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Career ladder in sales. Career growth of sales managers

What is the career path for sales managers? Which sales managers should be promoted horizontally and which can be promoted vertically? This is exactly what this article is about.

If you are confident that your sales manager achieves great results in his activities only for the purpose of gaining career growth, you can do two things:

1) Method:

We somehow need to recognize the work of the best salesman. We give him the “title” of “senior salesperson”, “top salesperson” or “expert”. Changes in qualifications can be entered into the work book. However, a title alone is usually not enough - it must be supported by material compensation. Typically, in such cases, the manager’s salary increases by 3,000 -4,000 rubles. Such an increase in the fixed part of motivation shows the employee that the company recognizes his merits, and also shows other managers a real example of what is possible if you achieve high results and improve your skills.

Now let's talk about who needs to be promoted. A manager who demonstrates consistently high sales performance over a long period (for example, a year) receives horizontal career growth. This employee should also have minimal or no customer accounts receivable.

Also, to make a decision on promoting an employee, they evaluate his loyalty to the company and take into account the degree of his motivation, since a horizontal promotion is more likely a motivational measure than a promotion as such.

By the way, if you are completely satisfied with how a manager works and you want to promote him, do not rush to do this until you receive an additional “concession” from him. Set conditions for the manager under which you will be ready to give him career growth. For example, this could be a general increase in sales volumes or an increase in sales in one of the “difficult” segments, the sale of illiquid goods, mentoring or training of newcomers, an increase in market share or the number of regular customers, an increase in the average check or the number of positions for each client. However, do not forget that the conditions for obtaining career growth must be achievable, otherwise you will not only not be able to motivate the employee to achieve the set goals, but you may even lose a valuable specialist.

You can also invite the manager to take on a new position, and agree on a salary increase after achieving certain performance indicators. This option is also good, as it recognizes the manager’s services to the company and, at the same time, forces him to “prove himself” in a new position.

2) Method:

We need to promote one of the managers to head of the sales department, that is, provide him with vertical career growth. In this case, what is important to us is not so much the manager’s sales results (quite stable results above average), but rather his professional, business and managerial qualities, which are determined on the basis of quality indicators. Such an assessment is carried out by senior managers, competent employees of other departments of the organization, and customer service. You can also involve third-party experts, conduct group selections and cases.

Let us remind you that a good manager will not grow into a good leader that easily. They need to be engaged, trained, developed. You need to work with him. It is necessary to teach him how to plan the work of the department, delegate tasks to employees, organize work to implement assigned tasks and monitor their implementation.

You probably yourself know that not all successful sales managers can be good leaders. Often successful managers do not have developed management competencies, so those at the head of the department continue to sell in the same way, stretching the department only through their own sales. Therefore, no horizontal or vertical promotion guarantees that the new manager will cope with his responsibilities without additional training or supervision from a superior manager.

The following video will tell you how to make a manager improve his managerial competencies and not lose them if he refuses to give a promotion:

The word “manager” has become very common, but few people understand what it means.

This term denotes a profession that involves organizational and managerial activities. A manager is an employee who manages some basic area of ​​development of the company.

The essence of the profession

In Europe, manager is usually a valuable middle or senior level employee.

In Russia, it can also be considered an employee who is in no way a boss. For example, in our country, an advertising manager may not be called the person who heads the department, but an ordinary employee who calls potential partners and offers them the company’s services.

This leads to confusion in terminology, which often confuses applicants and people changing professions.

To illustrate the real range of managerial specializations in the Russian Federation, we provide links to current offers from employers for hired managers.

Look job advertisements, addressed to managers at:

Please note that this list should not be considered exhaustive. It can go on and on.

Managers are also classified into specific areas. Manufacturers and selling companies try to look for specialists who have experience in selling (purchasing) strictly defined goods (raw materials) - furniture and fittings, car parts, etc.

Managerial work in most cases comes down to:

  • establishing and maintaining valuable contacts (with consumers of the company’s services, buyers of its goods or business partners);
  • development and implementation of strategic initiatives;
  • selection and motivation of personnel;
  • planning and monitoring the work of subordinates.

Requirements for the applicant

A hired manager needs to have diverse knowledge. As we mentioned above, you are required to navigate the specifics of the niche. However, the matter does not stop there. A manager is supposed to know the basics of economics, the theory and practice of working with personnel, legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities, the basics of office work and labor protection.

A good manager must be surprisingly stress-resistant: not every person can constantly be the center of attention.

Career formula for a sales manager

It is useful for him to be able to speak beautifully and figuratively, to speak in public without hesitation.

Other equally valuable qualities of a manager are discipline, responsibility, and a penchant for analytical thinking.

Career prospects for a manager

In this profession, everything depends on the size of the company. The larger the company, the more positions available to managers.

A manager who demonstrates financial abilities will eventually be able to become a financial director; His colleague, who knows how to understand people well and find talent, will certainly make a smart head of the personnel department.

When choosing a place to work, an ambitious manager should apply to international corporations - even for the most modest position. Don't be afraid to start small.

It is very important to perform professional duties efficiently in the position of office manager, even if you see opportunities to realize your potential in higher positions.

One of the questions that can often be heard at interviews is: where do you see yourself in 5-10 years. The answer to this question helps the employer understand whether the candidate for the vacancy plans to stay in the company for a long time (I see myself as a qualified specialist needed by the company) or perceives the position as a starting step (I want to gain experience and open my own business - sometimes they answer like that). And if I would like to stay, then in what capacity, what are the ambitions and career aspirations of the applicant. After all, if he learns all the intricacies of the job and leaves the moment he becomes indispensable, it will be a tragedy for the company.

When applying for the position of office manager, hardly anyone can say that they dream of remaining in this position all their lives. However, it is important to realize that the company you are applying for currently needs an office manager, a person who, first of all, has the skills and abilities necessary to ensure the effective functioning of the office.

In addition, the secretary is the face of the company, and often it is by the secretary that the manager and the company as a whole are judged.

It is at your workplace that you can establish yourself as: a punctual, competent specialist who knows how to work with equipment, prepare the necessary material, negotiate correctly over the phone, and be the face of the company.

At the same time, you always have two options: you can become a disciplined and competent office manager, or a team member who is close to the interests and problems of the company. Then you will be able to carry out not only the technical part, but also make your suggestions or comments, which will certainly be appreciated by management or those people with whom you directly work. That is, you will become that indispensable member of the team who will perform part of the overall important work.

Are there career opportunities for an office manager? Of course have!

Profession of a manager: range of responsibilities, career prospects

After all, the path from an office manager to a Good Office Manager is very long and very difficult. But those who pass it will never change their profession.

In addition, the warmth, comfort, peaceful and positive attitude in the office depends on the office manager. After all, this specialist often plays the role of the “soul” of the team.

Thus, you gain experience working with people, the ability to work with information, and most importantly - in a team.

However, does this mean that you are guaranteed a transition to a higher position and career growth in this company? Unfortunately no. It turns out to be a paradox: the more qualified you are in fulfilling your duties as an office manager, the more management values ​​you and the more difficult it is to find a replacement for you. Therefore, for further career growth, most often you have to change jobs. When looking for a new position, indicating in your resume not only your current position, but also all the experience that you have acquired and from which you have already “grown”, you can certainly apply for a higher position, thus moving up the career ladder .

But in each case, it is important to proceed from reality - an open and honest conversation with management can make them look at you with a new eye and evaluate the pros and cons of your departure. One thing is important - the more skills, knowledge and experience you have, the more opportunities you have to manage your life yourself.

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Sales is one of the most important components of any business. This is drive and serious responsibility. A sales professional is motivated to achieve outstanding results, skillfully builds effective and long-term relationships with clients, and most importantly, he loves to sell! Portal Nizhny Novgorod finds out what the situation is on the labor market for sales managers, what is important in the work of a manager, and what is the secret of successful sales.

How much do sales managers earn?

The Federal Employment Portal Nizhny Novgorod studied the labor market for sales managers. In May 2017, more than 500 vacancies were registered. There are only 6% of offers for management positions.

Most of the vacancies are for specialists without experience - 38.6%, and specialists with up to 1 year of experience - 26.3%. In 23.7% of vacancies, employers are looking for specialists with work experience from 1 to 3 years. The fewest vacancies are for candidates with more than 5 years of work experience - 5.1%.

The average salary for the vacancy “sales manager” in Nizhny Novgorod is 46,000 rubles. The head of the sales department can claim a salary of 56,000 rubles on average.

More than 700 resumes were published in May 2017. Thus, competition for a job is 1.3 resumes per vacancy. Not many applicants are ready to apply for the position of “sales manager”, because on the path to big money there are often many obstacles and difficulties.

Among the applicants, the largest number are specialists with up to 1 year of experience - 49%. There are slightly fewer specialists with 1-3 years of experience - 36%. There are only 26% of experienced specialists with more than 5 years of experience. Applicants applying for leadership positions in sales - 12%. The fewest resumes of specialists without work experience are 11%.

The average age of applicants is 28-30 years. Among the applicants, 94% are women, of which the largest number are aged 25-40 years - 47%. Female applicants aged 18-25 years - 35%, over 40 years old - 18%.

Only 6% of applicants for the position of sales manager are men. Among them, those aged 18-25 years old - 10%, 25-40 years old - 67%, over 40 years old - 23%.

The main thing in sales is attention to the client

Artem Guchin, head of the sales department at the Hyundai dealership on Larina (AGAT Group of Companies), has been working for the company since 2010.

Even while studying at university, many friends worked in this field. Their successful experience helped me choose a profession. In September 2010, I began an internship at the Hyundai/Mitsubishi dealership on Moskovskoye Shosse. I had to master a large amount of information: the technical structure of the car, the model range, configurations and prices, the basics of working in 1C of a car dealer. At first it was not easy - I listened more to the client, presented the cars a little. Due to confusion in the information, mistakes occurred. But when I began to understand all the models, I began to speak more myself.

And here’s what I noticed: it turns out that only 20% of all the characteristics of the chosen car are important to customers. The main thing is attention to the buyer and live communication.

It is important to listen without interrupting and ask the right questions so that, based on the information received, you can choose the car that truly meets the buyer’s wishes.

Strong motivation is important in business

I came to the company with specific goals - I clearly understood that I wanted a good apartment, a car, and to go on vacation twice a year. And he did everything to achieve these goals. When there is no internal motivation and goals, it is difficult to set work goals for yourself. For some, it is enough to earn 20-30 thousand rubles a month, but in sales you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles!

After finishing my internship, in January 2011, I moved to a new dealership on Larina. That year, I became the best sales leader three times among managers of all dealerships.

In December 2011, I passed Hyundai certification as a sales consultant - this is a kind of exam where the distributor evaluates the level of manager competencies and their practical application, and a month later, already a certified specialist, I became a senior manager of the sales department.

Sales are based on emotions!

Sales for me is first and foremost communication. I am sure that sales should be based on emotions, on a good mood - the client feels it. Important points in the profession are a smile and a positive attitude in life. In addition, the client must understand that this is a real professional who knows his product very well and can be trusted.

Almost three years later, I was invited to the position of head of the sales department of the dealership on Rodionova. Internal motivation, focus on results and training in the personnel reserve helped. I had to become a manager, that is, learn to make management decisions and organize work in such a way as to achieve set sales targets.

Artem enjoys communicating with clients, because this is how he hones his sales skills over and over again. It turns out that clients are the same teachers.

You know little, you sell little

I have a rule: “You know little, you sell little.” To succeed in the profession of a sales manager, you need to thoroughly know your product and competing products, but that’s not all. A successful manager must understand issues of lending, insurance and, of course, be a psychologist and be able to build communications with clients. It is important to maintain a conversation with clients on various topics and find common interests, so the manager must have comprehensive knowledge.

Each sales manager has his own professional tricks, but the main thing is effective work with regular customers, maintaining an up-to-date database and regular calls. Someone comes to the salon without a clear idea of ​​​​the future purchase. Some people know exactly what they need, while others just want to communicate... You need to understand everyone, which means you need to ask people the right questions and listen. The more accurately we understand the client, the more likely it is that he will make a purchasing decision.

Elena Isaykina, HR manager at AGAT company

A sales manager is a communicator and guide

A sales manager requires a set of certain competencies.

First of all, these are excellent communication skills and emotional flexibility. A candidate for this position must be able to communicate with different people, understand their motives, in order to offer exactly the car (or any other product/service) that meets the expectations and needs of customers. At the same time, it must be a competent specialist who understands the product. In addition, attention to detail, adherence to standards and the ability to work with software products (for example, 1C and CRM) are important. Finding such a person is not easy.

To grow in his field, a sales manager must be aware of current information: follow new products, study competitors' offers, analyze them in order to operate with this information in communication with clients.

You also need to constantly develop your communication skills and outlook. Of course, you can and should read books, but it is obvious that every communication with a client is a step in the development of the art of communication.

Each company sets its own requirements for the position of sales manager, but if a person comes to an interview with a sparkle in his eyes and captivates with his energy and charisma, we take him to the team.

To start a career in sales, you usually don't need any special education or experience. We are ready to hire almost anyone for starting positions in sales. However, building a future career in this field, as well as the possibility of rapid growth in position and salary, certainly depends on the individual’s individual abilities.

Many people believe that starting work in the “fields” (from lower positions in sales, such as merchandiser, sales representative, etc.) is even useful, because this makes it possible to understand how the entire sales chain functions.

A career start can be both in a manufacturing company and in trading (distribution) companies - in the future, production companies willingly hire the best employees of their distributors as staff.

If you want to try yourself as a sales manager, you can start working while still studying - in this case, by the time you receive your diploma, you will already have decided whether this type of occupation is suitable for you or not. It should be noted that students with a good education make their careers faster and can even skip one or more steps.

In most FMCG manufacturing companies, a career in sales is built according to the same pattern: people without experience are hired for entry-level positions, but have certain competencies - good communication and analytical skills, active, result-oriented.

The career can then be built in two directions - working with key accounts or working with distributors, territory and field teams. An example of vertical development could be the following diagram.


These specialists are in demand in FMCG manufacturing companies or large distributors.

. Driver's license preferred
. work experience is not required.

. work at a retail outlet (shop, kiosk) - display of products.

Salary: 20 thousand rubles. gross, no bonus.

Sales Representative

Like merchandisers, they can find work in FMCG manufacturing companies and large distributors.

. secondary specialized or incomplete higher education
. Must have a driver's license
. work experience of 6 months.

. control of merchandisers' work
. checking warehouse balances, placing an order for products
. concluding contracts with new retail outlets.

Salary: 20-30 thousand rubles. gross, bonus possible.

Merchandiser/Sales Representative Supervisor

. secondary specialized or incomplete higher education
. 1 year of experience as a sales representative
. team management experience.

. control of the work of merchandisers/sales representatives
. planning routes
. solving complex issues with retail outlets.

Salary: 30-50 thousand rubles. gross + bonus.

Local Account Manager/Federal Account Specialist

These employees are needed by manufacturing companies in any sector and large distributors.

. experience working with networks (attracting, discussing commercial terms)
. Good negotiation skills and analytical skills.

. concluding contracts with the head offices of local networks
. discussion of commercial terms of work with the client, assortment matrix
. implementation of marketing campaigns in stores.

Salary: 60-80 thousand rubles. + bonus.

National Account Manager

. 2 years of experience working with networks
. developed negotiation skills and analytical abilities.

. concluding contracts with the head offices of federal networks
. discussion of commercial terms, assortment, prices
. planning marketing campaigns in networks.

Salary: 90-130 thousand rubles. + bonus.

Senior Manager / Client Group Manager

There are vacancies for senior managers in large FMCG manufacturing companies.

. 2 years of experience working with federal networks
. effective negotiation skills, decision making skills
. experience in managing people.

. managing a team of network managers
. participation in the formation of customer service policies
. conducting negotiations with the central offices of networks.

Salary: 130-160 thousand rubles. + bonus.

National Account Director

. 3 years of experience working with federal networks
. strategic approach, analytical skills.

. management of the key account department
. strategic planning for the development of a network channel.

Salary: 200-250 thousand rubles. + bonus.

The duration of work in each position, as well as the opportunity to move to a higher position by skipping the intermediate stage, depends on the abilities and results of a particular employee.

Important skills required for client management are negotiation skills, analytical skills, and decision-making skills.

In sales there is no clear division between vertical and horizontal careers; here it is more appropriate to talk about development vectors. For example, another example of a career in the sales industry could be the growth of a territorial sales manager: a start in this direction also begins with “field” positions (sales representative, supervisor, merchandiser).

Territorial Sales Manager

In demand in FMCG manufacturing companies.

. experience working with territory and team
. experience working with a distributor.

. development of distribution in the entrusted territory
. Managing the field sales team.

Salary: 60-80 thousand rubles. gross + bonus.

Regional Sales Manager

There are vacancies for “regional workers” in FMCG manufacturing companies.

. Experience working with the territory and team from 2.5 years
. 2.5 years of experience working with distributors.

. management of distributors in the region
. management of a team of territorial managers.

Salary: 120-150 thousand rubles. gross + bonus.

Divisional Manager

In demand in large manufacturing FMCG companies.

. the same as for a regional sales manager, but with greater geographical coverage.

. development of a strategy for working with regions
. Managing a team of regional managers.

Salary: 200-250 thousand rubles. gross + bonus.

Horizontal growth possible when an employee moves from a regional department to a key account department (and vice versa), which can happen at any stage of his career. Such transitions are welcomed in most companies, as they help employees gain diversified experience and subsequently qualify for top positions in sales ( Sales Director, Commercial Director).

Separately, it is worth noting that knowledge of English significantly increases the chances of finding a higher-paying job in sales. And although in practice only a small percentage of managers use English in their work, knowledge of a foreign language is a necessary requirement “at the entrance” to many Western companies.

Many people do not take this profession seriously and perceive it as something not valuable. It is believed that almost anyone who can speak well can become a sales manager.

Let's see what kind of profession a sales manager really is? First of all, he is a consultant, an assistant, a bit of a psychologist who knows how to make a favorable impression, an interlocutor who can support the conversation, a document management specialist, and sometimes the responsibilities of a manager can be even broader.

The main task of the seller is not to sell, as this is not surprising, but to leave a positive impression on the client. Is it that easy these days? Many buyers are in a hurry, nervous, not happy with everything, don’t know what they want, etc. Here, too, the seller needs serious endurance and stress resistance. In a word, like any other profession, you also need to study to become a sales manager. Study long and thoroughly, of course, if you want to succeed in this profession. But this can and should be done! A salesperson is one of the most profitable professions, one of the oldest professions, it has always been and will be in demand, you just need to take it seriously and constantly improve your professionalism.

I can say with confidence that success in a profession, sales or any other, depends on three components: your desire to succeed (perseverance), knowledge and experience, and your attitude towards what you do.

If you don’t want to “climb the mountain”, you won’t go, even if you know the road and you like the mountain, you’ll just trample and decide that it’s normal anyway. Another question is what if you really want to “climb the mountain”, but don’t know how, you’ve never done it. Here guides and books can help you. If we talk about sales, then I mean that if there is no desire, you will not strive to sell more or improve yourself. And if there is a desire, but no knowledge and experience, then this can be filled through training - courses, trainings, books. One training can shorten the process of your natural learning “in the fields” by several times. Why reinvent the wheel? Everything has already been invented, you just need to learn how to use it. The Internet opens up enormous learning opportunities. Take 1 training per year, read a book per month, watch free video lessons, etc. But of course, you need to understand that visiting and participating in a training is significantly different from simply watching a video. Because live communication and participation provide experience and skills, while videos and books provide only knowledge.

Well, the last thing is attitude. You cannot be successful in a profession if it does not bring you pleasure, if you do not like to sell, do not like people, and consider this profession shameful. Therefore, if this is the case, then you need to either change your profession or radically reconsider your attitude towards it. Learn to appreciate it, see value in your work!

So where to start?

  1. Always learn. Observe clients, analyze why the person behaved this way and not otherwise, why he answered that way. And if asked differently, would the answer change..? Watch other sellers. Analyze yourself at the time of purchase and decision making. Read books on sales. Make it a rule to read 1 book a month, at a minimum! Attend educational events and trainings.
  2. Communicate in a “supportive environment.” If there are many colleagues and friends around you who are always whining, complaining, and dissatisfied, then your emotional state will decrease. The energy will be negative, and in general there will be little of it. And a salesman without energy is just a “talking head.” Therefore, try to communicate with successful, positive people. Try to look like a successful person yourself - clothes, hairstyle, posture. This will add confidence to your abilities and clients will trust you more.
  3. Focus on results. Those. Set yourself a goal to achieve something, be it a certain level of income, working in a certain company in a certain position, learning a foreign language... anything, as long as you understand what you are striving for. Believe in your strength and don't give up. If it doesn’t work out right away, it will work out later, for sure. Even a negative experience is also an experience; it teaches, develops, and strengthens. And remember, only those who do nothing fail.
  4. Make your profession a way of life, try and experiment with different approaches and techniques. Implement them into your daily life. Develop your horizons. Study time management, the basics of personal effectiveness, and take an interest in psychology. This will help you become a more complete person. And clients always like to communicate with successful and professional people. Remember, there was a saying: “First you work for your image, then the image works for you.”

I know for sure that if you have the desire, then knowledge and experience are easy to acquire. And if you didn’t have a positive attitude towards the profession, then you wouldn’t have the desire to change something, learn something, which means you wouldn’t have read this article to the end..))) Since you’ve read it, it means there is a desire and a positive attitude, but knowledge and experience are a matter of time.

The best sales books for salespeople:

  • Sales genius. Tony Buzan
  • How to sell an elephant. Asya Barysheva
  • Samurai of Sales. Kevin Hogan
  • Hunting for a buyer. Alexander Derevitsky
  • How to become a sales wizard. Jeffrey Fox
  • Nonverbal communications in sales. G. Gschwandtner
  • The art of selling for dummies. T. Hopkins
  • A little book of good tips for successful sales. B. Tracy
  • Effective sales methods according to Brian Tracy
  • Become a sales master. Napoleon Hill
  • Sales champions. Ron Marks
  • Sales master. Rick Page
  • 49 laws of sales. David Matson
  • Frank Bettger's Selling Secrets
  • Why do we buy? Paco Underhill
  • Customers for life. Paul Brown

There is also a lot of useful information: videos, recommendations, documents, books, you will find on my page