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How to switch to another Internet. How to change the Internet provider and why do you need to do it? New tariff or provider

It is already impossible to imagine a modern society without the Internet, it is actively used in almost all offices, apartments, and organizations. Already, even in buses, parks, trains, electric trains, everyone is sitting on the Web.

Internet providers

Providers compete in bonuses, discounts, speed, cost in order to attract a client. On every corner there is an advertisement of one or another Internet connection operator, on TV famous actors advertise a certain TM.

It is very difficult for an ordinary user to understand and make their choice of an Internet provider. A huge number of proposals is forcing companies to improve conditions for customers, which, of course, cannot but please the average man in the street. Some people already have an Internet connection, but, hearing more attractive conditions, a person reasonably begins to think: "How to change an Internet provider? How to do it in the most profitable and simple way? How to change a provider, not"

Priorities in choosing a provider

To understand the question of how to change an Internet provider, you should find out what types of connections there are and which one is right for you. So:

  1. Internet connection through a telephone line. For example, ADSL and dial-up.
  2. Fiber optic or copper network. Dedicated line. One of the priority types of connection. Stability, high feed rate are noted. But it is not present everywhere. It is necessary to check with the operators.
  3. Wi-Fi - home network - the most popular connection among users. Fiber is also used.
  4. Wireless communication through mobile devices, modems, tablets, and other devices that support this feature. The global minus is usually low speed and overpriced payment.
  5. Satellite connection. Everything is good, except for the complexity of installation and the high cost of equipment.

The choice of an Internet provider is only at first glance simple. When making this choice, pay attention to technical support. In case of any malfunctions, you should be provided with a clear and quick answer that will solve your problem, or promptly arrange for a technician to leave.

The pricing plan is very important. It is advisable to study the information, isolate from the many proposals what suits you. Read each item carefully. It depends on his choice whether you get the expected result or not. And then the question "how to change the Internet provider" will fade into the background.

User feedback on data feed stability and speed also matters. Often the slogans declared in advertising turn out to be lies in practice. This is where reviews will come in handy: they are left by living people who have already encountered this or that tariff.

New tariff or provider. How to switch with minimal cost

How to change internet provider without changing wires? Is there a possibility for this? The Internet cable is usually yours and the ISP company simply connects to it. But this needs to be solved "on the shore", to explain to the technical guys that you want to go faster and you already have a wire. In theory, it’s even more convenient for them: it’s faster and less work.

As a rule, you can read about tariffs if you stay with your provider on the company's website or in your personal account. It lists all the pros and cons, speed, monthly fee and other bonuses inherent in different tariff plans.

An interesting fact: just recently, the Internet was more of a luxury and cost quite a lot. People visited clubs, paid by the hour for using the service. And they didn’t connect at home - it’s expensive! And now Internet providers have moderated their appetites dozens of times, the offered choice has become too extensive.

ISP tricks

A common trick of internet service companies is unlimited! A joyful client connects, and there may be several options for the development of events.

  • Internet is provided in an unlimited format only for the first 1-3 months.
  • The Internet is conditionally unlimited: for example, only 5GB is given, and then a fee is charged for each MB.

And this information is written on the website or contract in tiny letters at the very end. Following from all of the above, the question "how to change the Internet provider" must be approached with a cool head, not clouded by advertising. Carefully read the conditions and the contract, thoroughly study all possible offers, decide in advance on the purpose of the Internet in your home or office, find out all the technical capabilities at your address.

The company that gives you access to the Internet is called provider. In addition to access to the worldwide network, the provider can give other additional services such as telephone connection, cable television, etc.

In the event that the quality of the connection of your provider low, it makes sense to think about reconnecting to another company. Consider what is needed for this:

  • First of all, you need decide exactly what you don't like. Not all companies allow switch off from the network before the expiration of the contract, so you need a strong cause to terminate the contract. Such a reason could be default provider of its obligations (unstable connection, different from the declared speed, etc.)
  • Then it is necessary discover which firms still provide the opportunity connections to the internet in your home. For this you need contact technical support by email or phone. In the event that the house is served by several providers at once, then you need to study tariffs, communication quality, and other points of interest.
  • Necessary specify how exactly the reconnection will take place. It's best to make a list questions so that you don’t forget to clarify something important later. Carefully explore an agreement in order to know what the provider undertakes to fulfill and what not, so as not to change the Internet provider again over time.
  • Some providers, when concluding a contract, require it termination disconnecting from their services. It follows in advance specify so as not to pay off huge debts. To terminate contract, it is usually necessary to come to the main office of the company and write a refusal of services. In some cases, they may required documentary evidence of the company's failure to fulfill its obligations.
  • Now it remains to call and wait masters who will lead the network to the apartment, conclude an agreement, and you can use the Internet.

Tariff change

Not always insufficient Internet speed is a consequence of poor quality work. Very often, users simply not enough speed for work. In this case, it is enough to switch to another tariff a plan that will cost a little more, but the internet speed will be significantly faster.

There is nothing difficult in this. Commonly used two ways tariff change:

  • Through Personal Area
  • Appeal to the service center

If the provider provides the opportunity to change the tariff through your personal account, then you can do all the manipulations in just 5 minutes. Enough go to personal account and find a fare change point on the website. All conditions for changing the plan should be described there.

In the second case, things are a little harder. Here you have to go to the provider's office and write an application to change the tariff plan.

How to identify your provider

In the event that you need to find out your Internet provider, you can use several methods:

  1. The easiest way is to look at the contract. The company that provides access to the network will be indicated there.
  2. If there is no contract, you can call the support service and find out the name of the company.
  3. Well, if there is also no support number, then you can find out which providers provide services in your home and bypass each one by asking if the service is connected at your address.

How to set up a router if the provider has changed? Surely many have faced the issue of moving or changing providers. Someone believes that in this case it is necessary to change the equipment that the Internet provides. In fact, this is not so. The router does not need to be replaced. The only thing is that it will have to be completely reconfigured, since moving is often associated with changing network access parameters. It is very easy to carry out this procedure if you follow the basic rules and know some subtleties.

Reset previous data

The first step that must be completed before re-configuring is to delete the previously entered information. Run reset router settings possible by pressing the button RESET. It is located on the back of the device. Most often, this button is placed deep into the case. In order to press it, you must use a thin sharp object. The needle fits perfectly. You need to press the button for at least 15 seconds. After the reset is completed, the router will reboot. This process will be indicated by the glow of the indicators on the front panel.

There is a separate instruction on how to reset on the Tp-Link router.

Defining Connection Options

The second step is to obtain data from a new provider to connect to the Internet. To do this, you need to find out:

  • What type of connection is being used.
  • Whether there is a binding by Mac address.
  • What ip address is used - static or dynamic.
  • Login: Password.

How to set up a router?

To configure the router, you need to connect a cable from a new provider to it. After that, you should download the router administration page at the address indicated on the sticker, see the general instructions for more details according to your IP address (you can also find how to find out this IP or Host Name there):,. It will be possible to enter the data that was defined in the previous paragraph. The setting may differ depending on the model you are using. The internet is set up first. There is a WAN tab for this. Then the wireless connection parameters are set. In this case, it is especially important to change the value of the standard user and set a password for Wi-Fi.

Many users eventually become dissatisfied with the Internet provider. This happens for various reasons - the speed provided, the conditions, the cost of services, and much more may not suit you. However, before changing an Internet provider and pulling a wire from a new one, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the information about it, whether it is worth it to switch.

Most service providers provide the easiest and simplest connection that happens instantly. But later it can be problematic to disconnect, because for this you need to come to the office, write an application that will still be considered. It is advisable to know all the tricks of existing operators and avoid them.

The user can always refuse the services of the current telecom operator. Such conditions are prescribed in the legislation and regulated by organizations for the protection of consumer rights. However, not all subscribers know their rights, so many often overlook important points.

Note! Any user can terminate the agreement on the supply of services for access to the global network unilaterally.

After disconnecting, you can join another operator without problems. It is recommended to refuse to renew the contract in the following cases:

  • when the subscriber is dissatisfied with the quality of the current connection to the global network;
  • if the Internet company does not comply with the terms of the agreement;
  • user problems are ignored and not corrected by technical support;
  • the service provider constantly raises the cost without improving the quality.

Important! The reason for changing the operator may be different and not presented in the list.

Any provider is just a provider of accessibility, it provides connectivity and equipment if provided. But there are situations when the clauses of the contract are not respected or ignored. Often users complain about unstable connection and low speed. Complaints are not answered, and there is no other way out but to change the Internet service provider.

However, it is not always recommended to immediately change the operator, perhaps the new one will be even worse. It is recommended to try to solve the issues together with the current one. This method will be faster, you will not have to spend time terminating the agreement and signing a new one. It will take a lot of time to find a quality supplier. Contacting support and a ticket left to fix problems can help figure it out.

Main reasons for replacement

There are many reasons for changing carriers. Some may be quite banal - a change of residence address or renting out an apartment when access is not required.

But, the most common ones are those associated with loss of speed, connection quality, overpriced or outdated technology.

Low speed

This is the most common reason for refusing the services of providers. Despite the reduced speed, the payment is made at the standard rate, which can be disappointing. The reason is considered good enough to terminate the contract, but you should first make sure that the speed has decreased due to the fault of the operator. After all, this can also happen through the fault of the user, for example, due to old equipment (computer and router), problems with the browser.

Note! The speed of transferring incoming and outgoing traffic affects the speed of opening pages in the browser and downloading data.

But the problem can also lie in personal equipment, so it is recommended to check the following:

  • Page Explorer. It is worth trying to switch to another browser and compare the speed.
  • Laptop or personal computer. If the equipment is old enough, in addition, there are viruses in the system or incorrect settings take place, then this greatly affects the performance of the device. It is also advisable to disable software for downloads (torrent trackers) or online games.
  • Router. If the user repeatedly rebooted and connected the wire directly to the device, but these methods did not work, then you should think about the problem of the router. You may be using old firmware or drivers that need to be updated.

old internet

It is recommended to check the established standard by which the home router works. It may be that the technology is outdated. The provider's equipment at the same time can be configured to newer standards.

Note! The last one for today is 802.11ac, which provides traffic transmission at three Gigabits per second. If the router works with an older standard than provided by the provider, then normal speed cannot be provided. Replacing the router can help.

High price

The most pressing issue among users. Most believe that the cost charged for services does not always match the quality. If the operator constantly raises the cost of services or initially sets a high price, then connected subscribers expect good speed and quality.

Poor quality

Poor quality is often understood as the presence of connection breaks and all the same problems with speed. There may be a long lack of connection and the inability to connect. When contacting support, it is not always possible to close the issue, because the quality does not improve. All this affects the subscriber, who is ready to close the contract instantly.

However, a poor connection can also be the fault of the user, you should check this. It can help to call the master, who usually knows all the subtleties and can resolve the issue of quality.

Temporary disconnection from services

Sometimes a person may need to temporarily go on vacation or a business trip. If no one remains at home, no one will use the connection. Some providers offer a temporary suspension service.

This feature most often has a free period of one month. Further, it may be necessary to pay the full or partial cost of the tariff. There are no charges for additional packages or features during the grace period.

Also, a temporary disconnection will help to test another operator. You can abandon the old one for a month and connect with the new one. If he fully lives up to expectations, then simply break the contract with the old one. If not, then you can always return to the verified operator.

Important! Before terminating the contract, it is recommended to contact the support service. Perhaps the experts will quickly fix the problem.

If the subscriber has checked the operation of all equipment, and it works correctly, then it is worth measuring the connection speed. When the provided speed does not correspond to the declared one, you need to leave a claim to the provider. The change of provider should occur when all calls remain unresolved.

Selection of a new

If you need to connect to a new operator, the first thing to do is to find out if it is possible to connect and install equipment at your place of residence. The provider being changed may not be able to connect the specified home. When the opportunity exists, it is necessary to start cooperation in this way.


Any connection begins with the submission of a written application. Most operators can send a representative home and they will have all the necessary forms and forms. Usually all applications are already filled out, you should enter only the last name and first name, as well as put a signature.

Note! After the application is left, specialists leave to connect, who bring with them all the necessary documents.

Package of documents

The form of the contract is provided from the provider. There may be instructions indicating basic data (agreement number, data for accessing your personal account, support service numbers), as well as various booklets describing promotions and offers. The user may be required to have a passport or a copy of it.

How to change online

Most operators on personal sites have a form for leaving a request to connect or disconnect. To disconnect, you must enter personal data, if there is no debt and equipment for rent, then the disconnection will occur within the prescribed period.

The connection is made in the same way. An application is left on the site, after which the operator will call to clarify the details.

What to look out for

Before the connection specialist leaves, it is necessary to indicate to the operator that there is a personal cable. You can use the leftover from the previous provider. This will save you money.

How to connect another

You only need to leave a request by phone or on the website. After checking the connectivity, the operator will indicate the date and time of the departure of the master. After that, nothing is required from the user. You may need to pay a certain amount for installation services.

It is quite easy to change providers. However, before that, it is worth trying to resolve all issues with the current one. Perhaps, the support service specialists will fix all the problems and the quality will improve.

An Internet provider is a company that provides the user with services related to access to the World Wide Web. If the user is no longer satisfied with the conditions for the provision of this service, then, as a rule, there is a change in the service provider. Let's see how the provider changes.

If the decision to change the company providing the service is made, then it is necessary to terminate the contract. This can be done in several ways.

Method 1: Formal appeal

The most logical and correct way is a personal appeal to the office of the company that provides you with services. There it is necessary to write a statement containing a request to terminate the contract indicating the date.

Usually, up to 10 days are given for consideration of the application, after which the client is officially notified that the contractual obligations between the parties have been terminated.

The application can be written in free form. It should contain the following information:

  • The name of the company to which the application is being written;
  • Name of the person to whom it is directly addressed. As a rule, this can be found out on the spot from managers;
  • Full name of the subscriber, that is, the person who writes the application;
  • The address at which the service is provided, in other words, where the Internet is registered;
  • His contact phone number;
  • Request to terminate the contract indicating its number and date of conclusion;
  • Reason for termination;
  • Desired termination date;
  • Request to return funds from the personal account, if any;
  • Date and signature.

Although this method is considered correct, sometimes it can cause inconvenience:

  • There may not be a representative office of the company in the settlement;
  • A person simply does not have time to visit the company's office in person;
  • Employees of the company usually delay this procedure and in every possible way convince the client to reconsider his decision.

To avoid all this, you can use another method.

Method 2: Ignore

The second way to terminate a service agreement is to terminate. The only caveat is that before doing this, you need to make sure that the payment system in the contract, that is, the service is provided only after the necessary amount of money has been credited to the personal account. Otherwise, it may, which will have to be repaid forcibly if the company goes to court.

After the client stops paying for the Internet, the company itself terminates the contract after a few months.

It is better not to use this method if the reason for changing the operator is a change in place of residence - in this case it is better to officially terminate the contract, or re-register it to a new address.

Choosing a new provider

The choice of a new provider must be made before the moment when it is planned to stop using the services of the old provider. This is necessary in order to compare all the options included in the service package and their provision.

It is also necessary to find out which company, in addition to the old one, can still, where the client lives. If it is connected to only one supplier, then most likely it will not be possible to change it.

Note! Once the old contract is officially terminated, the new company can follow the old wires. This will significantly reduce the time to connect a new Internet.


Changing the organization providing the Internet is not difficult, you can do this by writing an application and sending it to the office, or simply by stopping using the Internet services provided by this company.