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How can a writer make good money? Is it possible to make money by writing? How can a modern writer make money? Don't rely only on your gift

Is it possible to make money from writing? Easily! And whole millions! This is proven by the annual ranking of the richest book authors on the planet, compiled by Forbes. How much do writers earn? And why are there no Russian names on the Forbes list? About this in the material of the studio "BOOK".

Write and get rich: how much book writers earn

Every year, the American magazine Forbes calculates how much book writers earn and compiles a hit parade of the richest writers in the world. In 2017, its leader was Harry Potter's mother Joanne Rowling. From June 2016 to June 2017, she put $95 million in her wallet.

American James Patterson is slightly behind the British novelist. The writer of adult detective stories and stories for teenagers became $87 million richer over the year. In third place by a huge margin is Jeff Kinney, the creator of the popular children's series “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” His account was replenished with “only” $21 million in 12 months.

The remaining places in the top ten were distributed as follows (amounts are indicated in millions of dollars):

  • Dan Brown (responsible for conspiracy novels about Professor Langdon received $20);
  • Stephen King (the king of horror got $15 richer);
  • John Grisham (author of numerous detective stories sold them for $14);
  • Nora Roberts (mystery novelist's earnings increased by $14);
  • Paula Hawkins (bestselling author of The Girl on the Train, $13);
  • E.L. James (the author of the Fifty Shades of Gray trilogy got $11.5);
  • Danielle Steele (the queen of women's fiction was able to add $11 to her account).

What about us? How much do writers earn in Russia?

It is easy to notice that there is not a single Russian author on the Forbes list. And this trend has continued for decades. Is it really impossible for us to get rich by writing? According to experts, it is theoretically possible! However, the main problem is the circulation - too small compared to Western ones. Even the cost of book production plays a smaller role in how much writers earn.

Daria Dontsova, Dina Rubina, Boris Akunin - these and some other domestic writers have very good sales. Thus, the total circulation of Dontsova’s legacy is approximately 200 million copies. But Rowling's novels sell 400 million copies - only the Bible has more. At the same time, the circulation with which a book is published in the Russian Federation today is on average 4.5 thousand copies.

Another aspect of the difference in income between Russian and foreign prose writers is related to the language barrier. Many foreign authors get rich faster, partly because they write in English. After all, this language is spoken by a much larger number of people than Russian. Meanwhile, not all of our novelists are translated. Dina Rubina, Lyudmila Ulitskaya and Dmitry Glukhovsky were lucky in this sense. However, in comparison with international circulations of the same Rowling, this is minuscule.

Another important point is the size of the fees. If you have just come to literature, the fee is usually only 25 thousand rubles. And they are quite willing to pay a well-known creator a whole million. So, how much book writers earn largely depends on their length of service in the literary field.

And finally, the price of book products. How can a modern writer make money if the cost of printed and electronic literature in Russia has hardly changed lately?! In Europe and the United States, books are much more expensive, which is reflected in the authors’ profits, which are calculated from final sales. But if now the price of literature in the Russian Federation increases, the number of readers and circulation will decrease significantly.

How can a modern writer make money? Don't rely only on your gift!

Taking into account the above, how can a writer make money in Russia? Almost everyone has to look for additional income. Even accomplished novelists are forced to write scripts for TV series and television films, engage in journalistic or entrepreneurial activities, and teach. It will be good if you can sell the rights to the book abroad. But still, how much writers earn in Russia is very little compared to Western countries.

The majority of domestic prose writers, including nominees and winners of prestigious awards, earn about 80–100 thousand rubles from writing. in year. Only commercial authors specializing in science fiction, detective stories and romance novels can live on income from their creative work. For example, Daria Dontsova’s fee for one work often reaches $140 thousand. Alexandra Marinina receives an average of $100–150 thousand, Boris Akunin – $25–30 thousand, and Tatyana Ustinova – $25 thousand.

However, in the West, not every writer, even the most famous and beloved, is a millionaire. Writing a good piece is not everything. For example, “Harry Potter” is not just a great story about growing up, magic and the fight between Good and Evil, but also a successful marketing project that brings in huge profits. Considerable amounts of money have been invested in its promotion, but Russian publishing houses simply do not have the money for such PR campaigns.

And Rowling herself gets rich not only from her writing. The lion's share of her income comes from the sale of rights to the film adaptation of Potter. And in 2016, the writer’s personal funds increased due to the film adaptation of the book “Fantastic Beasts” and the play “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.” In addition, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter amusement park transfers a certain amount to the novelist.

So, in order to make money from their creativity and enter the Top 10 from Forbes, a creator from any country will have to try hard. Not only talent, hard work and perseverance will lead to success, but also competent marketing and a fair amount of luck.

Based on material from Rossiyskaya Gazeta

P.S. Over the course of two years, we wrote several dozen articles about how to take the first steps in writing. Read them on our blog. And now you can select a reader or speaker for the future audio version of your book.

Work examples

Prose| "Novella". Fragment

Prose| IN AND. Nemtsev "Perovsky"

Business book| "Be obsessed or be like everyone else"

Fairy tale| "The Uninvited Guest" (Russian fairy tale)

Fairy tale| "Somersault" (Scythian tale)

Christian literature| "Spiritual Consolation"

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How much does it cost to print and sell your book? Is it even possible to make money by writing and, if so, what is the salary of a writer in Russia?
Popular blogger Dmitry Chernyshev, author of the book “In the Beginning,” tells the story.

Only a few people can earn serious money by writing in Russia. I'll try to explain why.

I'll start with a paper book. Imagine - you bring a wonderful manuscript to a publishing house. The manuscript must be beautiful. Otherwise, she simply won’t be hired. Every year in Russia about 4 000 000 manuscripts. Of these goes to print less than one percent.

The publishing house covers about 100% of the cost of the book. He has a staff that is engaged in searching for new books, working with the author, designing, layout and proofreading of your brilliant manuscript, relations with printers and distributors, advertising and promotion of your book, accounting and many more tasks.

Another 100% is earned by the printing house, which also employs hundreds of people. The printing house prints your brilliant book, binds it, folds it, creases it, binds it, packs it and delivers it. On average, printing takes two to three weeks.

Wholesalers earn about 100% more. And about 100% is earned by stores that sell your brilliant book to customers. They pay rent, salaries to sellers, cashiers, loaders, cleaners, security guards and accountants. At the same time, only a few percent of books are profitable in a falling book market.

As a result, if your book is sold in a store for 500 rubles, then you, as the author, receive about 5% for it. That is, 20–25 rubles. Minus 13% tax. I’ll add that a good thing today is a quickly sold circulation of 3,000 or more copies.

There are also e-books. If your book, for example, is sold for 100 rubles on liters, then the site takes 50%, the publishing house takes 25%, and 25% is yours. Minus 13%.

There are also audiobooks. But the volume of this market is so small that you can forget about it for now.

But your brilliant book can be a bestseller. For example, my book “How People Think” is being republished for the fifth time. It's a lot. For this, every six months I receive about 70,000 rubles.

There is another way. Print a book at your own expense and sell it yourself. This is a possible but difficult path. Be prepared for the fact that half the room will be occupied by the circulation of your book. And this number of books will decrease VERY slowly.

There is another way. The Russian book market is quite small. You can translate a book into English and sell it all over the world. But I don’t know anything about this path yet.

There is another way. I was very interested in whether Boris Grebenshchikov’s scheme works. He posts his songs for free, and then people decide for themselves how much to pay him if they like the new album. I tested this scheme on myself. I'm telling you about the results.

This scheme works. I received about thirty transfers. From 300 to 3000 rubles. For which I want to say a huge thank you to the sponsors. You can even predict how much money you will make. In a couple of days, the book “In the Beginning” was downloaded just under 9,000 times from Yandex. On average, each new download brings in two rubles.

Never hesitate to support an author you like. There are very few authors worth re-reading. Because otherwise, after the first good book, he will, with a high degree of probability, send everything to hell and go to work as an oil trader. And you won't read the wonderful book he could have written.

Most of us believe that people who have achieved extraordinary success were endowed with innate abilities. I have been interested in this question for a long time. It was impossible to give a worthy answer to it on your own, because only a person who has achieved incredible success can answer it.

So I decided to read the book Mastery by Robert Greene, in which he answers the question of how great people achieved success. If you speak English, I highly recommend reading it; if not, then I will tell you about the most important things below.

Darwin and his brilliant brother

In the first chapters, Green talks about a global study conducted in the United States. Over a long period of time, researchers observed dozens of children who showed exceptional ability to do something at an early age. Only a few of them then achieved success.

Take, for example, Charles Darwin, whom almost everyone knows about. It turns out that the famous scientist who put forward the theory of evolution had a younger cousin, Francis Galton. Since childhood, Galton surprised everyone with his extraordinary abilities. He began reading at the age of two, learned to write by the age of three, and then, as an adult, achieved considerable success in scientific activities.

Unlike Galton, Darwin showed no talent as a child and was repeatedly reprimanded in college for poor academic performance. In the end, he graduated from college with a very mediocre certificate. One of the reasons for this was that Darwin had absolutely no interest in studying the subjects he was taught.

So we have Galton, who was a little genius, and Darwin, who failed college. Which of them does everyone know about now?

Recipe for success

I'm sure you've had that feeling at least once in your life when you started doing something and realized: “This is it. This is what, ". This feeling must be believed. This is the inner voice that tells you the right path. For example, Leonardo da Vinci had this feeling awakened at the moment when he stole paper from his father’s desk and went into the forest to draw nature.

Where to begin?

If you've already experienced this feeling, then it's time to move on. The next step is to learn. A lot to learn. You need to be so great at what you love that all actions should be brought to automaticity. To do this, you will need not only theoretical knowledge, but also experience. That is why at the beginning of the journey between money and experience it is better to choose the latter.

For example, the famous boxer Freddie Roach faced the same problem. Choosing between paid work and free coaching at a boxing club, he chose the latter in order to use this time to improve his skills. Later, his decision paid off with interest, because for his fights he earned tens of times more money than for years of low-paid work.

Charles Darwin turned down an offer from medical school and a well-paying job in the church. Instead, he went to work for free on the HMS Beagle so he could study exotic plant and animal species. The research he did along the way helped him later formulate his famous theory of evolution.

When choosing between money and experience, it is better to choose the latter. This will provide an opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge and develop abilities. Over time, if you do everything right, it will pay off in a big way.

The importance of a mentor

However, the problem is that you don't always know what to teach. You can walk like a blind kitten, not knowing where you are going. This is why finding a mentor is so important.

A mentor is a person who will give you a very important thing - direction. He will show you in which direction you need to develop and how to use your time as efficiently as possible. What is the benefit of this to the mentor?

Firstly, people who have achieved certain success move to the next level of development - they want to teach others. Secondly, the mentor sees you as a younger version of himself, because we were all beginners once, and perhaps your mentor also had a mentor and is now replenishing his karma.

Like many other great people, you need to find a mentor, but your main goal is to surpass him.

What's next

You learned what you love, became a professional in it, found a mentor and learned from him everything that could be learned. What to do next? Now it's your time.

You must bring something new to what you love.

The hardest thing is that most of us think like everyone else. We miss children's naivety and curiosity.

Don't be afraid to ask questions and be open to everything.

You may find a solution to even the simplest problem that no one could have thought of before.


To sum it up:

  1. Find something you love.
  2. Forget about talent, hard work comes first.
  3. Don't chase money. First you will need experience.
  4. Find a mentor who can guide you.
  5. Bring something new to what you love. Don't be afraid to break the rules and ask questions.

Many people dream of publishing their book and making money from it. Today I will tell you about my experience of cooperation with the publishing service Ridero.

By publishing my first collection, I earned a little more than 10,000 rubles in three months.

I'll share my story, give tips on preparing for publication and what mistakes to avoid.

About Ridero

When signing an electronic contract with this service, you must clearly understand some things:

  • All the work of preparing the book from start to finish is your task. Ridero does not position itself as a publishing house.

– To make money, you must not only write the book itself, but also be seriously concerned about its future promotion, that is, have a clear plan - how you are going to sell it.

I seem to have clearly understood this myself. But I expected that there would be some independent sales. Just because I’m great and I wrote a book... But no.

The figures for my fee grew only after some kind of activity - posts, articles, advertising. So accept it right away: you will be selling. Ridero will only provide the platform.

“Accept the idea that no matter how talented an author you are, no one will buy books by an unknown writer.”

A miracle can happen, but you shouldn't count on it.

The best thing you can do is to draw up a business plan, calculating the expenses that you allow for the exit and for advertising the book, as well as the chances of recoupment.

All this is necessary in order to avoid unjustified expectations and disappointment during all the flight of creativity.

I did not order additional services from Ridero: proofreading, cover design. I looked for all the specialists on the side.

This saved me money, but not time. The technical support service always responded quickly by email. They also provided advice over the phone without any problems.

What needs to be done before publishing a book?

I initially made a plan for my goals and spending. They included:

Book publication: cover design and photo, proofreading services (3,000 rubles for everything).

Emphasis on free promotion methods: the media and asking friends to post text about the book on their pages on social networks.

My main mistake was that, although I had thought through everything about publishing the book, I didn’t do enough to advertise it.

Meanwhile, I am sure that the right approach could increase my fee several times.

The main omission, in my opinion, is that I set myself a low sales target. I think I’ll sell 150 books, and that will be good for the first time.

When I saw that the statistics were approaching the desired indicator, I somehow lost my enthusiasm. Like, well, I’ll finish already. Burnt out.

Set the price correctly: The publishing service works in such a way that you decide for yourself how much your book can be bought for.

My book costs 120 rubles, and when purchased from the Ridero website, I receive a little more than 70 rubles from each book sold.

As for other partner resources: liters, MyBook, OZON, Amazon, Bookmate, Google play, when selling there you will receive less.

As much as you want to make money, do not forget that a high price will alienate the reader. Before choosing the cost of the book, I looked at the approximate prices on all resources in my genre, compared the cost of books by famous authors and debutants.

Now that I don't plan on doing any more PR articles or posts, I think it's time to make it free. So that she starts working for the name, for the future.

How to promote your book?


Put your embarrassment aside. Ask your friends and acquaintances to write posts about you. This helped me a lot at the very beginning.

I asked everyone, everywhere to post my cover with brief information and a link.

“Someone wakes up famous, but the author of samizdat must make his way, this is a fact”

For some reason, many are embarrassed to contact journalists. And absolutely in vain. The worst thing that can happen to you is that you will be ignored and nothing will change.

At the same time, news about the release of a book can “shoot” and bring you sales.

Several stories about my book were published on regional TV and dozens of articles.

All this thanks to the information chain. Find a journalist to write about you in a local publication. Then another one. The third one will find you himself.

How I did it:

  • I compiled a short press release (news about the release of a book with the most interesting facts about it) and sent it out by email to the media that they have on their website;
  • I found journalists on VKontakte - through the public pages of their publications and wrote short messages, saying, would you be interested in such news, here is the release, and here I am, ready to answer all questions;
  • Later, I came up with the idea that I could give away free copies in the media, but I haven’t tried this myself yet;

You can not only publish posts about the release of your book, but also tips, stories about your publishing experience, and also give away free copies.

The last method worked great for me on Instagram.


In my unprofessional opinion, it is paid advertising that works much better on blogs than in the media.

It is also usually cheaper. There are a lot of literary publics and popular people who write book reviews.

I asked for prices and chose one to try. Now I understand that I underestimated this method of promotion.

After learning that I write books, I am often asked the same question - they ask me about the fee. This question can sound differently: “is it really possible to make a living from writing?”, “and how much did you spend on your last book?”, “what kind of fee should a beginning writer (meaning the questioner) expect?” and so on. I'll try to answer.

Is the amount large?

I think it’s a no-brainer that the size of the fee directly depends on the circulation. But how? And it’s very simple - the larger the circulation, the higher the fee 😉

Royalties usually amount to 6-12% of the total cost of the circulation. In the contract, in the clause on the payment of royalties, this percentage can be stated directly, or a certain amount of money can be indicated - if you recalculate it, you should again come to the same 6-12% of the cost of the circulation.

The cost of circulation is calculated simply: you need to multiply the selling price of one book by the number of books (circulation). The publishing price at the moment (2003) is approximately 30-35 rubles per book. (Yes, yes! Sellers do 100-300% markup).

But this is a general case. There are exceptions. There are small publishing houses that pay royalties in copyright copies. Want to fill your kitchen with stacks of books? Do you want to make your entire family happy with gifts? Or maybe you know booksellers? - then this option may suit you.

There is one fairly well-known publishing house (I won’t name it 🙂) that doesn’t particularly bother paying royalties at all. But maybe this is not so important for you? It also happens - many agree to be left without money, if only the book would be published.

Well, now let’s estimate how much science fiction writers of different ranks earn 😉

Books by a certain Mikhail Klikin%) are printed in 8-10 thousand copies. How much is this in money - calculate for yourself.

The circulation of each new book by Nik Perumov (not counting reprints) is approximately 100 thousand copies. This should bring the author $10,000.

And Joan Rolling, the mother of Harry Potter, having released her new book in Russia with a million copies, should receive $100,000 from Russian publishers alone (However, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this figure. I don’t know how her royalties are calculated.)

How is it paid?

The fee is usually paid in two installments. At the time of signing the contract, an advance is paid - usually half or a third of the total amount. The author receives the rest of the fee after the book is published, usually after 1-3 months - this period must be specified in the contract.

But again, this is a general case. There are plenty of exceptions. For example, the publishing house "Armada" ("Alpha Book"), as a rule, does not pay an advance. They release books quite quickly, within a few months. And the fee - all, in its entirety - is paid after the book is published. By the way, they pay regularly.

If some publishing house is interested in your text, it can pay the money immediately after signing the contract - the ideal option, in my opinion, is no worries and worries about “they will be deceived or not deceived, what if the dollar exchange rate collapses, or the publishing house goes bankrupt...” :)

So is it possible to make money by writing?

Probably possible. However, it all depends on your needs. For example, I need little for a normal life - 4-8 thousand rubles per month.

If you decide to become a professional writer, then you need to soberly assess some circumstances:

1. Few writers became famous for their first book. Most take years and years to gain any kind of fame.

2. Most authors write a book over several months. Then you need to find a publisher - this can also take a considerable amount of time (my first book traveled to publishing houses for two years). Then the book will be prepared for printing for about another six months... But all this time you have to live on something! Therefore, most beginning (and not only) writers are forced to earn extra money. Can you combine work and writing? I can still do it.

3. A beginner (any little-known) author should not count on a large circulation. 6-8 thousand copies. - that's already good. You will get a little money from this (re-read point 2). And your second book will most likely be published in the same circulation. And third... Are you ready for this?..

To sum it up, if you want to make money, find another way to do it. Erwin Cobb said, “If writers were good businessmen, they would have the sense not to be writers.”

And for some reason it seems to me that he is right. 🙂

Mikhail Klikin