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How to sell online courses and educational services via the Internet. How to sell your Video courses on the Internet? How to create your own course and sell it

From the article you will learn:

  • What you need to know to sell courses online
  • What to do the course about
  • How to choose a platform
  • Which course format to choose
  • How can I register for a course?
  • What materials do you need to create for a successful course?
  • How to publish a course online
  • How can you advance your course?

Knowledge and skills you will need

What has been said may seem like a truism, but you cannot keep silent about it: you must be an expert in the field in which you plan to create an online course. Intending to teach photography skills? Be prepared to show off some really cool photos you took and talk about exactly how you took them. Have you come up with a course on website creation? You should have modern, convenient, beautiful online resources behind you, and in your head specific recommendations for creating them. A layperson trying to teach something to an audience should not count on the popularity of the course.

In addition to a good knowledge of the chosen topic, you will need:

  • Computer skills;
  • Ability to shoot quality video and record audio;
  • well delivered speech;
  • the ability to correctly express thoughts in text format;
  • finally, a fair amount of patience and perseverance in achieving your goals.

Stage one: answer the main question

Before you create a course, answer the question of what exactly you want to teach your audience. The range of possible topics is very, very wide, and the choice depends only on your knowledge and experience. Do you have a very popular blog? Tell your audience about the nuances of its creation and administration. Have you learned how to make fishing lures that work better than factory ones? Create an online course for fishermen dedicated to this. This list can be continued for a very long time. Remember one thing: no one can more accurately determine the area in which you are truly strong than yourself.

Stage two: choosing a platform for an online course

There is specialized software for creating courses, but practical experience shows that it is more convenient to use Internet services designed for this. There are several reasons for this:

  • neither you nor your students will have to waste time installing and configuring programs;
  • the compatibility problem will disappear. You can work on Windows, and one of your students can work on Linux, and each of you will be able to use the online platform with equal convenience;
  • the services in question are “tailored” for creating and listening to courses. They provide teachers and students with a set of convenient tools for creating and publishing lectures, jointly discussing lessons, testing, maintaining a student database, monitoring incoming applications, working with statistics, and solving many other problems;
  • online platforms impose virtually no restrictions on the power of users’ computers: it can be minimal, and even in this case, neither the teacher nor the students will have any difficulties.

There are many platforms for online courses on the Internet, such as Canvas or Udemy. There are free services - for example, Moodle. This platform has been tested by time, however, by now it is outdated. The most functional platforms are those that are accessed on a paid basis, such as Teachbase. The latter, by the way, can be used for free, but the number of users cannot exceed 5 people (thus, it will not be possible to create a full-fledged class).

Stage three: working out the structure of the future course

Would you like to know how to sell your course for maximum profit? It must become popular, and for this you have to fully reveal the chosen topic in it. Are you learning how to create fishing lures? Tell your listeners everything - from the choice of materials to the features of placing baits in different types of reservoirs. Dedicating a course to creating House music in a popular program? Include lectures on everything a musician will need, from creating a drum part to fine-tuning sound effects and automating instruments.

Once you've worked through your list of issues to cover and topics to cover, create a study schedule that will guide you and your students. Many platforms for online courses have convenient tools for this: for example, on the Teachbase platform in the teacher’s personal account there is a “Sessions” section that allows you to plan classes.

Stage four: choosing the formats of educational materials

So you've made a schedule. Now you need to determine what format each lesson will have. The most common:

  • video lectures;
  • screencasts – video recordings of everything that happens on the teacher’s screen, if necessary accompanied by voice comments;
  • audio clips;
  • presentations.

Experience shows that online students perceive video lectures best, so we recommend that you focus on them (even though their creation is somewhat technically complex). Materials in other formats with this approach will play a supporting, secondary role. However, specific decisions on formats are always yours: they will depend on the content of the classes you teach.

Modern platforms for online courses allow you to create and publish materials in a variety of formats, which largely determines their popularity. So, when using the Teachbase service, you can build courses from videos (including those published on YouTube), PDF files, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and a number of other materials. In addition, the Teachbase service allows you to conduct webinars using video and audio communications, chat and a real board on which you can draw and write.

Stage five: working on the design

Strictly speaking, this stage is not mandatory, however, let us immediately note: a course designed in a unified and carefully designed style attracts special attention. This means that it is able to bring more income to the teacher than a course designed anyhow.

Uniform screensavers with lecture titles, a well-chosen set of fonts and colors that does not change from lecture to lecture, perhaps the same musical accompaniment of materials - these are just some of the course design elements that are worth paying attention to.

Stage six: creating course materials

So, the list of issues covered has been compiled, the formats of the materials have been determined, and the design of the course has been worked out. The time has come for perhaps the most difficult and important stage - creating the materials that will make up your online course.

First of all, write the lecture texts. Express yourself clearly, use special terms correctly - as you analyze their meanings, take into account the characteristics of your audience and speak their language.

Record and edit videos using Adobe Premiere, CyberLink PowerDirector, or another program. Record screencasts using Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia or other software. Create presentations using PowerPoint or whatever application you use. Prepare other materials required by your online course syllabus.

When recording a video, set the lighting wisely and choose a suitable background. When creating audio clips, take care of high sound quality - use a good microphone, and, if necessary, process the audio (for example, in the Audacity or Sound Forge application). Do not forget about the uniform design of all created materials.

Stage seven: publish the course

Using a dedicated online course platform makes this process much easier. Thus, Teachbase has a convenient constructor in which materials can be published in just a few clicks. You need to title the course itself and each material included in it, and upload the content you prepared in the previous stages. Experience shows that you can cope with this work even with basic computer skills.

Stage eight: advertise and promote the course

So, the main work is done: your online course has been created and published. It can be as good as you want, but until your potential students know about it, you can't expect commercial returns. The course needs to be advertised and promoted. Here are the most common methods:

As a conclusion

From the above, two conclusions can be drawn.

First. Creating a high-quality, meaningful, useful online course that aspires to become popular and profitable is a complex, multi-stage job that must be approached with all responsibility.

Second. This work, with due persistence, is quite within the capabilities of most of us. Follow the recommendations outlined in this article, treat your future course responsibly, and it will certainly be successful!

On March 20–21, the first practical conference on online education will take place in Moscow, at which the most famous Russian educational brands will share their knowledge in the field of creating and promoting educational products.

Evgeny Lebedev

Director of Marketing and Product at Foxford Online School.

Assess demand

Marketing your educational project begins at the stage of choosing a training topic. If no one wants what you teach, then no amount of promotion or advertising will help you sell the course. Who, for example, needs courses on using mechanical abacus? But 30–40 years ago, this was a very useful skill for any grocery store salesperson.

You can estimate demand using several tools.

  • Search volume analysis at Formulate what search query is most likely used by people who could potentially learn from you. Check its frequency and assess seasonality.

  • Social media demand analysis. Formulate what people write when they look for something related to training and ask their friends and groups on social networks about it. Enter this phrase into the search and analyze the quantity and quality of the posts shown.

  • Study. The previous paragraphs allow us to study formed demand, when a person already has a clear need and is trying to satisfy it. But more often it happens that a person would be glad to learn something, but does not actively search for it. Then you can do your research. Create a questionnaire in which you tell about your educational product and place a pre-order form. Distribute this questionnaire to your friends and friends of friends. This way you will understand whether there is a demand for a similar product in your environment. It’s important that you don’t need to create the content itself to conduct this type of research. You only pretend that you have it, and thereby check the real need.

Provide the information correctly

If there is a demand and your expertise is in demand on the market, then it must be correctly presented to a potential audience. Make a website (or a separate landing page) and describe the benefits of studying with you.

Show that you are an expert

The most important competitive advantage in education is the name of the expert and his status. A programming course from MIT (the largest university in the USA) and a course from a talented self-taught person from Voronezh are perceived by potential audiences in completely different ways. Although it is not at all necessary that, from the point of view of effectiveness, the course from a self-taught person is worse.

If you are a recognized expert in the market, then don’t be shy about it. Formulate your achievements that are related to the course and tell the audience about them.

If there is no big name yet, then show your qualifications with the help of a portfolio, certificates, diplomas, tell about a relevant position and experience.

Create a training program

The curriculum allows the audience to understand whether this is what you will teach. The course may be called “Analytics”, but it consists 100% of theory. And a potential buyer is waiting for an internship. He comes for a solution to a problem and wants to learn how to work with databases himself.

Demonstrate that your training program will solve the buyer's problem.

In the program, it is important not only to identify the topics to be studied, but also to show what skills the buyer will receive at the end. You can go even further and “package” the skills into a specific benefit for the buyer: for example, showing what his resume will look like after completing the course.

Show the benefits of your course

How will your course differ from dozens of others? What makes it unique? If you can't answer these questions right away or are talking about the quality of the program and the awesome expert, then think again. All courses are taught by good teachers and are taught according to effective programs. At least that's what everyone claims. But they buy courses with unique advantages. Think of them and create them.

Find a reason to believe you

When presenting information, it is important that it be believed. Statements like “146% of students were satisfied” have not convinced anyone for a long time. Give your potential audience a reason to believe (RTB).

Effective RTBs can be:

  • Reviews from real students on the site confirm that studying with you will help you achieve results. The video format, posting them on your students’ social networks, calling for details from the students and their contacts will help increase confidence in the reviews themselves.

  • A free webinar where you will cover one of the topics of the training program and demonstrate your teaching skills and expertise.
  • Video (screen recording) from past classes or webinar with a short story on the topic of the course.

  • A promise to return money if the program is not suitable for the student. Only an honest promise with transparent rules.

  • Data on the number of course participants. This is social proof that the course is worth enrolling in. Just numbers are not enough to make people believe you; show your students and tell them what they managed to achieve.

Facts about the UX Design course,
Theses and reviews from students of the UX Design course,

How to start promoting a course

After quality content packaging, it’s time to start promoting it. In general, working on promoting educational content is not much different from working with other products. A basic checklist looks like this.

1. Define your target audience

  • young professionals who know the basics and want to improve their skills in order to get promoted;
  • experienced specialists from related fields who decided to change their profession;
  • mothers on maternity leave who want to learn something fundamentally new.

2. Set up analytics

It will allow you to determine the effectiveness of marketing channels and adjust your promotion plan.

3. Determine a set of channels for promotion

The main channels for promotion are usually the following:

  • contextual advertising;
  • advertising on social networks;
  • advertising on thematic websites;
  • publications in groups on social networks and in thematic media;
  • direct sales.

As a rule, if we are talking about a small, “craft” course, then the main promotion tool is advertising on Facebook and VKontakte.

4. Determine your test budget

Remember that your task is to pay less to attract a user than you will ultimately receive from him. At this point, you can work with two variables: the cost of the paying user and the price of the product.

  • Determine the starting price for the course based on an analysis of competitors’ pricing policies.
  • Launch a small advertising campaign.
  • If the ratio of advertising costs to sales revenue suits you, great.
  • If you are not satisfied, then try raising the price and see if the sales volume decreases. Or try lowering the price and see if the cost to the person paying decreases.
  • If the ratio is still not satisfactory, then call an advertising expert who will tell you whether it is possible to reduce the cost of a paying user by fine-tuning advertising campaigns.
  • If everything is set up correctly, but there are no sales and you are not ready to suffer losses, then we return to the previous stages, check the demand again and work on packaging.

5. Scale your advertising campaigns

If your content allows you to scale sales, then after finding the first marketing channel with a cost per paying user that suits you, launch a second channel, a third, and so on.

Features of educational course promotion

Despite the fact that in general the tools for promoting educational services do not differ from the generally accepted ones, there are several features that are worth paying attention to.

1. From the first days of a product’s life, it is very important to think about the so-called word of mouth, or more precisely, about your brand. If you conduct courses named after yourself, then your name is your brand. High-quality training, user happiness, and educational results are the minimum required to develop a brand. If everything is in order with the required minimum, then ask to leave reviews on social networks. Personally write to everyone who completed your training, ask for feedback and, if you liked everything, ask them to write a review on social networks.

2. Develop a referral program. Learning together is more fun! And your students can become your agents of influence.

3. Making a purchasing decision can take weeks or months. Therefore, the advertising you launched today may only produce results in a few months. Be patient.

4. In educational content and its marketing, it is important to maintain motivation. Without motivation, the student will not have good results and your product will not have a good reputation. To maintain motivation, introduce elements of positive reinforcement: motivational letters after completing homework, success stories of your students, bonuses for the best students. You can also work with negative reinforcement: for example, we call the parents of those students who miss classes, and the parents become effective educational motivators.

25 people came to the first stream, about 50 to the second. It is not yet scalable as a business, rather just a way to convey some developments to people. And earning money is a nice addition.

I decided to launch the course because I always manage to explain things clearly. And everyone says that this is one of my strengths. I tried for a long time to develop my weaknesses, but then I decided to try to do something using my strengths. You can say that this is a hobby, I always try to do something besides my main job, although all my hobbies are related to business.

I promoted the course through my personal network of contacts on Facebook plus advertising there. Because the audience relevant to the course topic lives there. I received powerful feedback from the first course participants and understood what I needed to do if I wanted to scale the project.

Alexey Kulichevsky

Director of Marketing at

It’s difficult for me and many of my friends to hire good marketers and analysts. There are very few people with the necessary skill set because no one teaches it. I have accumulated enough experience over 12 years, I love and know how to share it. There is enough material on the Internet on design, CSS and HTML, and instructions on working with advertising platforms. Maxim Ilyakhov teaches me how to write and edit texts better than me. But according to the analytics there was nothing. That's why I decided to make this course.

In a year and a half, 471 people completed it. It was included in the educational program of several universities. People are starting to list it as additional education on their resumes. I periodically receive feedback from entrepreneurs I know that my graduates really work much better.

In principle, I am satisfied, but now I see many shortcomings in the course: some topics could be covered more fully or clearly, several important topics need to be added. I'm very worried about my homework. I want students to get feedback as quickly as possible, but I can't check papers quickly enough.

I started creating the course by writing the first two lessons and making a page with a payment form on my knee. After that he wrote on Facebook: “Hello everyone. Look, I made a course here...” This produced the first 150 students. Everything was done so primitively that I signed each student manually: I opened Yandex.Checkout, copied the email, went to Mailchimp, inserted the email, and clicked “OK.”

After that, I had no time for advancement: I had a two-week head start, and then every week I needed to give a new lesson. If the topic was well understood to me and I had already taught it before, then it took just a week to write, edit and design the lesson. If at least something was unclear, it could take 2-3 weeks, because suddenly it turned out that the topic was more complicated than I thought.

The course contains 16 lessons; writing them took six months of work without days off. When I finished the course, I redid the landing page and posted on Facebook again: “Dudes, I finished the course and made a new landing page.” Well, that's all. I didn't promote it anymore.

Most important feedback: 150 sales in two days after launch. Firstly, I realized that the course was necessary and important. Secondly, I burned bridges. The money has been received, there is no turning back. I'll have to write.

Sergey Bolisov

Chief Distribution Officer to the website.

I consider my course quite successful. I don't run it as often as I'd like, but all launches have gone well. Operating expenses are minimal, I do everything myself, so I remain in the black. This year I want to experiment with participation formats and packages, this seems like an interesting scaling option.

The course was launched for several reasons. Firstly, I like to explain to people what I am good at and what will help in my work. I feel like I am helping them develop. Secondly, this is how I improve in the development and promotion of my own product - I hit the bumps on a small scale, so that later I can avoid this in large projects. And thirdly, this is additional money that I spend, including on charity.

I mainly recruit participants from announcements on my pages on social networks and on friendly platforms. Sometimes I ask you to post, sometimes someone does it on their own initiative. Often my announcements appear on Tilda’s social networks, and fairly well-converted traffic comes from there.

I don’t want to make a blunder, but I can’t communicate with thirty students every day. Therefore, after the first launch I realized that I would only recruit small groups. Not everyone will like this option, it’s like you’re artificially limiting yourself to a certain ceiling, but for now I’m more comfortable this way.

I also realized that people come not so much for knowledge and skills, but for feedback. It is important for them to have someone who understands this topic better than them to look, advise and guide.

One of the main insights: most of the time is spent not on classes, but on communicating with students.

Even if everything was explained in detail at the webinar, many questions will certainly arise. So I advise you to be patient. Well, it will take a lot more time than you think.

If you understand that you want to launch your own educational product, but you lack knowledge, come to EdmarketConf-2018, which will be held on April 20 and 21 in Moscow, at the Skolkovo technology park. At this practical conference on online education, top managers of leading educational companies will tell you how to create educational courses from scratch, promote and sell them. The conference can be watched online.

08.03.2018 Alexander Rylkov

Features of promotion.

Unlike other offers sales courses and other educational materials are promoted somewhat differently. Selling directly is ineffective, unlike advertising of goods or services.

There are several reasons for this, the main ones:

  • unpreparedness of the target audience to purchase;
  • the presence on the Internet of a large amount of free information, albeit of dubious quality;
  • a person's love for freebies.

The Internet is filled with information on everything from “how to hammer a nail” to “treating chipmunks.” Anyone can write an article or make a video on Youtube without being responsible for its content or truthfulness.

And people for the most part are looking for something that is free, or... at least cheaper, and it doesn’t matter that they are given something that doesn’t work or is downright worthless. They don’t want to understand that no one will share truly valuable information for free and spend their time creating material; for most, the main thing is a freebie.

The second aspect is why selling training directly to an unprepared audience is ineffective - potential buyers are at different stages of decision-making:

  1. Cold audience - haven’t thought about the problem yet.
  2. Warm - looking for different ways to solve it: free methods, independent experiments.
  3. It’s even warmer - he chooses among the authors, reads reviews, etc.
  4. Hot - searches for the proposed product.

Imagine you are selling a course on learning English through Yandex Direct. The user sees the ad and thinks: “Buy?!” Yes, I’d better do it myself somehow, or I’ll find free lessons.”

How to sell information products.

Multi-step or non-standard schemes are used here.

A simple example of multi-step sales is offering free but valuable material on the topic of the offer in exchange for contacts. In other words, a subscriber base is collected, which, through a specially customized series of letters, is prepared for the purchase of paid material.

Therefore, many affiliate programs of information products advise driving traffic to a subscription page with free stuff, and then they “warm up” the subscriber and offer to buy paid material. That is, the authors themselves sell coaching, courses or training, and the partner is paid an actual commission.

There are many schemes, you can list them, but just a list will not give you much.

I would like to draw your attention to what was written above - anyone who wants to learn something truly valuable and get a result, and not a set of “what to do” without “how to do”, buys information from experts in their field.

Only in this case will you learn working secrets and tricks and learn how to sell courses and trainings from different authors, and this will make very good money.

Read about my example of participation in coaching of one famous master in the field of affiliate sales.

How to learn and my result.

Everyone who does not want to stand still, learns something from someone, is looking for new ideas and information that will help in further development. This applies to both beginners in any business and those who have already achieved certain heights and results.

I decided to buy and undergo coaching by Igor Krestinin on making money in affiliate programs of information products, wanting to learn how and according to what schemes to sell information products, and in this short article I will describe my experience and feedback on the training.

How it was for me.

I immediately wrote to Krestinin on VKontakte that I would undergo accelerated training, without taking part in other events due to lack of time, to which I received the answer - “it’s a personal matter, good luck.”

Here is my office with training materials

General impressions.

I liked Igor’s positive attitude throughout the training - this appeals to me, and if someone is lost and lacks confidence, this positivity will charge and give strength.

Among other things, enough time has been devoted to tuning the subconscious to get results in the form of money. It seems that it is clear why everyone participates in coaching - but I also know the other side of the process, and what is given really energizes and motivates many.

In the very first video lesson, Krestinin repeats the conditions of participation stated on the invitation page for coaching - during the first week you can return the payment, and if after completing all the stages you cannot earn money, the money will be returned in double amount. That is, this is not a marketing ploy for an announcement, but reality, by the way, supported by a contract.

In this regard, the interest in positive results is understandable - feedback works great, no one is left alone with problems, everyone is “dragged” to the result, and all this happens in a friendly atmosphere.

Sales course - how the training takes place.

The “standard” time for completing the course is one and a half months, but everything is individual. I completed it in less than a month. You can stretch out the study over longer periods, but it’s better not to let things slide, but to engage fully.

All training video lessons go from simple to more complex; there are many cases with working diagrams - how to sell training courses and other information products. Each technique discussed is presented in the form of a detailed plan of step-by-step actions 1-2-3 “do this and do that.” At the end of the lesson, you will receive an assignment, after completion and verification of which you will have access to the following materials.

If difficulties arise, all issues are resolved through support requests. The information given by Igor Krestinin is easy to understand and follow for beginners, so you can start from scratch and sell online courses from popular authors already in the learning process.

This does not mean that they will do everything for you: you need to think, try and experiment yourself - some proposed schemes and affiliate programs will work for you, some will not - in traffic arbitrage everything is decided by tests, but all the steps are so chewed that it will not work theirs is just lazy.

During the course of the lessons, online meetings are regularly held to analyze emerging problems; finalists are invited with their cases and affiliate marketing experts who provide valuable information for students.

In almost all videos, Krestinin voices tricks and tricks from his practice, each of which has been tested through personal experience and has considerable value. This allows you to take a shorter route to money, without stumbling over “little things.”

The training course offers various schemes for attracting traffic - here you can make your first money using free methods, and more complex and advanced technologies for increasing sales volumes. By the way, using these schemes you can attract traffic to any product - goods, services, and games.

My results.

How valuable is the information gained during the training process, and is it worthwhile? I started selling courses from other authors within ten days and receiving my first money. Then everything continues to grow.

Here are two short videos recording my accounts in two information product affiliate program aggregators. I’ll say right away that the amounts shown were earned in three affiliate programs over the course of about a month and a half (now the numbers are different). Products costing from 2 to 20 thousand rubles were selected for promotion.



This is despite the fact that I have never been involved in selling information products, but have arbitrated in merchandise, where the schemes are completely different.

Now to the question of cost recovery. I have them multiple times, and if you don’t consider yourself completely stupid, then you will have good results. In any case, they will help you with this.

Enrollment in the coaching group is limited in the number of participants and, as far as I know, at the moment there are only 5 free places left. If you want to learn how to sell courses, trainings and coaching and get a stable income, don’t wait.

If your knowledge of school or college subjects is still high, you can sell it to people who cannot boast of it.
I did a little research and compiled a list of sites where you can offer your services for solving various problems, writing essays, term papers and dissertations, etc.


Fully automatic system. You need to register, enter information about yourself into your profile, indicate what tasks you can perform, and that’s all. The system will automatically send you new tasks from customers by email.

  • Test from 300 rub.
  • Coursework from 900 rub.
  • Diploma from 4500 rub.
  • Abstract from 400 rub.
  • Solving problems from 40 rub.
  • Drawing from 250 rub.


  • many orders
  • no education requirements
  • big competition


This site is suitable for those who are well versed in physical, mathematical, economic and technical disciplines.

You also need to meet the mandatory requirements for candidates: completed higher education, graduate students, teachers, punctuality and constant access to the Internet.

Preference is given to highly specialized authors in one particular field of knowledge, rather than experts in absolutely all physical, mathematical and technical sciences.

When you are accepted into the staff of performers, you will receive letters describing the task. You will need to indicate your price for the work. The site administration itself selects the contractor based on the criteria of price and quality.

Within 1-2 after completing the order you will receive your money on Webmoney.


  • strict requirements for performers
  • withdrawal of money only to webmoney
  • the number of orders is unknown


Another site offering help to students.

The mechanism for working with performers is not described. You can register as an author on this page. The site does not make any special requirements for your education, but asks you to send several of your works and a copy of your passport or other document confirming your identity.

You can also put your work up for sale on this site. Just write to them by email and after checking it will be displayed in the store of finished works.

Here are approximate prices for customers:

  • test 800 rub.
  • Coursework in humanitarian, economic and legal subjects from 1,500 rubles.
  • Course project in technical disciplines from 2,500 rubles.
  • Thesis in humanitarian, economic and legal subjects from 9,000 rubles.
  • Diploma project in technical disciplines from 12,000 rubles.
  • Practice report from RUB 1,500.
  • Business plan from RUB 2,000


  • high prices
  • you can sell your work
  • various ways to withdraw money
  • request documents


This site specializes in problem solving and online help during exams.

Here's what the site's creators say about the kind of specialists they need:

Economics is the most often ordered on our website, and we don’t have many specialists in this subject, so economists are in the “TOP” of the highest paid solvers. In second place in the “TOP” are legal specialists. Next are the remaining subjects (compromise, physics, higher mathematics, programming, etc.).

The performers here are called solvers. To become a solver you need to fill out a solver form.

The algorithm for working with solvers is the same as on other sites. If a new order appears, the site sends out a newsletter and it comes to you by email or VKontakte. If you are ready to take on the job, then tell us the price for which you will do the work. If the price suits the customer, you are given an order to complete.

Prices for customers start from 900 rubles. for online help with the exam. Problems in mathematics cost from 50 rubles, in physics and chemistry from 70 rubles, TOE, programming and termekh will cost from 120 rubles, economics and law - from 100 rubles per problem.

The site promises solvers piecework payment in the range of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles. per month.


  • good prices
  • low requirements for performers
  • indicate approximate earnings

5. Freelancer exchanges

There are always enough orders for writing essays and coursework on freelance exchanges. Here you are not limited by any requirements of intermediary sites and can communicate directly with the customer and set your own terms and prices.

Here are some of the most popular freelance exchanges, where orders for writing coursework, essays, etc. are published every day.


  • little competition
  • prices may be higher (as agreed)
  • no special education required
  • you'll have to look for orders yourself


In general, it’s a pretty good way to earn extra money if you have good knowledge in some area of ​​expertise and have constant access to a computer.

The disadvantages include the seasonality of work. The main work takes place during sessions and exams

If you have worked in this area, please write your impressions in the comments.

How to sell online courses and educational services via the Internet. MEMBERLUX offers 5 options for providing access to materials:

  • free materials: unlocked mode
  • materials for registered students: PIN code generation mode
  • paid materials: payment automation
  • mass registration of users (invitation by E-mail)
  • adding your own pin codes

How to sell online courses with MEMBERLUX: options for providing access

Free Materials: Unblocked Mode

These materials will be available to all visitors to your office.

In such blocks you can post articles and share useful content with visitors to your site. In fact, this is a wonderful solution for organizing a blog.

How to set it up:

  • set the “Unlock” mode: MEMBERLUX ➛ Settings ➛ General ➛ Lock

  • go into the editor of the material you want to open access to and uncheck all access levels, if they are there (Please note that you leave the Rubric in this case, since Rubrics are responsible for which “folder” the material is located in)

Materials for registered students: PIN code generation mode

These materials will be available to those users who have entered their E-mail and registered in the system. In this case, the student “pays with a subscription,” and you receive his contact and can send offers with your paid products.

One example of using the PIN Code Generation mode is described in the article.

How to setup:

  • Turn on the “Generate PIN codes” mode and select the access level

Paid materials: payment automation

The third option is for the client to directly pay for your materials, which is possible thanks to integration with payment acceptance services (shops) that distribute PIN codes (for example, E-autopay, Onwiz, Glopart and others)

How to setup:

  • MEMBERLUX ➛ Access levels ➛ (Select the desired access level) ➛ Access codes ➛ Generate access codes ➛ Show
  • Copy the access codes from the window and add them to the field of your payment acceptance service (store)
  • The service will automatically recognize the PIN code and send it to your client
  • The client enters this code into the field during registration and MEMBERLUX understands what materials this client has access to

Mass user registration (invitation by E-mail)

If you have a customer database and want to transfer it to MEMBERLUX, you can simply add this database manually.

How to setup:

  • MEMBERLUX ➛ Settings ➛ Bulk operations
  • Paste the list of emails and click on the “Import” button
  • Select the access level and click the “Create users” button

Adding your own PIN codes

Create your own short, memorable PIN codes so that you can simply write it and pass it on to users (for example, at training sessions or in a train compartment)). This method works well when you don’t have a computer or the Internet at hand, and a person wants to buy your course.

How to setup:

  • MEMBERLUX ➛ Access levels ➛ Access codes ➛ Add yours

Selling access

If the user does not have access to some materials, when he clicks on it, he is taken to the access sales page.

On this page you can add all the necessary selling information and not redirect the client to third-party landing pages and sites.

How to setup:

  • MEMBERLUX ➛ Access levels ➛ (Select the desired access level) ➛ Selling access
  • in the “Sale of access” window, edit all the necessary information - product description
  • add a “Pay” button and insert a link to the store there

How to sell online courses: in conclusion

So, the MEMBERLUX plugin helps automate the process of selling your courses online. Use these instructions to set up your personal account and increase the efficiency of business processes.