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How to increase sales in grocery retail. Increased retail store sales

Sales is one of the foundations of a successful enterprise, no matter what it does. Even if the products most needed by the population are manufactured, they still need to be sold. And within the framework of the article, we will look at how to increase sales in retail trade.

general information

  1. First, you should take a look at the companies that offer goods delivery services. It is quite possible that the supplier sells food products quite expensively and you can find companies on the market with a more favorable pricing policy. In this case, it will be possible to reduce the selling price.
  2. You should experiment when placing goods and see what is most often taken together.
  3. You should pay considerable attention to the identified patterns and try to turn them to your advantage.

Unconventional ideas

In this case, the greatest attention should be paid to the following approaches:

  1. Sensitivity to trends. Let's look at an example. When winter ends, the demand for rolled metal products for houses, sheds, fences, etc. increases. Mutual advertising, gifts and recommendations can be used for additional effect.
  2. Exactly the same, but better. The essence of this approach is that there is a choice of goods that are similar in cost. In such cases, the highest quality is selected. Using such a “background” can be of great service.
  3. More expensive means better. Many people think that the more a product costs, the better it is. And this is often true. In other cases, they simply make money from it.
  4. Symbiotic partnership. Think about where is the best place to place a retail outlet? Here are a couple of combinations: pharmacy and grocery store or auto parts and bicycles. Related areas can help very well in increasing sales levels.

And if you are interested in how to increase sales in the retail trade of flowers or other fast-moving items, then the last option will be literally ideal for growth. If you think about it, you can find a good place almost anywhere.

Automated sales systems

This is a popular way to organize, customize and increase the efficiency of work with a client when it is carried out in several stages. Let's say there is an online clothing store. Is it possible to improve its performance? How to increase sales in clothing retail during a crisis and difficult times?

An automated sales system will help with this! With its help, you can facilitate the establishment of contact, clarification of requirements and requests, registration of requests, their processing and implementation, including delivery. An automated sales system also helps with after-sales service and follow-up interactions. There are a large number of benefits and useful features that they can offer.

Building a sales system

A lively mind, sensitivity to the market and quick wit provide ample opportunities. But to improve performance, it is necessary to take care of building a sales system. It will allow you to understand the structure of goods sold in the picture of the overall assortment and analyze intermediate results.

Using an automated sales system as a basis will significantly streamline the available information. In addition, it will be easier to build relationships with clients, from the first call to the issuance of an invoice. The ability to make accompanying notes also helps significantly. In addition, they may have various add-ons such as the ability to send instant messages or emails.

Various tools for increasing sales

Let's look at a case where something is retailed through the World Wide Web. Only we will pay attention not to websites, but to social networks. These are quite popular sites where there are a large number of people, and all of them are potential buyers.

According to quite a number of people, having a company representative who provides feedback via social networks increases the number of sales by a third of the existing turnover. You should not neglect various pleasant bonuses and souvenirs that can please customers with their availability. It could also be an offer to make an additional purchase along with the product.

Consider this case: a person buys a computer, and they offer him a router at a reduced price or even give it for free. You just have to adhere to the rule that an additional service should not cost more than the main purchase. You can also use the establishment of a certain purchase threshold.

It should be noted that in this case there is no specific model of interaction and you can work here within the framework of your imagination. The general gist is something like this:

  1. When the purchase price exceeds a certain amount, the buyer will receive a gift, a coupon for a drawing, or free shipping. Although it may be something else.
  2. When two goods are purchased, the third one is given free of charge.

Non-standard models

In general, the list of different methods can be continued for a very long time. And it wouldn’t hurt to try to use your imagination and come up with something new that will help increase sales. Finally, you can remember this:

  1. Payment of change in goods. This technique cannot be called widespread, but it is still quite interesting. So, when a buyer pays for a product, he receives change not in money, but in some small change. For example - chewing gum, candy or matches.
  2. Multi-colored price tags. This technique is used in cases where it is necessary to draw attention to a certain product and show that it is special. For example, something that will spoil soon and is therefore sold at a discount.
  3. Limited time price. It has a strong motivating influence on buyers, literally forcing them to buy the product at the moment.
  4. Possibility of return. There's a pretty neat trick here. There is a law that requires you to accept a product back if it is returned 14 days after it was purchased. You can further play on this. It is enough to offer customers that if they don’t like the product, they can return it after 14 days.
  5. Hints on price tags. In addition to the cost, in this case it is useful to post information about what is included in this particular product.


It is impossible to say exactly how effective these measures will be. A lot depends on the practical implementation and many different aspects. But there is no doubt that there will be a result. The main thing is to build a strategy. There is no need to put everything in a heap and pile one thing on top of another. If something happens, you can always use one thing first, and then something else. In addition, you can time various special moments to coincide with dates like New Year, summer season, etc.

But in pursuit of the number of sales, one should not forget about the minimum required price. Because the client, of course, is a valuable person, but it is not good to work at a loss. Therefore, it is necessary to look for a golden mean. And if one person leaves, you should not be sad, but you should concentrate on the rest of the people who are in the status of a potential client.

It happens that the seller’s prices are low, the product is good, but the counter is empty. And next door to the neighbor with the same product there is no shortage of buyers. The unlucky entrepreneur is perplexed why, despite all the discounts, his trade is not going well. The fact is that not only the quality and price of the product is important, but also luck. A trading spell and prayer can restore your self-confidence and success in entrepreneurship.

For those who work honestly, conscientiously, there are special conspiracies, the help of which is very powerful . The ceremony is performed in yellow clothes. Pick up millet and, pouring it from handful to handful, read the plot:

Gold-gold, be friends with me like ice and water,
Like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass!
I’m not a tradesman - a morgash, but a merchant - well done, I sell with honor,
I hang with excess, measure with powder, cut with extra, pour with the remainder.
Be in my barn a treasure and all will be well, and everything will be ergot, without holes, without ruin,
Without fuss and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.
Take care of the merchant's conscience, and fate will be favorable to your business.

Many saints and even St. Nicholas the Pleasant favor those who are involved in sales. Daily prayer to St. John the New of Sochava will support the soul and strengthen faith in good trading.

Having nurtured life on earth with goodness, suffering, with alms, and frequent prayers, and tears, and having courageously rushed towards suffering, you denounced the Persian wickedness. In the same way, you were the affirmation of the Church and the praise of Christians, John of everlasting memory. You strove to buy the floating depths of the sea, from the east to the north, but I called you to God, like Matthew, the tollhouse, but you left the purchase, and you followed him with the blood of torment, having redeemed the impenetrable temporary, and You have received the crown, invincible.

How to revive your sales

The decline in trade sometimes drags on for a long time. For things to get going again, you need a strong conspiracy to trade. Pour water into a cup. Splash water in a cup with a gilded spoon and read the spell:

The oak is strong, the spirit is strong, the faith is strong. Amulet - water, wash away the bad, give the dear. Now, forever and forever. Amen

Pour water on both hands with a spoon and do not wipe them, let them dry on their own.

Full moon spells are effective. Go out into the yard at midnight. Hold a handful of the smallest coins in your hand. Turning to the moon, say a conspiracy:

Moon, moon, as full as you are, so full will I be.
Come, money, to my hands every day, every hour, every minute.
I give away the bad, I take the dear. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Fan out the coins around you and go home. Place a bowl of water near the window looking at the moon and wash your face. Then read the plot:

“I washed away the failure and received God’s help. Evil in my life disappears, goodness arrives. Amen"

Pre-purchase rituals

When going shopping, every merchant hopes to find a product that will sell immediately. There is a conspiracy for trade and purchasing that will help you choose the best of the best and not go wrong with the price. Having brought a new product to the store, fold it separately from the old one, read the plot for good luck in trading:

“I baptize the goods, I baptize them for sale! So that you can see your product’s reflection like in a mirror, so that it becomes prettier and the client likes it! So that the first one to come buys, the second one buys, the last one buys too! And no one left me without buying something!”

During the ritual, hold a mirror in your right hand, aimed at the product. After this, place the mirror next to the cash register. A conspiracy for profit quickly gives results.

Attracting buyers

To prevent people from running past the store and leaving without purchasing, you need to use some spells to push the sales process a little. A spell for good trading, read in the morning before the work day, is common among sellers:

“I'm going to trade! Good fellow to meet!
A good fellow will come and take my goods!
Without loss, to profit, to the door!
God will help me with this!”

Few people remember spells and conspiracies that have been going on since ancient times, but they exist and are very effective. Here is one of them, very strong:

“Dashingly beggarly, dashingly unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, don’t invite me with you, take the dead crayfish and lie under a snag. So that I don’t experience poverty, my goods don’t linger, I send away poverty and misery, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Strength, water, language. Amen!"

While reading the plot, wipe off the dust from the windows with an old rag. After three rituals, throw the rag into a dirty pond, or maybe into a deep puddle.

Lucky days

In trading there is no day to day. But it happens that on some day good earnings are necessary. And it is very important that customers buy more willingly and do not find fault with the price. A spell for good trading, carried out in the morning, will help with this:

  • For salt. Take a pinch of salt in your right hand and turn your back to the sales counter. You must be alone in the room to loudly pronounce the spell for profit: “Walkers and travelers, come here; Here you have a place, food and water. For me it’s money, for you it’s goods.” Then throw the salt onto the product with your right hand over your left shoulder.
  • For change, it's better if it's a nickel. Put some change in the money box and say: “Give me a treasure out of a penny. Just as my mother gave birth to me and swaddled me in my first diaper, so you too have given me a great treasure! Amen!"
  • If trading on this day is successful, do not spend the change, but leave it " for divorce».
  • On a scarf. Wipe your face with a handkerchief, standing facing the product, reading the plot: “I give tribute to trade roads. As you accept my sweat, you will send me luck! So that trade would go uphill, customers would come in droves, they would buy everything, they would not spare money, they would not leave without purchases. Amen!". Carry a scarf with you all day.

So that competitors do not interfere

Nowhere is rivalry more evident than in trading. In the world of money, many cannot contain the worst aspects of their character. They secretly plot, slander a competitor, slander, and cause damage. How to protect yourself from the negative influence of ill-wishers? A conspiracy is needed for successful trading and to get rid of the machinations of competitors:

“I go out into a wide courtyard, I look along all the roads and crossroads, I see clear stars from earth to sky. You, confused paths, will delay my competitors. You, clear stars, will darken your heavenly bright light. So that without your light my competitors would have no way, no way. So that they are deaf and dumb"

Wards against inspections and fines

Audits and trade audits do not evoke pleasant emotions. Firstly, the arrival of the commission means the closure of the outlet and downtime in work. Secondly, even a law-abiding entrepreneur can always find a defect punishable by a fine. On the day when the inspector may come, read the plot for successful trading:

“In the name of God Jesus Christ. The stars in the sky are dressed up and reflected in the Jordan River. Just as no one has ever counted the stars, I have never removed God from heaven, so that my luck would not be taken away, taken away, or cursed with any word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Luck will come to the worthy

In order for all prayers and conspiracies for trade to be effective, you must live according to your conscience. Do not consume yourself with envy, anger and hatred of people. God will give those who do not profit from people, but help them, joy in work and in life.

Those who are well acquainted with the world of trading know: trading is not only a business, but also an art, where luck plays a special role. That is why many enterprising businessmen often use a trading plot to help them achieve the desired heights in this area.

It not only helps attract potential buyers, but also makes income stable.

Features of a successful conspiracy

There will always be those who do not believe in any trading conspiracies. And you shouldn't take them seriously. But the point is not at all about the power of magic and its absence. The main thing is a competent and adequate approach to choosing a suitable plot and correct execution. Only in this case is it realistic to expect positive results.

When carrying out rituals and conspiracies regarding trade, it is necessary to take into account several important features:

  • the optimal time for the best ritual is at dawn, at noon, and also at sunset;
  • a conspiracy for successful and profitable trading should be carried out during the waxing phase of the moon;
  • you should read the cherished words in complete solitude and silence;
  • the best days of the ritual are Wednesday and Saturday;
  • conspiracies for good trading must be carried out for the waning month;
  • you need to believe in the ritual, otherwise it will not help;
  • The selected text must be memorized, the words must be read with great feeling and preferably in a whisper.

You should only use white magic. It will help make any business successful, attract consumers, and make the product in demand. Of no small importance is the desire for trade and customers - the internal fire that will make the plot successful.

If there is no fire, the ritual is performed only for profit, and trade is disgusting, you should not expect any special help from magic. The listed rules are quite simple, and even a novice magician can follow them. But only after a suitable plot has been selected.

It is also necessary to remember: no magic spells will help if you do not show goodwill to customers. Sometimes a simple smile that lifts your spirits is enough, and clients will come. And it’s also good when the product being sold is of high quality.

After all, if we gain through deception, we will certainly lose in another way. This is exactly how the law of white magic works; the law is based on the balance of good and evil. The favorable outcome of the whole idea will depend solely on balance.

Several effective spells to choose from

Today, conspiracies for successful trading are very diverse, and choosing the most suitable one can be very difficult. First you need to understand the types of rituals and choose something suitable.

Below are the most popular rituals and conspiracies that have proven their effectiveness more than once:

On the water

A fairly strong trading conspiracy for a successful business, helping to increase the number of potential buyers, sell a large amount of goods and activate monetary and internal energy. You will need a saucer, a ring (preferably made of gold) and some water. You need to pour water into a saucer and slowly lower the ring into it.

Place your index finger in the saucer and begin to twist clockwise. Read the following words (from memory):

“Like the mills that turn grain daily, let the goods with my money also turn! Let them not lie like a stone in my pocket, but circle all over the world, and attract a lot of other money to me! Like bees, let them flock to me in constant motion. Also, let buyers circle around my products and buy them! Let the buyers only come to me, but without buying, they don’t leave my goods. My word is strong, no one can take my word away, and no one can take away my luck. Let people come to me, bring money quickly, buying goods. Come here everyone, there is always water here. Take the water and leave me the money. And may it always be so, as I said, Amen!”

Afterwards, you should put the ring in its usual place and try not to remove the ring for several weeks. The water should be poured out, and the saucer should be rinsed and dried.

For salt

The conspiracy known to trade is quite strong and effective. It helps attract customers and helps sell goods faster. Execution requires the presence of coarse salt, charmed for the waxing moon:

“My dear customers, visitors, walkers and travelers, come here quickly, here is a convenient place, water and food. Good product for you, cash for me!”

The words are repeated exactly 9 times, then you need to carefully collect the charmed salt with the fingers of your right hand and sharply pour it over your left shoulder. The ritual is performed in the place where the goods are directly sold. This ritual is very harmless, and if necessary, the ritual can be repeated once a month.

For money with grass and honey

You will need a banknote of any denomination, a green blade of grass and honey. You should smear a blade of grass with honey and carefully attach it to the bill, repeating the spell for successful and effective trading:

“Just as the grass reaches out to the sun, and the bees hover around the honey, so let the merchants reach out to me (say the name) and my business. Truly so!”

The best and most powerful spell for good luck in trading to attract buyers and big money Vanga revealed a money plot for successful trading and ward off the evil eye on honey and holy water, which you need to read yourself at the point of sale every third day of the month, regardless of the moon and your condition, even if you are sick and don’t have the strength to go to work, you cannot skip the money ceremony! Keep this in mind before reading a conspiracy for good luck in trading that attracts big money and rich clients. If you are ready to carry out a ritual to attract cash flow to your business and increase sales with the greatest benefit for yourself, buy natural honey and pour a bottle of holy water in the church. We remind you that Vanga ordered to read the plot for good luck in trading and big money strictly on the 3rd! In the morning, come to the workplace where you trade so that no one sees, pour holy water into a cup, dissolve a spoonful of honey in it, read the money plot above the cup:

There is a very old and powerful conspiracy to increase profits for business growth. You need to read the money plot that attracts money and attracts rich buyers yourself.. Immediately after the money ritual, you will feel how well all the goods will begin to sell out, and the profit from sales will grow rapidly, increasing trade turnover in the business.

When everyone has left, open the place where the money is kept and say in a barely audible voicewords of conspiracy for business growth and increased profits:

Rituals and conspiracies for trade and good business help traders quickly and profitably sell any product. So that your business is successful and your luck allows you to trade quickly and with the greatest profit , Before opening, read the most powerful conspiracy yourself and perform a ritual for trading in salt. To attract customers, you need to take everything from the salt shaker every time that is in the salt shaker at home. In the morning before the store (outlet) opens, take the salt you brought with you into your hand and throw it with your right hand over your left shoulder, quickly saying conspiracy to trade:

Strong conspiracies for trading need to be read for good luck in any business related to sales, Vanga said. The most powerful conspiracy to improve trade told by Vanga should be read for sugar Once a week, next week the plot must be repeated. Sellers large and small believe in the power of magic, especially when it comes to luck at work. Many people involved in sales use a conspiracy that will attract buyers and raise income, while leaving the price stable. There are many traders, but without magic, not many are able to sell their goods profitably. This conspiracy from Vanga’s book on trading helps many sellers quickly and profitably sell goods and increase sales. You need to read the plot for sugar at work. For magical ritual to attract a buyer and good luck in trading you need red clothes (shirt, dress, scarf) in which you will trade. You probably remember that in many old pictures merchants wear red shirts or boots! This color in clothing has a special magical meaning and spells will tell you what to do next. Vanga told the traders to lure luck with sugar and red clothes. Having chosen any red attribute of clothing (even a handkerchief), sew a piece of sugar into it with red threads and say spell for good and successful trading :

Spells for excellent trade and business have always been read by successful people, just talk about a ritual that attracts buyers and clients for the quick sale of goods is not accepted. Conspiracies will not tell a strong spell that brings good luck in trading and good sales, you will not find in any books - Vanga told the conspiracy to improve trade only a few times! The spell for good trading and good luck in business needs to be read on a poppy. Magic ritual using poppy seeds You do it yourself at the counter where you sell. On any day of the waxing moon, buy a glass of poppy seeds and a new handkerchief to read a conspiracy to improve trade.

Sellers of services and goods read prayers for good and successful trading . You can find out which prayer for trading to increase sales is the strongest only by reading the prayers one by one. Only in this way can you find out an effective prayer for attracting buyers, clients increasing trade turnover with profit and suitable for your business. Orthodox prayer for good luck in work for luck in trade is a powerful magical means of sinlessly increasing the sale of goods and attracting buyers. This method will help you determine which patron saint for trading your goods will help increase sales and quickly sell the goods. Vanga said that there are holy icons that help people on their life path. For business, you need to read prayers to the Saints who help in trade, these are Spiridon, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov and John of Sochavsky.

A strong white spell to improve trade, which has no bad consequences, will help remove the evil eye and damage from a trading place and improve trade.. You need to read the spell - prayer on holy water when you come to your workplace. After graduating read a prayer Take holy water into your mouth and sprinkle it on your work area (counter). Pour the remaining water where people (customers and potential clients) walk. Place a coin spelled with holy water from a glass in your left pocket; it will attract money buyers and ward off the evil eye. For a ritual to attract a buyer and increase profits, you need to pour holy water into a clean glass of water and drop any coin into the water and read money spell for good trading :

For profit growth and good trading, every day you need to read a honey spell, which will lure buyers and sales will be more fun, bringing more money (profit). Those who are constantly engaged in sales know that some sellers sell bad goods better and buyers constantly stand in line, this is an act of magic. A special ritual for daring sellers has no consequences - this is not black magic, but a white magic ritual for good trade. If before selling you do everything as they say in the conspiracies and read the special a conspiracy for good sales from a well done merchant , then your product will sell out first, even if your neighbor has a much more attractive look and price, your sale will go faster! You need to read the plot for good trading on honey, a spoonful of natural honey is enough. Arriving at the place of trade, say in honey the words of the merchant’s trading plot :

The most powerful prayer for trading that was passed on from mouth to mouth and is capable of very quickly selling any stale product with the greatest profit for you. A charming prayer for trading can be read as many times as needed (even every day) and there is nothing wrong with that; on the contrary, as a result of reading the prayer for selling, your business will only prosper and bring greater profits. If you urgently need to sell something quickly and profitably, go to church, light a candle to any Saint who is closer to your heart and pray. After reading the following prayer for trading :

Vanga’s white magic recommends reading this powerful conspiracy for trading and performing a special ritual, after which any product will sell well and very quickly and good luck in trading will never leave you. When luck in sales and sales has turned away, sales have fallen and the buyer passes by, you urgently need to read the plot for good trading told by Vanga. You must independently carry out a magical ritual that will help you trade quickly; after reading the trade conspiracy from Vanga’s book, trade turnover will increase several times. For the ritual you need a new handkerchief and a nickel. Wrap it in a scarf and put a nickel (or 5 ruble coin) in your left pocket after saying it 12 times spell for good trading and good luck in business :

If you need to sell all your goods quickly and with the greatest profit, take a piece of rye bread with you and when you come to work where you trade, say a trading plot on the bread three times. After finishing reading the “good seller” plot, the charmed piece of bread must be eaten. You will be surprised how buyers will flock to you and start buying goods without haggling, even if the price from your neighbor is cheaper. Bread spell for successful trading that needs to be read in the workplace :

All sellers know how easy it is to frighten off luck in trading and jinx the goods so that the buyer will be “empty”. To ensure that your product always sells well, there is good trade and every buyer becomes a regular customer, you need good protection from the evil eye and envy. Trade protection is done once a month on the 19th for the most common nickel. By performing this simple action, no one will ever jinx your product and you will always have a good buyer. You need to take any nickel in your hand and cross yourself, the counter and the product with it read a good white conspiracy that protects goods and you from the evil eye :

If you want to use magic to make sure that you always have success in trading and the profit from sales grows, read the old conspiracy of a successful seller . A conspiracy for good trading to attract buyers should be read daily. The conspiracy will make sure that competitors have no trade and buyers will queue up for you. Immediately after the ceremony you will see how great the power of money magic is. After reading the plot, your business will grow and bring more profit. The plot is read for the largest coin that is in your wallet before the start of the working day and the start of trading

To improve trade quickly and successfully sell all goods, Vanga advised reading this ancient conspiracy of successful merchants that attracts buyers and turns any sale into a brisk sale of goods . Also, to improve sales, any seller in a store or tent should have an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which helped boost business and improve sales, sales grow significantly and turnover raises the business to a new level. You need to read the conspiracy to trade on any piece of fabric which should be used to wipe off the “dust” from the counter. When you wipe down a counter or store window, read an ancient and very powerful conspiracy to trade :

Spells and prayers for brisk trade and business will bring a daily increase in sales . The seller who performed the ritual to make trade go better will quickly increase his profit; after reading the spell or prayer, you will be able to sell what you need quickly and profitably. Prayer for brisk trade helps to lure the buyer by quickly selling the product. If after prayer you read conspiracy for brisk trade from Vanga which helps to remove competitors with magic and lure their customers to you. It’s no secret that sellers want it as quickly as possible sell all your goods and when there are a lot of competitors around prayer for increased sales supported by magic and read conspiracy to prevent competitors from having trade . The conspiracy is capable of luring customers away from a competitor for 1 day, quickly conducting profitable transactions and selling everything at the best price.

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about real conspiracies for selling goods in your store, and you will certainly find it useful in attracting good luck in trading. Today, many are engaged in private business, namely trade. In a highly competitive environment, becoming a successful entrepreneur is not easy. You can't do it without magic.

A strong conspiracy on a store - how to increase sales revenue

Independent conspiracies to sell goods are one of the effective ways to attract buyers, quickly sell your products, increase turnover and profitability of your business. Home rituals of money magic - powerful store spells and business can be used by large sellers of goods (wholesalers), as well as ordinary people who are sometimes faced with the need to sell their things. And these magical rituals are effective, I assure you. And here is one of the many options. For witchcraft to sell goods, prepare:

  • new towel
  • handful of salt

Do this on the waxing moon on Wednesday. In the morning, getting out of bed, wash your face with cold water, while reading the words:

“It will be a good, fine day, I will be successful, my wishes will come true, and I will end up with happiness in the bargain.”

Wipe your face with a new towel purchased for the ceremony. Then pour a handful of salt into a towel, tie it in a knot, and go trade with it. Sprinkle some of the salt discreetly on the doorstep.

Read the text of the conspiracy to sell goods in a store:

“I’m not throwing hot salt, I’m pouring salty salt, but I’m inviting great luck to my doorstep. By white salt, by luck, he will reach out to me. Not one, not two, but a whole crowd. They will come to me with money, and they will leave me with goods. Amen".

Enter the retail space. Sprinkle the remaining salt on the product you want to sell quickly and profitably. At the same time, read: “ For every thing there is a merchant" A proven conspiracy for trading and for an online store is suitable. True, in this case it will be necessary to sprinkle salt not on real things, but on their photos. The online store is protected from thieves and kleptomaniacs. But the real one can be protected by magic from thieves. Strong conspiracies against theft are so simple that you don’t have to perform complex rituals.

Simple conspiracies against shoplifting - how to protect your goods

This powerful conspiracy against thieves was used in the old days by merchants who were forced to transport their goods in very difficult conditions. To avoid being robbed along the way, knowledgeable people did this in the old days. They took an old knife in each hand and, holding them over the goods, read the conspiracy from thieves 3 times:

“Like at sea, on the river, in a forged chest, seven damask knives, seven brother guards. I open that chest, take out those knives, and direct them to work. Come, knives, to this and that, to the one who committed evil, laid hands on my good. Cut it lengthwise and crosswise so that the theft is turned back and nothing is hidden. My word is true, my deed is swift. Everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled. Amen".

Great fit magic spell against shoplifting and in our days. What has worked since ancient times has not lost its power to this day. If you are opening a new store, then even more so you need to read conspiracies to attract customers and successful trade. Here is a simple plot to sell goods in a new store.

Money conspiracies for big store profits

The point of business is its profitability. For your business to bring you real income, you need to work hard and magic will help you. And there are situations when it is impossible to do without witchcraft. Here are some good store opening spells that will attract potential customers. They are also suitable for use by those who have been involved in trading for a long time.

When washing your face before trading, wipe your face with a new handkerchief. Tighten the knots on its corners and read the words of the spell to cast a love spell on profitable buyers:

“Just as people admire the stars and the clear moon, so they would admire my product. Just as a groom loves his bride, so they would love my goods, they were all sold out. May it be so from now on and forever. Amen".

Take the enchanted handkerchief with you to trade and always keep it with you. Repeat for each waxing moon.

For good luck in trading, read the plot to sell goods in a store three times:

“Around the city, around the garden, around the city wall there is a fair, the trading people are noisy. Every merchant offers his goods, every peddler opens his box. I will stand in the middle of the trading city, in the middle of that fair, in the middle of the merchants and peddlers. I bow to the eight directions, to the eight roads, to the eight successes, to the help of the trading people. I will pray the Father’s prayer, and I will call from all sides, from eight roads, from eight crossroads, from trade caravans and eight paths, Mother Luck, Mother Fortune. Good luck in my trading business is with me every hour. People buy up goods, money increases in summer, and in winter, and in autumn, and in spring, and in the evening, and in the morning, and every week. Amen".

And so that money is constantly flowing, and so that there is no stagnation in business, read a home spell for money in the store on the waxing moon. Try to attract money through 6 charmed nickels.

To increase revenue in a store - a plot for 6 honey nickels on the waxing moon

Do it yourself, of course, on the waxing moon, in the morning. Here's what you'll need:

  • saucer
  • 6 nickels

Place the coins in a saucer, smear them with honey and read the spell for good sales in the store 6 times:

“Demons, imps, daring guys, eat honey, listen to me. Just as bees and ants flock to amber honey, so money would flock to me and stick to my hands.”

Leave this saucer until the evening. As soon as the sun sets, take the nickels with honey to the crossroads. Leave with the words of the spell:

“Just as a nickel sticks to honey, so the kingdom of the devil showers me with money. Truly."

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Keep the saucer for repetition, which I recommend doing every week. This home ritual is specifically for profit from trading in your store, and not for wealth. And therefore it does not depend on the moon. However, it is better to start on the waxing moon. This is one of the most, the call of the Forces is not necessary to read. Works great even without calls. And honey nickels are paid off.

And this is an effective spell for profitable trading in a store. Look at the buyer (but not closely, not intrusively), smile and rub your hands. Say out loud: " Please take it, inexpensive! And then you say to yourself: “ You take what’s mine, you give away yours. Amen».

For the successful sale of goods in a store - read a plot for good luck in business

When you are going to go shopping for goods, before you leave the threshold, read spell for good sales in the store and have a good trip. Turn your face to the east, bow and say:

“Sunrise side, Father Sun. You walk high, you see far. Track the roads for me (name) so that I can take more and sell better. Be my word, my deed. Amen".

Protective spells against the evil eye of the store, goods and trade and against all types of thieves

If you have caused damage and the evil eye to trade, then you need to clean the goods and the place on the market. And after magical cleansing, protect yourself and the store. Try this simple working plot to protect your trade from negativity and the evil eye. When you arrive at the place where you are trading, cross yourself and say:

“Saint Peter was carrying a purse, and on his way a serpent lay across it. Whoever counts the scales of this snake will only interfere with my bargaining. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

This is the simplest ritual. And now more about protective conspiracies against the evil eye of the store. Where there is a high turnover of people, it is implied that not all visitors are friendly. They can jinx it out of envy, they can seriously spoil trade, or they can steal good luck. The latter is most often done by competitors.

Therefore, a commercial premises or office must be protected. But how to do that? There are, say, powerful protections through demons or the dead. But you can’t put them in the store, otherwise you might scare everyone away. The main task of a real magician is to be able to competently set up protection from real ill-wishers. From money stealers, from the magical theft of a person’s luck, they use:

  • needles,
  • mirrors,
  • Rowan is put on guard.

Effective protective spells against the evil eye and luck stealers in the store

Protective ritual against the evil eye of the needle store. On the growing moon, take out 3 needles from the new set. Stick them into the threshold with the tip up. You can stick it in the ground in front of the entrance to your store. On each needle, before sticking it in, read the words of the conspiracy 3 times:

“Whoever brought it took it away. Whoever came for mine left with nothing. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

« He came for mine“- in this case we are not talking about purchases, because purchase is the exchange of goods for money. This means exactly what was taken for free, i.e. stolen. Mirrors are also very good as guardians against luck stealers.

Protective spell against the evil eye of a store through a round mirror.

For the magical ritual you will need:

  • round mirror
  • 8 wax candles

Remove the mirror from the wall, place it in the center of the table and surround it with candles. Light one of the candles and read the text of the spell:

“I determine to repel evil and bring peace.”

Light the second candle from the flame of the first candle and repeat this protective spell for trading in a store. Do all this with all the candles, repeating the plot each time. Move clockwise. Then look at the lights reflected in the mirror and read the words:

Then put out the candles and return the mirror to its original place.

Protective spell against the evil eye of the store through rowan berries.

Rowan is a powerful natural amulet. With its power you can protect yourself from those who steal your luck in trade and the evil eye. The evil eye is not as harmless a thing as many people think. This is a form of kradnik on the energy level. Ways magical protection of the store through the mountain ash a lot. Here, for example, is this one.

Take a handful of berries in your hand and read in a whisper three times:

“I take the sister berry and put a red border. The evil spirit will not find me, it will not come to me. What’s mine is with me, but what’s mine is the enemy’s.”

Place the enchanted berries under the threshold of a store or market place.

Another version of the spell text to protect a store from damage:

“Beautiful mountain ash, helper-mother, I ask for protection from misfortunes, from an evil sorcerer, from misfortunes, from the evil eye in trade matters. Amen".

Do the same with the berries - pour them outside the threshold.

An effective plot to quickly sell a store

Selling real estate is serious business. It is by no means easy to find a buyer and make a profitable deal. Rituals of practical magic will help you sell real estate quickly and profitably. People have long known and practiced strong conspiracies to sell such expensive items as a building. By reading the plot for the successful sale of a store, you will speed up the process and find a profitable buyer.

Try this. At dawn, pour spring water into a glass and turn your face to the east.

Read the plot to quickly sell a store, office or production:

“The owners are abandoning this house. Merchants are coming from all four directions, their eyes are washed with soap, covered with sand, and filled with water. They buy a house without haggling or looking around. Amen".

Then sprinkle water on all areas of the store - sales floors and utility rooms. Move in the direction of the sun. Spray all available corners especially carefully. Pour the rest of the water outside the front door. And you'll sell it quickly. However, if you do not intend to part with your property forever, but only want to find profitable tenants, I can offer such an independent plot to rent out the premises.

To rent out a store - an independent plot for the key to the front door

Take the key to the property you want to quickly rent out. Throw it into boiling water and say 3 times:

“Just as people cannot live without iron locks, iron keys, so that they cannot live without (name the property you want to rent out). Amen. Just as people cannot live without food and without water, so they cannot live without (again, name the property you want to rent out). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Let the water cool, take out the key, and pour the water into any container. Before the tenant arrives, wash your hands with this water. And successfully rent out the store.