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How to sell LED lighting correctly. Creating a business producing LED lamps

The production of LED lamps does not require large financial costs. For a successful mini-business, you don’t need to buy expensive equipment; you only need consumables, which are what lamps and work crew are made from. Consumables include: circuit boards, LEDs, microcircuits, soldering irons. For example, in China, both large factories and small workshops can produce lamps.

Organization of mini production of LED lamps.
Any self-respecting entrepreneur begins his activities with a business plan. According to statistics, the production of LED lamps consists of: an appropriate premises, usually rented with an area of ​​300 to 1000 square meters. Mandatory presence of assembly tables for lamp assembly. The number of employees depends on the volume of production; there can be several dozen or more than a hundred workers.

Soldering irons, tin, rosin, fans, showroom - all this will be needed in the process of making lamps. A stand where the quality of the product is checked. As in any enterprise, there must be an office for the head of the workshop and an office for the director. Also, a utility room is a warehouse for finished products.

During the first 2 years, production will cover the costs of opening this business. There is one significant disadvantage in the production of LED lamps - the cost of labor. Compared to the Chinese, it is overpriced. In this regard, competition with Chinese manufacturers is very strong, even if you take into account the difference in the cost of delivering goods in Russia or from abroad, you will still be inferior to them.

Sales of LED lamps.
An important point in mini lamp production is the target audience of buyers. These could be small private consumers who are getting rid of unprofitable incandescent lamps and switching to LED lamps. Their advantage is a long service life and more beneficial light for the eyes.

Industrial enterprises can also act as buyers of this product. LED lamps are also used in radio engineering. If the business is directed to the production of household and industrial lamps, the profit margin will increase significantly.

LED production options.
The production process can be carried out in two ways: the first is more expensive, the second saves costs. The fact is that the full production cycle entails large financial costs for the purchase of equipment, the purchase of consumables and raw materials. The second method of making lamps is to purchase the component elements and their subsequent packaging.

The production of LED lamps takes place in several stages: processing and installation of chips, packaging and assembly of finished products.

For the mini-production of this product, you will need stamping installations for legs and domes of flasks. You should purchase a splitting machine; it is used to cut and transport the ends of the tubes. In production, you will definitely need a special installation that pulls out glass products, as well as a conveyor with blowing. You cannot do without gas stoves. The listed equipment can be purchased either new or used. The second option will significantly save your costs.

The secret of success in the production of LED lamps.
The key to a successful business lies in the right selection of personnel; these should be highly qualified specialists. The number of employees depends on the volume of goods produced. The greater the quantity of production per day, the more workers there should be. Don't forget that your company will need the services of an accountant and marketer. It is also necessary to organize a department of employees for the purchase of consumables and sales of goods. Of course, any production will not be without management personnel: director, deputy director and other positions as necessary.

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Which is in constant demand. Most people cannot imagine life without artificial light. Conventional incandescent lamps burn out quickly, so many have switched to LED lamps. This option allows you to save not only on the purchase itself, but also significantly reduces electricity costs.

Characteristics of LED lamps

LED equipment is purchased not only for offices and enterprises. It fits organically into the modern interior of apartments and houses. The demand for LED ceiling lights is driven by:

  • Low power consumption. Classic lamps consume up to 60 watts. LED lamps with the same lighting consume 3 Watts. With electricity prices constantly rising, saving on utility bills plays a big role for many.
  • LED lights are more durable than others. The lifespan of high-quality products can reach 10 years. Despite the higher price, they pay for themselves in the long run.
  • The production of LED lamps causes less harm to the environment than conventional incandescent lamps. They do not require the use of harmful gases and compounds.
  • You can organize a collection point for old, used lamps and send them to special companies for recycling.

    LED lamps: business prospects

    Artificial lighting lamps are always needed. The demand for them does not depend on the time of year, the economic situation, or price fluctuations. However, competition in the market is quite high. Therefore, you need to offer customers something new. For example, a wide range of unusual, beautiful, stylish lighting fixtures.

    You can expand it by offering products not only for the home. The offer to buy LED lamps for industrial premises, garages and street lighting of houses will attract additional buyers. Organizing wholesale trade at discounted prices is also a good option to stand out from your competitors.

    Many require good lighting; often such devices have special designs or mountings. A good example is the flashlight on a miner's helmet. Motorists also need lamps that diffuse the light beam.

    Enterprise registration

    Initially, you need to register your business with the tax office. IP is usually used. Later it will be possible to register an LLC, for example, if among the clients there are legal entities.

    When filling out the documents, you must indicate OKVED code 47.59 “Services for retail trade of furniture, lighting fixtures and other household products in specialized stores.” The most profitable option for taxing activities is UTII or a patent.

    To plan your assortment, you need to understand in advance for which customers the store or warehouse is opening. Most popular segments:

  • Ceiling, armstrong - a wide variety of LED lamps are suitable for residential buildings.
  • Lighting devices for industrial premises. Such products must have sufficiently high power, a good level of safety, and not depend on external factors.
  • Autolight. The direction has its own characteristics. When registering, you will need to indicate additional codes - trade in automotive goods. In addition to lamps, it is advisable to include other products in the assortment - running lights, headlights.
  • A win-win option is to open a store of ordinary inexpensive household lighting fixtures. In the future, as development progresses, it will be possible to expand the range. In parallel, you can enter into contracts with companies that produce or install suspended ceilings. They can sell a variety of special thin lamps.

    Selling LED lamps of the elite, expensive category makes sense only in large cities. This will require appropriate positioning, requirements for premises, location of trade and large investments in the purchase of goods. Most buyers are people with average and low incomes. They cannot afford the high price of LED lamps.

    Premises and staff

    The sale of lamps for LED lamps, chandeliers, night lights and other household appliances can be organized in the form of a separate store or point in a shopping complex.

    The main requirement is high cross-country ability. The city center is the most advantageous location. If the store is located in a residential area, then the reach of customers will be limited mainly to its residents. The optimal room area is at least 50 square meters. m.

    If the assortment is filled with goods for production premises, then the location of the warehouse does not matter for companies. It will be possible to rent premises on the outskirts of the city. At the same time, you can sell goods in . This will increase the geographic coverage of customers.

    Recruitment should be taken seriously. Volumes and revenues depend on the professionalism of sellers. The consultant must be able to distinguish street LED lamps from indoor ones and have knowledge of their use. For example, be able to calculate the number of lamps for installing a stretch ceiling.

    Additionally, you need to hire an accountant. His tasks will include keeping records of goods, preparing reports, making payments, interacting with the tax service and other institutions. Drawing up applications to suppliers, expanding the range, concluding contracts with construction companies that need built-in LED lamps - you can also entrust an accountant at first.

    They live long, serve faithfully - all this is not about four-legged pets, but about LED lamps. There are few places where you will find clear instructions on how to stimulate sales of this category of goods. However, experienced specialists can tell you a lot. For example, the rules for laying out LED lamps are similar to the rules for laying out lamps. Nothing superfluous: only strict classification. There are different layouts:

    • BY BRAND,
    • BY PRICE (from left to right and top to bottom, starting with the cheapest lamps)
    • BY TYPE and TYPE (built-in and non-built-in)
    • BY COLOR (from light to dark),
    • BY SIZE (from small to large),
    • BY DESIGN,
    • BY OBJECTIVES and others.

    Example of layout by type:

    ① Spotlights

    ② Ceilings for office, home, housing and communal services, warehouse, street

    ③ Wall-mounted office, home, housing and communal services, warehouse, street

    ④ Park, landscape, cantilever

    ⑤ Rotary, track

    ⑥ Ultra-thin panels for any surface

    First they lay out lamps intended for the home, then the office, then they go for housing and public utilities purposes and street ones. This is due not only to the frequency of purchases of the first ones. The direction of the display is from the entrance, the side from which customers enter the trading floor, along the movement of the customer flow to other goods or the exit. This applies not only to the position of the lamps on the shelf, but also to the placement of retail equipment in or on which the product is located.

    Of course, science is not a pillar; it does not stand still. Today, more and more lamps are appearing, designed not even for basic or spot lighting, but for decorative, for completely different needs such as lighting an aquarium, for underwater lighting, for a greenhouse, creating a “disco” spirit at a party. It is better to post this product separately to avoid confusion. In specialized stores, there are even entire departments for placing LED lamps according to a clear display, in each of which the buyer can find only a certain type of product. The cheapest one is at the entrance. For something more expensive and of higher quality, it’s worth hunting longer and going deeper.


    By the way! Since we started talking about LED lamps, why not talk about their benefits for display in general? Few commercial equipment can emphasize a particular product. And in this case, there are a lot of variations on how to visually highlight the products of a particular brand, how to force the buyer to subconsciously make a decision that is necessary and beneficial for the company. Merchandising services also include the selection of the necessary fixtures and lamps for proper lighting of the retail space.

    LED lamps are used for both accent and general and decorative lighting. Did you know that the brighter the sales floor, the more light there is, the more active sales are made? A little good mood, a little opportunity to look at the product in detail - that’s the whole secret. American researchers confirm the loyalty of customers in a well-lit store: goods seem more expensive, but at the same time of higher quality. That is why this technique is well used by merchandisers when lighting jewelry, costume jewelry, perfume, and luxury and premium clothing. Just light, but what a result!

    For accent lighting, spotlights are used. They allow you not only to make an accent, but also to visually expand the area and make it larger.

    An LED lamp can also serve itself faithfully. How to prove to the buyer that he is making the right choice? Show everything in action! Let the lamps you sell burn above the shelves. Having assessed the quality and imagined the benefits, a person will make his choice.

    Considering how prices for energy consumption are rising in the modern world, it is not surprising that our compatriots today consume much less electricity than they did five years ago. The cost of a kilowatt of electricity is growing, and therefore LED navigator lamps or any other model have become so in demand. Thanks to them, owners of apartments and houses can save significantly on utility bills. This fact makes the business of selling such energy-saving lighting devices very profitable.

    What are the advantages of LED lamps

    The benefits of their use become noticeable literally after the first month of use. Their main advantages include the following.

    • Long service life. The warranty on these lighting devices is sometimes several years, which once again emphasizes their durability. They rarely burn out or fail, and you can forget about replacing bulbs for many years.
    • Low energy consumption. Traditionally, to illuminate a large room, you needed at least one 100-watt incandescent light bulb. A modern LED lamp will only need 15 watts to cope with the same task.
    What are the prospects for a business selling LED lamps?

    Gradually, such lamps are replacing traditional light bulbs in our apartments, in street lamps and in industrial buildings of enterprises. There are different models that can be selected for kitchen lamps and hotel chandeliers.

    The demand for LED lamps is constantly growing every year, the only thing that somewhat holds back consumers is the higher price compared to conventional lamps. But if you sell such products in large quantities, then the income will be invariably high.