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Who earned how much on advego. How to make money on Advego for a beginner: detailed instructions

It’s very easy to make money by writing articles today. All you need to do is choose a suitable text exchange, register on it and you can immediately start working. In this article we will talk about a project popular among copywriters Advego.

  • Operating since 2008 During this time, more than 2 million users registered in the system and began their activities; a huge number of positive reviews about the work of the exchange provide a guarantee of honest work.
  • A lot of work varying degrees of complexity are available to performers at any time convenient for them. Users can choose suitable tasks for themselves based on their skills and level of knowledge, ranging from simple likes, reposts and votes, to writing highly specialized texts.
  • Flexible schedule makes it possible for the performer to structure his working day as efficiently as possible. Advego is ideal for both additional income and the main source of income.
  • Own tools to check articles for literacy and uniqueness. Also, any user can conduct SEO text analysis thanks to the site’s free software.

It’s easy to create a personal account on the largest text content exchange. On the project website, there is a registration button in the upper right corner. After clicking on it, a window will open where you need to fill in only two fields: come up with an alias (nickname) and indicate your valid email address, the password for your personal account will be sent to it. After confirming your registration, you can log into your profile, fill out a personal questionnaire and begin searching for a suitable job.

What difficulties may newbies encounter and how to overcome them?

At first glance, it may seem that huge competition will prevent new authors from getting through to expensive orders, but this is not so. Yes, there are a lot of performers working for advego, but there are also enough customers.

Sometimes, fulfilling even an inexpensive order, you can get a permanent employer, who will be satisfied with the result of the first order and will subsequently begin to purchase content from this author at a higher cost.

Tender assignment system that is difficult for newbies to win. Of course, if a user with a low rating writes in his application what a good author he is and promises to complete the order competently and on time, he is unlikely to be able to compete with “upgraded” accounts. In addition, more and more customers are asking to include examples of their already written work in their applications. Where can I get them and can a newbie win the tender? Quite.

In order to have something to indicate in an order application, you must initially take care of filling out your portfolio.

It’s easier for those who have already had experience writing texts on other exchanges and have several decent articles in stock to post on their profile. It is worth noting that after payment for his work, the author loses the right to use it for commercial purposes, for example, to resell it to other customers, but, by agreement with the buyer, he can use the sold texts as an example of his work.

A good portfolio will help you not only become the best in the tender among job seekers, but also receive a personal order. A large number of customers come to the forum to view the portfolio of performers and select workers to write texts for their projects.

Not every beginner can put their work on sale for free. According to the rules of the system, the user must have completed and paid for at least 10 custom jobs.

It may seem that it is very difficult to do this with a tender system and a zero portfolio. But, it is not necessary to choose orders for writing voluminous texts, and not all works are announced as competitions between performers. Any user can easily complete simple tasks on a social network: write a comment, join a group and invite several of your friends to it, like a publication and repost it to your page. All you need to do is complete 10 of these simple tasks, get paid for them, and you can freely submit your work to the article store.

How to start making money on adveg correctly

Finding a suitable job on this exchange is quite simple; for this you can use a convenient search: the “Job” / “Job Search” tab, on the right is a window into which the user enters the necessary parameters and selects suitable orders.

It often happens that, due to ignorance or inattention, at the very beginning of his copywriting journey, the author receives payment refusals, which negatively affects his efficiency, and this indicator is assessed by customers when choosing a contractor.

How not to ruin your reputation from the very beginning

  • You shouldn’t take on expensive orders from the very first day. To get started, you can complete several orders for writing comments. Not only are they easy and quick to complete, but they will also help you get positive numbers in your profile statistics (efficiency and commitment).
  • Pay attention to the time. When choosing an order, you should pay attention to the time given for its completion and calculate your strength correctly.
  • If you don’t have a portfolio, you shouldn’t waste time on orders with tenders. The customer is unlikely to pay attention to performers with low performance. You can find a job on the stock exchange without “competitive” selection. Of course, the payment in most cases will be lower, but getting such an order is much easier. In addition, this is a great opportunity to develop a portfolio. Therefore, even low-paying orders should be treated as responsibly as possible, and always check texts for errors and uniqueness.
  • The order must fully comply with the specifications. Whatever order the contractor takes on, it must always fully comply with the specifications. Otherwise, the customer may simply not pay for the work, without even sending it for revision.

Receiving earned money

Payment for work on the advego text exchange is made in American currency. You can withdraw both in dollars and rubles to WebMoney and Qiwi electronic wallets. The first transaction is carried out within 14 days, subsequently the money earned is withdrawn within a day. To order a payout, the account must have at least $5.

Recently, making money on the Internet has become very popular, one of them is earnings on Advego is a copywriting and rewriting exchange that already has worthy competitors like something similar - . There are a sea of ​​similar articles online that describe the issue: how to make money on Advego(official site), but since our site is not included in this topic, we will try to outline the basic concepts, cost of payment and types of possible conflicts between the customer and employees. Since such work is considered nothing more than freelancing, we advise you to read about.

Types of work on the Advego article exchange

There are several types of work for such income:

Posting. This is the simplest type of work, you just need to leave posts on various social networks and forums that are just getting promoted. This creates a kind of live communication. This beginning of a “career” is perfect for beginners. In your posts, do not forget to adhere to the uniqueness of the texts.

Rewrite. The second most difficult type of earnings on Advego after posting. This is someone’s article, already indexed by search engines, rewritten inside and out in your own words. The main thing is that this article has the same meaning (remember about writing summaries in school days, so this is rewriting). If it’s difficult for you to write an article under the guise of copyright, for example, you don’t know well the topic proposed on Advego, then work on rewriting articles couldn't come at a better time!

Types of rewriting:

  • Simple is when words in an article are replaced with synonyms, plus light editing.
  • Complex - all words are replaced, paragraphs are moved in places.

On the Advego exchange, customers value complex rewriting more. As for the uniqueness of simple and complex rewrites, in the latter case it turns out to be very high, such an article can even be called copyright.

Copywriting. This is your personal article, written from your life experience, your observations. Writing such an article will be more difficult than rewriting, but the uniqueness is about 99%. Even if you do not have your own observations in the copyright topic you have chosen on Advego, you can always use backup options. For example, if you turn on some video clip on YouTube and repost the commentator word for word, the uniqueness will also be high, provided that this video has not yet been republished. Earning money from copywriting gives the biggest profit.

SEO-Copywriting. This is still the same copyright, only tailored for search engines. That is, keywords are evenly placed throughout the article so that the article does not take on the appearance of meaningless sentences. Keyword density should be in the region of 1 – 4%.

Translation. Translation of an article from other languages, a fairly simple way of writing unique article on Advego, unless of course you have at least minimal knowledge of a certain language. Online translators can be useful to you, although the quality of their translation suffers greatly, sometimes it is even impossible to understand the meaning of the translated text.

Don't allow this quality of rewriting)))

How much can you earn on Advego?

Make money on Advego for beginners is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The thing is that earnings on this exchange are low, although it depends on your rating and popularity; the higher it is, the more expensive you can sell your work.

Payment for posting is very low, 9-70 cents. For 1000 characters of rewriting, you will receive no more than 2-4 dollars, for copyright you can get a little more - on average 8 dollars for 1000 characters. And if you work hard, say, 5-6 hours a day, then you can earn about 300-1500 dollars a month, and maybe more. The budget will be enough for a couple of months.

Conflict situations between customers and performers

On Advego, conflicts periodically occur between customers and employees regarding the uniqueness of an article. For example, you wrote a unique article, Plagiatus showed uniqueness is about 95%. And when the customer began to accept her, the program showed her uniqueness is about 80%. Thus, he may not accept the article, and the time spent on it will be wasted. The reasons may be:

  • Various program settings Plagiatus When searching for copies of a text, the customer’s search conditions may be more stringent than yours. Run the article through the program at least 2-3 times, this will help you achieve a more accurate result.
  • Perhaps, while you were waiting for the customer on Advego to accept the article, during this time similar proposals were written somewhere on the Internet. Alas, accidents are sometimes harsh.
  • Perhaps the client rejected your work at the last minute or did not like your article.

Is it possible to make money on the Internet? Is there money there? Of course, a lot. What the internet doesn't have is freebies. Alas, only a few, like Zuckerberg, are able to revolutionize online communication and earn billions from it. And not everyone has the necessary knowledge in the field of information technology, which is in high demand. What should those who are not professionally connected with the Internet and seem to know nothing do?

It turns out that it is possible to earn money, even if not for a big black Mercedes and a vacation in the Maldives, but for a bun with butter, cheese, sausage, a new laptop, a Lada Kalina and a vacation in a good place, even without having a serious IT specialty. You just need to approach the matter wisely.

Circumstances forced me to look for extra work that was not associated with a strict work schedule. And preferably at home, without leaving the coffee maker and household amenities. Naturally - the Internet. The line is connected, the computer is on the table. There is zero investment, prepare your pockets for money. True, an engineering education does not allow you to take up programming or web design; you need to look for other ways. After following the links, I was smart enough to quickly understand that the promise of easy and quick money is quite often a scam that generates income only for its organizers. After studying the proposals, I decided to test myself in the field of creating text content for websites (articles, notes, reviews, etc.). It turned out that there are quite a lot of people willing to pay for such services. Without experience and without your own client base, it is best to start with a text exchange. There are several dozen of them, but the bulk of employers (and money) hang out at four or five. I tried to work for everyone of any significance, but the income pleased me primarily on the Advego exchange. I also recommend it because on Advego, unlike its competitors, beginners have more opportunities here, and there is no such strict dependence of income on status, which takes time to acquire.

I will try to summarize my successful experience of cooperation with Advego, give the reader an idea of ​​this type of earnings and some advice for those who decide to register.

What do they offer?

The tasks offered by customers through the exchange can be divided into main types:

Likes, voting, joining groups on social networks, inviting them to join. Reposting, downloading short files and many other small tasks that require absolutely no qualifications. There are a lot of offers, prices are cheap, from 0.5 USD. (cu = 1WMZ = 1USD). Smart and efficient schoolchildren, without abandoning their studies or sacrificing entertainment, manage to get themselves a cool boost to their Tanchiki account or a new smartphone in a couple of months.

Reviews. Leave a review about a product or service on a certain resource. The pay is low, but the time spent is minimal. I recommend it for beginners as the first stage.

Posting. Register on the forum and chat. If you find regular customers and forums on topics that you are well versed in, you can make decent money. On average, one post per 100–200 characters costs 0.15 USD. Forum moderators are periodically required; the cost of such work is much higher.

Translations from/into foreign languages ​​and text proofreading. There are not very many such orders in total.

Rewriting. Writing articles on a given topic based on a source, provided by the customer or looking for it yourself. Prices are generally low, starting from 0.40 USD. per thousand characters with spaces.

Copywriting. Also articles, but original ones, which is called “from the head”. The price range is wide, as is the complexity of the work. Minimum - 0.60 USD/thousand values, maximum unlimited, “on average for the hospital” - 1.5 USD/thousand values.

Advertising copywriting. Enticing texts (selling texts) are exclusively advertising-oriented for the main pages of websites. They pay decently, but this is a job for an experienced and qualified performer; a green beginner will not be able to cope.

Owners of their own websites, blogs, and social media accounts have the opportunity to further monetize their hobbies. Many employers will be willing to pay for posting advertising links and articles on your sites. An advertising article on a visited blog will cost several times more than usual.

Sale of finished articles through the exchange. You can write articles on familiar topics and post them in the directory. Plus - the performer is not bound by anything, there are no deadlines or restrictions. Minus - the text must be literate (checked), money will be credited only after purchasing the article. The rating of article topics according to their popularity among customers is updated and published daily.

There are also orders of a different kind on the stock exchange. Photo reports, website promotion, simple web design, uploading materials to standard engines (usually WordPress) and much more.

How to sell your work

There are three ways to sell your work on Advego:

  • “Catch” interesting orders in the public domain.
  • Take part in the tender. For the most critical work, customers announce a tender. It is in the tenders that the really big fish are found. Performers have access to offers according to their rating. The higher it is, the “tastier” the prices.
  • Selling articles through a catalogue. You can attach a handwritten photo to the text, this increases the price. Success depends on the ability to guess the topic that is relevant today and, of course, the quality of the material.
My personal experience

When I first entered the stock exchange, I started little by little, with reviews and posting. I didn’t deal with links, there is a high risk of spoiling the statistics (it is important if you plan to write articles). Gradually I began to master rewriting and copywriting. Minimum prices start from 0.40 USD. per thousand characters with spaces, 1–2 USD are considered average. per thousand, venerable authors are paid 4–5 USD/thousand. At first it seemed to me that I wrote well and competently, but today I cannot re-read my first “masterpieces” without laughing. Over time, I studied the literature on web writing, improved my style, spelling and punctuation. I tried to focus primarily on topics that I understand. Having collected a sufficient number of high-quality works, I created a portfolio (this can be done on the exchange forum). A year later, it turned out that I was earning more than at my main job, so I finally went freelance. After about an hour and a half, it turned out, unnoticed by me, that I already occupied the first line in the list of authors of the exchange (determined based on the results of the last three months). Today, after two years, I am starting to “free-float” and am gradually reducing my participation on the stock exchange. In general, most of the best authors, after two or three years, move on to more “fat fields” of copywriting, acquire a permanent paying clientele, or become customers of texts themselves, organizing their own Internet business.

My earnings

In the first month, from reviews, I earned $17. I spent an hour and a half a day with Advego.

The bar is 100 USD. overcame it in the fourth month, about half of the work was posting, the rest was rewriting at 0.4–0.6 USD/thousand zn. and simple, cheap copywriting 0.6–0.8 USD/thousand characters. I started working longer, 1.5–2 hours.

A year later, the average price for my work was 1.2 USD/thousand zn, the work time on the exchange was on average 4 hours, the income was 250 USD.

After a year and a half, I found myself among the best (rather a relative concept) authors. I worked a strict shift - 6 hours (if with coffee, tea and lunch, it turns out to be 8 hours). For a couple of weeks he won the laurels of a leader. Today, without falling below the TOP 50 authors, I earn from 400 to 800 USD. Performers in the top five may well receive income of more than $1,000, but this will require some effort. Gradually, the framework of Advego is already becoming too small for me.

In general, I can say that, in a couple of weeks, having gotten the hang of it, even a not very literate school student, in parallel with his studies, devoting 1.5 hours a day to work, will be able to “rack up” 25–50 USD from links, posting and reviews. , or even more. At a higher level, in copywriting, with the ability to write competently and easily, allocating approximately 3-4 hours daily, 150-300 USD. - real figure. For those who are able to weave lace of words into magical patterns, further very attractive prospects open up. Finally, I would like to note that you should not expect big earnings right away and despair if things don’t work out. It is impossible to jump over the initial stage in one fell swoop; you will have to spend time mastering the basic techniques of copywriting.

How to withdraw money from Advego

Advego accrues royalties to your personal balance, from where you withdraw them to the WebMoney system yourself. One ye is equal to wmz, also known as the US dollar. The exchange will charge you 10% of the amount received for services. Electronic money can be used to pay for many services: communications, utilities, buying goods in online stores, plane and train tickets, concerts. Transfer money to a bank account or electronic payment card. Each CIS country has its own characteristics; you can read about them on the WM service; there are separate threads on the exchange forum.

Based on two years of successful experience working for Advego, I will take the liberty of giving a number of recommendations to those entering the path of web writing:

Be careful when entering your e-wallet number; changing it later will be difficult. By the way, the data does not have to be entered at the time of registration, it can be done later and the account does not have to belong to you personally.

Try to complete work on time and efficiently. If you cheat, you may be refused payment; if you miss the deadline, you are guaranteed to receive it. But it’s not about the money, it’s about the fact that refusals adversely affect the statistics posted on the author’s personal page. Employers attach great importance to this and primarily prefer to cooperate with executive writers.

If it so happens that you have spoiled the statistics, you can “pull it out” with simple tasks, for example, likes. The money is scanty, but it's fast.

Before you take on the work of a customer you don’t know, take the time to look at his profile. If the percentage of refusals (statistics are available from both performers and employers) is too high (more than 10%), think again.

Do not take on a task whose essence and conditions you do not fully understand. If you nevertheless pressed the “take on work” button (“delicious” orders are sorted out quickly, sometimes you need to hurry up) and find that the “nut” is too tough for you, refuse immediately, in the first 30 minutes, in this case the refusal will not be reflected on statistics.

Be careful with topics that are unfamiliar and difficult for you: you will spend too much time studying and there is no guarantee that you will cope.

Don't be afraid to ask your colleagues a question. First, “Google” or look at the forum threads, maybe there is already a ready answer.

I recommend starting with the simplest and cheapest work. They are located at the “tail” of the job search list. Likes are good for children, but adults should take care of reviews and posting. If you plan to write articles, do not contact advertising links that pay better, as there is a high probability of ruining the statistics. You can practice for several weeks, study the system, understand how the wheels turn, gain the number and a good percentage of completed work so that the profile is not “naked.”

If you decide to get serious about large texts (rewriting, copywriting), read about the specifics of the subject; the search engine will find you many useful links. Read separately about “keywords”; they are present in 80% of orders. Just don’t think about buying paid courses and trainings. At least at the beginning of the journey.

It’s more convenient to work in Word; at the same time, you can check your spelling. Alas, no program will find all errors. If you are not confident in your own knowledge of spelling and punctuation, repeat the school rules.

The need to create “unique” texts spoils a lot of blood for authors. Uniqueness, inimitability - means that your article is not similar to others, has no analogues on the network. The special program Advego Plagiatus (AP) checks the text and reliably shows the degree of its similarity with those posted on other resources. The performer needs to fit within the specified limits, which can be difficult with texts that are short and rich in special terms. I do not recommend taking on articles of less than 1.5 thousand characters on complex technical, medical and legal issues if you do not understand them and cannot, if necessary, select adequate synonyms.

When you reach the stage of participation in tenders in which applications should be submitted, under no circumstances leave stupid messages such as: “ready to work,” “I will be glad to cooperate,” or “I will do my best.” This is not what the customer expects. A high-quality example or an original, creative application can convince you to give a profitable job.

Save all your texts, from the very beginning. Using the AP service, you can then find articles already posted on the Internet. You can use the best works for self-promotion in tenders. You can provide a link to a website or image by taking a screenshot. Having collected decent texts, you can create your own portfolio, this can be done directly on the Advego forum. You will find examples there. A good help, believe me.

Secrets for making money on Advego

In notes like mine, it is considered good form to tell a number of cunning “Secrets and Secrets.” About how to work less and get more.

I have to disappoint you, dear reader: there are no special secrets, but the secrets have been revealed. The Templar gold was melted into coins by the French king centuries ago, the Ark of the Covenant has sunk into oblivion forever, and Sannikov Land, if it ever existed, has long since sunk into the ocean.

Dan Brown came up with everything in his books, believe me. To make money on Advego, you need to register, turn on your brain and start working. Then you will see a cheerful dance of numbers in your bank account. This is the Main Secret.

Why Advego?

Based on my own experience, I consider the Advego test exchange to be the best ( the most profitable) for the performer for the following reasons:

  • Work is available constantly and around the clock, the most varied.
  • The best prices relative to competitive sites.
  • Availability of tasks for performers of any skill level. Starting from those who know nothing, ending with cool professionals. Completely different people make money on Advego, from small schoolchildren to doctors of science. There are many students, mothers on maternity leave, office plankton, teachers and retirees.
  • Customers need articles on very different topics, from feeding hamsters to quantum physics. Any professional knowledge (as well as the lack thereof) can be implemented. There are, of course, popular topics: construction, housekeeping, raising children. Lots of orders for product descriptions for online stores.
  • Advego, more than other similar resources, is “friendly” to beginners, so you can get a good start right away.
  • Convenient search system, clear interface.
  • The contractor will not be cheated; he is guaranteed payment if the work is completed in accordance with the task. Moreover, the System itself guarantees.
  • The exchange has its own built-in advanced services for assessing the quality (uniqueness and SEO analysis) of text, checking spelling and style, this helps a lot.
  • None of the web writing resources has such an interesting and responsive forum where you can find the right answer to any pressing question. By the way, there is a separate thread “How much can you earn on Advego”, you can read what real authors write.
  • The administration is friendly, moderators are constantly on duty on the site and promptly answer questions.
  • A tyrant boss does not stand over the soul. You can work at home, sitting in the kitchen, in shorts (optional), with a bottle of beer, fish or a piece of cake - whatever you like.
  • Once a year there are competitions with very substantial prize funds. Only the best are destined to win, but many exhibit their works, and everyone without exception takes an active part in the discussion.

If money is not extra for you, you are not afraid to load your brain with interesting, non-dusty work - register with Advego, join the team of authors and start earning money right now!

How much do they earn on Advego?

Hi all! In the last article we learned how to check text for uniqueness using the program. Today we will find out how much they earn on Advego. The topic is quite interesting and of interest to many novice copywriters. I’ll immediately make a small digression in terms of motivation. After all, you understand that water does not flow under a lying stone. Therefore, how much you can earn on Advego and your earnings on Advego are two big differences! This applies not only to work for Advego, but to your entire life. To achieve a lot, you need to work hard at it and not be afraid to do something (for example, take on more responsible and complex orders). It's inaction that you need to be afraid of. Let's get through it quickly and get down to serious work!

Earning money on Advego like a game

Making money on Advego is vaguely reminiscent of an RPG game in which you need to level up your character. At the very beginning, you walk around dressed in doormats and fight with a rotten stick, and when you have invested a lot of time and experience in your character, he has special skills and is dressed in armor made of dragon scales and fights with some rare sword elven steel with a large list of magical abilities.

Dragonscale Armor

That’s how it is with Advego. You register, look around - I don’t know, I don’t understand, it’s complicated. And you will start earning pennies from the easiest job. You won't earn $100 a month. But get experience. Then you will begin to feel more confident and you will have more ambition. That’s when the fun begins: ratings, competition, the fight for juicy orders, popularity in narrow circles, etc. From now on, you will no longer wonder how much you earn on Advego, you will earn it yourself.

Analyze your work to increase your earnings on Advego

A good rule of thumb is for you to keep track of your income. Analyze them. Decide for yourself what brings you the most profit and adjust your work plan accordingly.

If you persistently achieve your goal in this spirit, you can earn very good money on Advego. Quite realistic earnings for people who are dedicated to their work can reach $1000 a month and even higher. Just think, $1000 a month while sitting at home.

Tricks on Advego

Also, if you have ingenuity, you can always come up with something interesting. I am not advising now, but simply giving examples. There are people who resell articles. That is, they have earned their authority and know that they can buy an article from them at a decent price. So they buy articles in batches from inexperienced copywriters and sell them as their own. Of course, there are many pitfalls here, but, in general, in this way you can earn much more on Advego than if you write all the articles yourself.

There is another tricky method that I came across while surfing the Internet. One guy was simply selling articles from old newspapers on Advego, which, of course, were unlikely to have been published anywhere before. So think about how many articles you can sell per day.

Once again, I do not recommend these methods to you. I vote for personal development. Therefore, write and rise in the eyes of customers, and you will have happiness and money.

I would be glad if you would leave comments with mini-stories of your successes on Advego. If making money on Advego is not for you, then you will like it on the page, which is constantly replenished and updated.

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How much can you earn on Advego and in what ways? We give a comprehensive answer.

Many beginners who are just interested in making money on the Internet get acquainted with the Advego exchange.

It provides a variety of options for generating income, both for those who do not yet have any knowledge and skills, and for more experienced performers.

Therefore, beginners are always concerned about the answer to the question, how much can you earn on Advego?

Is it really worth spending your time and energy on this resource or should you look for something else?

This article will give you a comprehensive answer.

What is the Advego earning site?

Advego is one of the leading exchanges on the Russian-language Internet.

First of all, it is designed for .

But no other similar resource has as many options for additional income as are offered here.

This is what makes Advego such an attractive place to make money among beginners.

Advantages and disadvantages of making money on Advego

Despite its leading position, Advego has not only advantages, but also its shortcomings.

Before you wonder how much you can earn here, it’s worth studying them in more detail.

Perhaps the negative aspects will be more significant for you than the advantages, and you will need to look for alternative options.

Advantages of the Advego exchange

  • At first glance, Advego seems to be a rather complex resource.
    But if you take a closer look, you will notice that the interface is intuitive, and any difficulties will be resolved by a responsive administration or by contacting your “colleagues” on the forum.
  • If you decide to switch to writing, be sure to appreciate how many different free proofing tools there are out there!
    Not only the standard one, which helps to find spelling errors.
    But also an assessment of the uniqueness of the text and SEO analysis, the verification of which is an integral part of the execution of most decently paid orders.
  • Also, the “green” light for beginners is given by the absence of such a common indicator as rating.
    Anyone can start working immediately after registration.
    However, persistent violators should not relax either.
    Profile statistics will show the customer how many orders you did not deliver on time, and how many were returned due to their poor quality.
  • Although there is a minimum withdrawal amount, it is quite small - only $5.
    Considering the fairly high prices compared to similar resources, you can get it quite quickly.

Disadvantages of the Advego exchange

  • Beneficial and comfortable working conditions attract many performers.

    Therefore, beginners should prepare for a really large number of competitors.

    There is enough work for everyone here, but when over and over again your candidacy is rejected in favor of someone else, many give up.

  • Although this point contradicts what is stated in the advantages of the exchange, they pay little.

    Numerous performers who earn tens and hundreds of dollars on Advego can challenge this.

    But there are few of them and they are rather a happy exception.

    For an ordinary beginner, the level of earnings is not bad, but when you want to earn more, the question of how much they pay for working on Advego may become a sore point for you.

  • Although the developers have tried to protect customers and performers as much as possible, there is a chance that they will not receive money for the work performed.

    The employer can simply click on the “refuse payment” button, citing a minor error or with the spatial formulation “inappropriate style.”

    At the same time, he can appropriate the text that he has already seen in its entirety.

    But this rarely happens, and in case of problems you can always contact support.

What can you do and how much can you earn on Advego?

As already mentioned, the Advego exchange attracts beginners because of how many options it offers for making money:
  • sale of ready-made texts,
  • writing custom articles,
  • activity on forums,
  • actions on social networks,
  • writing slogans, titles, slogans.

And these are just the main types of profit; there are many more of them on the stock exchange.

Difficulty varies greatly, and so do prices.

You can withdraw what you can earn on Advego after you reach the minimum required amount – $5.

The withdrawal is made to a wallet in the popular payment system WebMoney.

The first time the funds are credited will take 16 days, but subsequently the process will happen faster - within a business day.

The fact that payments are made in dollars is especially pleasing to the performers in view of the current currency fluctuations.

How much can you earn on Advego on social networks?

To make money on Advego using social networks, you need to open the corresponding section in the “job search” tab.

There are quite a lot of tasks, so even with the current high competition, there is enough work for everyone. In addition, most of it is available for execution immediately, without the customer’s approval of the application.

The prices are quite low:

How much can you earn on Advego from comments and posts?

Comments and posts are the next step in earning money.

Writing them takes more time and even requires some effort and thought.

The pay is also slightly higher.

But even with an active pace of work, it is very difficult to get more than $1-3 per day.

It turns out that this cannot be called normal income - the monthly income will not exceed $30.

Therefore, having tried your hand at writing comments, you should move on to creating full-fledged texts - and copywriting.

How much can you earn on Advego by writing texts?

This is the highest paying type of assignment.

The average cost for 1000 characters without a space on Advego is $0.8-1.5, if you do copywriting, rewriting costs a little less - $0.4-1.

According to reviews and statistics, even beginners can write several texts of medium length (2000-2500 characters) every day.

Simple calculations help us conclude that with “Adveg” prices and a confident pace of implementation, you can earn $100-150 in the first month.

To maintain such earnings, you need to increase the speed of execution, while not forgetting about quality.

Then customers will contact you again.

Detailed instructions on how to make money on Advego

on writing articles:

What affects how much you can earn on Advego?

  1. First of all, your earnings on advego will depend on how much and how much you want to earn.
    If you just want to get hold of money without doing anything, then quit your job in a couple of days.
    Nobody will pay you for nothing.
    And the Advego exchange is no exception.
    To make money here, you need to want it and make an effort.
  2. The main source of income is regular customers.
    This truth will be confirmed by everyone who receives normal amounts of earnings on Advego.
    Therefore, beginners should strive to spend less time searching for work and more time on completing orders themselves.
    Do your work as efficiently as possible and invite customers to further cooperation.
    This way you will gradually build your base.
  3. You need to not only spend time completing tasks, but also be able to properly evaluate it.
    At first, without experience and reviews, you will have to work “for your name.”
    Next, learn to select those orders that pay well and are worth your attention and effort.
    The best advice is to quickly switch from low-paying, clicks and small tasks to something more serious, for example, writing texts.
    Translations and SEO copywriting are especially highly valued, but to perform such work you need special skills and abilities.
    If you have the necessary inclinations, develop them.

    It’s better to spend time improving your qualifications than on cheap comments and posts.

  4. Learn to properly organize your work time.
    If you don’t create a work schedule, you will constantly put it off, and, therefore, potential earnings.
    Or, conversely, you will take too many orders that you will not have time to complete.
    This will negatively impact your ranking.

From all of the above, we can conclude: how much you can earn on Advego depends entirely on the artist himself.

The exchange provides enormous scope for work.

And the more desire and effort you show, the higher the amount of earnings you will earn.