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How to open a funeral business? Funeral business: detailed business plan What documents are needed to open a funeral business.

Human death is a natural and irreversible process that sooner or later awaits all of us. Since ancient times, the transition to another world has been accompanied by a funeral. And if earlier, great importance was not given to the burial ceremony, then in our time, solemn and magnificent funerals are not uncommon.

For some, death is sadness and misfortune, while for others it is a way to make money. In today's article we will talk about how to open a funeral business, its principles, advantages and disadvantages.

Funeral agency business plan

Before you open your own business in the funeral services industry, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. Competently analyze the level of competition, the amount of costs, and also determine the approximate payback period for the business.

Competition in the field of funeral services is quite large and serious. It will be quite difficult for novice entrepreneurs to compete with experienced agencies. But by analyzing the pricing policy and the quality of services provided, you will be able to move ahead of your competitors and take an advantageous place in this area of ​​​​business.

It’s unfortunate, but mortality is only increasing every year, so the funeral business is a stable and promising option for earning money.

Disadvantages of the funeral business

Large financial investments. This area of ​​activity implies relatively high costs for organizing a funeral business. If you are planning to open a funeral home, you will have to spend a lot of money on renting premises, purchasing attributes for organizing a funeral procession, and paying staff.

Specific work. Not every person can organize a funeral business. You must be mentally prepared not only to communicate with the relatives of the deceased, but also to competently present them with information and advertise your services. Correctness in conversation is very important, because in sad moments, many of us cannot soberly assess the situation. Your task is to organize the funeral procession as profitably as possible, while adhering to moral principles.

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Where to start a funeral business?

You have a lot to do. Legally register your activities, rent premises, hire staff, develop an advertising concept to attract customers, etc.

Business registration

First of all, you need to legally formalize your activities. To do this, you need to collect the necessary package of documents to register an LLC and register with the tax office.

To get everything done quickly and correctly, I recommend that you seek help from a professional lawyer.

Renting premises

Opening a funeral home requires a fairly large premises. You can rent an office in the city center or in a crowded part of it. The more advantageous the location, the more clients you will have, because, as a rule, in sad moments of life we ​​are not too picky about choosing a funeral home. As a rule, everyone uses the services of the most popular agencies, whose offices can be quickly reached and discussed the nuances of holding a funeral ceremony.

The premises of the funeral agency should consist of two separate rooms. In one, you should organize an office where the staff will work and where clients will come. And in the next room, it is already necessary to place wreaths, coffins, monuments and other attributes for the burial ceremony.

List of services provided

Your profit will directly depend on the range of services provided. You can provide only the most necessary, popular services, or significantly expand the capabilities and offer your clients all kinds of options for conducting a funeral ceremony.

Standard services

  • Sale of wreaths, coffins, monuments. You can do the manufacturing yourself, or work with suppliers and act as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the client;
  • Preparing the burial site. Digging graves;
  • Orchestra accompaniment;
  • Services for transporting the deceased to the burial place.

In addition, you can provide other services, such as embalming the body, cremation, selection of clothing and cosmetology services for the deceased, organizing your own morgue and storing the body in it until burial.

The greater the range of services the funeral agency provides, the higher the earnings.

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It is worth taking the choice of personnel who will work in the funeral agency very responsibly. Communicating with people who have lost loved ones requires correctness; your employees must show attentiveness and, to some extent, even care. Help clients decide on all organizational issues related to the funeral ceremony.

When hiring employees, make sure they are emotionally resilient and professional. Employees must clearly understand and fulfill their responsibilities and not succumb to depression and emotional disorders. Not every person is able to work and cope well with their responsibilities; you will have to try hard to find a professional.


The funeral services that your agency provides need to be advertised in a variety of ways. First of all, hang an attractive sign that will be easily visible. In addition, advertising can be placed in popular publications, for example, in a local newspaper, on a billboard, or on the Internet. Be sure to create a website on the Internet with a detailed description of the services provided and contact numbers for communication. This way, you will get customers and be able to compete adequately in the market.


Your profit will depend on the number of orders. As already noted above, the wider the range of services, the higher the earnings. Take this nuance into account.

I wish you successful work and good earnings.

Unfortunately, every person sooner or later loses loved ones and, for obvious reasons, this becomes a big shock for many. But few people think that organizing a funeral is a fairly profitable business.

Burying dead people became a tradition many thousands of years ago. Over time, this process began to be accompanied by various rituals. Some of them have taken root and transformed over the years. The burial process was divided into several stages: it is necessary to prepare a place for burial, provide musical accompaniment, flowers. Each stage was carried out by different people. Then special organizations began to appear that took over the funeral. Now a person experiencing a bereavement can contact an agency that will provide him with a full range of services related to burial.

Features of business organization

No matter how sad it may sound, the mortality rate throughout the world, as well as in our country, is constantly increasing. In this regard, funeral services are becoming increasingly in demand. Some entrepreneurs realized this and organized their own bureaus providing such services. It should be noted that competition in this activity is quite high, but there is no need to be afraid of it. Even a novice businessman can count on rapid development provided that his activities are properly organized, because to open an office you do not even need to obtain a special license.

First of all, it is necessary to draw up a project for the future agency. It must take into account all costs and possible risks. You also need to prepare for the fact that at first there may be no profit or it will be very insignificant. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to carefully think through the list of services that the bureau can provide. The more it offers the client, the higher its chances of success. Of course, in any business it is important not only the quantity of services provided, but also their quality. It must be remembered that you will have to work with people experiencing great grief, so it is important that organizing a funeral does not cause them unnecessary trouble.

The development of a list of services begins with a study and complete analysis of the market. You need to find out what other funeral organizations offer, what wishes clients most often have. It is important that the company can provide a full range of services, then the client will not need to go anywhere else.

The main services provided by the funeral home include:

  • securing a place in the cemetery and preparing the grave for burial;
  • providing a choice of various goods used at funerals, these can be coffins, wreaths, artificial and fresh flowers;
  • organization of musical accompaniment;
  • ordering or providing your own transport (hearse, cars for those who come to say goodbye).

During the formation of a company, you can limit yourself to only basic services, but in the future their list needs to be expanded. For example, you can organize the production of wreaths, monuments, fences, mourning goods, and the provision of various types of information. Services such as cosmetic preparation of the deceased for burial, provision of a suit, and others are increasingly in demand. Many large companies providing such services even have their own morgue.

First steps

First of all, you need to find a suitable premises for the company. It is more convenient when it is divided into 2 parts. The first is used to communicate with clients and discuss terms of cooperation, and the second serves as a showroom, housing coffins, wreaths and other goods. If you plan to organize a morgue, it is better if it is located in a separate room. It makes more sense to open an office closer to the city center so that it is convenient to get to. It is also a good idea to organize a branch that will be located in close proximity to the cemetery. There customers will be able to purchase wreaths and flowers.

When planning to open a funeral home, you need to take care of its registration. For this type of activity, a business form such as a limited liability company is suitable. To register an LLC, you must contact the relevant government agency and provide the documents required by law. After completing the procedure, you need to visit the regulatory authorities and register the new company.


For funeral home employees, not only professional qualities are important, but also personal ones. They must understand that they not only need to do their job well, but also be able to communicate with people experiencing a great tragedy. The main qualities of employees should be patience and tact, which not every person possesses. It is no exaggeration to say that a funeral home employee must also be a good psychologist.

Mandatory staffing units should be:

  • agent. His responsibilities include accompanying funerals, communicating with clients;
  • consultant. This employee is engaged in the sale of goods, he must know the assortment and be able to present it profitably;
  • accountant. Every enterprise, regardless of the type of activity, maintains accounting records, because it is necessary to carry out various financial transactions, pay taxes on time, and also submit reports to regulatory authorities. Often the fate of a company depends on the work of an accountant, so you should trust this area of ​​activity only to a qualified, experienced and responsible specialist.

If the list of services is wide enough, then the services of other workers may be needed, for example, drivers or handymen. Therefore, it is a good idea to establish business relationships with vehicle fleets and enterprises involved in the manufacture of this type of product.

In recent years, a school for funeral directors has been organized in Moscow, in which students study legislation and the characteristics of religious denominations. In addition, one of the subjects there is psychology. Such knowledge is very important for entrepreneurs who decide to start a funeral business. When hiring employees in a funeral service bureau, you need to pay attention to whether the applicant has completed training at this educational institution.

How to look for clients

Of course, going door to door and offering your services will not be entirely tactful, so you need to act differently. Submitting advertisements in newspapers can be a fairly effective way to make yourself known, but the best option would be to conclude appropriate agreements with hospitals and ambulances. In this case, their employees can refer relatives of the deceased to this particular company. This option will be convenient and beneficial not only for office employees, but also for clients, since the first hours and days after the death of a loved one are very difficult for them. Often, grief-stricken people cannot adequately assess the situation and begin preparing the funeral on their own. A funeral service bureau will be a good helper and will take care of all the unpleasant troubles.

How to ensure profit

One of the important criteria for making a profit will be opening your own production. For example, you can start producing wreaths and other related products. Of course, such a step will require additional material investments; it will be necessary to purchase materials and pay salaries to employees. But the expenses will pay off quickly enough, because customers will be able to purchase everything they need on the spot, without contacting other companies. Most often, novice businessmen cannot do this, so this step is taken by large companies that have been successfully working in this field for a long time.

To expand the list of goods and services, you can start producing coffins, since they are the main attributes of a funeral. Such production will require a separate room, the acquisition of special tools and mechanisms, and the study of technology.

The production of so-called elite coffins requires high-quality wood. This product is not covered with fabric; it is polished and varnished. To produce luxury coffins, it is necessary to have reliable suppliers of quality wood.

Another necessary element is textiles. Bedding and various accessories must be placed in the coffin. As is the case with the design of the outside, satin, silk, and sometimes cotton fabrics are used inside. As a rule, light, discreet colors are used. Wreaths, baskets, and bouquets are also decorated with ritual textiles.

In addition, special clothes are sewn for the deceased. Previously, it was made by hand using white canvas. It was customary to make stitches on such clothes in a direction away from you, and it was forbidden to fasten threads or make knots. Today, the main rule of tailoring clothes for the dead is to adhere to a special cut. As a rule, men are dressed in suits, women in dresses, and young unmarried girls are usually dressed in wedding dresses.

To build a successful business in the field of providing funeral services, you need to study all the intricacies and nuances of conducting such ceremonies, take care of a wide range of services and goods, hire professional employees, establish contacts with suppliers of raw materials for the manufacture of various ritual goods, and much more. Only in this case can the business become successful and bring good profits.

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We offer a business plan for a funeral business, because sooner or later each of us is faced with the need to see off family and friends on their last journey, so the business is promising. At such moments, relatives want their concerns and concerns to be taken over by the relevant companies, ritual agencies that will help rite the deceased on his last journey, arrange a funeral dinner, be able to provide transportation to the cemetery and take on all the ritual chores.

In this document on the organization of funeral services, you will find calculations of the cost of funeral paraphernalia: coffins, monuments, clothing for the deceased, and also read the section that indicates the cost of making monuments, engraving inscriptions, organizing funeral dinners and other services. For large cities, crematorium services are in demand; this ceremony differs from the traditional one familiar to many residents. This business is stable, because almost always the relatives and friends of the deceased want to show respect to the deceased, as well as remember them according to folk customs.

After studying the information on creating a funeral home, you will be able to decide on certain aspects of this entrepreneurial business, understand the nuances, along with the costs. Such companies should employ sensitive people who continue to do their job professionally, despite the fact that every day they are faced with human grief, they give part of their soul to those who mourn the dead. Therefore, you should think about carefully selecting personnel for your company, and then funeral services will be able to satisfy relatives and friends who are faced with an irreparable loss.

People are born and die regardless of the state of the economy in the country, regardless of any political problems. And if the business is related to the provision of funeral services, you can be sure that these services will always be in demand. The profitability of this type of business is relatively low and does not exceed 20%. But with proper organization, you can quite count on a stable income.

Opening a funeral agency does not require licenses, which contributed to the active development of this business. Funeral companies have recently multiplied at a tremendous speed, but the quality of their services does not always meet the client’s expectations.

Only businessmen who manage to earn an impeccable reputation thanks to a high level of service have a chance to survive in conditions of the highest competition. Moreover, the initial investment at the first stage is minimal: after all, transport, an orchestra, and even premises for the farewell hall - all this can be rented.

Having decided to open their own business - a funeral services agency - entrepreneurs sometimes do not imagine what difficulties they will have to face. And there are many of them, and, first of all, this is a shortage of clients. And the problem is not that people are dying less often, there are just so many funeral companies that the fight for a client sometimes turns into the main task for an entrepreneur. But even if a person decides to contact your agency, there is no guarantee that the order is in your pocket. It is necessary to retain a potential client by offering him the most favorable conditions.

Despite the fact that people are interested in high-quality funeral arrangements, few are willing to pay significant sums for these services. Therefore, a businessman has to focus on an average bill of 15-20 thousand rubles. But such profits are unlikely to allow the entrepreneur to make ends meet. For this reason, many businessmen are trying to expand the range of services they provide, developing their business, for example, thinking about how to set up the production of coffins, monuments, and tombstones. As a rule, this bears fruit, since customers are attracted by the opportunity not to contact other companies.

The main difficulty in this type of business is advertising of funeral services. By promoting their agency, using illegal methods of searching for information about the dead, entrepreneurs risk complicating relations with law enforcement agencies. The specifics of the funeral business are such that the owners of funeral agencies often walk on a knife’s edge, trying to survive in a highly competitive environment. And if you have a desire to avoid serious problems, you cannot do without a competent business plan for funeral services, which describes in detail all the stages of creating your own company to provide funeral services.

Before opening a funeral business, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan, which will include both a market analysis and all organizational aspects. A business plan will need to be submitted to state registration authorities in order to obtain permission to start a business.

A competent business plan for a funeral agency will help you quickly navigate the market and occupy a worthy niche in it. In essence, a business plan is the main tool, the purpose of which is to assess the prospects of a future funeral home and, possibly, attract investment. A business plan for funeral services will help convince government agencies that your bureau is necessary for the city and is profitable.

Funeral business in Russia: market analysis, competition

Because of cancellation of funeral business licensing Competition in the market is very high. In order to make a profit, you need to have information about the dead, and for such information there is a real war between competing firms.

We must remember that the number of players in the funeral business market is large, and its profitability is quite low, so it is not easy to achieve large profits here. For this reason, many entrepreneurs are trying to establish their own production of coffins or monuments.

Officials believe that the situation in the funeral services market today is critical. Firstly, the condition of the cemeteries is simply appalling. Secondly, funeral services often become part of the shadow economy due to the lack of proper government regulation and a clear legislative framework. The illegal sale of plots in cemeteries is thriving, although by law these plots must be provided free of charge. Very often, entrepreneurs accept payment in cash, which is not reflected in financial documents.

There are luminaries in the market who are not interested in new competitors and strive to control the funeral business. Most funeral parlors do not produce anything, but only sell related products. And take into account the difference between the purchase price and the selling price is often impossible.

Goals, objectives, target audience

The purpose of the funeral home is to conduct the deceased on his last journey at a decent level and provide his relatives with a full range of related services.

The tasks of the funeral home include:

  • the most delicate work with the relatives of the deceased;
  • making funeral preparations easier for them.

The funeral home's target audience is the families and friends of the deceased.

Where to start a funeral business? Legal aspects

Let's figure out how to open a funeral services business in accordance with the law.

Once upon a time, in order to open a funeral home, you needed a state license. Today, no license is required: since 2004, you only need to notify government authorities that you are starting your own business. It was from this year that the country's cities began to literally be flooded with mourning signs.

The funeral home must be registered with the tax authorities as . You can register yourself or contact a professional lawyer, the cost of whose work must be included in the business plan of the funeral business.

To open a funeral home, you need a standard set of documents for opening an LLC.

If during registration you did not write an application for a special tax regime, then you will be automatically installed on the general system. It is clear that this is not always profitable, especially when starting out in business. You will need to keep full accounting, quite complex calculations of all income and expenses, pay all taxes and regularly submit relevant reports.

For a non-wholesale company that does not serve large enterprises, it always makes sense to pay attention to special regimes.

Organizational aspects

Today, anyone can open a funeral home, because the farewell hall and transport can be rented, and instead of staff, you can hire specialists from an outsourcing company. Let's look at where to start a funeral business.

Where to open a funeral home?

The premises should be located in an area of ​​the city from which it will be easy to get to any point. The dimensions of the room should be quite large. There should be enough space for an office, a hall for displaying coffins, wreaths, monuments, a morgue, and a warehouse. If you intend to offer hearses to customers, then you need a place for them.

The farewell hall absolutely cannot be located in a residential building. It must be located at least 50 meters from residential buildings, sports, medical, children's, educational, and cultural institutions.

If you want to have your own morgue at the bureau, you will need special permission. This will need to be coordinated with the Committee of Architecture and Urban Planning, Environmental Protection and State Fire Supervision.

Furniture and equipment

If you are planning your own production, you will need to create separate workshops.

For example, for photo production you only need a computer with the appropriate software, a printer, photo paper, glue, and special oval frames.

For making monuments You will need crushed stone, adhesive mixture, metal pin, formwork, sand concrete, profile, reinforcement, expanded clay, paving slabs, masonry mixture. The required tools will include a hammer, trowel, level, bayonet shovel, and a container of 10-50 liters.

For coffin production You need a standard carpentry workshop, as well as tools for furniture production. In addition to wood or metal, special fabric will be needed. Typically, a small manufacturer does not make coffins on their own, but only assembles them from ready-made parts.

IN farewell hall There should be chairs or armchairs and a stand for the coffin. Naturally, it is also worth considering the appropriate design.

In the very the Bureau In addition to the reception desk, it is important to provide chairs or armchairs for clients, perhaps a coffee table with a price list.

To get started, you need to purchase a computer, scanner, printer, cash register, and tools (preferably at least in duplicate). The amount of furniture and other equipment will directly depend on the size of your office. You can have your own car(s) or, if necessary, rent vehicles.


The personnel who will work in the funeral home must be tactful and have an excellent knowledge of practical psychology, because they will have to work with relatives mourning the deceased. In addition, employees must be able to sell services. Today, so-called funeral agents who receive special education are especially popular.

In addition to agents, you will need an accountant, consultants, drivers, sellers, manufacturers of coffins, wreaths, monuments, mortuary workers, general workers, a lawyer, a makeup artist, a balsamist, carpenters, joiners, turners, and an administrator. However, at first, the staff can be reduced and, if necessary, hired third-party specialists.

In fact, there can be either two workers in each area (consultants, administrators, drivers) or one at a time. It is important to select staff from psychologically stable people.

Funeral home services

The bureau's income will directly depend on the range of services offered to clients. However, expanding the range will always come with increased costs. This includes purchasing the necessary equipment, hiring additional personnel, additional advertising, and purchasing materials.

Your company can provide services such as:

  • funeral rites (for this you will have to negotiate with priests of different faiths);
  • production of monuments, coffins, wreaths, photographs and other related products;
  • searching for a burial place with its subsequent registration;
  • hiring workers to dig the grave;
  • body storage;
  • presentation of transport, orchestra, funeral dinner;
  • cremation, embalming, disinfection of premises.

Attracting clients

Today, attracting clients in the funeral business mainly comes down to illegally searching for information about the deceased. This is due to corruption and data leakage. Businessmen who agree to this try to establish contacts with the police and hospital morgues.

State authorities are already concerned about the situation and are planning to begin universal certification of everyone involved in the funeral business in the near future.

Today, the Institute of Service and the Academy of Entrepreneurship in Moscow have already begun to train funeral business agents. The course is designed for 160 hours, and students here learn all the intricacies of funeral legislation, basic psychology, and the difference in religious rites in different religions. Interestingly, final exams are taken at the capital's mayor's office. It is easy to predict that when the authorities tighten the requirements for the funeral business, the demand for corresponding educational services will increase.

Costs and profitability of the funeral services business

Initial Investment will range from 10 thousand dollars to 100 thousand. It all depends on the price segment you are trying to occupy. If you do not have your own premises, then you will have to spend about 100 thousand rubles per month on rent. If you have a fairly decent staff of specialists of 20-30 people, then they will spend about 800 thousand rubles monthly on salaries. Depending on the region, the average salary in the office will be 20-50 thousand rubles.

The minimum equipment cost will be $5 thousand. However, if you plan to create your own workshops, farewell hall, morgue, then the equipment can cost 70-80 thousand dollars. These costs will be measured only by the scale of the business. For example, the minimum price for not upholstered a collapsible coffin will cost 850 rubles. The approximate price for a funeral hearse will be 2 million rubles. A refrigerator for a morgue will cost 30-50 thousand rubles, a hydraulic trolley - 15 thousand rubles, an autopsy table - 25 thousand rubles. The wreath will cost approximately 1.5 thousand rubles. Opening your own carpentry workshop will cost 3-5 thousand dollars.

The cheapest funeral will cost clients 12-16 thousand rubles. However, such orders will not allow the business to develop. You can count on a stable profit only if you receive many orders with average checks of 20-60 thousand rubles.

Approximate profit a month for an average bureau with an average order of 20-60 thousand rubles will be 200-400 thousand rubles.

The profitability of the funeral business will be about 15-20%. The profitability of production of related products will be higher - approximately 40%.

It is believed that the production of coffins, monuments and other paraphernalia will pay off within a year. Other services may be slower to pay for themselves.


So, the funeral business in Russia is far from the easiest and most profitable option. Competition here is high and profitability is low. In addition, it can be difficult for beginners to find a sufficient number of clients. However, as our funeral home business plan shows, a good agency with a wide range of services and sensitive, attentive employees will be appreciated over time.

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Funeral services are a very specific activity and are not suitable for everyone. But if you are ready to work in this area, then you have every chance to make a good profit and occupy a strong niche in the ritual business.

Pros and cons of a funeral home

First of all, it’s worth listing all the advantages of opening an agency:

  • Business demand. As sad as it is to realize, we are all mortal. Perhaps this is one of the few types of services that will always be relevant. Relatives want to see the deceased off on his last journey with honors, and the agencies, in turn, take care of all organizational issues.
  • Fixed salary. Even great competition will not be an obstacle to obtaining decent profits. There are enough orders for everyone.
  • Specificity of activity. Agree, this process cannot be called pleasant. The thought of death makes many people nervous. And if you observe it daily or even several times a day, you are not far from depression.
  • Competition. In large cities, it is much more difficult to promote your services due to the huge number of similar companies. Therefore, at first you will need a detailed business plan for funeral services in order to analyze the profitability and decide how profitable such a business is in your city.
  • Big investment. Opening a funeral service bureau is far from free. A lot of money will be required, so at first it will be quite difficult to gain a foothold and wait for the first profit.

How to open a funeral business according to the letter of the law?

Previously, you had to obtain a state license to start working. Today this point can be omitted. Since 2004, a license has not been officially required. And it was this period that was marked by a real boom in the emergence of various funeral bureaus.

Because of this, competition in the funeral business is very high. There is a real war going on in big cities. After all, it is very important to obtain information about the deceased before anyone else in order to have time to contact relatives and offer your services.

So, where to start a funeral business? Since the opening of the LLC. Registration involves collecting a certain package of documents. You can do this yourself or use the help of specialized companies.

As for taxation, the best option would be a simplified system.

Funeral home organization

To start such an activity you do not need to have any special knowledge. It is enough to rent a farewell hall, transport, and hire specialists through an outsourcing company.

The premises for the funeral home should be located in a place that can be easily reached by public transport and car. The bureau must have enough space for an office, a showroom where coffins, monuments, wreaths and other products are sold. There is also a farewell hall and a storage room.

The farewell hall should not be located in a residential building. Moreover, this premises must be located at least 50 meters from residential buildings, as well as kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, sports and cultural organizations.

If you want to set up a morgue in your own office, you will need special permission. It is coordinated with the Committee of Architecture and Urban Planning, State Fire Supervision and Environmental Protection.

The range of funeral services often includes the production of monuments with photographs. To make monuments, you need crushed stone, a special mixture of glue, metal pins, formwork, profiles, reinforcement, expanded clay, paving slabs and other materials, as well as a set of tools.

Making photographs will require the following equipment and consumables: a computer with a special program, a printer, glue, photo paper, frames.

You can also produce coffins yourself. This requires a workshop, tools and materials (wood, metal, special fabric). Most often, small funeral homes do not make coffins themselves, but only assemble ready-made parts.

Production and sale of coffins is a good additional income

In the farewell hall you need chairs, armchairs, and a stand for the coffin. It is important to think about the design of the room.

In the office space, you will need to install a table for the administrator, chairs or armchairs for visitors, as well as a coffee table with a price list of services.


The main quality of the staff is tact and knowledge of psychology, because you will have to communicate with grieving relatives. In addition, the ability to sell a service is also an important factor. The so-called ritual agents have all the necessary qualities listed above.

A ritual agent is a good psychologist and seller of services

In addition to agents, an administrator, an accountant, a driver, a salesman, a coffin and monument maker, mortuary workers, a lawyer, a balsamist, a makeup artist, a handyman, carpenters, carpenters, and turners are needed.

What services do you offer?

Your income will directly depend on the range of services provided. The wider it is, the greater the revenue.

The funeral home offers the following:

  • Sale of ritual supplies
  • Funeral rites (you will need to conclude an agreement with several priests in advance)
  • Search and registration of burial place
  • Production of photographs, monuments, coffins, wreaths and other goods
  • Finding workers to dig a grave
  • Body storage
  • Embalming, cremation
  • Transport services, orchestra
  • Funeral lunch.

Where to look for clients?

The main way to find clients is through informal agreements with the police and hospital morgues. It is these institutions that provide information to funeral homes. This is definitely not a very legal way. But still widespread due to great competition.

If we list legal methods, advertising in popular newspapers, magazines and online resources works well here. Bright advertising on billboards, radio and television advertising is inappropriate in this situation.

We calculate income and expenses

The initial investment is 10-100 thousand US dollars, depending on the number of services provided. If you don’t have your own premises, the costs will be higher; if you have your own car, suitable for conversion into a hearse, feel free to reduce costs. A decent staff of specialists will also require a lot of money.

A funeral costs clients at least 12-16 thousand rubles. But such cheap orders will not allow your funeral home to earn decent money. A consistently high income is possible only with a large number of orders with an average bill of 20-50 thousand rubles.

The estimated profit per month is about 200-400 thousand rubles. Business profitability is 15-20%, and when selling ritual goods - about 40%.

The payback period for funeral paraphernalia is 1 year. Investments in services pay off more slowly.

Thus, it is important not only to know where to start a funeral business, but also to take into account that this is a rather expensive and troublesome option. Great competition and low profitability, the difficulty of entering a niche and special specifics scare off many. But a good agency with sensitive employees is highly valued.

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