their development and education is radically different from the usual approach of the “Soviet” school. In such children's studios, the goal is not to turn a child into a Tchaikovsky or Maya Plisetskaya by any means, even against the wishes and capabilities of the child himself. Children's studios use a more loyal and flexible approach, teach through play, develop creative abilities without evaluation and coercion, caring primarily about the moral and psychological state of children.

Another reason for the popularity of business for children is that the sphere of children's services is quite rich in business ideas that can be implemented with minimal investment and a great desire to work for yourself and develop your business. Naturally, at the initial stage, a children's studio will have to devote a lot of time and effort. But at the same time, a children's studio as a business can combine both profit and satisfaction, and pleasure from the activity.

The very business idea of ​​a children's studio, like most business ideas related to children, primarily attracts women, especially young and active mothers who, after having children, completely rethink their lives. That is why the majority of children's studio owners are women. It is they who, after the birth of a child, are faced with needs and problems for which they themselves would not mind paying. But not finding an option suitable for certain criteria (comfort, location, level of service, destination or pricing policy), they decide to open their own business.

Read on to find out what needs to be done to open your own children's studio, how to start a business with children step by step and start making money and developing.

Investment size

A children's studio is a good option for a novice businessman, also for the reason that the investment in opening it is quite small. This is an extremely important parameter for a first business.

With a certain resourcefulness, when opening a children's studio, it is quite possible to keep the initial investment within 200-250 thousand rubles. Although, of course, the amount will largely depend on how much it will cost to rent the premises, how much you will spend on repairs and equipment, what supplies you will purchase, and what teachers you will hire.

Calculate all expected expense items and, just in case, set aside a slightly larger amount to start than you need. This will allow you to survive the first crisis months, when the pool of clients is just growing, relatively painlessly.

Where can I get money?

But even a small amount of money for initial investments needs to be taken from somewhere. The ideal source of investment is your own savings. By investing your money in your business, you will significantly reduce the risks, and there will be much less stress: no debts that need to be repaid with interest, no additional monthly expenses (and these are already high for a young business), no loan obligations hanging over you sword of Damocles.

But not everyone has their own funds to start. But almost everyone has relatives and friends whose help they can turn to. Although there is still a risk of ruining the relationship.

But a bank loan is a last resort. It is fraught with overpayments, and recently banks have not been particularly willing to issue loans. If you are going to invest very little money in a small business, you can use a credit card that gives you the opportunity to not pay interest if you manage to pay the money back within three months.

You can also count on government assistance in the form of subsidies. Practice shows that it is quite possible to receive financial support from the authorities. But for this you will have to be patient: from year to year the procedure for obtaining funds becomes more and more difficult.

It is especially difficult to get a grant in big cities, and the bureaucracy is to blame for this. Even if you are full of enthusiasm, it may completely evaporate in the process of collecting all the necessary documents. And the chances of receiving financial support from the state are not one hundred percent.

In small towns, matters with obtaining funds are somewhat simpler. But regardless of the size of the city, certain risks still remain. Even if a grant for your project is approved, you may never see the money. There are cases when businessmen are simply deceived.

Step-by-step instruction

After you have identified the demand for your studio and found the money to open it, you need to think about your corporate identity. This is important for any business, there can be no exceptions. Even the smallest project should not give the impression of a “sharashka office”; people should understand its significance. To do this, they need to see that the project is thought out from top to bottom.

Remember the famous phrase “whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail”? It is perfectly applicable to the business of a children's studio, so first of all you need to choose the perfect name and come to grips with the corporate style. And it is not at all necessary that the latter will cost you a fabulous amount.

Personal experience

I started by thinking through the corporate style. To do this I had to resort to the help of a designer. I found him among freelancers and wrote to them. a task on which he relied during his work. A good designer charges 15-10 thousand rubles for development. There is no need to spare money on this, especially since the amount is not so large. But people will see how attentive you are to details and will appreciate your approach to business. A single corporate identity that is used everywhere - on business cards, leaflets, etc. - creates more trust among clients and promotes recognition of your studio.

The interior of the studio should also fit into the canons of the corporate style, so it is important to think it through to the smallest detail. Only after you have decided on the image of the future studio, you can start purchasing building materials and renovating the premises.

After repairs, it’s time to purchase equipment. What kind of equipment it will be depends on what your studio does. In my case, I had to purchase regular tables and special tables for rice sand, a camera, a projector, and a projection screen.

Equipment prices will vary greatly. For example, a small children's table can cost 1 thousand rubles, or maybe 8 thousand. The choice is yours. Just remember that the most important thing is that the tables meet the minimum standards, and the presence of golden legs is the tenth thing. The same, in principle, applies to any other equipment.

The amount of equipment depends on how many children will be studying in your studio at the same time. Everything we have is designed to hold classes with six children. This is the optimal number of students, since it is with this group size that the teacher can pay sufficient attention to each child.

As for the choice of equipment suppliers, a lot depends on the city of opening. It’s easier to find a supplier that best suits your parameters in a big city.

The larger the city, the greater the choice of equipment.

For a studio in a small town, you will most likely have to order everything on the website. This may delay the process somewhat or lead to unexpected results.

If we talk about the criteria for selecting suppliers, the main one is price-quality ratio. No need to rush to low prices! Decide what quality of equipment you need, understand the indicators and technical characteristics. You will have to do this to understand whether you are purchasing good equipment. And only after everything becomes extremely clear with the characteristics, you can compare prices from different suppliers.

It is advisable to choose monopoly firms that produce one type of equipment. For example, they only produce projectors.

Often those who supply equipment are ready to provide consumables. At least that's the case in the sand painting world.

Finding suppliers of both equipment and consumables is becoming easier every year. In our field, demand is constantly growing, which is why more and more companies are appearing. And you can “access” them via the Internet.

If you are opening something fundamentally new, there may be difficulties with suppliers. If finding them is no longer easy, you can try to make the equipment yourself. However, there is a question of quality here.

After the supplies and equipment have been purchased, you need to start thinking about the methodology for working with children and the operating hours of the studio itself.

In our studios, classes last from 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the age of the children. For longer periods of time, it is simply difficult for kids to concentrate on one activity.

We work with children mainly on weekday evenings or weekends. During the week, the schedule is designed so that it is convenient for parents to bring their children after their work day ends or their child is in kindergarten. And on weekends there are mainly children's parties.

An equally important issue is personnel selection. In fact, choosing a good teacher is by no means easy, if only because some of the criteria may not always be clearly advantageous. For example, extensive work experience and an extensive track record are not a guarantee of quality. The main thing for a teacher is the sparkle in the eyes. If a person has desire and enthusiasm, if he is interested in implementing his ideas, you and this person will go far.

It is important that a person wants not just to work, but to be part of your company.

The requirements for the placement of a children's studio are not as strict as, for example, for catering. However, there are certain rules here too. First of all, you need to determine where to rent the premises.

Of course, vehicle and pedestrian traffic is not a mandatory criterion for you. But going into the wilderness, which takes three hours to get to from anywhere in the city, and then having to walk 5 kilometers is a bad decision. The children's studio must be accessible.

Check whether it will be convenient for customers to get to you. It is important that the studio is not too far from public transport stops. At the same time, parents should have the opportunity to travel by more than one route, preferably from anywhere in the city without a transfer. Convenient access roads for those who will bring children in their own car will also be useful.

But as for the part of the city where you will work, you are free to choose. Suitable for both the center and a residential area. Especially new buildings, where many young families with children live. If it’s really difficult to decide on a place, try again using a poll. Parents will be happy to vote on the social network for the most convenient studio placement option for them.


From the point of view of reducing the cost of premises for large cities, subleasing is a good option. But you need to choose your “neighbor” wisely. A children's studio on the doorstep of a grocery store will cause nothing but bewilderment. Choose an enterprise in a related industry, for example, a toy store or a private kindergarten.

Shopping centers are very suitable for hosting a children's studio, many of which today have special “children's floors.” However, it is important that such a shopping center is not too noisy. The child should be able to study without being distracted by any extraneous sounds.

Don't forget to provide comfort for parents too. Many of them may decide that leaving somewhere for 1 hour does not make sense, and will wait for the end of the lesson right here in the studio. Therefore, the studio should have a kind of waiting area with comfortable sofas, magazines and other things that will help you wait for your child in comfort. This, of course, will require you to take up additional space and increase the cost of rent, but it’s worth it.

Speaking of area. It will depend on whether you plan to host events and birthdays for your training studio. In this case, you will need both an area for studying and an area for relaxation and games. Ideally they should be separated. Minimum studio area - 20-30 sq.m.

As for the repair requirements, everything is quite simple. So far there are no SanPinov regulating children's studios, which means no one will fine you for the lack of tiles or linoleum instead of carpet.

The most important thing is to comply with fire safety standards. Your landlord should be responsible for this issue. Although it is still better to double-check whether there is a fire alarm in the room, whether the fire extinguishers are out of order, etc.


An obligatory stage of opening any business is its legal registration. When opening a children's studio, you have a choice between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. It will be easier to work if you register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you will be able to choose a simplified version of tax reporting and will be able to keep records yourself. But when opening an LLC, you cannot do without a professional accountant.

The best option for a children's studio is “simplified” with a tax of 6% of income.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

With good performance indicators, a children's studio pays for itself quite quickly - in 3-4 months. To achieve this result, you need to look for additional ways to increase profits, for example, by holding children's parties.

But you need to keep in mind that clients can be different. Parents may come to you who are ready to spend 25 thousand rubles on a child’s birthday, while the cost of the holiday in your price list is 10 thousand rubles. In such a case, you need to be able to offer your clients additional services. For example, introduce paper shows, which are now gaining popularity, or add quests for children to the program.

To increase profits and shorten the payback period, you can also conduct on-site master classes and even team building events for companies, if your business allows it.

In addition, you need to be able to reduce the costs of your studio. The main costs are wages and rent. In addition, from time to time you have to update some interior items, for example, children's stools, and also spend money on consumables. As for savings, you can reduce costs primarily by reducing rental costs. For example, you can use the same sublease.

Beginning entrepreneurs often face the question of what pricing policy to pursue. A children's studio is exactly the case when the main criterion for determining your price is the prices of competitors. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that we are talking about direct competitors. Take a look at other leisure facilities.

At the very beginning of work, you can dump. This will attract customers.

Dumping, when used correctly, helps a lot, but using it constantly is not an option. The client has the thought: “The cheaper, the worse.” As a result, he begins to doubt the conditions provided in the studio, the competence of the staff, etc. In short, you need to be able to handle dumping; it is important not to overdo it.

Personal experience

Our studios, open in different cities, have different prices. The average cost of a master class in small cities is 250-300 rubles, in large cities - 600-700 rubles.

Long-term program classes have different rates. A monthly subscription for four classes costs 1,860 rubles.

Organizing the work of a studio is quite a difficult task, since many nuances will have to be taken into account, both for regular classes and for additional services. For the studio to work profitably, you need to have 6 groups of 6 people each. But it is important not to forget about additional services. Our studio has three types of services: developmental classes, children's birthday parties and family master classes.

We offer regular group classes on weekday evenings. We try to make sure that two groups of each age have time to study per week. In total, we have two groups in each (one of three) age categories. The kids come to us once a week, the studio has a day off on Monday. The class schedule is flexible. A large part of the reason for this is that young children often get sick.

As for classes, it is important to make every effort to make the client permanent. It is important to ensure that he completes the program to the end. This is facilitated by a well-structured methodology. We teach a child to draw from scratch. It takes children 1 year to achieve certain successes.

At the end of the year, we have the opportunity to switch to a more complex program. According to statistics, 70% of children studying with us come to the second year of study.

The family master class is designed to bring parents and child together. As a rule, classes are held for two, for example, mother and child or father and child. Children and parents gather in a small group and do creative work together in this interesting format.

One of our core services is children's birthday parties. This format is in great demand and is very relevant in the market. Here it is important to think through the entertainment program, to make the event interesting, including by attracting animators.

Holding children's birthday parties is a weekend activity, since parents have the opportunity to bring their children to the holiday only on weekends. Our peak dates are on Saturday; on this day we can hold three birthdays.

Each of the services provided should be developed as much as possible. How successfully the services work can be judged at the end of the month. If a service does not bring the desired effect, all efforts should be devoted to its promotion.