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How to write a business plan: sample and tips for filling it out. How to build and create a business plan from scratch: step-by-step technology for creating, as well as examples of ready-made instructions for small businesses

If you are going to seriously do business, you cannot do without a business plan. The most successful idea must be supported by a well-designed action plan. The rules for drawing up a business plan for a small business will help you understand the sequence of actions.

There is little in common between dreams of owning your own business and real business - in fantasies we clearly imagine only the result, in business it requires planning. Even the most successful business idea is worthless without a well-designed action plan. We will look at the rules for drawing up a business plan for a small business, and we hope the information will be useful to aspiring entrepreneurs.

When we go on a trip, we draw up a route so as not to wander at random; starting a new business requires a similar approach.

What is a business plan

A business plan is a guide to action describing the idea, process, implementation mechanisms and goals.

Defining a specific goal in this chain is crucial, since it is this point that allows you to clearly formulate:

  • What is your current position, i.e. where is the starting point to start.
  • What should you get as a result?
  • What steps need to be taken to promote and develop the business.

Purpose of the business plan

Drawing up a business plan is useful at the start of any business, but in two cases a plan is required:

To provide investors and creditors, as well as to obtain financial support from the state.

The purpose of drawing up a business plan is to confirm the viability of the idea and the efficiency of using money. The information presented in the plan should be detailed, appear reliable and logical. For clarity, it is useful to accompany the defense of the business plan with a presentation of slides.

Real business plan “For yourself”

A working version of a business plan for “internal use.” There is always a difference between the “front” and “working” plans.

Development forecast and prospects

Consider several business development options. Try to objectively assess the prospects based on expected income and expenses. Put yourself in the shoes of an investor and think about whether you would agree to invest money in the company described.

Useful instructions on how to write a business plan. Take note!

Even if you first asked the question, how to write a business plan, then you understand that it is impossible to get a finished document in 10-15 minutes. However, all the time spent will be fully paid off.

A well-drafted plan will help outline the opening stages, a project development plan, assess the risks of the activity and get help from investors.

Being able to articulate what you want and how you plan to achieve it means doing half the job.

It often happens that a novice entrepreneur, faced with risks that he did not draw up on paper in advance, loses motivation and gives up developing his business. Therefore, you need to pay due diligence and write a competent business plan.

How to create a “Summary” section in a business plan

This part of the document is the shortest; 5-7 sentences are enough.

But its value cannot be underestimated. This is especially true for those who need to draw up a business plan to receive financial assistance from investors or a bank!

The summary should concisely indicate the essence of the project. Depending on how interesting and capacious this section of the business plan is, potential investors will either enthusiastically study everything from cover to cover, or immediately close and put the document aside.

Having outlined your goals, you can move on to specifying practical information, figures and activity forecasts.

We draw up a business plan: company activities

To draw up this section of the business plan, you need to dwell in more detail on the activities of your future company. Moreover, we are talking not only about the name, details, location and other characteristics.

  • What goals do you set?
  • How should you achieve them?
  • If there are several founders, indicate the distribution of roles.
  • What will be your competitive advantage?
  • What prospects for the development of the business do you see?

Be sure to conduct an analysis of your target audience. It needs to be presented as specifically as possible in order to be able to determine the ways of “enticement”.

A separate item in the business plan should include a description of the product or services provided by the company. This includes any information: from technical parameters to color and packaging design.

How to Analyze a Market Niche When Writing a Business Plan

An analysis of the current state of affairs on the market will help you and potential investors correctly identify a possible niche, potential business risks, customer flow and other important parameters.

The phrases “has no competitors” and “one of a kind” should definitely be avoided when drawing up a business plan. Even if at the time of opening you have a monopoly on the market.

In the case where the services or goods offered really have great prospects for development, tomorrow there may be those who also want to make money on it. This must be taken into account and be able to predict.

If there are already competitors, the situation becomes simpler. You just need to specify them and describe the activity using the following parameters:

  • Quantity and names.
  • The share that each holds in the market.
    If there are too many competitors (as is often the case in retail), describe the main ones.
  • Determine their strengths and weaknesses independently and honestly.
    Based on this data, you need to create competitive advantages for the previous section.
  • Describe the advertising methods used and their effectiveness in such activities.

During this work, you also need to isolate the strong behavioral drivers of these firms (pricing, customer acquisition, special services) and use them to grow your business.

How to create a “Production” section for a business plan

Planning without action is a dream. Action without planning is a nightmare.
Japanese proverb

No less important is the section of the plan describing production.

The business plan must indicate how, from what and on what equipment products will be produced or services will be performed. What equipment do you need to achieve your goal, and what do you need to purchase? Technology also matters, especially if you plan to introduce any innovations that no one else has yet introduced.

But what if you do not plan to produce products, but will order them from suppliers?

In this case, you need to indicate from whom you will buy the finished product. All details are important: names of organizations, terms and conditions of delivery, confirmation of reliability.

The main task of this section of the business plan is to convince investors that the activity will not “stop” a day after the start due to the banal lack of necessary materials.

Drawing up the financial section of a business plan

No matter how important all the previous chapters of the plan are, it is impossible to draw up a business plan without financial calculations and you need to pay special attention to them.

You can easily analyze your expenses yourself. They are divided into two categories: opening costs and monthly development costs.

What does it include?

Start-up costs

  1. Cost of equipment.
    To describe the equipment, it is worth creating a separate section in the business plan. You need to make a list of equipment, indicate technical characteristics and supplier.
  2. Purchase of raw materials and consumables.
    As with equipment, you need to not only list the items and their costs, but also where you will order them. The supplier must be reliable and, in addition, offer the best prices.
  3. Paperwork.
    This includes the costs of registering your state of emergency, purchasing a seal, and obtaining permits from the relevant authorities.
  4. Repair and decor.
    If the room requires renovation (and most often it does), you need to indicate who will do it and why. Also indicate in the business plan who will supply the building materials.
  5. Purchase of premises (only if it is not rented).

Monthly expenses

  1. Staff salaries.
    In a separate section of the business plan, you should make a list of positions that will participate in the company's activities. For each, you need to write down your responsibilities, based on the labor code. The salary is also indicated. The total data on regular expenses for paying wages is entered into the corresponding column of monthly expenses. If you plan to increase your salary in the future, as well as conduct training courses and advanced training courses, you also need to write about this.
  2. Rental of premises.
    Most ideas for organizing a business require just such a solution. If in the future you want to become the full owner of the premises, look for an option with the possibility of subsequent purchase. As long as the building is leased, you do not risk anything. If the business fails, you simply break the contract. But if it is purchased, if it fails, you will have to suffer significant financial losses.
  3. Replenishment of materials.
    Indicate in your business plan what, in what volumes and from whom you need to buy. The list of consumables may include food, stationery, household chemicals and other small related products.
  4. Public utilities.
    Most often, utilities are paid separately from the rent for the premises. Therefore, data on the amounts also needs to be entered into the expenses table of the business plan.
  5. Tax deductions.
    To analyze the potential income from an activity, you need to study the sales figures of close competitors. It is somewhat easier for those who already have an existing business that requires additional investment. Then it is enough to take the current indicators and calculate their potential growth. Those who have not yet entered the market can make calculations based on data on the future cost of the most potentially popular positions or services.

Based on these data, it’s as easy as shelling pears to calculate the amount of future profit and the time the activity will reach the so-called break-even point.

P.S. Potential investors and bank representatives issuing commercial loans pay particular attention to this data in the business plan.

All the above data must be compiled in the form of tables and placed in a separate application. This makes it easier to study the indicators.

But information about profit growth or the development of sales levels should be presented in the form of a graph. Don’t overdo it, because a curve that suddenly goes from negative to sky-high profit is more likely to arouse suspicion than delight and approval.

We draw up a risk analysis in the business plan

No one will invest money in a project that may fail immediately after the start due to a lack of analysis of potential risks. Therefore, this data also needs to be included in the business plan.

What might be included in this category?

  • Decrease in consumer demand for your goods or services.
  • Sales level is too low.
  • Changes in the economic state of the country (“jumps” in exchange rates, price changes).
  • Emergencies (fire, work injury, natural disasters).

All these and other potential risks need to be more than just listed. You need to draw up a business plan for solving them for the company if you suddenly find yourself in such a situation. Such an analysis will help in an emergency to save the business and act correctly. In addition, it instills confidence in your activities and in yourself.

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on the correct preparation of a business plan!

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Many financiers and entrepreneurs wonder how to write a business plan. Step-by-step instructions with an example would be very helpful. We wrote it. Use it. You can also download samples and examples.

How to write a business plan: preparatory stage

The success of a company is associated with its ability to develop and its readiness to move towards new goals. Like red blood cells, which are formed in the body every second, maintaining the life of the human body, new ideas should fuel the activities of any, even the most conservative organization. In order for these updates to bring profit to the company without negatively affecting its sustainability, you need to seriously prepare for the preparation of the document.

So, where to start writing a business plan? First you need to find and collect the following information:

  • texts of UNIDO recommendations. There are no uniform standards in Russia, so it is customary to use the standards of UNIDO - the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;
  • requirements of the Ministry of Economic Development;
  • requirements of the regional and regional administrations of Russia (in case the project is submitted to these structures for participation in a competition or grants);
  • requirements of potential investors for the project;
  • certified software products for drawing up plans, assessing the financial condition of an enterprise, calculating the project budget;
  • copies of contracts, agreements, licenses, etc.;
  • copies of documents on which the plan data will be based;
  • price lists of suppliers;
  • financial information of the company for several years (calculations of financial indicators);
  • list of experts who can help before presenting the document to investors.

It is also necessary to form a working group and appoint a leader.

How will the bank evaluate your business plan?

There are no officially approved requirements. Everything is determined by the rules of a particular bank, its credit policy and approaches to working with clients. It is possible that the initial version of the business plan (or its equivalent) will undergo significant changes. The editors of the Financial Director magazine interviewed bankers and found out that bankers do not judge the prospects of a project by traditional indicators of investment efficiency.

For a credit institution, a potential borrower’s business plan is by no means an empty formality, but the main source of data for assessing risks. That is why bankers almost unanimously noted that there are several most important sections of the document on the basis of which they judge the prospects.

Step. 1. Define your business plan goals

First of all, it is necessary to determine the purpose - whether the document will be needed only for internal use, or the circle of potential readers will be wider. For example, will investors consider it for financial projection. It is advisable, in any case, to compose it as if it would be studied by seasoned heads of investment funds or heads of large banks (). If you were them, would you give personal money to this project? How much do you personally need what will become the goal of the project - as a manager, specialist or ordinary person? What is the tangible value of your proposal? Be the strictest reader, only from this point of view it will be possible to see. Then, a list of information sources is compiled and the structure of the document is developed.

Step 2: Gather all the necessary information

In order to understand how to make a business plan from scratch, you will need to collect the necessary information - about the sales market, price forecasts for services / goods, legislation that may affect the company's work, and other accurate data that every from statements and forecasts. Some can be collected independently, from industry media, scientific periodicals, stock exchange news, ready-made marketing research, information about similar projects of other companies. If this information is not enough, you should conduct or order your own marketing research from specialized companies.

When should you draw up a business plan yourself, and when should you turn to professionals?

Expert commentary

Ksenia Shvetsova, business trainer

The higher the significance of the project and the requirements for it, and the larger the amount involved, the higher the likelihood that the company will turn to third-party specialists. If the company has competent employees in management, marketing and financial planning, it is quite possible to cope with the task on its own. If they are not there, it is advisable to order the development of the document from professionals.

Turning to third-party specialists is also relevant when an investment project is drawn up for certain competitions or government programs. Specialized firms have experience in this matter and know the subtleties and nuances that may be unknown to entrepreneurs. If a business plan is being created for internal use, then it is more effective to first write it yourself, and then, if necessary, seek help from professionals.

How to write a business plan that will definitely give you a loan

In an effort to obtain a loan, companies often draw up a formal business plan and tailor it to the bank’s requirements. As a result, they do not take into account the specifics of the project and make mistakes. See six tips that will help you objectively assess the effectiveness of your future project and increase your chances of funding.

Step 3: Develop a Marketing Plan

Now let's look at the main sections of the business plan. The marketing plan is one of the most important sections. First, you need to conduct a marketing study in which to evaluate profitability and payback in different situations, depending and not depending on the company’s activities, including the volume of financial investments. Next, create a marketing plan. It is he who will determine the direction of the development of the project and give an understanding of the most suitable tools and means to achieve the goals. Include the following items:

1. Marketing strategic planning:

  • Company's mission;
  • company goals;
  • competitive advantage of the company;
  • marketing strategy, its characteristics;

2. Product Description:

  • product description and assortment;
  • main product characteristics, performance characteristics;
  • attractiveness for the client, benefits of using the product;
  • requirements for consumer properties of the product;
  • competitive advantages of the product and competitiveness of the product;
  • patents, licenses, certificates for the product;
  • product packaging;
  • delivery conditions;
  • guarantees and service;
  • taxation feature.

3. Pricing policy:

  • factors influencing pricing;

4. Sales of products:

  • volume and level of development of the industry;
  • main categories of clients;
  • target markets and their comparative characteristics;
  • barriers to entry and development in the market;
  • product sales strategy;
  • product distribution scheme;
  • sales channels;

5. Promotion:

  • sales promotion methods;
  • advertising.

6. Schedule planning of the intended strategic plan:

  • dates for achieving intermediate goals;
  • date of achievement of the final goal.

7. Detailing of the plan down to specific performers and designated responsible persons. Answers to the questions of who should do what, when, where, with what resources and how it affects the final result.

8. Formation of a marketing budget:

  • sales volume forecast;
  • cost forecast;
  • determining the budget for marketing activities.

Marketing planning will help determine the price level for a product or service - the maximum amount that a buyer is willing to pay for your offer. The more accurate this forecast is, the more stable the profit will be and the more effective promotion costs will be.

It is equally important to correctly identify the choice of suppliers of equipment, tools, services and other things that are necessary in the implementation of the project. Don’t chase cheapness, find even a smaller quantity, but find those companies that do not let you down with supplies and quality. You also need to identify the sales market, potential buyers or service users. No matter how reliable a small number of them may seem, the disappearance of the need for your product will reduce all the effort and cost to zero. Therefore, expand your customer base in advance. At the same time, it is important to correlate the search for clients with promotion costs. The business plan budget is not infinite, advertising agencies promise a lot, but be realistic, even large audience coverage does not always bring target clients.

Reflect in your marketing plan the sales methods you will use - directly to the consumer, through a network of distributors, etc.

Step 4: Create a production plan

The next part of creating a business plan is the production plan. Here you need to answer the following questions:

  1. Where is the production located?
  2. Is it provided with transport routes?
  3. Are all necessary communications available?
  4. Is the construction of production facilities required?
  5. How are the equipment supply issues resolved?
  6. Is the enterprise staffed with qualified personnel?
  7. What technologies are planned to be used?
  8. Is cooperation established with suppliers and subcontractors?
  9. How is the problem of waste disposal solved?

Answering these questions should be based on the information provided in the market research.

Production control

Particular attention should be paid to the description of the production of the product and the quality control system at each stage. To do this, the TQM control chart (process quality control chart) and the economic order quantity model are used.

The key point of the production plan is evidence of the need for the selected production technology (service provision). If there is a choice of production processes, then you need to mention them all, listing the serious disadvantages so that the merits of the technology the company needs appear reasonable. You can consider the possibility of saving budget funds at each point of the plan: using leasing, renting equipment, collaborating with freelancers instead of permanent employees, transferring some functions to outsourcing. It is very important to identify the most effective and low-cost opportunity to conquer an economic niche in the market.


Recruitment is another important part of the production system, because its success depends on the skills and reactions of project managers. The description of the level of qualifications and the company's provision with the necessary specialists should reflect the real picture. If there is a need for additional recruitment of personnel and a management core, it is important to clarify whether it is possible to find them at the location of production or whether you will have to incur costs to motivate them to move from other cities. Don't waste too many words on the management biography. It is necessary to show that each of the managers is truly a professional in his field, dedicated to him and the team believes in the leader. For this, specific data about his role in participation in other projects is sufficient, while it is not necessary to describe exclusively successes. An adequate analysis of one’s past mistakes and the ability to draw the right conclusions is positively perceived by investors.

Loading production

The next point is production utilization or production capacity (PM). It contains data on the volume of products (services provided) that the company is able to produce (provide) for a specific time period. This paragraph examines the company's PM in several categories: project, current, reserve, and from the point of view of its possible increase and decrease. Here you need to provide information about how flexible production will be - whether it is possible to quickly increase or reduce the production of goods without significant losses and breaks in the production-supply chain.

The production plan must include a layout of equipment and its justification.

Aggregate plan and work schedule

An aggregate production plan for product sales is created to compare marketing data and production capacity for a period from one year to 5–7 years. Characterized by clear definitions of goods/services that must be produced to fulfill the business plan. The production and sales plan is usually divided into periods of up to a year. It can be adjusted every month, depending on the current situation in the company. The very concept of “aggregate” means to enlarge. In this case, we mean the generalization of individual indicators and their reduction into one position.

The next items are scheduling work and planning material requirements. For this it is convenient to use .

Step 5: Prepare a Financial Plan

This part of the business plan is designed to evaluate the project in terms of its costs and profitability. It should justify the need for finance, describe ways to replenish the project budget, and guarantees. It also provides a description of the economic situation in the area of ​​interest of the project, difficult to predict factors and possible options for financial behavior under several scenarios for the development of events. Preparing to work on a financial plan consists of drawing up an estimate and the degree of its accuracy.

It is important to list in detail all planned expenses for the project and the rationale for their necessity by year, dividing them into quarters. It is advisable to plan the first year monthly.

For each month (quarter, year) of the project, you need to reflect:

  • taxes and their rates;
  • inflation;
  • information on capitalization methods;
  • loan repayment schedule.

Take data from:

  • ;
  • documentation on the movement of money;
  • balance sheet.

How to write a business plan so that investors and bankers like it

It depends on how the business plan is designed, what issues are covered in it and how, whether it will be possible to get money for the idea. We have prepared recommendations that will help you create a business plan that is understandable to investors and bankers, and not miss anything really important.

Recommendations to help you write a competent business plan yourself

  1. Reflect in the plan the approximate period when the invested funds will be returned and what specific steps are provided for this.
  2. When making forecasts, check project performance indicators.
  3. Experts advise, after accurately calculating the costs of implementing the project, to double this figure. Lack of funds can ruin the most promising project.
  4. Compare the timing of receipt of funds with the timing of the company’s regular expenses.
  5. Create a financial reserve while the income growth from the project exists only on paper.
  6. Create informed profitability forecasts. It is better to expect less than to be captured by illusory expectations and create a difficult financial situation for the company.
  7. Tightly control costs until operational returns are achieved.

Business planning is an important link on the path to creating a new business.

Before we talk about how to draw up a business plan, let's first decide why it is needed and what its purpose is, and then consider its structure.

In fact, this is a step-by-step guide to organizing a new business, which describes what methods and means you are going to achieve your goals. I will describe the structure of this document and immediately give an example (based on a health club).

A well-written business plan should make a good impression on investors, as they should see that you understand how and by what means to achieve the goal, solve all problems, that you are proactive and disciplined.


A business plan begins with the cover. And you need to take its design seriously. A beautifully designed document will immediately endear you to potential investors. A beautifully designed plan, this means: with a cover on branded paper, with the logo of your company, in a folder with springs and a transparent cover, printed on only one side of the sheet. In the document itself: fonts Times New Roman or Arial size 12-14, all headings are highlighted.

On the title page we indicate information about the company: name, legal address, telephone numbers, e-mail, contact person.


I would like to make a reservation right away that there is no clearly regulated structure of this document. It is determined by the specifics of the business. Therefore, here we will consider the general structure, on the basis of which it will be possible to draw up a business plan taking into account your specifics.

1. Business resume

A very important section. It is usually read first and already here you can determine how interesting your plan is to the investor. A summary is a condensed business plan. Here you very briefly describe the goals and objectives of your project, forecasts of sales volumes, future profits, the amount of necessary investments, and payback periods.

Therefore, although it is located at the beginning, you need to write this section after writing the business plan itself, when you already clearly understand all the key points of your business project and have calculated the entire economic component of the business.

I repeat once again, a competent investor reads this section first and very carefully.

The health club was created in the year xx.xx.xxxx. registration certificate number xxxxx.
The main activity of the company is providing health services and maintaining physical fitness. The main advantages are high quality of service provision and consumption of high-tech equipment.

Uniqueness is the effective and efficient use of those technologies that are provided in comparison with conventional and familiar simulators. You can also note the opportunity to play sports without grueling workouts.

2. Market analysis

At the very beginning, describe the market you are going to work in. An investor may not know your business niche and needs to understand what prospects and trends are in this niche, assess opportunities for business growth, and understand economic trends in the industry.

For example, this: by geographic location, demographic data, by type of consumer behavior, by user behavior, by income level, and so on. All this should be reflected in this section. Describe projected changes in these markets, trends and factors influencing business processes.

Market segmentation can be carried out according to the principle of profitability, that is, this service will be in demand among people with different income levels.

The most advantageous position in the eyes of the consumer belongs to organizations that have a swimming pool in their structure, because swimming is in greatest demand among visitors (45.6%). only in 27.2% of cases are consumers ready to receive the entire range of fitness clubs.

Almost 11% of potential clients of fitness clubs want to work out in a gym. The shares of other services in total demand do not exceed 5%. The main consumers of fitness services are women – 71%. Men – 40%.

Market segmentation can be carried out according to the criterion of profitability: the majority of the population is employed.
Firstly, this service is aimed at the private client, the average buyer.
The planned volume in the pessimistic version will be 10 people on weekdays and 20 people on weekends. Optimistically, 30 people on weekdays, 40 people on weekends.

Competition and competitive advantage.

Considering the competitive environment of the company, it should be noted that in the city there is a fairly large number of companies selling this service.

Our company will be based:

  1. at an affordable price.
  2. on unique equipment.
  3. on discounts and promotions.
  4. availability of shower and rest area.
  5. individual approach to the client.
  6. friendliness and friendliness among the staff.
  7. effective recovery.

3. Description of products or services

In this section you need to describe your product or service, how it can satisfy market needs, what unique advantages it has, and its life cycle.
If there are patents or copyrights, reflect the same in this section.

Description of the company and industry

Registration date xxxx, registration certificate number, organizational legal form - individual entrepreneur (PE, LLC, etc.).
Actual address and legal address: city N, st. Nth, etc.

Analysis of the location of the company.


  1. Proximity to the city center.
  2. Possibility of unhindered entry and exit.
  3. Located in a populated area.
  4. Proximity to bus stop, trolleybus, taxi.


  1. High rent (if the property is not owned).
  2. Distance from the center and so on.

The main goal of the service is to attract the majority of clients (women) due to the optimal price, high-quality work, and the rarity of services.

This industry was founded to attract women; the uniqueness of the exercise machines is that they allow you to spend less time and effort on restoring health and physical fitness than conventional exercise machines.

Swot analysis.

  1. High quality service.
  2. Favorable location.
  3. Providing jobs.
  4. Optimal price.


  1. Narrow range of services.
  2. Lack of your own premises.
  3. Based only on attracting females.


  1. Expansion of the range of services.
  2. The company's differentiation is the opening of a healthy nutrition center.
  1. High competition.

Service characteristics

Nowadays, this industry is developing rapidly. The main structural divisions of this industry are health centers, tourist centers, institutions, shaping, aerobics, fitness, etc.
This club is an opportunity to restore and improve a woman’s appearance and well-being.
The equipment includes toning tables, a vibration platform, a climb simulator, and a massage bed.

Let us describe the equipment a little.

Toning tables are an excellent alternative to traditional fitness, a set of electronically controlled movement simulators. Toning tables are 7 times more effective than traditional aerobics, shaping, etc.

Toning tables avoid unnecessary stress on the spine and cardiovascular system.

A vibration platform is a device that strengthens the body without excessive effort and with minimal wear and tear. The effectiveness of the vibration platform lies in synchronized and mutually dependent movements down, up, back, at a speed of 30-50 times per second.

The climb simulator is a fundamentally new simulator that looks like a mini-escalator along which one moves upward.

Attractive factors:

  1. optimal prices.
  2. safety of service provision, presence of a medical worker.
  3. exclusivity of services.
  4. high quality of service provision.
  5. cozy and pleasant environment (design).
  6. provision of an oxygen cocktail.

4. Promotion of goods on the market

Describe how you will promote your products or services to consumers. Conditions and organization of product sales. What promotion channels will you use?

In this section, describe pricing issues.

The health club is developing several market segments:

  • consumers (private individuals),
  • corporate groups.

Product policy.

The company focuses on:

  1. Focus on quality
  2. Design direction.
  3. Branding.
  • high quality of service,
  • optimal prices,
  • discounts,
  • club cards (subscription).

Calculation of services per 1 client:

  1. Energy – x rubles,
  2. Salary – x rubles,
  3. Social Security contributions.
  4. Depreciation.
  5. Renting premises.
  6. General production expenses.
  7. Total.
  8. Extra charge.
  9. Service cost.

Sales policy.

The work will be carried out on the basis of marketing - attracting customers (calls, negotiations, concluding contracts with organizations). The width and length of the sales policy at the initial stage will be narrow.

Communication policy.

The goal is to conquer a certain niche in the sales market and form a permanent circle of clients.
For a successful solution, we will use advertising (print media and television).

5. Production

Everything related to production is described here: premises, equipment, requirements for resources and working capital.

Describe technologies, production flow diagrams.

Schedule: what work, in what time frame and who should complete it.

To carry out activities, it is necessary to use appropriate equipment and premises.

Tables of equipment and premises are compiled.
A brief description of the equipment and technical specifications are provided.

A table is also compiled regarding the direction in which the loan is spent:

  1. Total loan amount:
  2. Equipment acquisition costs.
  3. General running costs.
  4. Rent.
  5. Wage.
  6. Room renovation.
  7. Delivery of equipment.

6. Enterprise structure. Control. Staff

Describe the organizational and legal form of the enterprise. The organizational structure of the enterprise, that is, who is responsible for what, how the interaction of services is carried out. You can draw a diagram of the structure.

The second thing to write about is management. Who will manage, their work experience, rights, responsibilities, functions, management methods. Sometimes they write autobiographies.

Third section, personnel.

Personnel, their rights, responsibilities, qualification requirements, salary level.

Organizational management structure.

In total, it is planned to attract 5 employees.

A table of the staffing table is provided.

The selection of personnel will be carried out through a recruitment agency and interview, through the recommendations of the Medical College and the Ministry of Sports.

7. Risk assessment and insurance

It describes what risks may arise for your company, as well as what you will do to reduce the negative consequences of the risks or even prevent them.

If you insure risks, write down the amounts you will insure and the types of insurance policies.

We calculate the monetary expression of risks associated with the activities of the enterprise:

1. External risks:

1.1. increase in electricity tariffs (14% of revenue).
1.2. Legislative risk (30% of net profit).
1.3. Risk of emergency situations (5% of net profit).
1.4 Increase in rent (4% of revenue).
1.5 Increased competition (7% of net profit).

2. Internal risks.

2.1 Lack of quality services (20% of revenue).
2.2 Low-skilled personnel (10% of revenue).
2.3 Equipment malfunctions (2% of revenue).

Measures to minimize risks:

  1. Insurance.
  2. Reservation.
  3. Avoid.
  4. Preventive measures.

8. Financial forecast of your future actions

I’ll just list what should be in this section:

  • balance
  • Profits and Losses Report
  • cash flow statement
  • timing of reaching the break-even point and payback of the project;
  • amount of required investment
  • profit and profitability calculations

Lending is carried out for a certain period - for 2 years, 4 years, etc. A debt repayment schedule is drawn up.
A plan of expenses and income is drawn up - the first year by month, the rest by year.
A forecast balance is drawn up and the payback period is calculated.

  1. Investment size.
  2. Net profit.
  3. Depreciation deductions.
  4. Net cash flow (item 2 + item 3)
  5. Payback period (clause 1/clause 4)

We calculate return on investment and discount income.

  1. Net profit for 4 years.
  2. Depreciation over 4 years.
  3. Net cash flow for 4 years.
  4. Investment size.
  5. Return on investment, %. (item 1-item 4/item 4*100%)
  6. Discount rate,% ((15-8.25)+8.25).
  7. Discount factor at the end of the year, (1/(1+0.15)4).
  8. Discounted income.

We calculate the break-even analysis.

  1. Revenue.
  2. Variable costs.
  3. Fixed costs.
  4. Marginal income.
  5. Marginal income share.
  6. Profitability threshold.
  7. Margin of financial strength.

Let's calculate the budget effect.

  1. Income tax for the year,
  2. Contributions for social needs.

9. Applications

Here you can include: diagrams, graphs, photographs, copies of contracts and agreements, clippings from information sources, biographies, reports, etc.

This is the general structure that should be followed when drawing up a business plan.