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What is the best part-time job? How to earn money in your free time - extra income

If you need to quickly earn a certain amount of money, but your regular job does not allow you to do this, think about realizing your creative and economic abilities. You may not even realize how easily you can make money with your data. Photography, tutoring, website creation, child care - and this is not a complete list.


You can earn money not only from a permanent job, because you probably have enough abilities and talents that you do not use. Perhaps some of them will help you earn extra income in addition to your main job. If you know foreign languages ​​well, try tutoring. You can find students for yourself both through friends (many people now want to learn languages) and in (through specialized sites, advertisements, blogs). The minimum price for an hour-long lesson with one person is from 500 rubles. Thus, if you give at least 5 classes in, you can already increase your budget by 2,500 rubles weekly.

For those who love and know how to take photographs, you can make money quite quickly from holiday photography. Of course, provided that you have the necessary equipment to take photographs and prepare high-quality photographs. The cost of one (shooting a person in a certain setting: in a park, a castle, an abandoned site, etc.) will cost this person 3,000 rubles or more, and wedding photography now costs from per day. The best way to find clients is through friends. It's good if they know that you can take photographs and can recommend you.

If you love children and know how to take care of them, then you can make money by babysitting. Surely you have friends or neighbors who need a babysitter. All that is required of you is to sit with your child at home, play with him, feed him and, perhaps, go for a walk. They will pay around 800-1000 rubles per day.

Animal lovers can earn money in the same way. Not all people have the opportunity to leave a cat or dog with relatives or friends when leaving for a holiday. Not everyone wants to hand over their pet to a “for animals” either. If you can walk your dog every day, feed it and play with it, then this will also be an income for you (from 500 rubles per day).

People with developed civic consciousness can make quick money by becoming “mystery shoppers.” Many firms and public organizations evaluate the work of commercial enterprises and personnel in this way. For each visit in which you need to talk and purchase something, you will be paid from 500 rubles.

Handicraft lovers can try selling their products. There are many fairs on the Internet for handmade soft toys, soaps, etc. All you need to do is produce the product and find a place to sell it. How much it will bring you will depend only on you and your product. But since hand-made fashion exists, you will most likely be able to make money.


  • short term money

The opportunity to earn money in a short time may seem unrealistic if you are used to earning only from a company. Think about what you love to do and what you are good at. Hobbies often help you earn at least a little money in a short time, without taking too much effort.


Think about what you are used to doing in your free time. For example, if you love and know how to take photographs, then you can easily earn some income from it. Photo shoots are extremely popular, and people will never stop celebrating weddings and... Therefore, you cannot do without a photographer.

Since you are just starting out one way or another, do not overprice your services, otherwise it will be difficult to attract clients at first. The easiest way to find your first clients is through word of mouth. You can also use social networks (create a group, discussion platform, etc.).

If you just need a certain amount in a short time, then after using your abilities several times, you can relax and return to normal mode. But think about the fact that your hobby can become your small business and begin to generate additional (or even main income) permanently. For your business to develop, think about creating your own - it will attract more clients.

Don't forget that you must be registered by law. Therefore, you will need to contact the inspectorate at your place of residence to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you will need to fill out an application using a special form and have it certified, pay the state fee (800 rubles) and make a copy of your passport.

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Lack of money is a problem for many people. In order to solve it, you can find a new job or source of additional income. And since 5 days a week are occupied with main work, only weekends remain.

You will need

  • Newspaper free advertisements, telephone.


Decide you are ready to give it to your side hustle. Be sure to leave time for rest. Otherwise, your effectiveness will decrease every day, and eventually come to naught. People who work without rest are more prone to illness, and their immunity is weakened.

Buy a newspaper of free advertisements, find in it the section of vacancies that interest you, call each phone number listed, select the most suitable option for you, and sign up for an interview.

Prepare for . You must be well-groomed and neat. Your task at the interview is to please the employer as a future employee. Answer questions clearly and present yourself in the most favorable light. If you do everything right, the job will be yours.


  • how to make money with a truck

Surprisingly, very few people work in the specialty they received at the university. The rest find themselves in a variety of places: shipbuilding engineers work as sales representatives in foreign companies, certified dentists manage restaurants, and teachers write articles for glossy magazines. But what about those who have no specialty at all? Getting a job - there are enough suitable options for them on the labor market.


The easiest way is to work in low-skilled positions. Cleaners, janitors, dumpling makers and dishwashers are required. Salaries are small, social guarantees are minimal, but there are usually no delays. And if they do, quitting and moving to a similar position is a matter of a few days, or even hours.

Young people will be gladly hired as waiters, bartenders, etc. No specialization is required; training takes place directly on the job. You may have to start with an intern. Salaries vary depending on the establishment, and in most cases you can also count on tips. By the way, this is a real step. If working in the restaurant business suits you, work as a shift manager, administrator, and subsequently manager.

Do you love and know how to write? You can try yourself as a freelancer. A journalism degree is not required. The main thing is to express your thoughts competently and coherently, write in the format of the publication you work for, and understand the topic you plan to write about. Having collected a portfolio of published works, you can apply for a full-time position.

No special diplomas are required for applicants for the position of salesperson or. All necessary knowledge can be obtained directly at the workplace. Having started working in one company, after a year or two, having gained experience and connections, you can move to the next one. Naturally, with an increase in salary.

And finally, a sales manager is in demand even during economic crises. The only criterion is to be able and love to sell. Any company will gladly hire such a person, especially if he claims not a salary, but a percentage of sales. A successful manager and the percentages are very good.

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Do not agree to offers that require advance payment - for training, employment or mediation. In most cases, there are no real vacancies behind these offers.

Finding a good job doesn't require connections; it requires perseverance, professionalism, and a lack of fear in interviews. Your new job may not bring in a lot of income at first, but with experience your salary will increase.


Contact recruitment agencies in your city, choose those agencies that do not require the applicant to pay for their services, but are engaged in personnel selection. Compose a detailed resume, indicate your work experience and professional knowledge, and post your resume on job sites.


Many people are looking for work in completely the wrong way. They post their resume and wait for the employer to call them. This is, of course, correct, but here you should also add a search for vacancies of interest to which you can send your resume.

However, sometimes this is not enough to quickly find a job. Therefore, you should send your resume to organizations that are not looking for employees. The fact is that many organizations do not advertise vacancies, but rather review the resumes of potential employees in the “looking for work” section.

To quickly find the job you want, you need to attend an interview. The more interviews you have, the greater the likelihood of getting the desired position. But sometimes the problem is getting to a large number of interviews. To do this, you need to send your resume to at least one hundred organizations. More is possible. In this case, the more the better.

Particular attention should be paid to the resume. It must be written competently and intelligibly. Many people do not write about their skills, abilities, strengths of character and hobbies on their resume. Simply because they are embarrassed. But in vain. A resume is the only way for an employer to find a suitable employee, and sometimes personal qualities are key. For many employers, this is much more important than work experience and seniority.

Finding a job quickly after leaving your previous job is very important. After all, the longer a person sits without work, the less he wants to work.

If you need an evening part-time job, it makes sense to come (with your passport) to the employment center at your place of residence and look at the vacancies. By getting a part-time job, you will be able to receive social guarantees (vacation, sick leave) in the same way as at your main job. The two most popular part-time jobs of this kind are a cleaner (an increase to the basic salary of 7-8 thousand rubles per month) and a telephone operator (about 20 thousand rubles per month, including interest - to earn them, you will have to persuade citizens to connect cable television or purchase new cosmetics).

Nanny for Sharik

One-time work is suitable for those whose working week has been shortened. Look for job advertisements on the Internet and in newspapers. There is a lot of demand for posters and leaflet distributors. The job is not well paid, but if, as they say, you are really pressed, you can try. For sticking one leaflet (with your own glue!) you pay 1 rub. In 5-6 hours of work, it is realistic to hang up to 500 pieces on poles, stops, etc. Don't cheat and throw the brochures in the trash. The employer, as a rule, requires a list of streets where the poster has been and checks his work. Distributors of leaflets are paid 100 rubles per hour, but only those who distribute them correctly (do not throw them away, but hand them to potential clients) will be allowed to work for 5-6 hours. You can get much more by helping wealthier fellow citizens manage children, dogs, or housework. An hour of work for a nanny in Moscow costs on average 120 rubles. Walking the dog (including washing paws) - 150 rubles. For cleaning a small “kopeck piece” you can get from 800 to 1000 rubles. at a time. In spring, there is a great demand for window cleaners (300 rubles per window). It is better to look for work “from home” through friends or by posting advertisements (“walking the dog”, “cleaning the apartment”, etc.) in your area.

Price of palms

There is another option - participating in paid surveys. Young mothers are invited to evaluate advertisements for diapers, heavy smokers - a new brand of cigarettes, men with foot fungus - a remedy for treating the disease. You can earn 500-700 rubles in an hour. But you can participate in such surveys no more than once a month.

Another source of income that is not available every day is acting as an extra on television and in films. People are recruited by so-called foremen who place advertisements on the Internet (websites,

For the work of the viewer (you have to smile and clap your hands) in the program of one very talkative presenter they pay 200 rubles. Recording of the show from 11 am to 9 pm. On the one hand, the amount is a pittance, and all of it will be spent on the road to Ostankino and a snack (the spectators are not served lunch). On the other hand, you will meet “experienced viewers”. They will tell you which programs pay more and how to get there.

How much can you earn per day from a part-time job?

7.00-8.00 - dog walking - 150 rub.

9.00-12.00 - cleaning the apartment - 1000 rubles.

14.00-15.00 - participation in a paid survey - 500 rubles.

16.00-19.00 - posting advertisements - 500 rub.

Total: 2150 rub.

AiF expert opinion. A cleaning lady is not humiliating

Alexander Khoroshilov, Vice-Rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations:

There are many jobs available today, but most people who lose their jobs do not agree to take up lower-paid or less prestigious work. In the 70-80s. of the last century, young people did not disdain any kind of work. They earned money in construction teams, worked as janitors and watchmen. And the last two or three generations are spoiled. Many people believe that they should be paid only for coming to the office. Attitude to education also played a role. Many people in our country still think: I got my diploma and don’t need to study anymore. And now, in order to get a new job, you need to constantly improve your skills, and sometimes retrain.

Many readers of the site complain that they are unable to take the first step towards wealth - they are unable to start saving any amount each month. They live from paycheck to paycheck, and saving even 1,000 rubles is problematic for them.

To save money you need to either reduce expenses or increase income, and ideally do everything possible in both directions. Read the article "31 ways to save money this month" about how you can significantly reduce your expenses. And in this article we will look at ways to earn extra money that can increase your monthly income.

  1. Try to get a part-time job at your main job. Ask to combine your job responsibilities with those of a cleaner, watchman, security guard or secretary. During their student years, many of my friends worked as sales managers and cleaned their own office three times a week. This way you can earn at least 2000 - 3000 rubles per month.

  1. If you are a strong student, invite your fellow students or junior students to prepare them for exams. Explain a topic, help solve a problem. You can act as a tutor in any subject.

  1. Find a part-time job in your main specialty. If you are a doctor, teacher, driver, accountant, lawyer or builder, take on extra work from your friends and acquaintances. You can give injections, tutor, prepare a tax return, review a mortgage, help choose building materials, and much more. Such a part-time job will be a good addition to your main income.

  1. If you have a hobby and you know how to do something that other people pay money for, devote all your free time to it. You can sew, knit, create jewelry, paint pictures, create interior and decor items, sew soft toys and much more. You can sell your works of art either to friends and acquaintances, or through social networks, or on special websites of masters “Fair of Masters” and “MegaGrad”. This way you can earn at least 2000 - 3000 rubles per month.

  1. If you know how to cook well, then you can bake pies, make cakes and various salads to order. Often people celebrate birthdays or other events in a restaurant only to avoid having to cook anything at home. Customers can be found both among friends and acquaintances, and by creating your own page on social networks.

  1. If you are good with a computer, you can look for part-time work on a freelance site that you will do in the evenings and on weekends. The most suitable options for work that do not require special talents are typing, searching for information on the Internet, compiling and formatting tables in Excel, viewing vacancies or resumes, writing articles or reworking other people's articles. There are many options and everyone can choose for themselves what they can do. You can earn from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles per month.

  1. Complete short-term courses as a cosmetologist, massage therapist, manicurist, hairdresser. Of course, you won’t be able to earn a lot after the courses, but you can get additional income. If you love your part-time job, develop and improve your skills, you will be able to earn more over time than at your main job and completely change your career. Additional income - 5,000 - 10,000 rubles per month.

  1. If you are a young and healthy man, go unload the cars. Modern technology makes the work of a loader not as exhausting as before. Many rich people once worked as loaders and are not ashamed of it. Income per hour - 100 - 300 rubles.

  1. You can babysit someone else's child, take your child to the theater or circus, invite someone else's child to your home and babysit him along with your child, set up a mini kindergarten at home. This method of working part-time is very common in the USA among high school and college girls. The cost of childcare is 100 - 200 rubles per hour.

  1. In many countries, students wash car windshields at intersections and offer to take garbage from the car into a garbage bag, which they carry with them all the time. Not every driver will pay for window cleaning, but some will pay 50 rubles or 100 rubles. This is not begging, but really a real way to earn extra money for young people. Earnings in a few hours - from 500 rubles.

  1. Get a job posting notices or handing out leaflets at intersections. To do this, you need to contact a company that distributes leaflets. Approximate income - 100 rubles per hour, from 500 rubles per day.

And these are not all ways to earn extra money. You can earn extra money as a janitor, postman, courier, gardener, grow vegetables and herbs, make dumplings, make homemade cottage cheese and cheese, and much more. There would be a desire.

Don't waste what you earn. Put in

To repay the loan, and just to feel more confident. And although we do not believe that money is the most important aspect of life, we are still confident that extra ways to earn money will not hurt anyone - especially these days, when prices for everything around are rising every day (even faster than the dollar exchange rate), and salaries, of course, remain at the same level. This list contains the simplest and at the same time effective ways to earn money.

1. Recycle your old phone

Almost everyone has an old, killer phone called Nokia hidden somewhere in their bins. It could be thrown against the wall a hundred times a day, but it still worked properly. So, it turns out that many companies offer compensation for recycling old phones. You can check the list of these companies and try your luck to make money from it. You won't use old phones anyway, right?

2. Invite people to dinner

And your friends and family members can eat your cooking without fear, then you will like the following information. There is such a bourgeois site - “Eat With” - where people set a fixed fee for participating in a party, dinner, and the like. If anyone needs it, they simply sign up and send money. And you are already doing the whole holiday, which is described in detail in your ad. This service, in our opinion, is very cool. But it still lacks scale. No, it is distributed almost all over the world, but only two cities from Russia, St. Petersburg and Moscow, are listed in its database. Maybe smaller cities will appear soon, who knows.

3. Find a hack with moving

Offices often change their location. And all these tables, shelves, glass counters, cups, computers do not move on their own. Usually, movers are hired from companies, but this is not always the case. You can force yourself to drag all this for a fee, you can enter into a contract with a loading company for a specific date. Usually they pay as they go. You do the work and you get paid the same day. If you study this market, then this is a good way to earn a little extra money in your free hours - they pay well.

4. Be a taxi driver

There are many applications that allow you to find a car that is moving in the direction you want. Professional taxi drivers are tearing up and running because their jobs are being taken away from them. But this cannot be stopped - progress. So why not take advantage? If you have a car, then you can easily register in the application and set your own working hours, as well as pay. Keep in mind that it should be lower than that of official taxi drivers. Now more and more people are using this, especially when there is a crisis.

5. Distribute leaflets

It doesn't sound very good, I agree. But some companies offer decent pay for such work. It doesn't take much time - 4-5 hours a day in total. Usually they pay either by the hour or by the number of promotional materials distributed. One piece of advice: don’t throw stacks of advertisements in the trash. Believe me, they can watch you, you will still owe money.

6. Sell your unwanted junk

If on Saturday you set yourself the goal of sorting out your wardrobe, you will be very surprised that you have a huge amount of things that you don’t wear, that you don’t like, that you no longer fit into (less burgers, dude!). Unwanted clothes scattered around the house can turn into cash. There are stores that accept all sorts of junk, but in our situation the best option would be to put everything up for sale ourselves. There are a lot of groups on social networks dedicated to all kinds of flea markets, and there are also specialized websites. Well, if you have a busy area, you can have a sale right on the street, in your yard. If the Americans do it, then why can't we?

7. Test the site

Sometimes you come across such offers: test our site, fill out this form, what do you think and blah blah blah... So, many sites pay money for testing. Quite a bit, but you can make a couple of hundred from this.

8. Place your bets

We do not recommend this position to overly gambling players, but for people who are excellent at equestrian sports, football or hockey, there is a good opportunity to earn money. But first, test yourself without investing money, try to guess the outcome of the match based on your knowledge, and not at random. If you manage to guess correctly with enviable regularity, then place your first bet. We have familiar dudes who earn an extra 7-10 thousand rubles a month from this.

9. Sell your records

If you were a good student and studied while all the dudes were partying and indulging in drink, sex and violence, you can put your student records up for sale. It is best to scan the notes into PDF format, but this only works if your hand wrote in normal handwriting and not in Cthulhian scribbles. In Europe there is a whole service for selling such student notes. We don’t have anything like this yet, but that doesn’t mean that your notes won’t be useful to anyone.

10. Sell old books

You probably have a lot of books that are just waiting for you to re-read them for the tenth time. Any bookworm knows how hard it is to part with even the worst book in the collection, but sometimes the phrase: “If you love, let go,” is very true. In addition, books have now increased in price, and if the condition is good, you can make a good profit from the sale. In general, you can build an entire business on this - buying and selling books. I remember an acquaintance once bought a 19th-century book on fishing for a bottle of vodka. Now this book can probably buy ten cases of vodka, or even more.

11. Enter data

A very sad job that can bring you 3-5 thousand a month. You don’t need to invent anything, you just work for a company and enter data in documents: copy-paste, copy-paste, edit, send. And so on for several hours a day. If you can tolerate a boring routine, you can try it.

12. Become a secret shopper

Come over to the dark side of the force. Almost every city has such a vacancy, and you often come across such people in stores, but you never notice them. For you, they are ordinary customers, and for the store this is a great way to check the quality of the staff’s work. Usually they hire girls, but here you have to look at the specifics of the store. The pay is good - it doesn't take much time at all.

13. Sell your old CDs

Do you have a few boxes of old games? No? Did you throw them away last week? Idiot! In general, old-school games sell like cakes on the relevant forums. People collect rarities, and if you have a license, you can make good money. Some discs cost 2-3 thousand rubles, some won’t even cost 30 rubles. It all depends on the rarity and condition. In any case, it’s not worth hoarding all this. It's the digital age, but many people just squeal with joy when they see a disc of a '96 game.

14. Sell what you made yourself

It can be anything: from wooden beer stands to leather diaries, from glasses cases to knives. Of course, you will have to have some skill, but many people enjoy learning something like this. All this can develop into good additional income, the main thing is not to forget about marketing and advertising, and also do good things. We hope that factory production will continue to lose its audience - it’s more pleasant to hold in your hands something that has its own history.

15. Become a stringer

If you have a camera or are good at journalism, you can become a stringer - a journalist who works for himself and appears in the thick of things. The footage can be sold to various publications or channels, but you must understand that only hardcore stuff is bought from stringers: footage of fires, military conflicts, murders, etc. In general, the work is not for everyone, but it’s worth it.

16. Become an online tutor

If you have some skill, you can try your hand at tutoring. People who know English speak best. And you know, judging by the tutors we know, this doesn’t require any special teaching knowledge. If you know how to play the guitar decently, you can teach it too. Everything is in your hands, the main thing is that your students do not mark time, after all, they will pay the money.

17. Sell advertising

Now almost everyone has their own public page or website. If your community is quite large, you can look for people who will want to buy advertising from you. It will be best if your group has a purely regional flavor. Then it will be possible to cooperate with local stores. The main thing is not to spoil the group with clumsy advertising, let it be unobtrusive and exciting.

How to find a part-time job in Moscow: proven methods. Websites for finding part-time work. Tips on how to avoid scammers.

It's easy to increase your income. To do this, you need to spend time outside of your main activity usefully. Another option is a part-time job. Additional income won’t hurt, and if you like this activity, you can literally combine business with pleasure.

Is it difficult to find a part-time job in Moscow?

Good work is difficult to find everywhere, not only in the capital. As for part-time work, the situation in this market is a little simpler. Loaders, couriers, and advertisers are constantly needed - for a short period of time and for little money.

It is enough to “browse” through job advertisement sites with daily pay and you will find many vacancies. Typically, part-time jobs do not require special skills and are aimed mainly at students looking for income during the holidays.

For example: now only on the “City of Works” there are about 265 courier vacancies, 195 loader vacancies, 149 waiter vacancies and hundreds of others with daily pay. Therefore, difficulties with temporary employment should not arise, especially in a metropolis.

The capital is a city of prospects. With a bit of initiative and entrepreneurship, you can earn much more than just pocket money.

As for approximate amounts, you can earn from 10 to 100 thousand rubles monthly just from part-time jobs in the capital. The exact figure depends on the job. A construction assistant will earn more than a dishwasher.

The most popular ideas for part-time work

You can find a part-time job with anyone: from the simplest to the most crazy ideas. Below are the most popular vacancies with daily pay in Moscow.

Courier, delivery person

There are 2 options for working in this specialty: on foot or by car (both personal and issued by the employer). The employee must have the following qualities:

  • decency,
  • mobility,
  • communication skills
  • pleasant appearance,
  • non-conflict,
  • sociability,
  • obligation,
  • punctuality.

Online stores, delivery services, cafes and restaurants with home delivery services are especially in need of courier services. Organizations often resort to the help of couriers when they need to quickly deliver documentation from one office to another.

The amount of daily payments for such work starts from 2 thousand rubles.

Working as a courier in Moscow can bring in from 2.5 thousand rubles. daily

Before starting work, the employee is given instructions and a route is assigned. You can carry out your activities both during the day and at night.

Laborer, loader

For men in good physical shape, part-time work as a loader is suitable. Most often, such specialists are required in factories and warehouses, where it is necessary to unload materials and drag them inside the production premises.

The average amount a loader can earn starts from 1.5 thousand rubles per day of work.

A vacancy for a general worker in Moscow with daily pay starts from 1.5 thousand rubles. regular profit

General workers are most often required on construction sites, where the main foreman needs various types of assistance: prepare concrete mortar, bring materials, etc. For his work, a general worker can receive from 2 thousand rubles daily.


Considering the pace of life in Moscow, mothers do not always have time to care for their children - this is where a nanny is needed.

There are a large number of recruitment agencies in the capital. And it’s better to go there than through an advertisement in the newspaper, because this area is quite risky - often they don’t pay the money they earn or labor rights are violated (unpaid overtime, etc.). In an agency, working relationships are certified by a contract.

Most often, the nanny is offered free accommodation in the same house with the child and free food. The salary depends on how much the parents can allocate. In Moscow, this figure starts from 10 thousand rubles monthly.

Working as a nanny in Moscow requires a daily payment of 1,000 rubles. for part-time work

The most common six-day work schedule, but even here everything depends on the employment of the parents. A floating one is also suitable for part-time work.


Working as a promoter is suitable for students and any people who do not have certain skills. In Moscow, where new establishments open regularly, promoters are constantly needed.

Typically, the duties of employees include distributing leaflets, advising clients on company products, and conducting questionnaires. In the capital, such specialists earn from 150 to 350 rubles hourly.

Working as a promoter in Moscow, you can earn from 2 thousand rubles daily


Depending on the place of work, a dishwasher can earn from 500–800 rubles per shift. The larger and more reputable the company, the higher the payment. In some, for example, dishwashers can earn up to 1,500 rubles per shift. Responsibilities include keeping dishes clean.

As a rule, a dishwasher in Moscow can earn from 500–800 rubles per shift

This part-time job is suitable for both sexes. To get started, you will need a medical record and self-confidence.

Taxi driver

In the capital, temporary work as a taxi driver is the most profitable. Often a personal car is not required - only the ability to drive. Most companies provide their own vehicle for work.

Taxiing can be done both on a regular basis and when time permits; both during the day and at night; both for yourself and for the official passenger transportation service.

If you work for yourself, you can earn from 4 to 5 thousand rubles per day. However, taxi drivers are increasingly abandoning this practice, as customers trust licensed taxi services more.

In network services, tariffs in the capital range from 300 to 700 rubles. Having 10 clients daily, there is every opportunity to receive from 45 to 90 thousand monthly.


Nail technicians can work in home or office settings. This part-time job involves certain financial investments to purchase tools. Of course, you cannot do without certain skills in this area.

A manicurist can earn from 3-4 thousand rubles a day. The exact amount depends on the cost of services and the number of clients.

A manicurist's daily earnings vary depending on the number of his clients.

Call center operator

This type of part-time job cannot be called one-time. If you have good equipment, you can constantly work at home.

Responsibilities typically include assisting clients with problems that arise. Most often they are related to banking products.

Monthly earnings start from 15 thousand rubles. Depending on the company, you may receive daily payments.

Copywriter, article editor

Part-time work with the most flexible schedule, except for the time allotted for preparing the material. There are many exchanges on the Internet where you can write articles, edit them and make money from it.

Most popular resources:

  • Monica (base rate from 40 rubles per 1000 characters with subsequent increases, weekly payments);
  • ETXT (initial price - 5 rubles per kilosign, payments at any time upon user request);
  • Advego (beginners receive from 15 rubles for 1000 characters, the minimum withdrawal to a bank card is 500 rubles);
  • TurboText (beginning authors write at a price of 36–45 rubles per kilosign; as the level increases, more expensive orders become available, payments 3 times a week: Wednesday, Friday and Sunday).

Daily earnings depend entirely on the efforts of the author. For some specialists, copywriting has long become the only way to earn money.

Ways to find temporary work in the capital

The most common way to find a part-time job is the Internet. Today, there are hundreds of classifieds sites, some of which specialize specifically in job placement assistance. But among such diversity, there is a high chance of meeting scammers, so you need to use the Internet for this purpose with the utmost caution.

The classic way is advertisements in newspapers and magazines. Usually the job advertisement column is located on the last pages. Some publications devote more than one spread to these sections. One of the most striking examples of such a newspaper is “Work for You.”

Today you can still find a job through an advertisement in the newspaper.

The third way is the labor exchange. Mostly people who have lost their jobs go there. It is also suitable for looking for a part-time job with daily pay. In addition to guarantees of safety during employment, you can get a job at the labor exchange only with official registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Where to look for suitable vacancies - websites

Verified sites for finding part-time work in Moscow with daily payment are the best way to find a job. Among these are:

  1. Helper (the site is currently temporarily closed for reconstruction). The site provides a wide selection of vacancies for men and women. Applicants are called assistants or “helpers.” Employers place advertisements, and the contractor chooses any one he likes. On Helper you can find both real part-time work and remote work.
  2. . The site specializes in delivery services. Suitable for those who want to work as a courier, deliver goods or transport documents. When the work is completed, the contractor receives rating points that affect the level of customer trust. The higher the rating, the more orders the contractor can count on.
    On the main page of the Porucheno website you can see a list of available services
  3. Throw yourself with the Hog. Mostly small errands are found here: delivery, dog walking, etc. The site interface is convenient and understandable. If you wish, you can become a verified performer by confirming your identity. For successful completion of the task, the system retains a small commission.
    A specialist who is ready for small, simple tasks can find a job on the website Throwing Kabanchikom. A resident or guest of the capital can find a job on the website Base of Khaltury

A few simple tips for job seekers in Moscow that will help save time, money and positive emotions:

  1. Do not trust an employer who demands money for employment. Paying to work sounds alarming, to say the least. Unscrupulous employers demand an advance payment from employees as a guarantee of their integrity. Of course, later they disappear.
  2. Don't agree to an unpaid probationary period. Most likely, this condition is offered by scammers. When the probationary period ends, there will definitely be a reason why your bosses didn’t like you. It turns out that you worked for free without receiving any benefits.
  3. Sign an employment contract. This document guarantees that you will receive the agreed salary on the appropriate date. Without an employment contract, an unscrupulous employer may simply not pay, and legally he cannot be accused of anything, since there is no proof of the act of applying for a job.
  4. Do not give away original documents. Agree, sometimes it’s scary to give a passport to even acquaintances, let alone strangers. Honest employers will not require original documents - photocopies will be sufficient. Only scammers ask for originals.
  5. Read reviews about the employer. Some job search sites offer you to leave your review or read existing reviews about the employer. Such a measure will not be superfluous.

Finding a part-time job in Moscow with daily pay is easy. You just need to be diligent and remember to be careful so as not to stumble upon scammers.