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Goat farm as a business. Goat farming business plan

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


In modern economic conditions, many people are thinking about starting their own business. And increasingly, business ideas are found in the agricultural sector. We will look at goat breeding as a business in this article.

Goat farming as a business – profitability

The main advantages in favor of raising goats as your own business include the following factors:

  1. goats are perhaps the most unpretentious of all domestic animals. They do not require special nutrition or special difficult living conditions;
  2. in order to start raising goats, large starting material costs are not required;
  3. if you open a private farm, you can apply for government support, which is expressed in preferential lending and even non-repayable subsidies;
  4. Competition in this type of business activity is quite low. This makes it possible to quite simply occupy your market niche;
  5. Goat breeding as a business is an almost waste-free production. Not only meat and milk, but also wool and even manure are all goods that can be sold for money.

However, a novice farmer, before starting to organize his business in this area, must clearly decide what he wants to get from animals in the first place, and only then select the goat breed that meets the stated requirements for his goals.

And in order to decide on priorities, it is necessary to seriously study the market situation in a particular region and find out which goat products are in greatest demand.

A profitable business begins with drawing up a business plan, which should take into account all expenses (both initial and future) and expected profitability, which will allow one to determine the payback period and the planned profitability of the future enterprise.

If preliminary calculations show that profitability is low and the payback period is long, you should think about another field of activity.

Many people are skeptical about goat products. However, this prejudice is groundless. Let's figure out together what the reasons for this attitude are and what you can really get from a goat.

The main reason for a wary attitude towards goat meat is the unpleasant specific odor that appears due to a special metabolic process.

To avoid this smell, you need to follow a few simple conditions:

  • organize proper nutrition for goats;
  • separate males from females and keep them separately;
  • After slaughter, approach the skinning process very carefully and thoroughly wash the skinned carcass.

Goat meat is actually a very valuable product. Here are some of its beneficial properties:

  • This is a dietary product that is much easier to digest than, for example, beef or pork. Therefore, it can be eaten at any age;
  • Goat meat contains a large amount of useful substances: proteins, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other vital elements. And the cholesterol content in goat meat is much lower than in other, more common types of meat;
  • this product is often recommended for consumption by women after childbirth, as well as by patients who have undergone surgery and people with a weakened immune system;
  • The usefulness of goat meat is also confirmed by the fact that in Asian countries the share of goat breeding is growing every year, which means that there is a demand for such meat and it is constantly increasing.

Goat's milk, despite its low popularity, is in no way inferior to the usual cow's milk. In addition, this product has healing properties (especially in the treatment of pulmonary and stomach diseases). Goat milk does not cause allergies and is very useful for lactating and pregnant women.

Considering all of the above, as well as good taste, we can say that such milk should find its buyer. In the process of drawing up a business plan for commercial goat farming, this must be taken into account, since the potential demand for goat milk has not yet been fully realized. Many are simply not familiar with the benefits of this product, and established preferences in favor of cow's milk play a role. However, with proper advertising, conveying the necessary information, you can attract many people as buyers of goat milk.

A separate type of processed dairy products is goat cheeses, which have not only excellent taste, but also a whole range of useful microelements.

Such cheeses can be made at home, and some goat farmers even rely on them as their main source of profit.

Other farmers purposefully breed down and wool goats.

The skins are used to produce coats, sheepskin coats, shoes, and so on. The meat of such animals is also of very good quality. Goat down and goat hair are in stable demand at light industry enterprises. Animals of wool and down origin have a lot of varieties, which differ in the following indicators:

All of the above must be taken into account when developing a business plan, since the amount of possible profit depends on the correct choice of direction (or directions).

It is also important that, due to their unpretentiousness, goats are much easier to keep and raise than other livestock.

Any business requires legalization. Of course, if your plans include a small livestock in a homestead, then you can do without registering with government agencies. However, in this case, you will not be able to count on either government support or permanent contracts with consumers of future products.

It is best to start a business either by registering a peasant farm (peasant farm) or by obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP).

The costs of such registration are minimal, and the simplified taxation system makes it possible to optimize tax deductions to the budget at the first stage.

However, you should remember that if you plan to increase volumes and expand your business, then this legal form will no longer be suitable.

To seriously work with state-owned enterprises and large commercial structures (including foreign ones), it is necessary to register either a limited liability company (LLC) or another legal entity.

This can be done at the next stage of your business development, or you can immediately register it for the future. The difference between a legal entity and individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms is more complex accounting reporting and a different taxation system.

Once you choose a legal form, be sure to reflect this in your business plan, since both registration and accounting costs vary greatly depending on the form of business registration.

Where to start setting up a farm?

So, you have drawn up a business plan, registered and are ready to get started. First of all, regardless of the chosen direction of goat breeding, before purchasing animals you need to equip the farm. To do this, you should decide on pasture areas so that the buildings for them are located next to them.

The room itself should be dry and warm. To achieve this in winter, a heating system should be provided. It is also necessary to organize water supply and ventilation. It is better to make the floor with a slight slope (for ease of cleaning).

The room must be provided with:

  • section for young animals;
  • section for breeding males;
  • section for pregnant goats and subsequent births;
  • place for milking animals;
  • department for livestock fattened for slaughter (goats can be kept together with castrated goats).

In addition, storage for feed and a room for processing the resulting raw materials (for example, tanning hides or making cheese) should be provided in advance. One goat needs at least two square meters of indoor space, although this figure directly depends on the breed of the animal. The designs of feeders and drinkers play an important role. They must simultaneously be protected from contamination of feed and water by animals, and provide free access to water and food. Freedom of movement is very important for goats, so it is better not to tie them when keeping them in stalls.

In warm weather, it is best to keep these animals in the fresh air longer, so the choice of pasture (especially for dairy-oriented businesses) is very important. In addition, good grazing lands will allow you to significantly save on the purchase of feed.


In summer, the goats' diet consists of green vegetation, and in winter - hay. The pasture should be divided into sections so that the grass has time to grow. Hay for winter feeding is prepared in advance (from early summer to autumn).

In addition to green feed, goats willingly eat cereals, root crops and vegetables, and branches of coniferous trees. The diet should also include feed and mineral supplements.

In normal times, the herd needs to be watered twice a day, and in extreme heat - three times. The water should not be very cold. Do not give very cold water.

Approximate economic calculation

An important part for any farmer. If we consider the initial costs and expenses for keeping goats, then based on three years, taking into account the fact that you have your own private home and place for grazing, the approximate costs will be:

  • repair and preparation of the premises (an ordinary shed will do) and purchase of equipment - 1000 conventional units (cu.);
  • purchase of ten purebred dairy goats – 3500 USD;
  • feed, mineral supplements, other fertilizing, veterinary services (vaccinations) and so on - about 3500 cu.

Goats begin producing milk at the age of one year and 10 months. Expenses (including initial costs) for three years will amount to 8,000 cu. In a year and two months, the goats will produce milk, from the sale of which the proceeds will be approximately 8,000 - 8,500 cu. In other words, with milk alone the payback period will be 3 years, and from the fourth you can count on receiving income. This calculation does not take into account income from the sale of offspring and from the sale of wool and fluff (if their quality from the purchased goats is sufficient for sale).

Breeding goats on your own backyard is becoming increasingly popular among the population. These animals in the subsidiary farm always provide fresh milk, delicious kefir, snow-white and fluffy butter.

This is a fairly inexpensive and cost-effective way to have fresh milk on the dinner table every day, which is equal in value to mother’s milk. There are many examples where mothers, in the absence of their own milk, fed their children goat milk, rich in mineral salts. Most people's opinion about its bad taste and specific smell is wrong. The fat content, which can be stored for a long time even without refrigeration, is higher than cow fat and is 4-6%. A significant content of biologically active potassium has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and promotes rejuvenation of the body.

Kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, butter - homemade products that will always be a useful addition to the family’s usual diet. Raising goats on your own backyard as a business, in addition to side income from the sale of dairy products, brings satisfaction and joy when communicating with these friendly, loyal animals.

How to choose the right goat?

To do this, you just need to be able to choose the right goat, guided by criteria such as physique, age and purpose of keeping the pet. If a goat is required on the farm to produce dairy products, then the choice should be a dairy breed (Saanen, Nubian, Alpine, Toggenburg). When examining, special attention must be paid to the animal’s udder; it should be pear-shaped, voluminous and soft to the touch.

Short teats cause inconvenience when milking, so in this case the choice of a pet should be continued. The main advantage of dairy goats is their high milk yield (about 3 liters of milk per day).

Breeding goats on a personal farmstead for the production and sale of meat can also be a very profitable business, in which it is advisable to choose meat breeds: Greek, Burg, Kiko. Their meat is of high quality and tastes like veal.

A goat can also be kept to obtain wool and fluff (a special type of wool raw material that has no analogues in quality and technological properties). In this case, the most suitable breeds are Angora, Orenburg, Gorno-Altai, from whose soft wool the popular mohair is produced. Compared to other breeds, these goats produce less milk: only 0.5-1 liter per day.

A by-product of keeping goats is manure - high quality from household plots and greenhouses.

The optimal choice would be local breeds that are best adapted to the climate of your region. Moreover, popular breeds without proper care and high-quality food may not meet the corresponding productivity indicators.

Signs of a good goat

A good goat should have a wide chest, healthy bones, and straight legs. It is worth paying attention to the jaws. They should fit tightly together. Otherwise, the animal will not be able to grab food with its teeth and bite grass, which will negatively affect its productivity.

When purchasing young goats, you should pay attention to the milk yield of their mother. It is advisable to take a winter brood, because it is stronger and more resilient. Animals must be selected that are active, with clear eyes, shiny fur, and even and symmetrical horns (if any). The shape of the hind legs should be in the form of the letter “P”, not “X”. If possible, it is worth watching the goats run. Those who lag behind and often lie down are not worth taking.

Goat farming is an economically profitable activity

Raising goats on your own backyard is a very convenient and low-cost type of home business. These animals are unpretentious and optimally adapt to various living conditions. Their valuable biological feature is early sexual maturity; one goat usually gives birth to one or two (sometimes three) babies. Grown-up young animals can be used for meat, which is tasty and lean, it is very important not to overcook it, because an adult goat from 1.5 years of age emits

Setting up a room for goats

Goats on a personal farmstead are undemanding animals, so they can be bred almost anywhere and, unlike cattle, can even be kept on small farmsteads with small outbuildings.

The room for keeping animals must have access to fresh air, be warm, dry and clean, equipped with a manger for hay and a feeder for food waste located underneath. An important condition is the presence of bedding on the floor; it could be straw, sawdust, leaves. Goats love freedom, so it is advisable to keep them in stalls without a leash. The goat should be kept in a separate room (with a fence installed to prevent the milk from acquiring a specific unpleasant odor).

Breeding goats on your own backyard: feeding

For feeding goats, fresh grass is considered the optimal food, which is also the cheapest food, due to which there is a significant increase in milk yield. Therefore, in the summer, animals must be taken out to pasture, where they independently obtain their own food. In the evening, they should be fed with root vegetables, potatoes, vegetables, grains, and previously prepared branches from bushes or coniferous trees.

When making hay, it is not recommended to use herbs that impart bitterness and odor to milk (tansy, chamomile, horsetail, wormwood and mustard). As additional food, animals are given dried brooms from branches of trees and shrubs; it is useful to feed them pine needles during the cold period. As a drink, mashes are made, which significantly increase milk yield, for the preparation of which kitchen waste, dried bread remains, beetroot, carrot peelings, steamed oats or bran are mixed with warm water.

In winter, goats need to be walked to increase their appetite and reduce the risk of hoof disease.

Goats should always have water available and at room temperature. It is recommended to add lick salt to the feeder; if it is not available, the swill just needs to be salted.

We raise goats on our own yard

It is advisable for goats to have offspring in early spring. The kids born during this period are the most developed and strong. For this purpose, mating must be carried out in September-October. Goats can be born when they reach 1.5 years of age; Mating is allowed from the age of 7 months, very preferably with an unrelated goat to obtain high-quality non-hybrid offspring. The mass litter is mainly observed in March. Usually by autumn the kids are already well developed. Females are sold to other farms or kept as replacements for old queens; male goats are sold for meat or raised to replace the breeding goat. To avoid inbreeding, it is preferable to exchange young stock with other farmers.

In the first days, newborn goats should be fed colostrum, then for a month they should be fed 4 times a day with liquid oatmeal or semolina porridge (with milk), followed by a transition to three meals a day.

Gradually, babies should be accustomed to mixed feed, hay and leaves; this causes faster development of the stomach.

7-9 years is the average duration of use of a goat in a personal yard.
Raising goats on your own backyard is economically profitable due to the low costs and peaceful nature of these clean and friendly animals.

The naturalness of products is very highly valued nowadays. People are willing to overpay for village milk, cheese, meat, and vegetables. Products made from goat's milk are especially popular; these products strengthen the body and help with lung disease. Therefore, in recent years, goat breeding as a business has been gaining momentum.

In addition to milk, you can sell goat hair and meat, as well as sell processed milk to beauty salons and breed offspring . Animal breeding is considered one of the most promising areas of modern business.

You need to register as an individual entrepreneur with activity codes - goat breeding, sale of dairy products, meat.

Rent or purchase of land for building a farm and raising goats, obtaining a cadastral passport and a certificate from the BTI. Next, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to operate the farm and a conclusion from the environmental and fire inspection.

Next, you need to study the area where the livestock is planned to be raised. It is ideal to rent land for grazing and several buildings for stables; after the collapsed collective and state farms, this will not be so difficult to do.

Choosing a site for a farm

An important factor in choosing a location for a farm is the availability of fertile land on which the goats will feed. If there are buildings on the leased land, it will be possible to save on the construction of goat stalls. However, it is necessary to equip the room so that it is dry and warm at any time of the year (you may have to build a mini-boiler room).

The premises must be equipped with a place for milk processing and a storage area for feed. The stall itself should be divided into milking goats, young animals and a maternity ward. On average, one animal requires five square meters for its comfortable living. The floor should be covered with hay or straw, which is changed periodically. Each goat should have its own feeder and drinker. It is advisable to keep animals free-range, without a leash.

Remember: with proper care in winter, goats produce milk yield no lower than in summer.

Equipment for receiving and processing products

To obtain milk, it will be necessary to purchase equipment for milking animals. At the same time, there is no need to overpay for foreign devices; you can remake Russian machines for milking cows (since goats only need two suction cups).

Also, if you plan to sell sour cream, cream and butter, you will need separators. For a small farm, 1-2 household separators are enough. There are manual and electric models of separators; it is advisable to have both. The first one will save you in case of a power outage, and the second one will significantly speed up the process.

What to feed goats?

The daily summer diet of goats should include: hay, fresh grass, silage. It is necessary to water the animals twice a day; in the summer, it is necessary to carefully monitor the watering of the goats and, if necessary, fill them with water.

In winter, the main food for goats is hay, as well as summer harvesting of succulent tree branches. Animals can get the necessary vitamins from corn and beets. Also sometimes chalk and table salt are used as vitamins (no more than 15 grams per goat). Pregnant animals should be given plenty of grains and beans, and should only be given warm water to drink.

According to average estimates, one animal eats up to two kilograms of hay per day, remember this when preparing hay for the winter.

Remember: to examine and treat animals you will need a professional veterinarian, take care of this in advance!

Animals need to be fed according to a given schedule so that the goats do not experience stress and milk yield does not decrease

Products sold

The main selling point will be dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, cream, butter. The amount of production depends on the breed of animals, their nutrition and the number of heads. Ordinary Russian goat breeds produce two liters of milk per day, and the milk yield of the Saanen goat reaches six liters. However, the price of these breeds differs by four to five times. A Russian goat costs on average five to seven thousand rubles, while the price of a Saanen goat reaches forty thousand rubles.

The price of a liter of goat milk ranges from one hundred to one hundred and fifty rubles, and all thanks to the healing properties of the drink. It is believed that goat's milk is similar in properties to breast milk and can even replace it (consultation with a doctor is required). Goat milk is used to treat the stomach, lungs, bone tissue and much more.

Sale of goat down and skins. Goat down is purchased by factories for yarn and filling blankets and pillows. The average price per kilogram of fluff is one thousand rubles. A goat skin measuring one meter by one meter costs about two and a half thousand rubles.

The price of a liter of sour cream is five hundred rubles (a liter of sour cream takes five liters of milk). A kilogram of cottage cheese costs within the same range - five hundred to six hundred rubles. Cheese is estimated at seven hundred to nine hundred rubles per kilo. Goat meat usually costs five hundred to six hundred rubles per kilogram.

You can sell products yourself or through intermediaries by concluding a supply agreement. Large farmers usually have access to several distribution points (shops, tents, enterprises).

Note: whey is very popular in beauty salons, so the waste can also be sold!

Selling directly young animals is an even more profitable process, because two-month-old goats can reach a price of up to five thousand rubles (Saanen breed). Most farmers make decent profits from breeding and selling offspring. However, this requires a large area for pasture and stalls, as well as serious expenses for food procurement.

Farm expenses and income

Table 1.1.

Farm expenses per year

NameAmount, rub.
1 Registration of individual entrepreneur800
2 Obtaining licenses and permits20 000
3 Milking machines45 000
4 Separators7 000
5 Purchase of goats (10 pieces of Russian breed)120 000
6 Employee salaries360 000
7 Purchase of feed150 000
8 Rent of land with buildings500 000
Total:1 262 000

Ten heads of goats a year bring from eight hundred thousand to a million rubles (the sale of young animals is not taken into account). However, for this it is necessary to establish a continuous supply of products to stores and enterprises. The costs of starting a goat breeding business in this case will pay off in about a year and a half.

In general, the goat breeding business, like other types of farming, is on the rise and is therefore promising at the present time.

Milk is the most popular food product among people of all ages. The modern consumer prefers to buy an environmentally friendly product. Therefore, a goat farm would be a good option for setting up a dairy business.

But, before starting to set up such a farm, it is necessary to create a business plan that will consider all the nuances of the work. And also, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of farming, which will be discussed in the article.

Breed selection

In order for goat breeding to bring a stable income, it is necessary to pay attention to the breeds that are the most profitable. Exists four main directions, in which the goat breeds are collected:

  • Meat,
  • Dairy,
  • Downy,
  • Woolen.

Experienced farmers advise beginners to pay attention to dairy farming. Downy and woolly goats may be of interest to an inexperienced owner as an additional opportunity to earn money, however, the cost of grooming and regular combing requires more investment at first than it generates income.

The best way to start goat farming suitable for dairy breeds. The Saanen breed is considered the most profitable, as well as the Megrelian. The cost of the first one is quite high. Domestic farmers developed a new species based on this breed - the Russian White. It is ideally suited for farming.

In order for goat breeding to have a stable increase in the number of livestock, it is necessary to focus on one breed. Combining breeds is unprofitable at first.

Russian white goat known for its unpretentiousness and gentle temperament, which is exactly what is required in the initial stages of farming. The white breed is also famous for its high milk yield and quality of milk, which is also important.

The formation of a goat farm should be approached carefully.

Young animals are best purchased on specialized farms. Secondary farms also have a good breeding base, however, it is best to form high-quality livestock by turning to professionals.

You should be careful when choosing a sire goat. This is the basis of the future livestock, so it is better not to save on buying a male.

Preparing the area and premises

Before buying kids, you need to arrange the territory and premises, in which the livestock will live.

For goat breeding as a business, rural areas are best suited. It is also convenient to set up a farm on a summer cottage, if the territory allows the goats to have a spacious living.

The plot for the farm must have a minimum 10 acres of land. Also, it is necessary to take care of the farmer’s living quarters, since 24-hour presence of a person in such a farm is mandatory. This is especially true during the growth period of young animals, when feeding is frequent and hourly.

It would be optimal if there was an agricultural facility nearby the farm where it would be possible to purchase cheap fodder in the winter.

Natural pastures and meadows are also a prerequisite for building a farm. Grazing is the key to good health of the livestock, as well as a source of food for goats in the form of fresh vegetation.

On the farm territory it is necessary to equip not only stalls, but also fenced paddocks. You should also insulate the living quarters for animals and take care of the ventilation of the stall.

The goat farming business plan includes high costs for the arrangement of the territory and premises. However, it is necessary to abandon the option where such expenses take up half of the starting capital.

Premises for keeping goats should be spacious. Males are usually kept separately from females. Also, if the territory allows, the division of livestock according to age is practiced. Up to 15 adult goats can be kept in a 20 square meter shed.

The premises must be well ventilated. All stationary equipment should be made from natural materials. You should also choose inexpensive and natural bedding - straw or sawdust.

The room should be well ventilated, however, drafts must be avoided. You should also take care of insulating the farm in winter. Styrofoam is perfect for this purpose.

Temperature in the barn should be comfortable, and in winter not fall below +8 degrees. The floor in the barn must be built with a slope and lined with hay. The bazok must be periodically whitened, and all feeders must be thoroughly disinfected. To wash drinkers and feeders, use water and soda.

Constantly being in a barn has a negative impact on the quality of products, so it is necessary to arrange a range for goats on the farm territory. During the cold season, goats are released during the day for two hours. During the warm season, walks can be carried out for six hours.

The pen must be fenced off with a net. Each goat is provided with a separate feeder, which should be fenced off from its neighbors.


Since the goat farm involves business on goat milk, then livestock feeding is the most important part of a business plan. The taste of milk and, accordingly, its further sales depend on the quality of feed.

For feeding, you should use high-quality feed. In the summer, you need to arrange a grass area for grazing, and for the winter, you need to stock up on fresh green food and hay. Grass and rags are best suited for this.

Goats drink only clean and warm water. Animals need to be given water twice a day. Drinkers should always be cleaned to prevent the spread of infections. The same goes for feeders. Spoiled feed can harm livestock.

For feeding use:

  • Juicy feed,
  • rude,
  • Concentrated.

Many farmers practice watering goats with herbal infusions. Such a drink not only saturates the body with vitamins, but also improves the quality of milk. It is also necessary to provide the goats with a sufficient amount of lick salt.

In winter, the goat's diet consists of branches, straw, bran, cake, hay, as well as grains and mixed feed. Goats are given bone meal, salt and chalk as mineral supplements.


Mating in goats occurs twice a year. The first period occurs in autumn, the second occurs in spring.

Best way to breed goats in the autumn, since by the beginning of spring grazing the kids will have already become stronger and will be able to graze next to the adults. The warm season provides young animals with high-quality green feed, which has a positive effect on their growth and the formation of immunity. Goat kids must be raised in separate rooms from adults.

It is also necessary to keep milking females separately so that the milk does not absorb unpleasant odors.

A better option for beginning farmers with the purchase of ready-made young animals, instead of raising replacement stock. It is best to start with a quantity of no more than 40 pieces. Over time, the number of livestock can be increased by using our own replacement young stock.

When breeding, it is necessary to take into account that inbreeding among goats (inbreeding) leads to deterioration of the livestock, therefore, when purchasing more than twenty goats, you must purchase at least two stud goats.

The goat milk business generates about 75% income through the sale of milk. It is necessary to prepare in advance points of sale of products. It is best to enter into direct contracts with buyers. Shops and supermarkets willingly agree to sell eco-products - milk and meat, so there should be no problems with sales.

The remaining 25% of income comes from the sale of young animals, however, before this is possible, the beginning farmer needs to build his own livestock.

The optimal size of a farm to obtain a stable income is about a hundred animals.

A private farm of 20 goats begins to pay for itself in two years. The profitability of goat farming as a business ranges from 20 to 45%.

Advantages and disadvantages

A goat farm business plan has both prospects and drawbacks. Therefore, before starting goat breeding, a novice farmer needs to weigh all the pros and cons of such a business.

Among the advantages can be noted:

  • The high cost of products produced on the farm and the demand for eco-products. This applies to milk, meat, as well as fluff and wool;
  • Simplicity in content. Goats are unpretentious animals, so a novice farmer should not have any problems;
  • Niche freedom. While there is a high demand for goat milk, there is still a small number of goat farms;
  • Relatively high profitability of the farm.

So is it profitable to keep a goat? A goat farm is a profitable investment, however, it takes some time before it begins to make a profit. It is necessary to carefully prepare and provide for all the nuances so that the money invested is not wasted.

Some tips for a novice farmer:

Goat farming is a profitable business, however, at first it requires large expenses. If you decide to start a dairy business, be prepared that at first it will bring minimal income. And only with great persistence of the farmer will the goat farm be profitable.

Attention, TODAY only!

Kira Stoletova

Any successful business is based on a detailed calculation and determination of the strengths and weaknesses of a business idea. Goat farming as a business is currently becoming increasingly popular and profitable. Particular specificity of calculations of the pros and cons in this matter is mandatory even for any branch of animal husbandry, since a lot here depends not only on the type of animal, but also on the choice of a specific breed. He considers the goat milk business profitable and not so widespread, so novice entrepreneurs can safely take on a new business.

  • You can expand your activities and supply markets, restaurants and cafes not only with pure and high-quality milk and meat, but also start producing goat cheese. With the right approach, goat breeding as a business is quite a profitable business. First you need to calculate profitability and open your own business. After which the farm will give you the opportunity to earn money by supplying meat, cheeses and milk. Dairy goats as a profitable business with the right approach will pay off within 6-12 months.

    To decide to create a mini-business, you can chat on the forum with the owners of such enterprises, watch videos and study what dairy goat breeds there are. A dairy business plan for raising goats or a mini farm can be a good alternative for raising and breeding chickens or pigs. To calculate whether it is profitable or not, you can draw up a business plan, how many animals are needed, what space is required, and whether you can carry out proper rearing and breeding of animals.

    Profitability of goat farming

    The most important advantage of keeping goats is that they are easy to care for. To create adequate living and nutritional conditions, it does not require a lot of expenses or special premises. You can start raising goats without a large start-up capital, which is important for businessmen just starting their business. The state also provides support to private farms by providing preferential loans. A good argument in favor of developing goat farming is the lack of high competition; with the right approach, you can take a good market share.

    Keeping and breeding goats is distinguished by the versatility of production: all waste products can be sold - from milk to manure. But, despite such versatility, the dairy business needs to bet on improving the quality of one of the products, which will make the product unique and in demand. Correctly set priorities are important because this will later help you choose the necessary breed that meets the stated requirements.

    Do not forget about analyzing the market in this industry - this will help you decide on specific products and the dairy business will develop. It is imperative to have a business plan taking into account all expenses and potential income, which will help make adjustments to the production process if there are deviations from the given plan. This will show how long it will take for such a business to pay off and begin to generate its first income.

    What can you put on sale when raising goats?

    • Obtaining dietary meat.
    • Dressing of skins.
    • Sales of milk and cheese.

    Goat products

    Goat products have their own differences, first of all, a specific smell. The opinion is stereotypical, but it can play a decisive role in the success of such a business as the dairy business. Therefore, efforts must be made to eliminate as much as possible the negative impact of such nuances on the further development of production. Many people do not want to bet on the development of goat farming precisely because of the smell, but few people know that if simple rules are followed, these factors can be minimized. To do this, it is necessary to provide the necessary conditions for keeping goats. You should mainly pay attention to nutrition, because the reason for this smell lies in the peculiarities of the metabolic processes of animals. It is also recommended to keep individuals of different sexes separately. It is important to follow slaughter technologies, especially during skinning - it is thoroughly washed to give it a marketable appearance and remove the smell.

    Focus on goat meat - it has beneficial properties that are little talked about. First of all, meat is easily digestible and is dietary - this can be emphasized in comparison with beef or pork. It is suitable for use regardless of age. Moreover, such meat has a large range of useful substances and contains the necessary proteins, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. Its cholesterol content is minimal - this advantage will certainly be appreciated by older people.

    Raising goats has no waste materials

    All parts of the animal and all waste products are sold. Milk is also supplied for sale. It is good because it does not cause allergies and has a healing effect, in particular, in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and lungs. But keep in mind that, despite the described advantages, milk is not in great demand. But this can be corrected thanks to good advertising - many people simply do not know about the positive qualities and benefits, and by providing such information, you can count on an increase in demand.

    Think about expanding your range - it’s easy to make cheeses from milk at home, and if you improve the recipes, such products can potentially become an additional source of income.

    The wool and down direction of goat breeding deserves special attention. Shoes, sheepskin coats, and coats are made from goat skins. To achieve results in this direction, you should focus, first of all, on quality. As a rule, this requires keeping special breeds. Such goats differ in weight, quality characteristics of wool and fluff, diet, quantity of offspring, meat quality, maintenance and care requirements.

    In order to make the best choice, the livestock breeder must become familiar with the characteristics of different breeds. Assessing your own capabilities and choosing the direction of goat farming should form the main basis of the business plan. Now, knowing about the advantages of individual areas, it is easy to calculate the profitability of the business and you can begin to implement the idea. Everything will work out because goats are unpretentious animals compared to other livestock.

    Nuances of business registration

    Legalization and a business plan for breeding domestic goats provides additional guarantees for the further development of the business. In principle, if you plan to have a small livestock that you can keep in your homestead and the profitability pays off, then you can open a peasant farm. Any business requires legalization. Before registration, you should decide on the status - individual entrepreneurship (IP) or farm (peasant farm). The cost of registration itself is small, and as for paying taxes, a simplified system at the initial stages allows you to optimize budget allocations.

    For large-scale production, you need a farm and you need to obtain a different legal status. In this case, it is better to register a limited liability company (LLC), which will allow you to work with domestic and foreign large companies and state-owned enterprises. The differences between all these forms of ownership are in the maintenance of accounting records and the features of the tax system. The relevant government agencies involved in registering entrepreneurs will help you make the best choice; they will provide more detailed advice.

    How to set up a farm?

    After forming a business plan and legal registration of the business, you should address the issue of arranging the farm. First, you should choose a location so that the goat housing is close to the pasture. Premises for keeping goats should have comfortable conditions with a stable warm and dry climate inside. For winter maintenance it is necessary to provide and equip a heating system. A farm cannot fully function without water supply and ventilation. For ease of cleaning, it is recommended to make the floor at a slight slope. They think in advance about storage for feed and a building for the manufacture and processing of products: cheese production or hides.

    An important component of the place of detention is its distribution into special zones. On the farm, it is better to provide an area for young offspring, a section for males and a section for pregnant goats, where they will care for the young. The area for milking and fattening livestock for slaughter is separately landscaped. In the last section, goats can be kept together with castrated males. It is worth remembering that for one individual the farm must allocate at least 2 square meters. m. area. But this indicator may vary depending on the selected breed.

    Pay attention to the construction of feeders - goats need to be provided with maximum free access to food, water, and that cleanliness is maintained. For breeding domestic goats, minimal restrictions on space and movement are important. When keeping animals in a stall, it is advisable not to tie them up. For the same reason, in the warm season, they are regularly walked in the fresh air for a long time. It is the presence of sufficient areas for grazing that has the best effect on goat milk yield. Another advantage of good pasture is saving on feed, which will make goat farming even more profitable.

    We make economic calculations

    Goat farm is a profitable business in Cherkasy region

    The same amount will have to be spent on initial nutrition - mineral supplements, feed. This also includes veterinary services, as examinations and vaccinations are carried out regularly. With such expenses, a net profit is possible in three years, but if you manage to arrange supplies of products, expand sales markets and increase the range, the payback will be earlier. So, it all depends on the desire of the farmer and a responsible approach to business - the more you work, the sooner you will start earning money. Goat breeding is best done by a person who is willing to devote time and attention to the animals. The pet goat business requires a lot of time and effort to make a profit.