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How to create a family business? Basic tips and tricks. How to create a family business: ideas and useful tips for starting your own successful business

There are various ways of commercial cooperation. But family business, among them, occupies a special position. According to statistics, worldwide family businesses make up about 70% of the total number of companies.

Unfortunately, in the Russian Federation, there are still no legal acts that would regulate the concept of “family business”. But, in practice, the following definition of this type of business has developed:

Carrying out commercial activities with the whole family, in market conditions, which brings profit and various types of income. Moreover, the family includes not only people related by blood, but also other persons who are closely related.

In theory, a family is understood as a circle of persons who are bound by various property and personal non-property rights and the responsibilities arising from them. In this case, the connection is determined by signs of kinship, marriage, adoption and other forms.

Experts from the European Commission have approved a pan-European definition of family business, by which they mean:

The conduct of business by persons who created the company (or acquired its share capital), as well as their adoption of most decisions related to the implementation of commercial activities.

Conducting a business, if at the same time the majority of decision-making rights belong to them for direct or indirect reasons.

If at least one family member is involved in the direct management of the company.

If the family's authorized capital is 25% of the rights of the total capital.

Currently, there are many pressing problems associated with running a family business. For example, in Russian legislation there is no provision for providing any tax benefits to people running a family business. One of the disadvantages of a family business is the dissolution of a marriage. If such circumstances exist, it may be endangered. But despite all the disadvantages, there are also advantages to running a family business. For example, in labor legislation (Article 27 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) there is an indication that when creating an organization without a share in state property, it is possible to organize joint work in the positions of manager and chief accountant, regardless of the presence of family ties. And this is all regardless of whether there is subordination or control between them.

Other benefits of running a family business include:

No time wasted on building relationships with colleagues;

Guarantee of mutual assistance, as well as assistance and understanding;

Fast management decision making. This advantage is important in conditions of working with market relations. Indeed, in this industry, situations sometimes change dramatically.

Certain hopes are placed on the growing offspring.

Traditionally, family business is usually carried out in the form of a joint stock company, as well as a limited liability company. This is due to the fact that Western practice has given the basis and conviction that in any cataclysm, this form of doing business will remain unbreakable. In addition, if any crisis situations arise in the country, such a business has more opportunities to survive, because family ties are characterized by the presence of not only common goals, but also the receipt of common benefits.

One of the most unfortunate forms of running a family business is registering as an individual entrepreneur. The fact is that according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 24), an individual entrepreneur bears personal property liability. If the state imposes a penalty for any violations, then, first of all, it will be calculated based on the property of the entrepreneur. That is why JSC and LLC are the most optimal form of running a family business, since the participants of these companies do not bear any property liability for obligations arising from the business.

Family business is a promising area of ​​business activity, because family traditions can lead a business to very great heights.

A family business is a commercial organization in which decision-making is influenced by family members closely associated with the firm. This creates a special relationship within the structure. The article presents 50 successful family business ideas.

Network marketing

Network marketing is an ideal family business because you are all working together and creating strong bonds for a common goal.


Livestock farming is one of the most profitable sectors in agriculture. You can work as a family to avoid paying wages to employees.

Debt collection agency

The only equipment you need is a phone and a computer. Your earnings will be a percentage of the amount of debt collected. But realize that this type of activity requires a combination of determination and empathy.


Photography still brings in a solid income. Business development requires investment in equipment, computers, software, premises, and accessories.


By phone, Skype or in person, you can always give wise advice within your competence. Your family members can provide advice on diet, healthy lifestyle, parenting, sports, travel arrangements... The list is truly endless.

Book business

A family can get into online publishing, taking advantage of the recent revolution in publishing books through the online medium.

Computer skills training

If you have special knowledge, patience and minimal teaching abilities, then you can safely open computer courses.

Dog training

As long as there are people who want to have a pet, dog trainers will always be in demand.

Sales through a resource eBay

Sell ​​your friends and acquaintances' things on eBay and earn your commissions.

Local tour consultants

If your family is interested in local flora and fauna, the history of their native land and follows cultural events, then you can safely organize mini-excursion tours. The main thing is to take care of an interesting program in advance.

Sale of indoor plants

A family can open their own business selling indoor plants.

Homemade natural soap and other cosmetics

Consumption of natural products is currently constantly growing. Therefore, this family business has real potential.

Construction Materials

People are always building and making repairs, so building materials do not fall in price. You can make good money from this.

Catering business

This is a profitable business, but it requires a lot of human resources. Management staff, cooks, waiters - they can all be members of the same family.

The educational center

Making and decorating cakes

Making/decorating cakes for special occasions and events brings in a steady income.

Care for children

If you adore children (and not just your own), have a lot of energy and limitless patience, you can try becoming a nanny. Having responsible relatives as assistants, you will never miss a client.

Translation services

If everyone in your family is a polyglot, then providing translation services will be the right choice.

Personal purchases of goods

Not everyone has the time or opportunity to go shopping. You can make purchases according to the client's list for a fee.

Internet Security Consultant

Computer security is a very pressing issue nowadays. You can help individuals or companies keep their information assets safe.

Animal care

In 2012, 62% of Russian families had pets. It's no surprise that the demand for pet care services is only growing.

Execution of orders

Go to a store or studio, pay bills, buy medicine at a pharmacy, cook soup - together with other family members you can quickly cope with such small tasks. The reward will be good commissions.

Delivery service

Agree, the courier will always find a job, especially if you have personal transport.

Internet communications

With some knowledge, you can establish communication and exchange of information across the network between individuals. This will become a common family affair if your relative opens a store selling communication equipment.

Internet trading

E-commerce is at the peak of popularity today. Trading on a stock, commodity or currency exchange via the Internet is quite difficult, so you need to attract help from your family.

Business trainer

The most successful business coaches have extensive experience in the business world as well as specialized expertise in marketing, finance or sales.

Consulting services

Are there any competent lawyers, financiers, or marketers in your family? Then together open a consulting service office.

Web design

All you need is to master a graphic editor, such as Photoshop. An effective solution would be to divide tasks between family members.

Renting an apartment or house

A close-knit family can temporarily live under one roof, renting out the vacated housing. And the profit must be divided equally. This is a good option for earning extra money without investment.

Sweet pastries

Home bakeries always make a decent profit.

Search for information

You can team up with other family members to find information for clients.

Event Planning

Your tasks are to conduct primary market research for services, create an event concept, search for a suitable location, organize a buffet table, prepare food and alcohol, furnish the interior, plan entertainment events, send invitations to visitors, etc. Of course, the easiest way is to distribute responsibilities among family members.

Search for partners

Someone is looking for a product, and someone is selling it. Connect clients' interests for rewards.

Enterprise performance assessment

Do you and your sister have analytical minds? Then you can offer enterprises to evaluate their activities and optimize production processes to increase profits. Believe me, they pay well for this.

Records management

You wouldn't believe how many entrepreneurs fail at maintaining business records. But your family is ready to help, right?


Having doctors in the family can help organize the provision of medical services for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, injuries and other physical and mental disorders.


If you are a craftsman and handicraftsman, and your brother is a good salesman, then cooperate and earn money together.

Dog walking

This service can be considered as an excellent business for a family who loves pets.

Home gourmet

Home-cooked food - tasty, satisfying and healthy - is always a hit. You can arrange the delivery of home-cooked lunches to offices or set a festive table to order.

Personal fitness trainer

Are you involved in sports? Use your knowledge to make money.

Food delivery

Young mothers, sick and elderly people, disabled people - they all cannot go to markets and shops and look at you with hope. Help them. You will receive not only a reward, but also sincere gratitude.

Business project management

A competent and honest manager is worth his weight in gold today. If you know how to run a business, take on this work yourself, involve your family and earn money together.

Commercial offer

Writing an effective business proposal is not easy. If you know how to express your thoughts on paper, then do it, and let your loved ones look for clients for you.

Sale of vegetables and fruits

Great family business for farmers!

Clothing store

Such a small family business brings in a stable income all year round.

Minor repairs

There are a lot of lonely women and old people around you who cannot repair an outlet or a chair themselves. This is where your and your father’s golden hands will come in handy.

Retail grocery store

One of the best family food business ideas because everyone needs food every day, no matter how bad the economic situation is.

Catering organization

Breakfasts, business lunches, set lunches are an excellent option for a family affair.

Social media consultations

If you love and know how to talk to people, write blogs or leave comments online, then turn your hobby into a job and negotiate with clients of employers.

Application Development

All you need is a great idea and the technical know-how to actually build a highly profitable family business.

If you decide to open a family business from scratch, then you just need to know the features and pitfalls of this complex process. More details about this below.

Is it worth opening a family business?

Many will think that family is sacred and its members will never betray each other, so a family business is simply doomed to success. But is this really so? Let's figure this out. First, let's tell you why it is worth organizing a family business.

  1. Members of the same family are interested in the prosperity of the business, unlike employees of standard firms. So everyone will strive to ensure that the business develops and is successful.
  2. The employees of the family company have known each other since childhood, so they know each other. Everyone will be aware of the shortcomings, weaknesses and prevailing character traits of their colleagues. And this can significantly simplify doing business.
  3. Relationships within the team of such a company will be trusting and relaxed.
  4. It has been proven that family-owned companies stay afloat much longer than other companies.
  5. If all employees of a family company are relatives, this will significantly reduce the risk of information leakage to competitors. All production secrets will be carefully kept.

Now about the disadvantages:

  • when mixing career and financial interests with family relationships and values, some difficulties may arise;
  • if difficulties arise, they are likely to affect the situation in the family;
  • Some employees of a family firm may think that such a business is an opportunity to earn income without effort. And this will not benefit the matter;
  • sometimes a person cannot objectively assess the abilities of his relative;
  • Disputes and disagreements may arise regarding employee income.

It is worth weighing the pros and cons in advance and deciding whether the business will be successful in this particular situation. And only when all the risks and probable outcomes of events have been assessed, you can proceed to opening a case.

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Where to start: ideas for business

So, to organize your family business, you need to find a win-win and profitable idea. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance. It is important to study the characteristics of the market in a particular city to find out what is popular and most in demand. Or you can come up with some kind of feature that will interest many and generate income. Another important point: you need to find out the ideas and abilities of your family members. Suddenly, one of them knows how to work superbly with his hands, does handicrafts and creates unique things. We offer some sample ideas.

  1. Joke shop. you can sell fun and funny souvenirs. Today it is in demand.
  2. Home help agency. For example, the female part of the company could do cleaning (washing dishes and floors, vacuuming), while men are quite capable of performing purely male duties (for example, hanging a shelf).
  3. Courier and loader services. Many require delivery of documents, goods or something else. You can safely do just that.
  4. Homemade family dinners. So, if one of the family members loves and knows how to cook, then you can organize a kind of mini-cafe right at home.
  5. Assembly and disassembly of furniture. This service is provided by furniture stores, but many prefer to save money and turn to a private craftsman.

There are still a great many different ideas. But choosing just one depends on your family, its members, their abilities and capabilities.

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We draw up a business plan

A business plan is considered practically a document, because it will certainly be required if you are looking for investors or taking out a loan. How to compose it? This includes several sections:

  1. Description of your project. Here you can indicate how the company will work and what you will offer to your clients. In addition, in this part you can indicate the amount required to open it, as well as the time frame within which you plan to return it.
  2. Description of your business. Indicate what goals you want to achieve (customer satisfaction) and how you will achieve them. Describe how you see your business, your clients and employees. You can even write the address of the future company.
  3. List and describe the goods and services that you will offer to consumers. Tell us what the features of what you offer are.
  4. The results of your marketing research, namely: listing your competitors and potential clients. Write about the characteristics of the sales market and what niche your family company will occupy.
  5. Production plan. Here you need to describe the entire technological process from start to finish.
  6. Sales plan. It should describe how you plan to sell the product. Don’t forget to tell us how you plan to attract clients.
  7. Financial plan. Here you need to calculate and list all the income and expenses of the enterprise.
  8. Analysis of firm sustainability. Think through all the ways to solve problems and get out of any situations. Assess the condition of the company and its stability.
  9. Indication of laws and acts that will regulate the activities of your company.
  10. Applications: calculations, tables, etc.

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Other Important Points

What else might you need to organize your family business?

  1. Capital. you decided to open a business from scratch, so most likely you don’t have your own money. Then you need to decide how and where you will get funds to open, because without initial capital it is impossible to open almost any more or less serious business. If you decide to take out a loan, then study all the available offers from banks and choose the most optimal one. You can find investors, but it's more difficult.
  2. Registration. The company must be registered. The form depends on the specific type of activity. Most often they open an LLC or individual entrepreneur. You can find out all the details and features of registration at the Federal Tax Service of Russia.
  3. Room. Decide where your company will operate. For example, it could be an apartment. But if you are planning something large-scale, then it is better to rent a room.
  4. Equipment. Find out what devices, fixtures and equipment will be needed to run a family business. Calculate how much money this might cost. It is best to choose leasing at the initial stage, that is, rent equipment in order to understand whether the business will be profitable. Or you can buy used devices, but they must be in working order.
  5. Income and their distribution. It is very important to decide at the initial stage what the salary of each employee will be, so that there are no disagreements later.
  6. Advertising. People need to know about your company, so decide how you will find clients. You can place information about the company on the Internet, in newspapers and on television. Call everyone personally, tell your friends and acquaintances about yourself.

The world's population is growing rapidly, but the number of jobs is growing slowly. A global trend: people provide themselves with work. In Italy, the share of family companies in industrial business is 90%, in Germany – 85%, in Spain – 70%. The famous brands Salvatore Ferragamo, L’Oreal, Sitroen, Hynday, Wal-Mart Stores are all family corporations with billions in turnover. In the small business segment, family companies also occupy key positions.

Advantages of a family business: Working for the common good unites a small team and reduces costs. 15 million mini-firms in the United States were organized to avoid paying employees and keep the money within the family. It is customary to trust members of the same team - accounting and control costs are reduced.

Cons: Formal distribution of roles is important for fruitful work. Organizing a clear hierarchy and maintaining subordination in a group of relatives can be difficult. In addition, intra-family problems can negatively affect a joint venture and destroy it, even if the start was successful.

Experts recognize the idea of ​​opening an online store as a family-friendly startup. It does not require a large number of workers, and one person is unlikely to cope with all operations: accepting orders, going to the warehouse, communicating with suppliers, delivering goods, and doing SEO promotion.

Another idea is gaining popularity in 2019 - selling souvenirs, original jewelry, gifts, and toys via the Internet. If one of the family members makes unusual things with his own hands that may be of interest to a wide audience, the rest create an Internet platform and organize sales through the World Wide Web.

Important! For the full functioning of an online store, you need to hire an accountant, courier, SEO optimizer, content manager, marketer - all these functions can be distributed among relatives. In addition to financial savings, employees will be interested in a favorable outcome of the case - the order will not be disrupted due to the sluggishness of the hired employee.

Launching an online store in 2019 will cost at least $1,900. This amount includes:

  • payment for hosting and domain name – $100;
  • website launch – from $1000;
  • purchase of 2 computers and peripheral equipment, setting up a local network – from $500;
  • first batch of goods – $200;
  • individual entrepreneur registration, bank account, notary services – $100.

Monthly expenses:

  • fee for telephone lines, Internet access – from $50;
  • advertising – from $100;
  • website promotion, office expenses – from $100.

When the number of orders begins to grow, costs for warehouse space and office will be added, marketing and postal costs will increase, additional employees will have to be hired to receive and deliver orders, etc. At the initial stage, a team of relatives of 2-3 people will handle all operations.

Small business on environmentally friendly products

Russians have become more interested in a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, 74% of Russian citizens live in cities - access to environmentally friendly products is limited for them. The business of natural milk, meat, vegetables and fruits is one of the most promising in 2019.

The choice of a specific direction depends on where you live. It is easier for city dwellers living in a village or urban-type settlement to organize a growing/delivery enterprise, and for an urban family to open an eco-products store.

Organizing an eco-farm

Investment in a farm depends on the scale of the project. If you have a plot of land and seed material, you can grow vegetables (cereals) at a minimum cost. But the revenue will be small. To reach industrial scale, the idea will require significant financial investments. Experts estimate the minimum costs for creating an eco-farm in 2019 at 1,000,000 rubles.
How to cut costs? Focus on one direction first.

Launch of a small poultry complex (production of environmentally friendly chicken eggs)

ExpensesCosts (RUB)Notes
TOTAL (calculation for 5 months)55000
Chicken coop for 200 chickens5000 Chickens need free space to roam, so the “houses” are made portable.
Chickens (200 individuals)25000 Laying hens are fed fresh grass, larvae, and worms.
Water, organic feed (the average cost of organic grain is 10-20 rubles per 1 kg; 200 chickens will eat 15 kg in 1 day)5,000 per month;
25,000 for 5 months.
Each chicken is provided with an individual comfortable place in the chicken coop.

Given that a chick takes 150 days to grow into an adult hen, the farm will not generate income for six months. From the 6th month you can count on a “harvest” - 200 chickens will bring 6,000 eggs (the average price for 1 egg is 10 rubles) and 60,000 rubles. When calculating net profit, it is necessary to take into account the cost of packaging, advertising, and delivery. In general, an eco-farm is a promising type of small business, but you shouldn’t count on a quick payback. The business becomes profitable after 2-3 years.

Important! In order to supply products to large retail chains, it is necessary to obtain an environmental certificate of conformity - this will give the company the right to label its products according to international standards.

Eco-products store

Perhaps in the future, a small business will grow into a network that will cover the entire country, but an individual family is more likely to start with a small pavilion or rent space in a hypermarket.

Expenses for opening an eco-products store (in rubles)

  • rent (5-10 sq. m.) – 20,000;
  • refrigeration and commercial equipment (purchased once) – 100,000;
  • delivery (preferably having your own transport) – 5,000;
  • laboratory services - 2,000;
  • advertising – 10,000;
  • packaging – 5,000;

TOTAL – 142,000.

In Russia, it is allowed to open a private preschool institution in residential buildings and apartments. This provides great advantages for organizing a small family-type business. The most expensive item (rent) will be excluded from the business plan, which will allow you to start a business with minimal investment.

Important! This type of business is convenient for mothers on maternity leave. In addition, it belongs to the social types of small business, so the organizers can count on a free subsidy from the state in 2019.

Costs of organizing a private kindergarten in your apartment

* to enroll 5 children in a home kindergarten, large-scale advertising is not needed - just advertise on Avito, VKontakte, and declare yourself on a local forum.

On average, parents pay from 12,000 rubles for a private kindergarten. up to 20,000 rub. per month. Thus, the income for 5 kids will be 60,000 - 100,000 rubles. This is the number of children that 1 person can keep track of. If you open a private kindergarten as a family business, you can take twice as many children. At the same time, net profit will increase.

Moreover, if you like the idea of ​​opening a “full-fledged” kindergarten in a separate room in 2019, you should add rent (from 40,000 rubles), additional equipment and staff salaries (from 20,000 rubles per person). If a kindergarten is organized without the involvement of additional workers, the cost of hiring labor will remain in the family budget.

Mini Hotel

Why are mini-hotels popular? The cost of a room is lower than in large hotel complexes, and the level of service is higher. The owner of such a hotel will offer an additional set of services (free transfer from the station, excursion, check-in and check-out at night), exclusive room design, varied food (for gourmets, children, vegetarians, allergy sufferers). The mini-hotel business is considered one of the most popular in the small business sector in 2019. Demand for it is predicted not only near recreational areas, but also in the rest of Russia.

Important! A mini-hotel is a profitable business for a family that owns free non-residential premises. When purchasing (renting) an apartment, the payback period will take 4-5 years.

Costs of organizing a small hotel in a standard three-room apartment (excluding rental/purchase of premises)

Expense itemDecodingAmount (RUB)
Total 1 120 000
Design services from 50 000
Repair from 500,000
Purchasing furniture*6 beds, cabinets, wardrobes, tables, chairsfrom 200,000
AppliancesFor each room - TV, safe, mini-fridge, electric kettle.
For the kitchen - coffee maker, microwave oven.
Mattresses, bed linen, curtains, dishes, bath accessories


* Buying an additional sofa or folding bed will help accommodate more people in one room and generate additional income
3 rooms will bring from 10,000 rubles per day. If the room stock is fully occupied, the profit could be 300,000 rubles, but, according to experts, on average a mini-hotel is 50% occupied. Therefore, it is more reasonable to include a profit of 150,000 rubles in the business plan. per month. At half capacity, the hotel will reach self-sufficiency in 12-18 months.

Important tip! If you don’t have your own premises, but want to open a mini-hotel, they take out a mortgage on the apartment and start renting it out immediately to cover the costs of servicing the loan.

Family travel club

Active families who love to travel and communicate with new people will like the new idea of ​​organizing paid trips and excursions. This type of small business is becoming very popular in Russia and the CIS countries. The crisis has slightly reduced interest in this type of recreation, but in 2019, analysts predict its further development.

The essence of the idea: A family that has visited an interesting place organizes group trips to this place, acting as an organizer and guide. The initiative requires minimal costs, and the whole family is present - you can even take your children with you. Over time, if the matter turns out to be interesting, you can create your own website (blog, VKontakte group) and engage in paid advertising of your services. You can start with a small group of friends, colleagues, neighbors, classmates, etc.

Who is this business suitable for: active and sociable people who love to travel. In principle, no start-up capital is needed. You will only need money to pay for a comfortable bus. It averages 1,000 rubles per hour (a 12-hour trip will cost 12,000 rubles). If each of 30 passengers pays 1,000 rubles for the excursion, the net profit of the organizers will be 18,000 rubles per day. The organizers' task is to find an interesting object to visit and gather a group of people who want to go there.

Interesting video: 5 original home business ideas


A small business can become not only an interesting experience in 2019, but also the basis for the financial well-being of a family. Starting a new business together is more fun and less risky. A small business in the family circle will bring financial stability and become the main value that will pass into the hands of the next generation.