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Calorie content of semi-finished poultry meat products. Semi-finished poultry meat products


Mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, lean pork, drinking water, onions, bacon, semolina, iodized salt, black pepper.

Protein, no less than 8g, Fat, no more than 15g, Carbohydrates, no more than 26g.

No more than 271 kcal. (1138 kJ).

Shelf life

Khinkali "Home-style chicken"


Mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, drinking water, lean pork, fresh onions, iodized salt, ground black pepper, dumplings flour, chicken egg, vegetable oil.

Nutritional value of 100g of semi-finished product:

Protein - 8.0 g.,

Fat - 18.0 g.,

Carbohydrates - 26.0g.

Calorie content (energy value):

No more than 282 kcal. (1100.0 kJ.)

Shelf life

90 days at t no higher than minus 18C

350g | 700g


Dumplings "Home-style chicken"


Mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, drinking water, cabbage, onions, dumpling flour, chicken egg, vegetable oil, iodized salt, black pepper.

Nutritional value of 100g of semi-finished product:

Protein, no less than 8g, Fat, no more than 11g, Carbohydrates, no more than 25g.

Calorie content (energy value):

No more than 200 kcal. (810 kJ).

Shelf life

90 days at t no higher than minus 18C

400g | 800g


Chebureks "Home-style chicken"


Mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, drinking water, lean pork, fresh onions, iodized salt, pepper.

Nutritional value of 100g of semi-finished product:

Protein - 14.0g, Fat - 21.0g, Carbohydrates - 26.0g.

Calorie content (energy value):

No more - 349 kcal. (1465.8 kJ.)

Shelf life

90 days at t no higher than minus 18C

Chicken Run cutlets


Mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, drinking water, semolina, breadcrumbs, onions, iodized salt, black pepper.

Nutritional value of 100g of semi-finished product:

Protein, no less than 8g.

Fat, no more - 18 g.,

Carbohydrates, no more than 3g.

Calorie content (energy value):

No more than 200 kcal. (820 kJ).

Shelf life

90 days at t no higher than minus 18C

480g | 960g

Cutlets "Home-style chicken"


Mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, drinking water, pork, semolina, ground black pepper, onions, iodized salt.

Nutritional value of 100g of semi-finished product:

Protein - 8.0 g.,

Fat - 1.5 g.,

Carbohydrates - 3.0g.

Calorie content (energy value):

No more than 200 kcal. (820 kJ.)

Shelf life

90 days at t no higher than minus 18C

540g | 900g


Meatballs "Home-style chicken"


Mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, drinking water, lean pork, onions, iodized salt, black pepper.

Nutritional value of 100g of semi-finished product:

Protein, no less than 8g.

Fat, no more - 18 g.,

Carbohydrates, no more than 10g.

Calorie content (energy value):

No more than 234 kcal. (980 kJ).

Shelf life

90 days at t no higher than minus 18C

300g | 500g


Breaded beefsteak "Home-style chicken"


Mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, drinking water, lean pork, fresh onions, iodized salt, pepper, breadcrumbs.

Nutritional value of 100g of semi-finished product:

Protein - 8.0 g.,

Fat - 18.0 g.,

Carbohydrates - 16.0g.

Calorie content (energy value):

No more than 258 kcal. (1083.6 kJ.)

Shelf life

90 days at t no higher than minus 18C

Minced meat "Home-style chicken"


Mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, drinking water.

Nutritional value of 100g of semi-finished product:

Protein - 8.0 g.,

Fat - 11.0 g.,

Calorie content (energy value):

No more than 200 kcal. (810.0 kJ.)

Shelf life

90 days at t no higher than minus 18C

500g | 100g

Stuffed cabbage rolls "Home-style chicken"


Cabbage, mechanically separated broiler chicken meat, drinking water, lean pork, boiled rice, premium ground black pepper, onions, iodized salt.

Nutritional value of 100g of semi-finished product:

Protein - 8.0 g.,

Fat - 18.0 g.,

Carbohydrates - 22.0g.

Calorie content (energy value):

No more than 282 kcal. (1356.6 kJ.)

Shelf life

90 days at t no higher than minus 18C

Poultry meat has a fine-fiber structure, white or reddish in color, depending on the type. Chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowl are of economic importance. Compared to meat from slaughtered animals, poultry meat contains more complete proteins and less collagen and elastin. It contains fats, minerals, many extractives, vitamins A, PP, D, B1, B2, B12. Fats have a low melting point (23-34° C) and are easily absorbed by the body (93%). Extractive substances enhance the separation of digestive juices and promote rapid absorption of food.

Depending on fatness and quality of processing, poultry carcasses are divided into categories I and II. When determining the category, age, type, method of processing, fatness, and condition of the skin surface are taken into account. Category I carcasses have well-developed muscles and subcutaneous fat deposits. Poultry carcasses of category II have satisfactorily developed muscles, slight deposits of subcutaneous fat or its absence. Young poultry meat is healthier and is used in therapeutic nutrition.

Chicken and chicken meat is a favorite among other types of poultry meat. With a low fat content (no more than 10%), it contains more protein than any other meat. It provides a complete balance of protein in the body and is an excellent product for vital activity and growth. The nutritional value of chicken broths is reduced by the increased content of cholesterol and purine substances. The broth contains up to 20% cholesterol and about 65% nitrogenous extractives. The most useful is white boiled chicken meat (especially breast), which is considered a dietary product.

Chicken meat contains much more vitamin B6 than peanuts, black beans, broccoli and other foods rich in this vitamin. It normalizes metabolism and helps strengthen the immune system, helping prevent heart attacks, strokes and coronary artery disease. Chicken broth contains a peptide - a protein that helps improve the condition of the heart muscle and normalizes heart rhythm. Therefore, chicken meat is recommended for patients with heart disease. Nutritionists recommend eating chicken at least twice a week. An important argument in favor of chicken is its price, which is significantly lower than the price of other poultry meat, especially beef, pork and lamb. Chicken meat goes well with all types of side dishes and is well absorbed by the body. Chicken broth is recommended for those recovering from illnesses and operations.

Chicken meat has a delicate texture and high taste. It contains less connective tissue and is easily digestible. Broiler chicken meat is especially tasty and healthy.

The meat of geese and ducks has a specific taste and aroma that is not perceived equally by everyone. Unlike white chicken, the meat of geese and ducks is dark (reddish in color), it contains more fat, and less water-soluble nitrogenous substances. Broths made from the meat of these birds are not transparent; many people find them unpleasant in taste. It is usually used for frying, and ducks and geese must be well-fed. Otherwise, fried foods turn out dry and rough, acquire a cloying aftertaste and are difficult to digest. Goose meat is fattier than duck (up to 20% fat) and tougher. The fatty aftertaste and cloying quality can be softened by side dishes with a sour taste - sour apples, stewed sauerkraut, pickled fruits and berries. Most often, geese and ducks are baked, stuffed with apples, vegetables, and cereals.

Turkey meat is very tender and never causes allergies, so it is recommended for children. Compared to other types of birds, it contains a small amount of cholesterol - 74 mg per 100 g. Rich in iron, selenium, magnesium and potassium, contains vitamins: PP, B6, B12, B2. Used in dietary nutrition, as well as for preparing sausages, frankfurters, dumplings.

Table 2 - Chemical composition and nutritional value of poultry meat (per 100 g of product)

Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Energy value, kcal/100 g

A clear difference in the protein content in the meat of different types of birds can be seen in Figure 2.

Land poultry meat contains less lipids and more proteins than waterfowl meat. In the meat of chickens, chickens, turkeys, especially the 2nd category of fatness, the total content is higher than in the meat of livestock.

Figure 2 - Protein content in poultry and game meat, g (per 100 g of product)

Poultry meat contains the same proteins and nitrogenous non-protein extractive substances as livestock meat, however, poultry meat contains more complete proteins (myosin, actin, etc.) and less incomplete ones (collagen, elastin). Due to the low content of connective tissue, there are 2-3 times less incomplete proteins in poultry meat (about 7%) than in beef.

The protein utilization factor (PUR) of chicken meat is 70%, and the protein efficiency factor (PER) is 2%.

Lipids in poultry meat are represented by triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol. Poultry meat fats contain a significant amount of unsaturated fatty acids (69 - 73% of all acids), including polyunsaturated ones. Figures 3 and 4 show the content of unsaturated fatty acids in the fat of poultry meat of different types and the fat content in poultry and game meat

Figure 3 - Content of unsaturated fatty acids in the fat of poultry meat of different types (%)

The fat content of meat also differs significantly depending on the type of meat.

Figure 4 - Fat content in poultry and game meat, g (per 100 g of product)

Water is a natural component of meat, forming stable structured systems with its other parts. The forms and strength of water bonds in these systems affect the properties of meat, including water-holding capacity, by the nature of the change in which one can judge the change in mass loss during cooking and the quality of the product.

When boiling chickens in the form of whole carcasses, 1.65% of soluble substances by weight pass into the water, including minerals - 0.25%, extractives - 0.68%.

Thus, the presence of water in meat, as well as the quantity and quality of water added when preparing poultry dishes, greatly affects the quality of the finished product.

In addition to water, the taste, aroma, appearance, and consistency of finished products are significantly influenced by added fillers and flavoring substances - wheat bread, flour, salt, spices, vinegar and others.

Culinary semi-finished products- these are various food products (meat, fish, vegetables, cereals, etc.) that go on sale prepared for further culinary processing. Now they are presented in a large assortment, and therefore you can choose dishes for every taste. The use of semi-finished products is a good help for the housewife, since they relieve her of the labor-intensive work of primary processing of raw food products. But is it worth introducing them into the child’s menu? It depends on many factors such as nutritional value of the original product(nutritive value: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals), its chemical and microbiological safety, consistency and method of heat treatment. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the state of the child’s health and the age-related characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of children - the fact is that preschool children have not yet improved their digestive processes, and the production and secretion of enzymes and bile are still immature.

The nutritional value can be found out from the label on the package, which shows the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy value. But it is not always possible to determine the qualitative composition of protein and fat. Meanwhile, in the production of chopped semi-finished products, proteins of plant origin are widely used, which are inferior in amino acid composition to proteins of meat and fish. But it is precisely the full set of amino acids that is needed for.

Many chopped semi-finished products use food additives that have a negative effect on the digestive processes. For example, store-bought cutlets and dumplings contain a large amount of salt, all kinds of spices and fillers in the form of mushrooms and spicy cheeses. And an excessive amount of salt in food is an additional burden on the kidneys. Salt and spices also have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which can contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory processes. In addition, to improve the quality of semi-finished products, ingredients are used (for example, starches), which are not always fully digested in the intestines, thereby causing functional disorders in the form of flatulence (bloating) and increased bowel movements.

Concerning heat treatment, then most semi-finished products are brought to readiness by frying. And for preparing baby food, cooking methods should be used that result in a gentle effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract: boiling, stewing, baking, steaming.

Attention - freezing method

The quality of frozen products - meat and fish semi-finished products, as well as vegetables and fruits, depends on many factors, of which three most important can be identified:

  1. Raw materials and production process (they are subject to fairly stringent requirements).
  2. Freezing process (it is widely used to increase the shelf life of products without losing quality).
  3. Storage conditions (defrosting and re-freezing of food should not be allowed).

Let's look at the freezing process. Distinguish traditional And shock freezing.

Traditional freezing is carried out in three stages. At the first stage (at a temperature of 5°C), the product is cooled. At the second stage, the liquid contained in the product passes into the solid phase, and at the third stage the product is “frozen” at a temperature from -5 to -18°C.

"Shock" freezing at a temperature of -35°C, unlike the traditional one, it occurs quickly, which allows the product to quickly transition from the liquid phase to the solid phase. At the same time, ice crystals are much smaller in size and form almost simultaneously both in cells and in the intercellular space. Therefore, the cells remain undamaged. As a result, the tissue structure, taste and nutritional value of freshly frozen vegetables, fruits and berries are preserved as much as possible. In addition, with rapid freezing, biochemical processes and the development of microorganisms stop.

To the delight of the meat eater

The choice of semi-finished meat products is quite wide. These include products made from natural or minced meat (beef, veal, lamb, pork, poultry) that have not undergone heat treatment. Among them are:

  • natural (large pieces, small pieces, unbreaded portions and breaded portions);
  • chopped;
  • dumplings;
  • chopped meat.

Natural large-piece semi-finished products- this is meat pulp or layers of meat, removed from a certain part of the carcass in the form of large pieces, without tendons and rough surface films. This type of semi-finished products can be used to prepare cutlets, meatballs, meatballs and other dishes at home for children of early and preschool age (from 3 to 6 years old), since it is possible to independently select the raw materials and control the quality of food.

Fatty meats are not recommended in baby food. It is preferable to use beef of the 2nd category, veal, lean pork, piglet meat, horse meat and lamb of the 2nd category, rabbit and chicken meat. As for the meat of the chest, abdominal parts, neck and limbs of the carcass, it contains a significant amount of connective tissue, is more rigid and requires lengthy cooking, which leads to a decrease in the nutritional value of dishes.

Natural small-piece semi-finished products- these are pieces of meat pulp of a certain mass and size, intended for preparing azu, beef stroganoff, goulash, frying, as well as semi-finished meat and bone products for preparing soups and stews.

Natural portioned semi-finished products- these are pieces of meat pulp of a certain shape, intended for preparing rump steaks, natural cutlets, schnitzels, escalopes, beefsteaks, and so on. All of them can be used over three years, subject to gentle heat treatment and without the addition of spices. It is not advisable to use them in the diet of younger children, since all these dishes have a fairly hard consistency and it will be difficult for a small child not only to chew, but even to bite off a piece of natural rump steak or escalope.

Portioned breaded semi-finished products- These are semi-finished products, beaten to loosen fabric fibers and rolled in finely chopped white bread crumbs. Before deboning, chopped pieces of meat are immersed in liquid egg mass. Unlike unbreaded products, such semi-finished products are subject to exclusively frying, which limits their use in children's food.

Chopped semi-finished products(rump steaks, beefsteaks, cutlets) are made from minced meat with the addition of additional raw materials. These are eggs, salt, black pepper, onion or garlic, white bread. Vegetables, cereals, soy protein preparations, and mechanically separated poultry meat are often used in the recipe for chopped semi-finished products 1 . When cereals and vegetables are added, the products acquire a piquant taste, but their nutritional value decreases. In order to compensate for this deficiency, and often to save meat raw materials, soy is added to semi-finished products.

1 Mechanically separated POULTRY meat is minced POULTRY meat obtained through strong mechanical action on soft tissue (including skin, fascia and tendons). As a result of deep destruction, they acquire fluid properties and are separated from bone particles.

Based on soy protein, specialized formulas are produced - breast milk substitutes for newborns with intolerance to cow's milk proteins. But products containing soy flour should be introduced into the diet no earlier than 3 years, since it contains substances that inhibit the activity of digestive enzymes, as well as a large amount of coarse dietary fiber and carbohydrates that are not digested and cause irritation of the colon.

It should also be noted that pale minced meat may contain a large amount of connective tissue and fat, and liquid minced meat most likely contains meat, fat and skin of birds. Therefore, you should not give a child under 7 years old industrially produced minced meat products; it is better to prepare it yourself from natural meat.

Dumplings, as you know, consist of minced meat and dough. The minced meat for “store-bought” dumplings is prepared from beef, pork, onions, black or white pepper, and salt. To prepare the dough, premium flour, egg products, serum or animal blood plasma are used. According to production technology, it is allowed to replace 20% of raw meat with mechanically separated poultry meat or soy protein preparations. The recipe for some dumplings includes offal, cabbage or potatoes. As a result, they contain a small amount of high-quality animal protein, but are high in fat and spices. For this reason, consumption of industrially produced dumplings by children under 7 years of age should be limited.

Now on sale you can find minced semi-finished meat products specially prepared for (there is a corresponding marking on the packaging). These products are represented by cutlets, meatballs, meatballs for young children and rump steaks, schnitzels, zrazy, dumplings for children of preschool and early school age. The quality and percentage of nutrients in these products are strictly controlled, and strict requirements are imposed on the safety of meat raw materials. And in production they use meat from livestock raised in environmentally friendly areas, without the use of growth stimulants, hormonal drugs, feed antibiotics and other unconventional feed additives.

Catch it, lean fish!

The most common portioned semi-finished fish product is fillet. Thanks to its delicate structure, high nutritional qualities and the absence of bone structures, it can be used in the nutrition of preschool children - of course, taking into account the individual tolerance of this type of product. Among the molded semi-finished fish products there are sticks, cutlets, meatballs, and meatballs, which are made from minced meat or fillet. However, before offering them to your child, you should know that minced fish is often obtained by processing low-value species of marine and freshwater fish, which, due to the relatively low quality of meat and small size, have little technological suitability. These are mainly saury, pollock, crucian carp, river perch, whiting. Only specialists during the production process can control the quality of minced meat for fish balls or cutlets, while consumers are content with the information on the label. Therefore, it is better to prepare minced fish yourself for baby food. It is advisable to use semi-finished products of low-fat marine fish (pollock, cod, haddock).

Summer in the freezer

Freshly frozen vegetables and fruits can be widely used in the nutrition of preschool children, especially in winter. Firstly, they retain more vitamins than canned or dried ones. And secondly, they remain an important source of delicate dietary fiber and carbohydrates.

When making compotes and jelly from frozen berries and fruits, you should not allow them to completely defrost, since the shape and consistency of the raw materials will change. Moreover, you should not defrost them under running water - you will end up with “fruit porridge”. It is recommended to dip slightly thawed berries into ready-made boiling syrup, and as soon as the water boils again, remove from heat. The result is a tasty and healthy compote with beautiful whole berries.

Freshly frozen “summer gifts” can also be used for fruit salad. In this case, they also need to be allowed to thaw on their own, then drain the melted water, add sugar or honey and decorate with whipped cream. Ready-made whipped cream contains flavorings, and if your child suffers from allergies, it is better to whip it yourself, or use it as a topping for yogurt.

Once - and you're done

And now a few words about fast and instant products (or instant products). The difference between them is that instant products just need to be poured with boiling water to be fully cooked, while instant dishes need to be cooked for a few minutes.

Noodles and pasta are particularly popular among instant products. During the production process, such pasta is cooked in boiling water, washed to remove starch, dried and packaged. But everything is not as harmless as it seems. Firstly, these products are high in calories due to carbohydrates, and they contain practically no vitamins and proteins; and secondly, they come with sachets of thermally treated oil and spices. In addition to salt and pepper, the “kit” includes flavorings that give the noodles a variety of flavors, as well as preservatives and flavor enhancers. Therefore, the use of instant products in baby food in the form of pasta is unacceptable. If you can’t do without such noodles in your baby’s diet, you don’t need to at least add oil and spices to it. These restrictions also apply to instant soups and mashed potatoes.

But “quick” porridges have proven themselves well. In their production, specially processed cereals are used, and dried fruits are added to some types. In addition, they are additionally enriched with vitamins. But parents of children with allergies should be on guard here too: sometimes such cereals contain flavorings identical to natural ones, which can cause an allergic reaction.

This delicious sausage

Statistics show that sausages (frankfurters, wieners, bacon) are very often used in children's diets. These products belong to meat replacement products and are not semi-finished products, although they are similar in speed of preparation. Sausage products supplied to the food chain are produced in accordance with certain standards - GOSTs and TUs. GOSTs mean state standards that impose requirements that must be observed by all government authorities and business entities. So, according to GOST, the composition of minced sausages and sausages of the highest grade includes: first or highest grade beef, fatty and semi-fat pork, milk powder or cream, eggs. In products of a lower grade, it is allowed to use up to 10% of trimmed meat (containing a large amount of connective and fatty tissue), protein stabilizer 2 (a protein preparation from pork skin, pork and beef veins, tendons), up to 5% of the mass of raw materials and starch. But these standards were developed back in the “Soviet” 80s, and not for a type or group of products, but for a product with a specific name. Therefore, they are already hopelessly outdated. The so-called technical specifications have come to the aid of modern manufacturers - technical conditions that, as a rule, are developed by the manufacturers themselves, depending on the pricing policy of the enterprise and the developed technologies. The composition of sausage products, according to the technical specifications, in addition to all kinds of fillers (cheese, mushrooms, paprika), may include protein preparations of plant origin, mechanically deboned poultry, and it is also possible to increase the percentage of trimmed meat and a protein stabilizer.

2 Stabilizer is a substance that contributes to the long-term preservation of the physical and chemical properties of the product.

Sausages (almost the entire range) are not intended for baby food, since they contain salt, spices, sodium nitrite (food preservative, color stabilizer for minced meat), food phosphates and gums (needed to stabilize consistency), ascorbic acid, citric acid in varying quantities and a flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate. The listed components can negatively affect the health of the child, depending on their concentration and his age. Therefore, it is better to protect young children from “adult” food, but they can be treated to specialized children’s sausages, the production of which has strict requirements. They are made from high quality minced meat, do not contain harmful substances, have passed the necessary examinations and are appropriately labeled. How can one determine that sausages are specially made for children, because sometimes “adults” can be called “Children’s” or “Cinderella”? Information that the product is recommended for feeding children, together with an indication at what age it can be consumed, must be on the packaging or label. If there are no such inscriptions, the sausage product has nothing to do with the children's assortment.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you: if parents are worried about their child, they should not save their time on his health.

Larisa Titova
pediatrician, nutritionist, Department of Nutrition for Children and Adolescents, RMAPO
Article from the March issue of the magazine

Thigh flesh. Semi-finished poultry meat, natural (Petruha) rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B2 - 11.1%, vitamin PP - 39.2%, phosphorus - 17.5%, iron - 11.1%, cobalt - 100%, molybdenum - 22.9%, zinc - 141.7%

What are the benefits of thigh pulp? Semi-finished poultry meat, natural (Petruha)

  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, helps to increase the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by impaired condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iron is part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons and oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, and atrophic gastritis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor for many enzymes that ensure the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, participates in the processes of synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient consumption leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and the presence of fetal malformations. Research in recent years has revealed the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.