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Cute and fluffy: the most beautiful decorative rabbits. Cute rabbit - fanfiction for the fandom "Star Princess and the Forces of Evil (Star vs the Forces of Evil) The cutest rabbit in the world

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. Therefore, be patient. Everything will be loaded soon :)

Now the little ones have a snow-white rabbit! Where? Can't you see it? Here he is, looking straight at the charming girls. One gets the feeling that he is ready to take the first step towards the meeting, if the crumbs cute bunny game they won't launch! Well, what is this! Don't upset the cute furry cutie! And by the way, doesn’t it remind anyone, main character of this game, that same rabbit that magicians love to pull out of their hats at the circus? Didn’t it ever seem to the girls that that hare, in principle, was the only one the magician had, and it was eternal? Maybe it was he who ran into a bright virtual game, following the smell of his favorite carrot? He, like a cat, with a bow on a string, can be forced to enter the room, but only by the smell of his favorite vegetable! Today this bunny needs help with matters of primary joy. The character of the game is already waiting for the participants who have put aside their own affairs, putting other people’s interests, contrary to popular belief, above their own. Well, how could you possibly want to give such a bunny some help? Then, let's get to work!

In the game, it is easy to turn off the musical accompaniment by pressing the keys of an ordinary computer mouse on a special button with a snow-white note, located in the upper right corner of the screen. So, having already turned on the game, the little ones will see how dirty this hare turns out to be! Quickly clean it, because in this situation, nothing will come out exactly as the little ones probably need! All the means to wash the bunny thoroughly are already prepared in this game. There’s also a shower with a pleasant temperature of crystal water, which doesn’t even need to be adjusted! Well, what else... It’s difficult not only to cleanse yourself of such dirt, but also to think about it when you see it on the previously snow-white fur of the fur coat of the bunny from the game. Of course, the area of ​​the clean, handsome man, located next to his house, this emerald beautiful corner of nature, must also be cleared of all garbage!

Clutter should be a thing of the past. Besides, some mushrooms and flowers wouldn’t hurt the game character either! And finally, don’t forget to feed the little bunny! Probably such a gourmet won’t refuse carrots? IN about a cute bunny kids gain points along with each new step they take, because this unique virtual Tamagotchi also runs against the clock! The bunny is, of course, good, but by simply looking at him, without making all the important and necessary decisions, without taking actions, without showing activity, the little ones will not achieve anything with such behavior!

Rabbits as pets are no longer uncommon. Cute little ears are very charming in themselves, and few people can resist them. But there are breeds that are valued as the cutest and most unusual, for example, the lion-headed, Angora or Japanese rabbit. Today we have prepared for you a review of the cutest pets.

The ones shown below are the most beautiful rabbits in the world, they are popular among millions of people due to their attractive appearance. Who are they, the cutest rabbits? Let's get to know them better.


Despite its name, the Japanese rabbit is not of Eastern origin. Versions about who bred such an unusual breed differ. Some sources claim that Japanese long-eared animals appeared in France, while others call Germany their homeland. Business card Japanese animal - checkerboard arrangement of red and black spots. A true thoroughbred Japanese has a clearly divided, symmetrical color.

Look at the photo: this handsome guy’s face is divided exactly in half. The brighter the contrast, the more valued the pet is at exhibitions and among connoisseurs. In a house where there are children, this animal will easily take root. Japanese rabbits have a calm and peaceful character. Choose a larger cage for such a friend, because this breed is not a dwarf breed. The weight of an adult animal reaches 3.5-4.5 kg.


The Dutch rabbit, unlike the previous animal, is very small in size. This miracle weighs only 0.5-1.5 kg. These pets, even as adults, look like babies, thanks to their disproportionately large head and eyes. Therefore, the Dutch rabbit has earned love all over the world, and the breed is considered one of the most popular.

The Netherlands is considered the birthplace of this breed. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a miniature breed was developed in this country by crossing Polish rabbits with their small wild relatives. The first generations of the Netherland Dwarf rabbit breed inherited the aggressive nature of their wild ancestors, but later breeders managed to make them more peaceful and domestic.

The Dutch Eared Ears come in two varieties. The first variety has tiny ears, located vertically on the top of the head. The second variety, the Dutch dwarf lop-eared rabbit, has downturned ears up to 25 cm long. Miniature pets are distinguished by a friendly and active character, and are strongly attached to their owners. In the video by Alexander Bokov you can see how cute the Dutch dwarf rabbit is.

Lop-eared ram

The floppy ears make this breed especially cute. The length of this organ in some individuals reaches 60 cm! In this case, the ears, according to the standards, must fit snugly to the muzzle. Fold rams belong to the dwarf group, but their weight is slightly more than average: from 1.5 to 3 kg.

Hermelin (ermine rabbit)

The fur of these rabbits is surprisingly similar to the skin of an ermine: white, dense and thick. The average weight of animals is about a kilogram. One more characteristic feature are beautiful erect ears, 5-6 cm long. Due to their warm fur, hermelins are not adapted to hot climates.

Interestingly, the character of this breed depends on the gender of the animal. Females often behave aggressively and can be unfriendly for a long time. But the males are surprisingly calm, and even lazy.

Dwarf rex

Large-sized Rexes are highly valued in the fur industry for their incredibly beautiful skin. Their coat resembles plush or velvet. Their dwarf counterparts have the same characteristics, but are several times smaller in size, so they are bred exclusively for decorative purposes.

As you know, the prefix “Rex” emphasizes the royal status of the animal. These furry pets not only look, but also act like royalty. They are calm, even a little phlegmatic, and do not show excessive activity. At the same time, they show friendliness towards their owners.

The fluffiest pets

The following breeds have one thing in common. These rabbits have long fur, which gives them even more charm. We will talk about each of the fur breeds in more detail.


A miniature lion - this is how this breed can be briefly described. The lion-headed rabbit really resembles the king of beasts: long fur around the muzzle, on the neck and behind the ears, shorter fur on the body and paws. Lion's head rabbits have the dwarfism gene and weigh 1-1.5 kg as adults.

The lion head is suitable for those who are delighted with fluffy rabbits, but are afraid of not being able to cope with long hair. The lion-headed rabbit requires virtually no grooming for its coat, as the fur around its head practically does not mat. Pets of the Lion's Head breed have gained great popularity not only due to their appearance. These animals have a playful and kind disposition; they get along well with all family members.


Look at this soft cloud! The Angora dwarf is the fluffiest rabbit in the world. The length of the coat of this breed reaches 20 cm. The fur is very soft to the touch, reminiscent of cotton wool or fluff. Of course, such a fluffy handsome man is very difficult to care for, but appearance It's simply disarming.

Few people know, but there is another type of breed that is more easy to care for. The coat of such an animal is less lush and fluffy, much shorter, only 5 cm. But such fur is shiny and almost does not get tangled, so it is much easier to comb such an animal. Angora babies weigh 1-1.5 kg, are very friendly, playful, and are ideal for living in an apartment.

The cutest and fluffiest breed of rabbit in the world is the Angora rabbit. They have incredibly fluffy and soft fur. This breed of rabbit is decorative, and all rabbits with fluffy hair are called Angora. These rabbits serve as pets or are bred for their fluffy fur, which is used to make Angora wool.

The Angora rabbit is a wonderful pet, which is why people love to have this type of rabbit instead of cats or dogs. The average weight of an angora ranges from 2 to 6 kilograms. In order for a rabbit to live in a family as long as possible, it needs to be carefully looked after and fed. proper food, and also contain indoors. Then your furry will live 5-7 years.

This breed of rabbits appeared in Turkey; they began to be called Angora in honor of the capital of Turkey, Ankara, which was previously called Angora. Angora rabbits were brought to Europe only in the 18th century by French sailors, who bought the furry babies as gifts for their loved ones. Thus, this breed began to flourish and multiply in France; Angora rabbits were even in the royal family. And already in the 19th century, these furry creatures became known all over the world.

Thanks to its fluffy long fur, the Angora rabbit can be immediately distinguished from a huge number of animals. In appearance, it resembles one big fluffy ball. An adult pet can have fur 15-25 cm long or more, while weighing up to 6 kg. Livestock breeders classify such animals as dwarf. Due to its low weight, this breed is not used as a fur or meat breed.

If you examine the animal, you will notice that its nose is flattened, almost invisible in the shock of fur. This is despite the fact that long hair is present mainly on the rest of the body. The rabbit has strong long paws, which are also not visible from under the fur. The body has an oval, round, wide, slightly elongated shape. The animal's ears are rounded and small in size. Some types of rabbits have ear tufts.

Particularly delightful is the pet’s incredibly soft, light fur, which, when stroked, creates the feeling of contact with high-quality silk. The rabbit's guard hairs have a minimum length, which ensures the growth of a beautiful, delicate coat. Depending on the breed, the fluffy pile comes in different lengths. In English and German breeds it reaches 5 cm, in French - 6 cm, in Belgian - 8 cm. The coat requires careful care in order to avoid the formation of tangles that impede the movement of animals. The color of the pile differs in shades of white, black, as well as beige, gray and red.

There are several breeds of fluffy rabbit, but the most popular are English, French, German, Atlas, Giant, and White fluffy rabbit. Representatives of these breeds can be recognized by many characteristics.

English rabbits are distinguished by their flattened muzzle and wide head. These are pets weighing 2-3.5 kg. The entire body is covered with fluffy hair, including the paws, the area above the nose. Representatives of this breed need to be brushed every three days.

French rabbits differ in weight - 3.5-4.5 kg. The body is elongated, oval. This animal is considered a large representative of the Angora breeds. In this case, careful fur care is not required. There may be tassels on the ears. The muzzle and paws are not covered with lint, and the claws have the same shade.

German Angora rabbits weigh 2-5 kg. Outwardly, they look like representatives of the giant breed. They are distinguished by their white color. But they can also be distinguished by a different shade, obtained as a result of crossing with other breeds. Compared to other varieties, these rabbits shed less.

Angora rabbits of the giant breed stand out with a large weight of 4.5-6 kg, therefore they are considered the largest. The fur color is white, they shed a little, and there are tufts on the ears.

Angora rabbits of the Atlas breed weigh 3-4.5 kg. The body of a representative of this breed is of medium length, and the head is proportional in size. The animal's forehead is wide and oval in shape. This type of animal was obtained by crossing Angora rabbits with French Angoras. The fur is glossy and unusually soft to the touch. The nose, muzzle, and ears of the animal are not endowed with hair. The claws are distinguished by the same shade. These rabbits come in white and colored varieties and are distinguished by durable fur.

White and colored downy rabbits weigh 3.5-4.5 kg. Body length can reach 50 cm. This breed has short ears with tufts. These animals lack a dewlap and are characterized by the release of a large amount of fluff. This breed was bred on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Using the method of crossing white and colored representatives, colored rabbits with good quality wool are obtained.

The Angora rabbit is a very popular pet in European countries, characterized by a friendly and docile character. These are smart, quick-witted animals that can be kept in the family. They do not show aggression and love a warm and caring attitude.

When training such animals, there is no need to make sudden movements or raise your voice. The pet quickly gets used to affection and calm speech. Before picking up the animal or stroking its fur, you should give it the opportunity to sniff your hand. The animal must get used to the smell of the owner, since by their nature rabbits are cowardly animals. Angoras are playful, funny, and love to jump. They need to be rewarded every time for success with something tasty.

This type Rabbits differ from other breeds in that they must be kept exclusively in clean cages. This is necessary so that the animal’s long fluffy fur does not get dirty or tangled. Otherwise, cutting and combing it will be complicated. Representatives of this breed must be shorn by hand, and sometimes the hair is plucked. The frequency of grooming depends on the specific breed. The thinnest soft fur from representatives English breed, it falls down quickly. The pet of the French breed, as well as the giant, satin, has more outer fur, which is distinguished by the stiffness of the hair. This quality of wool does not allow tangles to appear. The fur of Angora rabbits is trimmed once every 30 days. Brush it with a special brush once a week.

For the normal maintenance of a pet, not only the cage is important, but also the environment in the room where it will be installed. It is worth using closed, dry and well-ventilated areas. Otherwise, the rabbit may quickly catch a cold. Most often, the animal dies from intestinal diseases before it even lives for five years. Every month the animal must be checked by a veterinarian and vaccinated frequently. The first vaccination is carried out when the rabbit is one and a half months old, and the second - 90 days after the first vaccination. This procedure is repeated every 6 months. Due to the high activity of representatives of this breed during pet walks around the house, owners should hide breakable objects in secluded places and remove wires.

The diet of the Angora rabbit should be enriched with grains, as well as succulent feed. The pet loves beets, cabbage, carrots, root vegetables, clover and sedge. IN winter period The animals are fed hay from legumes and cereals. In the warm season, it is recommended to diversify your food with freshly cut grass, including shoots of young plants. When collecting hay for your pet, you need to remove plants with thorns. Otherwise, you can harm the animal’s delicate stomach.

When buying an Angora rabbit, you need to hold it in your hands and observe its behavior. A representative of this breed is distinguished by its activity. Therefore, if the animal is calm and does not show any desire to escape from the hands, then this is a sign of illness. In addition, it is worth looking into your pet’s eyes. They should shine.

The price for pets of this type varies. It all depends on where and from whom the purchase is made. If you purchase the animal from a kind grandmother, the cost will reach 1000 rubles. In nurseries the price is twice as high. The option does not always justify - the higher the price, the better quality product. Sometimes, an ordinary person can raise a healthy rabbit and sell it inexpensively, but a pet worker can raise a sick pet and sell it for a higher price.

一 Okay, I’m sure I’ll succeed! I assure you, there is nothing to be afraid of! - the blonde said quickly, trying to catch the brown rabbit, who was trying in every possible way to escape from her. - Star, maybe you can practice on something inanimate first, huh? - said the rabbit, crawling under the bed.
The blonde just mumbled something incomprehensible and put her hand under the bed, trying to catch the rabbit.
一 Marco, don’t be a child, get out! I'm sure I will succeed! - Star finally felt someone’s very fluffy tail.
一 You say that every time... ah! They dragged him out from under the bed. Star quickly cast a spell, pointing her magic wand at the furry animal. But instead of the expected result, he turned pink.
一 Star, I told you! What should I do now, huh?! Not only did your spell not work, BUT it also turned me pink!
-Where is he?!
Marco and Star nervously search the house, trying to find Tom Rabbit. But the rabbit was nowhere to be found, which made them both very nervous. After all, Tom was not the one who needed to be angry, despite the fact that he had already shown that he had learned to control himself. But they didn't want to take risks.
一 That's it, I've had enough! “I’ll use magic,” Star exhaled, twirling her wand in her hand.
一 Star, come to your senses: you still aren’t handling her very well!
一 Don’t worry, I will fix everything, I assure you! Honestly, let's look at positive sides Now at least he won’t notice that anything is wrong.
一 Something is wrong! Star, the rabbit is talking! Rabbits shouldn't talk, if that's the case! - he hissed angrily.
一 Just keep quiet, and everything will be okay. In the meantime, I’ll practice,” Star smiled nervously.
After some time, Tom came.
一 Hello Star, how are you? - asked Tom, entering the house. Noticing his rabbit, he picked it up.
一 Everything is just fine... listen, I have some small difficulties here that I need to fix. You sit here, okay? - Saying this, she led him to the TV and turned it on to some channel.
一 Okay, maybe I can help you?
“No, everything is under my complete, complete control,” there was an awkward silence. “Okay, I’m off to correct what I’ve done!” - having said this, she rushed upstairs, causing Tom bewilderment.
一 Yes, something clearly didn’t go according to plan, what do you think? - Tom grinned, looking at the rabbit, to which he only turned away.
All evening the sounds of magic and Star's swearing were crushed from above, which Tom tried to ignore. True, a couple of times he tried to ask Star if she needed help, to which each time he received a refusal and a request not to interfere. In the end, Tom gave up and sat down to watch TV. This is not the only detail that bothered him today. His rabbit kept trying to escape and generally looked like he was nervous. Tom tried in every possible way to calm him down and in the end he solved this problem by not letting him go far from him, trying to constantly stroke him and say all sorts of soothing words. It worked and he eventually calmed down and fell asleep, nestling against his side.
Tom watched TV for the rest of the evening. Towards the end of the evening, a roar and cheerful screams from Star were heard from above, from which Tom could only make out “Hurray, it worked!” The next thing he knew, someone much larger than his rabbit was pressed against his side. Turning his head, he saw Marco, who was sleeping next to Tom, holding his real rabbit in his hands. Tom blushed slightly at this picture.
“Hehe, so that’s what Star was trying to fix there,” he smiled.
Meanwhile, Marco was fidgeting, making himself more comfortable. Tom could not resist and stroked his new “rabbit” on the head, to which the fuss immediately stopped and Marco began to snore contentedly.
一're definitely not my rabbit, but you're much cuter than him.
After some time, Star came downstairs.
一 Marco, get it from me... 一 entering the room where Tom and Marco were, she fell silent.
一 Shh, Marco is sleeping, 一 Tom shushed her and pointed at Marco, to which Star nodded with a smile. As she left, she wished Tom good luck.

Alexey Minorovsky

- graduated from the Literary Institute named after. Gorky. Published since 1995 (magazine “New Youth”). He taught Russian language and literature at school, worked as a sports journalist and marketer. Lives in Kostroma.

Alexey Minorovsky

Cute bunny

Rabbit Yasha was given a morning toilet, the enclosure was scrubbed, chopped carrots were poured in and water was poured. Rabbit Yasha crawled out of the booth, jumped to the bath, drank, pressing his dark ears to his red sides. He carefully sniffed what was provided for breakfast, but didn’t touch it. He sat thoughtfully for a minute and hobbled back to his enclosure. He was sick and had no time to eat.

Three weeks ago Yasha sprained his leg. Here is how it was. He galloped around his enclosure as if nothing had happened. Jumped there, jumped here. In the next cage lived a skunk named Melchizedek. The skunk got tired of the fuss and the flashing faces of visitors, and he kissed. The skunk was new; his scent glands had not yet been repaired. In a word, I took it seriously. The pavilion is small, the ceilings are low, visitors rushed out, covering their noses with everything they had at hand. One lady even shoved her daughter's fruit and berry ice cream in her face. Yasha was not touched by the skunk's tricks. But the crowd, which splashed a hitherto unprecedented amount of adrenaline into the atmosphere, frightened the rabbit so much that he went crazy, rushed around the cage and injured his leg. Pain pierced Yasha's body, he climbed into the enclosure and sat there for three days, trembling with pain, fear and misunderstanding.

By the time the attendants noticed, the leg had become swollen and no longer obeyed. Yasha sat in the booth, didn’t eat or drink anything, suffered and even cried several times. The question of euthanasia arose. The future was dark, the wounded rabbit's life hung in the balance.

Yasha had a bad time at the zoo. The diet is poor, there are few vitamins. There's a skunk nearby. But food restrictions and dubious neighbors could still be tolerable. Yasha's trouble was that he was not a simple rabbit, of which there is only one on the planet. meat production billions and billions. He was a Sumatran long-footed rabbit. Listed in capital letters in the Red Book. Listed in big bold letters. Listed personally and forever, as if posthumously during life. This circumstance played a most unpleasant role in Yasha’s life at the zoo.

If he were a Soviet chinchilla, he would have written his short, sonnet-like biography somewhere on a farm in Stavropol, in a cage made from old fruit boxes. If he were a European wild man, he would spend a carefree life somewhere in a remote Australian hole, stealing the sweet shoots of some local baobab from under the noses of hysterical kangaroos.

If Yasha had been born a handsome dwarf, dressed in marmalade-colored fur, he would have spent a bohemian life as a glamorous plaything of a sensitive young lady from Stuttgart or Mytishchi.

He could become a tireless father in a large Champagne family somewhere near Porto or Le Havre, feeding half of southwestern Europe with his genetic material.

If Yasha had been born in Japan, he could have lived even on the moon and melted the elixir of immortality from the lotus for the Japanese emperor or, in extreme cases, weaved cases for electronic toys for his twelve-year-old mistress, decorating them with pink rice beads.

In any case, he would live in a complete family, where he and his beloved woman are.

But Yasha was born a Sumatrian longfoot, kept in the Kostroma Zoo of the Summer Garden of Culture and Recreation named after. Kirov S.M., and he did not have a beloved woman. The last female Sumatrian longfoot known to science died a year ago in Brussels. It was necessary to open a discussion at UNESCO, create a commission, organize an expedition to Sumatra

- maybe where there are still other living females, but in Sumatra there were typhoons, tsunamis, a humanitarian disaster and the forced peace of dissident tribes. The discussion was not opened, the commission was not created, the expedition was not sent, the Sumatrian long-footed rabbit came to an end.

The last representative of an ancient, rebellious family lived in Kostroma, Russia. There was no reliable information about him either in Sumatra or in UNESCO. A year ago, the widow of one of the respected people of the city gave him up and left, not ashamed of her widow's tears. Yasha was born in Thailand, in a drunken unconsciousness he was brought to Moscow in a box of wicker shoes. In the Yaroslavl Tom and Jerry store, he was sold to a certain woman wearing large, half-face-length dark glasses and with huge red nails on the tips of her pampered fingers. Soon, that woman’s husband died from radiculitis and greed; in a hurry, she left the city, having previously managed to determine Yasha’s fate, for which he was now very mentally grateful to her. He was not attacked by hungry cats, and the local boorish mongrels did not start a shameful hunt for him. He lived in an enclosure using false documents. In fact, he was the result of an unequal marriage, the fruit of the short but passionate love of the six-month-old darling Columbine from Shanghai, a Sumatrian Longfoot rabbit, and a three-year-old portly Sumatrian Longfoot rabbit (as the breed correctly sounds according to the Baden-Wittenberg Register of Rabbit Breeds for 1973) Joseph R. Bartholomew Westester III of Honolulu.

But how Yasha suffered without a woman. He was ready to marry any simpleton from the White Giant breed, because he was not a small man and, as stated in the name of the breed, had beautiful long legs, for the sake of which anyone would forgive themselves for such a casual relationship. He could even close his eyes, spit on aristocratic pride and embody himself in the offspring of the Soviet chinchilla, thereby, perhaps, founding a new breed, but he was cruelly not allowed to do this either.

Yasha was a Sumatrian long-footed man, he lived at the end of the world, in exile, far from his historical homeland, his early old age was sad.

When Yasha injured his leg, life stopped completely. Only pale shadows of memories flashed before his rabbit gaze. Beautiful carrots, rich leaves of Beijing lettuce... He dreamed of himself: here he was reclining, half asleep, surrounded by three, no

- four beautiful Sumatran long-footed beauties with brilliant surnames. Or so he gallops, gallops, gallops and finally overtakes the longest-footed of all the long-footed ones and covers her voluptuously, with poetic frenzy, five times in a row. Now they both have already laid their ears on each other’s backs, stretched out their beautiful long legs and indulged in the touching bliss of the last fatigue of their feelings...

Time passed. The paw was healing. Yasha was not euthanized. The long-footed nation was not interrupted.

Yasha began to crawl out of the booth, drink from the bathtub, and nibble on carrots. Gradually his condition returned to normal and his leg recovered. He even galloped along the enclosure a couple of times, stretching his stiff limbs. The skunk was operated successfully, he became thoughtful and was no longer irritated with visitors. Melchizedek was an ill-bred orphan, the fate of the fragrant people did not torment him.

Hamsters still lived in the pavilion

- They gnawed on pieces of wood and spun the lottery drum inherited from the squirrel Lucy who strangled herself. The beaver family was in charge of everything in the pavilion.- elderly male and female, both Valeria. They had a complex structure of the room: a pen on the inside, and on the outside- summer playground. Part of the Valeriev beaver enclosure was a glass-enclosed cellar connected to an aquarium in the basement next door, designed so that visitors could see the swimming beaver in its primordial underwater movement.

Yasha lived in the very center of the pavilion, looked around by all pairs of eyes from the neighboring cells with captive creatures. A panorama of sad decay surrounded him. Blackened wires under the ceiling, twisted light bulbs. Grilles on the windows, moldy from the climate and the budget deficit of Kostroma zoology. Scabs of old whitewash on torn walls. To be alone with himself and dream of unattainable love, Yasha had to hide in a booth and huddle in the farthest corner. The booth was rarely cleaned, and it was sometimes necessary to combine dreams with dozing in unsanitary conditions. Yasha endured, but dozed and dreamed. I dreamed of freedom to gallop, a beautiful companion and a bunch of long-footed Sumatrian children. Dreams melted into slumber, again and again taking Yasha into beautiful world dreams.

Before Yasha, the hare Marat lived in the enclosure. Common Russian hare

- a commoner without a ringing watch and a vest with buttons. Twice a year she shed profusely, causing the beaver Valeria to develop allergies, thrush, and spleen. The beaver Valery displeasedly beat the water with the tight oar of his rough tail, rightly demanding a marriage bed. The animals in the pavilion were nervous, but Marat was the only one feeling good. They feed. Cleaning. Water. No foxes, no owls, no nasty ferrets. The draft brought vague and viscous smells of castrated predators, but Marat learned not to pay attention to them. Unless at night the eternal rabbit archetypal fears rose in the corners- Alien shadows grew and grew and formed in the hare’s consciousness into the Wolf, the Fox, the Owl and Grandfather Mazai.

So the hare lived comfortably, without growing old for a long time, but the time had come for him to go to fur, without waiting for the natural ending inherent in all mammalian life. While waiting for a new occupant, the enclosure was empty for a short time.

This inhabitant was the Sumatrian long-footed rabbit Yasha, who has already been adequately introduced to the reader.

The weather was excellent that day. Sun, warmth, fishy wind from the Volga. Kostroma residents and women from Kostroma flocked with their offspring, some to the Garden, some to the Embankment, some simply, hung over, slept until lunch to the football of the capital's teams with multi-colored Latin Americans in their immodest capital squads.

The Potapenok family, among others, went to the Garden. Grandmother Potapenko told her daughter Potapenko that little Potapenko had not been to the Zoo for a long time. Malaya Potapenka was gathered, dressed, promised lollipop and other joys of a child's life in exchange for silence at the time of dressing. Malaya Potapenka was accommodating and easily succumbed to tricks, hiding her quick tongue inside her mouth, which was not full of teeth. Malaya Potapenka let herself into her grandmother’s arms, which were clad in a summer dress, and thought about what exactly she was going to see in the Zoo.

Recently it has become fashionable to listen to “The Tales of Uncle Remus.” A man with a velvet voice was reading fairy tales. I read it beautifully, and so interestingly that I could quickly fall asleep and soon see an interesting dream about the same characters, but with personal participation. Now, at the moment of the toilet, little Potapenka imagined Brother Wolf, Aunt Meadows, Mother Cow, but most picturesquely she imagined Brother Rabbit. Wearing a jacket, boots, a wide-brimmed hat and a wide belt with a metal buckle. In hindsight, the girl understood that her hero was too similar to Puss in Boots, but she could not do anything. Brother Rabbit from the beloved “Fairy Tales of Uncle Remus” was extremely smart and funny.

Little Potapenka could love anything: the infantile Little Mermaid, the pure-hearted dirty-loving man Shrek, the saber-toothed but noble tiger Diego, the Winx fairies and other heroes of the international children's epic. And yet little Potapenka was a child of the old formation, she loved other heroes from other fairy tales, which Potapenka Sr. and Potapenka Middle provided her with from their generosity. Either a book will be slipped in for reading, then a disc will be placed to listen to, or a coloring book will be placed in the right place. In a word, the child in their family full of women and not full of men was taken care of.

Finally, the dress was put on, the shoes were fastened, the tights were pulled up, and off we went. Along the way we read the signs, met a neighbor, and fed the birds. In the minibus they showed off their new shoes and reminded us about Chupa Chups.

The Kostroma Zoo is small. There is no elephant, there is a camel, a crocodile and a zebra. Lots of fish among the bubbles and algae. Birds are sitting

- hummingbirds, goldfinches and other suffocating creatures. A sad eagle in a cap on a leash so that it doesn’t hit the cage. We walked past the camel and looked at the crocodile. We ate Chupa Chups and bought ice cream. We got tired, sat down, found a place to pee, and moved on.

We walked around the area and entered the premises. The fish in the bubbles swim sleepily, you have to look for them, the names are written small, grandma can’t read them, it’s not interesting. The fox is rushing around the cage like a crazy neighbor, Grandma Olya. I didn't like the bad fox. There is nothing in it from Brother Fox. Beavers are more interesting. The tails are like jacks, there are chips and bits of wood all around. Grandma, I want some more ice cream. You can't have ice cream, you've already eaten it, you'll have yogurt at home. Grandma, you are a strange old lady. Yogurt is not an equivalent substitute for ice cream, but oh well. Then with sweets. We made an agreement and moved on. Stop. Here he is. Grandma, grandma, here he is.

It happened. Then something happened that little Potapenka had been dreaming about for a week or more. He appeared to her in dreams. He was wearing a buckle and a hat. He had boots and the bravest heart in the world, the most cunning mind. Rabbit. Brer Rabbit. Cute bunny. The cutest rabbit on earth.

Little Potapenka did not care at all that this rabbit was wearing neither a hat, nor a belt, nor a buckle, nor boots. Of course, he doesn't always walk like this. He changed his clothes. He's at home. His hat and boots are in his house, his jacket has been dry-cleaned. Little Potapenka looked admiringly at her idol, Brother Rabbit the Peerless. Rabbit Yasha looked at the huge face of a human child growing up in front of him. Usually people's faces were far away, and only their hands stuck out towards him. They fumbled around, squeezed his sides, and sometimes grabbed his ears.

He remembered the face of a woman with huge red nails and knew that there was no need to be afraid of her face

- does not bite, only breathes and can scream and blow loudly.

Malaya Potapenka stood in front of Yasha’s cage for a long time. Leave

- she began to cry. Big tears ran down my face and dripped onto my shoes. As soon as she met her truest friend, she had to leave. Nothing. They will definitely come again. Next time. Soon. Next week.

Little Potapenka spent a long time telling Middle Potapenka about her Brother Rabbit in the Garden. What he is like, what he does, what he eats, where he goes, what he drinks, what he loves, who he is friends with. It turns out that he is friends with Aunt Zebra and Uncle Porcupine. Interesting detail. But now it’s completely clear why Brother Fox can’t cope with Brother Rabbit. If they, all the foxes, are as fitful as the one in the Garden, then they will never see Brother Rabbit.

Finally, Potapenka-Malaya’s tongue tangled in her half-toothed mouth, her arms grew weak, and the silk of her blond hair scattered across the pillow. The story was interrupted, tomorrow it will certainly be continued. They have a long and happy life, full of events that you will definitely need to tell everyone about.

The middle Potapenka wrapped her daughter’s blanket around her. She looks so much like her father...

Meanwhile, the sun set in Kostroma. People from the streets went home, some went to parties. The Garden is empty. The fish hid far behind the bubbles. The zebra leaned against the fence and dozed off. The animals that were sitting stood up. Those who were walking sat down. The debunked Brother Fox curled up in a ball in the corner of the enclosure. The beavers swam and sat down to gnaw. They gnawed, copulated and gnawed again. The skunk went about his business and gave in slightly. The hamsters left the centrifuge, hamstered the millet, and lay down.

The day was drawing to a close. The ticket office was removed and the ticket takers left. Janitors swept away the garbage and loaded empty plastic bottles. The dingo dog cleared its throat with its vile howl. The echo of the heart-rending sound flew across the garden between the enclosures and flew away to the Volga waters. A large fish struck its tail in the Volga waters. The zebra shook her thin mane and shifted from foot to foot. The whole Garden fell asleep. Only the rabbit Yasha was awake.

Yasha was born in distant Thailand. His ancestors lived, gave birth to children and died on the distant island of Sumatra, between Australia and Asia, trampling the generous and fertile land with their strong and fast paws. Yasha's most distant ancestors settled those islands long ago, and only high water prevented the rabbit people from prematurely colonizing the great rabbit country of Australia.

Yasha’s large and sinewy legs needed space, but there was no space. Which Greater Russia! How many forests, fields, lawns, clearings there are in it. Jump, I don’t want to jump. Jump all over Russia, learn to swim

- sail through the Volga, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, explore new rabbit territories, populate them with the great rabbit people. The fastest of all the rabbits had to be in a cage in the Zoo in the very heart of Ancient Rus', where the Great Russian land came from.

The rabbit woke up. Shadows moved towards him from all sides and surrounded him. What kind of shadows are these, the rabbit did not understand. What shadows, where the shadows come from, where the shadows go. Vague, unkind, disgusting, approaching, rustling and fluttering around, gathering into terrible images. Severe ancient faces overtook the rabbit Yasha. In the right corner, the Fox was raging. The Wolf was creeping in the left corner, dropping wisps of furious foam onto the floor. From behind, an Owl spread its wings, covering a large beaver cage. Leaning on the staff, from behind the skunk cage, as if from an old stump, a terrible Old Man of man grew up.

The rabbit has gone crazy. No, no, not quite gone. He just felt so scared that he wanted to live. He wanted to live truly, like a rabbit, as his proud wild ancestors lived, who conquered the copses and jungles of Sumatra.

Rabbit, sweet rabbit, brave rabbit. Yasha curled up into a ball, jumped to one side, to the other, like a spring, like a pendulum of the last rabbit rage, gathering all his strength for one single main jump. Rabbit, dear rabbit. Brave rabbit.

Rabbit Yasha jumped, and the old boards of the enclosure could not stand it and cracked. Enemies, enemies, cruel enemies were taken aback. They didn't know what to do with the rabbit, the sweet rabbit, the brave rabbit. The wolf sat down on his skinny butt, the fox bit her lying tongue. The owl wrapped her owl wings and thought. The shaggy Old Man sat down on the heating pipe, took out a “Herzegovina Flor” and lit a cigarette. The rabbit made a hole in the boards and climbed out. The cohabiting animals, hearing the noise, woke up and became worried. The beavers stopped copulating and were surprised. The hamsters rummaged through the grain and listened. The demons of the ancient world, the Wolf, the Fox, the Owl and the shaggy Old Man of man disappeared into the abyss of centuries from where they came, and ingloriously disappeared, disgraced by the miracle.

Rabbit Yasha ran along the path and stopped at the enclosure with the Zebra. The zebra woke up and waved its mane in surprise at this long-legged young gentleman. "Run, baby"

- said the zebra. The rabbit understood her and ran. The leg healed and jumped like healthy.

Run, rabbit, run. Jump around Rus', dear rabbit. Russia is big. You are brave. Forward, towards your big and beautiful rabbit love. You will definitely meet her, dear rabbit. She is waiting for you.