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What game will be in scarlet sails presentation. Presentation on the topic "Scarlet Sails" A

A.S. Green. Extravaganza "Scarlet Sails"

The Secret of Human Happiness

The purpose of the lesson

  • Vissarion Sayanov

He lived among us, this strange storyteller, Who created the country where the shore is foggy, From the famous brigs they flee at dawn Tall people with a deceitful smile, With eyes like the reflection of the seas in January, With great malice, with mighty love, With salty, like the sea, rebellious blood, With the eternal dream of goodness, like the sun.

  • Alexander Green is a sunny writer and, despite his difficult fate, happy, because through all his works a deep and bright faith in man, in the good principles of the human soul, faith in love, friendship, loyalty and the feasibility of dreams victoriously runs through... And everyone who reads it becomes something richer and purer.

V. Ketlinskaya

Birth name:

Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Slobodskaya, Vyatka province

Date of death:

A place of death:

Old Crimea


Russian writer, prose writer

Romance of A. Green

  • Depicts life as it is and as it should be
  • Creates an incredible world full of enticing events, arousing in people the desire for a varied life
  • A special hero in special circumstances, his ability to love
  • Poeticizes the sea
  • Faith in a dream
  • Fate is a manifestation of the highest will and at the same time a consequence human actions





From the history of the creation of the work

  • All Green’s stories are full of dreams of “dazzling events and joy,” but most of all his story “Scarlet Sails.” Green thought about and began writing this captivating and fabulous book in Petrograd in 1920, when after the rash he wandered around the icy city and every night looked for a new place to stay with random, semi-familiar people. “Scarlet Sails” is a work that affirms the power of the human spirit, illuminated by love for life and the belief that man is capable of performing miracles.

History of creation

Alexander Green began making his first notes related to “Scarlet Sails” in 1916. In the drafts for the novel “Running on the Waves” (1925), the author described the first appearance of the idea for the story:

I have “Scarlet Sails” - a story about a captain and a girl. I found out how this happened quite by accident: I stopped at a display case with toys and saw a boat with a sharp sail made of white silk. This toy told me something, but I didn’t know - What, then I wondered if a sail of red would say more, or better yet, a scarlet color, because in scarlet there is a bright glee. Rejoicing means knowing why you rejoice. And so, unfolding from this, taking in the waves and the ship with scarlet sails, I saw the purpose of his existence.

Preliminary work on “Scarlet Sails” was completed in early December 1920. Subsequently, the author repeatedly made corrections to the manuscript. Bel's autograph of the story has not survived.

Chapter " Gray"was published in the newspaper" Evening telegraph", No. 1 of May 8, 1922. The entire extravaganza was published in the form of a separate book in 1923. The writer dedicated it to his second wife Nina (“ The Author offers it to Nina Nikolaevna Green and dedicates it to her. PBG, November 23, 1922"). The story was included in all collected works of the writer.

  • To which family literature refers to the work of A. Green “Scarlet Sails”?
  • Which genres Are you familiar with this type of literature?
  • Read the word “extravaganza” slowly... By the sound of the word, by the foreign root, can you guess what the features of the extravaganza genre are?


Working with literary terms

  • Extravaganza(French feerie, from fee - fairy, sorceress),

1) A genre of theatrical performances in which stage effects are used for fantastic scenes. Originated in Italy in the 17th century.

2) Circus performance using various effects.

3) A magical, fabulous spectacle.

  • Symbol- Word " symbol " comes from the Greek word symbolon, which means "conventional language."

A symbol is an object or word that conventionally expresses the essence of a phenomenon.

The symbol contains a certain secret, a hint that allows one to only guess what is meant, what the author wanted to say.

"Scarlet Sails"

  • I Prediction
  • II – Gray
  • III – Dawn
  • IV – The day before
  • V – Combat preparations
  • VI - Assol is left alone
  • VII – Scarlet "Secret"


"A man in a rush to happiness

capable of performing miracles himself"

K. Paustovsky

Work with text

  • Analysis of the episode “Assol after meeting the wizard”

Answers on questions:

  • How did Longren react to his daughter’s story about the wizard’s prediction?
  • What did the fishermen talk about when they heard about Aigle’s prediction?
  • What is the ending of chapter 1?
  • Did Assol believe Egle's predictions?
  • What artistic technique does the author use to show the heroine and the crowd of residents of the fishing village?

Greenland is the wonderland that Alexander Green dreamed of. He dreamed of wonderful people and harmonious relationships.

Let's help Alexander Green's dream come true!!!


Distant, alluring.

Hope, believe, wait.

Cherished dreams come true.


Scarlet, mysterious.

They beckon, they delight, they come closer.

We must believe in miracles.

Conclusions from the study:

  • faith in the dream helped Assol and Gray survive the harsh circumstances of real life;
  • a person rejoices when a dream comes true; the author of the story managed to convey the jubilant feelings of the characters using the “extravaganza” genre;
  • dreaming is not harmful, but simply necessary, then the cruel reality of life will be overcome;

The purpose of the lesson

Confirm the hypothesis - a romantic dream helps a person overcome the cruel reality of life.

The purpose of the lesson

Confirm the hypothesis - a romantic dream helps a person overcome the cruel reality of life.




  • A.S. Green “Scarlet Sails”
  • Completed by: 9th grade student
  • Kugergina Valeria
  • Teacher: Lapina Galina Nikolaevna
A.S. Green. Extravaganza "Scarlet Sails"
  • The Secret of Human Happiness
The idea of ​​"Scarlet Sails"
  • “This toy told me something, but I didn’t know what. Then I wondered if a red sail would say more, or better yet, a scarlet one, because in scarlet there is a bright exultation... And so, unfolding from this, taking the waves and the ship with scarlet sails, I saw the purpose of his existence"
Alexander Stepanovich Green
  • Real name -
  • Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky
  • 1880 – 1932
The meaning of the word "extravaganza"
  • 1) a theatrical or circus performance of fairy-tale content, requiring magnificent staging and stage effects
  • 2) transfer magical, fabulous spectacle
"Scarlet Sails"
  • I – Prediction
  • II – Gray
  • III – Dawn
  • IV – The day before
  • V – Combat preparations
  • VI – Assol is left alone
  • VII – Scarlet “Secret”
  • "A man in a rush to happiness
  • capable of performing miracles himself"
  • K. Paustovsky
Artistic method of A. Green
  • A special type of figurative vision of the world and reflection of reality
  • Types of creativity
  • Realistic
  • Realistic
  • Poeticizes the sea
  • Faith in a dream
Romance of A. Green
  • Depicts life as it is and as it should be
  • Creates an incredible world full of enticing events, arousing in people the desire for a varied life
  • A special hero in special circumstances, his ability to love
  • Poeticizes the sea
  • Faith in a dream
  • Fate is a manifestation of the highest will and at the same time a consequence of human actions
  • dream
  • Liberty
  • Love
Alexander Green Prize
  • Alexander Green Prize
  • In 2000, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Green, the Union of Writers of Russia, the administration of Kirov and Slobodsky established the annual Russian Literary Prize named after Alexander Green for works for children and youth, imbued with the spirit of romance and hope.
  • Bust on the Green embankment in Kirov
  • Alexander Green on a postage stamp of Ukraine, 2005
  • In 1960, the writer’s wife opened the Writer’s House-Museum in Old Crimea.
  • In 1970, the Greene Literary and Memorial Museum was also created in Feodosia.
  • On the occasion of the centenary of his birth, in 1980, the Alexander Green House Museum was opened in the city of Kirov.
  • In 2010, the Alexander Green Museum was created in the city of Slobodskoye.
  • 1958 - Watercolor
  • 1961 - Scarlet Sails
  • 1967 - Running on the Waves
  • 1969 - Lanphier Colony
  • 1972 - Morgiana (review)
  • 1983 - The Man from Green Country (television play)
  • 1984 - Shining World
  • 1986 - Golden Chain
  • 1988 - Mister Decorator
  • 1992 - Road to nowhere
  • 1995 - Gelly and Nok
  • 2007 - Running on the waves
  • Don't be lazy, read it!

Assol Select from the text of Chapter I the details of the portrait of Assol. How did it reveal the girl’s spiritual beauty and the author’s attitude towards her? What character traits of Assol do we see in her actions (chasing a lost toy yacht, a story about a wizard, etc.)? How did her father react to her dream of scarlet sails? Draw a conclusion about Assol’s inner world. ASSOL (Spanish al sol) – “towards the sun”

Assol Gray 1. Origin, social affiliation Born in the small fishing village of Caperne into a poor family of a sailor who was widowed early Born in a huge family castle, belonged to an old aristocratic family. But he “was born with a living soul, completely disinclined to continue the family line” 2. Education Until five months, she was raised by her mother, then by a neighbor; As soon as the girl learned to walk, she was raised by her father, who loved her very much. Growing up among toy boats made by her father and his semi-fantastic stories about sea life, her mother forgave her son everything. His father rarely saw him. Arthur "could ride any horse, take any dog ​​into the castle, rummage in the library, run barefoot and eat whatever he wanted." The children of employees were removed from the castle, isolating the boy from “low society” 3. Education, activities Her father taught her to read and write, the girl helped him make and carry toys to the city for sale. She “loved to read, but in a book she read mainly between the lines, as she lived.” When she sewed, “little hands worked diligently and deftly.” She read “those books behind the golden door of which the blue radiance of the ocean opened.” “Training a puppy to become a captain” was that “within a year he became acquainted with navigation, practice, shipbuilding, maritime law, pilotage and accounting.”

Assol Gray 4. Actions After waiting for dawn, she looked out for a ship with scarlet sails; prayed, babbling in the morning: “Hello, God!” and in the evening: “Farewell, God!”; she was sure that the dog could speak “if it didn’t have secret reasons to remain silent”; greeted and talked to trees, flowers and insects; convinced the coal miner that his basket could “bloom”; in the painting “he took the nails out of the bloody hands of Christ”; splashed “hot liquid” on his hand to find out how painful it was for Betsy; gave all the money from the piggy bank to the girl for the wedding; at the age of 15 he secretly left home, becoming a cabin boy; masterfully knitted a sail “on the yard”; bought 2000 meters of scarlet silk for sails 5. Author's rating: “Charm”; “living poem” “He was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one.” He walked towards the goal with “clenched teeth and a pale face.” I understood one “simple truth”: it is “to do so-called miracles with your own hands”

Artist Mikhail Bychkov St. Petersburg artist, illustrator, designer. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1982. Designed and illustrated more than 100 books. Laureate of numerous domestic book art competitions. Collaborates with Russian and foreign publishing houses. The works of Mikhail Bychkov are kept in Russian and foreign collections.

“...He would have seen Assol in the window of one house, sitting behind some book. She read; a greenish bug crawled across the page, stopping and rising on its front legs with an independent and domestic look.” “She knew how and loved to read, but in a book she read mainly between the lines, as she lived.”

Literature Polukhina V.P. Literature. 6th grade. Methodical advice.