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Mini-business for baking bakery products. Important questions when drawing up a business plan for a bakery and bakery

No business project can be implemented without a clear action plan. If you compare it with building a house, it’s the same as starting to lay a foundation without a design or calculations. It's the same in business. A business plan allows you to correctly assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business idea, analyze the market, competitive environment, and calculate the profitability and payback of the project.

Writing a business plan is especially necessary when attracting outside investments. For investors, business partners and creditors, such a document is the basis for consideration of the application.

In this article, we present a detailed business plan for a mini bakery, which will allow you to correctly assess your strengths, calculate initial costs and build a competent marketing strategy.

Relevance of the idea

The bakery business is characterized by wide and stable demand. Regardless of the time of year or the economic crisis, people buy these products equally well. Moreover, as statistics show, the increasing number of private bakeries does not allow us to fully satisfy customer demand for quality products.

Depending on the business model, you can reach a monthly income of 100-200 thousand rubles per month. But, given the small investment, this article will focus on mini bakeries, where the main emphasis will be on branded products.

But, despite the visible advantages of this activity, there are also weaknesses that should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

One of the disadvantages of business is the short implementation period. This necessitates the creation of clear forecasts, otherwise most of the products will be disposed of. Advertising, creating a loyalty program, quality service and a wide range of additional services will help mitigate these risks and achieve a good, stable income.

Determining the business format

Before you start developing a business plan, you should determine the bakery model and what exactly you plan to produce.

You can develop entrepreneurial activity in two directions:

  • Full-fledged production, which includes all stages of the full cycle: from dough preparation, baking and sales.
  • The second option may include baking products and selling them to wholesale buyers.

Speaking about the first option, it will be necessary to think through not only the production part, but also sales channels. Products will be sold through our own sales points.

In this case, to increase customer flow and expand service, it will be possible to include drinks and other products in the assortment, except for our own baked goods.

The business format will determine the target audience of the bakery and the direction of the assortment.

You can implement a business idea in two directions:

  • opening a bakery on your own;
  • buying a franchise.

Entering the market on your own entails many difficulties, ranging from developing a concept, bakery style, name and finding a target audience. The advantage is freedom of action when decorating the premises, developing an assortment, setting prices, etc.

The advantage of a franchise is the opportunity to attract a large audience from the first day due to the well-known name of the company. On the other hand, this format also has disadvantages: strict control by the franchisor. You will be deprived of the opportunity to independently determine the style of the premises, prices, assortment and recipes of bakery products.

Great emphasis must be placed on correctly identifying the target audience, forming a pricing policy and developing marketing activities to increase sales.

Project Summary

This chapter of the plan reflects the relevance of the business idea and the feasibility of doing business.

The goal of the project is to open a mini-bakery in a city with a population of about 500 thousand people.

The advantage of a mini bakery is a very wide target audience and increased demand for products.

The main advantages of a mini bakery are:

  • wide demand for the product;
  • stability of demand;
  • wide target audience;
  • high profit volumes in the long term;
  • opportunity to develop business and offer related services;
  • business profitability is 20-30%.


  • high competition;
  • dependence on external factors;
  • a large number of permits;
  • high requirements for manufacturability;
  • large capital investments;
  • perishable goods.

Market analysis

As mentioned above, one of the significant disadvantages of this business is high competition. You should understand that you are not the only participant in the market, so you need to focus on the main players.

Serious competition will come from state bakery factories, whose products are available on the shelves of all stores.

If you plan to focus on fresh baked goods and branded products, then your main competitors will be private mini-bakeries that are ready to offer hot buns and croissants to city residents at the start of the working day.

These factors must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan, as this will allow you to correctly set pricing and determine the target audience.

In order to firmly establish themselves in the market and occupy their own niche, it is necessary to take a high-quality approach to the production of bread and offer customers products made according to the original recipe.

Banal bread will not allow you to enter the market and attract regular customers. There are a huge number of such bakeries throughout the city.

To analyze the competitive environment and determine your own advantages and weaknesses, it is advisable to conduct a SWOT analysis and identify the disadvantages and advantages of the bakery, threats and development opportunities.

SWOT analysis


  • business development and opening of additional confectionery shops;
  • high profitability;
  • possible increase in overall demand;
  • possibility of implementing additional services.
  • high competition;
  • short shelf life of products;
  • There may be problems with raw material suppliers.


  • highly qualified personnel;
  • wide demand;
  • lack of seasonality;
  • availability of services;
  • quality service;
  • effective advertising.

Weak sides:

  • possible miscalculations regarding demand for products;
  • lack of experience in this area of ​​business.

One of the key points when developing a business plan is a thorough study of the competitive environment. Of course, in every city there are plenty of regular suppliers of bread and bakery products, but not all of them will be direct competitors for you.

Basically, they focus on a standard range. If you find your own trick, you will quickly conquer your target audience. Such a “highlight” could be the production of products for people who follow proper nutrition and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Or, you can rely on national recipes, offering homemade bread according to old recipes.

Having developed a high-quality assortment and invested a lot of money in advertising, you can compete with serious bakeries.

Setting the price

Developing a pricing policy is an important step in writing a business plan. It should be started after a thorough study of the competitive environment, the range of local bakeries, prices and demand for competitors’ products.

Considering the high competition in this segment, the price tag cannot be too high. The only exception can be those products that are developed for the premium category, for example, fitness bread with cereals, nuts, etc. That is, we are talking about branded products, the demand for which will be among people with high incomes.

To determine the assortment of a bakery, it is not necessary to carry out complex marketing research. It is enough to immediately decide on the place where the retail outlet will be located (if you have chosen this business format) and go around the nearby bakeries of this type.

A peculiarity of this business is that people purchase bakery products near their main places of work, housing, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to count on the fact that even a very good assortment of bakeries will force the client to go to the other end of the city for fresh baked goods. Therefore, you need to focus specifically on those competitors who are within walking distance of you.

It is enough to visit such bread shops several times a day to determine which products use millet and which have been lying on the shelf for a long time. When analyzing this parameter, you should pay attention to the implementation time. As a rule, fresh buns are well served for breakfast and lunchtime. But people mostly go to buy bread at the end of the working day. This should be taken into account when planning the work schedule of a retail outlet with a bakery.

When developing a bakery assortment, make it universal. The basis should be three or four types of bread from different types of flour, loaves. We should not forget about sweet pastries, which customers are happy to buy for tea, for children, or when visiting. You can make a referral for people who have diabetes or are on a diet. In this case, you should adhere to special recipes and purchase special raw materials: durum wheat flour, fructose, seeds, nuts, etc.

The range of mini bakery products can be quite wide:

  • croissants and donuts;
  • bread with various additives;
  • pies and buns;
  • diet bread and crackers.

Organizational plan

This chapter is a step-by-step guide to help you start your business wisely.

  1. Registration of business activities.
  2. Search for premises.
  3. Purchase of equipment and raw materials.
  4. Personnel search, registration.
  5. Marketing strategy development, advertising.

Registration and paperwork

When starting a bakery, a businessman must not only register with the Tax Inspectorate and the Pension Fund, but also obtain permits from other authorities.

This area of ​​business is characterized by strict requirements from the SES. Before launching the project, it is necessary to obtain two licenses: for production and for bakery products.

Also, a mandatory requirement for conducting business is a certificate of conformity from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

The last stage of this stage of business organization is the issuance of a document from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Supervision

It is impossible to open a mini bakery without these legal documents. Expenses must be included in the financial plan. Obtaining all permits and registering the business itself will cost you 50 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to correctly register the codes in the registration documents. If you plan, in addition to the production of bakery products, to organize their sale, then you need to enter code 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes.”

This code defines activities related to the production of food products and their sale directly at the place of production. After registering an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to resolve the taxation issue. The optimal solution would be to choose UTII, but it is not available in every region.

Also from additional documentation you will need:

  1. Conclusion of the SES on compliance (sanitary and epidemiological examination);
  2. Book of complaints and suggestions;
  3. Waybills (TORG-12);
  4. Lease agreement.

To start a bakery, you will need to purchase a cash register and create a cash register.

As you can see, one of the main disadvantages of this business is the large number of permits, without which it will not be possible to implement the project.

Selecting a room

The choice of premises for a mini bakery should be approached very carefully if you plan to sell products at the place of production. If the business format involves only production activities and its sale by a large wholesale buyer, then the production workshop can be located in the industrial zone of the city, outside its boundaries. This will allow you to minimize rental costs and find inexpensive premises that meet your requirements.

A completely different matter is a bakery, the products of which are sold immediately on the spot. Here, the success of the business will largely depend on the location of the bakery.

The following factors must be taken into account when choosing a location:

  • permeability;
  • transport accessibility;
  • rental price;
  • long-term lease;
  • permission to repair and redevelop the premises;
  • permission to place external advertising.

When purchasing a franchise, the franchisor company will help with the issue of choosing premises. If you have chosen the business option of purchasing a franchise, then a consultant from the franchisor company will help you choose the right premises and arrange it. This is one of the advantages of working with a franchise.

It is not entirely correct to locate a bakery near a fitness center or gym, but proximity to children's and general educational institutions, business centers, on the contrary, will increase the flow of clients and develop a permanent base.

The size of the bakery and the interior of the premises largely depend on the chosen business model. Under no circumstances should it be a basement; water must be supplied to the room and a ventilation system must be equipped.

The optimal choice would be a spacious, bright room with large windows that can be used as a display case. Considering the fact that this purchase is most often impulsive, the buyer should be attracted by a beautiful sign and display.

To increase income and expand the target audience, you can set up a small cafe area at the retail outlet, where visitors can drink a cup of tea and taste the products.

In addition to the client hall and sales counter, it is necessary to think through the production part. Depending on the chosen business concept, this area can be open or closed.

When choosing a room, consider which side the work vehicles will enter from to unload raw materials or load finished products. It would be optimal to have a back entrance.

As for the location of the bakery with a retail outlet, select points where there is the greatest foot traffic. In a big city, consider options near the metro, educational institutions, and large shopping centers.

Repair costs depend on the chosen style and project concept. For minimal repairs, it will be necessary to whitewash the walls, install new windows and doors. If you plan to immediately create the atmosphere of a stylish mini-bakery with a cafe, then you will have to think about an original interior that will attract customers.

This item will become the largest expense item, but in this case you should not skimp on technology, since the quality of baking and manufacturability directly depend on this factor.

In order to minimize investment costs, you can consider purchasing used equipment.

Considering that we are considering the option of a mini-bakery with the sale of finished products on site, we need to purchase equipment for both production and the sales area.

This necessitates the purchase of two types of equipment:

The production type of equipment includes:

  • bake;
  • dough mixer;
  • closet;
  • hearth sheet;
  • high-quality auxiliary utensils;
  • bread molds;
  • table for cutting dough;
  • baking trolley;
  • flour sifter.

The cost of purchasing equipment will be about 1 million rubles.

To sell products, you will need:

  • cooling chamber;
  • safe or cash drawer;
  • seller's table;
  • thermal showcase;
  • cash machine;
  • racks for storing products.

After purchasing the equipment, the stage of searching for suppliers from whom you will purchase raw materials begins.

Don’t forget that your profitability and the level of your bakery directly depend on their reliability, quality and cost of goods. Therefore, you should not immediately place your bet on one supplier, even if it offers a good price. Experienced businessmen begin cooperation with 2-3 suppliers and then, in the process of work, choose one from whom they can get a discount on products.

It is necessary to conclude a verbal agreement on supplies with suppliers at the planning stage, so that there are no time delays later. From the moment production starts, it is necessary to draw up a supply agreement in order to clearly define delivery conditions, terms and prices.

If you plan to offer branded products to customers, then at the same stage you need to start developing packaging products that should be ordered. Despite the additional costs, this will serve as good advertising and attract additional customers.

The staff plays one of the key roles in the work of a mini bakery. Without conscientious and qualified personnel, you can hardly count on business prosperity. Therefore, pay great attention to the employee search stage and immediately make a list of requirements necessary for selection.

The staff must include:

  • confectioner;
  • baker (2 people per shift)
  • technologist;
  • seller (2 people);
  • director (accountant);
  • sales manager;
  • cleaning woman.

Many businessmen reduce wage costs by combining services. For example, for a small business format where products are sold directly in a bakery, sellers can combine their direct job responsibilities with the function of a cleaner.

An external accountant can be hired to prepare reports.

Marketing plan

When production issues have been resolved and the issue of finding premises and hiring personnel is closed, you should begin to develop a marketing strategy that will allow you to correctly determine product sales channels.

In accordance with the business format and target audience, it is necessary to develop competitive advantages and a marketing strategy for the bakery.

Think over your own corporate style that will make your bakery stand out from its competitors. This could be branded packaging, seller uniforms, interior style, etc.

Pay great attention to the sign and display. The name should be euphonious, evoking pleasant associations. Take into account the general concept of the bakery and the “brand style”. Let's say, if you decide to focus on baking national bread, then the name should emphasize the main idea of ​​​​production.

Try to be original and not use words such as “homemade cake”, “crumpet”, etc. in the names. Keep your eyes open. Who knows, perhaps in a few years this brand will become recognizable in the city and you will think about expanding your business and opening new branches. In this case, the name cannot be changed.

As for the promotion of services, they are facilitated by:

  • holding promotions;
  • loyalty program and issuance of discount and savings cards;
  • sale of products at certain hours.

To increase demand, you can make a promotion for morning and evening baked goods. Or create kits that will include the daily allowance of baked goods for an average family. This will create a base of regular customers and increase sales.

Promotion of services and goods

To establish direct sales channels, you should enter into agreements with wholesalers. To do this, you need to have a clear product range and preferably test samples. It is better to entrust the work of expanding sales channels to an experienced manager who will be able to demonstrate the best product characteristics of your products and conclude contracts.

In order to organize the delivery of products to wholesalers, you need to enter into an agreement with private carriers. In some cases, these issues fall on the wholesale buyer's firm. Don’t forget to include the costs in the overall estimate when calculating the cost of production.

Financial plan

Depending on the business format, you can sell from 50 to 100 kg of products daily. It is difficult to talk about the exact amount of daily revenue, since much depends on the product range.

Even the most careful planning will not allow you to clearly determine the cost of production until the first loaf of bread is baked. The cost of production consists of various factors: purchases of raw materials, utilities, transport services, etc. Therefore, it is very important to determine pricing for the first batches of baked goods in order to clearly calculate the break-even point.

Approximate calculation of product costs:

To produce 1 thousand kg of white bread you need:

  • 740 kg premium white flour;
  • 9.6 kg salt;
  • 1.2 kg sunflower oil;
  • 7.4 kg of yeast.

By calculating the price of these products from suppliers, you will receive an approximate cost of production. Now you need to add expenses such as staff salaries, utility and transportation costs.



  • repairs – 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment – ​​900 thousand rubles;
  • business registration – 3 thousand;
  • advertising for opening – 10 thousand;
  • purchase of goods – 50 thousand

TOTAL: 1063 thousand rubles


  • staff salary – 70 thousand;
  • premises rental – 20 thousand;
  • utilities - 15 thousand;
  • purchase of goods – 60 thousand;
  • additional expenses – 30 thousand.

TOTAL: 195 thousand rubles

The average payback period, with a properly developed plan and strict adherence to it, is 4-5 months.

The main advantage will be the direct sale of your own products. In addition, you can develop your business by establishing partnerships, concluding an agreement for wholesale supplies to supermarkets, confectionery shops, etc.


In order to minimize risks at the first stage of launching a project, follow these simple tips:

  • think over the assortment and highlight branded positions;
  • start by baking 8-10 positions;
  • focus on the target audience;
  • do not start production with large batches.

The figures given in this business plan are only approximate. A clear calculation of product costs and payback can only be made for a specific type of business, indicating regional characteristics.

But this business plan is suitable as a basis that will allow you to correctly draw up a document.

In this article, we described in as much detail as possible how to start your business from scratch. As you can see, with proper organization of production and qualified personnel, payback can be achieved within six months. Set long-term and short-term goals that will serve as a kind of guideline for determining the vector. According to reviews from experienced businessmen who own bakeries, this type of business has great prospects and is very stable.

Video. Opening a mini bakery

When the question arises: “which business is better to invest in?”, we begin to search for optimal ways with minimal costs and high financial returns.

Today we will look at such an area of ​​investment as your own bakery.

Ready-made bakery business plan will give you a clear understanding of what this production is all about.

Why is a bakery a profitable business?

General consumption products are always in demand. As they say, bread is the head of everything, and therefore it is almost impossible to remain without customers.

Reasons to invest in a bakery business:

    For the production part no highly qualified personnel required.

    Employees receive all knowledge within 2-4 days of practice.

    Quick installation and configuration of bakery equipment.

    To establish the production process, 25-30 calendar days are enough.

    Installation companies can help you set up your equipment and train your staff before work begins.

    Constant demand for bakery products.

    Rising prices for maintaining large enterprises make large factories unprofitable.

    Small and medium-sized businesses are coming to replace them, which can fill this niche fully and provide the market with high-quality goods.

  1. Most bakeries are located close to sales points, so products reach the shelves “only from the oven”, which increases their demand.
  2. A small number of sales points will allow us to study and adjust demand for products, and also easily change the bakery’s assortment depending on quarterly performance.
  3. Direct supplies of raw materials without extra charges.
  4. Bread is a socially significant product, because you can get government support.

    In case of shortage of raw materials or other problems, it will be possible to rely on.

    High turnover rates, due to the short lead times for bread sales, will allow receive payments from buyers within 5 - 10 calendar days.

    Retail sales give you a constant flow of cash.

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, for an LLC, the amount of cash at the enterprise’s cash desk should not exceed 2,000,000 rubles.

    Taking into account the constant turnover of funds and payment for raw materials, the bakery’s business plan provides for complete control and freedom from unnecessary financial transactions for withdrawing cash from the current account.

Bakery business plan in detail

Average profit per year: 180 000$
Profitability level of a bakery business plan: 620%
Payback period: 5-6 months.

Where to begin? From an analysis of points of sale and characteristics of food products for which there will be maximum demand.

To decide on the type of goods and production volumes, spend 1 - 2 weeks researching the location and nearby competitors.

Development tactics in a bakery business plan should pursue the following goals:

  • Improving production by realizing the potential of equipment and personnel.
  • Affordable prices without significant damage to the bakery’s profit.
  • Taking into account the wishes of ordinary consumers regarding the variety of bakery products.
  • Increase in sales volumes.
  • Search for a bakery.
  • Employee training and setting up customer feedback.
  • Advertising campaign.
  • Development of competitiveness of production by adjusting price indicators and quality of products.

For your bakery business plan to be successful, all of the above conditions must be met.

Nowadays, the price of the product has become an important competitive condition. Market winning tactics must follow trends to improve the profitability of your business.

1. Marketing tactics.

Any business begins with determining the directions in which production lines and product range will develop.

For a bakery, it is important to analyze the growth/decline trends in demand for various types of bakery products throughout the year.

A marketing analysis of a bakery business plan should:

    Find out which products are in high demand among customers.

    How much does quality affect the sale of goods?

  • Determine the average sales volumes of various product varieties at your potential distribution points.
  • Consider the sales volumes of goods by competitors located in your region.
  • Determine what criteria are used to order products.
  • Find out the strengths of competitors.
  • Take into account trends in demand for bakery products throughout the quarter.

Information about buyers will make it possible to occupy your own segment of the product sales market, and data on other companies will allow you to adjust the product to the most competitive indicators.

General knowledge of the sales market is aimed at improving the position of the bakery in the future and providing favorable economic conditions for business development.

What methods to use:

  1. Identifying business pain points and bakery strengths.
  2. Market segmentation.
  3. Positioning of manufacturers and product lines.
  4. Methods of statistical calculations.

The research should be limited by the territorial factor. An analysis of nearby areas of the product sales market is considered optimal.

During the analysis, it is necessary to find out which aspects buyers give more importance to.

The data graph should contain (%):

  • freshness;
  • taste qualities;
  • external indicators of the product;
  • benefits of the product;
  • price;
  • availability of packaging.

The information will allow you to highlight the main points that you should pay special attention to in order to attract the maximum number of customers.

You also need to take into account the place where customers prefer to buy baked goods. If this is a kiosk, then a reasonable solution would be to conclude contracts with such points of sale.

For a total advantage in a bakery business plan, you should take into account as many market research factors as possible.

Practice has shown that priority areas include advertising and pricing policy.

Expanding the range of bakery products will also have a positive impact on business. Much attention should be paid to the types of baked goods, which are in high demand in other cities, but have so far been little developed in the bakeries of your locality.

2. Production calculations for a bakery business plan.

It is impossible to imagine work planning without a production component.

Although the methods for making bakery products are not a secret, it is worth considering each component in great detail.

The quality of raw materials will influence both the product itself and its demand. Correct determination of proportions will make it possible to expediently distribute financial flows allocated for the raw material base.

Main stages of the bakery technological process:

  1. Sift the main component – ​​premium flour.
  2. Throw all the ingredients into the dough kneading unit.
  3. Let the mixture stand.
  4. Cut into portions.
  5. Add special components to improve product quality and send to the seaming machine.
  6. Form the product.
  7. Let the dough proof.
  8. Bake the products.
  9. Distribute into trays.

Depending on the type of baked goods that the bakery produces, the production plan may vary slightly. All components must be of the best quality.

a) Accounting for bakery equipment in a business plan

The best option would be to hire a specialist who will help you choose quality equipment at an affordable price.

*The table above shows the average cost of equipment across the country.

The information in the table is presented in foreign currency for convenience. The inflation rate is constantly changing, so prices in dollars will provide more accurate data on upcoming expenses.

Installation and configuration are usually free. Some supplier companies conduct training courses where your employees will learn how to operate equipment. The cost of classes is usually symbolic.

b) Bakery premises

Depending on the scale of the enterprise, the size of warehouses and other premises may vary upward.

The placement of equipment, taking into account the possibility of its maintenance in the future, will increase the occupied area to 60-70 m 2.

The data in the table shows the average size with a margin of 10 - 20 cm 2. The preferred width and length of the workshop is 7 m × 10 m. Height - within 3 - 4 m.

Apart from the production line, you will face the problem of storing raw materials and finished products. The dough components must also be kept separate from the flour.

Total + 3 rooms.

Additional bakery storage facilities:

    Flour storage.

    A small bakery's business plan must include a supply of raw materials for at least 7 days.

    To meet these needs, a room with a total area of ​​more than 22 m2 and a height of 3.5 m is required.

    Bakery bakery products storage.

    Depending on the operating mode and daily quantity of finished products, a room of the required size is selected.

    Minimum 10 m2.

    Mix element storage(seasonings, grains, dry yeast, etc.).

    An area of ​​7 - 8 m2 can easily accommodate a week's supply of additional raw materials for production.

Taking into account all the premises, yours should be oriented towards 90-100 m2 of production space.

In addition to size, attention should be paid to SES requirements. Without their approval, further business development may stall for 1-2 months.

SES requirements for bakery production areas:

  1. It is prohibited to install a bakery in basements or places with high dampness.
  2. The floor must have a layer that does not allow water to pass through.
  3. The walls must be covered with ceramics or painted.
  4. Availability of hot/cold water + sewerage.
  5. Utility rooms for employees and raw materials.
  6. Proper ventilation.

By taking care of the above conditions in advance, you will save a lot of time in the future and get rid of problems with sanitary services.

c) Documents for the production part of the bakery

The documents that are necessary for equipping the premises and starting production must be collected after purchasing/renting the premises and repairs.

They will point out any shortcomings and give you 1 month to correct them.

The deadlines are variable, it all depends on the number of problematic issues that arise during the verification process.

What documents are needed:

  • An act authorizing the conduct of activities from the SES;
  • Fire inspection approval;
  • Permission to operate from the environmental commission.

Receipt times range from 2 weeks to 2 months.

If all checks have been passed successfully, the bakery business plan can be implemented as quickly as possible.

3. Bakery financial plan.

A critical component of your business plan.

Where will the expenses go, how to bring production to a high level of profit, where to find raw materials at the lowest price - all these calculations should make your bakery a highly profitable business.

a) Organizational expenses

To get a profit, you will need to draw up an optimal work schedule that will not contradict sanitary requirements.

It is better to focus on increasing equipment productivity, which can lead to additional expenses.

Optimal production plan for a bakery:

  1. Work in 3 shifts with a staggered schedule for employees.
  2. 1st shift – 8-hour working day.
  3. In 1 working day, 2 shifts are allowed according to the plan.
  4. A floating schedule will allow you to use the equipment 30 calendar days per month.
  5. The average for baked goods is 6,000 units.
  6. Weight of 1 unit of product (bread) – 400 grams.

Thus, the annual plan for the production of goods will exceed 120 tons.

The calculations did not take into account the production of other bakery products, such as buns, rolls and more.

b) Main cost items

- a costly business. Paying employees, purchasing equipment, and trade certificates are not all of the entrepreneur’s expenses.

Full set of equipment was discussed above and its cost reached 72,000 conventional units.

If we take into account additional elements, such as knives and special clothing, the final amount will increase to $73,000 - $74,000.

In addition to technical equipment, 3 more documents will be required:

  1. Certificate of quality.
  2. Hygienic certificate for the product.
  3. Permit of production activities for business.

To obtain a hygiene certificate, you will have to submit several samples for examination to the nearest government laboratory. Product analysis will take no more than 3 calendar days.

The price for this package of documents is about $80. Please note that you will need to update your permits at least once a quarter.

Another important expense item in a bakery business plan is raw materials.

The cost of flour, yeast, seasonings and other baking ingredients should be factored into your financial plan calculations.

More detailed information can be seen in the table below:

TOTAL cost of raw materials per 1 ton of finished products287,8 $

Type of raw material

Raw material consumption per 1 ton of product, kg

Cost of 1 kg of raw materials, USD

Cost of raw materials per 1 ton of products, USD

Premium wheat flour760 0,30 228
Pressed yeast31 0,8 24,8
Salt16 0,15 2,4
Sugar16 0,6 9,6
Margarine9 2 18
Improver5 1 5

The average cost of raw materials per 1 ton reaches $220 - $270. It is better to take the indicators with a margin of 2 - 3% and focus on high-quality raw materials to obtain the appropriate product.

Remuneration of employees of the enterprise depends on the quality of work and calculations included in the business plan of the project.

To support the bakery's production process on a 2-shift, 30-day schedule, a minimum of 27 employees would be required.

The salary should not be lower than the subsistence minimum established by the state.

Fig. 1 - Monthly labor costs.

Monthly deductions include taxation. The bakery will have to contribute 38% to the Pension Fund and to pay the unified social tax.

This will be: 0.38*3620 = $1375.6 per month

Equipment that works day and night will sooner or later become faulty. Fund depreciation takes these factors into account and allows you to prepare the ground in advance for solving such problems.

Calculated as 9% for 1 year of the total cost of purchased equipment.

This will be: 0.75%*$72,000 = $540

Property tax provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation for all production enterprises, which include the bakery.

Currently, this fee is 2.1% per year of the cost of the equipment.

This will be: (2.1%/12) *72,000/100% = $126 for 1 month

Certificate of Quality, which you received at the beginning of your work, should be updated quarterly. This expense item should also be taken into account in the financial part of the bakery business plan.

This will be: 180/3=$60 every month

In addition to the agreed expenses, you should take into account transport and other small expenses for running a bakery, which need to be displayed in advance to the enterprise.

Below you can see a list of all monthly expenses:

Putting everything together, we get a tidy sum of $36,000. This is how much you will have to pay per month to maintain the bakery.

Of course, enterprising people will find ways to save money, but the operations performed should not affect the quality of the product. If sales levels fall, business income will decrease.

c) Calculation of sales revenue and total profit

To calculate the volume of revenue, we will turn to the average cost of bread in the country - $0.22.

Working on a standard schedule, the bakery produces more than 5,500 units per month (only bread is taken into account).

Revenue will be: 5,500*2*30*0.22$ = 66,000$

Taking into account the diversity of the range of goods, production costs will increase, but income will also grow proportionally. It all depends on the priority directions of production lines, which are determined in the marketing component of the bakery’s business plan.

    Bakery gross profit.

    The indicator is the difference between revenue and cost of goods.

  1. All organizations are required to pay to the country's treasury 1% of the salary fund your business.
  2. Taxable income, which is reduced by deducting fees from the bakery's gross profit.
  3. General income tax of 25% on the amount of funds received.

As a result, we will receive residual profit, which is most rationally used to improve the equipment and technological processes of the enterprise, especially at its start.

The financial plan of the bakery business plan should provide for a clear distribution of residual funds from the bakery's income.

Many private bakeries prefer to transfer residual funds to bank accounts at an interest rate of 2 - 3% per annum. It is necessary to consider all possible options for capital growth.

d) Effectiveness research

How quickly a business will pay off is the main question every entrepreneur faces. Previous calculations were the basis for calculating this particular indicator.

In addition to the main indicator of business growth, there are 4 secondary ones. They should be taken into account in the bakery business plan to adjust and correct problematic production lines.

Additional profitability criteria:

    Product profitability.

    Indicates the ratio of net financial return to one currency unit.

    Thus, the financial plan of the bakery business plan will show information on the quality of use of financial resources.

    Formula: Profitability = Net profit / Cost of goods

    In our case: 17,000/36168.67= 0.47

    Capital productivity.

    Expressed in relation to the quantity of goods to the price per 1 currency unit.

    The value gives an idea of ​​the amount of profit from each ruble spent in your business plan.

    Formula: Return on assets = Revenue from sales of goods / Total price of assets

    In our case: 66,000/ (72,000+100) = 0.915

    For every dollar invested we will get $0.915 in profit.

    Capital intensity.

    The inverse indicator of capital productivity.

    Indicates how much money from the funds must be invested to receive 1 currency unit.

    Formula: Capital ratio = Total price of funds / Revenue from sales of goods

    In our case: (72,000 + 100) /66,000 = 1.09

    Spending per 1 currency unit of product.

    They display in the bakery’s business plan the amount of funds spent to receive $1 per product.

    Formula: Expenses per 1 unit = Cost of goods / Revenue from sales of goods

    In our case: 36168.67/66,000 = 0.548

Additional components of a financial plan will help you evaluate the correctness of decisions and suggest potential options for business development as a whole.

To see a clear result, use an iterative formula that displays the difference between the funds spent and funds received over 30 calendar days.

Interest charged by the banking system for taking out a loan0,02

Months of operation of the enterprise

Net profit USD

Business income, USD

0 0 72 100 -72 100
1 17000 73 442 -56 442
2 34 000 74 911 -40 911
3 51000 76 409 -25 409
4 68 000 77 937 -9 937
5 85000 79 496 5 504
6 102 000 81 086 20 914

According to the table above, we can evaluate the profitability and payback of the bakery business plan.

If you did not borrow money, but invested yourself, you can get rid of the extra 2% of the deposit rate, reducing the payback by almost 1 month.

Fig. 2. – Payback of the bakery business plan.

According to the schedule, the first predominance of profits over costs occurs at end of 5th month. This means that our bakery will allow you to get your invested money back in a fairly short time and become a profit.

If the amount of money spent in a business plan still seems too large to you, you can use an alternative option - renting a bakery.

You will reduce costs by 2-3 times due to the availability of equipment and ready-made premises that meet sanitary standards. The payback for such a bakery business plan will be 2 months.

4. We take into account the environmental component and risk factors in the bakery’s business plan.

Environmental clearance is an important part of running a bakery.

The commission’s report should indicate the main advantages of your business compared to large competitors - this will simplify the process of obtaining a certificate and save you time.

What is the impact on the environment:

  1. Electricity consumption for stable operation of equipment and lighting of production areas.
  2. Use of fuel to transport finished goods to points of sale.
  3. Disposal of secondary raw materials and other industrial waste.

Unlike large-scale production, a bakery causes less harm to the environment on all of the above points. Rational placement allows reducing the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere by 50-70% compared to other large enterprises.

It is always worth considering risk factors.

The bakery business plan should contain a separate financial section, which will provide for the allocation of 2 - 3% of monthly profit to insure against possible problems in the future.

Risk factors for a bakery business plan:

    Jumps in prices for raw materials.

    To prevent problems, long-term contracts with suppliers on favorable terms should be concluded.

    High competition.

    No one can prevent another bakery from being built 50 steps away from you. The struggle for sales points will begin.

    To prevent loss of customer base, you should constantly expand the range and monitor the quality of bakery products.

Expanding your bakery and opening new outlets will strengthen your position in the market and make your business even more profitable.

The concept of “bakery” is not always limited only to the production of bread.

An excellent example of this is the Bulki establishment:

Whatever area of ​​investment you choose, having a business plan is the most important component of the successful implementation of the project.

Planning expense items and areas of activity will prevent unpleasant surprises that may await you in the future.

We hope the bakery business plan reviewed will help you open a personal business, which will bring stable income for many years.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to open a mini-bakery for the production and sale of bakery products in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. The main source of income is profit from the sale of bakery products.

To implement the project, premises are rented in a residential area of ​​the city, in close proximity to houses and a busy street. The total production area is 100 m2.

The bakery’s products are positioned as “healthy and nutritious food,” therefore, only high-quality ingredients and a unique recipe are used in the production of bread, which sets the bakery apart on the market.

The target audience is people who prefer a healthy lifestyle and choose high-quality and healthy baked goods.

The main advantages of the baking business:

Stable demand for products, practically independent of crisis phenomena;

Flexibility of production, allowing you to adapt to consumer tastes and market trends;

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The initial investment in opening a bakery is 885,000 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at repairing premises, purchasing equipment, initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover losses of the initial periods. The bulk of the required investment falls on the purchase of equipment – ​​66%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations cover a three-year period of operation of the project. It is planned that after this period the establishment will need to expand production and product range. The bakery's net monthly profit when reaching planned sales volumes will be 278,842 rubles. According to calculations, the initial investment will pay off in the seventh month of operation. The return on sales in the first year of operation will be 27.8%.

Table 1. Key project performance indicators


Bakery products are a product of daily demand. Bread is one of the top three in the list of the most popular products among Russians. According to the results of a social survey, 74% of respondents consume bread daily. It follows from this that this segment of the food market is quite stable.

Picture 1 . Frequency of bread consumption in Russia

On average, per capita there are 46-50 kg of bread per year. However, the indicators in each region differ. The maximum volume of consumption is observed in the Southern Federal District - 50 kg per person. Figure 2 clearly shows the dynamics of bread consumption per capita. In Russia as a whole, the volume of consumption of bakery products is declining. Experts attribute this decline to the trend towards healthy eating, which excludes bread from the daily diet of Russians. As a result, the production volume of bakery products in Russia over the past decade has decreased by 1.4 million tons: by the beginning of 2016, this figure had dropped to 6.6 million tons.

Figure 2. Supply of traditional types of bread per capita, kg per person per year

Today, manufacturers of bakery products are adapting to the consumption trend and increasing the production of bread, which is positioned as a healthy product - functional additives, cereals, and vitamins are used in its production. Most of these ingredients are supplied from abroad, so we can say that the modern baking industry is dependent on imports. There is also a growing trend in demand for long-life products and frozen bakery products.

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Economic crises also influence the dynamics of bread market development. For example, in 2008, due to a decrease in the level of income of the population, there was an increase in demand for bakery products and their production increased accordingly. After the economic situation stabilized, demand for these products began to fall again.

The dynamics of demand for bread also depends on the economic crisis: a decrease in the level of income of the population entails an increase in demand for bakery products. Stabilization of the economic situation reduces bread consumption.

According to network trade statistics, at the beginning of 2016, the turnover of bread exceeded 675 billion rubles, while there was a shift in consumption to the budget segment.

Table 2 shows the structure of the bakery products market, with which you can track how the distribution of production between different forms has changed. There is a tendency for the share of industrial baking to decrease and the share of artisan bread to increase.

Table 2. Segmentation of the baking industry


Bakery market by year, %

Industrial bakery

Artisan bread baking

Store baked goods

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The segmentation of the baking industry as of 2016 is presented as follows: 71% of the total market volume is produced by large bakeries, bakeries in supermarkets - 14%, small bakeries - 12%, others - 3%. At the same time, market participants predict a decrease in the share of large bakeries and the development of small bakery businesses. Already today, bakery-cafes in the economy segment and chain boutiques are gaining popularity, where you can not only purchase baked goods, but also have a good time. This format expects a 2-3% share of the bread market. By 2018, the share of small bakeries is expected to increase from 12% to 16% and a further reduction in the share of large bakeries.

All bread produced in Russia can be divided into two types: traditional and non-traditional. The share of traditional bread production is 90% of the total market. Traditional bread includes cheaper products. Non-traditional bread is products based on original recipes, national varieties of bread. The category of non-traditional bread is developing dynamically - in 2016 its growth was 7%, while traditional bread grew only by 1.3%.

Thus, we can highlight the main trend of the bakery products market: non-traditional bread, which is positioned as a “healthy product,” is in demand. The modern bakery market places high demands on the manufacturer. Today it is not enough to produce mass-produced, traditional varieties of bread. To operate successfully in the market, it is necessary to create a wide range of products and take into account the tastes of consumers.

According to research by the Institute of Agricultural Marketing, at the end of 2015, prices for bakery products made from premium flour increased by 5% on average in Russia. The maximum price increase was noted in the Northwestern Federal District and the Volga region - about 10%. The minimum growth was recorded in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus.

Experts predict that the greatest prospects for the consumption of bakery products are expected in the Southern Federal District - it is in this region that bread production is in demand.

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Figure 3. Rate of change in prices for bakery products made from premium flour in the Federal District in 2015, %

Advantages of creating a small bakery:

Always fresh bread, which ensures demand for products;

Production flexibility to adapt to consumer tastes and market trends

Stable demand, practically independent of crisis phenomena;

Prospects for concluding supply contracts with stores and restaurants, since mini-bakeries are considered more profitable suppliers.

Thus, the constant demand for bakery products, the trend towards the popularization of mini-bakeries and the development prospects and advantages of the baking industry allow us to talk about the investment attractiveness of such a business.


This project involves opening a mini-bakery for the purpose of producing and selling bakery products. The bakery’s products are positioned as “healthy and nutritious food,” therefore, only high-quality ingredients and a unique recipe are used in the production of bread, which sets the bakery apart on the market.

It is recommended that the product range for a small bakery consist of 5-8 product items. It is planned that the bakery will provide the following types of products:

Branded bread with cereals and seeds, designed for consumers who adhere to a healthy diet;

Traditional wheat and rye bread;

Italian ciabatta bread;

French buns and croissants.

The percentage of production of various types of bakery products is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 – Share of each type of product in total production volume

In the future, it is planned to expand the bakery’s assortment, based on consumer taste preferences and market trends.


The bakery's target audience is people who prefer a healthy lifestyle and choose high-quality and healthy baked goods. The target audience can be divided into two segments: 80% of consumers are residents of nearby houses, and 20% are random passers-by and regular customers.

The competitive advantages of the bakery include:

Product quality: fresh baked goods, high-quality and healthy ingredients, unique recipe;

Price of products: traditional bread is sold at a price below the market average. The loss from the price reduction is compensated by the higher price of branded bread;

The presence of a window into the workshop: by providing such a layout of the establishment, you can earn the trust of customers who will be able to observe the process of making bread;

Branded product presentation: each product is sold in a separate paper bag with a description of the product.

To promote a bakery, you can use various marketing tools: installing billboards and signs; distribution of business cards, flyers or booklets with product descriptions; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; shares and so on.

The use of a particular tool depends on the target audience of the establishment and the project budget.

    Tasting of products dedicated to the opening of the bakery. The promotion will last two days and includes free tasting of all types of bakery products, as well as purchasing bakery products with a 25% discount. The costs will be 5,000 rubles.

    Every day in the morning there will be “hot hours” when customers can purchase yesterday’s products at a discount;

According to a consumer survey, advertising of bakery products has little influence on the decision to purchase this product. The most important criterion according to which the consumer makes a choice in favor of one or another bread manufacturer is the freshness of the product. Therefore, the key advertising tool is the quality, taste and freshness of the products produced.

The sales plan is calculated based on the production capacity of the mini-bakery. It is assumed that the bakery will produce 550 kg of baked goods in 8 hours of operation. The average selling price will be 50 rubles per kilogram of product. The planned sales volume is calculated based on the productivity of the equipment and 90% of products sold: 550 * 0.9 * 50 = 24,750 rubles per day or 742,500 rubles per month.


Opening a bakery and organizing production involves the following steps:

1) Bakery location and premises. Choosing the right premises for a bakery with its own bakery is important not only from a marketing point of view, but also in the context of regulatory requirements. The bakery premises must fully comply with the requirements of the SES, namely:

Have separate workshops: a warehouse for storing flour, eggs, sugar and other ingredients; production and storage area; if there is a sale of products, then a sales area;

The room must have hot and cold water, ventilation, sewerage, tiled walls, waterproof floors, air conditioning systems;

There should be additional rooms: bathrooms, storage space for production waste, and a room for staff.

Particular attention should be paid to electrical power, since food processing equipment consumes a lot of electricity.

To accommodate the necessary production capacity and take into account all the requirements, an area of ​​70 to 200 m2 will be required - this depends on the format of the bakery.

Setting up a bakery will require a lot of money. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is better to own the premises than to rent it. In the case of rent, there is a risk of termination of the contract and change of production location, which will entail additional costs. If your own funds do not allow you to purchase the premises, then it is worth considering the option of a long-term lease for a period of at least 3 years or a lease with the right of subsequent purchase.

When choosing a location, you should also consider the presence of competitors nearby. It is advisable that there are no direct competitors around.

The bakery should be located in a crowded place: markets, near shopping and entertainment complexes and office centers, on central streets. Since a fairly large area is provided for organizing production, the cost of such premises in the center will be quite expensive. In order to optimize the costs of the ongoing project, it is planned to rent for a long-term period a premises in a residential area with an area of ​​100 m2. 90 m2 are allocated for production premises.

Since in addition to the production of bread, the project provides for its retail sale, the bakery has an area allocated for a sales area - 10 m2 is enough to accommodate a cash register and a display case.

The rented premises comply with all sanitary standards and rules specified in SanPiN “Production of bread, bakery and confectionery products” and is intended for food production. The rental cost is 50,000 rubles/month. It is planned to spend 100,000 rubles on renovation of the premises, including the arrangement of the sales area.

2) Personnel selection. The staffing level is determined based on the bakery format and production capacity. Since the project involves opening a mini-bakery that produces 500 kg of bread in an 8-hour shift, to organize the work process you will need:

2 baker-technologists (shift schedule);

Manager responsible for purchasing raw materials and organizing the work of all personnel;

2 cashiers for the sales area (shift schedule);

Cleaning woman;


In this case, it is necessary to conduct preliminary training of personnel, familiarize them with the recipe, safety precautions and the production process, and also ensure compliance with all sanitation standards and requirements. Bakers must have appropriate education and work experience, since the quality of the product largely depends on their professionalism.

3) Equipment. An equally important component of the production process is high-quality equipment. When choosing equipment for a bakery, you need to clearly understand what competitive advantage you plan to get - a wide range, quality, quick reconfiguration of equipment for the production of other types of bread, etc. Today the market offers various options for bakery equipment, the most well-known brands are ABM, FoodTools, Sigma, Unox, Miwe, Vitella. It is recommended not to skimp on basic equipment.

The equipment required for a mini-bakery includes:

    flour sifter – 25,000 rubles;

    dough mixer – 100,000 rubles;

    dough sheeter – 30,000 rubles;

    proofer – 40,000 rubles;

    table for working with dough – 30,000 rubles;

    oven – 300,000 rubles;

    baking trolleys – 15,000 rubles;

    refrigerator – 35,000 rubles;

    dishes and kitchen utensils – 10,000 rubles.

As a result, a set of specialized equipment for a mini-bakery will cost approximately 585,000 rubles.

4) Supply organization. Before opening a bakery, you should establish supply channels for raw materials and decide on suppliers. It is necessary that all ingredients used comply with GOST requirements.

When agreeing on cooperation with suppliers, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. Typically, shipping costs for ingredients will be borne by your operation. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The main raw material for the bakery is flour. It must be of the highest quality and properly stored. It is recommended not to make large stocks, as the flour may spoil. In addition to flour, you will need: yeast, eggs, fresh milk, sugar, salt and other raw materials.

Drawing up a technological map for preparing products will allow you to accurately calculate the required amount of raw materials. At the same time, it is important that the recipe for bakery products complies with GOST standards or separately adopted specifications.


The initial stage of opening a bakery is registering the business with government agencies and obtaining permits for food production. In order to produce and sell food products, an enterprise must obtain permission from the SES for production, a conclusion from the SES for finished products and a certificate of conformity. Before starting production, you should also obtain a conclusion from the fire inspection and environmental supervision.

To conduct commercial activities, an individual entrepreneur is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income” at a rate of 6%). Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

    10.71 - Production of bread and flour confectionery products, cakes and pastries for non-durable storage;

    47.24 - Retail trade in bread and bakery products and confectionery in specialized stores.

The legal side of bakery activities is covered in more detail.

The bakery's operating hours are different for the production workshop and the sales area. The production workshop is open from 6:00 to 16:00 with an hour break from 11:00 to 12:00. The trading floor is open from 8:00 to 20:00.

Technological bakers work in shifts: 2 days of work followed by 2 days of rest. Their responsibilities include monitoring the production process, maintaining cleanliness in the workshop during the production cycle, timely write-off of spoiled products, keeping a log of hood cleaning, and recording raw materials in stock.

A shift work schedule is also provided for cashier salespeople: a day of work and a day of rest, since their working day lasts 10 hours. Responsibilities of the seller: customer service and work at the cash register, keeping records of cash and transactions supported by the presence of checks, accepting finished products from the workshop, designing a sales window.

The manager is responsible for cooperation with contractors and the purchase of raw materials, organizes the entire work process, controls the staff work schedule, forms a staff, and pays wages.

An accountant maintains financial records and works through outsourcing.

The cleaner is responsible for the cleanliness of the production workshop and sales area.

Table 3. Staffing and wage fund mini bakeries

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.



Accountant (outsourcing)


Baker-technologist (shift schedule)


Salesperson-cashier (shift schedule)


Cleaning lady (part time)


104,000.00 RUR

Social Security contributions:

31200.00 RUR

Total with deductions:

135200.00 RUR


The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the bakery; the planning horizon is 3 years. It is planned that after this period the establishment will need to expand production and product range.

To launch a project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of investment. To do this, you need to determine the costs of renovating the premises, purchasing equipment, the initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods. The bulk of the required investment falls on the purchase of equipment – ​​66%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Table 4. Investment costs


Amount, rub.

Real estate

Room renovation


Equipment set

Equipment for the trading floor

Fire-fighting equipment

Intangible assets


Working capital

Purchase of raw materials

Working capital


885,000 ₽

Variable costs consist of the costs of ingredients that are used in the preparation of bakery products, as well as payment for the facilities consumed during the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewerage). To simplify financial calculations, variable costs are calculated based on the amount of the average bill and a fixed trade margin of 300%.

The bakery's fixed expenses consist of rent, utilities, payroll, advertising costs, taxes and depreciation. The amount of depreciation charges is determined by the linear method, based on the useful life of fixed assets of 5 years. Fixed costs also include tax deductions, which are not presented in this table, since their amount is not fixed and depends on the volume of revenue.

Table 5. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 221,450 rubles. The planned revenue is 742,500 rubles per month.


The payback period for a bakery with an initial investment of 885,000 rubles is 7-8 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching planned sales volumes will be 278,842 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the eighth month of operation. The return on sales for the first year of operation will be 28%.

The net present value is positive and equal to 24,993 rubles, which allows us to talk about the investment attractiveness of the project. The internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 18.35%.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the effectiveness of organization management.

The specifics of the baking industry determine the following external risks:

    rising prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers. In the first case, there is a risk of increased costs and, as a consequence, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats by choosing suppliers wisely and including in the contract all the necessary conditions that provide for financial liability of the supplier in case of their violation;

    reaction of competitors. Since the bread market is quite saturated and highly competitive, the behavior of competitors can have a strong influence. Price pressure from larger market participants cannot be ruled out, which will negatively affect sales. To minimize this risk, it is necessary to form your own client base, constantly monitor the market, develop new offers that are not represented on the market;

The success of any business is largely due to the presence of high demand for the goods sold. The production of bakery products is one of the most in demand throughout the country. In order for your own production to be profitable, you need to create mini-bakeries with calculations. It will allow you not only to estimate the amount of costs, but also to calculate the payback period, profitability and other important financial indicators.

Opening a mini-bakery franchise

If a person has never been in business, but wants to open his own bakery, he does not have to do it alone. Any area of ​​entrepreneurship has its own characteristics and difficulties. If you don’t want to spend your own time and money on this, then you can turn to more experienced bakery owners and buy a franchise from them. This format of cooperation has its own characteristics:

  • the level of profitability will decrease due to the need to pay royalties and an initial contribution to the franchisor;
  • a businessman receives a ready-made brand under which he can work, spending less money on advertising and promotion;
  • availability of ready-made production technology (it does not have to be certified, and employees of the franchisor company will help implement it);
  • risks are reduced;
  • The franchisor accompanies its franchisees at all stages of cooperation.

Some franchises require connections with suppliers of industrial equipment and raw materials. This allows you to save some money. The franchisor can provide assistance in finding wholesale buyers or establishing retail trade.

The danger in opening a bakery franchise is largely related to the success and integrity of the franchisor. It is not easy for a beginner to find a worthy partner.

If we are talking about opening a bakery, then it is worth considering first of all the following popular Russian franchises:

Tandoor bread Dobropek Pretzel
Franchise launch year 2014 2013 2016
Entrance fee Absent 500,000 rubles 290,000 rubles
Royalty 15,000 rubles per month, starting from 4 months of work 5% of revenue received 10,000 rubles per month
Start-up capital 205,000 – 750,000 rubles 2,500,000 – 3,000,000 rubles 1,500,000 – 2,400,000 rubles
Possible areas of work Retail and wholesale trade, delivery of finished products Retail Shop-bakery

These franchises have become very popular in Russia due to their well-functioning business model, high profitability, and the presence of a well-thought-out concept ready for implementation. But opening a bakery as a franchise has its drawbacks:

  • lack of opportunity to develop your brand;
  • the presence of recipes and a range of products that cannot be changed;
  • restricting the actions of the entrepreneur;
  • additional costs (lump-sum fees for well-known franchises are especially noticeable; their cost can reach several million rubles).

For an entrepreneur, opening a mini-bakery as a franchise can be the first step in business. She will help him gain experience and study all the processes from the inside. After the franchise agreement expires, you can open your own bakery, but you will have to start from scratch.


Choosing a location for a bakery is important if an entrepreneur plans to engage in retail trade. Then the premises should be located in the city center. If the volumes are not very large and there is little competition, then you can locate in a residential area among apartment buildings. This will save on rent and increase your final profit.

When opening a bakery for wholesale sales, everything will be even simpler - just find a suitable premises in an industrial area. You only need to take into account the environmental situation, the availability of convenient access roads, and distance from wholesale buyers (the closer they are, the more you can save on product delivery).

An entrepreneur can buy or rent production premises. Each of these options has its pros and cons:

If an entrepreneur plans to work and develop his bakery, he in any case needs to think about buying premises. This is an excellent option for investing with profit. If there is not enough capital, you must necessarily enter into a long-term lease agreement in order to protect yourself from moving to a new place in the near future.

Requirements for the premises of a mini-bakery

When choosing a room for work, you need to evaluate the required production capacity. To produce 300 kg of finished products per day, an area of ​​50 m2 will be required. Moreover, this should not be one room, but several:

  • workshop for the production of dough/finished products;
  • 2 warehouses for storage - one will contain raw materials, and the second will contain finished products; they cannot be stored together;
  • bathroom with equipped sink and toilet;
  • staff locker room;
  • loading room;
  • office.