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How to start a business from scratchBusiness premises

Many newcomers associate entrepreneurial activity with an office in a non-residential building, a store, the availability of space in a shopping center, etc.

Why do people like to complicate things so much? Why do they want to throw money into a bin labeled “Rent”? Isn't it easier to work at home at the initial stage? After all, this will save money, which is usually so lacking.

I propose to discuss the following issues in detail:

  • When and who is allowed to conduct business in residential premises?
  • What criteria must a home business meet?
  • What types of business can you run in a private house or apartment?

I am sure that after reading this material, you will be able to see more interesting ways to bring your business ideas to life.

Is it possible to do business at home?

Tell me where to look for the answer to the question: “Is it possible to do business at home?” If I write “It’s possible!” here, will that be enough? Yes? How will you justify the legality of your activities, say, in court? Don’t even hope for the magical effect of the phrase: “Yuri Asher said it’s possible!” Remember:

Courts, as well as various regulatory authorities, are guided in their activities only by current legislative acts.

This leads to the second rule:

The answer to the question “Is it possible or not?” must be supported by the current regulatory framework.

If I say that it is possible to do business in a private home, then you must ask me a counter question: “What regulatory document confirms the legality of this activity?” In our case, this issue is spelled out in the second paragraph of the seventeenth article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

“It is permitted to use residential premises for professional activities or individual entrepreneurial activities by citizens living there legally, if this does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of other citizens, as well as the requirements that the residential premises must meet.”

It would be useful to pay attention to the third paragraph of the same 17th article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

“The placement of industrial production in residential premises is not allowed.”

There is also another important point:

Only individuals and individual entrepreneurs (IP) can do business at home. But legal entities (LLC, CJSC, JSC, etc.) are allowed to conduct their activities exclusively in non-residential premises. By the way, you can learn more about legal entities and individuals by reading the article: Forms of doing business. I recommend that everyone who has not had time to familiarize themselves with it do so.

As you can see, home business is indeed legal, but two important points must be taken into account:

  1. 1. Business activities should not interfere with your neighbors and people living in the apartment (house).
  2. 2. It is forbidden to open industrial production, or to use machines that consume large amounts of electricity and violate permissible standards for vibration, noise, etc.

In general, not all types of business activities are suitable for doing them at home. I think it's time to move on to the next question.

What criteria must a business in a residential building meet?

A business in a residential building must meet the following criteria:

  • Do not create problems for residents and neighbors. For example, I sell building mixtures. I decided to organize a warehouse for finished products in my apartment. I live on the tenth floor. Naturally, every day I carry heavy bags of putty in the elevator. Thanks to me, the neighbors cannot properly use the elevator, which is always busy, dirty, and has also begun to break down more often. Due to the constant dust, the mother-in-law moves around the apartment in a gas mask, and the father-in-law left a year ago to screw in a light bulb for a neighbor, and has still not returned. All in all:

    Business at home should not become a source of problems for residents and neighbors.

  • Not to be a retail outlet or order receiving point. You won’t be able to hang glowing letters “Bakery” above your window and sell loaves of bread through the open window. Alas, retail outlets and order acceptance points can only operate in non-residential premises. You need to understand that:

    A living space (apartment, house) is just your workplace, but not an advertising platform.
    Your business must function fully without opening a store or an order acceptance point.

  • Do not accept reputable clients on your territory. For example, you sell office furniture to legal entities. It is clear that you must conclude contracts and personally meet with clients on their territory or on a neutral site (fishing, bathhouse, cafe, restaurant, etc.). From your own workplace, you can only communicate with customers by phone or via the Internet. Agree, you can’t invite the director of a reputable company to an apartment where people are running around: a wife in curlers, children with slingshots, a father-in-law with a glowing light bulb in his mouth, and a mysterious mother-in-law with a hot frying pan.

So, we’ve sorted out the criteria, now let’s look at business ideas that can be implemented in residential premises.

Business ideas for a private house or apartment

In general, there are many types of entrepreneurial activities that can be done at home. The main thing is that the following rule is followed:

The business must fully function at home. Everything else is secondary.

I would like to draw your attention to the following areas:

  • Internet business. Quiet, dust-free, comfortable and fairly hard work - this is how I can characterize entrepreneurial activity on the Internet. You sit quietly in a dark closet at your computer and don’t disturb anyone - you tap on your keyboard and sip some tea. Why not an idea for a home business?

    On the Internet you can do: writing texts, web design, programming, creating websites and online stores, promoting and promoting websites, creating information resources, selling goods and services, etc. In general, if you wish, you can find a use for yourself.


    However, I want to warn you:

    There are no freebies on the Internet! Don’t believe fairy tales about easy, fabulous earnings on the Internet!
    I wrote at the very beginning that this work is not easy. It requires perseverance, patience and a constant desire for self-improvement. The Internet is developing rapidly. Only those who master new technologies and take advantage of emerging opportunities can succeed in it.

  • "Office without visitors." If you are ready to allocate a separate room in a private house or apartment for doing business, then open a home office. You can work in it calmly, search for the necessary information on the Internet, answer phone calls, and also call clients. There is only one single rule:

    It is better not to use your home office to receive visitors if you work with legal entities.
    For example, you are engaged in trade and intermediary activities - you purchase butter from manufacturers and sell it through grocery stores in your city. You can call suppliers and clients from home, conduct online correspondence, send and receive payments, but you won’t be able to invite visitors to your home. Whatever one may say, an apartment is not a place for concluding contracts and organizing meetings with business partners.

    Among the suitable business ideas for a home office, I would highlight: trade and intermediary activities, accounting, marketing, legal services, etc.

  • Home work. Many entrepreneurs successfully engage in the following activities at home: individual tailoring, tutoring, massage, provision of cosmetic and hairdressing services, etc.

    All you need to do is equip a workplace in an apartment or private house and attract clients with affordable prices. Then conduct a competent advertising campaign and welcome the first visitors.

So, friends, we have examined in detail the features of running a business at home. However, some types of business activities cannot fully function without a stationary store, warehouse, or office. Naturally, all these premises must be non-residential. By the way, if you have a vacant apartment located on the ground floor, you can think about removing it from the housing stock for further use in business. Perhaps it's time to talk about how to convert residential premises into non-residential ones.

Mini-production at home

In most cases, a novice entrepreneur chooses two areas of business: trade or mini-production. Both types are always profitable and bring profit practically without regard to competition. But in order to trade or set up a profitable mini-production, you need to rent premises, which significantly increases costs and reduces profits. That is why mini-production at home and in conditions close to home is gaining increasing popularity - a dacha, a private house or a garage, with minimal investment in the business. What exactly can you do at home?

Minimal investment + creativity = profitable production

Since ancient times, the most popular type of production has been handicraft.

What kind of business to start in a private home - current business ideas

And in combination with modern technologies, a person capable of creating sculptures or carving wood can easily turn his hobby into a profitable mini-production right at home. We recommend paying attention to such ideas that require a minimum of work space, finance and equipment costs:

  • Production of board games with unique handmade designs. For example, chess with fancy figures in an original design, and the design for such figures can be found on the Internet on foreign sites, unless of course you have your own ideas. Such a chess board can cost $80-$160, and a large selection of materials (from traditional wood to ivory) will allow you to expand the range of products and easily sell them.
  • Creation of casts of children’s hands and feet, as well as 3D compositions of lovers’ hands. It takes about 20-30 minutes to make one impression, and you get 500 rubles in net profit for it. This idea is relatively new (several years), so the niche is not particularly occupied, especially in small cities.
  • Making souvenirs, it is especially worth considering the option of purchasing a pottery machine - anyone can easily learn how to work with clay and create very attractive souvenir products with minimal investment.
  • Magnets for the wall or refrigerator, making logos from foam plastic (you just need to buy a thermal plotter for $1900-2900) and much more, you just need a creative approach and a little handwork.

Larger-scale mini-production at home

  • Owners of a private house can start producing cinder blocks. You will need a patio near your house with a concrete platform on which you will place a concrete mixer and earn $40-100 per day.
  • Production of marble from concrete by vibration casting. By opening such a workshop in your garage or country house, you will produce beautiful paving slabs, fences, fireplaces and other products that do not require mandatory certification. Monthly income will be from $1000 and above.
  • Food industry: breeding laying hens in the country, a mini canning factory, a winery or home cheese production. It is also worth noting separately the various processing of food from one form to another. For example, smoking fish as a business or processing regular milk into milk powder. All this is possible at home, and you can easily find the technologies of these industries on the Internet.

Large mini production

Do you have impressive start-up capital and are you looking for promising areas of small business in Russia? There are many proposals for organizing small turnkey industries. Let us give one example - the production of plasterboard sheets. Drywall is currently considered the most common material for dry finishing of premises, which is why the demand for it is constantly growing. All you need to organize such a production is a room, several workers and consumables. And for $160,000 you are offered the manufacture, installation and commissioning of a line for the production of these same sheets on a turnkey basis.

There are a lot of profitable ideas for mini-production at home and mostly with minimal investment. You just need to determine the type of mini-production that you could do and start trying now!


TOP 20 best, current home business ideas

Small business ideas of home production are growing quite quickly. After all, not many people rely on the state anymore. The main thing to do here is to make a decision, and then choose a direction. There are a lot of small home business ideas from scratch, but you need to choose one direction. You should never rush into several options at once; you need to choose one real direction.

Attention: You will organize it yourself, no one will do it for you. Here the price of the issue is extremely high, so it must be taken seriously and carefully. Don't try to borrow loans at first. Try to do everything on your own first.

Organizing a home business

A house business must be organized within the legal framework and certain requirements must be adhered to:

  • The chosen direction should not be explosive or noisy.
  • Try not to choose energy-intensive industries.
  • Production must be harmless or free of harmful emissions.

Mini-production ideas for women

You can watch small business home production ideas on our page. Hard work is not suitable for women, but remote work can suit them perfectly. After all, here it is quite possible to start writing texts for websites, and it is also quite possible to work on collecting pens.

  • An excellent business for a woman would be soap making. This is not a difficult job and, with the right approach, can bring good money.
  • You can embroider pictures at home using various techniques: cross stitch, bead embroidery or ribbon embroidery. It cannot be considered as stable, which would provide a constant income, due to its exclusivity. But if you connect the Internet to your business, you are likely to get a very profitable home business.
  • At home, you can open a mini-workshop for the production of canned food. Such production can reach a profitability of 500%, despite the use of manual labor. You can sell such products on the local market by organizing your own retail outlet. As a rule, these are canned cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and other products.

Glass engraving

To organize such a business, you also do not need serious equipment. To do this, you need stencils and a regular air compressor, which allows you to apply sand under pressure to the surface of the mirror.

Attention: Such production can be organized in any small but heated room. The business may turn out to be quite promising, since not many companies are engaged in such production. In addition, it can be combined with the main activity.

Construction production

There are many industries that can be perfectly organized in a garage, this is one of them.

  • Production of paving slabs, as well as production of bricks or other building blocks.

    What kind of business to organize in a basement in a large city - 14 profitable ideas

    The task is not that difficult, especially since there are many offers on the construction market in the form of mechanical (or electromechanical) devices for the production of bricks.

  • This type of business has always been profitable, and it remains profitable now, since low-rise construction is constantly being carried out, which constantly needs building materials.
  • The only negative is the seasonal need for such material, but this does not mean that bricks or paving slabs cannot be made out of season. During the time when construction “freezes,” you can stock up on building materials, and when the construction “comes to life,” you can sell it.
  • Another disadvantage is that additional space is required for storing raw materials and finished products.

Mini-production ideas for family business at home

Many people want to work as a family. Moreover, after setting up such work, there will be something to pass on to posterity.

  • As an option, you can start producing printed materials or restoring photographs. Having an entire printing house is a costly business that does not correspond to our times, and is not profitable either. Such production will not fulfill small orders, as this is not profitable.
  • It is also not profitable to use highly productive equipment to fulfill single and small orders. But there is always a demand for such products. Many businessmen need business cards, brochures and other promotional products. As a rule, they turn to entrepreneurs who take on servicing small orders.
  • To organize such a mini-business, you need to be able to use a computer, have skills in working with graphic editors, and also be able to work on them, have a minimum set of equipment and the availability of consumables. The products of this mini-enterprise may be needed by taxi drivers, hairdressers, restaurant businesses, trading businesses, various types of entrepreneurs and just ordinary people.
  • Making souvenirs, furniture and doors from wood. An option for men who have woodworking skills. You can successfully organize the production of stools, chairs, armchairs, boxes, shelves. The production of such small-sized but in-demand furniture does not require special equipment or a special workshop. If you have a market, you can easily turn your favorite pastime into a home business.
  • Making mirror tiles. Such tiles are used for finishing premises in combination with other finishing materials. To produce it, you need the simplest tools: a glass cutter, a table and an emery wheel for grinding the ends of the tiles, as well as the presence of mirrors. You can buy mirrors and use them to make tiles, which cost twice as much as the mirrors themselves. The main thing is to find a client who would help sell these products. If you successfully organize your business, you can expand production and purchase more modern equipment.

Production of leather goods

In this work, you can also use waste from leather production. Then profitability will increase significantly.

  • Such products may include belts and other accessories. The demand for leather belts is constantly growing, but not everyone can afford branded belts. In addition, the organization of the production of leather belts can be regarded as a response to cheap Chinese models of dubious quality.
  • For production, you need to have a premises and a set of necessary tools and skills in handling leather. In this case, you can use pig skin and cattle skin.
  • Profitability is quite high and reaches 300%. The cost of producing a leather belt is in the range of 200-300 rubles, and you can sell it for 1500-2500 rubles. Handmade products can be sold via the Internet or you can connect familiar entrepreneurs who own retail outlets to your business. In this case, the benefit will be mutual.

Making figurines from clay

The demand for this type of product is constantly growing due to fashion trends that are spreading among those who like to decorate their homestead areas with various figurines. In addition, such figurines are not durable and have to be replaced frequently.

  • If you have certain skills in working with clay, then setting up the production of such products will not be difficult, since the technology for their production is quite simple.
  • In parallel with the production of clay figurines, it is possible to launch the production of inexpensive pottery. The advantage of such dishes is that they are environmentally friendly, and the high cost of such dishes will always find its buyer.
  • Before you start your business, you should carefully calculate everything so as not to part with nothing. It’s not enough to start a business; it’s very important to find distribution channels for your products. It should also be remembered that organizing your own small business requires special permitting documents, which means that you will have to spend a lot of time on their preparation.

Small home business ideas are there, they just need to be brought to life. Never rush. Look at the photos and videos. Gather more information. First of all, decide on sales and after that you can bring the idea to life.

Mini-production at home is the best way to start your own business with little or no start-up costs. Not all of those who want to change the status of a hired worker or specialist and become the absolute master of their destiny have sufficient funds for start-up capital, especially when it comes to the production of any goods, and not about trade and the provision of various services to the population. And therefore, for many, the first stage in climbing to the top of business is production organized at home.

When choosing a field of activity, take care of product sales

The choice of products that a newly minted businessman is going to produce is influenced by many factors - gender, living conditions, possession of certain skills.

If you live in a private house and have a fairly spacious estate and utility rooms at your disposal, then this provides much more opportunities for organizing mini-production than an apartment in a city high-rise building. But, even if you have only one apartment, you can choose a suitable type of home business - for example, the production of exclusive jewelry, which is in steady demand among fashionistas of all ages, or the production of branded confectionery products; the production of soap at home is also quite in demand. From food products, as an example, you can start making mayonnaise at home if you have an agreement with one of the restaurants that will be happy to include homemade mayonnaise in their menu.

If you live in a rural area, then you can easily make, for example, a tire sawmill and cut wood.

Before starting this or that type of business, you need to study the demand in your area for the products the production of which you plan to organize, and think about the sales market. If your product has many competing analogues, this will make it very difficult to promote your business, and the income from it will differ greatly from what was expected. Food products are always needed, but their short shelf life can cause losses if, for one reason or another, a batch of goods “hangs” without finding a buyer. But the production of industrial goods, in particular building materials, does not pose such risks for the manufacturer. If there is a storage area for finished products, then the goods will wait for their buyer. But in any case, delaying the implementation period reduces the turnover rate of invested funds, and at the same time the possible profit decreases.

Foam concrete production is a reliable type of business

The most traditional and proven types of home production is the production of building materials - foam concrete blocks.

They are in high demand today due to the boom in low-rise construction in the country. And although the competition in this market segment is quite high, it is nevertheless not so difficult to find sales for such products. Ample opportunities for this are provided by the Internet, where you can place advertisements for the sale of your products completely free of charge.

The profitability of this type of production is very high, under ideal business conditions it exceeds 100%, but in practice there are all sorts of nuances. For example, you need to take into account that the demand for such products varies throughout the year, its peak occurs in the warm months of the year - the construction season. But in any case, the income from this business will be quite enough to support the family. To organize the production of foam concrete, you will need special equipment - a foam concrete mixer, a compressor, molds for making blocks. You will also have to purchase raw materials for their production - sand, cement, foaming agent and foam stabilizer. So, it will not be possible to do without costs, which for some are absolutely unaffordable, when organizing such production.

Making mirror tiles is a promising direction in small business

Those who do not have such funds can try to earn start-up capital in less expensive ways. For example, the production of mirror tiles is a very highly profitable activity. Such tiles are a relatively new, spectacular type of building materials used in interior decoration. There are two options for producing it at home: applying a mirror layer to glass yourself and then cutting it into tiles, or the easiest way is to buy ready-made mirrors and make mirror tiles from them. The second method is, of course, much simpler than the first, but also allows you to achieve one hundred percent profitability, since the cost per square meter of a mirror is approximately two times lower than the price of mirror tiles. And if you agree with some workshop that provides such a service to the population as glass cutting, and in addition to whole mirror sheets in wholesale stores, you also purchase scrap mirrors from such a workshop at a low price, then you can significantly increase the profitability of your mini-production.

To work, you only need a table, a glass cutter and an emery wheel on which you will grind the edges of the tiles being made. Gradually, you will be able to replace the primitive emery wheel with a special machine and purchase a 2-3 A compressor for applying a pattern to the mirror tile. This pattern is obtained using sand applied under pressure to the mirror surface on which the stencils are fixed. Such stencils can be made independently from any dense material, for example, linoleum. Tiles with such a pattern look more respectable, cost more, and the demand for it is much higher. Mirror tiles are an expensive and fashionable finishing material; they are in demand both among those who decorate their apartments with such tiles, and among those who want their office or store to make a pleasant impression on clients.

Lime is always in price

If you live in an area where limestone rocks occur, you can start producing lime. Despite the fact that today the construction market is bursting with an abundance of finishing building materials, old and good lime is always in demand, especially in rural areas. The cost of lime production is scanty; to obtain 250 g of product, you need to spend about 5 rubles, and a package of lime weighing 250 g is sold for approximately 25 rubles. The profitability is impressive, isn't it? And lime production does not require much hassle.

A barn on your estate or summer cottage and a stove are suitable for it. The kiln is needed to burn limestone. It is better if the size of the stones does not exceed 2 cm. Large stones should be crushed.

Ideas for creating a highly profitable business in a private home

Next, you need to light coal in the stove, place lime stones on top in an even thin layer and sprinkle with a layer of coal. If you do this in the evening, the firing will be completed by morning. After this, the burnt white stones are removed from the oven and extinguished - placed in a bucket of water for 9 minutes. After extinguishing, a white solution will remain at the bottom of the bucket, which is filtered through cheesecloth. The finished lime is dried. It can be sold both to individuals and to companies producing dry building mixtures.

The “right” hobby can grow into a profitable business

Some women have a useful hobby - they make handmade soap. This hobby can be turned into your own business, and instead of giving away beautiful and useful pieces of soap made according to various recipes to friends and relatives, you can sell them at a good price to those who value something exclusive. Such soap with various natural ingredients is readily sold by perfume shops and beauty salons, pharmacies and souvenir shops.

Or you can organize your own point of sale of goods by renting a piece of space in one of the shopping centers. The profitability level of manual soap production can be 50%. The demand for it is high. This product is expensive, and it is better to organize its production in a large city, where the percentage of buyers with high incomes is higher than in rural areas or tiny towns.

We have brought to your attention only a few of the hundreds of possible types of mini-production that can be organized at home. It’s up to you to choose one of them, find another ready-made business idea, or come up with your own exclusive option, ideally suited to your specific conditions. Stock up on patience, enthusiasm and perseverance - and you will succeed.

Installing mini-machines in your own home or adjacent non-residential premises is a great way to earn money without leaving your home. The work process does not require any special skills, professionalism or experience.

Modular lines of mini-machines are practically no different in operating principle from factory equipment. The mini-equipment is characterized by the following application features:

  1. Minimum financial investment. If the purchase and installation of industrial units requires millions, then the purchase of manual mini-machines, ready for work, will cost in the amount of 15,000 rubles.
  2. Small sizes. The compactness of mini-lines allows the entrepreneur to use small areas. It is possible to operate in garages, your own homes, and even in city apartments.
  3. Low power. Mini-equipment is designed for the production of small batches of goods. It will not be possible to produce high volumes of products, but the capacity is quite enough to start a small business.
  4. Opportunity to save on utilities. Unlike industrial equipment, mini-machines for home consume a minimal amount of electricity. Some devices may work from 220 V.
  5. Ease of use. Mini-equipment is developed taking into account the fact that non-professionals will work on it. The functionality of the units is simple and understandable to anyone.

Manufacturers of mini-machines mainly include recipes with their products that entrepreneurs can implement in their workshop. You can also develop your own production plan. Over time, you can expand and replace machines for small businesses at home.

The main distinguishing feature of a home business is the use of its own residential and non-residential premises for conducting activities. Mini-production at home is becoming increasingly popular. Very small areas are used to accommodate compact, low-power equipment.

Ideas for home business are of interest mainly to those who want to start from scratch or with a minimum of financial costs. An undeniable advantage is that you can start your own business without investing in the purchase, construction or rental of premises. Disadvantages include the fact that it is impossible to engage in certain types of activities (for example, opening a store on the 5th floor), limitation of activities due to insufficient space, neighboring factors (noise, smells, etc.).

Attention! When purchasing, check for instructions for using the equipment in the product packaging!

Machines for business at home are great for entrepreneurs offering services that do not require an office or premises for customer service (outbound trading), remote work, mini-production, for which a private house, apartment, summer cottage may be perfect, workshop, garage.

What mini-machines can be installed for home business (10 ideas)

In your own premises (garage, house, country house) you can install the following mini-equipment:

This equipment for small businesses at home will allow you to make a stable profit if you find ways to implement it.

Equipment prices

The leaders in the production of mini-equipment are China and Europe. When purchasing low-power machines from China, significant savings are obtained, even if we take into account the transportation of machines from Asia.

In any case, the cost of Chinese products will be significantly lower than European ones. At the same time, the quality of Chinese-made mini-machines is in no way inferior to the quality of European or Russian equipment.

Domestic devices are often inferior in quality and functionality to products from China, but the prices of Russian mini-equipment are slightly higher. Compared to the cost of European machines, Russian prices are significantly lower, they varies from 10 thousand to 3 million rubles.

It is important to know! Despite the simplicity of mini-machines, they should be chosen very responsibly. You must carefully read the technical documentation for the equipment and check the quality certificates!

Video “Top 7 new machines for business in the garage. Chinese equipment for home business"

Useful articles

You will learn what can be produced at home, what ideas are suitable for organizing a small business in an apartment, and what methods exist for marketing finished products.

The difficult economic situation in the country, unemployment, low wages and difficult working conditions - all this forces us to look for new sources of income. There are many options for additional income.

But often they do not live up to expectations - the income is still low, the work is uninteresting and does not bring any pleasure. It seems that this is a vicious circle from which it is impossible to get out. But that's not true. There is a way out - starting your own business.

Features of a Home Business

The way you set up and run a home-based business differs from traditional business models. Like any type of activity, home production has its pros and cons.

Pros of home business:

  1. Low entry threshold. Often large investments are not required. You can start small and gradually develop your enterprise.
  2. Minimal risks. Neither bank loans, nor loans from friends - none of this, as a rule, is needed. If you fail to organize a profitable enterprise in a short time, then you have nothing to lose except time.
  3. No special skills or education are needed - everything can be learned quickly.
  4. No need to spend money on renting a room.
  5. The opportunity to fully realize your creative potential.
  6. A flexible schedule allows you to combine running a business with housework, child care, and study.


  1. A residential building or apartment is not suitable for every production method.
  2. To conduct business from home, you need high self-organization - not everyone has these skills. Sometimes working outside the home is much more productive.
  3. Difficulty in marketing products – it is not easy to find markets for every product.

What can be produced at home - 7 ideas that work

The main task at the initial stage is to choose the right direction. You need to think in advance whether a particular product will be in demand, how difficult it is to produce it, how much profit it will bring, and whether the costs will be recouped.

The ideal option is to combine work and hobbies. Home business provides this opportunity. Everyone has interests that can benefit them when starting their own business.

For example, you love fishing - why not start making wobblers, spinners or other lures? If you are interested in photography, try opening a photo studio. If you love to cook, start producing homemade baked goods.

When work is enjoyable, productivity is much higher.

Idea 1. Soap making

Handmade soap is a product that is easy to sell. High-quality soap costs a lot. At the same time, the costs are minimal. To organize soap production, you need an initial investment of at least 8 thousand rubles.

Idea 2. Production of paving slabs

This option is suitable for those who live in a private house. Making paving slabs requires certain skills - ability to work with tools, understanding of production technology, experience in the construction industry.

The initial investment for equipment is 200 thousand rubles. Payback – minimum 6 months. High-quality tiles are expensive. But the market is very saturated with supply - the competition is too high.

Idea 3: Food production

A home kitchen can be turned into a workshop for the production of food products - semi-finished products, baked goods, cakes, etc. There is no need to invest in special equipment. You will only have to invest in the purchase of raw materials for cooking - flour, sugar, meat, etc.

A particularly popular trend is making decorated cakes. There is always a demand for this product - regardless of the season. This work requires a creative approach, so it is very interesting. The cost of cakes is from 1000 rubles. Payback – immediately after the sale of the goods. Great idea to get started.

Idea 4. Woodworking enterprise

To open a wood processing enterprise, you need considerable investments - to purchase machines, organize drying chambers and a warehouse. A wood processing enterprise will bring high profitability in a region where the cost of wood is low. Payback period is at least 1.5 years.

For rural residents, this is a good option for building their own business.

Idea 5. Making furniture

Beautiful and high-quality furniture is always in demand. To set up such production, it is not necessary to buy machines and other special equipment. An alternative option is to buy old furniture, restore it or remodel it. Antique lovers are willing to shell out decent amounts of money for such furniture.

To set up production from scratch, you need an initial investment of at least 200 thousand rubles. Payback – from 1 year.

Idea 6. Cement production

Cement is a product that is always in high demand. To set up the production of cement, you need not only special equipment - grinders, furnaces for firing raw materials and packaging machines, but also a large room. Investments – from 150 thousand rubles.

Growing competition makes this way of earning less and less profitable. Large market players provide a cheap and high-quality product, which a small entrepreneur cannot afford.

Idea 7. Handmade souvenirs

Jewelry, souvenirs, toys, dolls, cards and other handmade products are a special category of goods that require creativity and creativity. These products serve as gifts, decorations, and decorative items. Investments – from 5 thousand rubles. Payback depends on the speed of implementation.

In addition, at home you can set up the production of essential oils, perfumes, halva, chips, chocolate and chocolate candies, sausages, cheese, butter, dumplings, canned food, candles, briquettes, paving stones, various figurines and much more.

Rural residents have the widest choice for starting a family business at home.

In the village, home production of granulated pet food, compound feed, bee frames, gypsum blocks, vermicompost, clapboards, peat briquettes, chipboard, sawdust, sponges, activated charcoal, pottery, ceramic tiles, bricks and other building materials is available. And also artificial Christmas trees and decorations for them.

The countryside allows you to grow vegetables, fruits, flowers and shrubs for sale.

Is it possible to open a production facility in an apartment?

Home-based business is available to residents of both private houses and apartments.

Do you want to work without leaving home? Then setting up a home office is a great option for you.

While in a private house you can start producing anything you want, an apartment is not suitable for every type of business. For example, certainly no one will turn their apartment into a workshop for the production of cement or paving slabs, and there won’t be enough space.

For an apartment, choose production:

  • food products - cakes, buns, bread, marshmallows, semi-finished products, etc.;
  • souvenirs;
  • decorative products;
  • solid and liquid soap;
  • fishing baits;
  • handmade toys;
  • jewelry;
  • clothes, etc.

How to sell manufactured goods - proven methods

Before starting a business, take care of your markets. There are many sources for finding clients. The effectiveness of each of them is determined individually - depending on the audience for which a particular product is intended.

Most often, they use the Internet, advertisements in print media, word of mouth, or their own retail outlet to sell products.

Method 1. Via the Internet

Online advertising is the most common way to sell consumer goods. Communities on social networks, targeted and contextual advertising are the sources of traffic with which you will find interested customers and take them away from your competitors. There are special advertising tools and techniques for this.

Method 2. Using ads

Print traffic sources are a time-tested advertising tool.

Not everyone uses the Internet, and not everyone can afford to build a high-quality online advertising campaign, but many people read periodicals, especially newspapers and news magazines. Advertising in them is cheap, while the return is high.

Method 3. Through friends and acquaintances

This is free advertising that will provide you with new clients. To increase the effectiveness of word of mouth, you can print business cards and ask your friends to distribute them. Discount systems and a referral program (reward for referring clients) will help attract new customers.

Method 4. Open your own store or market stall

A stable operating outlet will ensure a constant influx of customers. Over time, many city residents interested in your products will know where your sales office is located and will recommend it to other city residents - friends, acquaintances, neighbors.

Nobody canceled wholesale sales. Wholesale sales are a guarantee of stable profits and quick sales.

For more details on how to open your own business at home, watch the video:

Do I need to register my activities?

Any business in Russia must be registered. To be clean before the law, it is recommended to do this at the initial stage.

If your turnover is small, the tax authorities are unlikely to be interested in you. Despite this, it is better to immediately register an individual entrepreneur and work legally - in the future this will save you from many problems associated with communicating with tax authorities and lawyers.

Illegal business activities are subject to a fine of 10% of the income received. In this case, the amount of the fine should not be less than 40 thousand rubles.

Illegal business activity is tax evasion. In addition to fines, tax evasion can lead to administrative and criminal liability.

Opening your own business allows you to earn money without intermediaries in the form of management. An aspiring businessman plans his own working day, makes more profit, develops small business and home production ideas, which eliminates the need for commuting.

Well-established office work requires certain efforts, financial investments, and strict adherence to the plan. Starting a small business involves extensive home production ideas. Choosing a suitable specialization is not difficult; it is enough to know some of the nuances and features.

So, we’ll look at home business – production ideas further.

Small Home Business Ideas

There are several general categories of home business that include different business ideas.

What kind of production can you start at home? Let's look further.


Making money in catering is profitable at any time. People purchase ready-made or frozen food during any crisis.

Effective areas of activity:

  • preparing full hot meals;
  • preparation and freezing of semi-finished products;
  • sale of hot drinks;
  • blockage of vegetables, fruits, jam;
  • cultivation of mushrooms, garden crops;
  • baking cakes and confectionery.

To work, you will need specialized kitchen equipment, appliances, dishes, and products.

A medical examination and permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station are required.


Hand made products are in great demand. High-quality handmade work is highly valued due to its exclusivity and originality of production.

Creating a handicraft business brings income if you have talent, imagination, and creativity.

To reduce costs, it is preferable to buy raw materials in bulk from trusted suppliers.

Profitable areas of production:

  • costume jewelry, decorations;
  • knitting clothes, accessories, decorative elements;
  • sewing clothes, shoes;
  • production of soft toys;
  • creation of handmade paintings, photo albums, photo books.

For productive work, you need a spacious room, raw materials, and examples of finished work.


The entertainment and celebrations industry is rich in ideas for small businesses with minimal investment. Holidays are always in demand, and opening a corresponding business sometimes does not require any outlay.

Common areas:

  • organization and holding of celebrations;
  • festive interior design;
  • floristics;
  • photo and video shooting;
  • production of holiday paraphernalia and accessories.

The main requirement for a future businessman is charisma, the availability of expensive, high-quality equipment, and an established clientele.


The development of Internet technologies allows for active work activities. The advantage of creating a small business online is that there is no required territory or specially equipped premises, all you need is a computer and an Internet connection.

Options for business ideas:

  • online store;
  • organization of joint purchases;
  • creation and promotion of websites, Internet projects;
  • online teaching;
  • sales mediation.

Do you want to open a franchise manufacturing business? Some variants of such ideas are presented.

Specifics of creating a business


The first task of a novice businessman is to register his own business. There are two types of registration - individual entrepreneur and LLC.

IP- an individual entrepreneur running his own business.

Required documents:

  • application for registration of individual entrepreneurs in form P21001;
  • copies of all pages of the identification document;
  • paid duty 800 rubles;
  • registration information;
  • application for choosing the simplified tax system or UTII.

USNO- a simplified taxation system, providing for advance payments every 3 months, and at the end of the year an additional payment according to the report.

UTII- a single tax on imputed income, which means reporting once every 3 months and paying tax on the estimated profit 30 days after filing the declaration.

Peculiarity. The tax election is voluntary and optional.

After receiving individual entrepreneur registration, you must:

  • make a mark in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • open a current account;
  • purchase a cash register, stamp, forms.

OOO- Limited liability company.

Required documents:

  • registration application;
  • decision to establish the Company;
  • charter;
  • agreement between the founders, if there are several of them;
  • savings account minimum 10,000 rubles;
  • payment of duty 4000 rub.

After receiving registration, register with the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, Pension Fund, Medical and Social Insurance Funds, and open a current account.

Market research

Having all the permitting papers in hand, you can begin to develop a business idea. Having decided on the profile of the business, you need to carefully study the market:

  • the relevance of the planned enterprise in the geographical area;
  • assessment of financial, technical and labor capabilities;
  • competition analysis;
  • economic situation of the local population, their needs, opportunities.

Business plan

Competently drawing up a business strategy will ensure productivity, profitability of the idea, and high profits.

Detailed business plan:

  • specialization of goods and services, detailed description;
  • technological characteristics;
  • identifying the target audience, searching for a sales market;
  • competitors, analysis of their activities;
  • sales monitoring;
  • marketing plan;
  • audit of balance sheet, income, expenses, profits, losses;
  • risk forecasting.

Search for finance

The ideal option is to have your own required amount to start office work. But most often the budget is limited. The solution to the problem is a loan from a bank or microfinance organization.

Development and promotion

  • recommendations through friends, acquaintances, neighbors;
  • sign at the entrance;
  • business cards, leaflets, flyers;
  • advertisements in print media;
  • Internet advertisement sites, forums, thematic portals, social networks;
  • advertising on radio, television;
  • billboards, billboards around the city.


Running a business requires certain financial investments and costs. The budget is measured depending on the profile of the chosen specialization. There are types of office work that do not require cash, but financial freedom in business is a guarantee of more successful activities.

The easiest way to start a business on a limited budget is on the Internet. All you need is a PC and internet access.

An average level of budget will be needed in the field of cooking, holidays, handicrafts, and services.

Making cakes to order:

  • ingredients for one product - 1000;
  • utility bills - 100;
  • decorative elements for one cake - 200;
  • dishes, equipment (one-time use) - 5000.

Starting capital = 6300 rubles.

Manicure services:

  • full set of working equipment - 4000;
  • gel polish 10 pcs. - 1000;
  • processing means - 200.

Starting capital = 5200 rubles.

Photo operator:

  • equipment - 20,000;
  • paraphernalia - 5000;
  • flash memory, disks - 500;
  • processing programs on PC - 2000;
  • packaging, decor, delivery - 500.

Starting capital = 28,500 rubles.

Large investments are required to create a business in the field of car service or mini-production.

Sale of auto parts:

  • rent of premises in Moscow - 30,000 per month;
  • spare parts for 15 models, 10 pieces each, on average 400 rubles - 60,000;
  • inventory - from 25,000.

Starting capital = 115,000 rubles.

Making chairs:

  • machine - from 50,000 to 200,000;
  • milling cutter - 3000;
  • power tools - 17,000;
  • grinding machine - 3000;
  • hand tools, knives, drills - 4000;
  • paint and varnish materials - 4000;
  • wood for one chair - 500.

Starting capital = 81,500-231,500 rubles.


There are many types of risks in business.

Their division into types depends on the causes, sizes, and consequences.

The most common enterprise risks:

  1. Organizational - arise as a result of mistakes by management or personnel, non-compliance with technological standards, and ignoring the rules.
  2. Market - appear due to an unstable economic situation, sudden changes in prices, and decreased demand.
  3. Production - risks due to the fault of the company, due to incorrect adherence to the adopted strategy.
  4. Financial - arise in connection with the monetary weakening of the company, a decrease in solvency.
  5. Commercial - risks associated with the work process, increased costs and snack prices, and decreased sales volumes.
  6. Credit - arise as a result of debts of third parties to the company.
  7. External - do not depend on the activities of the company, personnel, or client base.
  8. Internal - risks resulting from management negligence, weak marketing plan, low productivity, insufficient equipment.

All existing risks are divided into three groups:

  1. Acceptable - loss of profit without loss to the company.
  2. Critical - loss of profit and some investments.
  3. Catastrophic - loss of profits, investments, formation of debts, even bankruptcy.

Many entrepreneurs face the problem of lack of initial capital. , the topic of this article. Perhaps this information will help you decide on your first business idea.

See garage business ideas from China. Successful and profitable options for small production.

  • The initial capital is 28,500, of which 27,500 is one-time.
  • The cost of one photo shoot is 4000, expenses are 1000. Net income is 3000.
  • The capital will be repaid after 10 shootings. At a rate of 3 photosets per week, the monthly profit will be 36,000.

Private small business provides the owner with many advantages. A competent approach, strict adherence to the plan and compliance with legal grounds will bring good dividends.

Successful office work does not mean colossal expenses or losses. This is an effective economic strategy that ensures labor potential and financial well-being.

Video on the topic

Many aspiring businessmen are thinking about production at home. Such a desire is completely justified, especially in connection with the realities of the current time. In the article we will consider many ideas for home production and for each idea we will voice our vision of the situation. The article will be divided into two parts. In each part we will touch upon certain issues regarding the advantages of a home business, ideas for production in certain conditions, and the sale of manufactured goods. Please, in the comments below the article, offer your ideas for home production in order to supplement the article with new information.

Part 1

  • Benefits of Home Business;
  • Ideas for production in an apartment;
    - Food;
    - Handicrafts;
    - Ideas for men;
  • Seasonal production ideas;

Advantages of home production

  1. There is no need to spend the lion's share of income on rental of premises . This is home production. This issue is especially problematic for new entrepreneurs, for whom rent can eat up a large portion of their profits.
  2. At first, such production may be unofficially . Of course, this is only a temporary measure, which, nevertheless, will help you get on your feet and gain a foothold in your chosen industry.
  3. Ability to adjust production volumes . All costs will depend on the cost of raw materials. This allows you to change production volumes depending on the demand for the product offered.
  4. Minimum investment size.
  5. Opportunity to make a profit almost immediately.

All this allows you to significantly increase the chances of success and significantly reduce risks. Next, the most popular and profitable production business ideas today will be presented. At the same time, they will be divided into blocks depending on the possibility of working in an apartment or the need to carry out all the work in a private house.

Production at home in an apartment

This block includes the direction of home production, which you can do right in your apartment. For greater convenience, we have divided the ideas into thematic blocks.


One of the most popular industries today is housekeeping. This demand is primarily due to the fact that the products offered are consumer goods.

Delicious baked goods without leaving home

You don't need any special education to cook homemade delicacies. Many women who cook well are successful in this area of ​​business. You will need very little to work: a mixer, kitchen utensils. Any attentive housewife has all this in her kitchen. Additionally, you can purchase special equipment with which you can knead the dough.

A regular oven will suffice for small quantities. Particular attention must be paid to baking recipes and their external execution. Taste and aesthetic qualities must be at their best so that buyers are interested in the product. You can subsequently sell baked goods on the street or fulfill orders from restaurants and coffee shops.

Homemade jam

Necessary costs: from 7–8 thousand rubles.

For such production, additional equipment may not be required. For normal operation you need: pots, jars with lids of different sizes (preferably small ones, as they will be easier to sell), a seaming machine. As for raw materials, you can go in two ways: either buy products in stores or markets, or take everything you need from your own garden.

It should be noted that the profitability of such a business in winter is about 30%. But in the summer it is less profitable to sell jam. Therefore, preparations made in the summer can be held until winter and sold at a better price.


Necessary costs: from 10–12 thousand rubles.

Vegetables and mushrooms can be used as a base. The former can be grown independently or purchased at a favorable price from farmers, the latter can be collected from the forest or purchased at markets. To work, you will need your own stove, jars, lids, seaming machine and the actual raw materials. By the way, you don’t have to limit yourself to cucumbers and mushrooms.

The following dishes are quite popular today: sauerkraut and pickled cabbage, Korean carrots. It is worth thinking in advance about selling your products. If the production is still very small, you can offer to buy something to your acquaintances, friends, neighbors.

Production of semi-finished products

Necessary costs: from 20–25 thousand rubles.

Here we are considering the option when an entrepreneur produces sausages, sausages, dumplings, dumplings from meat purchased from farmers or meat processing plants. If a businessman plans to raise animals himself, then he will need a country farm in which he will keep livestock. In this case, you will need to obtain permission to carry out sales from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. All actions will have to be coordinated with them.

Therefore, semi-finished products are the most acceptable option. At first, it is better not to make the assortment large. About 30 titles will be more than enough. It is worth taking care of the cooking recipes. The tastier and more unusual the product is, the greater the demand for it will be.

To work, you will need ordinary kitchen utensils. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of knives and meat grinders. You will need a separate freezer for storing finished products and simple meat.

Homemade herbal tea

Necessary costs: from 4–6 thousand rubles.

Today people are increasingly concerned about their health and well-being. That is why the demand for “healthy” products is growing rapidly. Various herbal teas are no exception. At the same time, the work does not require special tools or costs. You can make herbal teas yourself in the summer, going out into nature. The missing ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy.

In this case, it is best to sell it dry. You can also think about beautiful packaging of the goods - buy special bags, print labels with the manufacturer’s phone number, name and composition of the collection. It is very important to maintain proportions. A variety of recipes and the addition of spices and aromatic herbs will only increase demand. For work you will need measuring scales, containers and raw materials.

Packaging of bulk goods

Necessary costs: from 10–15 thousand rubles.

In this case, sales volume will largely depend on how the packaging is designed. What can be packaged? Nuts, seeds, cereals. You can purchase these goods at a base or some warehouse, package them at home and offer your neighbors to buy a package of treats at a favorable price.

If you go to a more serious level, you will need to take a more detailed and professional approach to creating packaging. At first, you can do this manually. And gradually look for large clients who will be willing to buy products in bulk.


This block includes production formats that require special skills or talent from the entrepreneur.

Decorative jewelry made from polymer clay

Necessary costs: from 8–10 thousand rubles.

The main advantage over many stores will be the individuality and uniqueness of the items offered. From a technical point of view, the process is quite simple. To work, you need special boards, knives of different sizes, material, small decorations in the form of sparkles, beads, buttons, chains and other things. For a product to be in demand, you need to put imagination, enthusiasm and skill into your products.

Low cost helps to get a decent income for handmade products.

Handmade boxes

Necessary costs: from 3–4 thousand rubles.

There are many options here. They can be made from wood, shells, sequins, beads and other decorations. In this case, all costs are reduced to the purchase of the necessary raw materials. Interesting ideas and diagrams can always be found on the Internet.

Particular attention should be paid to the upholstery of the inside of the box and the handles. If the product is quite large, it makes sense to insert a mirror into it according to size. It is worth taking care of creating special fasteners for storing rings, earrings, and chains.

Handmade stained glass

Necessary costs: from 14–18 thousand rubles.

Similar decorations are used today to decorate the interior. Stained glass windows are attached to walls, partitions, windows, doors. However, competition in this industry is not that high. Of course, the job requires skill. Artistic abilities are also welcome. This work is quite labor-intensive, but the pay will be impressive.

Depending on the technique, you may need: oil paints, epoxy resin, glue, gelatin, dyes. The design is applied to colored glass. This is usually done not with brushes, but with thin needles - it is with the help of them that the contours of the image are drawn, and only then painted.

Handmade soap

Necessary costs: from 8–15 thousand rubles.

Today many people buy similar products. Usually they are bought as a gift for some holiday. It is during the pre-holiday periods that the demand for this product is very high. To make soap you will need: essence (base), aromatic oils, decorations, special molds, fragrances. It’s worth thinking about manufacturing recipes in advance. It is better to make the first batch very small and use it yourself.

You can earn even more by beautifully packaging souvenirs. To do this you will need special paper, ribbons, bows, and ties. You can attach a contact phone number to gifts so that gift recipients can buy soap if they like it.

Manufacturing of frameless furniture

Necessary costs: from 5–6 thousand rubles.

In this case, we are considering an interesting new product - the production of bean bags. These are soft, pear-shaped chairs. Each time they take the shape of the body of the person sitting. A similar product in stores costs about 6 thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost does not exceed thousands.

For production you will need a sewing machine, material, filler, threads. It is better to sell such products via the Internet. But you also need to offer goods to your friends at the first opportunity.

Montessori hand toy

Necessary costs: from 4–8 thousand rubles.

It is also called a busy board. Such products are in great demand among young parents. When making these toys, it is very important to think through all the details - from packaging to the quality of each part. When creating your own model, you can borrow one of the existing ideas. In this case, you will not need a certificate authorizing the use of an object of intellectual property, since the busy board is a subject of folk art.

To create such toys you do not need expensive equipment, and the materials are quite inexpensive. One such product can be sold for 5–15 thousand rubles. The best way to sell Montessori toys is online. Delivery by Russian post will not be so difficult. To work, you may need a variety of parts, a board on which they will be attached and tools for fastening.

Atelier at home

In fact, it is no different from the usual one, except in terms of production volumes. In this case, the seamstress will receive all the profit, which can significantly reduce the final cost of the product. The work will require special knowledge, skills, and work experience. The demand for a master may mean that he will initially have regular clients who may bring several more people with them.

For work you will need: a sewing machine, a cutting area, an overlocker, knives, scissors, consumables, buttons, lace, ruffles, locks, zippers, etc. In this case, materials can be purchased at the expense of the customer or work with those already selected. High quality designer items are highly valued today.

Handmade souvenirs

Necessary costs: from 6–50 thousand rubles.

Here you can work in one of two directions: study hand made or manufacturing business products . In the second case, we mean advertising products applied to different surfaces (pens, T-shirts). The first format has a more seasonal focus. In this case, for work you may need consumables in the form of fabrics, beads, wood, and other things. But for working with promotional gifts, the initial costs will include the purchase of professional equipment. Everything will depend on the choice of direction.

You can work with:

  • ceramic surfaces (decal or silk-screen printing);
  • plastic;
  • fabric (embroidery, thermal printing);
  • metal (laser engraving).

In this case, you may need various machines, presses, MFPs, and printers. It is cheaper to purchase such equipment in China.


Necessary costs: from 13–15 thousand rubles.

You can decorate many items using this technique, including furniture, napkins, and tablecloths. Almost anyone can do this. It is only important to be diligent and patient. Over time, skills improve the quality of work. That’s when you can start decoupage for sale.

For work you will need: glue, brushes, sponges, paints, primer, sandpaper, a special product for decoupage, blanks from different materials (wood, cardboard, glass, etc.) and decorative items. You can sell such products to friends and acquaintances. It is best to make deliveries via the Internet. You can even start with just your city, and then expand production.

Magnets as a gift

Necessary costs: from 7–9 thousand rubles.

To many, this type of business seems frivolous due to the low cost of the products. In fact, you can make very good money from this. Important factors will be the originality of the manufactured products and their aesthetic component. You can work in several directions at once:

  • magnets with inscriptions;
  • cheerful and funny products;
  • educational magnets for children or even entire sets;
  • calendars with magnets;
  • holiday magnets for certain holidays.

At the same time, not much is needed to organize such production. First, you will need the magnets themselves, on which the main structure will be attached. But the surface can be decorated in any way you like - make something from wood, plastic, draw on glass, do engraving, use polymer clay.

Home Production Ideas for Men

The ideas below are most common for men. That is why we have separated them into a separate block. This does not mean that women cannot engage in these activities.

Engraving on glasses

Necessary costs: from 20–35 thousand rubles.

If it comes to manual engraving using special devices, then such production can be located right in the apartment. If you plan to use a special compressor and stencils, then it is better to start the activity in a separate house or garage. The main advantage of this business is its exclusivity. Not many people do this kind of work. You can do this as a hobby and get pretty good money for it. In addition to tools, you will also need material on which inscriptions and drawings will be applied.

Manufacturing of leather belts and accessories

Necessary costs: from 25 thousand rubles.

These products are popular among people of different ages. The demand for the idea also lies in the fact that the accessory will be made by hand, which adds exclusivity and uniqueness to it. To work you will need leather, special hole punches, machines for stitching edges, and decorations. The profitability of this idea is at least 300%.

Pig skin can be used as a material, for example. You can buy it from local farmers for 200 rubles (price for one belt). In this case, sales can be carried out via the Internet.

Production of keys

Necessary costs: from 90 thousand rubles.

You can set up a mini-workshop at home. The profitability of this business attracts many entrepreneurs. At the same time, the production technique does not require any additional skills. To be able to work with different types of keys, you will have to purchase different types of machines. For the first time, 4-5 different ones will be enough. Each of them can cost about 14–70 thousand rubles.

It is better not to buy Chinese-made machines, as they often break down within a year of use. You will also need material to make duplicates. As a related production, you can repair watches, locks, and clothes. This idea is highly profitable. The markup on one duplicate can be about 500–1000%.

Seasonal production at home

This section includes those types of production that are considered seasonal. This means that the rest of the time you will have to do something else to make a tangible profit.

Making bath brooms

Necessary costs: from 20–25 thousand rubles (the cost of the car is not included).

You can prepare brooms from July to August. But you can sell them at any time of the year. In other months, it is not recommended to make brooms, as they will be of lower quality. Today, people most often purchase the following types of brooms:

  • birch;
  • oak;
  • fake.

These are the ones you need to focus on. You can add medicinal or aromatic herbs to them. In order to safely use forest resources, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement with the forestry sector. Material can be collected directly in the forest, and drying can be done in a separate room. You can do this at home if you have a separate room for it. Don’t rule out the option of going out of town to your own home. The profitability of such production is about 100–150%. To work, you need an axe, a machine for transporting goods, and materials for a bunch of brooms.

Making felt boots

Necessary costs: from 40–45 thousand rubles.

This business idea is to process sheep wool and make felt boots from it. This type of production is seasonal, since warm shoes are mainly needed in December–February. The rest of the time, the business brings in significantly less income. This type of footwear is especially relevant for residents of villages and cities in the northern region.

In addition, you can increase the cost of the final product through exclusive design and decor. In the summer, if you wish, you can make car mats, slippers, and bags. For work you will need: clean wool, a carding machine, a felting machine, a sheet, a rolling pin. The creation process is quite difficult. Before doing this, it is worth studying the relevant literature and watching training videos.

Making kvass at home

Necessary costs: from 50 thousand rubles.

If the production is small, you can limit yourself to an apartment. Larger events are best held in a separate private house. This business is especially profitable during the hot season. Today, the following types of kvass are most popular in Russia:

  • bread;
  • fruit;
  • berry.

Small-scale production can do without special equipment, but large-scale production will require the purchase of: barrels or stationary racks, kegs, bottling equipment, containers, and a cooler. You can sell goods on the street. Then you will need a special stand and chair. You can supply products in bulk to coffee shops and summer bars.