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Marketing and promotion in social networks (SMM). Who is an SMM marketer Key skills of an SMM manager

SMM stands for Social Media Marketing or social media marketing. An SMM specialist or SMM manager promotes a company, its brand, products and services on social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Odnoklassniki, Youtube, Telegram and others.

The profession of an SMM specialist involves complex, multi-purpose work - writing posts, maintaining public pages, advertising, communicating with visitors and clients, launching activities for users and other tasks. This kind of work requires constant communication and being online. You need to prepare for this psychologically.

To better understand who an SMM specialist/manager is, I will describe what he looks like from the outside:

Artem, my “workshop” colleague, did not work at his desk, but sat on the sofa all the time. He had a laptop on his lap, an iPhone on his left, a notebook and a tablet on the coffee table. Something was constantly beeping, buzzing and vibrating. He regularly picked up the phone, looked, laughed, pointed and moved his finger across the screen and whispered something with his lips. Nobody called him, but they wrote and liked him a ton, and he kept track of everything and responded to everything.

Places of work

SMM managers work in online agencies, digital agencies and in companies that build sales and promotion through social networks.

Tasks and responsibilities of an SMM specialist

The main responsibilities of an SMM manager are:

Requirements for an SMM specialist

As a rule, an SMM manager is required to:

  • Competent communication (oral and written). Ability to write interesting texts.
  • The ability to develop communities and attract subscribers without promotion or direct purchase.
  • Experience in conducting targeted advertising. Knowledge of programs and services that automate and simplify work (for example, Cerebro Target or
  • Knowledge of web analytics (Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica).

Sometimes the requirements for an SMM specialist include:

  • Work experience and portfolio of completed projects.
  • Knowledge of graphics packages for photo processing, creating pictures and infographics.
  • Excellent knowledge of English.
  • Experience in organizing events.
  • Knowledge of marketing and ability to promote products and services in the market.

The first way to become an SMM manager is through self-study and freelancing. Developing your own public pages and blogs (for example, about a hobby or an interesting topic), working as a freelancer with entry-level orders in six months to a year will give you practical experience and allow you to develop a portfolio. This, in turn, will give you a chance to get a job in a digital agency and grow into a professional. This is one of the shortest routes into the profession, but it requires self-discipline.

The second way to become an SMM specialist is to get a higher education in the field of PR, journalism, marketing, or take courses in SMM and find a job in promotion on social networks. Even an entry-level position is suitable - an assistant to an SMM specialist or a copywriter. In the process, you can quickly gain experience, grow and start leading serious projects.

SMM specialist salary

Market analysis shows that SMM specialists earn approximately 30 to 90 thousand rubles per month. The higher the salary, the closer the SMM manager is to marketing and the more serious the problems he solves.

The 21st century is the era of computer technology... It must be admitted that the Internet has completely absorbed the life of modern man. I saw the time when, in order to get on the World Wide Web, you had to connect the modem to the telephone cable, then listen to the hiss for a long time, and then the coveted signal appeared! Back then, just reading news on the Internet was such a blessing!

Now it is difficult to imagine life without the Internet. Therefore, it is not surprising that the 21st century is also the era of Internet professions. You can list them endlessly, but, as you guessed from the title of the article, we will talk about SMM. And no, I will not now list the books you need to read or tell you where to go to study. Let's talk about the most important things: motivation, principles, trends.

How can you characterize the specialty of SMM manager?

First of all, it is creativity, a love of writing, the ability to analyze and think strategically, a developed sense of aesthetics and a thirst for knowledge.

About motivation

In general, I think the golden rule for any profession is to LOVE what you do. It’s a bad idea to put profit or career growth, the desire to prove your worth to someone or get a fashionable profession as the main motivation.

If you are not able to have a passionate romance with your job, quit it!? Mountains of books and years of studying in steep courses will not help if you work from 9 to 18, counting every minute. You've probably noticed how time flies when you're busy doing what you love and vice versa - how long does it last when the activity is not a joy? You need to put your soul into SMM. Therefore, there is no way to do this without love!

Please don’t go to SMM if: “My husband recommended it,” “Friends told me how much they pay there,” or “You heard somewhere that it’s fashionable.” Make your choice consciously!

Do you want to be a cool SMM manager?

Get ready to improve yourself! And no, you don’t have to pay crazy amounts of money for prestigious courses in your city or buy a new book every week. But keeping abreast of new trends is the sacred duty of a social media manager. Therefore, thematic blogs, news sites, professional groups on social networks are what you should read with pleasure and in any free minute.

Are you traveling in public transport while plugging into your phone? Get off Instagram and better read Rumyantsev’s group "Internet marketing from A to Z." Are you watching a series in the evening? Pause it and read the news on Like! Just one week without Digital news is enough to get lost in the world of SMM.

About trends and innovation

If you are by no means an innovator and not at all a fan of experiments, it is better not to meddle in SMM. Social networks are a unique platform where you can constantly experiment with content and strategy, introduce cool features, and test new services.

The competition in the Internet market is colossal, so it is increasingly difficult to stay one step ahead. In 2016, copy-paste and Googled images are no longer enough to make a cool post. Only unique and engaging text, only high-quality images. And even better - cool videos!

Be a little bit of a psychologist

Social networks are social for the reason that people interact in them. SMM is an understanding of human psychology. If you do not intuitively understand how a person makes a choice of a particular product or cannot assess his social profile, do not rush to go to SMM.

You will also have to be a strategist and an analyst. And a little bit of a designer! A kind of man-orchestra. Although in fact, it’s unrealistically cool to try yourself in different guises, manage a project completely from start to finish, and then watch its success with pride!

And once again about love

Only not to work, but to projects. Each person is unique, and each customer is special, as is his project. Nobody says that you have to like all the topics, and you have to make friends with all the clients. But turning away from a project without compelling reasons is stupid. What to do in this case? Abstract yourself! Or find for yourself undeniable advantages in working with a specific project. Remember, every experience is equally unique and rewarding, whether positive or negative.

Do not be afraid to defend your position if you have sober arguments. The man whom I consider my first mentor in marketing taught me the main thing - to express my opinion in work matters. But only if you have something to confirm your point of view in facts and figures.

Respect yourself and value your time– another important postulate that applies to any profession. More than once I have met people who sacrifice their time and health to please their superiors, for the sake of an additional bonus, or for even more banal reasons. Work overtime solely for your own pleasure. And success will come to you as a consequence.

As Evgeny Leonov said: “Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening!” And if in the evening over a cup of tea, you complain to your family: “How tired of this work you are,” think about whether it’s time to change something in your life?

Well, now let's talk about specific facts, without which it is impossible toSMM!

As they say, it hurt. I conducted interviews and listened with a smile as one of the candidates said: “My friend leads a group, but I can do it too.” Now I work at a factory." I have nothing against factory workers, but the lack of a burning interest in social networks and development in general, the desire for easy money and just sitting on VKontakte and posting cats is killing me.

If you are seriously thinking about becoming an SMM specialist and are thinking where to start, what you need, what to read and where to study– this article is for you.

First of all, I want to introduce you to the responsibilities of an SMM manager and the skills that will be useful to you.


  • Analysis of SMM activities of competitors.
  • Development and implementation of SMM strategy.
  • Maintaining communities.
  • Writing a content plan for the month ahead.
  • Planning publications (via auto-posting services).
  • Content branding (make a picture for a competition/promotion, develop templates for sections, or at least stick a logo on the picture).
  • Setting up targeted advertising.
  • Search for communities for advertising.
  • Conducting competitions and promotions: mechanics, picture + text, attracting people, summing up results.
  • Search for opinion leaders.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of SMM events and development of recommendations for improvement.

SKILLS that will help you:

Literacy. Agree, it’s disgusting to read posts from a cool brand with errors? Trust immediately goes to zero.

Marketing knowledge. Yes, this is the case when economic education will help you, or rather the thinking that you learned at the institute.

Copywriting. There are certain formulas and nuances of writing texts and you need to know them. This skill is necessary for writing posts and advertising texts.

Analytic skills. Calculation of the cost and effectiveness of campaigns, analysis of results.

Logics. It will help to put forward hypotheses about the target audience and divide it into segments.

Creativity– come up with activities, catchy features and interesting ideas to promote the client’s business.

Knowledge of graphic editors. Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator, online editors for creating images for posts, advertising, promotions, competitions.

Sales– communication with the client, creating effective presentations, being able to persuade.

Knowledge of trends and technologies— track the latest tools, updates, solutions, follow trends.

Needless to say, an SMM specialist should love social networks and actively use them? 🙂


There are a lot of books on the Internet, the SMM field is rapidly developing, so books quickly become outdated. Here I am attaching a list of books for a minimum reading base that I have read myself.

Important: Despite the fact that you plan to work in SMM, you also need to understand the basics of Internet marketing, because All channels - SEO, web analytics, copywriting, email - are closely interconnected.

1. “Business promotion on VKontakte. New practices and technologies", Dmitry Rumyantsev

2. “100+ practical hacks for internet marketers”, Evgenia Kryukova

3. " ", Damir Khalilov

5. “Facebook - effect for business and self-PR”, Olga Filina

6. “Content, marketing and rock and roll”, Denis Kaplunov

7. “”, Denis Kaplunov

9. " . We create texts that sell”, Dmitry Kot


In contact with

  1. Internet marketing from A to Z -
  1. Practice SMM 3.0 -
  1. SMM promotion and sales! —
  1. SMMers -
  1. Marketing. Advertising. SMM -
  1. Cerebro Target (public service for specialists in targeted advertising) -
  1. Lazy SMM manager's blog -
  1. SMM|Targeting -
  1. SMM planner (public auto-posting service) -


  1. Content Marketing -
  2. SMM Party -
  3. Internet marketers' smoking room. Articles, cases, tools, tricks -


Like books, blogs are devoted not only to SMM, but to various areas of Internet marketing. Subscribe to newsletters!

Russian-language sources:

  • Academy of Internet Marketing Web promo expert -
  • The first one-day Internet marketing school “I-marketing” -
  • GeniusMarketing (facebook, email, business development) -
  • Free webinars are held almost everywhere, stay tuned for updates or subscribe to newsletters)

    I would especially like to highlight the courses that I took:

  1. A unique practical course “Targeting from A to Z live.”
  1. Internet marketing school “I-marketingschool” in Kharkov -

Good luck to everyone! I believe you.

Who is an SMM specialist from a business point of view?

Benefits of working on social networks for businessmen– this is a very wide coverage, “word of mouth”; precise targeting of the audience, because on social networks people share very detailed information about themselves; interactive interaction and prompt response to negativity.

What do customers want fromSMM-specialists?

1. Sales, more sales)))

LinkedIn works great in b2b, especially in the Western segment. Companies even have special managers who work exclusively with this professional social network and bring in leads or potential Clients and transfer them to the sales department.

Facebook works great in b2c (for some topics it’s even better than Google AdWords contextual advertising, as discussed in Perry Marshall’s book “Contextual Advertising That Works”) and VKontakte.

2. Branding

3. Traffic(especially relevant for news resources)

Common and distinctive features of SMM and SEO

Who is an SMM specialist?

Over time, this specialty turns from unknown to anyone into very popular and in demand. It is intended for those who are not afraid to experiment, look for new approaches to solving problems and always be open to communication.

An SMM specialist manages the presence and promotion of a brand in social networks or the “promotion” of a website in social channels. It solves a number of problems related to attracting customers from social networks, increasing the company’s image, as well as the recognition and popularity of a product or service. Not directly, but still, an SMM specialist has an impact on increasing sales volume.

Prospects and salaries. Due to the high demand for these specialists in the market and relatively low competition, the salary of a representative of this profession is about $300 per month.

As for the prospects, according to most experts, this area will develop rapidly, and with its help more and more opportunities will open up.

Greetings, dear friends. Today we’ll talk about one of the interesting professions in which you can work and earn decent money. Considering that we are all constantly connected to social networks and spend almost all our free time there, it is also possible to find a job there. Which one? Highly paid!!!

The profession of SMM specialist has appeared recently. With the development of social networks, it is becoming more and more in demand. The work of an SMM manager is based on the tasks and principles of SMM marketing.

SMM marketing tasks

Smm ( Social Media Marketing– social media marketing) - work to attract the attention of the target audience to a website, brand, company or product through social platforms.

Objectives of this direction in marketing:

  • promotion of web resources, products or services through social media. networks;
  • unobtrusive placement or encouragement of posting information, links to resources in topics;
  • stimulating interest among users to switch to the full version of the site from social media. networks;
  • viral marketing – spreading advertising on a social network using likes, reposts, etc.

Smm specialist who is this

A manager in Social Media Marketing is a person involved in attracting attention to a brand, product, website through social networks. The main task is to interest and attract target subscribers with the offer, create a positive image of the product, provoke them to take actions to go to the main page of the site or purchase the offered product. The marketer must conduct hidden advertising so as not to alienate users.

Functions of an SMM specialist:

  • administration and moderation of groups and communities - attracting and encouraging users to advertise the group on their pages, suppressing obscene language, answering questions from participants, maintaining topics;
  • drawing up a plan of articles and topics for social platforms;
  • preparation of videos for promotions;
  • placement of fresh materials;
  • analysis of traffic and sources;
  • miscalculation of work efficiency;
  • miscalculation of the advertising budget.

How to become an SMM specialist

Due to the novelty of the specialty, the profession of SMM manager is not taught in educational institutions. At various online courses, seminars and trainings, you can gain the knowledge that an SMM specialist should have, who he is and what he does. A professional must have the knowledge and skills:

  • psychologist - be able to communicate, predict user reactions, reduce the negative reaction of the audience;
  • analytics - be able to analyze the results of your work, look for effective tools;
  • marketer - recognize your target audience, know in which communities they communicate;
  • copywriter - be able to create interesting, attention-grabbing, unique selling content.

To work successfully you need:

  • know and be able to buy likes, reposts, retweets, offers, etc.;
  • process photos in a graphics editor;
  • be able to work with animation, memes;
  • come up with interesting texts for posts that correspond to the customer’s topic;
  • know the basics of contextual advertising, internet statistics, SEO, SMS;
  • be able to analyze Internet traffic.
How much does an SMM manager earn?

Salaries for social media marketing specialists. networks can vary greatly. The income range ranges from 5 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the following factors:

  • customer region;
  • work experience and qualifications;
  • volume of work;
  • employer;
  • remote work.

In the regions, the average salary of a SMM specialist ranges from 25 to 30 thousand rubles, in Moscow he receives an average of 50-60 thousand rubles, and in St. Petersburg 40-50 thousand rubles.

The qualifications of the manager are of great importance. A beginner specialist can receive from 25-30 thousand rubles. in Moscow. One year of experience in SMM marketing allows you to receive a salary from 30 – 40 thousand rubles per month. A professional with at least 2 years of experience and good knowledge of SEO and web analytics tools can earn money in Moscow from 50-60 thousand rubles. Good command of foreign languages, in addition to the listed skills, increases the lower salary threshold from 70-90 thousand rubles.

Working full-time on staff at a company or agency pays higher than working remotely. In agencies, managers manage several projects at the same time; accordingly, their salaries are higher than those who work on one project in the company.

Salaries depend on the size of the organization. In large companies, the salaries of SMM managers are higher than in medium and small companies.

The profession of an SMM specialist is today a promising and well-paid one. Demand for social marketing professionals networks are constantly growing. Having enough knowledge and constantly learning, you can master a sought-after profession with a permanent income.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

In my opinion, it is necessary to distinguish between two types of “SMMers”: those who use social networks simply as a tool and 80lvl SMMers.

In the first case, practice is most important. You need a thorough knowledge of the interfaces and rules of all major platforms, competent speech and, in principle, everything else that previous authors listed.

The second option is more interesting. You must absolutely hate the word “esemem”; for me it is perceived as a curse word. I position myself as a specialist in Social and Community (sorry, the bane of employees of international companies is to insert English words into Russian speech in an untranslated form). First of all, you need to look at social beyond the scope of your own channels in it; a VKontakte group, and even a VKontakte group + FB page + Insta account is a very narrow vision of the situation. For me, social has long been intertwined with classic PR, working with partners, and simply communicating with people. The second follows smoothly from this: people are the most important resource in the modern world. It turns out that you never know when and how a particular person may be useful to you and where he will come from (maybe a malicious troll from your VK group in the future will suddenly become your good business partner or introduce you to the right person, or turn into a brand ambassador after a pleasant experience interacting with you). You'll never know.

No matter how trite it may sound, a good SMM manager (as in principle a good marketer and generally a good professional in any field) is a one-man orchestra. In my work, I apply knowledge from the field of Internet marketing in general, psychology (and my favorite - the basics of working with difficult teenagers), journalism, mathematics, classical PR, e-commerce, all this is just a small part.

And lastly, the last but not the least, you need to be in touch 24/7 (life hack: “working” does not equal “being in touch”). If you are a real texter, at some point you yourself will begin to feel uncomfortable during any flights, traveling on the subway in a car without wi-fi, in the bathroom and any other places where the phone and any communication will be absent.

Nothing is needed at all.

1. Be literate and express your thoughts well in writing. Moreover, be able to put a lot of meaning into a small number of words.

4. Be creative. In life, very often you need to make candy from scratch, but in the life of a smm-maker you have to do this several times a day.

5. Be a bit of a psychologist and predict the behavior of social network users several steps ahead.

6. You can show yourself as a specialist by building a so-called self-brand - convincing everyone around you that you are a real expert in the field of SMM. By the way, this should also be done on social networks.

Complementing OLI ZITCH’s answer, I want to say that a good SMM specialist should also have:

1) A broad outlook, so that he can adjust the content to any topic.

2) The ability to abstract from one’s social role and be able to put on a “mask” of the target audience

3) Always practice - theory is 10 percent of your skills.

In general, if you want to gain practical experience, I highly recommend going for an internship at an agency from the Tagline () rating or launching your own project (preferably investing a good budget into it) so that you understand how the process works from the inside.

I worked as a content manager in an SMM agency, I will tell you about my experience.

Firstly, there must be a predisposition to this. Not every person can navigate large amounts of information and be able to analyze it competently. The lion's share of success in SMM is competent text content. Both the content of materials and selling texts and headlines (offers). Knowing how to attract attention to your service or product is a real art. To learn how to write catchily, correctly and concisely, I can recommend GlavRed’s free newsletter. It really helps.

Daria Golovanova

Reading time: 14 min.

Perhaps the fastest growing profession on the Internet in recent years is SMM manager. It has already accumulated various stories, misunderstandings and myths, such as that this is a job for schoolchildren, etc. It seems to us that it is time to start debunking them. Let's figure out what is meant in job descriptions, why an SMM specialist is actually needed, and how he should work.

What might be the responsibilities of an ideal SMM manager?

The main responsibilities of the person responsible for SMM in the company may include:

  • building a general strategy for the brand’s presence on social networks;
  • turning this strategy into reality;
  • the ability to feel and understand the brand, focus all actions on its target audience and communicate in its language
  • reasonable budget management, maintenance and analysis of advertising campaigns;
  • the ability to take beautiful photographs. Even on the phone. A small business can no longer be imagined without a beautiful Instagram profile, and ordering a lot of filming is not always the most budget-friendly option. That’s why photo content often has to be implemented by the SMM manager;
  • have a sense of beauty and be able to catch trends.
  • competent written language, ability to write and correct text content;
  • Knowledge of at least the basics of layout and understanding of usability to optimize a site for social networks is highly recommended;
  • and, of course, the ability to work with people and the skills of a psychologist are very important;
  • and etc.

Ksenia Prokina, Editorial Group Head Sociorama by iConGroup:

“Today, different employers often define in their own way who an SMM specialist is in his company, and what exactly he should do. In interviews, the conversation often begins like this: “Let’s define what we mean by this word.” So, one employer sees in this position an employee who, having decided on a goal, breaks it down into tasks, selects tools, briefs, controls, and reports to the SMM director or head of the marketing department. And the other will indicate such tasks as: writing content, moderating communities, working in tandem with a designer, reporting. But he will not, for example, control the budget, select promotion tools, etc.

The fact is that it is unrealistic to cover the entire pool of tasks and do it manually. We are now talking, of course, about real professionals, and not about schoolchildren or mothers on maternity leave, who were inspired by the opportunity to make money on the Internet. Therefore, ideally, tasks are divided into several employees by specialization, for example, I am responsible for content, moderation and design.”

As you can see, the hands of a good CMM specialist should grow bushily: he should be versatile and ready to perform a wide range of work.

Now let’s start debunking the myths that have taken root in our heads.

Myth 1. Working on social networks is for interns and students

Marketing on social networks is one of the necessary tasks for developing a business of any size. If you think that this is some kind of childish task that any schoolchild can do, then you can put an end to your reputation. Incorrect positioning, low-quality content, lack of understanding of strategy and goals - all this will, at best, lead to a decrease in the number of subscribers, and at worst, will negatively affect the attitude towards the brand and sales.

Myth 2. Social networks are the same job for 8 hours 5 days a week

Here's another common stereotype. Social media marketing is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day. For SMM marketing to have significant authority on social networks, you need to always be online. This means that you must be able to use various planning tools, ideally be able to answer questions from potential buyers at any time of the day or night (after all, the Internet never sleeps).

Myth 3. You won’t achieve effective and measurable results from an SMM marketer

Measuring the results and effectiveness of work in SMM today also does not seem impossible. There are several options to track the results of an SMM manager’s work:

  • Pay attention to reach, user engagement, conversion of paid traffic into social traffic. And don’t forget to track ROI - an indicator of return on investment on SMM.
  • Track growth rates of ER - engagement index.
  • Analyze the place of SMM in associated conversions. This way you can evaluate the employee's return on investment.

Myth 4. All the work is just asking friends and acquaintances to like posts to increase the level of social presence.

Experienced SMM specialists will not constantly ask friends and relatives to like their posts. They know very well that they will not be able to deceive the program that calculates the activity coefficient. It is a little more complicated than users are used to thinking. This is why it is so important to work on the creativity of posts and interact with a large number of audiences.

Myth 5: We don’t need it at all

Social media is not suitable for our industry.” A lot of people think this way. In our courses, one of the most common questions is what should we write about, we are from B2B. Especially B2B manufacturing companies, such as construction, industry, etc.

However, while they and their B2B partners do not understand how to implement social media, their employees are still socially active people, and they also like to network, watch news on interesting topics, including their professional direction. Look around you: from children to grandparents, everyone is on social media these days.

A common mistake B2B companies make is to view their customers as just other companies, rather than the people who work for them, who are just as socially accessible as everyone else.

In principle, this is possible. But only if you have a unique product and initially ideally designed marketing.

Myth 6. The demand for SMM specialists has already been formed

As we can see in the graph, the demand for SMM specialists began to increase significantly since January 2016, and the number of vacancies has almost doubled, as a result of which competition is intensifying.

Myth 7. An SMM manager should be cheap

Today there is a generally accepted opinion that it is quite possible to get by with small budgets at the initial stage of SMM promotion. Of course, SMM services today do not have any fixed cost, and each company can set its own “price tag”.

But when starting to work with SMM, it is extremely important to understand that a one-time promotion will give absolutely nothing to the business. SMM must be integrated into the marketing communications system for any type of business, and it is advisable to expect results only with regular work.

Of course, you can pay a specialist less, but in this case, you should not expect the predicted result; it may turn out to be zero. Many employers continue to turn to freelancers who are ready to “do SMM for $200,” but after 1-2 months of wasted time, money and nerves, they turn to professionals for help.

Therefore, if you are really ready to spend some money one-time, it’s better to go through a good SMM intensive to understand the big picture and what your SMM manager should do directly. Such a course will give you a clear understanding of where, on what and with what efficiency your budgets and paid “man-hours” will be spent.

Myth 8. It is not necessary for an SMM manager to have many subscribers himself?

Maybe yes. But not “bots”. Agree, it’s very undignified when a person has 4,000 friends, and on his wall there are cats liked by his mother.

If you decide to communicate through the manager’s personal page, then it can become another channel of communication with clients. In addition to posting, he can ideally become an opinion leader, able to tell your customers everything about the company, products, and in a friendly manner. After all, if you love your project, you won’t be ashamed to tell your friends about it, otherwise, you shouldn’t take on it.

However, there are many professional SMM specialists who, on the contrary, appear minimally on social networks. Perhaps it's a matter of satiety with social networks.

The most correct way to communicate with the client in this case is to create a separate work page. After all, many people want to tell everything honestly on their page, for example, about a brand. But in this case, the manager has no right to represent his company with such messages on the wall.

Myth 9. SMM specialist can do everything

Very often, the SMM manager can be required to do anything - calculate budgets, do promotion, draw, dance, etc. But as a rule, people who claim that they can do all this are definitely lacking in something.

It is important to decide what work can be done inhouse, and what can be entrusted simply to the control of an SMM manager. For example, write content within the brand and promote it with the help of a contractor. Or vice versa.

Of course, SMM is a complex topic. There are really big budgets here, every day something changes and something new is invented.

SMM managers, and not only - write your comments and additions in the comments, what stereotypes do you encounter in your work?