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Who is Roman Vishnevsky? The best traders in the world

By playing on exchange rates, you can make a considerable fortune. A successful strategy, perseverance, and unshakable self-belief help you achieve incredible heights in the art of stock trading.

Today we present the Top 5, which includes best traders in Russia 2015, which showed the best results in the Forex market. Perhaps the example of these outstanding traders will encourage someone to start their career in the foreign exchange market and become convinced that they are suckers for money.

Alexey’s personal record is a daily income on the stock exchange of $30,000. Martyanov is a trader at United Traders, and he is also widely known for his hooligan blog and special trading philosophy.

Martyanov conducts trades from anywhere in the world, proving by his own example that it is possible to earn money while lying on the beach, if you have access to the trading platform via high-speed Internet.

Roman began his career as a trader in 2007. And already in 2009, he earned his first million dollars on the stock market and, together with partners, founded the United Traders company, which manages about $30 million.

Roman’s record daily trading income was $198,713, and the record break-even trading streak was 33 months.

Naiman was born in Kazakhstan, but for many years he lived in Russia. One of the best Forex traders is the author of a number of books on stock trading, analysis, risk and investment management.

Today, Eric works with several large financial companies as an investment consultant.

Elder was born in Leningrad, but today lives and works in the USA. Leading financial institutions turn to Alexander for advice, and his book “Trading for a Living” has been translated into 12 languages ​​and today is popular with traders around the world.

Headed by Forex traders rating a trader who started with regular stock trading courses. The beginner’s initial goal was a stable investment increase of 2-3% per month. Having chosen the right strategy and “felt” the rules of the market, in 2007 Alexander managed to increase his trading account balance by 1426%.

Today Rezvyakov deals with exchange futures, and also conducts his own courses for everyone who wants to start making money on Forex.

Hi all. My name is Alexander Norkin. In today's article we will talk about the best and greatest traders in the world.

The best traders in Russia

I don’t know whether the traders listed here can be classified as great traders, but the fact that these guys are the best traders in Russia is a fact. I tried to find our contemporaries without getting into the weeds, what happened, see below.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerchik

In trading:

since 1998

Trades on exchanges:


Achievements of Alexander Gerchik

Having lost his money for the first time while working as a broker at Worldco, Alexander began self-education in trading and reached a high level. Since 1999, it has closed exclusively positive monthly newsletters. In 2003, Gerchik became a managing partner in one of the largest brokerage companies in America.

2006 was one of the brightest years for Gerchik; he was called to participate in the prestigious project of the CNBC television company, in which he was presented as the safest trader out of 2000 traders, as a trader with practically no unprofitable days in the Daily Traiding section.

Having returned to Russia and having worked until 2015 as the managing director of the FINAM holding, he began hosting an hour-long, original radio program on Finam FM. In 2015, he opened his own Forex broker company “Gerchik & Co”.

Also, Gerchik was noted for writing the books “The Active Trader Course”, “Exchange Secrets”, where short-term trading strategies are well described. Constantly conducts videos and online seminars.

Alexander constantly recalls the words of his Japanese mentor:

The most important thing in trading is to learn not to lose money, and only then learn to earn money.

Alexander Rezvyakov

In trading:

since 2004

Trades on exchanges:

Achievements of Alexander Rezvyakov

Alexander Rezvyakov began his trading activities in 2003 by investing in mutual funds. Having tasted what they say it tastes like, he decides to engage in trading on his own and already in 2004, makes his first transactions on the stock exchange.

Until 2006, Alexander was looking for his own trading tool and strategy. And already in 2007, having finally settled on FORTS and choosing futures on the RTS index for trading, I began to receive stable profits.

His personal record in public transactions is 1,367,666.05 rubles for one trading day during a seminar in St. Petersburg in 2011 and 3,232,026.51 rubles for 4 trading days during a seminar in Kyiv in 2012.

Without interruption from trading, he is engaged in teaching activities, records video seminars, and constantly modifies his strategy using a transaction journal developed by himself.

Alexander Elder

1951 in Leningrad

In trading:

since 1970

Trades on exchanges:

Achievements of Alexander Elder

He began his career by entering and graduating from medical university with honors, after which he got a job as a doctor on a merchant ship. In 1974, he applied for political asylum in the United States, where he continued his career as a medical worker. There he began to conduct private practice as a psychiatrist. At the beginning of 1971, he became interested in stock exchange activities.

Founded Financial Trading Seminars, Inc. (New York), which trains traders and became its director. Elder conducts consultations, trainings and seminars in the field of trading in the USA, Asia, Australia, Europe and Russia. Developed the well-known trading strategy “Three Screens”.

He has written a number of books in English and Russian. List of some of them:

  • How to take profits, limit losses and benefit from falling prices: Selling and shorting.
  • Trading with Dr. Elder. Encyclopedia of stock trading.
  • Trading. First steps.
  • How to play and win on the stock exchange.
  • The strongest signal in technical analysis: Divergences and trend reversals.
  • Basics of stock trading. A training manual for trading participants on world exchanges.
  • Basics of stock trading.

Psychiatric practice helps Elder in lectures that allowed thousands of bankrupt traders to get back on their feet. After the lectures, traders were able not only to realize the mistakes, but also to work on them.

Roman Vishnevsky

In trading:

since 2007

Trades on exchanges:


Achievements of Roman Vishnevsky

During my student years, in 2007, I got a job at the Canadian prop trading company, which had a Moscow office. Achieved incredible success in scalping American stocks.

His trading career began in 2007, and already in 2009, during the US financial crisis, he earned his first million dollars. After which, together with partners, he founded the United Traders company.

The main achievement is the daily profitability of $198,713. In addition to the fantastic profitability, Roman Vishnevsky boasts a record break-even streak of 33 months.

The best traders in the world

With the best traders in the world, the situation is much more complicated. The list of traders is so large that it is not possible to list them all in one article. My list includes only the very best traders who have actually achieved fantastic success.

Larry Williams

1944 in Billing, Oregon

In trading:

since 1966

Trades on exchanges:


Achievements of Larry Williams

It is currently difficult to find a more famous trader who can deservedly be considered great than Larry Williams. In 1987, he set a super world record for investing. His most famous achievement was winning the Robbins World Cup of Championship of Futures Trading. Then he managed to earn $1,147,000 in a year, with an initial capital of $10,000.

Larry Williams has written a ton of books about trading. Here's a small list:

  • Long-term secrets of short-term trading.
  • Secrets of trading in the futures market. Take action with insiders.

Linda Bradford Raschke


1956 in Pasadena

In trading:

since 1981

Trades on exchanges:


Achievements of Linda Bradford Raschke

Linda Bradford Raschke is one of the few famous, successful female traders. Her trading career did not develop in the most successful way. After graduating from college, she tried to work as a broker, but the companies she sent resumes to did not hire her.

After getting a job as an analyst at Crown-Zellerbach, a paper manufacturing company, Linda begins trading options. As it turned out, Linda had an amazing ability to grasp everything on the fly. The teacher really liked this and he decided to give her a deposit of $25,000 (the minimum deposit amount at that time) for trading.

At first everything was very good and within 3 months, the amount was doubled, but then Linda lost $80,000. And these were not her last losses.

In 1986, being a horse lover, Linda was horseback riding and fell from her horse, breaking several ribs and dislocating her shoulder. Due to an injury, Linda had to trade from her home office, where again a series of positive transactions began.

Linda Raschke, an amazingly courageous woman who fell so many times, losing money, but still found strength and rose again. She went from being a speculator on the stock exchange floor to managing her own investment fund, LBRGroup, Inc.

Main quote from Linda Raschke:

The main goal of every trade is to minimize risk rather than maximize profit.

Michael Marcus

in 1940 in Brooklyn, New York, USA

In trading:

since 1972

Trades on exchanges:

stock exchange

Achievements Michael Marcus

Michael Merkus showed high professionalism from the very first days of trading. In 1972, he buys securities and makes a $700 profit. In just 6 months, $700 turns into $12,000. After 1 year, the profit was $64,000.

Such a leap did not go unnoticed. They begin to invite him to one brokerage company, then to another. What is called in great demand. He eventually ends up at Commodities Corporation, where he grew his account by more than 2,500 times within 10 years.

John Arnold

in 1974 in the USA

In trading:

since 1998

Trades on exchanges:


Achievements John Arnold

John Arnold, a man about whom we can confidently say: he made himself.

John's first job was as a trader for the US energy giant Enron. In 2001, he managed to earn a huge income, approximately $1 billion. This achievement inspired management and it was decided to award John a bonus of $8 million.

In 2008, Enron filed for bankruptcy, and John Arnold decided to open his own company called Centaurus, which subsequently reached a capital level of $3 billion.

In 2007, Forbes magazine ranked John Arnold 317th among the 400 richest Americans. According to unofficial data, his fortune exceeded $1 billion. Thus, Arnold became the youngest American billionaire.

John Arnold was recognized as the best trader in the Forex market.

Quotes from Great Traders


Time is more important than price; when the time comes, the price reverses.

Martin Zweig

It's okay if you're wrong, but it's not forgivable if you stay that way.

Doug Kass

Small losses are part of the game. Big losses can knock you out of the game.

Clement Stone

Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Have the courage to do what is right because it is right.

Bertrand Russell

The biggest problem in the world is that fools are always confident in themselves, while smart people are always tormented by doubts.

Thomas Sovel

People need to understand that often the truth is simple. It is much more difficult to see the truth.

William O'Neill

The most serious mistake of most Forex investors is to let losses take their course.

Diversification is an insurance against ignorance.

Bruce Kovner

Michael Marcus, one of the top traders, taught me one simple and important thing: you should be willing to make mistakes regularly, because there is nothing wrong or shameful in doing so. Michael taught me that you need to make your best decisions and judgments, be wrong, make another great decision, be wrong, find your third best judgment, and make the decision that will double your wealth.

Rondi McKay

When I feel defeated in the market, I immediately leave. And it doesn’t matter what market you trade in. I'm just leaving because I believe that if you lose one day in the market, all subsequent decisions will be much less objective than they were in the best situation... If you stay when the market is radically opposed to you, then sooner or later late he will leave you with nothing.

Tony Saliba

I always identify my risks so I don't have to worry about them.

Victor Sperandeo

The key to trading success is emotional discipline. If intelligence was the key, then many traders would be making money from trading... It will sound like a cliché, but the only reason people make money in the financial markets is because they don't cut their losses.

Paul Tudor Jones

If I had positions that would go against me, I would get rid of them. If the positions were in my favor, I would have held them. Risk management is the most important nuance in trading. If you have a losing position that brings you discomfort, get rid of it so that you always have the opportunity to return.

I always think about losses, not profits. Don't focus on making money - focus on protecting the capital you already have.

I believe the biggest money is made on market turns. Everyone says that you fail by trying to pick tops and bottoms, and you make all your money by playing the trend in the middle. Okay, for twelve years I missed out on profits in the middle, but I made a lot of money on the tops and bottoms.

Marty Schwartz

Over the past few years in the markets, I have learned that it is very important to take a few days off. The natural tendency is to play until you get the maximum winnings, but experience has taught that rest and a fresh perspective can always expand the possibilities.

Randy McKay

I will reduce the size of my trading positions as long as I lose... My money management techniques are very conservative. I never take risks that would significantly affect the funds in my account - leave my account alone.

George Soros

Markets are constantly in a state of uncertainty and fluctuation, and money is made by calculating the obvious and betting on the unexpected.

Larry Williams

No matter how hard we try to educate the trader by telling him the most important information, he will inevitably become disappointed, forget everything, or simply lack the will to put it into practice effectively.

Linda Raschke

If the market offers you an unexpectedly large profit on a trade, you should take it.

Alexander Elder

You can only succeed in trading the stock market if you treat it as a serious intellectual endeavor. Emotional play is deadly.

Tom Berowick

Develop a trading style that is compatible with your psychology. Your trading style should exactly match your personality.

Walter Bressert

The market is all about emotions. He pulls all your levers of fear and greed, sniffs out all your weaknesses. I have to control the emotional part. I became convinced that my temperament did not allow me to be a trading star. I found a way to overcome this using mechanical input and output patterns.

Tom DeMark

In fact, good discipline, knowing your limits and good money management are much more important than a system or an indicator.

George Fontanills

I learned how to use options and how to become delta neutral so that I could hedge myself in both directions and still sleep well at night. That's when I dramatically increased my profitability.

Lee Gettiss

The only thing a trader can control is risk. I know how much risk I am willing to take, but I have no idea how much the market will allow me to return the money.

Cynthia Case

The three most important things in trading: firstly, you can’t listen to other people’s advice all the time, secondly, there is no easy way, and finally, thirdly, it should be fun.

Gary Wagner

Invest in education. A novice trader jumps into a pool full of sharks. To survive, they need good protection and very large teeth.

Richard Dennis

Reflect on whether you are acting correctly, and not on the outcomes of individual transactions, which are essentially random.

Jason Zweig

When there is greed or fear in the market, people start to think alike. Therefore, very often many people buy at the top of the market and sell at the bottom.

Michael Steinhardt

A good trader is, first of all, a person who knows how to curb the desire to follow his theories to the end, and has enough flexibility of mind to understand where and when he can make a mistake.

Julian Robertson

The goal is to find the 200 best companies in the world and invest in them, then find the 200 worst companies in the world and go short on them. If the top 200 don't outperform the bottom 200, then you'd better try another business.

Of course, not all the great and certainly the best traders in the world were included in the list, but I considered this list to be of high quality. Write your opinion about which of them is superfluous or, on the contrary, maybe you think that someone should definitely be added. All wishes will be taken into account.

That's all I have for today. Until new articles, I look forward to your comments on the article. Happy trading.

According to statistics, the word “Forex” is searched in search engines more than 600,000 times every month! But, despite the abundance of information, many still consider the foreign exchange market to be something like a lottery or gambling. But real Forex success stories prove that anyone can truly master the secrets of profitable trading!

In this article we will talk about who and how made a fortune on the foreign exchange market.

What results can Forex legends boast of?

In 1987, Larry Williams managed to turn $10,000 into $1,100,000 in less than a year. The maximum profit on Forex brought Larry a clear victory in the Robinson Cup futures trading championship.

Legend has it that in 1992, George Soros brought down the Bank of Great Britain. Having collected about 5 billion pounds sterling in the assets of his fund, on September 15 he exchanged them for German currency. The British government declared a crisis, and the British national currency depreciated. Soros earned about two billion dollars from the legendary deal.

This fantastic story has already been repeatedly refuted both in the press and on the Internet. However, many investors still believe that one person was able to “break” the Central Bank of an entire country.

Richard Dennis earned his first million at the age of 25, starting with just $1,200. After 10 years, he managed to turn $1 million into $200 million. By 2000, his personal capital was already $300 million.

Ingeborg Mootz achieved the status of “Germany’s most successful currency trader” when she was well over seventy. During the period of active trading, the pensioner earned a fortune of several million euros! On trader forums she is jokingly called “Million Dollar Grandma.”

In 1998, Ed Seykot became a millionaire, having earned approximately $14 million in Forex trading.

Having emigrated to the United States penniless, former Odessa resident Alexander Gerchik, a few years later, became the managing partner of the largest American trading company. In 2006, he was recognized as the “safest trader”, having not had a single losing month since 1999.

Alexander Elder fled to America during the Soviet Iron Curtain period. In the USA, he worked as a psychologist, while practicing trading. Today, about two-thirds of Elder's transactions bring him a profit of 70%.

Russian Roman Vishnevsky earned his first million on Forex at the age of 26, having developed a unique trading strategy called layering. Today he is the managing partner of the investment company United Traders.

The speculative account of another Russian, Alexander Rezvyakov, in 2007 increased over the year by 1426%.

Practicing since 2004, Stanislav Bernukhov successfully trades without using indicators based on analysis of price behavior and teaches this method to everyone.

How did they do it?

Each Forex legend, of course, has his own style and style of stock trading.

However, all successful traders have several important principles in common:

— Forex “stars” focus on the medium and long term;

- they are not subject to either excitement or fear;

- everyone developed their own trading system, which they strictly followed;

— at any moment of trading, successful traders are ready for the most unexpected scenario;

— they cut losses as early as possible and allow profits to grow to their maximum.

And now briefly about the secrets of success of some of the Forex “stars” presented in the review.

Richard Dennis

One of the most successful players in the foreign exchange market explains his success through his own research and constant analysis.

The basic rule of Richard Dennis is to strictly follow the trend and close positions at the first signs of destabilization. This principle allows you to avoid deep drawdowns and not lose profits already earned in the market. In addition, the “Prince of the Pit” (Dennis’s humorous nickname) always conducts a detailed analysis of all his transactions – both losing and profitable ones.

It was Richard Dennis, in a dispute with William Eckhardt, who proved that any person on the street can be taught to trade on the currency exchange! 23 random candidates were selected for experimental training. The “lucky list” included a security guard, a programmer, a lawyer, an Air Force pilot, an actor and a gambler. The group training lasted only two weeks, after which Richard allocated a million dollars to each “student” for trading. Five years later, the $23 million invested turned into $175 million!

A little later, the results of this unique experiment were described by Michael Covel in the famous book: “Turtle Traders: A Legendary History, Its Lessons and Results.”

Ed Seykot

Having started his career as a trader in a brokerage company in 1970, Ed Seykot developed a then revolutionary computer trading system for managing client accounts.

Ed Seykot explains his secret to successful trading by strict adherence to “three” simple rules: preventing losses, preventing losses and once again preventing losses. He considers any attempts to “recoup” during a period of continuous losses mortally dangerous for the trader.

For himself, Ed Seykot has set a 5% limit on possible losses, which he tries to never exceed. In his opinion, if a trader comes to the stock exchange precisely for profit, and not for the thrill, he must clearly define the goal, imagine ways to achieve it and concentrate all his efforts to make a profit.

Larry Williams

Larry Williams is sure that the main reason for failures in Forex is the excessive conservatism of traders. His “iron” rule: close trades on long positions as soon as the market turns in the other direction, without hoping for a miracle. In his opinion, you should only pay attention to the last signal, which automatically cancels all previous ones.

Larry Williams explains his approach to trends using the “freight train theory.” He compares an upward or downward trend to the fast movement of a freight train, which cannot be stopped instantly. The trader's task is to jump on the bandwagon of the freight train (trend) at the moment when it picks up speed.

And one more secret from Larry Williams: you should always raise bets not when you lose, but when you win.

Jesse Livermore

According to Livermore, a successful trader must make the two strongest human impulses work for him - fear and hope.

When the market goes in the direction you want, you should listen to the voice of hope and make the most of the deal without closing it ahead of time. If the market turns in the opposite direction, force yourself to “turn off” hope and “turn on” fear in order to exit the market with minimal losses.

Alexander Elder

According to Alexander Elder, the key to a trader’s success is knowledge of psychology. Moreover, not so much the psychology of “humans”, but the psychology... of the foreign exchange market itself.

Alexander considers the ability to manage your own funds to be the second essential “ingredient” for successful trading. In practice, Elder “allows” himself losses of no more than 2% of the total investment.

Alexander Elder’s book “How to Trade and Win on the Stock Exchange” at one time became a world bestseller. In this book, a trader with an average profitability of 70% advises focusing on relatively rare transactions, opening them during periods of market calm. Trading must be carried out according to a clearly drawn up methodology and not change the original plan until the position is closed.

Alexander Gerchik

Alexander Gerchik explains his success in the Forex market with a simple phrase: “To learn how to earn money, you must first learn not to lose.” In his opinion, every transaction (successful and unsuccessful) must be analyzed! Alexander Gerchik considers a detailed journal of transactions, patience, skepticism and independent judgment to be the best assistants to a trader.

Roman Vishnevsky

According to Roman Vishnevsky, anyone can learn the basics of trading in the foreign exchange market. But to become a truly successful trader, you need to have psychological stability, an analytical mind and a loyal attitude to risk.

Stanislav Bernukhov

Stanislav is confident that success in Forex can only be achieved after 3-5 years of constant practice. To make a constant profit in the foreign exchange market, you will have to “find” your own trading approach. An approach that will rely not only on the logic of the market, but also on the strengths of a particular trader.

Alexander Rezvyakov

Alexandra Rezvyakov believes that a successful trader must learn to wait patiently, fight emotions and... carefully filter information about the market. In his opinion, 99% of information in trading is fluff that should not be taken into account at all.

How to learn to play on the stock exchange?

Today, competition in the Forex market is much higher than twenty years ago. However, even now, any newcomer has a chance to go down in history and become on a par with the legendary traders of the foreign exchange market!

Dozens of practicing brokers offer free and high-quality Forex trading training! Regular earnings from currency exchange rate fluctuations mean understanding the laws of the foreign exchange market, practical experience and constant work on mistakes. Luck and luck have absolutely nothing to do with it...

Trader Roman Vishnevsky earned his first million dollars during the US financial crisis.

Roman studied in a physics and mathematics class, then at a school with in-depth study of economics. The dream of becoming an entrepreneur led him to the Higher School of Economics. In my third year I took my first steps as a trader and in a short period increased my initial capital by 30%.

Feeling success, I increased my investments and... lost everything. Reflecting on his actions, Roman decided to continue his studies and reach a professional level. He got a job at the Moscow office of the Canadian Trading Company and quickly made progress in trading American stocks.

Roman Vishnevsky: a trader's success story

After the crisis, having accumulated capital, he and his partners opened a trading company, United Traders. More than 200 experienced and 1 thousand beginning entrepreneurs use the services of this project. He has a proprietary trading strategy called “layering”, which is used by experts all over the world.

The biography of Roman Vishnevsky is filled with ups and downs; he had enormous success and lost everything at once. Only the ability to constantly maintain composure and control his own emotions led to the fact that Forbes magazine is now writing about him. Roman is constantly progressing, is engaged in brokerage business and trading, and successfully invests.

Roman Vishnevsky conducts consulting trainings and seminars, and has prepared several training programs on trading, which are a great success among students.

Roman's knowledge is implemented by budding businessmen and increases the profitability of projects. By studying his trading methods, everyone will be able to find something new for themselves, learn the secrets of big business and become a true professional.

United Traders is engaged in trading securities (stocks, futures and others), conducts educational programs for traders, provides dealing rooms (special places equipped with the necessary software for trading on the stock market).

In 2013 the company launched the Kvadrat hedge fund (an investment fund managed by a professional investment manager), and is actively developing software for algorithmic trading (with the participation of robotic programs). Activity is bubbling here - it was founded by three young and active traders who worked in trading companies in different cities. Their main feature is providing traders with a service, a platform and money to manage, risk control and, of course, the most important thing - a high percentage. Now United Traders unites about 200 traders, the average age of employees is 25 – 30 years. The company is looking for new talent through its courses that teach various strategies for playing on the stock exchanges.

Like bats

"Future partners came to me to St. Petersburg, and the conversation was very short,” says Anatoly Radchenko, one of the co-founders of the company. - I realized that we wouldn’t succeed in anything interesting, but at some point my leverage was reduced (the ratio between debt and equity capital - “DP”), the terms of trade changed a lot, so we finally started working together ".

Starting capital was $80 thousand, the money was spent on buying 15 computers, renting an office, opening brokerage accounts and marketing. This was the personal money of young people - traders earn and lose large sums per day (for example, the record daily income of Anatoly Radchenko - $125 thousand).

Trader lifespan profession, according to Anatoly, depends on the cyclicality of the market. Key parameters of its volatility and liquidity change every 2–5 years, so a trader needs to be able to adapt and change strategy. Due to the time difference, traders who trade on foreign markets are like bats: they sleep during the day, but are active in the evening and at night, because the American market starts working around 16:00 Moscow time and ends after midnight.

Robot dominance

"My parents are still They still don’t understand what I do: they think I’m gambling or selling drugs,” Anatoly laughs.

Traders usually work from home and make complex psychological decisions worth billions of dollars in a matter of seconds. Therefore, Anatoly says, they need to communicate, discuss strategies and share experiences; for this, there are dealing rooms where they can rent a place and work outside of their home environment, and discuss the results with like-minded people. Representative offices of United Traders operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Kyiv, while traders mainly trade on the US stock market.

According to experts, trading has changed a lot over the past few years. Now, for example, algorithmic robots reign in the market - people write programs for them, investments in the development of this area amount to crazy sums: robots track market dynamics hundreds of times faster than people, which is very important in the financial market. Experts are even confident that in a few years, exchanges will introduce new rules to limit the activities of algorithmic traders, because they take money from new players coming to the market.

In the segment of algorithmic trading The company's competitor can be called the Russian branch of Deutsche Bank, in the trading training segment - SMBTraining and One good trade, iLearney, trading blogs on smart–

United Traders plans- investing in the real sector and opening new representative offices. Now the company has franchised representative offices in Israel and Slovenia. The dream is to open in London.

There is not much money in the market, they are constantly running out, the barrier to entry into the market for professionals is increasingly higher, experts say.

According to Vasily Oleinik, expert of the brokerage group of the investment company "IT Invest-Prospect", the highlight of United Traders is that the company specializes in the American stock exchange. “In Russia, few people trade American stocks: you need to know English and understand companies. In Moscow, for example, there are few places where you can turn for qualified help and training in trading on the American stock exchange. And United Traders has large dealing rooms and a prop-center , this is not a common occurrence in Russia,” says the expert.

According to him, the new a company that wants to enter the market, train staff in trading, give employees money and make money from their trading will first of all be faced with the fact that trading on the American market is not enough. Creating such an association of traders, according to the expert, is very expensive: a lot of money will be required not only for constant training of employees and IT development, but also for marketing.

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