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How to open a kebab shop: the business is “tasty” and “fragrant.” How to open a kebab business from scratch

Shish kebab is a small specialized cafe, the menu of which is dominated by grilled meat (shish kebab). The main attractiveness of this business is the minimal costs required to organize it, which is especially important at the initial stage.


Stage 1: Registration procedures

Naturally, organizing an enterprise involves registering with the tax authority. It doesn’t matter what form of ownership is ultimately chosen, in the list of OKVED codes you need to indicate 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes.” A kebab shop also fits the description of this category.

It is optimal to register an individual entrepreneur, especially if you plan to open 1-2 points. Here, firstly, there is less red tape with documents - basically you need a passport with a copy and an application for registration. For an LLC, the list is much longer. Secondly, the pleasure will cost only 800 rubles. - this is exactly how much you will have to pay as state duty. For an LLC, the amount is 4 thousand rubles. True, you will have to wait 2 days longer for a decision, but this is unlikely to be that important.

You must immediately choose a form of taxation and notify the tax office of your decision. If this is not done in a timely manner, then OSNO is activated by default, a mode that is unprofitable for small catering establishments. Among the remaining forms of taxation, preference should be given to the simplified 15%. In this case, the tax base will be the difference between income and expenses. If you choose 6%, you can remain in the red. The fact is that at 6%, expenses are not taken into account in principle, and only income is taxed.

Step 2: Required Documents

When opening a kebab shop, it is not enough to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC; you also need to take care of permitting documents. To work legally, you need to prepare the following.

  • Sanitary and epidemiological report, otherwise called a hygiene certificate - is issued by Rospotrebnadzor for a period of 1 to 5 years based on the results of an examination of the product and place of production. Individual entrepreneurs are issued free of charge ( for up to 60 days. Naturally, you will have to pay for mediation. Also, research is carried out for money, on the basis of which an expert opinion is issued. How much you will ultimately have to spend is determined by the agreement with the company providing such a service.
  • Permission to place must also be obtained from Rospotrebnadzor. It confirms that a kebab shop can be installed in a specific location.
  • Medical books are issued for each employee of a catering enterprise who is directly related to production, supply of raw materials, and waste disposal. And they should come first. The cost of the main tests, which must be completed without fail (there are only 2 of them), together with the book form, starts from 600 rubles - this is if employees submit them to the SES themselves. Calling experts to the barbecue area will cost more.

It is advisable to charge all costs for preparing the necessary documentation in accounting as deferred expenses.

Stage 3: Selecting premises and equipment

The kebab shop most often operates in the format of a summer cafe: a tent is erected on a plot of land, under which all production is organized. Sometimes the grill is put outside. Such establishments are also common along the roadway. In any case, the main requirement for a place to locate a kebab shop is that it must be passable. The best option is close to markets or on the outskirts of a populated area.

It is also necessary to provide a toilet. You can get by with a bio-cabin, which, by the way, is cheapest to buy by sharing with other entrepreneurs. And for the first time it is best to rent. Some companies rent for 2-3 thousand rubles. along with the service.

Initially you will need:

  • barbecue and skewers - you can’t live without it;
  • refrigerator - it is necessary for storing marinated meat;
  • distribution counter - it separates the production room from the main hall;
  • tables and chairs - but you can do without them if you are preparing a takeaway barbecue.

Stage 4: Organization of the production process

In addition to the equipment, you will need raw materials, which, in fact, will be prepared in the kebab shop, as well as coal. Where is the best place to buy meat? The best thing is to find a supplier from among farmers who will provide you with a sufficient amount of meat. It is necessary to conclude an agreement with him.

How and where to marinate raw materials? If you buy already soaked meat, it will be more expensive, but you can save a lot on the marinade. To make it, it is better to contract some kind of canteen, for example, to carry out this work. But you can marinate yourself, but under the supervision of the workshop.

When setting prices, it is worth considering that during frying the weight of meat decreases. You also need to think about related products - drinks, dishes, baked goods.

Stage 5: Calculation of economic feasibility

In conclusion, an approximate calculation of the economic efficiency of the event. Since seasonal fluctuations for this type of activity are noticeable, it is reasonable to divide the years into 2 parts: May-September, October-April.

So, the initial parameters:

  • base - opening a new enterprise;
  • opening hours - from 10:00 to 22:00;
  • total area - 100 sq. m;
  • number of tables - 7 pcs. seats - 28;
  • approximate cost of equipment (dishes, stove, grill, refrigerator, microwave oven, oven, coffee machine, cash register, etc.) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • other one-time expenses (furniture made from cheap materials, cosmetic repairs, dishes, workwear) - 160 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - 3 thousand/month;
  • number of employees - 6 people (cashiers, cooks, cleaners), not counting administrative staff and technologist, average salary - 15 thousand rubles / month. with personal income tax.

Fixed expenses:

  • for wages - 90 thousand rubles/month. + Unified Social Tax (35%) - 31.5 thousand rubles;
  • for rent - 50 thousand rubles/month.

1 kebab cook can fry 50 kg of raw meat in a 12-hour working day on 2 barbecues, resulting in approximately 170 servings. For a kebab shop with 7 tables, this is quite adequate productivity during the peak trading season - from April to September. In other months the figure is half as much. Taking into account the average cost of shish kebab is 150 rubles. per serving, monthly revenue is 990 thousand rubles. (30% for the purchase of related products - drinks, etc.). Cost per day for meat and marinade - 240 thousand rubles. + costs for finished products - 208 thousand rubles.

Taking into account seasonality in the projection for the year it turns out:

  • turnover - 11,880 thousand rubles;
  • gross income (added value) - 6,504 thousand rubles;
  • net profit - 1,935 thousand rubles (peak) + 552 thousand rubles. (recession), total - 2,487 thousand rubles;
  • enterprise profitability - 21%;
  • payback period - 2 years.

Thus, a kebab shop is a worthwhile enterprise, because it can be organized at minimal cost and recouped in a couple of years.

Kebab houses are traditionally popular among Russians: it’s always a good time to have a good time or just have a snack, enjoying the smoky aroma of meat and watching the chef’s masterful work. A small cafe with a menu consisting mainly of grilled meat dishes is sure to attract customers and bring considerable income to the owners.

How to open a kebab business? You should start with a business plan and cost calculations, then find a suitable premises and begin processing all the necessary documents and permits - for the type of activity, raw materials and products, and personnel compliance with certain requirements. The next stage is the purchase and installation of equipment, searching for suppliers, hiring workers and developing a menu. After that, all that remains is to get to work, reach the planned turnover and get a well-deserved profit.

Obtaining permits from authorities

It will take some time to complete the necessary documents. Although the deadlines for issuing permits are regulated, just in case, add about 20% to them, taking into account the well-known human factor.

A beginning entrepreneur will need to register with the tax authorities: either an individual activity or an LLC (legal entity) is declared. Choose code 55.30 called “Activities of restaurants and cafes” and a simplified tax payment scheme of 15% of profit. In both cases you will need a passport and a receipt; For LLCs, the list of documents has been expanded. The duty is 800 rub. for individual entrepreneurs and 4000 rub. for LLC.

Rospotrebnadzor issues a permit for entrepreneurial activity after the sanitary-epidemiological service (SES) will draw up an opinion on the product and premises, issuing a hygiene certificate within 60 days (free of charge), valid for 1 to 5 years. Vehicles for transporting meat also require a certificate from the SES.

If the kebab shop sells alcohol, you will need a license to sell these goods. All employees are required to have valid health certificates.

Business Features

Firstly, the kebab shop belongs to the category of “one-dish” establishments, where the priority place on the menu belongs to kebab and its variants - for example, grilled meat or fish. Means, the cafe is unlikely to attract gourmets and it is worth paying attention to simpler clients, choosing a location for a kebab shop.

Secondly, you shouldn’t count on vegetarians and adherents of a healthy lifestyle either, and taking into account the price, schoolchildren and students “drop out” from the ranks of customers.

Third feature: if your cafe is open and the cook works outside, then the seasonality factor of services comes into force. After all, in winter, hardly anyone would agree to freeze while waiting for an order.

But the weakest point when opening a kebab shop is the bureaucratic stage: a catering establishment, even the smallest one, cannot be opened without all sorts of certificates that ultimately allow you to feed visitors.


Barbecue area about 100 sq. m. pays off in one and a half to two years. Let's calculate the approximate costs: purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles, utilities - up to 3 thousand per month, staff salaries will cost from 15 thousand rubles, rental of premises - about 50 thousand rubles. plus the cost of purchasing raw materials.

Production: per working day (12 hours) one cook can use two grills cook 50 kg of meat or 170 servings. In the season from May to September this is normal attendance for a small cafe, but in the period from October to April the numbers are reduced by at least half. With a serving cost of 150 rubles. We receive revenue of about a million rubles per year, including 30% of income from the sale of drinks and other menu offerings.

Total costs for raw materials and other goods will be about 450 thousand rubles. in year; turnover, taking into account seasonality - 11,880,000 rubles, gross income 6,504,000 rubles, net profit 2,487,000 rubles. The profitability of the kebab shop is 21%, the payback period for the enterprise is 2 years.

Where to open?

The main thing is that the selected premises must comply with fire safety requirements, otherwise there will be no work permit. Functioning water supply and sewerage, electricity, ventilation in the kitchen are mandatory conditions for obtaining a certificate from the SES.

The best location for a kebab shop is next to a large flow of people who are not particularly demanding when it comes to food and who have time to wait, until the order is ready. These could be train stations and bus stations, markets or a busy highway, embankments with a promenade area and beaches.

When choosing a location for a cafe, it is worth considering that not everyone likes the smoke from the barbecue, and neighboring businesses may not be happy with you; Therefore, try to find a place a few tens of meters away from the nearest fellow entrepreneur, no matter what he is doing.


Approximate costs for equipment for a barbecue area up to 100 square meters. meters - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. You will need:

  • barbecues and skewers;
  • oven and microwave oven;
  • separate refrigerators for storing meat and a refrigerator for other goods;
  • powerful kitchen hood;
  • cutting tables;
  • kitchen utensils, dishes;
  • distribution stand;
  • tables and chairs.

You can save money by offering takeaway kebabs: then you won’t need furniture for the hall, and regular utensils can be replaced with disposable ones made from cheap cardboard or plastic.

Menu development and supplier search

Shish kebab is the main dish on the menu, but It can be prepared from almost any product. Meat of various varieties and from different parts of the carcass, chicken, fish and shrimp, shellfish (including snails), vegetables, even fruits and marshmallows on a skewer as dessert, and crusty bread (of course, several types) with cheese... Delicious! Add all sorts of flatbreads, polenta toasted over a fire - in general, use your imagination or look for recipes from craftsmen on the Internet. The main thing is to differentiate yourself from competitors by offering something original and inexpensive, and good word of mouth will do everything to attract new customers without advertising costs.

Additional dishes in the form of pastries, desserts and drinks can bring up to 30% of the total profit! Don't neglect the assortment of juices and sodas, tea and coffee, and frozen desserts - buns, pies - are easy to prepare and last a long time. Think about the children's menu, because children always bring their parents and their friends, also with their parents, and so on.

Side dishes and salads, sauces and marinades, herbs and pita bread are an excellent decoration for barbecue and additional income. “Free additions” to the main course in the form of mini-sliced ​​vegetables or a couple of pieces of pita bread will certainly delight guests and increase orders, but they can cost you pennies.

The wine list and cognacs are barbecue classics, into which modern cocktails and different types of beer fit perfectly. It is more profitable to buy alcohol in bulk and only from official dealers who guarantee quality.

It is better to start searching for suppliers of raw materials based on recommendations, otherwise problems will go from possible to inevitable. A reputable butcher with a reputation will naturally charge more for his products than a beginner, but the quality of the meat and the presence of real certificates are a clear plus. If you want to save money, look for a farmer who personally raises livestock or poultry and is very interested in regular customers. Retail chains are also suitable for the role of supplier, but they are essentially resellers, and the price will definitely be higher than that of manufacturers or a large wholesaler.

The main rule for everything edible that ends up in your kebab shop: it must comply with all standards (sanitary, veterinary) and, as a result, visitors will like it.


There are always problems, where would we be without them... The main trouble for a novice entrepreneur lies in wait at the start: registration of all kinds of permits and certificates can take a long time, Therefore, be patient and treat everything philosophically.

To protect your nervous system, even before deciding to open your own business, be sure to consult with people who have practical experience in business. You will learn a lot of interesting and necessary things, but to save time, make a list of questions that interest you in advance.

The second problem is find normal workers, and the key figure is the cook. If this is a beginner, then he has a lot of energy and optimism, but not enough experience. A professional can be a champion barbecue cook, but if he has a quarrelsome character... Ideal options are rare, so you have to work quite a lot during interviews with applicants to create your team.

Finding a supplier, seasonality of business - this has already been discussed. Force majeure is always possible, no one is immune from them, but many problems can be solved if you have the financial resources and time.

To summarize, we can confidently say that a kebab shop is a profitable business. Its main advantages are low start-up costs, quick payback and positive traditions that are supported by the majority of the population, which creates a constant demand for a tasty dish.

Many people associate barbecue with relaxation in a friendly company, fun and comfort. Thanks to this association and the huge number of meat lovers, opening a kebab shop can be an excellent way to make money.

Shish kebab is a grilled meat dish. Even though this delicacy is not considered a dietary food, there are a lot of smokey meat lovers. The kebab shop's clients are people of different ages and social status. This democratic establishment can be visited by both students and businessmen. Thanks to this alternative concept, a kebab shop is a very profitable type of business, which is guaranteed to bring you income and, with the right approach, will recoup all investments in one season. Therefore, I will undoubtedly recommend that people who are looking for take a closer look at the idea of ​​opening their own kebab shop.

Features and format of business

The kebab shop is a “one-dish” themed establishment. This cafe exclusively prepares and serves grilled dishes. Basically, this is meat of different types and methods of preparation, from traditional kebab to rare steak. In addition, the barbecue menu often includes sausages and smoky sausages, as well as seasonal grilled vegetables.

Before opening such an establishment, you need to decide on the format. Traditionally, kebab houses are divided into two types: open-type establishments and closed ones.

Summer barbecue on the highway

This place is usually a small portable tent with an outdoor kitchen and outdoor tables for visitors. Here everyone can fully enjoy the atmosphere and experience all the delights of outdoor recreation. As a rule, barbecue and other dishes are prepared right on the street, and every visitor can watch the cooking process.

Most of these establishments are located along the highway, outside the city. Most often, visitors to roadside kebab shops are passing motorists, truckers, as well as people who decide to relax in nature. As a rule, these cafes provide customers with not only the opportunity to purchase barbecue to take away, but also relax in comfortable gazebos or summer tents.

The only disadvantage of a summer kebab shop is the seasonality of this type of income.

Stationary indoor kebab shop

The second option for opening this themed catering establishment involves renting a premises with a specially equipped kitchen for preparing food, as well as a resting place for visitors to the kebab cafe. This option is more profitable, because it is possible to sell grilled meat dishes all year round. But as a rule, the demand for such food in winter drops significantly, and not every novice entrepreneur can afford opening a stationary establishment. Therefore, for beginners on a limited budget, I recommend opening a summer kebab shop on the street.

Business registration

Before you begin to implement the idea of ​​​​opening a catering establishment, you should understand the organizational issues. First of all, you need to submit the relevant documents for registration of activities. You have the opportunity to choose the form of activity: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Naturally, the procedure for registering an individual business is much simpler, faster and less expensive in material terms. But it is only suitable for establishments that do not plan to sell alcoholic beverages. It is worth noting that beer does not require a license, and these are the most popular drinks in the warm season. Therefore, you can safely limit yourself to selling exclusively non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks in your establishment.

If you are initially planning an extensive menu for your catering establishment, which involves selling alcohol, then you should register a legal entity (LLC).

Necessary documents for the legal operation of a kebab shop

  • Coordination of the location of the kebab shop with Rospotrebnadzor. You do not have the right to locate a catering establishment or retail outlet in any place convenient for you. This must be agreed upon with local authorities, who will issue appropriate permission to open the establishment.
  • Conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service on the compliance of food products, food preparation technology, norms and quality standards.
  • Permits from the fire department. This is another authority, the conclusion of which determines the possibility of opening and operating a retail outlet. The premises of a kebab shop, coffee shop, pizzeria or any other catering establishment must comply with fire safety standards. Namely, a fire alarm must be installed on the territory of the establishment, and there must be both a main and an emergency exit in case of need to evacuate people.
  • Availability of health certificates for establishment employees. Catering workers are required to have proof of health status. To do this, they must provide a health record, which indicates that they have undergone a routine medical examination.

Equipment for barbecue

Depending on the chosen format of the establishment, you will need to purchase the appropriate equipment for preparing barbecue and other dishes presented on the menu of your cafe.

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Necessary equipment for a summer barbecue on the street

  • Barbecue and skewers for cooking meat and vegetables over a fire;
  • Microwave oven for heating food;
  • Refrigerator and freezer;
  • Cutting table;
  • Washbasin, dishwasher, water supply and sewerage, in case you do not use disposable dishes to serve ready-made dishes. But as a rule, roadside kebab shops use disposable dishes and cutlery, so there is no need for unnecessary waste;
  • Kitchen utensils (knives, plates, glasses, cutting boards, dishes, etc.);
  • Furniture for visitors to relax. As an option, most often, roadside cafes use plastic chairs and tables with sun umbrellas. Sometimes kebab houses equip gazebos for guests of the establishment. You can choose any option that is more accessible to you financially.

Menu and food delivery

The main feature of any kebab shop is high-quality grilled meat. Consider customer preferences and try to diversify the menu as much as possible. For example, some religions prohibit eating pork, so in order not to lose customers, you can offer them kebab made from tender chicken fillet.

The establishment's menu should include types of kebabs made from different types of meat. For example, you can offer visitors traditional pork or lamb shish kebab, tender grilled beef, baked chicken drumsticks, and even an exclusive seafood composition of salmon, shrimp or snails. Vegetables must also be served with meat. You can cook them very tasty on the grill and serve them as a side dish for barbecue.

Dessert. In any establishment, even a kebab shop, you can offer visitors the opportunity to try something sweet. Traditional desserts in the warm season include ice cream with various toppings and syrups, fruit salad and chocolate-covered fruit slices.

Don't forget about drinks too. It is advisable to sell both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks so that each visitor can choose the one that suits their taste. The menu should include juices, fruit drinks, coffee, tea, as well as alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, for example.

I recommend that you don't get too carried away and create an extensive menu. The fact is that meat and vegetables spoil very quickly in the warm season. And the use of frozen foods significantly affects the taste and appearance of food. Therefore, it is better to have main dishes on the menu, but always from fresh products that will be delivered several times a week.

Delivery of products

Opening a kebab shop involves selling home-cooked dishes, for which you need to purchase the appropriate ingredients.

It is quite possible to conclude profitable contracts with vegetable and butcher shops. The only recommendation is, don’t be fooled by the low cost of meat, always ask for certificates confirming its quality. Otherwise, you risk the lives of your visitors, because it is very easy to get poisoned by meat.

Want to save money? Find farmers and buy goods directly without intermediaries. With the same success, you can open a domestic farm, pigs, sheep, and then the problem with the supply of products will be solved.

Search for personnel to work in a kebab shop

It is worth understanding that the attendance of the establishment, and accordingly its profitability, depends on the qualifications of the staff and the quality of service. Therefore, treat the selection of staff with all responsibility.

To work in a kebab shop you will need:

  1. Cook. If the establishment is small, then at the initial stage, one person is enough;
  2. Assistant cook – 1–2 people to work in shifts;
  3. Waiters. Depending on the area and attendance of the establishment, hire qualified waiters. A minimum of 4 people will be needed to work in shifts. There are no special requirements for the position, the main thing is that the person is attentive, friendly towards the visitor, punctual, honest and responsible. It is desirable to have work experience, but it is also possible to accept a person without experience with a probationary period.
  4. Cleaning woman. It doesn’t matter what kind of catering establishment you open, be it an elite coffee shop or a roadside kebab shop, cleanliness in the premises is the key to success. Agree that few people will visit an establishment that smells dirty and tasteless. Hire someone to clean and keep it clean.

Business plan for a kebab shop

To avoid mistakes and to allocate your available start-up capital wisely, I recommend that you draw up and adhere to a clear business plan.

A kebab shop business plan should consist of the following steps:

  1. Choosing the format of the establishment (stationary cafe or mobile tent);
  2. Registering a business, obtaining permits and licenses;
  3. Rent a place for a kebab shop;
  4. Purchase of equipment;
  5. Recruitment;
  6. Calculating the costs of implementing an idea, assessing the profit and payback period of the project;

Kebab business: pros and cons

It is worth noting that starting a business in the food industry is always a profitable business, even despite serious competition. As for the barbecue industry specifically, here, like in any other field of activity, there are advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the seasonality of the business, in the case of opening a summer kebab shop. As for the advantages, there are many more of them: thematic nature of the establishment, small investments, high demand and the possibility of further development in the chosen direction.

In this material:

A kebab shop business plan allows you to predict the development of your own business from scratch, minimize costs and prevent losses, achieving a stable profit. How to insure yourself against seasonal downturns and how to attract customers, beating your competitors?

The aroma of barbecue evokes thoughts of relaxation, sea, sun. Rarely is a picnic complete without meat grilled over coals. But it is not always possible to light up the grill whenever the desire arises. This is exactly what barbecue houses are for: a hospitable and skillful cook, in front of an astonished audience, will turn pork, beef, lamb, chicken into a hearty and tasty dish that Russian people like so much.

Features of the kebab business


Despite the huge number of catering establishments operating in different formats, the popularity of kebab remains unchanged. Neither fast food, nor a coffee shop, nor a deli can compete with a kebab shop. Shish kebab is self-sufficient (although this does not exclude the possibility of diversifying the menu with cold appetizers, vegetable slices and salads), it acts as a separate dish and is an ideal snack for both beer, wine, even champagne, and stronger drinks - vodka, cognac. The idea of ​​opening a kebab shop will pay off quickly enough if you approach the organization wisely. First of all, you need to decide on the format:

  • seasonal trade involves organizing a mobile point - a grill under a canopy (the chef cooks in front of clients) and tables for visitors;
  • a stationary establishment, decorated and equipped in accordance with all rules and regulations.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • relatively small starting capital;
  • payback period – 14-16 months;
  • The cook is not required to have the ability to prepare other dishes, which greatly simplifies the task and reduces the waiting time for an order;
  • the presence of alcoholic beverages on the menu significantly expands the range of orders and increases the quantity of kebab ordered;
  • mobile kebab shops can be moved from one point to another, in search of a better location and more profit.
  • seasonal fluctuations affect business profitability;
  • meat is a perishable product, so violation of sanitary standards (especially in the hot season, during the season) is fraught with either loss of money or problems with visitors.

Meat cooking technology

To prepare a classic kebab, you will need fresh meat - lamb, beef (veal), pork, goat; 3% vinegar, cucumbers, tomatoes, tomato sauce, green and onions, lemons.

The meat is cut into cubes, the weight of one cube is 35-40 g. There are 4-5 pieces per serving of kebab. The meat is salted and peppered, sprinkled with vinegar. If veal, lamb (fish and chicken) are used in cooking, then the meat does not need to be marinated, vinegar is not needed and onions are not added to this kebab.

In other cases, the meat is mixed with onions, cut into rings, and left for 5-6 hours.

The shish kebab is fried on coals or on a grill, after placing the prepared meat on a skewer.

Not everyone adheres to the classic recipe, and not always; masters have their own versions of marinades; in addition to meat, they fry vegetables - tomatoes, eggplants, sweet peppers, zucchini.

Where to start a kebab business?

Objective of the project

The goal that an entrepreneur sets for himself when opening a kebab shop is to organize a stationary or mobile catering point, the main dish of which will be kebab. Business involves conducting an advertising campaign and attracting customers in order to make a profit.

Description of services

  1. Cooking shish kebab from different types of meat and fish over an open fire (charcoal). The more varied the assortment of main courses, the more popular the establishment will be. A prerequisite is that the kebab listed on the menu must be on the client’s table within the prescribed time. Nothing harms the image (except for stale products) more than the phrase: “Sorry, there is no beef (pork, fish, veal) at the moment, we can offer chicken kebab.”
  2. Sales of related products - drinks, bread/lavash/unleavened flatbread, vegetables, sauces, herbs.
  3. Delivery of barbecue and vegetables to the specified address, takeaway trade.

You can diversify the leisure time of visitors by organizing musical accompaniment (live music) and hookah.

The target audience

The establishment is designed for young people aged 20-35 with average income. As a rule, men prevail, but with due diligence, the kebab shop will become a place of leisure for youth groups and family recreation. Parties and holidays in a free format without officialdom will optimally fit into the concept of a kebab shop. However, it is important to maintain a balance here: a low bill is justified by high traffic and the kebab shop expands due to turnover. Companies that, after ordering a serving of shish kebab, spend several hours at the table, become a hindrance to new visitors, and therefore threaten profitability. For organized events, it is important to agree on the check amount in advance and encourage subsequent orders.

Assessing the level of competition

The kebab business cannot be called low-competitive. In addition to direct competition from kebab shops, trade is influenced by nearby catering establishments, especially fast food. However, a competent marketing campaign and tasty, smoky meat will allow you to advance in the market and recoup your business.

Risk assessment

A stationary indoor establishment is less susceptible to seasonal changes and decreased profits, which cannot be said about a mobile outlet or an open kebab shop. When choosing a format, it is important to assess the risk of downtime during the low season. It is especially important to take this factor into account in regions with short summers and low average annual temperatures and high humidity.

In addition, the work of a kebab shop is directly tied to a stable supply of meat. When choosing a supplier, you should make sure of his reliability and integrity.

In general, a kebab shop is characterized as a business with low risks. The starting capital is low and is mostly invested in liquid assets. If the business does not go well, you can sell it entirely or sell off the acquired property to cover the losses.

Organizational plan

Business registration

To open a kebab shop, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax authorities. However, if you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, you will have to register a legal entity with the preparation of all the necessary documents and compliance with formalities (making a seal, opening a current account).

To operate the establishment you will need:

  • sanitary and hygienic conclusion;
  • permission to operate a kebab shop;
  • trade license (if necessary);
  • medical records for each employee.

Search for premises

Like any catering establishment, the premises for a kebab shop must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and not cause complaints from the fire inspectorate.

The location in a noisy, crowded place, on the one hand, ensures an influx of customers, on the other hand, it guarantees huge competition. It is profitable to open kebab shops on the outskirts of the city, along the highway. There should be convenient access to the establishment and the ability to leave a car. The idea of ​​opening your own establishment in a space that previously housed a cafe or bar is justified from several points of view. Firstly, it will probably have the necessary communications, and secondly, visitors will be interested in the new point and stop by, at least out of curiosity. Whether they will come again depends on the employees of the kebab shop.

Menu creation

For obvious reasons, the center of the menu, its main dish, will be shish kebab. The more diverse the options offered, the more fans the kebab shop will gain. However, it is worth considering the possibility of timely supply of all necessary types of meat.

The shish kebab will be complemented by: charcoal-grilled fish and seafood, baked and fresh vegetables, savory pastries, salads, and drinks. The format of the establishment also determines the price range of the menu.

Equipment and furniture

To work you will need:

  • grill (one or more) with skewers;
  • grill grates;
  • kitchen utensils and dishes;
  • distribution counter;
  • furniture for visitors (tables, chairs);
  • hangers for outerwear.

Chairs can replace soft sofas and armchairs - the choice depends on the design and style of the room.

To store meat and other products, you need refrigeration chambers; a modern, powerful hood will help provide ventilation; a dishwasher will be a useful purchase.

A separate item of expense in a stationary establishment is the equipment of the sink and bathroom.

Barbecue staff

In addition to a qualified cook (or two, if the kebab shop will work seven days a week for 10-12 hours a day), waiters, kitchen workers, cleaners, an administrator, an accountant, and a security guard are needed. In order not to keep visitors waiting, a kitchen assistant can cut salads and serve orders.

Advertising and Marketing

A bright, catchy name and an attention-grabbing sign are the tip of the iceberg. You need to start an advertising campaign several months before the opening, during the renovation and equipment of the premises. Information on the Internet, distribution of flyers and leaflets, advertising in public transport, on light screens, billboards - the more active the work is done at the preparatory stage, the more interest the opening of a kebab shop will generate. It’s worth celebrating this day with treats and discounts, showing yourself in all your glory. For regular customers, you can provide bonuses, promotions, a cumulative or incentive discount system.

Financial plan

Investments in business

  • purchase of equipment, furniture, kitchen utensils – 350 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of workwear, packaging materials for takeaway trade – 40 thousand rubles;
  • arrangement and renovation of the premises - 300-350 thousand rubles;
  • paperwork - 4 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

  • rent – ​​30 thousand rubles;
  • salary – 150 thousand rubles;
  • utilities – 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of food, coal - 100 -120 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 10 thousand rubles.

Income, profit calculation

Profit calculations can be determined only after the location has been selected and the estimated attendance of the establishment has been assessed.

If it is possible to process and sell 0.5 centners of fresh meat per day (about 38 kg of fried meat), then the figure per month is about 1.1 tons. Purchasing meat from peasant farms guarantees an acceptable price and a stable supply of quality meat.

Shish kebab is perhaps not so healthy, but it is a very tasty meat dish that is associated with warmth, relaxation and pleasant company. Not everyone can deny themselves such a delicacy. And, besides, in our time - the age of dominance of fast foods and other junk food - this culinary creation is valued very highly. Unfortunately, today you can see that there are only a small number of establishments that can compete with the expansion of unhealthy “fast” food. In fact, having your own kebab shop is not as difficult as it seems, especially if you approach the organization of your own establishment correctly, then a small kebab cafe with delicious food, created with your own hands, can bring a good profit and even pay for itself in a season.

Premises requirements

Most often, a kebab shop is an ordinary summer cafe, located in the form of a tent on a small plot of land, differing from a cafe only in that it serves kebab. In most cases, the grill for preparing this delicious dish is located outside. In our area, road kebab shops, which are designed for client drivers, are quite widespread. But there is also an indoor barbecue option.

The premises for a kebab shop must be consistent with the standards of the SES (sanitary and epidemiological service), regardless of whether it is a temporary structure (tent) or a permanent building, for example:

  • The area and composition of the kebab shop must comply with sanitary, technical and other standards established by law; for example, opening a kebab shop is not possible due to the lack of a bathroom.
  • Opening a kebab shop is only possible if it is equipped with the appropriate equipment.
  • The premises for the kebab shop must be located in non-residential buildings.
  • The finishing of the floor and walls of the kebab shop must be carried out in accordance with technical regulations and standards.
  • It is mandatory to prepare sanitary and epidemiological documents for a kebab shop.

Last but not least, you should pay attention to such criteria as compliance with fire safety requirements, since in this situation we are talking about the use of a fire-hazardous room in the future. The grill, as well as its location, must strictly comply with the rules and regulations provided by the fire department. In addition, the room must have all the attributes necessary for the operation of the kitchen - electricity and water supply. It is best if at the place where the organized kebab house will be, the issue of sewerage and water supply has already been resolved, since solving these tasks can sometimes take a huge amount of time. And time, as they say, is money. First, you will need to agree with the specialists who will carry out the external work, and also obtain permission from the water utility. Shish kebab for sale can only be prepared in a room that has a refrigerator, water supply and sewerage.

Speaking about the interior of the future kebab shop, there are practically no restrictions for imagination and creativity. Sometimes it happens that the most daring interior concepts are not only able to surprise potential clients, but also evoke a lot of positive emotions, which will increase the flow of clients, thereby earning an excellent reputation. Although, by adhering to canonical interiors, you can create an atmosphere of home warmth, comfort and coziness, which are sometimes so lacking in the everyday hustle and bustle. In general, every aesthetic solution has its connoisseur. The main rule in this venture is no rules.

You should also remember that a kebab shop will not be a kebab shop without a barbecue and other equipment:

  • Crockery;
  • Kitchen utensils, including skewers and grill;
  • Cutting tables;
  • Extraction from the highest power;
  • Refrigeration chambers (the best option is three chambers);
  • Microwave;
  • Cash machine.

If the plans for opening a kebab shop do not include takeout, then you will also need to purchase furniture for the hall:

  • Chairs;
  • Tables;
  • Bar counter;
  • Bar stools;
  • As well as wardrobe furniture.

Where to open a kebab shop

First of all, to open an establishment like a kebab shop, you need to find a suitable place. After all, the amount of income directly depends on the number of clients. Therefore, you need to choose places with large populations. Central parts of cities, city parks, areas of train stations, markets, near universities, office buildings, ground and underground transport stations, as well as exits from the city are perfect for this. Such an establishment would be useful in suburban recreation areas, where clean air and delicious food will ensure a wonderful pastime. It is cost-effective to locate summer barbecue cafes along major highways. If, with all this, we apply a competent approach to organizing the space around the kebab shop, then the attendance of this establishment will increase significantly. And with a well-thought-out menu and quality service, success is immediate.

Business Features

Since a kebab shop is essentially a specialized “one-dish” establishment. Accordingly, shish kebab occupies a priority place on the menu of this establishment. One of the variations can be grilled meat.

Most of these establishments can be chaotically divided into two types: closed and open. Both groups of kebab shops prepare and sell food on site. But there is a difference, which is that a closed kebab shop sells only ready-made kebab with a small set of related products, for example, barbecue dressings and seasonings. Whereas an open-type kebab shop has tables equipped for customers, as well as a much larger assortment, including various drinks, dishes, including alcoholic beverages. Usually, the operating format of the opened kebab shop is determined by the premises chosen for the establishment, its location, and, of course, the very desire of the businessman.

When choosing a format for a future kebab shop, you need to clearly understand their advantages. In the warm season, undoubtedly, there will be more profit from an open kebab bar with 7-10 tables; the resources spent on organizing the area for customers will pay for themselves several times over with profits from selling drinks and additional dishes. But in the cold season, the indicators for closed kebab shops are much higher, since the attendance of kebab shops decreases due to the desire of customers to eat this dish at home. Therefore, creating a closed kebab shop will minimize costs and, accordingly, will provide good profits in this business.

With all this, it should be noted that competent planning and successful organization of a business project will allow you to earn significant income regardless of the type of establishment.

In every decent kebab shop, more than half of the revenue, and maybe even more, comes from kebab. The rest of the income comes from snacks, beer, salads, fries, etc. Therefore, the pillars in this tasty business are good cuisine and its king - the cook. If the kebab recipe pleases the taste buds of visitors, then your establishment will never be empty.

The main staff of the kebab shop are:

  • Administrator (often the individual entrepreneur himself);
  • Waiter;
  • Cook;
  • Security guard;
  • Cashier.

If the cafe is not very large, then the cashier can also do the work of a waiter. The cook must have experience, as a lot depends on this. You should remember about the need for medical records for staff, since their absence threatens with a fine or, even worse, can adversely affect the health of clients.

Choosing a supplier of raw materials should not be at the bottom of an entrepreneur’s list of priorities, since meat is the basic product of trade in a kebab shop. It must be of selected quality, without bones and excess fat (tenderloin). It is also recommended to diversify the assortment in the establishment with kebabs from fish, chicken, and lamb, since the ability to choose has a beneficial effect on the quality of services and, accordingly, on the number of visitors. Don’t forget about coal and spices, which must also be of proper quality.

Before cooking, the shish kebab must be marinated. Making your own marinade saves a lot of money. If there is competition nearby, the presentation and portion size of the kebab become very important factors. Therefore, you shouldn’t skimp on little things like onions, grilled vegetables, ketchup and herbs. The kebab itself should be served tasty, juicy, complete with a normal-sized portion. Even if the price rises a little in comparison with competitors, the choice will still fall on this establishment, due to the better service and taste of the food.

Beer ranks second in importance in a kebab shop after meat. It definitely wouldn't hurt to have at least a small selection of draft beers other than bottled ones. Also useful would be snacks such as dried fish, chips, nuts, or something more expensive, for example, chicken wings.

You should also find out the average price for kebab in the region and do not inflate prices, sticking to their range.

If you approach the issue of opening a kebab shop wisely, drawing up a business plan and adhering to the recommendations, then under favorable circumstances you can pay for yourself in the first working season.

It is important to adhere to the main conditions:

  • The location of the kebab shop is in crowded places;
  • A wide range of accompanying products, high-quality and tasty cuisine;
  • High-quality products, trusted suppliers;
  • Polite and professional staff;
  • Reasonable prices.

Documents for opening a kebab shop

The first step to opening a kebab shop is to register your enterprise with the tax service. If you plan to open one or maximum two establishments, then it would be advisable to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). This simplifies the registration process, since all you need is a passport, its copy and an application. And you need to pay much less state fees than when registering an LLC, for which you need many times more documents.

After this, you need to determine the form of taxation and notify the tax office about your business. This is very important, because if you do not do this on time, then by default you will have to pay a tax that is very unfavorable for this enterprise. The recommended option here is a simplified form with 15%, since the tax base in it is formed from the difference between income and expenses.

To open your own kebab shop, opening only an individual entrepreneur or LLC is not enough.

To work legally, you also need to obtain some permits:

  • Medical book. Since the work of the kebab shop staff as employees of a catering enterprise is related to the production, delivery or disposal of food, each of the kebab shop employees must have a medical record. Each employee must undergo tests (2 in total).
  • Permission to place. Thanks to this document, which is issued by Rospotrebnadzor, a kebab shop can be located in a specific location.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Also known as a hygiene certificate. Issued for a period of one to five years. It is also issued by Rospotrebnadzor, with individual entrepreneurs, free of charge, no later than 60 days from the date of application. When contacting an intermediary company that will provide an expert opinion, you will need to pay.
  • Licenses allowing trade in certain groups of goods, for example, wine and vodka products.

When transporting meat yourself, you will need to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological document for transport.

This type of business is interesting because the resource costs at the opening and maintenance stage are minimal, while competition is not a decisive factor, since there are many methods to present your food and your establishment in a favorable light. Moreover, in cities this type of establishment is practically not represented, growing densely at the exits from cities and along highways, which makes it possible to occupy its niche. But whatever it is, you need to remember: business is business, and you need to think about people first of all. High-quality food, a pleasant atmosphere in the establishment and polite staff are the keys to respect, recognition and success.