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What business to develop in a small town. Unusual business ideas for a big city

What you can open in a small town: weighing the pros and cons + 3 tips for choosing your business + 40 business options in a small town.

Do you live in a small village or town and have a commercial background?

At the same time, you think what can you open in a small town?

Then the article is written for you.

Of course, there will be fewer potential buyers, but the costs of opening a project will also decrease (compared to a metropolis).

Competition in small towns and villages is usually low.

A small town is a populated area with a population of 50,000-100,000 people.

There are more than 80% of such towns, cities and villages in Russia.

Experts believe that opening a business in such towns is more profitable than in megacities.

What to open in a small town: taking into account the pros and cons

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the idea of ​​opening a business in a small town:

Lower capital investments than in a metropolis: lower rental costs, lower advertising costs.Low purchasing power reduces profits.
Lower employee salaries.It is difficult to select qualified specialists.
Word of mouth will reduce advertising costs.Word of mouth can quickly destroy a reputation if it gets screwed up. A personal negative reputation can also affect a business.
Cheap local raw materials.Expensive imported raw materials.
There is less competition: it is easier to open something that is not yet available in the locality.There is higher competition for the main, traditional groups of goods.
When competition is low, the demand for goods and services is higher.Fewer buyers means less profit.
Starting a business has fewer obstacles than in a metropolis. There are preferential programs.A narrower choice of business ideas due to conservative tastes. It is better to refuse exotic ideas.

Let's analyze the table and try to decide on the choice of case:

    Are there not many entrepreneurs in the city selling basic consumer goods (food, clothing, shoes)?

    Choose this particular line of business.

    Basic goods should be understood as products that you cannot do without in everyday life.

    There is always a demand for it.

    Occupying this niche means ensuring your success.

    Let's say the niche of traditional goods and services is relatively occupied.

    Then you need to determine what there is demand for, but what competitors do not yet have.

    You can offer these products to your fellow countrymen, simultaneously expanding the range of consumer goods.

    The highest profits can come from organizing a small plant or production using local raw materials.

    But you should immediately take into account one very important point characteristic of.

    The main end consumer is not city residents.

    Such an undertaking will bring profit when producing large quantities of products aimed at delivery to regions.

    This is the most capital-intensive type of business in a small town.

Options for starting your own business in a small town

You are not the first to think about the question of what to open in a small town .

Let's look at various projects that have already been successfully implemented more than once in different localities of Russia.

Maybe one of these business options will appeal to you and will suit the area.

Its business in food and agriculture

“A man who is lucky is a man who has done what others were only about to do.”
Jules Renard

Therefore, selling food is an eternal business.

If you are located near a major city, you can arrange deliveries there.

Sell ​​the surplus products in your village.

What kind of business can you do?

    Prepare pickles, marinades, preserve vegetables, fruits and berries.

    They are sold to factories, cafes, and restaurants.

  • Engage in milk processing (cottage cheese, cheese, cream are in demand).
  • Open a small cheese making shop.

    A business in a small town can easily be positioned as an eco-economy.

    And this topic is popular now.

    Semi-finished products are also in demand today due to the total employment of people in large cities.

    Good quality minced meat, dumplings, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, meatballs, meatballs, cutlets, dough is the key to your income.

    Take up baking bread and baked goods.

    The service will definitely be in demand.

    Grandmothers now are not what they used to be: working and not in a hurry to burden themselves with grandchildren, knitting and staying at home.

    A young mother often has no one to entrust with looking after her child.

    Service station with driving school services.

    This endeavor can be combined with a store selling auto parts and car resale services.

    Photo salon.

    Business can be combined with organizing the design and holding of special events (video and photography, production of booklets, photo books, portraits, toastmaster for parties, corporate events);

    Sewing and clothing repair studio.

    Additionally, you can open paid training courses.

    Shoe workshop.

    An establishment that, in times of total price increases, only becomes more popular.

    Business can be combined with shoe making.

    Creative activities for children.

    Fitness, yoga for kids, foreign languages, drawing.

    "Green tourism".

    If a small town is located in a picturesque place.

    Internet cafe.

    With photocopying services, printing photos and texts.

    Additionally, you can open training on using a PC.

    Repair service for household appliances and appliances.

    Like a shoe workshop, the business will definitely be in demand.

    Workshop for reupholstery, repair and production of furniture.

    Household services service.

    An analogue of the “husband for an hour” business: chop wood for a client, dig a garden, hang a chandelier, fix a faucet, an electrical outlet.

    The demand will be not only from single women, but also from retirees and busy young people.


    You can start such a business without any start-up investment at all.

    It is only important to have sufficient qualifications.

    Vet clinic.

    It also requires a specialized education.

    It’s a big plus if clients have the opportunity to contact us around the clock.

    After all, in small towns few people have such a competitive advantage.

How to open a business in a small town in the field of trade?

Trade is a simple and popular line of business.

Often in small towns and villages, one store offers different product segments at the same time.

In this business niche you can open:

    Flower shop.

    In addition to arranging bouquets, they organize the sale of indoor plants, seeds, household and garden chemicals, tools, and related literature.

    The organization of banquets and celebrations can be combined with the services of a toastmaster.

    Baby food and goods store.

    In especially small cities, it is better to present this product segment in a regular store.

    Classic store (groceries or clothing,).

    Online store.

    You can organize the delivery of large equipment and other goods, and the buyer will not need to go to another locality to pick them up.

Your own business in handicrafts

You can try to make money from your hobby or skill, teach your craft.

But here the final consumer of the product will definitely be in large populated areas.

You will have to participate in fairs and outdoor events.

This will incur shipping costs.

If you don't have any ideas for what to do, take a look at these ideas:

    Wicker weaving.

    There is a prospect of expansion into furniture production.

    Demand, however, cannot be called high.


    You can present products not only at exhibitions and public events, but also in online stores.

    Blacksmith craft.

    A promising business that can be combined with welding work.

    At the moment, the trend is voluminous scarves - snoods.

    They are easy to produce and the demand for the product is high.

    Making soap and candles.

    It has become especially popular in recent years.

    Involves making original blankets, pillows, bags, and panels from scraps.

    Making jewelry and jewelry.

    They use cold porcelain techniques, quilling, soutache embroidery, wool felting, wood carving, beadwork, tatting, and a traditional set of jewelry made from beads and stones.

    Leather production.

    Such products (saddles, harnesses, belts) are sold only to special categories of buyers.

    Finding sales points is not so easy, and this needs to be understood.

What else to do in a small town and how to generate business ideas,

explained in the video:

An example of what you can open in a small town: your own apiary

Capital investments (30 hives): 130,000 rubles.
Payback period: from 1 year.

Let's look at how to open your own business using the example of an apiary (for central Russia and further south).

To begin with, you can purchase 10 hives and work without assistants.

Such an apiary will allow you to become familiar with the business, especially if you have never dealt with it.

You will pump out honey for yourself and sell the excess.

But in fact, such a volume of production is not a business yet, but only additional income.

An apiary of 20-30 hives is the minimum volume for self-employment status.

Such an enterprise can become the main source of your income.

As a rule, this is a family affair.

Apiary staff

We can talk about 50-100 hives.

Such a business cannot be opened without additional workers.

You will need at least 2 people for every 20-30 hives during the honey harvest season to look after them.

Duties need to be organized in shifts.

What tools will you need for your business?

  • overalls (gloves, suit, mask with mesh);
  • frames, wire;
  • foundation;
  • beekeeping chisel;
  • bee knife;
  • smoker;
  • fork;
  • drinking bowls, queen cells;
  • preparations for the treatment of bees;
  • honey extractor;
  • wax grinder;
  • hives.

From the second season, the apiary can generate on average from 20% to 150% of net profit.

It should be noted that beekeepers make money not only from honey.

wax, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, bee-bread, bee-bread, and wax are in demand.

You can also sell young bee colonies - offshoots.

The provided list of 40 ideas is far from complete.

However, it can help you navigate how to open a business in a small town, and whether it’s worth getting down to business at all.

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What kind of business can you open in a small town, village or rural area with minimal capital?

What business to open in a village, town or small town - basic rules

Starting your own business in a small town is a rather difficult task associated with many risks.

For example, or sports, which have difficulty becoming profitable even in a big city, are unlikely to become successful in a small town. The specificity of small cities is that a business that will be useful and interesting to the population can become truly profitable.

To avoid fierce competition, lack of a sufficient number of customers and minimal profits, you need to choose the right business idea that best meets the needs and requirements of a small city.

Advice! To start a business, you can limit yourself to minimal investments - a starting capital of 100 thousand rubles will allow you to organize a profitable business in a small town, village or village. At first, you can work from home or use an empty space, such as a garage.

If you already have ideas for creating your own business from scratch, and you are ready to seriously consider these options now, make sure that they all comply with the “three NOT” rule:

  1. in a small town, village or rural area should not require a large number of highly qualified specialists. Of course, there are a few smart employees in every locality, but most of the well-educated professionals with experience in a particular field are looking for work in large cities. For example, by opening a company that provides software development services, you will not feel the pressure of competitors, but you will not be able to do it without a good team of competent specialists. In addition, this type of business is intended for large cities.
  2. Your business should not have a narrow specialization. A business can only become profitable if there is demand for it, that is, a sufficient number of clients. So, by opening a luxury cosmetics store or yoga courses in a small town or village, you will not be able to get a large client base necessary for business prosperity.
  3. The idea you choose for implementation should not raise many questions and doubts - the goals and directions of your own business should be as clear and interesting as possible to a businessman. Uncertainty often leads to serious mistakes, therefore, before starting a business, you need to carefully consider your action plan and take into account all possible risks and troubles.

What bonuses does a business owner in a small locality receive?

Despite the many difficulties, doing business in a small town or rural area can be profitable with the right approach and quality work.

  1. To organize your own business in a town or village, you can get by with minimal capital. The cost of renting premises in small towns is always less than in large cities. In addition, wages for employees are much lower. There is also an opportunity to save on advertising - just a couple of weeks of high-quality and conscientious work and almost everyone will know about you!

Important: organizing a business in small towns is possible with minimal investment - with a starting capital of 100 thousand rubles, you have the opportunity to open a profitable and growing business!

  1. Large and famous companies rarely open their representative offices in small towns or villages. A businessman has a chance to correct this and establish a profitable business. By becoming the only distributor of high-quality branded products, you will protect yourself from competition and ensure your own business.

This idea cannot be implemented without concluding a formal agreement between the entrepreneur and the owners of the company whose products the businessman will sell.

The agreement clearly defines and regulates the sale of branded products.

  1. Given a favorable environment and a successful state of affairs, you can always engage in outsourcing and expand the boundaries of your business by providing services or goods to clients from big cities. Opening a profitable business in a small town is much easier than in a metropolis, and over time it can be developed and the geography of activity expanded.

Business ideas for 100 thousand rubles

Entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly popular not only among residents of big cities, but also in small towns.

Any business, even the most modest one, requires certain investments. In modern realities, it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish a profitable business in a big city with only 100 thousand rubles as starting capital, while in a provincial town or in a rural area, you can organize a fairly profitable business with these funds.

Business ideas for 100,000 rubles in a small town:

  • Mini real estate agency. This type of business is suitable for people who have some experience in this field, for example, former realtors, while the entrepreneur does not need to hire a large staff. To start an agency, it is enough to rent a small room. An initial capital of 100 thousand rubles is enough to organize an agency in a small town.

Advice! Despite the fact that the services of companies selling real estate are becoming more in demand every year, before organizing a business, you need to make sure that you will have a sufficient client base in your city.

  • Atelier for sewing or repairing clothes. In small towns there are not many such services, however, there is always a demand for them. Opening your own atelier is a good idea for those who are interested in this field. In addition, in small towns you are likely to assemble a good team of employees for your organization.

Advice! At first, to start a small studio, it is not at all necessary to rent a room - the work can be quite successfully done at home.

  • Creative agency. With 100 thousand rubles in a small town you can open a good creative agency that will specialize in advertising. Even in a small city, the advertising sphere is developing and unusual, interesting ideas will always come in handy. To organize such a business, it is absolutely not necessary to have a specialized education, and the team itself can consist of only a few or even one person at first. In addition, you can open such a business with even smaller investments, for example, having a starting capital of 50 thousand. With a minimum amount of money you can start working as an agency from home.

What business to open in a village for 100,000?

Living in a rural area, in a village or in a small town, with 100 thousand rubles you can organize a fairly profitable and quickly paid off business.

  • One of the best ideas to implement in a village is opening. With a starting capital of 100 thousand, you can open a grocery store or a household chemicals store. This business option will definitely be profitable and will pay off in a short time;
  • Installation of satellite dishes or Internet. In rural areas, an organization that provides the services of a high-quality Internet provider will be very useful. To implement such an idea, an entrepreneur should enter into an agreement with a large company that provides Internet or television services and organize a small representative office in his town or village. Capital of 100 thousand will allow you to purchase the minimum set of equipment necessary to start your business. This business option can also be carried out from home.
  • Auto repair shop. To open your own in a rural area, it is enough to get by with a capital of even less than 100 thousand. An entrepreneur can carry out this type of activity at home - in his own garage.

What business to open in a small town for 500,000 rubles

In a small town or rural area, there are many useful and profitable ideas for organizing your own business with a capital of 500,000 rubles, for example:

  • Auto parts store in garage. This business option pays off well in small towns and villages. In addition to selling ordinary auto parts, which are also sold in other stores, you can start distributing a franchise, for example, automotive chemicals from a foreign manufacturer, which are not available for free sale in your locality. You can start such a business at home or rent a small space;
  • 500,000 rubles is a sufficient investment for a car wash. This option of owning your own business is also possible at home by equipping your own garage. However, the best option would be to rent specialized premises;
  • Flower shop - to open such a business, it is enough to have a starting capital of 500,000 rubles, which will allow you to rent a good premises and purchase the necessary equipment, for example, refrigerators for flowers. Recommended starting capital is 1,000,000 rubles.

Advice!For greater profitability of a flower shop, it is worth organizing the order of bouquets on the Internet and providing customers with prompt and high-quality delivery.

What business to open during a crisis with minimal investment?

It is generally accepted that a crisis is the best time for change. Even during a difficult economic situation, competent entrepreneurs have the opportunity to start a profitable business from scratch and with minimal investment, the main thing is to choose the right idea and implement it with the highest quality possible.

In a crisis, it is worth giving preference to those business options that best satisfy the needs of society, that is, analyze which goods or services are most popular during the crisis period.

Ideas for starting your own business from scratch with minimal investment:

  • Grocery store - food products are always in demand, so this business option will quickly pay for itself and begin to make a profit even in a crisis. To open a small store, it is enough to have a starting capital of 500,000 rubles;
  • Renovating apartments or private houses - oddly enough, in times of crisis, this type of business is developing well and brings in a stable income. A company providing repair services will be in demand both in a small city and in a village and even in rural areas. To start repair activities, you can get by with minimal investments;
  • Car service. In times of crisis, when the services of official dealers become very expensive, many car owners prefer to have their cars repaired in private services. If you have a starting capital of 500,000 rubles, you can rent a good premises and purchase a minimum set of equipment that will be needed in the first stages;
  • Online business from home. The basis for implementing this type of business can be writing advertising texts or translations from foreign languages. Experienced programmers can provide qualified services while working from home and with virtually no investment.

For starting a business in a small town or village, there are a large number of interesting and profitable ideas that can be implemented with minimal investment, alone or with a team of like-minded people, at home.

It is important to approach the task as responsibly as possible, analyze the specifics of doing business in a particular locality and develop a high-quality action plan.

How to build a business in a small town?

In this material:

Business ideas for a big city may differ markedly from those in small provincial towns. But a business in a large city does not have to be large-scale, because small businesses can also be successfully developed in megacities. Where there is a large customer base, there are many chances to make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality.

Ideas for creative people

The rise of social media in the country has created an ideal environment for creatives such as writers and graphic designers to use their talents to produce high-quality content.

This content is always in demand in large companies and media.

The high concentration of businesses in large cities, combined with the growing popularity of temporary employees, creates an excellent breeding ground for the development of professional freelancers.

Business in a big city will not be a problem for those who have skillful hands and are not deprived of design talent. For example, you can start organizing living space for people who have bought or built a new home. People are constantly looking for ways to maximize their living space by making cramped rooms feel more spacious, but not everyone has the necessary patience and imagination. This is where an interior design specialist will come to their aid.

Megacities tend to suffer from pollution and lack of fresh air. To combat this problem, many city residents are interested in growing greenery. You can help them make their daily lives more environmentally friendly and start providing services to improve the local ecosystem. Let specially trained consultants assess the areas around homes and businesses and then offer solutions on how best to plant trees, shrubs, flowers and other attributes needed for clean air.

Helping people solve everyday problems

A big city is a great place to start a dog walking business idea, since apartment buildings are home to many pet owners who simply don’t have enough time to pay attention to their pets. Residents of apartments, unlike owners of mansions, are usually deprived of their own land where they could keep dogs without any problems.

You can try hanging notices in the courtyard of your multi-story building, and with a high degree of probability one of the neighbors will entrust you with their pet for an appropriate fee.

But do not be mistaken that such work will be too easy. Pets require specific care, so you need to be willing to learn the theory behind dog care and put it into practice.

Working parents usually have very little free time as they juggle between earning money and caring for children. They often don't have time to do even important things like shopping at the grocery store or picking up packages at the post office.

Theoretically, an entrepreneur could free parents from such worries and take them upon themselves for an appropriate fee. With the help of public transport you can significantly save the cost of moving around the city.

A big city has hundreds of thousands of people, each of whom needs proper, balanced nutrition. But not every one of them has the opportunity to cook delicious food at home, and not all areas of the city have a suitable canteen or restaurant. In such a situation, an enterprising person might think about a mobile snack bar that can be installed inside a truck or bus.

If some area of ​​the city turns out to be unprofitable, then it will be possible to move to any other part of the locality without any problems.

no matter Auto Jewelry and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Food Gifts Manufacturing Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health products Business services (b2b) Services for the population Financial services

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There are many opinions that it is difficult for a small business to develop in a small town - this is a wrong opinion and there is plenty of evidence for this. Business ideas for a small town take into account the specifics of the locality. In any town there are people with a “commercial spirit”, but you can always realize your potential, the main thing is desire.

It’s not only in megacities that you can earn good money, because people need services and goods anywhere. A small town is a settlement that is larger in number of people than a rural settlement, but smaller than a large city.

In Russia, about 80% of people live in small towns; for this reason, business ideas for entrepreneurs starting their activities in a small town have many platforms for work.

Expert opinion who does business in a small town:

  1. People permanently living there.
  2. A businessman with close relatives in a small town.
  3. An entrepreneur who uses modern technologies to develop his business.

You can understand what a profitable business is from the quote:

Our main task is not to look into the foggy distance of the future, but to act now, in the direction that we can see.

(The main direction of business is not to see what lies vaguely in the distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand). Thomas Carlyle

Opening a small business in a small town has its advantages for a novice entrepreneur: less investment and spending on advertising activities.

The problems of small towns that small businesses can solve include:

  • weak infrastructure;
  • insufficient range of necessary products;
  • lack of entertainment;
  • insufficient services to the population.

Important! In any case, before opening a business in a small town, you need to do a market analysis in the region. Thoroughly examine its infrastructure, understand what the residents of a small town need.

Most aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in business ideas from scratch in a small city, which has its own characteristics. Each small city has its own unique nuances for business - they must be taken into account in order to build the best business in the region.

Experts have identified several signs that are similar to small towns:

  1. Lack of necessary goods for the population. Depending on the size of the settlement, this may be: a “poorly” presented food basket for the consumer, a limited number of entertainment venues or their complete absence (nightclub, bar, playgrounds, etc.). For these reasons, residents of small settlements have to travel to the nearest large cities to realize their desires.
  2. An unusual business that is not natural for the region (an ice skating rink among the sands) can attract many potential clients if the entrepreneur has an excellent reputation. In a small town, an opinion about a businessman is “expensive.” For this reason, you need to carefully select personnel for your business: respectful attitude towards people, maximum attention to the needs of customers, etc.
  3. The ability to make often expensive purchases among residents of small towns is lower than among people living in megacities; this is due to lower labor remuneration (salary). This must be taken into account when opening your own business in a small locality, based on the capabilities of people, and build a pricing policy.
  4. It is easier to implement business ideas of 2019 in a small locality, it is easier to open a business. In a small town, becoming an individual entrepreneur is much easier than in a metropolis and it costs less.
  5. When opening your own business in a small town, you need to understand that the maximum demand for products is limited by the number of residents of the town, until the business begins to cover neighboring towns.
  6. A good business, the idea of ​​which has long been in need of implementation, also requires qualified specialists, if it is a small business with a narrow profile. It can be difficult to find such a specialist locally; it is necessary to invite him from a large city.
  7. Experts recommend that businesses hire local people, if there are no special qualification restrictions, it costs less for the entrepreneur, job openings, reputation, free advertising.

Attention! Before choosing an idea for a business in a small town and starting to implement it, be sure to study the region of work, understand the lifestyle of the population, and correctly assess the public demand for goods necessary for life.

Business areas in a small town

According to experts, opening your own business in a small town is easier than in a metropolis, but you must, first of all, choose a direction of activity. An aspiring entrepreneur should first of all consider a business in which he has experience or skills that he knows. If you have no experience, you need to have a great desire to engage in the chosen area of ​​activity, since the business will take 24 hours a day until you fully understand and establish it.

When answering the question of what kind of business to open, an entrepreneur should consider the following factors::

  • in what field of activity does he have experience, so to open an ordinary hairdressing salon, it is advisable to understand hairstyle models, have artistic taste, and for men opening production, have experience working on production lines;
  • what personal time and how much of it a future entrepreneur can devote to the business, taking into account the time of working staff;
  • the presence of desire and interest in the opening business, this is not just income, but also risks, experiences, the struggle for leadership in the area of ​​activity;
  • how the entrepreneur’s activities will be perceived by the local population, what is the public demand for this business.

When faced with the question of what to do in a small town, a budding entrepreneur’s business has several promising directions to choose from:

  1. Providing services to the population. This is a win-win option for starting a business without investment; you can organize work from home: private hairdresser, key making, minor repairs of household appliances, and other types of business. Be sure to research the work of your competitors, find the “weak” links in their work, and provide the best service.
  2. Sales. Opening a store (grocery, clothing, household appliances, 1000 small items) is a profitable business option. We need to understand what products are missing and offer a wide range.
  3. Organization of small production. Almost all small towns are organized around one large enterprise. In this locality you can open a small workshop with a full cycle of work, from raw materials to the finished product: a bakery, a sewing workshop, and other enterprises.
  4. In any locality, people are attentive to their health; health-improving medical offices can be opened. This type of activity requires a license and specialists with medical education.
  5. A small town and its borders provide an opportunity to engage in agriculture, open a farm or a workshop for processing farm products.
  6. Modern possibilities of the Internet cannot be excluded from business activities in a small town; you can open centers for training in working with a PC, organize computer servicing, use the capabilities of the network in organizing screenings of films, video materials of thematic area, and other opportunities.

Attention! Always after choosing a direction of activity and assessing the regional market for the area of ​​​​activity, experts recommend that the aspiring entrepreneur draw up an action plan (business plan). It reflects step by step what needs to be done to open a business and operate it.

A bad leader knows what needs to be done. And a good one shows how to do it. Anatoly Lunacharsky.

How to write a business plan correctly

Business ideas in a small town always require a preliminary action plan (business plan).

This stage should not be neglected at the beginning of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary:

  • financial institutions where you can get a business loan;
  • investors from whom it is planned to take a loan;
  • for a correct understanding of the strategic task of an organized business and the ways of its development;
  • for a businessman to fully understand the essence of the idea of ​​entrepreneurial activity and the reality of its implementation.

A profitable business in a small town, ideas for it are the economic activities of an entrepreneur with the goal of making a profit and providing a paid service. A business plan is the basis for the implementation of any business idea.

  • defining the objectives of entrepreneurial activity, setting realistic goals, what the entrepreneur wants to get from the business;
  • perform an analysis of the regional market where business activities will be carried out;
  • choose a product, product for sale or service;
  • draw up a plan for promotional activities;
  • write down on paper where to start;
  • selection of employees for business activities, determination of their qualifications;
  • the required amount of investment, the choice of sources for obtaining credit money;
  • draw up a financial plan for the payback of the business, calculate the point without loss, and obtain net income.

Business ideas proposed by experts for a small town require a detailed business plan, their analysis, and the possibility of implementation in the region of residence.

Attention! Each action plan has a summary, and how it is written determines whether the business plan will be reviewed and approved by an investor or financial institution.

TOP 7 ideas for business in the service sector

You can start a business from scratch in a small town in the service sector; they are always in demand.

An entrepreneur can offer different services:

  • open a beauty salon, make “stylish” ones, and also serve pensioners at discounts;
  • legal support services for business and public consultation;
  • transport cargo, organize relocations;
  • homeschool;
  • other services.

Opening your own business in a small town means minimizing the risk of entrepreneurial activity, correctly calculating the payback time of the enterprise - returning the investment in full, paying off all costs associated with starting a business, and identifying ways to increase profits. It is the service sector that gives an entrepreneur the opportunity to quickly return the money invested in the business.

Idea No. 1 Copying documents

An idea for a new business in a small town could be a copy center - an office where, in addition to copying documents, you can offer the population related services.

An entrepreneur must spend money to start his own business.:

  • selection of premises and its rental;
  • purchase of equipment necessary for work;
  • office furniture;
  • Consumables.

Potential clients in this business can be: students, clients of banks and notary offices, visitors of the Pension Fund and other government agencies. Now almost everywhere you need to make copies of documents.

There is high competition in this field of activity, but by following simple rules you can get a good income from business:

  1. A person doesn’t care where to make a copy of a document or take an urgent photo; an important factor is the price of the service.
  2. At the stage of drawing up an action plan, evaluate the work of competitors; there is an option to offer cooperation when their “weaknesses” are identified.
  3. We can offer the population a different format for providing services and purchase better equipment.

In addition to copying documents, offer the public:

  • making photographs;
  • scanning any client information material;
  • creating business cards;
  • document lamination service;
  • working with different media;
  • souvenir trade;
  • sale of stationery, pens, files, other goods.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity for this type of service costs about 3 thousand rubles, depending on the region of residence of the entrepreneur. A businessman’s expenses for a year of work are about 2 million 500 thousand rubles: rent, employee payments, taxes, utility bills, consumables, and other expenses. Annual income is about 3 million 800 thousand rubles. Profit for a year of operation will be 1 million 300 thousand rubles.

Idea No. 2 Tutoring

What to do in a small town business idea for entrepreneurial activity - tutoring. Even in a small town this idea is very profitable. If you are fluent in a foreign language or some subject, you can make good money from it. In addition, you can now teach online, anywhere in the world. This expands your capabilities on an incredible scale.

Today, online lessons via Skype are very popular; you can earn from 500 rubles in one hour. Many people also use YouTube, this makes it possible to get new clients and make their presence known. It works like this - you shoot a video lesson and post it on your channel.

Attention! This type of service is suitable for a person with the following qualities:

  • the ability to constantly improve one’s own knowledge, to thoroughly know the subject of teaching;
  • the ability to correctly express your thoughts so that they are understandable to listeners of any age group;
  • find individual approaches to students.

Tutoring does not require the future entrepreneur to spend a lot of money. You need to be a responsible person and punctual, then a business can be organized without investment. The Internet makes it possible to spread your activities not only in the city, but also outside it.

Idea No. 3 Tailoring

Business idea, a home tailor, in other words, a home-based atelier in a small town. This type of service is more suitable for a girl or woman with experience as a seamstress or cutter.

Starting from adolescence, all women are interested in fashion design. Making women beautiful is a difficult craft.

Who is this business for?:

  • fashion designer;
  • clothes designer;
  • a person with experience in cutting materials and artistic taste;
  • a tailor with fashion designer ambitions.

Ideas for starting a business - a home studio will help:

  • work at home;
  • you must have experience working with materials, be able to sew, cut;
  • registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • starting investments of about 100 thousand rubles: purchase of equipment, materials;
  • first profit from 15-20 thousand rubles per month.

Idea No. 4 Walking animals

Business idea, an interesting type of entrepreneurial activity - animal walking. The lack of time for most people makes it possible to provide this service. A pet is a positive emotion in the family; in addition to the joy of communicating with a pet, household members take on the responsibilities of caring for it. You need to walk your dog every day, but this doesn’t always work out.

Small firms undertake to fulfill these obligations for a monetary reward. In a small town, this type of service is also in demand; dog owners are not always able to walk their pet down the street: age, illness, and other reasons.

This type of activity does not require start-up investments.

A person who decides to earn money by providing this type of service must have the following qualities:

  • be organized;
  • treat animals with care and love.

Even schoolchildren can earn extra money in this area during the summer holidays.

Dog walking for money has its own price list:

  • walking a small dog costs less than walking a large pet;
  • You can offer animal training and command training;
  • a business based on dog walking can offer their owners food and paw washing.

For an hour of work, walking a large dog in a metropolis, a businessman receives about 500 rubles; in a small town, the cost of such a service will be significantly lower, this must be taken into account.

To start activities you need:

  • print promotional material, leaflets;
  • create a one-page website that will reflect the service offered as much as possible;
  • register business activities, take out insurance;
  • buy the necessary equipment.

It is important to improve your skills in this field of activity. Knowledge of dog breeds, what behavioral characteristics they have, signs of diseases. Be able to provide first aid to an animal in an emergency.

Idea No. 5 Mini car wash

A profitable business in any city is a car wash. This type of service is divided into manual car washing and automatic car washing. Manual car wash consists of blocks and washing stations. One post can pass about 60 cars in 24 hours.

When opening this type of business, you need to consider:

  • the cost of maintaining a car wash is 180 thousand rubles;
  • the payback of the project is not fast, from 4 to 6 years;
  • rent of land for one post up to 50 square meters;
  • the presence of a warehouse for chemicals, a living room for employees.

As a service they are offered to drivers:

  • washing the car and cleaning the interior;
  • glass washing;
  • wax coating of car body;
  • chemical cleaning of the interior.

The average cost of working with one car is 1,700 rubles. It should be taken into account that this type of business is seasonal; in the summer, profits drop by half.

Idea No. 6 Consulting agency

An interesting business for people with work experience and certain skills is opening a consulting agency. It is possible to provide assistance in the client’s business, from the formation of entrepreneurial activity to the moment of making a profit. Break all the work into stages and receive a monetary reward for successfully completing each stage of the client’s business development.

The agency can deal:

  • development of business projects for a small town;
  • searching for investors to implement the project chosen by the client;
  • conducting analytical studies of different segments of the regional market, consultations with leading analysts of the country;
  • assistance to the client in business planning;
  • development of a financial strategy for the client’s entrepreneurial activity, taking into account regional specifics and small town conditions;
  • correct definition of business goals, setting tactical goals to solve pressing problems;
  • support of the client's project to obtain administrative and financial assistance from the state.

Idea No. 7 Computer maintenance, Internet administration

In a small town, a business that deserves attention is one of the top ideas for entrepreneurial activity - computer maintenance services, Internet administration. There is no need to keep such an employee on staff; this is a temporary type of work. For this reason, a specialist can provide this type of service by registering as an individual entrepreneur to various enterprises.

In addition to organizations, PC maintenance services can be provided to the public. A specialist with specialized education can offer:

  • Internet debugging at home;
  • installing the necessary programs on your PC;
  • contractual support of computer networks for organizations and government agencies;
  • printer repair and maintenance, cartridge refilling.

TOP 4 ideas for a sales business in a small town

A win-win solution for starting a business is the sales area, organizing a retail outlet. Profitable business ideas for a small town in this field of activity are limitless; you can sell anything, the main thing is to skillfully present it and correctly assess the population’s demand for your products.

In addition to opening stores, the sales field includes real estate trading, when a professional can profitably sell a house in a small town. You can sell raw materials to small town businesses. A business idea, a profitable option, is trading. There are many directions in this field of activity; every potential entrepreneur can find an activity to his liking.

Attention! Expert opinion that trading can cover different segments of the population; students and certified entrepreneurs can engage in this type of business. It's a profitable business in a small town. In villages you can raise rabbits or poultry, or grow vegetables and fruits for sale.

Teenagers have the opportunity to engage in trading through Internet resources. You need to open your own online store. You can sell new communication devices, cosmetics, and fashionable clothes. In a resort town, it is effective to sell souvenirs and products that are in demand on the beach.

Idea No. 1 Bicycle store

A business idea for a small town is to open a store selling bicycles. It should be noted that this outlet is seasonal. In the summer, an entrepreneur makes much more profit than in the winter months. To maintain your business in winter, you can open a bicycle repair service in your store. In addition to selling bicycles, it is recommended to sell accessories for them, and also to allocate space for winter equipment, selling skis - this solution attracts customers to the store throughout the year.

What you need:

  • rent a premises of at least 60 square meters;
  • the retail outlet must offer the buyer a choice, assortment of goods;
  • One of the main conditions for organizing a store is a passageway.

A franchise network of bicycle sales operates in Russia. If you join it, opening a business becomes easier.

The entrepreneur must:

  • rent a premises minimum – 40 square meters;
  • franchising operates in towns with a population of 20 thousand or more;
  • An entrepreneur must have 1 million rubles to invest in the project.

A businessman who joins a franchise network receives:

  • support in advertising your activities;
  • assistance from higher authorities in organizing the store;
  • assistance with franchising bicycle repairs.

Attention! In order to fully cover the population in a small town, experts recommend organizing bicycle rentals in addition to selling bicycles, especially in cities with historical monuments and pedestrian areas.

Idea No. 2 Selling natural products

When considering business ideas in a small town, many entrepreneurs opt for selling natural products - a reasonable decision, since many people buy more natural, environmentally friendly food.

About 50% of the Russian population uses natural products for nutrition and disease prevention. The natural food store is a big thing right now.

What is sold in such a store:

  • natural tea;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • food, natural supplements;
  • honey, dried fruits;
  • vegetables and fruits from farms;
  • cosmetic components from natural products.

Small business ideas in a small town for opening a natural products store are aimed at customers who care about their health. Natural cosmetics are in great demand among women.

Important! All store products must be of high quality. Organize bonuses and discounts for trading. Marketing activities should be carried out at the highest possible level.

Potential buyers of the natural products store are older people who care about health and the younger generation with good income.

To get started you need:

  • rent a room of at least 20 square meters;
  • organize a warehouse;
  • purchase the necessary furniture;
  • conclude agreements with partners and farmers;
  • purchase a cash register, scales;
  • hire staff.

Idea No. 3 Budget store

An interesting business idea in the field of sales is opening a budget store. Products in demand in such a store are usually sold at one price “All for 10” or “All for 50”, these are signs of budget stores to attract customers.

The peculiarity of a budget store is the low cost of products; this is achieved by concluding agreements on the supply of products from China, with a small trade markup. The profitability of a store is ensured by the quantity of goods sold; the more, the better.

The idea for a business in a small town to organize a budget store involves selling literally everything in it, this:

  • toys and gifts;
  • women's jewelry;
  • furniture, interior items;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics;
  • products and utensils for the kitchen;
  • knives and cutlery;
  • any other product that is interesting to the buyer.

Opening a store will require investment capital.:

  • rental of retail space – 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​85 thousand rubles;
  • utility costs – 6 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of products from one million rubles.

The budget store project pays for itself within 1 year.

Idea No. 4 Selling via the Internet

A profitable idea for a small business in a small town is organizing sales via the Internet. It is no secret that the Internet is now in every home, this allows people to make purchases without leaving home in online stores.

What is the advantage of such a business for the buyer?:

  1. There is no need to run around the city looking for the products you need.
  2. It is possible to compare a wide range of products in terms of price-quality ratio.
  3. Consult for free about the purpose of the product in various online stores.
  4. The opportunity to read many customer reviews about the products you want to purchase before purchasing.
  5. You can choose the product in any online store, the assortment is huge.

Based on the demand for an online store, this type of business rarely becomes unprofitable. To open you need:

  • make a legal registration of the business, since the buyer needs receipts for the goods, work with invoices;
  • pay the state fee;
  • Download the “body” of an online store business plan from the Internet, it should not contain calculations, use it to create your own action plan based on your capabilities;
  • we create a store website, you can order it on a freelance exchange or use a ready-made template;
  • Photos of products for sale will be posted on the website as a showcase; a description of the product is required;
  • On the website you must leave feedback contacts and a telephone number for consultation;
  • You need to promote your own online store online to get into the TOP for certain goods or services.

When organizing online trading, it is necessary to take into account that the products will be sent to the buyer from the warehouse of the supplier’s partner - saving on warehouse space.

As sales expand, staff can be recruited:

  • administrator, control over all sales, control of product consultants, organization of product advertising;
  • product or product procurement manager, responsibilities include searching for supplier partners at competitive prices, organizing marketing events on the website;
  • An accountant is needed to keep records.

Important! To operate an online store, you must have high-speed Internet.

TOP 5 production ideas for small businesses in a small town

Organizing a small business in a small city, according to experts, is promising and also a difficult task for an entrepreneur. A small business, the idea of ​​which anyone can implement with minimal investment, is profitable to try in small towns.

Important! Most small towns have one city-forming enterprise (factory or plant). To improve the product range, you can open a parallel specialized workshop with a full production cycle. This could be your own bakery with a wide range of baked goods.

To start a manufacturing business in a small town, an important factor is the choice of the market segment in which the businessman will work. When choosing a business that requires minimal investment, pay attention to the production of simple goods needed by the population, organize its sales not only in your own region, but also in neighboring cities.

Attention! In a small town, specialists are always cheaper than in a large metropolis. By organizing small production, a businessman, in addition to making a profit, gives the small town the jobs it needs. A correctly chosen niche of activity makes the business successful, which can be passed on by inheritance.

Idea No. 1 Mini furniture manufacturing workshop

When wondering what kind of business to open in a small town, experts recommend paying attention to organizing a full-cycle production for furniture manufacturing.

To implement the idea you need:

  • buy band saws (for cutting wood and metal);
  • it is necessary to purchase drying chambers (for drying wood);
  • It’s simply impossible to open a business without woodworking equipment;
  • modern furniture design requires glass processing machines;
  • sewing equipment, additional equipment and tools.

There are directions in the furniture business:

  1. Organization of production for the production of small-sized and custom-made kitchen items.
  2. Production of cabinet furniture.
  3. Organization of small production for the production of furniture for offices.
  4. Other areas of furniture business.

An entrepreneur must proceed from the needs of his own region when choosing a direction of activity, offer goods to the population, provide additional services - free delivery of goods, their assembly.

When starting your own small production, always follow a pre-drawn action plan. Do a thorough regional market analysis (brainstorming). Choose office space in an easily accessible location for residents of a small town. Production may be located outside the city; purchase equipment based on investment opportunities. Particular attention must be paid to the recruitment of specialists.

Idea No. 2 Workshop for the production of building materials

An original business idea for a small town – production of polystyrene foam for construction needs. A properly organized business will bring consistently high profits. It is important to properly organize the sales of goods as insulation for prefabricated houses.

You need to do the following:

  • rent premises for an automatic line;
  • purchase equipment or rent it;
  • conclude agreements with partners on the supply of products.

The foam production cycle involves:

  1. Organization of the foaming area.
  2. Availability of storage bunkers.
  3. Product cutting area.
  4. Availability of additional tools and equipment for equipment.

Attention! Experts estimate the productivity of one automatic line to be up to 40 cubic meters per work shift.

Idea No. 3 Mini workshop for processing car tires

A small business whose idea is to improve the environment of the region - recycling old car tires. It is no secret that the availability of vehicles among the population is growing from year to year, and tire recycling is becoming a pressing issue for the region. At the exit after processing, the entrepreneur can offer his partners: crumb rubber and fuel oil.

Crumb rubber is widely used in construction in the form of additives in road surfaces, in the covering of sports fields, as a special fraction for additives in construction mixtures.

Fuel oil is widely used for public utilities - heating homes and industrial workshops.

Attention! Equipment for this business must be purchased based on the idea of ​​obtaining the final product: fuel oil or crumb rubber.

Idea No. 4 Workshop for making souvenirs

A manufacturing business in a small town cannot but affect the organization of a workshop for the production of souvenirs. Souvenirs are needed for gifts, presentations, to better position business partners for their own entrepreneurial activities.

What types of souvenirs can be made?:

  • an original notebook displaying the logo of the city-forming enterprise;
  • ballpoint pens with original inscriptions for special occasions;
  • other products (T-shirts, T-shirts, mugs) that can easily become souvenirs if they are properly processed.

To organize this business in a small town, you will need about $5,000 conventional units to purchase special equipment, rent premises, and hire employees. Payback time up to 24 months.

This business can be opened in a garage, thus saving on renting premises.

Idea No. 5 Small fastening material plant

A profitable business in a small town, the idea of ​​which is to organize a small factory of fastening materials.

The advantages of this production:

  • constant employment, fasteners are always needed;
  • demand for products;
  • availability of new orders.

Hardware production is always profitable, since every equipment repair needs fastening elements. For a mini-factory, you need to buy the necessary equipment and rent premises. Sales of products are organized through construction stores, under agreements with companies related to production. It is necessary to think about storage facilities, the product has the property of long-term storage.

Top 4 internet business ideas in a small town

Online business in a small town has great opportunities, from creating an Internet office to providing Internet services. Statistics from 2018 show that organizing an Internet business without investment in a small town in 2019 is a promising business idea.

The simplest and most unpromising project, but already launched and working on the Internet, will bring much more results and profits than the most advanced project, which, due to its constant pre-launch improvement, will never be launched. John Reese

Nowadays, entrepreneurs are increasingly exploring the online space, as great opportunities are opening up and a huge market without borders for selling goods.

Online business can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Doing business in proven ways: creating platforms for selling goods, advertising pages for production, and other methods.
  2. Business on the Internet using unique original ideas.

Important! Making money on the Internet is an opportunity for every aspiring entrepreneur to realize their own business.

Entrepreneurial activity with high profits on the Internet, according to experts, is possible in several directions:

  • provision of freelance services, the profitability of such a business is up to 500 thousand rubles in 30 days;
  • organizing sales of your own products through your own or partner Internet resource platforms, there are no income restrictions;
  • information business with the sale of one’s own knowledge and skills;
  • With web development skills, you can make a good profit in creating projects for partners, promoting them and organizing your own resources;
  • affiliate marketing (traffic arbitrage), determined by experts at 350 thousand rubles monthly income without investment.

In the future, there will be two types of companies in the market: those who are online and those who are out of business. Bill Gates

Attention! When choosing an idea for a successful online business in a small town, an entrepreneur needs to answer the following questions:

  1. What would he like to do in life?
  2. What result does he expect to achieve after 3-4 months of working online?

By answering these questions, the future businessman on the Internet will better understand what skills and abilities he has, what real problems he can solve.

Idea No. 1 Online store in a small town

Creating your own online store is not difficult for a novice businessman now; you need to consider renting a warehouse. In such a store you can sell any product.

Network resources are offered by designers for organizing Internet sites of this type, this:

  • ;
  • other sites.

Attention! Experts do not recommend that novice businessmen start their activities in an online store with expensive sales areas: jewelry, household appliances, and other expensive goods. It is better to start with simple products needed by the population, or sell a narrow product.

Creating your own online store is becoming a popular activity among women in a small town when it is possible to sell handmade products:

  • jewelry and accessories for them;
  • knitted products;
  • candy bouquets with original design;
  • embroidery

Idea No. 2 Copywriting services in a small town

The most accessible type of organizing a business on the Internet in a small town is the idea of ​​​​creating a copywriting website - you need to know the rules of the Russian language and have Internet administration skills. A staff of copywriters works on various marketing projects that are not limited to their own region of residence.

There are exchanges online for working as a copywriter:

  • other exchanges.

Attention! The work of a copywriter requires constant training and knowledge of many search engine algorithms. To do this, you need to take a copywriting course. In the future, an entrepreneur who has mastered this specialty can create his own blog. Create selling text for your products.

The Internet office can provide services for writing and posting a job seeker’s resume online. Most young people cannot draw up this document correctly. In addition to preparing a resume, the office can offer text translation services, if there is a competent translator on staff. There are many assistant programs online for translators, such as: ABBYY Lingvo.

Idea No. 3 Internet assistant

Large businesses schedule their own time by the minute, and at the same time there is not enough of it to complete specific tasks. For these purposes, a vacancy has appeared on the Internet as an Internet assistant (virtual assistant to a businessman), or junior partner of a business.

A virtual assistant must have quality characteristics:

  • efficiency, availability within 24 hours;
  • have business administration skills.

Typically, a large company can offer an online entrepreneur the following types of work::

  • processing emails based on importance;
  • work with tables and documents in the format: Excel, Word;
  • carry out simple negotiations via Internet switching (Skype, Viber, WhatsApp);
  • track task-specific business email correspondence;
  • organization of product presentation.

Idea No. 4 Internet outsourcing

Internet technologies make it possible for businesses not to employ specialists in a narrow field. Business outsourcing can be used remotely for specific tasks. In this case, the Internet entrepreneur engaged in outsourcing pays taxes on his own and receives decent labor remuneration.

An outsourcing organization can collaborate using Internet resources with many clients - which provides excellent profits.

Commonly proposed forms of outsourcing:

  • checking the company's accounting: reporting, maintaining financial records;
  • legal outsourcing services: the presence of a person on staff of the organization with a higher legal education, knowledge of the tax code of the Russian Federation and experience in business activities;
  • carrying out IT outsourcing: checking the company’s local networks, creating Internet resources, software support.


Any battle has difficulties, entrepreneurial activity in a small town is the best option for testing your own business idea.

  1. Do not be afraid of competition, the presence of competitors indicates demand for the product. Correctly evaluate the work of your rivals and offer the best service.
  2. Do not take out loans if you are starting a business for the first time. Try to use your own investment resources.
  3. Remember that good business is the organization of sales: goods or services.
  4. Choose niches to start a business in which there is a stable demand for the product.
  5. Think about the question of the maximum benefit for the buyer, for which he will come to you.
  6. Sell ​​only high-quality services and products.
  7. Know how to delegate some responsibilities to other small business employees.

Take the mistakes you make as gaining invaluable work experience. Remember that business should take up most of your time, but not all of your life. Your business should bring you joy.