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How to make money by registering referrals. Is it possible to earn good money from referrals: about the amount of income and ways to attract referrals

There is a widespread earning scheme on the Internet, according to which a person can make money, or, as they are also called, referrals. For example, on axleboxes the main income comes not from surfing sites, reading letters and completing tasks, but by attracting new visitors to the site through your referral link.

In MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) they also won’t pay until a certain number of attracted users are collected or a minimum amount of money is reached. If you need earnings without referrals, then you have come to the right place, as you will definitely find something you like from the list below of ways to earn money and professions on the Internet that do not require referrals. In the end, it is your choice to make money from others or find another way of income.


Earning money on the Internet without referrals and investments is more than realistic and there are quite a lot of variations of profitable work of this kind. Let's look at some of them.

  • , in other words – working with text. Here, income depends only on you, your talent, and ability to devote a certain number of hours to work. In short, you write from scratch or synonymize the finished text, making it unique. For such creativity you are paid a certain amount.
  • Writing comments for money - this method is perfect for people of any age. This is not a difficult task, which is easy to master, the main thing is desire and a little perseverance. Alternatively, you can try your hand at the Qcomment website.
  • Writing reviews for payment is also a good option. There are many who want to get good reviews for their commercial projects and create (increase) a positive reputation. There is always demand.
  • Working with goods - you make a profit regardless of how many people are attracted to your business - the work is connected only with real goods and their demand. Products can be purchased at one price and sold at another, receiving income from the difference.
  • Uploading files to file hosting services. With this method, you need to try hard to distribute links to these files so that people download them.
  • and working with him. The most profitable option. Here you are your own boss, so your income opportunities are unlimited.
  • (website addresses). With the right approach you can earn good money. To do this, you need to be able to check the availability of an address for registration, learn how to register and use your imagination and ingenuity to come up with promising domain names that other people will want to buy in the future (or rather, buy from you).

5 professions

There are many professions online that you can learn to earn money without leaving your home.

  1. . Surely, you are a member of different groups on social media. networks and have an idea what it is. The administrator of social networks is engaged in creating, designing and promoting groups. He studies the interests and needs of the target audience and, based on this and other information, carries out the content (design with pictures, texts...).
  2. is an editor for information sites, online stores (sometimes groups), which provides full content with articles, product cards, images, etc. Sometimes his responsibilities include managing other freelancers. It all depends on the individual requirements for the project being worked on.
  3. Text proofreading is a fairly popular freelance profession, but it’s not easy to find a customer, because it’s often run by scammers who offer easy and quick earnings as a proofreader at an incredible price.
  4. - also an excellent specialty. Knowing languages ​​well, you can make good money from this. The specialty is in demand for freelancing and is in good demand.
  5. An online site consultant is a person who answers questions of interest to people who visit the site. Most often in demand in online stores, as well as on commercially oriented resources. Mainly has a fixed work schedule.

For schoolchildren

The website offers to earn from 5 dollars in one day, but this is only in words, in reality you will have to work hard to get them. In some cases, you just need to follow the links provided and view the advertisement for 15 or 30 seconds. This book also offers tasks that are more difficult for a student, for example, completing assignments, but even a student will be able to do them.

It is a competitor to the previous service - it also allows you to earn money on clicks and is in no way inferior to its “rival”. They are followed by another portal On this mailer you can withdraw a minimum amount of 5 rubles. To date, more than 30 million rubles have already been paid. There is also a service that differs from its “comrades” in its high-quality design, relatively good payment and user-friendly interface.

Advice: If you have any skills, desire and free time, then you should take a closer look at a more serious type of income, since although these are easy ways to get money, they are not the most profitable.

There are so many opportunities for earning money open to Internet users, people are simply too lazy to take advantage of them. Some areas are not difficult and very promising. When I was new and trying out different methods, it was hard to decide which was best. Now I am sure that referral systems are a goldmine.

Earning money from referrals without investment with 20 sites brings me a solid income. In fact, I use many more projects; one article would not be enough to list them. I chose exactly those sites where the most money comes from. So that no one thinks that I’m just advertising sites, I’ll show my own statistics and payment screens.

How to make money from referrals and who are they?

First you need to understand how affiliate programs work and who the referrals are. This is the name of the people you invite to the system using your special link. It is provided in the site’s affiliate program or in your personal account. For example, on one of the mailers, my unique link is located in the “My referrals” section:

Only if the user registers using this link, the system takes into account who invited him. The user is forever assigned to the inviting participant (he is called a referrer) and generates income for various actions (earnings, contributions, expenses). Conditions on different sites differ, the most profitable multi-level affiliate programs are:

In them, income comes not only from those whom you invited, but also from referrals of other levels. It is somewhat reminiscent of a financial pyramid, but this is a completely different matter. Here people do some work, invest something, trade currency. The system receives a commission from this, which it shares with partners for finding them new clients.

The main advantage of making money from referrals is the prospects. When a large team is recruited, income grows without your participation, because referrals attract new members and profit comes from them. With the help of such affiliate programs, you can create a passive source of income.

Where can you get a lot of referrals?

I’ve been developing my referral networks for several years, and I can’t even count how many users I’ve invited to different sites in total. This figure is definitely more than a million, I can show statistics from only one axle box:

On one site I have 110,000 referrals, if you add up all 5 levels. I use a huge number of affiliate programs. Naturally, my blog helps me gather large teams, but there are others ways to earn money from referrals without investment:

1 way– forums and social media networks.

Any sites are advertised through forums and social networks. Even to invite users to financial pyramids, special topics are created on forums. It is important not to use spam if you decide to look for people on social media. networks, then you need to look for an interested audience. If you start attracting referrals from forums, then create large topics, describe the activities of the project, and show your payments.

Method 2– comments.

This method has been tested and works. Once upon a time I didn’t have my own website, I tried to attract people in different ways. I went to different pages of websites on the topic of simple earnings and placed affiliate links there. Not all administrators delete comments, especially if they are large and meaningful.

3 way– video on YouTube.

Today, the most relevant method of attracting referrals to earn money are videos. Gradually, video content is replacing articles; people are more comfortable watching a video than reading. Why not open your own channel and start adding instructions for beginners.

The main thing is to choose interesting headlines and not expect quick results. You need to keep posting new videos to promote yourself, even if no one is clicking on the links in the description yet.

4 way- own site.

The most effective option to gather a large team is to create your own project. Similar to creating a YouTube channel, you can start a social media group or go even further by developing your own blog. From my own example, I was convinced that my own website is the best option. Earnings from inviting referrals brings more and more profit, developing in parallel with the blog.

The last option is suitable for those who want to achieve results faster and are ready to invest money. You can start making money by attracting referrals using other people's sites.

Site owners make money from advertising, so they will definitely agree to place your link on their resource. To avoid negotiating directly, use advertising networks or. Just select sites with a theme so that the target audience is interested in making money.

Real professionals use several schemes at once. In addition to blogging, I lead groups on social networks and record videos on YouTube. The first two methods are not as effective, but they are ideal for starting. These are the ones I used when attracting my first referrals.

Earning money from referrals without investing in games

Attracting users to investment sites has always been profitable. The only negative is that beginners are wary of ways to make money with investments. They simply cannot figure out how money is multiplied. In economic games everything is done attractively, supposedly you play and make a profit, for example with taxi cars:

Money is accumulated in a virtual account, but it will not be possible to withdraw it. Restrictions in the form of payment points force us to attract new players. You get the same earnings from referrals, so you don’t need to invest anything. All you need to do is register and start inviting participants right away. Games are ideal for making money by attracting referrals; they have favorable conditions:

Here's a concrete example. Imagine that you invite 10 people, and each of them contributes 100 rubles. The income will be 400 rubles. Now imagine that they will also attract 10 referrals and they will replenish their balances by 100 rubles. Profit increases to 2000 rubles and this is just the beginning.

What games are profitable to invite referrals to?

Due to the fact that games have multi-level refs. networks and royalties come immediately after registration (newcomers immediately invest money), this is beneficial for partners. I also have many invited participants on gaming sites. Now I’ll tell you about the most profitable projects and show statistics or payments:

  1. – every day I go to the site just to withdraw money. My referrals have contributed huge sums, so I no longer have to do anything. The minimum rate is 7% on top-ups, but it increases. They make money by fulfilling orders using purchased machines.

  1. – on this gaming site, silver is awarded from replenishments by referrals up to level 5 (50% -20% -10% -5% -2%). Recruit a large team, favorable conditions. Also in this game there is a ref. a bonus that awards points for player activity. They make money here by selling eggs.

  1. – even foreigners make money with this game, because the site is translated into several languages. Beginners can be attracted with a bonus of 100 rubles for registration. Deductions come from replenishments up to level 5 referrals (18% -7% -5% -5% -5%). The essence of the game is to collect leaves from tea bushes.

  1. is an interesting online farm where you don’t have to invite referrals to earn money. However, the conditions are favorable. Deductions come from replenishments of up to 5 referral lines (40% -20% -10% -6% -2%). In addition, you are awarded 1 kopeck for each click on an affiliate link.
  2. – another game without the mandatory invitation of new participants. Birds are sold on the site, they lay eggs, and players receive profit from their sale. There is a 3-level affiliate program here (35%-10%-5%). For transitions along the ref. links are paid 0.001 rub. There is also a “Sale of Referrals” promotion, which rewards you with 250 silver for each registration.
  3. – the simplest game among competitors. Chickens are bought there and they also hatch eggs. There are no welcome bonuses, but when you top up you get 250% more (there is something to interest referrals). The affiliate program is one-level, with replenishments you get 30%.

Smart people have already guessed that ordinary financial pyramids operate in a beautiful package, under the guise of a game. Everything is done so that it is not noticeable, but, in essence, the projects are not much different from the pyramids. The main thing is that you can really make a lot of money from this.

Referral system on boxes, passive income

If users invest money in games once or twice, then they work on mailers for several years. There is nothing in common with the pyramids here. People complete simple tasks and get real money for it.

People work, invite new members, and you get your share of the pie. You don’t have to do the work yourself, and a network can be developed if you find active partners. In this niche, I would recommend three main axleboxes:

  1. Seosprint is in first place in terms of the number of available tasks. Unfortunately, money is not paid here from advertiser expenses, so attract only performers. The affiliate program is 2-level, and what percentage you will receive depends on the rating (maximum 40% from 1st level referrals). How much did I earn from referrals:

  1. Socpublic is an old book, but for partners it is interesting with constant competitions. There is a 3-level referral system here, and the percentage of deductions also depends on the rating. If you reach the highest level, income from first-level referrals increases to 60%. Here are my earnings statistics from referrals:

  1. Wmmail – I started with this mailer, so I have the largest team here. Money is credited not only for the work of referrals (5 levels), but also for advertiser expenses. The site has many additional functions, royalties come from the sale and purchase of articles, a percentage from games and a referral exchange:

Click sponsors are often underestimated. You really won’t earn much on tasks in them, but if you use affiliate programs, your income really becomes huge. The main thing is not to strive for a large number of referrals, but to try to find people who are really interested in simple part-time work.

Other sites for making money from referrals

According to a similar scheme, I earn money through other systems. There are many sites open for making money without investment, and to attract new participants, their developers always use affiliate programs. You will help beginners find part-time work online, after which you will receive a stable income for their work:

  1. – through this system, experienced users order captcha solving. They launch bots and various programs, and real people are verified by indicating the symbols from the pictures. Partners are paid 10% of the income and expenses of referrals (5% if customers use software from a special catalog).
  2. – The browser extension is downloaded from this site. It displays advertising, and each view of it is paid. The system also has simple tasks, like on click sponsors. Referral system 5 levels, deductions of 10%. More than favorable conditions.
  3. – a similar project, it also has an extension for automatic earnings available. There are no tasks here, but the affiliate program is the most profitable. It has 10 levels, money is credited from the expenses and income of referrals. Partners receive from 5% to 10%, depending on their rating in the system.
  4. – the service is needed for promotion on social networks. Some here make money from likes, reposts, joining groups, while others order them. Advertise the site, both for earnings and for promotion, because 15% is credited from expenses and income. Webmasters are offered to install a special promotion form on their website.
  5. – Previously, this site was used only for boosting comments, but now they also order various actions on social networks. The administration shares its commission from orders. It is more profitable to attract advertisers; 20% comes from expenses. Performers are charged 10% of the system commission.
  6. – a copywriting exchange helps you make money from simple tasks or selling articles. Register and receive your affiliate link. Even if a user clicks on it and registers a year later, he will still stick with you. Deductions amount to 25% of the service commission.
  7. – this is the most popular questionnaire in RuNet. Through it, millions of people participate in sociological surveys and receive money for it. Partners are given 10% not from the commission, but from the income. Those. if your referral filled out a form and received 100 rubles for it, you receive 10 rubles.
  8. – there are 3 ways to earn money, these are paid surveys, rewards for answering questions and payment for search views of questions. An interesting project, to motivate referrals, tell them about the 5 ruble bonus for registration. Partners are paid 10% of their income for life.

In order to earn a lot of money from referrals, you will have to attract a huge number of users. At first you don’t notice the result, mere pennies come in, but over time everything changes. In addition to the fact that users gain experience and work more efficiently, they invite new members to your team.

How to earn $100-$500 from referrals? The most profitable affiliate programs

You have to wait a long time for decent deductions from sites to simply make money online. After all, beginners don’t earn much, so the percentage they get is not that big. To make a big income, you need to advertise sites where huge amounts of money are circulating. Attracting referrals there is much more difficult, but the results are pleasantly pleasing:

  1. Affiliate program for making money on referrals.

It’s not for nothing that binary options are actively advertised on the Internet. Brokers pay partners a substantial percentage. The affiliate was created by the service. It was with this broker that I began to attract new traders, the company is proven and they offer training to beginners. I receive payments consistently:

TOP partners earn over $50,000. There are 3 cooperation schemes to choose from. The broker gives 35% of his income for life, charges $20 for each registration, or uses a hybrid scheme with 20% deductions and $50 per registration. The affiliate program administration states that some partners earn more than 100,000 rubles from referrals. in Week.

  1. Earn money on binary options without investments with.

A similar company offers its own options trading platform. They have higher rates and also have a training section. You can also trade on a demo account, which attracts the attention of novice traders. Partners also attract foreign clients here; the site operates in Russian and English. Here are my latest enrollment statistics:

Like the previous broker, partners cooperate according to one of three schemes. The lifetime rate is higher here, it is 60% of the company’s income. It is possible to pay for registration or receive 100% profit in the first month from the moment of registration of the referral. Partners are provided with personal managers and instant payments.

  1. Affiliate for monitoring exchangers.

If you don’t want to advertise suspicious ways of making money, and you know where you can place a link so that many users will follow it, use BestChange. The website contains up-to-date information on electronic money exchangers, making it easy to find a favorable rate. The affiliate program is unusual, they pay for referral referrals. link and activity:

The fees are small users pay 4 cents for switching. Then cents are added if the person returns for monitoring after a week, a month, 3 months, etc. You can get up to 45 cents from each visitor, and he does not need to register, work or buy anything.

If the invited user also uses the affiliate program, you receive 15% of his income. 5% comes from second level referrals.

These sites make a lot of money from referrals. Traders at binary options brokers can carry out transactions as much as they want, gigantic sums are invested in this. As for monitoring exchangers, it is better to use it for partners who know where to get a lot of traffic.

Earning money from referrals is a universal method. With it, you can achieve quick royalties or build your network to consistently receive income without doing anything at all. For several years I have been building networks through all well-known sites, so based on my experience I will say that it is a profitable business.

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Earning money from affiliate programs | 2017-04-26

One of the most promising, stable and profitable areas of activity on the Internet is making money from referrals. The main advantage of this method of earning money is that it can generate passive income for many years.

First, let's understand the terminology. A referral is a person who registered on the site using your personal link. For this user you automatically become a referrer.

On many projects, the referral network can consist of several levels. The first level is users who registered directly under you (using your link). The second level is users who registered using your referral link, and so on.

Earning principle

Nowadays, almost every major Internet project offers participation in its own affiliate program to earn money. This is not surprising, since the goal of each project is gradual development, increasing the number of users and reaching a new level of income.

The project administration invites participants to invite new users. As an incentive, they are ready to pay you, as a referrer, a certain percentage of their profits. As a result, all parties benefit.

The amount of percentage payments and the terms of the affiliate program may vary depending on the selected project. A referral network can consist of one or several levels. The percentage of referral payments is either fixed or gradually increases as the status/rating on the project increases.

Let's look at an example of earning money from referrals. Let's say you invited a referral to the Wmmail mail service, where deductions of 10% are provided for the first level. Your referral actively works on the project and earns about $5 daily. From this amount you will receive $0.5 fully automatically. If your referral, in turn, invites a user, then you will receive an additional 5% from the second level.

Now imagine if there are 10, 50 or even 100 such employees. In addition, you can not limit yourself to one project and develop a referral system on several sites at once.

With this method of earning money, you can reach such a level of income that you don’t have to work at all. It will be enough to log into projects once a day or month and withdraw profits.

Ways to attract referrals

Creating and developing a referral network consisting of active employees will require a lot of time and effort. Your main task is to spread your personal links on the Internet as much as possible and interest users to register using them. You can do this in several ways:

1. The easiest way you can start is to involve your acquaintances, friends and relatives in projects. Just tell us about your successes in the field of online earnings, that you can really make good money here, and send the link by email, on social networks, Skype, etc.

2. An excellent option would be to create a thematic community on social networks or place referral links on your personal page. If you have many friends or subscribers, then some of them will definitely be interested in the projects that you advertise.

3. One of the best and most promising ways to attract referrals is to create a website or blog. Nothing will limit you on your website - you can write articles on any topic, review any projects. At the same time, attach detailed instructions for registering and making money on projects, provide screenshots of payments, create presentations, video tutorials and much more. Of course, it will take a lot of time to develop the site, but this method will allow you to attract dozens, or even hundreds of referrals every day.

4. You can create topics describing projects on thematic forums. The main thing is to choose sites that have not been previously discussed on the forum. Or if you actively communicate in many topics, place the link in your signature (if permitted by the rules).

5. Referral links can be distributed by ordering advertising on mail services. By paying a small amount, you receive thousands of clicks on your link. Many of the participants may be interested in new projects for earning money and register for them. This can be done by purchasing a banner, creating a task, ordering a mailing list, or surfing.

6. If you can’t attract referrals, but have a great desire to earn money this way, then you can buy referrals on the exchange. Almost all email services provide this opportunity. The main thing is to wisely choose active referrals who will recoup your costs in the shortest possible time.

Working with referrals

After you have attracted a referral, you need to provide him with all kinds of assistance, support in his work and stimulate his work. Since there are quite a large number of referrers, some competition is created. And if the referral sees that another user offers better conditions, he will simply create a new account and you will lose income.

This rule especially applies when working on postal services. We recommend that you pay your employees a portion of the income received from them - refback. This is done by providing bonuses and creating competitions.

Let's say you set a refback rate of 30%. Your referral will bring you $10, from this amount you will return $3 to him. As a result, you receive a good income, and the referral is glad to receive additional income, which will stimulate his further work. Set the refback percentage at your discretion.

Projects to attract referrals

As mentioned above, today there are practically no projects on the Internet that do not have a referral system. If you are already working with any service, then find the corresponding section on the website (it may be called “Referrals”, “Affiliate Program”, etc.), receive a personal link and start distributing it in the ways that we talked about in the previous one point.

If you are looking for new projects to make money from referrals, then we bring to your attention a list of large projects with favorable terms of the affiliate program.

Everyone is tired of always finding some project to make money. I want to find something worthwhile for myself. And it seems that I have found it, but it turns out that you need to invite referrals. This is already quite boring.

In this article I want to tell about honest paying projects in which you don’t need to invite anyone. You will just work and get paid for it.

Earning money without attracting referrals

To withdraw money to any bank card, it is better to use KursExpert.

Since many people want to earn money without investments, such projects will be discussed below.

1) WMmail - good site for just having excellent stability th income. At the same time, you don’t need to think, invite referrals and many other things that will take up time. Here you just need to complete easy tasks that advertisers will give. All you need is honesty and a desire to work. I wrote details about earnings in the article "". To get started, you just need to register.

2) Rucaptcha is another great site to make money without investing a penny. Here you just need to enter the usual captcha, which you often enter when registering. More details here " "
Register and go.

3) Seosprint is a well-known mailer on the RuNet. Half the CIS earns money here. The earnings are certainly not big, but I couldn’t help but include it in this list. Here you also don’t need to invite anyone, complete simple tasks and get money. Withdrawal of money is immediate. Learn more about how to earn " ". Registration here is a little more complicated than elsewhere, but this is for the best, since you will immediately understand what is at stake.

4) VKtarget - the project has not been around for long. But it is gaining significant momentum. I think you often go to any of the social networks. networks and do various actions there. For example, you join groups, set classes and much more. So here, you will receive a good amount of money for this. Perfect for a part-time job.

5) Advego - here you can earn a lot of money. The site has been running for many years. And I think many have heard about him. Here you are given a lot of opportunities to make money. You will be able to perform completely different tasks, just like on mailers. But the most important thing is that you can sell your written work here.

5. is now the top site for tasks. Since they pay quite decent amounts here. Be sure to register and complete them. For one task they pay about 10 - 15 rubles. I recommend it to everyone.

6. Qkoment - here you will earn money from comments and tasks. Which direction to choose is up to you. But my advice is to make money on both. Comments should be detailed, that is, they should not consist of two words. There are a lot of tasks and they pay quite generously for them. Be sure to register and start your journey towards your goal.

7. VKstorm - earnings for the social network VKontakte. Here you will join groups, make reposts, and so on. Everyone will pay you money for this. Yes, you won’t earn much here, but it’s enough to pay for the Internet and utilities. Register and earn money.

8. Expert opinion - the site has been operating for a very long time and pays out honestly earned money. The way to earn money is that you will fill out questionnaires for some enterprises and receive some money for it. Simply put, make money from surveys. After registration, be sure to fill out your profile, and you will receive 80 rubles for this. Register and earn real money.

7. Etxt - a little-known site. And this only plays into our hands. Here you can perform various tasks, but only related to copywriting and rewriting. That is, at a minimum, you must be a literate person. There is also a photo exchange here. If you like photography, you can safely sell your work here, and for decent money (Photos not from a Chinese smartphone). Register and earn money.

Earnings in telegram, without inviting referrals

1. Tag mo - the best telegram bot today. To earn money, you need to be registered in telegram and EVERYTHING!
When you have switched to the bot, you need to click on the "Open in Web" button and then on the "Start" button. Then click “Earn”. And we choose to earn money, subscribe to channels or view posts.
I recommend it to everyone.

2. Your teleprofit - also a fairly well-known telegram bot. You do everything exactly the same as on the first bot and earn money. It is advisable to make money on all bots, this way you will get a lot more money. You can complete tasks all day long on different bots. Earn 50 rubles from each, for example. If there are 10 bots, then there will be 10 times more money. Think about it. The most important thing is not to be lazy and everything will work out.

3. Earnings in telegram - a very cool telegram bot. There are always a lot of tasks and they pay quite well. Considering that tasks are completed in one click. Follow the news, there are competitions and various bonuses in the form of money.

4. Plutinum - The bot has been working for about a year. Always fair and instant payments. The only thing is that payments are now only available via Qiwi wallet. In the future, I think new wallets will be added, such as Yandex, Payeer and so on.

5. PRrobot - has now become very popular because of his generosity. Every day there are new paid tasks. I advise you to complete the “Subscribe to the channel”, since these tasks pay more. To subscribe you need to click on the “+Join” button, go back and click “Check subscription”. And so with every task, I think it’s not difficult at all.

6. Top TG money - an honest paying bot. After you have passed and pressed start, you need to go to the “Earn” section and all the tasks will be there. We perform and earn real money.

7. Easy Money - a great bot to earn extra money. Similar to the others, same tasks, same pay for completing them. Of course, this is not what the article is about. But I encourage you to develop in this industry and try to invite referrals. This is a very profitable business.

Earning cryptocurrency without inviting referrals

1. AdBTC - the best site for earning bitcoins without investments and invitations. In order to start earning money, you need to register and that’s it. Next, select the “Site Surfing” section and view advertisements for Satoshi. When the timer ends, you receive satoshi to your balance. Minimum withdrawal is 30,000 satoshi. If you don't know about this project yet, you 100% need to register.

2. Freebitcoin - this site has been popular for more than 10 years. Payments are fair and arrive within 15 minutes. Visit the project every hour and click on the button at the very bottom of the site “Roll”. You can get up to 3,000,000 satoshi at a time. This of course happens super rarely, but it does happen. Usually people get about 100 satoshi at a time. It is advisable to register on all sites and collect as much cryptocurrency as possible.

3. Freelitecoin - the coolest project for collecting Litecoins. You won't find anything better, I promise you that. Here you also need to collect crypt every hour. You can take your wallet anywhere, it doesn’t matter at all. To get started, you need to go through an easy registration.


Earning money from referrals is the most profitable way to earn passive income on the Internet. In this article we will look at the best sites for making money from referrals. My readers are interested in answers to the questions: “How to make money from referrals?” and “How much can you earn from referrals?”, and if you are reading this material, then you also want to learn about making money from referrals. If you want to make money from referrals, you need to actively promote various projects and invite users to them. The more people you invite and the more active your invitees are, the higher your earnings will be. Many projects have several referral levels. This means that, in principle, you can invite only one active referral, who will also actively invite, and your earnings will be completely passive.

First, let's understand the basic concepts that are associated with referrals and, in general, who referrals are.

  • Referral link– this is a special link containing a unique code for a participant in an affiliate program, which is designed to attract referrals.
  • Referral– a participant who registered using a referral link.
  • Referrer– a participant who provided a referral link for registration to another participant.
  • Referral guide– a participant who, due to his abilities, is able to attract a huge number of referrals to various projects.
  • Refback– return of part of the income by the referrer to the referral.

Projects on the Internet are built in such a way that instead of advertising they have referral programs. It works like this: you (the referrer) invite people (referrals) to the project, and this project pays you a certain percentage of the earnings and investments of your referrals. It turns out to be a profitable symbiosis: the project does not need to pay for advertising, the referrer makes money by attracting referrals, the referral receives a good project to earn money (they won’t invite you to a bad project that doesn’t pay) and help from the referrer.

Typically, the referrer receives between five and ten percent of referral royalties from the referrals' earnings. The percentage may be more or less, it all depends on the affiliate program itself. Also, the referral program can be multi-level. That is, in a two-level affiliate program you will earn not only from your referrals, but also from the referrals of your referrals. If your team has one or two active referral leaders, earnings will occur without your participation. Agree, it's tempting.

How to make money from referrals

Here's a small diagram of the referral structure. At the very top is the referrer, that is, you. First level referrals are registered under you. That is, those people whom you invited to the project through your referral link. Also, in many projects there is an affiliate program several levels deep. That is, you will receive a percentage from those people who are already invited by your referrals. Usually from deeper levels the percentage is less. For example, if you receive 10% from personally invited referrals, then from the referrals of your referrals you will receive, for example, 5%. That is, less than the percentage that you receive for your referrals.

Some referral structures also have a third level. In fact, there may be many more levels. I have come across referral structures up to 10 levels deep. Imagine what kind of structure can be built and then it will constantly develop without your participation. And your income will constantly only grow and grow.

The third level is referrals from referrals of your referrals. This is the scheme and from all these people you will receive a percentage of their earnings or their expenses. All these people will be your referrals, but they will be divided into different levels. This also raises a question for many people. Why do people even become someone’s referral?

In fact, a person chooses for himself whether to become or not become someone’s referral. If I’m invited somewhere and someone helps me, I make sure to register using the referral link of the person who helps me. Becoming someone's referral is beneficial; first of all, it means help from the person who invited you. If you have attracted a referral, then you must help him with something, be his mentor and assistant. If he has any questions or cannot understand the work of any project, you must explain this to him, because you receive a referral percentage for him. This is a mutually beneficial process.

To encourage referrals and give them an incentive to work more actively, referrers pay them a so-called refback. That is, they return part of the profit to their referral from his work. Refback is a great way to interest a referral in actively working on a project. You can read more about refback in this.