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How to open your own company from scratch. How to open a law firm? What documents should the inspectorate give you?

So, you have a mature plan on how to make money or big money, and you are ready to create a company.

What steps should you start with? What is the most important and priority?

Let's start with the fact that the most common form of company at present is a Limited Liability Company (LLC), less common - Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) and Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC).

The popularity of registering a company in the form of an LLC is explained primarily by the fact that in a limited liability company the founders are liable to the extent of their share in the authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 10,000 rubles. Creating an LLC is also the easiest way to get your own company.

Those who want to have a fixed part of the profit as a result of the company’s activities, which, according to this form of organization, is expressed in shares, try to create a company in the form of a closed joint stock company.

A company in the form of an OJSC is registered by figures who capture a huge scale of production, living off the investments of an open circle of people who often have nothing to do with the activities of this enterprise.

So, depending on the goals of your activity (making profit to achieve the goals of the enterprise or making profit for its subsequent division between the participants of the enterprise), you chose the organizational and legal form of the enterprise and decided to open a company. What's next?

We will determine a clear list of questions necessary for registering a company.


1) Before opening a company, you need to decide on the name of the company, since it will appear in all company documents. At the same time, without a sonorous, beautiful name, the company becomes faceless, one of many.

Currently, government agencies do not require name identity and no longer conduct name uniqueness checks. Although you should not use registered logos such as Ford or Nestle in your name, this will expose you to a fine and legal proceedings.

Another point that is worth paying attention to when choosing the name of your company. This means that there is a procedure for approving the use of the words Russia, Moscow and similar root words in the company name. In addition to the fact that before registering a company, you must obtain appropriate permission to use the words “Russia” and “Moscow” in the name of the company, in the future you will have to pay another tax.


2) The next step before drawing up the constituent documents is choosing the legal address of the company. It is permitted to open a company at the location of the executive body. If you already have a specific address in mind where you will be directly located, then you need to provide it to us to work with documents. If you do not have a legal address for registering a company, we can offer you addresses for all tax authorities in Moscow and the Moscow region. All that is required of you is to determine which tax office you want to register with.


3) Now regarding the founders of the company. Individuals (citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens) and legal entities (both Russian and foreign) can open a company. The law provides for a limit on the quantitative number of founders for LLCs and CJSCs - no more than 50. The founder can be one person.

Data on individual founders is provided in the form of a photocopy of a passport,

if the founder is a foreigner, then a translation of the passport is necessary (which our company can also do, since we have a translation agency).

Copies of the following documents are required from founders - legal entities:

Certificate of state registration.

Certificate of entry of information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (assignment of OGRN).

Certificates of tax registration (assignment of TIN).

Protocol (decision) on the appointment of a manager.

Manager's passport details.

The founder – a foreign company – is required to:

An extract from the trade register or a certificate of registration of the company in the country of origin (or another document confirming the registration of a foreign company).

A power of attorney for a specific individual who is given the right to sign documents on behalf of a foreign company, including opening accounts and performing all actions related to the registration of companies.

ATTENTION: The documents listed above must be apostilled, translated into Russian, and their Russian translation must be notarized. These documents will be submitted to the registration authority.


4) One of the mandatory provisions that must be indicated in the constituent documents of your company is “Types of economic activity”.

The main document that will help you choose certain types of activities is the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED). You can view this classifier on our website.

According to the classifier, you must select those types of activities that you intend to engage in, but no more than 20.

The main activity must be put first. The main economic activity is the type of economic activity that generates the largest portion of revenue.

You also need to determine the main type of activity to assign a certain insurance rate to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS). The size of the insurance rate depends on the class of professional risk of the main type of activity of your company.


5) Today, the following taxation systems exist:



Single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities.

Under the traditional taxation system, a company must calculate and pay all taxes and fees provided for by law (federal, regional and local).

The use of a simplified company taxation system provides for the replacement of payment

Corporate income tax,

Value added tax (VAT),

Sales tax,

Property tax organization

And the single social tax

payment of a single tax.

There are two forms of the simplified system: - 6% of income;

15% of income reduced by expenses.

Newly created companies that have expressed a desire to switch to a simplified taxation system have the right to submit an application for the transition to a simplified system simultaneously with the submission of an application for state registration of the company.

Therefore, before registering a company, you must first decide on the choice of taxation system.

Video guide

Prostopravo TV talks about the advantages and disadvantages of the main forms of doing business in Ukraine.

A seal imprint cannot be a mandatory requisite of any document submitted by a business entity to a state authority or local government body. A copy of a document submitted by a business entity to a state authority or local government body is considered certified in the prescribed manner if such a copy bears the signature of an authorized person of such a business entity or the personal signature of an individual entrepreneur. A state authority or local government body does not have the right to require notarization of the accuracy of a copy of a document if such a requirement is not established by law.

The presence or absence of a company seal on a document does not create legal consequences.

The production, sale and/or purchase of seals is carried out without obtaining any permits.

Accordingly, changes have been made to the legislative acts regulating the activities of business entities of various organizational and legal forms to the effect that the seal is no longer a mandatory attribute of a legal entity. In addition, if previously the legislation established that the seal must reflect the name and identification code of the business entity, now the requirements for the content of the seal have been abolished.

Opening a bank account for a legal entity

To begin full-fledged work, a legal entity must open a current account in any commercial bank. You can compare RKO tariffs.

In accordance with the requirements of the Instructions on the procedure for opening, using and closing accounts in national and foreign currencies (NBU Resolution No. 492 of November 12, 2003), to open an account you must provide the following documents to the bank:

  • application for opening a current account. The application is signed by the head of the legal entity or another authorized person;
  • copies of the duly registered constituent document (charter / constituent agreement / constituent act / regulations). Legal entities whose constituent documents are posted on the electronic services portal do not submit a constituent document in paper form. Legal entities of public law that act on the basis of laws do not submit a constituent document. A legal entity created and/or operating on the basis of a model charter approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine submits a copy of the decision on its creation or on carrying out activities on the basis of a model charter signed by all founders;
  • a card with samples of signatures and seal impressions, certified by a notary.

A person who opens a current account on behalf of a business entity must present a passport or other identification document. Representatives of legal entities must also provide documents confirming their authority. Resident individuals additionally present a document issued by the relevant state tax service authority, certifying their registration in the State Register of Individual Taxpayers.

To open a current account for the formation of the authorized or consolidated capital, share or indivisible fund of a business entity - a legal entity, you will need:

  • an application for opening a current account, signed by a person authorized to open an account by the founders of a legal entity;
  • one copy of the original constituent document or its copy certified by a notary. In the case of opening an account for the formation of the authorized capital of a joint-stock company, instead of a constituent document, an agreement / decision on the creation of a joint-stock company or a copy thereof certified by a notary is submitted;
  • decision of the founders (participants) to determine the person who is granted the right to open and dispose of an account, which is drawn up in the form of a power of attorney certified by a notary (if at least one of the founders (participants) is an individual). Instead of the original power of attorney, a copy certified by a notary can be submitted to the bank.

In the case of opening a current account to form the authorized capital of a business company, the founder (participant) of which is one person, the following must be submitted:

  • application for opening a current account. Information that an account is being opened to form the authorized capital of a business company, the founder (participant) of which is one person, is indicated in the “Additional information” line of the application for opening a current account;
  • one copy of the original constituent document or its copy certified by a notary. In the case of opening an account for the formation (authorized capital) of a joint-stock company, instead of a constituent document, a decision on the establishment of a joint-stock company or a copy thereof certified by a notary is submitted;
  • a power of attorney or a copy of a power of attorney in the name of the person who has the right to open and dispose of an account, certified by a notary. If the account is opened personally by the founder (participant), then this document is not required.

The funds of the founders (participants) are credited to this account for the formation of the authorized or compiled capital, share or indivisible fund of a legal entity before its state registration. This account begins to function as a current account only after the bank receives the documents necessary to open a current account, and the bank receives a response message or notification counterfoil about the registration of the account by the state tax service at the location of the legal entity.

Let us recall that at the moment for most organizational and legal forms of enterprises the minimum amount of authorized capital is not established by law. This means that it can be anything.

Online registration of a business entity

To carry out the procedure for state registration of a business entity, in this case an LLC, you must use the service of the Ministry of Justice at the link:

Just a few simple operations and you are the founder of an LLC.

All useful information about obtaining an electronic digital signature from the Accredited Center for Certification of Keys of Justice Authorities at the link.

You can obtain an electronic digital signature in any other way: for example, from the tax authorities or a bank.

and in the upper right corner click on the “Login” button.

After going to the authorization page (, you must attach an Electronic Digital Signature by selecting a Key Certification Center; Then you should click the “Return” button, find your digital signature on the computer and enter the key protection password and click the “Read” button.

The user also has the opportunity to register and subsequently log in to the portal of electronic services “Online House of Justice” using a secure media (Crystal / Diamond, etc.). To do this, you need to connect the protected media to your computer, then select Key Certification Center, select the type media and enter the key protection password and click the Read button.

Change of digital signature

If you need to change your digital signature on the electronic service “Online Justice Booths”, you must perform the following steps:

On the portal page you must authorize using a new digital signature by selecting the Key Certification Center;

The user also has the opportunity to register and subsequently log in to the electronic services portal “Online House of Justice” using a secure medium.

You need to connect the protected media to your computer, then select the Key Certification Authority, select the media type and enter the key protection password and click the Read button.

The registration process is carried out in your personal account. By selecting the “Register online” button, you have the opportunity to begin registration. Select the green button in the upper left corner of the “Create an application” screen and select in the drop-down window which business entity you want to register (legal entity or individual entrepreneur).

To register a legal entity, fill out the following information:

Don't forget to click the "Save" button.

And save by clicking the “Save” button.

On the tab "Zv'azok" We fill in information about phone numbers, email addresses, and Internet page addresses, if available, of course.

And, again, don’t forget to save.

If you have decided on the types of activities of your enterprise, you can limit yourself to entering their codes by selecting the “KVED” item. The system itself finds the type of activity and, after clicking the “Save” button, adds them to the application. The system does not limit the number of activities that can be included in the application.

Tab "Documenti", like the next tab "Scanned copies", has a number of secrets. Pay attention to the items marked with a red marker. These are the documents that must be marked for submission. Option documents are marked with a green marker: power of attorney (only in the case where the owner of the digital signature is not the founder, but an authorized representative), an application for the election of a simplified taxation system and a registration application for voluntary registration as a VAT payer.

If the founder (one of) your LLC is a legal entity, check the box about the document confirming the structure of owners of this legal entity.

Please note the following. An administrative fee is not charged for state registration of a business entity, but you must select the item on the document confirming payment of the registration fee; without this, the system will not allow you to proceed further. Apparently, the developers have not yet had time to adapt the portal to new legal requirements. Similarly, you need to select the clause on constituent documents even if your LLC will use a model charter, and you indicated this above.

Save your list of documents and move on to the next tab. Before you start working with the next step, you need to scan all your paper documents. And in this section, your scanned paper documents are uploaded to the portal. Please note the requirements for uploaded documents:

  • image format: black and white;
  • resolution: 150 x 150 dpi;
  • color depth: 4 bits;
  • finished file format: compressed multi-page. TIFF up to 300-900 kB in size;.
  • Documents containing more than one page are scanned into one file.
  • data compression algorithm: LZW.

If the files containing scanned documents are not signed with an electronic signature, select the option “Signing the entrusted file” and sign each downloaded file (select the file through the “Browse” and “Way” functions, indicate the location of the digital signature certificate, enter the password for the key and press the “Sign” button ). After signing the file, click the “Save” button and, if everything was done correctly, the file with the document will be uploaded to the portal. For your payment receipt, create a blank TIFF file, sign it, and upload it. The same applies to the Articles of Association, if you use the model LLC Articles of Association. Otherwise, the system will not allow you to proceed with further registration actions, namely submitting an application.

Once you have completed downloading the documents, go to the “Directors” tab. Add, as shown in the picture, the founders of legal entities and/or individuals, selecting the appropriate items.

You can skip the “Signatory” tab if, besides the director, no one else has the right to sign on behalf of your LLC.

Lastly, we enter the manager’s information:

We save the information and bypassing the “Videomosti shodo pay” tab, you can go directly to the “Subscribe” button. After clicking this button (1), the private key authorization window will appear. Enter the password (2) and click the “Sign” button (3) in the authorization window.

If all document files are signed, uploaded, and all necessary data is filled in, then your application will move to the “Signed” category.

After sending the document for processing, state registration of a business entity LLC must be carried out within 24 hours, provided, of course, that the data is filled out correctly and scanned documents are completed. You can track all stages of your application in your personal account.

When the state registration procedure is completed, information about your LLC will be entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, including data on registration with the State Fiscal Service, you will be able to order a registration form and extract from the Unified State Register through the online services of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

Cost of legal services for business registration

Number of offers

Average price, UAH

Owning your own business is the dream of many Russians who are tired or not ready to be hired workers. Having a promising business plan, you should determine in what organizational and legal form to register your enterprise, choose the optimal taxation system and resolve a number of other issues. You can learn about how to open a company in Russia from experienced lawyers who are well familiar with the procedure for registering legal entities.

Optimal legal form

The most profitable and optimal organizational and legal form in terms of taxation and the complexity of accounting and reporting is an LLC. This is the conclusion that most entrepreneurs who want to start their own business without extra costs come to. You can cope with this task yourself by following the step-by-step instructions of an experienced lawyer.

The owner (or owners) will have to:

  • - prepare the necessary package of documents;
  • - decide on the types of activities;
  • - form the authorized capital;
  • - choose the optimal taxation system;
  • - go through the registration procedure;
  • - open a bank account;
  • - make a seal;
  • - choose an office;
  • - hire staff.

To organize and register a company with this form of ownership, one founder is enough, but the total number of participants cannot exceed 50 people.

Registration documents

To create your own company in the form of a limited liability company, you need to prepare a package of documents, which In addition to the application form P11001, the following must be included:

  1. decision of the founder (made individually) or minutes of the meeting of founders (if there are several of them);
  2. charter of the enterprise;
  3. memorandum of association (subject to the creation of a company by 2 or more persons);
  4. a document confirming payment of the state fee;
  5. a duly executed power of attorney (if a representative is involved in registration);
  6. application for transition to an acceptable taxation system.

Before submitting documents, you must take care of your legal address. The registration authority will require the document and require confirmation of its availability. If this is rented or your own premises, you will have to provide a letter of guarantee signed by the owner; if the company is registered at the address of the general director or founder, his written consent will be required.

As for the size of the authorized capital, it cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles, and must be fully paid within 4 months after completing the registration procedure.

Tax system: what to choose?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to choose the following types:

  • - simplified (USN);
  • - general (OSNO);
  • - unified temporary tax (UTVD);
  • - single agricultural tax (USAT);
  • - patent system (PSN).

Most owners of modern companies prefer the “simplified” approach. This system is the best option for owners of small companies. Its advantages are obvious:

  1. you will have to regularly pay one tax, instead of three;
  2. contributions to the budget are made once a quarter;
  3. reporting is submitted once a year.

The system allows you to choose taxation at 2 rates:

  • - 6% (all profit received by the enterprise is taxed);
  • - 15%, which is taxed on the company’s income (this takes into account the expenses that the company had in the process of operation).

Enterprises that have chosen the general system pay property tax, profit tax and VAT and are required to regularly submit reports on them.

Companies operating on UTII pay a contribution to the budget, the amount of which depends on the type of activity, the size of the area in which it is carried out, the availability and number of employees.

The Unified Agricultural Tax can choose an enterprise whose 70% of income is derived from the sale of agricultural products.

The patent system is intended for companies whose type of activity requires obtaining permits (patents).

Selection of activities

Any enterprise is created only if its founders know what they want to do and have a business plan for the development of their company. However, you should think about the fact that in the process of work, related areas may appear that will make the business even more successful. When preparing registration documents, you will have to indicate one main type of activity and any number of additional ones.

It is not a problem if in the process of work the company needs to add additional activities. This can be easily done by writing a corresponding application to the tax authority.

Registration procedure

Having prepared the necessary documents, selected the types of activities and the optimal taxation system, you can proceed to the final stage - submitting documents. Modern legislation allows this to be done in several ways:

  1. personally or through a representative;
  2. by mail;
  3. using the Internet.

Having chosen the first option, you should contact the registration authority of the Federal Tax Service at the location of the company’s legal address. In large cities, this function is transferred to multifunctional centers. If documents are submitted by a representative, you must ensure that you have a notarized power of attorney. When transferring documents in person, all founders must be present (the same composition will have to pick up the documents). The application is considered and a decision is made within three working days from the date of submission.

When submitting an application by mail, you should be aware that you do not need to visit the registration authority to receive completed documents. They will be sent to the company's legal address. The disadvantage of this method is the mandatory notarization of the signatures of all founders, and this is a significant cost, to which will be added the payment of postal services.

The most popular way to submit applications is online. The special service is simple and easy to use, which allows you to effortlessly fill out the necessary forms even for people who are not confident Internet users. In addition, the program is configured in such a way that the applicant will not be able to submit forms filled out with errors, and this significantly simplifies the procedure for receiving documents.

Also on the topic of starting your own company, see:

Doing business involves choosing one legal form or another: private enterprise (PE), individual entrepreneurship (IP), companies with share capital or limited liability company (LLC).

The last form, LLC, is a legal entity whose founder is one or more people. The authorized capital of an LLC consists of certain shares owned by each of the founders. The size of shares is fixed in the charter. The latter, according to current legislation, is considered the main constituent document.

The choice of this legal type is most popular among business owners. It is explained by many factors. Thus, the founders of an LLC expose their capital, and in some cases, their own freedom, to much less risk than a private entrepreneur.

In a situation where a “private owner” loses his entire business, puts his personal property and accounts at risk and remains in debt to creditors, the founder may only lose his share. That is, the founder of the company is responsible within the framework of his share in the enterprise, everything that extends further does not bother him.

Opening an LLC does not require large financial investments; it is relatively easy to prepare the necessary documents - this also makes this legal form quite popular among entrepreneurs.

What is needed to open an LLC: registration procedure

As already mentioned, the charter is the constituent document of an LLC, containing information about the amount of the authorized capital, the name of the institution, its legal address; it also sets out the rules for the distribution and transfer of shares and other provisions vital for the organization.

Step 1: choosing a name and address

Therefore, to register an LLC, it is necessary to take care of preparing the organization’s charter. First of all, the main “identifying” sign of a society is indicated - its name, full and abbreviated, and information about its location. Information about the name of the institution must also be duplicated in a foreign language - usually English. Do not forget that the foreign language version must also contain two versions of the name - full and abbreviated. There may also be an additional “name”, which must be written in one of the languages ​​of the peoples of the country.

Among such an abundance of names, the main one is the full name in Russian. It is important that the name of the organization also includes the form of its functioning. To do this, the full name must contain the combination “limited liability company”; in its abbreviated form, the abbreviation LLC will suffice. The legal form must not be written in a foreign language.

If you assume that the established organization will be engaged in insurance, payment systems or carry out activities related to pawnshop relations, then by law the company name must contain an indication of the type of activity of the company.

The inclusion in the name of words that inspire confidence, authoritative names and state names, such as: “Russian Federation”, “Russia”, “Moscow”, “Olympiad”, is limited and their use may be prohibited.

It is impossible to register an LLC without indicating the legal address of the organization. There are several options for its “production”. Founders can rent or rent suitable premises, buy an address for registration and register at their home address. If everything is clear with the first method, then the second may cause confusion. However, with this type of obtaining a legal address there is nothing complicated: you will only need to contact a special company that provides legal addresses for registration.

After determining the method for obtaining a legal address and concluding an agreement with its “supplier” (landlord, seller or specialist of the selling company), you receive the appropriate documents that confirm that you have an address. You provide them to the employees of the registration authorities. Usually this is a letter of guarantee on behalf of the owner or company. It is important that it contains data about the owner of the premises or company, and all possible ways to contact them.

If you plan to register at the home address of the founder or one of them, you may need a document confirming ownership of this apartment, as well as the official consent of the residents that an LLC will be registered at this address.

Step 2: Selecting an Activity Code

A mandatory step when registering an LLC will be choosing an activity code. The fact is that the type of activity that your future company will carry out has one or another code in Russian legislation. All you have to do is choose the appropriate one from the list of the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activities.

In the registration application it is permissible to enter up to 57 types of activities, which is very convenient, since you can indicate not only those types of activities that you will begin immediately after opening, but also those that are only in plans for now. Of course, there is always a temptation to include the maximum number of species. However, you shouldn’t “take” in quantity, because For each activity code you will have to make contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. It is clear that specifying codes that you do not need is illogical and uneconomical. It is also important to understand that only one type of activity, that is, one code, can be the main one. All the rest are auxiliary.

Step 3: decision to establish an LLC

Are you the only founder? Then you will need to prepare a decision on establishing an LLC, which must contain the following points:

  • approved name (and in all its diversity - full, short, foreign language);
  • LLC location;
  • the approved authorized capital and its size, as well as methods of its contribution;
  • approved Charter of the organization;
  • information about the appointment of the head of the LLC (this does not have to be the founder).

If there is more than one founders, then a meeting is required. At it, in addition to the form of activity, the name of the company, its address, they should discuss issues related to the authorized capital, in particular, its size and value, the value of the founders’ shares. Also at the meeting, attention should be paid to the approval of the Charter, the appointment of a person who will occupy a leadership position in the organization, a person whose official duties should include the state registration of the LLC.

Each issue discussed at the meeting must be resolved by voting of all founders, and their decision must be unanimous.

The entire course of the meeting must be reflected in the minutes, which each of the founders receives; one copy remains with the LLC and another one is sent to the registration authority.

It is much more convenient and safer, if there are several founders, to also draw up an agreement on establishment. It does not belong to the list of documents required to open an LLC, but it will help resolve controversial issues and procedures between the founders while the opening of their “brainchild” is being prepared.

Step 4: Preparation of the Charter

This legislation provides for a special form according to which the Charter is drawn up. According to Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, since September 2014, the charter does not provide for the posting of information about the name, location and method of managing the organization. This data is now submitted to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The charter must indicate the goals of establishing an LLC. Much attention is also paid in the Charter to the section on the authorized capital, its size, shares and their nominal value. It is also important to think through the main ways to regulate the activities of an LLC and the conditions for its liquidation.

Step 5: formation of authorized capital

Currently, the minimum amount allowed as authorized capital is 10,000 rubles. It is important to remember that each type of activity may have its own minimum when forming the authorized capital. It is paid within a period not exceeding 4 months after the registration of the LLC, and it is only permissible to contribute in cash at least the minimum part of the authorized capital (10,000). The remainder can be contributed in the form of property. However, such a step is optional; the law allows only the minimum monetary contribution.

Submitting an application for registration to the tax authorities

Step 1: filling out the application

When registering an LLC, you will need to fill out an application on form P11001. In order not to be refused registration, it is important to take a responsible approach to filling out the application. First, decide whether you will fill out the form manually or do it on the computer. The latter option is preferable because it will avoid annoying mistakes. In addition, when using a computer, it is not prohibited to receive assistance from special government computer programs.

The completed application is signed by all founders. If the director of the LLC is not one, his signature is not required. Signatures must be placed directly at the registration authority or the procedure must be carried out in the presence of a notary.

Step 2: payment of state duty

Filling out the receipt for payment of the state duty should also be done either manually or using a computer. It is good if an authorized person from among the founders is involved in preparing the receipt and paying the state duty. Although it is not prohibited by law if it is any founder. The payment date cannot be earlier or the same as the date of drawing up and signing the protocol.

If the LLC registration has not been completed, the state fee is not refunded. However, in some cases, if the reason for refusal is the incompetence of the registering authority or its violation of registration rules, you can attempt to return the amount of the state duty by going to court. The cost of registering an LLC is 4000 rub.

Step 3: signing and stitching documents

All specified documents must be double-checked, signed and filed. The serial number of a particular document is indicated on the reverse side. At the same time, there is a certain form of such a label: it is necessary to indicate the total number of sheets, as well as the full name of the founder responsible for registration. The latter confirms the information provided with a personal signature.

Once you are convinced that the entire list of documents is drawn up in accordance with the regulations, you can submit them to the registration authority. His employee, having received the package of documents, is obliged to give you a receipt listing all the papers.

Step 4: Get Registration

The registration period does not exceed 5 working days. Usually, to find out when you should pick up the long-awaited documents, you just need to look at the receipt - this date is indicated there.

From the registration authority you must receive:

  1. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity.
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax service.
  3. A copy of the charter, which bears the mark of the registration authority.
  4. Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Registration received: what to do next?

Having registered an LLC, hurry up to register with the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) and the Social Insurance Fund (SIF). These funds send certificates of registration to the legal address of your Society. Expect correspondence within five days after LLC registration.

In addition, you need to officially appoint a manager and enter into an employment contract with him. Don't forget to also get the statistics code from Rosstat. In order for your visits to the specified organization to be effective, first clarify the necessary documents for assigning a code.

Finally, it is required to open an LLC current account in a bank and transfer this data to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

You can see what you need to consider when registering an LLC and other important nuances in the following video:

Changes in 2019

  • First of all, the changes affected the tightening of penalties for the use of dummies in the registration process. These are all those people who will not subsequently be associated with the management of a limited liability company. However, it is important to understand that this is associated with a fairly large complexity associated with identifying such individuals.
  • Secondly, in 2019, an LLC will be able to change its location using 2 steps - a message to the tax office, supported by a document that can confirm the right to use the new premises. Next, you will need to provide a decision on the change of location along with the relevant statements. The listed two stages are not used if the new place of residence becomes the place of residence of a company participant who has a share in the authorized capital of at least 50%.
  • Thirdly, notary offices acquire broader powers in the procedure for registering a legal entity. Thus, if a notary has confirmed the founder’s signature, he will be able to submit a package of documents to the tax authority without the participation of the future head of the LLC. In addition, notaries will be able to obtain a decision from government authorities on the authenticity of the information or documents provided (in case of doubt).
  • Finally, the body that carries out the registration may suspend its progress for no more than 30 days if there are doubts about the reliability of the information provided. However, it is important to consider that this paragraph primarily concerns changes in the company’s charter or composition of participants.
  • From January 1, 2010, the state fee may not be paid if registration documents are submitted electronically.

Hello. Today our next step is to register an LLC. Any entrepreneur sooner or later comes to the question: how to open your own company by registering as an LLC? There are three scenarios here:

  • you can do everything yourself by preparing all the documents in 15-20 minutes in a free online service;
  • you can contact a special company that provides services of this kind;
  • you can buy a ready-made LLC.

LLC registration in 2019

Which route should you take to open an LLC? Everyone decides this question for themselves; it all depends on their willingness to spend either a certain amount of money or a certain amount of their time.

If you are registering an LLC for the first time, then in order to avoid mistakes, it is better for you to prepare documents in the “My Business” service. It's fast and free.

In fact, this is the easiest and most convenient way to collect all the documents and all you have to do is submit the documents to the Federal Tax Service.

But in this article, we will go through all the steps of registering an LLC for your reference.

Registering an LLC includes a number of preparatory work, without which you will not be able to go through this procedure. What does this include? Let's look at the process step by step.

Step 1: determine the founders and CEO

Any LLC has founders: this can be one person - the sole participant, or a group of persons - among them there can be both an individual and a legal entity. Actually, at this stage you determine whether you will be one participant or organize a business together with someone, as well as how your shares will be divided. The issue of choosing a general director is decided immediately with the founders: here, again, you can choose him from among the founders or hire him under an employment contract. For beginning businessmen, a typical situation is when there is one participant who is also a director.

Step 2: select OKVED codes

Here you need to decide on the types of activities of your future company and select the necessary OKVED codes that must be indicated during the registration procedure.

Step 3: come up with an LLC name

Many will say: “Oh, what’s there to think about, I’ve already thought of everything a long time ago!” In fact, this also has its own characteristics. Your company must have a full company name in Russian. For example: Limited Liability Company “Product Supply”. Since it will not be very convenient to use such a name in your work, you can immediately think of an abbreviated name.

For example, Prodsnab LLC. If you wish (if you are serious about business development!), you can add similar names in a foreign language. All this information is written down in the charter of the company being created. There are also various restrictions on the use of some words, for example, the word “Russia” can be inserted into the name only with permission and payment of the state duty.

Step 4: create a legal address for the LLC

The company is registered at its location; for this procedure it is necessary to ensure the availability of a legal address. There are two ways to go here. One is quite simple: buy a legal address. But, firstly, such addresses are usually massive, that is, many companies are registered on them - here the question may arise as to whether you are registering a one-day company.

Secondly, for a normal company such an address looks undignified: if you are going to work seriously, then it is better to take the second route. To do this, you rent the premises where your office will be located, and write down the address of the location of your office with the legal address. Here everything will be clear: you rent the space, you are actually located (working) on ​​it, you use it as a legal address.

Step 5: deal with the authorized capital

Here you need to decide on the amount of authorized capital, its distribution among the founders and the form of payment. Now about all this one by one:

  1. The minimum amount of authorized capital is 10 thousand rubles. More is possible, less is absolutely impossible.
  2. The founders pay the capital in accordance with the distributed shares; if there is only one participant, then he pays the entire amount.
  3. Payment is made either in cash or in kind. 10 thousand rubles are paid in money in any case! For example, if you decide that the authorized capital will be 20 thousand rubles, then 10 thousand must be paid in money, the rest can be paid in kind.

Natural forms (appliances, furniture, etc.) have their own problems: they must be assessed by an independent appraiser. Considering that the appraiser’s services will have to be paid additionally, it is easier to pay for the entire capital in money.

At this point, the preparatory work ends and you can begin to prepare documents.

Step 6: collect a package of documents for LLC registration

What documents are required to register an LLC? Let's list them:

  1. (form P11001) - the application is filled out strictly according to the form indicating OKVED codes;
  2. Documents containing the decision to establish an LLC:
    • Decision to create - if you are one participant;
    • Protocol on establishment and agreement on establishment – ​​if there are two or more participants.
  3. (in 2 copies);

There may be some difficulties in drawing up the charter; it, of course, can be drawn up using a template that you can download, but it is still recommended that you give the final version to a lawyer to read.

  1. Documents confirming the legal address: depending on the situation, these include a lease agreement, a letter of guarantee from the landlord, a certified copy of the document on ownership (if you own the premises);
  2. Copies of passports and TIN of all founders and directors;
  3. Receipt of payment of the duty. If documents are submitted electronically - through the tax website or government services portal, then the fee may not be paid (Federal Law No. 234-FZ dated July 29, 2018). In this case, all necessary documents will need to be signed with an enhanced qualified signature.

Step 7: prepare documents for delivery

At this step, you need to lace and number documents consisting of several sheets. In addition, in cases where there are several founders or the filing of documents with the tax office is carried out by a trusted person, it is certified by a notary. If you are the only participant and director in one person who submits documents independently, then you do not need to certify anything.

Step 8: submit documents for LLC registration

When you have everything ready, you can go to the tax office and submit documents for LLC registration. The tax officer accepts your application along with all the attachments and gives you a receipt confirming their acceptance. The receipt indicates the date of receipt of the completed certificate.

Step 9: get the documents

After the specified time, you receive 2 certificates from the tax office - about the registration of the LLC and about registration, as well as: a certified charter and a sheet.

Step 10: solving issues with other details

After registering an LLC, you need to address the following issues:

  1. Get statistics codes;
  2. Apply for a seal (it is no longer necessary to do this, but if you have specified in the charter that your LLC has a seal, it is mandatory!);
  3. Draw up several orders: on assuming the position of the general director, on assigning him responsibilities for accounting;
  4. Contact the bank and open a current account;
  5. Register with the funds;
  6. Pay the authorized capital within the next 4 months after the registration date;
  7. If necessary, purchase and register a cash register;
  8. Carry out other work necessary to get started.

Registering an LLC on your own is not very difficult, but there are moments in this process that for some may even seem like a “dark forest”. We can only advise one thing: not to be afraid and to establish communication with government agencies. In the future, your communication with the tax authorities and funds will be even closer, but you have to start somewhere.

This completes the LLC registration! Good luck in business!