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Who are “business angels”? A business angel is a private investor in innovative startups in the early stages of development. Searching for a business angel in the high-tech field.

If you and a team of like-minded people don’t know where to get the missing money to implement an interesting project that promises considerable profit, then this is the place for you.

A business angel is a private person who will support your startup with their finances, knowledge and connections in the early stages of development, and in return will demand a share in the capital of your company.

Unlike large investment organizations that scrutinize your business plan, data and financial models, he can believe in you based only on his sympathies and emotions.

To do this, he needs to see the potential of the idea, the adequacy and cohesion of the team, the amount of effort and money you have already invested, and your own faith in the undertaking. And then he will become a real guardian angel for your business!

Who are business angels and what do they do?

Today these are investors who invest their own funds in all kinds of innovative developments and promising projects. They see their task as supporting young companies introducing innovations in production, trade, and other areas of life.

Business angels invest their own capital in exchange for a stake in the business or acquire a large enough—sometimes blocking—share of shares to have a decisive vote in financial and management decisions.

Business angel (English: business angel, informal investor, angel investor) is a private investor who invests funds in innovative startups (projects) at the stage of creating an enterprise, and he himself receives a return on his investments and a certain share in the capital (most often a blocking stake , not control).

Where did you come from

Investors who received such a romantic name first appeared in the 20s. XX century. It is believed that this was the name given to the wealthy patrons of the arts who sponsored new theatrical productions in New York. According to another version, the name business angels was first used in relation to private investors who invested money in promising venture IT projects in Silicon Valley.

The first lucky person whose innovative project was financed by a private investor was American Eugene Kleiner. An engineer and entrepreneur who decided to start his own business producing silicon chips could not find investors for a long time.

Large financiers from Wall Street considered the project utopian, and Eugene was already thinking about abandoning his plan. However, Arthur Kroc, who had extensive connections in the financial sector, suddenly appeared on his way. He helped find the missing amount, and in 1959, having received $1.5 million from a private investor, Kleiner opened his company Fairchild Semiconductor.

Why investors become business angels

The goal of any investment is to obtain a good income, and in the case of venture projects it should be maximum, since the risk of losing funds is quite high. Ordinary investors are not always ready to venture into such an allocation of capital, preferring to invest in financial instruments with a lower, but guaranteed income.

Modern business angels, on the contrary, invest in innovative projects, in nascent enterprises, in companies at the registration stage, which can potentially be very profitable.

As a rule, the “angel” selects 1–2 new projects out of 10–15 proposed, focusing on those that seem potentially profitable. It is believed that competent venture investments should bring at least 50–70% per year.

Typically, the return of invested funds occurs at the time of sale of a block of shares or interest in the company. If the project is successful, their cost may significantly exceed the initial investment. The company's securities can be sold on the stock exchange or through closed trading. Investors interested in further business development buy them back at the offered price.

Main types of business angels:

  1. Lead Investor - this strategy is mainly used by fairly experienced investors who have already completed several transactions and have experience in entrepreneurship. These business angels are actively involved in the life of the company in which they have invested.
  2. Manager is most often a former corporate employee who, along with an investment, is trying to find a place for employment.
  3. A non-professional private investor - usually he is interested in a project or a new product, and wants to invest in a new company.

What is the difference from venture investors?

Both of them invest in high-risk innovative projects, but they do this under different conditions. If a business angel always risks only his own money, then venture investors usually unite in a fund that can attract funds from citizens or other legal entities. A striking example of this option is venture mutual funds.

In other words, a business angel is a private investor who invests directly in a company, and not through brokers, investment funds, etc. A business angel usually bears 100% of the risk and the company begins its activities solely thanks to him.

A business angel is an investor who believes in a company at its inception stage and in every possible way supports its development with financial support, which is probably where the name “angel” comes from.

In addition, business angels invest not only for the purpose of making a profit, but also for self-realization as a person who helps others get on their feet. Many of them find great pleasure in passing on their commercial experience to young entrepreneurs whose companies are still in their infancy.


It is believed that this is an experienced entrepreneur 35–55 years old, who has not only theoretical knowledge of business, but also his own positive experience in implementing new projects. Such an investor has excellent business acumen and can therefore provide valuable practical advice to the managers of the new company.

“Angels” from the USA usually have an annual income of $80–100 thousand. At the same time, the standard investment amount ranges from $10 thousand to $300 thousand, depending on the type of business, the stage of the project and the field of activity of the young company. According to American financiers, investments from $50 thousand to $200 thousand are usually invested in an innovative project.

History has several amazing examples of how ordinary investors became successful business angels:

  • Firstly, this is the famous Apple corporation. The $91 thousand once invested in it turned into $154 million for the business angel!
  • Thomas Ahlberg, invested $100 thousand in Amazon, and received his $26 million.
  • And Ian McGlynn invested $4 thousand pounds sterling, for which he was awarded 42 million pounds.

Is there any in Russia

Almost all Russian “angels” are people with serious funds and experience in building a successful business. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 independent categories:

  1. Coming from a technology business or science background, looking for innovative projects in a certain area, often for integration into an existing business.
  2. They are excellent experts and know exactly what they want to get from their investment. Such business angels are a great success for a budding entrepreneur, since the combination of original, viable ideas and sufficient funds to bring them to life usually produces excellent results.

  3. Representatives of large corporations and groups who do not want to advertise their interest in any developments.
  4. They usually look for an interesting project, invest in it, and then transfer their share of the business to the parent company. The firm that is the target of such angel investment is often threatened with takeover, and its leader is usually entrusted with leading the newly created structure in the parent corporation.
  5. Amateurs are a small category of investors for whom “angel” activity at the “startup” and “seed” stages is a hobby, and not a way to make a profit.
  6. They invest in projects based on personal preferences or the desire to contribute to the development of any area of ​​activity. Although their investments are unprofessional in nature, such projects often turn out to be quite successful.

To search for promising objects, pool capital and work more efficiently, business angels unite in networks. There are hundreds of them abroad; in Russia today there are more than 20 of them. The most famous are:

  • "National Community of Business Angels"
  • "St. Petersburg Organization of Business Angels"
  • "Moscow network of business angels."

In 2013, the process of systematizing “angelic” activities began in Russia:

  1. launched a specialized portal for aspiring business angels,
  2. Various conferences are held to coordinate the work of investors.

Although the Russian “angel” market is 6–7 years old, about fifty transactions have already been closed during this period. In 2013 alone, more than $100 million was invested, which is 40% more than in 2012. The average investment size is now about $120 thousand, with which it is quite possible to start a small business.

Statistics say that the chances of success and receiving more than 50% per annum as a result of their investments are only 23% among all business angels, and 17% receive a small income.

34% of investors experienced unsuccessful investments. Such a large, at first glance, percentage of failures is often associated with:

  • unprofessional activities of companies,
  • improper organization
  • often by initial miscalculations.

Among the main problems hindering the development of the angel investment market, experts cite the conservatism and low awareness of investors, the lack of suitable objects and the uncertainty of the procedure for exiting a business project.

The development of communications in the venture capital market and changes in legislation in the field of deal structuring will spur the market and make this type of investment more accessible and profitable.


A business angel is a brave investor in unknown but promising projects

Few people know, but most of the largest modern corporations owe their existence and success to the financial support of so-called business angels, brave investors who, like a jack-in-the-box, appear next to entrepreneurs at the initial stage of development of their companies and are ready to invest in unknown but promising projects.

Business angels are entrepreneurs who are successful in a variety of fields and have accumulated enough money to invest their funds, as well as knowledge, time and experience, in startups at an early stage of their development.

At the same time, business angels are ready to take on the high risk associated with this and act for their wards not only as investors, but also as mentors for their projects.

The term “business angel” itself appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States to designate wealthy entrepreneurs who were willing to willingly invest money in luxury Broadway productions.

The main feature that distinguishes business angels from other types of investors is that they do not need to extract fleeting current profits, but are determined to invest money in selected projects and do everything possible to increase the value of the companies they sponsor at the end of the year. the agreed period increased to the maximum level.

At this stage, usually within 1-5 years from the moment capital enters the development of the project, the business angel considers its mission accomplished and is ready to sell its share to a strategic investor or the founders of the company themselves, increasing the initial investment many times over.

What are there

There are a huge variety of business angels, and they all, of course, differ in their personal characteristics and motives. Meanwhile, all of them can be conditionally divided into three categories.

  1. Business angels 100%.
  2. People with extensive business experience and their own successful projects. The impressive property of such entrepreneurs is the result of their enormous work over a long period of time.

    They are dedicated to their work and continue to constantly participate in projects with high investment risk, despite losses.

    They are valuable advisors to the companies in which they invest their money.

  3. High-tech angels are investors.
  4. They have slightly less experience than 100% business angels, but this does not prevent them from investing heavily in the development of the latest modern technologies. Their investments are primarily dependent on the value of other high-tech holdings they own. Many high-tech angels enter into rather risky deals, but they are attracted by the opportunity to bring new technologies to the market.

  5. ROI Angels.
  6. Such investors are primarily focused on their financial gain with a high degree of investment risk. These angels typically do not invest in new projects when market performance is weak, but are eager to jump back into action when the market is stable and improving. Such investors rarely take part in the affairs of the companies in which they invest their money.

What are they needed for

No entrepreneur is immune from difficulties in the initial stages of developing their business. In order to somehow protect himself from them, a novice businessman can resort to the services of consultants who have experience in this industry and lose a lot of money on this.

In turn, business angels, as a rule, show sufficient tolerance in critical situations and are ready not only to provide their funds for the development of a promising business project, but also to assist in managing the company in difficult times.

How to ask a business angel for help

You don’t need much to turn to a business angel for support. You just need to invite him to a meeting and prepare a presentation. Depending on the time that the investor is willing to give you (usually 3-5 minutes), you need to prepare a speech and be able to describe your product in the most favorable light in a short time.

However, you can use no more than 10 slides in your presentation - business angels value brevity. At the same time, try to demonstrate during your speech what is also very highly rated by this kind of investors:

  • high-quality team;
  • unique selling proposition;
  • well-thought-out business model;
  • exit strategy;
  • market growth potential;
  • ways to resolve the issue of intellectual property and, of course, competitive analysis.

Where to find a business angel in Russia

Professionals advise looking for your investor through specialized associations, business incubators, at events and on the Internet. In Russia you can find a business angel in any of these places.

Thus, the following associations currently operate in the country:

  1. The Russian Venture Investment Association (RAVI) is the country's first professional organization uniting the leading players in the Russian private equity and venture capital investment market.
  2. The National Association of Business Angels (NABA), which is a full member of the European Business Angels Association EBAN.
  3. The National Community of Business Angels (NCBA) is a non-profit partnership that unites legal entities and individuals, private and institutional investors investing in innovative high-tech companies and organizations that provide services in the areas of investment and innovation.
  4. The Union of Organizations of Business Angels (SOBA) is a club that helps investors and entrepreneurs find each other and develop successful companies.
  5. The SKOLKOVO Investors Club is a platform that brings together entrepreneurs and investors who are in search of new business opportunities.
  6. The IIDF Fund is a Russian venture investment fund that selects projects for investment at an early stage. Established by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives at the suggestion of Vladimir Putin.

There are many business incubators operating in Russia, for example:

  • center for uniting technology entrepreneurs,
  • experts and investors accelerator API Moscow,
  • business incubator of Moscow State University,
  • business incubator of the National Research University Higher School of Economics,
  • business incubator SKOLKOVO,
  • business incubator of the Kazan IT Park and others.
You can meet a business angel at TechCrunch events, WebReady and StartupVillage startup competitions. On the global network, you can find your investor on specialized online platforms such as RusBase and AskCap or on the personal websites of business angels (, and others).

And finally, remember: even if your business project is still far from perfect, but the idea is worthwhile, you can try to attract the attention of a business angel to its development. After all, first of all, such investors invest in people, and not just business.

Source: ""

A fundamentally new investment mechanism

Business angels are individuals and legal entities that invest part of their own funds in innovative companies at the earliest stages of development - “seed” and “start-up”.

Business angels are the first professional investors to invest in innovative companies. These are typically followed by venture capital and then private equity.

The volume of business angel investments in one company ranges from several tens of thousands to a million euros.

Business angels use a fundamentally new - venture - investment mechanism, according to which financing is provided for a long term (3-7 years), without collateral or guarantees, for a share (block of shares) in the company.

Reducing the risks of such investments is ensured by:

  1. investing simultaneously in several companies,
  2. thorough verification and selection of projects (the so-called due diligence procedure),
  3. participation in business management.

The success of business angel investing is largely achieved through the formation of favorable business and friendly relations between investors, inventors and company managers, and their joint work as a single team. Business angels contribute not only money to companies, but also experience, knowledge, and business connections.

The purpose of business angel investments is to increase the value of the companies they invest through the development and promotion of high-tech products to the market. A business angel receives the main income at the “exit” through the sale of his share (block of shares) for a cost significantly exceeding the initial investment.

The sale can be carried out on the stock market, to a strategic investor, or to the founders of the company themselves. Despite the high risks, business angel investing is one of the most highly profitable types of business, capable of bringing the investor at least 70% per annum.

Intel, Yahoo, Amazon, Google, Fairchild Semiconductors and many other leading technology brands began their journey to the top of business from business angels.

Business angel investing is one of the most important elements of the new economy - the knowledge economy. By investing in technology, intelligence, and creative teams, a business angel lays down future prosperity for himself, his partners, and his country.

Source: ""

Where do angels live

Do you have a team and an idea, but no money to implement the project? Then you need a business angel who will invest in a startup at an early stage. But how to find it? We'll tell you about the main habitats of angels and ways to get in touch with them.

First of all, let’s define who a business angel is. This is an individual who directly provides capital to new companies at an early stage of their development. However, the investment is associated with high risks.

Business angels are most often experienced entrepreneurs or top managers who have achieved success in their careers. They act both as investors and as mentors of projects.

How do they invest?

Even though angels are profit-oriented, they often choose an idea based on emotions and sympathy rather than on data, financial models and business plans.

Most often, one meeting between an entrepreneur and an investor is enough to understand whether the investment will take place. The angel first of all evaluates the level of staffing of the team, its awareness of the product itself and its competitors.

An important evaluation criterion is the adequacy of the team, the ability to accept criticism, and soberly assess their strengths.

In addition, it is important for the angel how much of your money and time you have already invested in the project. If the costs are zero, the angel will think: “If you are not willing to put your money on the line, then you do not believe in the project. Why should he, an angel, believe?”

The size of the angel investment is from 25 to 100 thousand dollars. In this case, the angel takes a share from 10 to 50%. Typically, angels do not interfere in the development of a business, advising only as necessary. However, conflicts are not uncommon when angel investors try to act as CEO.

How to spot a business angel in a crowd

Angels are focused on success and profit, so they are always on the lookout for potentially interesting ideas and projects. Their eyes are burning, but they feel tired from the frantic pace of life. They are in constant motion: at conferences and meetings with projects, on trips to Silicon Valley.

They strive to share experiences, speak publicly, and give interviews. Therefore, you can find an angel investor at major events for entrepreneurs, conferences, and at universities at open lectures. Look for an angel who understands exactly your topic and has already invested in similar projects.

Try to communicate with startupers who are already working with some angel. Pay attention to how the angel interacts with the projects.

Entrepreneurs will give you useful tips that will help you save time and avoid mistakes when communicating with investors. Try to find out from them their mentor's preferences (whether he is interested in the team, or the first sales, or what the product looks like, or the business plan, or preliminary contracts with potential clients).

If you need a smart investor who will devote time to your business and give advice, look among investors who were previously entrepreneurs and are now actively speaking at conferences and giving lectures at universities.

Pay attention first of all to the angel who is in close geographical proximity to you. Angels rarely fund projects with which they cannot maintain close contact and meet in person.

Where do they live?

The most famous business angels:

  1. Alexander Aivazov, projects - MarchMania
  2. Alexander Borodich, business incubator FutureLabs (MyWishBoard, WishCoins)
  3. Alexander Vashchenko, projects – Narr8
  4. Alexander Dresen, projects –,
  5. Alexander Turkot — Qbaka
  6. Alexander Yunyaev, projects – Cashsquare
  7. Alexey Basov, projects – Pruffi, Habrahabr, Roem, Firrma
  8. Alexey Karlov — SlyLamb
  9. Alexey Kichaikin, projects – Displair
  10. Alexey Prudnikov, projects - “Traffic from the window”
  11. Andrey Golovin, projects - Russian Story,, Kinoplex
  12. Arkady Moreinis – Klevosti, “Plantains”, Tagbrand
  13. Askar Tuganbaev, projects - Videomore, Tolkien.Ru
  14. Vadim Asadov, projects – Neurok, AlumniFunder
  15. Vadim Kulikov, Kulikov Innovation Center
  16. Vadim Tarasov, Investment Director at Bright Capital (“Doctor at Work”, “Photography School”)
  17. Victor Frumkin, projects - Flocktory
  18. Vyacheslav Davidenko, projects – Alytics, Witget
  19. Dmitry Maslennikov, projects -
  20. Evgeniy Zaitsev, Helix Ventures (medical topics)
  21. Egor Rudi, projects – Eruditor, Printio, LinguaLeo
  22. Igor Ashmanov, projects - Wada!,, “Remparo filter”,
  23. Igor Balk, Managing Director of Global Innovation Labs, TaskPoint
  24. Igor Matsanyuk - Proberry, Woodla, MyWardrobe.
  25. Igor Ryabenky, Altair Foundation (SocialMart, SailPlay, Alloka, HiConvertion, etc.)
  26. Igor Ustinov, projects - ClipClock
  27. Ilya Osipov, projects -, Numbuster, Bankrupt.Pro, MDDay (Mobile Developer Day) events.
  28. Konstantin Sinyushin, projects – Gbooking, director of the Untitled venture capital company
  29. Leonid Volkov, Founder of Projector Ventures, projects - Callaround, Octodon,
  30. "Receptol", Domosite, "Timeliner", Citrea,, Evrent, SideNotes
  31. Mikhail Kechinov, projects -
  32. Mikhail Paulkin, projects – RuTube, Minutta
  33. Murad Sofizadeh, projects - TravelTipz
  34. Nikita Khalyavin, projects - “YaKlass”, “”,
  35. Nikolay Badulin, investments in innovative projects with the help of FiBr
  36. Hovhannes Poghosyan, projects – Onetwotrip,
  37. Oleg Mikhalsky, projects - AR2Life, B-152, partner and co-founder of iAaccelerator
  38. Oscar Hartmann – Pharma Express
  39. Pavel Glushenkov, investment director at Inventure Partners
  40. Pavel Cherkashin, Vestor.In Foundation
  41. Sergey Gribov - American and Russian projects
  42. Sergey Zhukov, projects - “Products from the 90s”, “BeriDari”
  43. Eduard Fiyaksel 0 projects not disclosed
  44. Yuri Virovets, projects – Clickberry,
  45. Yuri Oreshin, lifescience projects – venture fund Angelico Ventures

What to bring to the meeting

  • With pitch options: 1 minute, 3 minutes and 5 minutes. You need to present them depending on how much time the investor has allocated to you. At the same time, you must be able to describe your product without available tools (graphs, diagrams, samples).
  • Project presentation (no more than 10 slides).
  • Teaser (1 page description of the project).
  • Financial plan.
  • Business plan and business model.

What to show an angel:

  1. High quality team.
  2. A unique selling proposition.
  3. Exit strategy (potential industry investors).
  4. A developed and thoughtful business model.
  5. Market growth potential.
  6. Competitive level (competitive analysis).
  7. Ways to resolve the issue of intellectual property of the project.

Remember that angel investors invest in people first and foremost. An idea or a well-thought-out business plan alone cannot turn a plan into a successful business. Therefore, first of all, create a strong core of the team, where key roles will be optimally distributed. And show this team to the business angel!

Source: ""

5 principles of a business angel

I recently had dinner with a well-known angel investor here in San Francisco. He asked not to identify himself, but the history of our communication is very indicative for many entrepreneurs. This private investor (originally from Greece) has an excellent reputation, he has been working with startups for over 10 years and has made several exits.

He told me that he has five rules for selecting projects for funding:

  • First, it does not invest in startups founded by graduate entrepreneurs.
  • Explaining the reasons for this decision, he describes how he invested in three companies led by MBA graduates from Ivy League schools. The first company received $700,000, the second - $2 million, $4 million. All these projects were eventually closed.

    Such entrepreneurs, the business angel says, speak the same language as venture investors, play golf with them, and know how to draw beautiful graphs and convincing tables. Their reputation and work experience bring them closer to top corporate employees.

    But, as my friend concluded, people with MBA degrees have not learned how to do business. They can conduct a market analysis, tell a case and, as a result, get money from investors. But they don’t know how to build relationships with clients, create a product and develop a business.

    He notes that many people who move to Silicon Valley take out loans to get an MBA, but then cannot build a successful business and even face problems finding work.

  • Secondly, he is not interested in projects that are looking for investment only with a presentation in hand, without having a working business.
  • “It’s 2017, my five-year-old daughter can build a website on WIX,” he says. In his opinion, every year IT startups receive investments at an increasingly advanced stage of development.

    In the 1990s, an entrepreneur could come up with a presentation and get investment by saying that his company was founded by Stanford and MIT graduates. In the 2000s, project managers no longer surprised investors with their education, but with their huge user bases.

    Now, since 2010, the era of deep analytics has arrived.

    Investors are interested in MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue), Retention (user return rate), ARPPU (average revenue per paying user), ARPU (average revenue per user), CAC (user acquisition cost) and other specific metrics.

    Obviously, at an early stage, all the indicators may not be very illustrative (especially in the future, the cost of attracting a client may change), but the entrepreneur must know them and correctly analyze the metrics, and be able to “sell” the numbers.

    It’s simply funny for investors when a project that was unable to create a website and attract first users tries to get venture funding. Many founders of new companies do not understand that for most investors, one of the most important indicators of the future success of a project is at least some interest from potential users.

  • Third, angel investors don’t believe in solo founders.

    Instead of “soloists” at the head of the company, he believes, the leaders should be three people - “good, bad, evil” (just like in the famous film by Sergio Leone):

    1. The first is a quiet "techie" who loves to write code and may be interested in the basics of quantum physics.
    2. The second is that the person who will establish sales will use any loopholes to promote the product. He will attack hundreds of investors and flood the mailboxes of journalists with letters.
    3. The third is the product manager, who limits the programmer’s fantasies by providing him with facts about market realities. This person builds business processes within the company so that the service receives the capabilities demanded by users and these updates quickly enter the market.
  • Successful “loners” are people who have not only created several successful businesses (those are the ones everyone knows about), but also “failed” many others (which they don’t like to talk about). And an entrepreneur who is building his first business will risk his money rather than look for investors.

    Most likely, this person can do everything alone. He doesn't need money or even investor connections

  • Fourthly, the investor considers it wrong to invest in startups that he cannot help with his connections and expertise.
  • He recalls that several times he helped projects that assured him that they would become the new “unicorns” (companies worth more than $1 billion), but it did not end well.

    My friend came to the conclusion that the key task of a business angel is to help with the first sale of a product. It doesn’t matter whether a startup is developing a SaaS solution or selling a gadget, if a business angel believes in the project, he should help it persuade its first customers to try the new product or service.

    If they are satisfied (which is what the angel investor must believe), they will buy it. The company’s task is to use exactly this kind of help in dating from a business angel.

    Entrepreneurs must “comb” the first successful case and start “selling” it to other companies.

  • Fifthly, a business angel does not invest in projects whose founders have been known to them for less than three months.
  • He meets with entrepreneurs regularly once a month for three to four months, studying them. If the startup team likes it from the first meeting, the investor helps them with contacts. After a month, the investor can evaluate how the user base (or corporate clients) is growing.

In another month you can make another “measurement”. At this moment, the business angel can already draw a conclusion about how serious the founders of the startup who came for investment are, and how much the business idea is getting promoted in the market.

Of course, my acquaintance at breakfast emphasizes that this set of rules is his personal one, it is not the absolute truth and not a guide to action. He even jokes: “Perhaps I’m just another crazy person who believes in startups and new ideas, but this is the beauty of the spirit of Silicon Valley, and therefore I am more than confident: every project is able to find its investor, the only question is perseverance.” .

Business angels are private investors who provide financing and support to start-up businesses. As a rule, business angels are fairly wealthy people who have their own entrepreneurial or industry-specific experience. They offer various forms of financing and support for new businesses at various stages of formation and development, but most often at the stages of the “incubation period” (seed) or at the start-up stage.

The history of the origin of the term “business angel”

The term comes from "theater angels", who were private investors who provided the seed capital needed to launch a new theatrical production on Broadway in New York. In return, they received a share of the proceeds from the production.

An Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report on financing high-growth companies highlights the important role played by business angels.

Today, business angels are the main source of funding that helps bridge the gap between the initial stage of development of a business project and, accordingly, the initial capital (usually less than $25,000) and the point at which formal venture capital funds become interested in the business (as a rule, these are amounts over 3-5 million US dollars).

Another OECD report highlights new trends in financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It showed that the global financial crisis of 2008 had a serious impact on this area.

Bankruptcy rates have increased significantly and there has been a serious decline in the availability of bank financing. While large firms were able to secure financing through means such as bond markets, most SMEs were limited in their ability to obtain funds from banks.

There is also a "dramatic decline" in the growth of venture capital funding between 2008 and 2010.

And at this time, financial support for SMEs by business angels became especially important.

Although business angels are potentially important, very little data is available on them.

This is partly due to the informal nature of their investment practices, as well as the fact that they prefer to keep their investment activities private.

Portrait of a business angel today

There is relatively little research on the phenomenon of business angels. The definition of "business angel" remains unclear, and the terms "business angel", "informal investor" and "informal venture capital" are used interchangeably.

In an interesting article on angel investors published in Strategic Change, Veland Ramadani notes that in the early years, companies such as Bell Telephone, Ford Motor Corporation, Apple Computers, the Body Shop, and Amazon had angel funding.

The typical business angel is a middle-aged man with a high school education and professional experience. Most of them have experience working in their own companies or managing enterprises and organizations. They also have high personal value.

Regarding the amounts invested. It has already been said that basically business angels fill the gap between the owner’s own capital - up to $25,000 - and the moment when it becomes interesting to venture capital or bank financing - from $3 to $5 million.

For example, studies conducted in Australia show this profile. The average Australian angel investor is a middle-aged man with a personal net worth of around US$2 million and an annual income of over US$180,000. They invest an average of $200,000 in new business ventures and retain between 10% and 14% equity in these ventures.

The feature that sets angel investors apart from more formal venture capital investors is the personal nature of their investments. Business angels invest their own money and therefore take on greater personal investment risks than venture capital fund managers.

An interesting touch to the portrait of a business angel in the West. They tend to invest close to home, with most investing in businesses that are located in their local community, usually within a 1-2 hour drive from their home.

Business angels also prefer to invest in private business ventures that have not yet gone public on the stock market.

The high risk of their investment is fraught with potential failure. Typically, they invest 5% to 15% of their assets in new ventures and aim to earn a return of 20% to 30% on their investment.

Motivation of business angels

A study published in the Journal of Business Venturing says that angel investors rely more on the entrepreneur's individual characteristics when making investment decisions. Entrepreneurs who exhibit a high level of passion for their venture may receive more favorable treatment from an angel investor.

However, the study also suggests that differences can be found depending on whether the angel investor is older or younger (older people are more likely to view passion favorably), and their level of creativity or intellectual potential.

Therefore, entrepreneurs seeking to impress a business angel investor must, as they say, be “on fire” with their idea.

Here we come to the classification of business angels based on their investment motivation. Knowing an investor's motivations is key to a healthy working relationship that can last for decades.

  • Family investor. Their motivation stems from an interest in supporting a family member or friend.
  • Relationship investor. The investor is an employee from a previous company or a business friend you know well. This investor may or may not understand what your new company does, but has a successful track record of working with you.
  • An investor in an idea. He is very familiar with where your company is targeting. This is the best type of angel because this person supports your idea.
  • An investor who has a personal or professional relationship with a relationship investor or an idea investor.
  • An “archangel” investor can be either a relationship investor or an idea investor who has the ability and successful track record of attracting money from other angels (and possibly non-angels). They have created a successful company in the same sector or have strong personal contacts with other investors.

They typically review proposals based on eight broad criteria.

The first four of these include the market's readiness to accept the new product, the stage of development of the new product, how intellectual property is protected, and how likely customers are to accept the innovation.

The other four factors are the path to market for the business model, the market's potential for growth, the relevant experience of the management team within the enterprise, and the soundness of the financial modeling.

Most business angels maintain their investment in a young company for about 4 years. They typically seek to exit their deals through sales rather than IPOs.

Compared to formal venture capital fund managers, angel investors make fewer investments when money is lost, but they often make a significantly higher proportion of investments that either only break even or generate very modest returns.

Also, the fundamental difference between business angels and banking organizations and venture investors is that they invest exclusively their own capital in new projects.

What benefits do business angels provide to companies?

They tend to be very helpful in bridging funding gaps for fast-growing small firms, especially during the incubation or start-up stages of the business. The main contribution is their ability to bridge the gap between initial capital and later investments.

They also help the management of such companies gain knowledge and experience. In addition, angels have been useful in their ability to facilitate outreach and networking, especially when a firm needs to provide additional capital and follow-on financing.

From the point of view of becoming a business angel, they can be classified:

  1. Typical angels are entrepreneurs with extensive business experience who run their own companies. Their capital accumulated throughout their careers. They serve as valuable mentors and advisors to the firms they fund.
  2. Trendy angels. They have less experience than typical angels, but invest heavily in the latest developments in modern technology. Monitor the emergence of technological innovations on the market. As a rule, they prefer not to take an active part in the management of companies that are financed.
  3. Corporate angels. Executives of large corporations who were laid off or retired early. While profitability of their investments is their goal, they also seek personal motivation when investing. Many of them invest in one company and seek a paid position within it, which is often part of a business deal.
  4. Angel Entrepreneurs. Successful investors who own and operate their own businesses. Their steady stream of income gives them the ability to make riskier investments, but also provide more cash for aspiring businessmen. They rarely actively participate in the management of a new company.
  5. Angel enthusiasts. These investors are typically older businessmen (65 years or older) who invest small amounts of money in many different businesses and view investing as a hobby.
  6. Angel of angels. They can finance a serious project of another business angel. They often demand a seat on the board of directors, but rarely seek an active management role.
  7. Professional angels. They work professionally as doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. and invest in companies in a related field. To help a young enterprise, they can provide their professional services at a reduced rate or even free of charge. Professional angels have enormous value in obtaining initial capital and rarely make follow-up investments.

Let's not forget about the other side of the business angel phenomenon. Sometimes it happens that the motivation for investing is to take possession of an idea, know-how, business, etc. Therefore, taking into account all the risks of attracting third-party capital should be an integral part of the process of finding financing.

Business angels in Russia

There is no doubt that such a trend in business technologies could not help but appear in Russia.

In the last few years, both associations of business angels and brave individuals have emerged.

Among the associations we note:

  • National Association of Business Angels (NABA). NABA has been a member of the European Business Angels Association since 2011;
  • Russian Association of Business Angels;
  • Association of Business Angels of Siberia;
  • AddVenture Business Angels Fund.

But, as in the West, these associations are more information, advisory and educational organizations. The real investments are made by individual investors.

According to statistics, the main investments of Russian business angels are made in Internet technology projects, mobile applications, telecommunications, and IT.

Investment volumes range from 20 to 300 thousand dollars.

Based on the results of 2017, among the most active business angels playing in the Russian business field are:

  • Alexandra Rumyantseva - 30 transactions from 8 to 51 thousand dollars;
  • Vitaly Polekhin (NABA) - 10 transactions from 50 to 150 thousand dollars;
  • Sergei Dashkov - 10 transactions, each for an average of 150 thousand dollars;
  • Andrey Golovin - 7 transactions from 7 to 12 thousand dollars.

Of course, the Russian experience has its own characteristics.

In exchange for his investment, the angel receives a share in the newly created company. In Russian realities, this part reaches 80-90%. While in the West this share is much smaller.

This is explained by the high risks in the Russian market, undeveloped investment technology, and tax features. Although regarding the latter, in the information disseminated by the Government, there are plans to stimulate business angels with various tax benefits and deductions. In 2018, these benefits should be included in the tax code.

TOP 15 most active angels in Russia. With the support of RVC, NABA and the business newspaper RBC daily

There is no single definition of business angels, which in itself creates difficulties in understanding who ultimately is an angel and who is not. The fact is that quite a large number of people invest in the projects of technology entrepreneurs. When making the TOP 15, we proceeded from the following definition: business angels (or angels)– these are professional single venture investors for whom supporting innovative companies is one of their main activities and whose goal is to make a profit. Thus, business angels should not be put on the same level as investing entrepreneurs who are not focused on supporting start-up businesses, but do it from time to time. It is also necessary to separate angels and private investors who invest not only in hi-tech, but also in many other assets, as well as non-professional investors who invest chaotically, inconsistently and without a certain logic. In our understanding, a business angel is, in fact, a venture fund of one person (it is interesting that some well-known angels are now eventually forming their own funds, introducing their projects into them).

Important comments for correct reading of the TOP-15.

1. TOP is in no way a ranking of the best angels (this formulation is not correct in itself). This is a selection of the most active in the public sphere for the specified period (that is, two years), an attempt to show the most active market participants with the aim of, among other things, popularizing venture investing.

2. The TOP 15 is a media product and not a scientific study, so we ask that you treat it as such.

3. The criterion according to which we built the list is the number of invested projects over the past two years. We understand that this is a very conditional metric of angel activity (the main one is, of course, return on investment), but it is the most transparent and explicit indicator, and in this case it is used only to add internal logic to the list. At the same time, we provide maximum information for each investor so that the reader can independently evaluate the most important criteria.

4. We understand that all the information we collected and verified has assumptions: not all transactions become public, not all angels are ready to share this information (according to the Evaluation of EU Member State Business Angel Markets and Policies-2012 report, the share of “visible” to the market business angels in various European countries range from 4-5% to 100% of the real number of investors). In the same way, they can overestimate or, on the contrary, underestimate the size of their investments. Thus, we understand that information from any sources cannot save the picture of the Russian business angel investment market from distortions. Of course, we tried to minimize these risks and relied on both research and public information*, as well as data received from the angels themselves (and their answers were carefully verified).

5. For the purity of the study, we excluded the so-called private investors and investing entrepreneurs, who for the most part do not consider themselves angels (such as the founder of the Ashmanov and Partners company, Igor Ashmanov, who quite actively invests money in new projects). It is interesting, by the way, that many private investors, who, according to formal criteria, could be classified as angels, do not consider themselves such (like, for example, the famous entrepreneur Natalya Kasperskaya).

6. We understand that the assessment of investors working in different industries is not entirely correct (investments in complex, knowledge-intensive industries occur much less frequently and the process of studying potential portfolio companies and their financing is much longer than in IT and the Internet). At the same time, the Russian venture market (as well as the global one) has a clear bias towards IT and the Internet, and the majority of venture investors work in these segments.

7. At the same time, the compiled TOP is not a random selection of business angels, but the result of market research, open research, as well as public information about transactions. In addition, almost all TOP participants were surveyed (there were indeed those who refused, but they were in the minority).

8. Based on the analysis of the angel investment market, we can definitely conclude that the number of angels is growing, including thanks to the active work of specialized associations and associations. Thus, according to formal criteria, several potentially very active business angels did not make it into the TOP 15: Pavel Glushenkov , Oleg Mikhalsky, Alexey Prudnikov, etc. On the other hand, it is obvious that the ranks of angels will be replenished by successful entrepreneurs emerging from the businesses they have already built - this is exactly the path that many current experienced angels have taken in their time - Alexey Basov, Arkady Moreinis and many other. Another interesting conclusion may be the emergence of a class of “super angels”, which are already going beyond the scope of angel activities and are actually turning into venture funds named after themselves - Igor Ryabenkiy with Altair, Igor Matsanyuk with IMI.VC, Pavel Cherkashin with VESTOR.IN.

Business angels are one of the main elements of the modern international economy. The first “angels” with a wallet were recorded at the beginning of the 20th century among New York theatergoers. “Angels” on Broadway were financially wealthy theater fans who invested in new performances and received a profit only if the production was successful. In 1978, William Wetzel, a professor at the University of New Hampshire, used the term "angel" in his work studying the process of businessmen obtaining start-up capital. He used the word “angel” to describe investors who invest personal money in other people’s enterprises at their very initial stages. Let's figure out why informal investors are called “business angels” and how they earn money.

Who are they?

  • Business angels are professional investors (individuals and legal entities) who invest part of their own finances in innovative companies at early stages of development - “seed” or “start-up”.
  • The overwhelming majority of business angels are successful entrepreneurs with extensive experience in developing their own businesses.
  • Most often, “business angels” are men (99%) aged 45 to 65 years, with a university degree and management experience.
  • Every fifth of them, according to studies by Western sociologists, is a millionaire.

What are they doing?

  • Business angels most often invest in technology and intelligence, preferring high-tech startups and Internet projects.
  • “Business angels” use their own capital to help innovative projects overcome the period of formation, and become the main source of external financing for companies with the potential for rapid growth.
  • “Business angels” can invest not only in a finished project, but also simply in an idea, which is impossible for an institutional investor (a large financial institution).
  • Many “business angels” advise and provide free assistance to their clients, as they are business experts.

What's the payoff?

Investing in the early stages of a business project is obviously highly risky. Business angels expect to make a profit due to the growth in the value of the companies they invest as a result of the development and promotion of high-tech products to the market. Business angels receive their income by selling their share (block of shares) for a price significantly higher than the initial costs. The work of “angels” is considered one of the most highly profitable types of entrepreneurship, capable of bringing the investor about 100%-200% per annum.

Methods of “angels”

  • “Business angels” use a venture (Venture Capital) investment mechanism, in which financing is provided for a long term (3-7 years), without collateral or guarantees, for a share (block of shares) in the company.
  • “Angel” investments are called “smart money,” since angels often support projects in which they can apply their own experience, knowledge, and business connections.
  • Business angels achieve success by creating favorable business and friendly relationships between investors, inventors and company managers.
  • Business angels reduce their risks by investing in several companies and projects at once, after verification and selection (the so-called due diligence procedure).
  • Business angels, having started to finance a project, increase its attractiveness in the eyes of other financiers. Angel investments can attract the interest of venture capitalists to enterprises.
  • Business angels are able to invest jointly by pooling resources and reducing individual risks.

What is the difference

  • "Business angels" are professional single venture investors who are focused on supporting start-up entrepreneurs. Unlike classic investors, who may pay attention to a new business, but this will not become their main strategy.
  • Business angels, unlike investors who manage other people's funds, invest their own money.
  • Business angels always have personal involvement and expert knowledge when investing in projects.
  • Business angels have the ability to make financial decisions more flexibly than venture capitalists. They have wider investment horizons (“long-term money”), a simpler registration process and a lower rate of return.
  • It is cheaper to attract funding from business angels than from other financial institutions.
  • Business angels can be found not only in large financial centers. The financial market for business angels is more geographically diverse than the venture capital market.

Famous Angel Projects

Thanks to business angels, Intel, Yahoo, Amazon, Google and many other well-known brands began their path to success.

Let's sum it up

So, “business angels” prefer to finance high-risk entrepreneurial companies with great growth potential, preferably at the very first stage of their development. Russian “angel” investments are not yet very developed. Considering the small number of domestic projects, Russian “angels” still prefer startups with Russian roots in the USA, Europe and Israel.

Roman Molchanov, “Investor School”.

Today we’ll talk about this class of investors who invest their personal financial resources in new and growing small businesses. They are usually called “informal investors”, or “ business angels" (business angels). They received this name because few people besides them would dare to invest in risky projects, which often do not have collateral.

Most business angels are successful entrepreneurs with significant experience in developing their own businesses. As well as highly paid specialists in large companies: top managers, consultants, lawyers, etc. The motivation for the actions of business angels can be different - some strive to master new areas of activity, others pass on experience, seek self-realization in new projects, and are confident in the social significance of their activities. However, the ultimate goal of any business angel is profit.

As a rule, he selects investment projects in accordance with his competencies, main or past activities. Investors can also limit themselves geographically and make local investments. In this case, they choose projects that are within reasonable reach of their place of residence in order to monitor the progress of affairs on a daily basis.

Earlier in previous articles, we partially touched on the topic of when you already have a ready-made business plan in your hands.

The most famous business angels:
Igor Ryabenky, Altair Foundation (SocialMart, SailPlay, Alloka, HiConvertion, etc.)
Pavel Cherkashin, Vestor.In Foundation
Alexander Borodich, business incubator FutureLabs (MyWishBoard, WishCoins)
Vyacheslav Davidenko, projects – Alytics, Witget
Alexander Vashchenko, projects – Narr8
Alexander Yunyaev, projects – Cashsquare
Alexey Basov, projects – Pruffi, Habrahabr, Roem, Firrma
Alexey Kichaikin, projects – Displair
Askar Tuganbaev, projects - Videomore, Tolkien.Ru
Vadim Asadov, projects – Neurok, AlumniFunder
Vadim Kulikov, Kulikov Innovation Center
Victor Frumkin, projects - Flocktory
Dmitry Maslennikov, projects -
Evgeniy Zaitsev, Helix Ventures (medical topics)
Egor Rudi, projects – Eruditor, Printio, LinguaLeo
Mikhail Paulkin, projects – RuTube, Minutta
Murad Sofizadeh, projects - TravelTipz
Nikita Khalyavin, projects - “YaKlass”, “”,
Hovhannes Poghosyan, projects – Onetwotrip,
Oleg Mikhalsky, projects - AR2Life, B-152, partner and co-founder of iAaccelerator
Pavel Glushenkov, investment director at Inventure Partners
Sergey Zhukov, projects - “Products from the 90s”, “BeriDari”
Yuri Virovets, projects – Clickberry,
Yuri Oreshin, lifescience projects – venture fund Angelico Ventures
Leonid Volkov, Founder of Projector Ventures, projects - Callaround, Octodon, Receptol, Domosite, Timeliner, Citrea,, Evrent, SideNotes
Igor Ashmanov, projects - Wada!,, “Remparo filter”,
Alexander Aivazov, projects - MarchMania
Vadim Tarasov, Investment Director at Bright Capital (“Doctor at Work”, “Photography School”)
Igor Ustinov, projects - ClipClock
Vladimir Kholodov – Russian Million project

What should you bring to a meeting with an investor and business angel?

In one of the articles we already looked at. Now it's time to prepare for the meeting to make it a success.

Prepare pitch(pitch - presentation of an idea in order to obtain funding) in three options - for 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes. For more information on how to learn how to write the perfect pitch, I recommend reading the book “The Revolutionary Method for Closing Big Deals” by Oren Cluff, published by Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. Depending on how much time the investor will devote to you, present your project using one of these three options.

Mind Map “What to go to a meeting with?”

1. Presentation in Power Point or a similar program. Volume: depending on the time allocated to you - an average of 10 slides.
2. Project summary or teaser. This is the first section of your business plan with a summary of the project. This document should be no more than 1-2 pages and can be read in one sitting. According to venture capitalist and author of the cult book "Startup" Guy Kawasaki, during a presentation, you need to clarify WHAT exactly you do in the first minute.
3. Actually, myself business plan. To write it correctly yourself, use the step-by-step guide.
4. Financial model. It is the calculation part of the business plan and should be detailed enough so that you can answer any question the investor may have.
5. How much investment do you require and your specific proposal to the investor. Most startupers are aimed at great prospects and suffer from gigantomania. Ask the business angel for the amount that he can give you. Business angels often give seed investments: for starting a business, for preparing and understanding the market, for creating a prototype or the first prototype. You must think through each of the options.
6. Sample sample. Ideally, before approaching an investor, I would advise projects to develop for as long as possible using their own funds. Then you can show something: a trial product, first customers and reviews from them, sales channels. The more the project is developed, the higher the owner's share will be. If you came to the fund completely “green”, they will most likely take away your controlling stake: 50% plus 1.

All this will be a handy tool to answer any investor’s questions, and you should be able to tell the essence and description of the project without them. That is, you must understand what you offer as deeply as possible. This is only possible if you have worked through your project in detail and made a business plan yourself or in close cooperation with a consulting company. Step by step, you must engage the investor in your vision for the product or service you are creating, demonstrate deep knowledge of your market and customers, and demonstrate that you and your team are best equipped to turn your plans into reality. This is the only way they will trust you and invest in your project.

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