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How to open a nightclub in a small town. How to open your own nightclub from scratch

Any business is a huge risk. To avoid failure in such a risky business, you need to approach the matter with all seriousness and carefully plan your future business, taking into account everything that will be necessary and the costs that may arise as accompanying ones.

Before opening a nightclub from scratch, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of night-time enterprises for the city in whose territory it is planned to open an establishment whose work schedule will be the same as the rest. Bearing in mind the fact that in large cities there are plenty of such places to spend time, it is worth making a calculation, taking into account the number of the city’s population, including students, since this category of people is the bulk of people who visit nightlife establishments of this kind. And the number of nightclubs providing their services. If, when calculated, the number of young people is more than ten thousand people, opening a nightclub will bring profit and fully pay for itself.

Search for premises and legal aspects

The future fate of the opening establishment will depend on the correct location. It is desirable that the future establishment be located closer to the city center, since this is where the bulk of people, and therefore potential clients, gather in the evening.

The club premises must be spacious enough

The area of ​​the establishment must be large so that all equipment can be placed comfortably and there is still enough space for a dance floor. It is also necessary to equip a locker room, kitchen area and bathroom. The ceilings must be at least three meters high, since the establishment’s activities require a large amount of equipment for a light show, which is attached specifically to the ceiling.

If it is decided that the premises will be built, it is necessary to order the project and register it with the relevant authorities, and then go through the procedure of putting the constructed building into operation, which will have to be supported by the relevant act. Both in the case of renting and when building premises, it is then necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, as well as State Fire Supervision. After the issue with the premises is resolved, another one arises in its place: what else is needed to open a nightclub?

Read also: What business to open in a residential area

Another important point is the registration of a new establishment at the state level, for which it is also necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. If the name of the enterprise contains the word “club”, it will be registered as a non-profit organization under a legal entity. Only after receiving all the necessary documents, it is possible to start the club’s activities.


Since young people are constantly in search of something new and more interesting, thus wandering from one establishment to another, the opening club should have its own “zest”. Something that will attract customers. For example, this could be a non-standard design, regular drawings, interesting show programs, certain music. In a word, a new establishment must have its own style in order to gain popularity and desire to visit it among people.

You need to surprise your client

Everyone knows that music plays an important and even one of the main roles. Buying a speaker system will cost approximately 600 thousand rubles. The purchase and installation of a system that produces lighting effects will cost about 300 thousand rubles. Cash machine - about 100 thousand rubles. Setting up a club requires significant expenses. Furniture and necessary interior parts will cost approximately one and a half million rubles. Approximate costs will cost two and a half million rubles.

On the opening day of the establishment, you can make entry absolutely free for both girls and men, or give everyone a regular customer card at the entrance. But to attract customers, you need to develop new marketing ideas for every day - this could be a cocktail at the expense of the establishment, new show programs, DJ performances.

Calculation of profits and costs

It’s difficult to open a nightclub without the necessary calculations

Before you decide to open an establishment, you need to draw up a business plan for a nightclub with calculations.

  • if the premises are rented, the advance payment for two months in advance will be approximately 350 thousand rubles;
  • patent for the sale of alcoholic beverages, permits from firefighters, permission from the sanitary epidemiological station - approximately 500 thousand;
  • repairs, furniture, air conditioning system, renovation or formation of a new powerful electricity system - approximately 2 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment: lighting effects, acoustic system - about 500 thousand;
  • refrigeration equipment and household appliances for the kitchen – 400 thousand;
  • alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks for the bar - about 500 thousand;
  • advertising services – 350 thousand;
  • purchase of a cash register – 100 thousand;
  • security agency services – about 50 thousand rubles per month.

How to open a nightclub: 4 steps to opening from scratch, detailed financial calculations, necessary personnel, payback period for this business.

Capital investments: 15 million rubles
Payback period: 12-18 months.

Are you burning with a tireless desire to open your own business?

If you are a person who likes to take risks, are not afraid of difficulties, have a fairly strong creative mind and have a creative approach to everything - this is the idea how to open a nightclub just for you!

What should you pay attention to when opening a nightclub?

Since opening a nightclub requires considerable financial investment, and the possibility of failure is quite high, you should calculate all the nuances down to the smallest detail.

The primary tasks are market analysis and.

The latter will calculate the amount of investment, the payback period of investments, the planning of financial distribution, the choice of direction of activity taking into account the target audience and the general opening time.

As well as other issues, such as choosing premises, recruiting staff, advertising, name and preparation of the necessary documentation.

How to open a nightclub from scratch?

Interesting fact:
The most unusual disco venue in the whole world is considered to be a subway car. The Alexanderplatz metro stop in Germany is a favorite place for partygoers who love unconventional party solutions.

If you plan to open a nightclub from scratch, the amount of investment will, of course, be higher, because you will have to spend more on furnishing the premises, advertising the club and attracting visitors.

In this area of ​​the market, competition is very high; opening an establishment from scratch is risky and difficult.

In order not to burn out and achieve a large number of visitors, you should think carefully about everything you can do to attract customers.

How to open a nightclub from scratch and attract the first visitors?

  1. Introduce some new products that competitors do not have.
  2. Take care of financial convenience for regular visitors and new clients.
    Also develop promotions, gifts and other surprises.
  3. Provide the establishment with high-quality and powerful equipment, especially regarding lighting and sound.
  4. The interior also plays a big role in attracting visitors.

What to call a nightclub?

There are many options for what to call it, so it would not be advisable to provide any specific examples.

The most important thing is to interest as many potential visitors as possible in the name.

And besides, convey the slightest part of the style or direction (remember the “Blue Oyster” from the film “Police Academy”).

Visitors are attracted by interesting, original names, which even in advertising are an extraordinary accent.

People love originality and novelty.

We analyze the market for the successful opening of your nightclub

Before opening a nightclub, or indeed any business establishment, you should study the market and the peculiarities of running this enterprise.

When deciding to open your own entertainment establishment, experts advise deciding on the main aspects:

What documents are needed to open?

No establishment can exist without certain documents and licenses from various services.

This includes a mandatory permit from Rospotrebnadzor and an act on putting the facility into operation, which is signed by several government agencies.

In addition to the permission and registration of the club itself, an important point will be a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages, which will require certain documents.

To obtain it, it is better to contact law firms, whose specialists will be able to quickly and correctly draw up everything, saving you from unnecessary hassle with documentation.

Choosing a room for a nightclub

Build a new building or buy (rent) an old hall - the choice is yours.

In this matter, which option will be more profitable and successful is up to you to decide.

The location of the club should be closest to the places where people belonging to the intended target audience spend most of their time.

The area of ​​the premises is on average about 3000 sq.m.

This question also takes into account the concept and additional services.

Construction of a new premises will require additional documents and permits, in addition to considerable financial costs.

Less problematic would be the renovation and decoration of an already finished building, of which there is a very wide selection available for rent nowadays to suit every taste.

We select personnel

Staff – an important component of any establishment is the staff.

The right staff can also attract up to 20% of repeat visitors.

Oddly enough, even now there are quite a large number of people who want to drink and “pour out their souls” to the bartender.

Job titleQtySalary (rub.)
Total:25-50 From 429,000 rub.
Director1 35 000
Administrator1 27 000
Creative director1 25 000
DJ3-4 20 000
Bartender3-4 20 000
Cook4-5 21 000
Cleaning lady/wardrobe4-5 12 000
Security6-8 15 000

On average, the headquarters will consist of 25 - 50 people.

How to open a nightclub in a small town?

If you decide to open a nightclub in a small town, you need to remember that the population is much smaller than in big cities, and therefore the flow of clients will be limited (not many young people, and most of them, most likely, go to big cities). city ​​for study or work).

Taking this into account, it is better to think about various entertainment (billiards, etc.), or rent out a hall for special events in the form of additional services - so as not to lose the flow of customers, and thus the profit, which in this case will come during the day, which is very profitable .

How much does it cost to open a nightclub?

The amount of investment to start depends on where exactly you want to open a club.

For a small city, the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a nightclub will fluctuate around 10-15 million rubles.

In large cities, the amount of investment will be much larger.

Since the business is very risky, banks do not always give loans to open a nightclub.

Because of this, you may have to take out a personal loan, which is more difficult to repay.

It is better to find investors who will be interested in such a deal.

What will the expenses be spent on?

NameAmount (rub.)
Total:From 9,400,000 rub.
RoomFrom 5,000,000
Repair and decoration500 000
PaperworkAbout 500,000
Equipment250 000 -500 000
Staff salaries3-4,000,000/year
Advertising and Marketing100,000 - 300,000 rubles
Other additional expenses50 000-100 000

Tips on how to promote a nightclub are presented in the video:

Profitability and payback period of a nightclub

On average, subject to successful promotion of the club, all investments pay off within 1-1.5 years, counting on the following income:

  • Ticket sales – 5-7 million rubles/year;
  • Sales of alcoholic drinks and snacks – 6-7 million rubles/year;
  • Advertising of sponsors' products – 2-3 million rubles/year;

Having calculated the income, you can count on a profit of about 17 million rubles per year.

In big cities, both the amount of investment and the amount of income are, of course, much larger.

Opening of a night club- a profitable business if you can organize everything in such a way as to attract the maximum number of visitors.

Opening such a business is a painstaking task, but the investment pays off fairly quickly, and the profit, if successful, is quite large.

If you are not afraid of large investments and wide competition, and are also confident in your success, you can open and develop your business in the way you consider most profitable.

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Business is one of the most logical paths to high income. But the world of entrepreneurship is so vast that sometimes it is not easy to choose the right and relevant direction for a particular market. However, it is worth remembering that people have always loved entertainment, as well as sports, so anyone who is thinking about a profitable activity needs to think about how to open a club.

The bottom line is that well-organized clubs can become a source of good income and quite an exciting business.

Variety of choices

Initially, it is worth noting that the club format is designed to give people what is interesting to them. In essence, this is a well-organized business in the field of entertainment and consumption.

There are many different directions that can be popular, and therefore profitable. Therefore, when deciding which club to open, you need to carefully study the region for current needs and the lack of realization of the interests of various social groups. In other words, you need to find out what format and pastime people in a particular city or even country lack, and then move in that direction.

When planning a business, it is also worth taking into account the size of the locality, which has a direct impact on the level of income of residents and the number of potential clients. At the same time, there are cities that are modest at first glance, within the boundaries of which there are large enterprises where people receive good salaries. In this case, there is no need to think about how to open a small club, since there will be plenty of people who want to have a great time. In short, it is important to correctly assess the potential of a particular place and draw appropriate conclusions.

As for popular directions, these include the following formats:


Night club;


Book club (may be popular in big cities);

Any women's communities;

Business, etc.

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from.

Legal side

When figuring out how to open a club, you should pay attention to proper business registration. Understanding the fact which clients are the target audience of the project being created will help you choose the right direction. If you plan to cooperate with legal entities and various organizations, then it makes sense to form an LLC. But when working with ordinary clients, even very wealthy ones, it will do

Determining the organizational and legal structure of the club is important, since this decision will have an impact on the form of taxation and possible prospects for cooperation.

Business plan

When thinking about how much it costs to open a club and how quickly the investment will be returned, it is worth initially using the principles of business planning. This means that on paper or in a virtual notebook you need to write down all the stages of the formation and operation of a business in detail and with specific numbers. It is this approach that will allow us to determine the amount required to open a club, as well as future expenses after the launch of the project.

In other words, you will have to find out exactly what audience you are targeting, where it is best to rent premises for the club and why. You will also need to take into account the cost of rent, equipment, repairs, advertising (nowhere without it), the size of the monthly salary of the staff, payment of utility bills and in general everything for which you will have to pay money.

A business plan also helps you clearly understand where finances will come from and set aside some illusory expectations of super-fast earnings. Without such elaboration of the project, you should not think about starting an activity. In addition, it is precisely such a document, with a plan where all the details are revealed, that makes sense to go to potential investors and present something. After all, not one self-respecting businessman will invest in an idea without a competent scheme for its implementation. Therefore, the answers to the question “what does it take to open a club?” must be received in full.

Service and staff

Since a club is a business based on providing a certain type of service, the determining factors on which the flow of clients will depend are the quality of the organization of the process, competent tactful work of the staff and service in general.

Neglecting these seemingly banal principles can kill the entire business in the bud. “We are opening a club” is a slogan that is followed by the inevitable struggle for clients in the service market. People are already accustomed to the fact that the quality of the offered product, any product, is constantly growing, and companies are making every effort to attract and retain their attention. This gives rise to certain expectations among the representatives of the target audience: they expect that the organizers of the next club will offer them at least a decent level of service, and perhaps a completely new, especially effective way to meet their needs.

Against the backdrop of such sentiments, the negligence and illiterate work of the staff will be regarded as outright disrespect, which will inevitably lead to the loss of clients, a decrease in income and, if the situation does not improve, bankruptcy. So you need to initially set yourself up for a thorough approach to implementing the idea.


As mentioned above, people for the most part do not mind visiting places that suit their interests and needs. It is important to take this fact into account when looking for an answer to the question of how to open a club. It just so happens that there are many who consider themselves lonely, are looking for a soul mate while in adulthood, or simply want to expand their marriage. It is for such people that a dating club may be of interest.

You need to approach the process of organizing such a business as creatively as possible and with a clear understanding of the needs of your target audience. This means giving people a choice from the start. For example, offering acquaintances not only for subsequent relationships, but also for the purpose of joint vacations, travel, etc.

At the same time, it is initially better to focus on a female audience and organize evenings and various meetings, taking into account, first of all, the needs of the fairer sex. The events themselves should be paid, but accessible.

The importance of security

Since even small companies have to deal with the so-called human factor (and not always positive), it is necessary to take care of security. When thinking about how to open a club, this facet must be taken into account regardless of the profile.

This means that all candidates, especially in the case of dating for a relationship, need to be carefully vetted. We are talking about a database with reliable, verified information about each participant. To better organize this process, it is worth creating a website that will be the business card of the club, as well as a tool for collecting the necessary information.

This approach will allow you to avoid unnecessary difficulties with the participants of the organized events.

How to open a fitness club from scratch

This is another area that simply needs to be given attention. In our time of active promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the desire of many ordinary people to get their body in order is steadily growing. In this context, opening a fitness club seems more than relevant.

The following types of services can be selected as key:

Regular and individual lessons;

Working with a trainer both on an ongoing basis and selectively;


Individual sessions;

Choosing a personal trainer using a subscription;

Clients should always have the choice to take advantage of the training format that best suits their needs and capabilities.


A competent, thorough and saturated market will help make the club special. This means taking time to identify the strengths that other clubs have, as well as their weaknesses.

When all the necessary information has been collected, you need to think about what new things can be offered to customers and what they are basically missing. It is precisely understanding the mood of the target audience that will make it possible to create a club format that can attract the attention of even sophisticated visitors.

One of the methods for increasing the rating in this area, in addition to new equipment and nice towels in the modern shower, is the selection of truly talented trainers. Many wealthy clients are looking not only for a place, but also for a professional. And if the new club has several competent fitness specialists who really know how to lead their clients to the desired results, then there will be no problems with traffic.

Using different types of games

As stated above, many respectable citizens periodically crave entertainment, and quality entertainment at that. For this reason, it makes sense to think about opening a gaming club. Moreover, the games themselves can be completely different and designed for several age categories.

But, again, a lot depends on the city and region. For example, computer clubs, where many teenagers used to spend hours playing enthusiastically, are no longer popular. Therefore, if there are fans of modern game consoles in a particular city, you can organize a space that is relevant to them. But here you can’t do without creativity. Therefore, it is better to initially combine the idea of ​​games with the format of a comfortable stay, say, a cafe. That is, people will be able to play and drink tea and delicious pastries - variety and freedom.

Continuing the theme of entertainment, do not forget about paintball. This type of game has already acquired the status of a corporate sport. With proper organization, you can attract the attention of many representatives of small and medium-sized businesses who will order such games for entire departments of the company.

As for slot machines, this idea is certainly profitable, but prohibited in many regions of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, if it is possible to legally carry out such activities, it makes sense to count on a high income.


The bottom line is simple: the club theme is popular in modern society, and if you approach the process of its implementation wisely, you can reach a decent level of earnings. If you lack ideas and have the opportunity to risk capital, it is worth looking for a promising franchise, in the fitness segment, for example. For many, this strategy has become the road to successful business activity.

If you want to learn how to open a nightclub from scratch and start your own business, you will have a lot of interesting troubles - starting from choosing the format of the establishment and ending with the development of unique offers, the “tricks” of your company. Another advantage of such an undertaking is that you can even open a nightclub, and if you choose a site in a metropolis, nothing prevents you from identifying the target audience of the establishment.

Where to find funds

It is very difficult to say with confidence how much it costs to open a club and how quickly it will pay for itself: everything depends on the contingent and success of the establishment, as well as on the scale and courage of the initial idea.

Even if you open a small dance floor, you will have to invest at least 4.5 million rubles: approximately 2.4 million you will spend on (sound system, system for light shows, furniture, interior items), another approximately 1.9 million rubles will be spent on daily expenses (maintenance of the bar and restaurant, free drinks as a gift for those who buy a ticket). If the club is successful among a wide audience, the business can pay off in just a year, but it would be reasonable to count on longer periods.

If the scale of your undertaking differs even slightly from an ordinary dance floor, you will have to invest 10-15 million rubles into the business.

The establishment will be profitable if at least 10,000 young people aged 16-35 live in the area or settlement. But where will the big money come from to open and promote the club? Enter into agreements with sponsors, especially with suppliers of tobacco products and alcohol: you can be given from 600 thousand rubles to organize one party.

Types of clubs

At the moment, all nightlife establishments are divided into three types: closed, democratic and thematic. So, how to open a club depending on the format of your endeavor?

Closed clubs

These are elite establishments that pay for themselves the fastest, but opening and promoting such clubs will require the most effort. Indoor venues are aimed at young people, so usually the owner of such a club receives revenue not from the sale of tickets, but from the sale of drinks and snacks: a non-alcoholic cocktail here can cost 500 rubles, an alcoholic one – from 2,500. Is it profitable? More than! However, interest in such establishments quickly disappears - within two years you will have to open a club in a new location.

Get ready for the fact that you will always have to keep up the brand: invite the best artists, provide guests with a rich bar selection and introduce the strictest face control - this will encourage clients to get into the premises at any cost.

Democratic clubs

The main audience of such platforms were, is and will be teenagers and students: the target audience is people aged 16 to 25 years. Accordingly, most of them will not be able to pay much for tickets and drinks: for entry you can charge everyone 100-150 rubles, for drinks 90-200 rubles. The organizers of such clubs take quantity, not quality: turn up the music louder, take care of a catchy campaign - and in one evening you can earn up to 100,000 rubles. By the way, you can ask for a significant price for an entrance ticket (1000-2000 rubles), and then sell drinks to everyone in any quantity.

Thematic clubs

Do you want to attract more regular customers, rather than focus on one-time visitors? Great idea! However, before opening a nightclub from scratch, you should decide what to give preference to: one particular musical direction or a certain category of citizens.

You can create a rock or pop club, or you can position your establishment, for example, as a platform for people of non-traditional sexual orientation. Oddly enough, almost half of the visitors to such a club are partygoers who do not belong to minorities: they simply like the atmosphere of liberation.

If your gay club is successful, it can bring in up to 60 million rubles a year, but getting into such a business is difficult: you need to have significant connections. But opening the doors of a themed establishment is much easier. However, this is not the best option for a small city - the audience will already be small, is it worth further limiting it?

Room options

A spacious and stylishly decorated room is exactly the component that will make your business successful: a nightclub should be located on an area of ​​at least 500 m2, of which 250 m2 will be occupied by the main dance floor. Under no circumstances should such establishments be organized on the first floors of residential buildings! Even if you manage to officially register the site, the doors of your club will close as soon as complaints from residents are received.

If you are planning to open a business not in Moscow or St. Petersburg, try renting empty premises of cultural centers and cinemas: in large cities, such buildings are mostly occupied. An excellent option is to rent or buy a separate building. But please note: the ceiling height must be at least 4 meters - you will have to hang sound and lighting equipment.


Let's say you've decided how much it costs to open a nightclub, purchasing the necessary equipment and starting renovations to your liking. But don’t forget that you will also have to pay salaries to your employees. Even in the simplest club the following should work:

Ten employees will have to pay at least 200,000 rubles monthly. But it’s worth considering that most workers will work in shifts: first of all, these are waiters, bartenders and cloakroom attendants. As for the security guards, these must be really strong people who can calm down any rowdy guest, so it is better to immediately contact an agency and hire real professionals. People won't want to go to a club where they won't feel safe.

Main dangers

Considering how much it costs to open a nightclub and how much effort you have to put into finalizing every little detail, losing customers and profits would be especially disappointing. Most often, the following factors lead to the failure of novice entrepreneurs.

Incorrectly completed documents

If you do not have notarized documents confirming that the construction or re-equipment of the premises was carried out in accordance with all the rules, the success of the club will be short-lived. Also required: an SES conclusion, medical records of employees, an agreement with a waste removal company, permission to sell tobacco and alcohol, as well as any other goods.

Visitors who are drug addicts

Drug trafficking requires special control from the administration. If higher authorities suspect that one of your clients is involved in the trade of prohibited substances, one fine day people with weapons and in camouflage clothing will burst into your place. One such action will be enough for people to stop being interested in the club, and for you to fall under criminal liability.