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Mini factories for the production of dry building mixtures. Production of dry construction mixtures: business plan from A to Z

The mini-plant delivery package includes: equipment, technical specifications, technological regulations, recipes (adhesive mixtures, plasters, putties, self-leveling floors, cement-sand mixture), safety instructions.

Mini-plant for the production of dry construction mixtures on a sand-cement basis
productivity up to 10 tons per shift

A mini-plant of this type provides a capacity of up to 10 tons per shift of dry construction mixtures. MZSS-10 allows you to test the production of new high-quality products without stops and failures on the main production line.

Universal mini-plant for the production of dry construction mixtures using sand-cement and gypsum binders
Productivity up to 15 tons per shift

Universal mini-plant for the production of dry construction mixtures up to 15 tons per shift based on the OSA-1 sand drying plant
MZSS-15U ensures the production of 15 tons of dry construction mixtures per shift on both gypsum and cement-binder bases. The transition of a plant from the production of one type of mixture to another takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

Mini-plant for the production of dry gypsum-based building mixtures

This type of equipment ensures the production of dry gypsum-based building mixtures. The plant's capacity is up to 15 tons per shift of high-quality gypsum mixtures.

Mini-plant for the production of dry construction mixtures up to 20 tons per shift (semi-automatic)

Semi-automatic line for the production of sss up to 20 tons per shift
A semi-automatic line with a dosing unit providing a capacity of 20 tons per shift of dry construction mixtures on gypsum and cement-sand bases.

Universal mini-plant for the production of dry construction mixtures
on the basis of the sand preparation site "OSA-2"

Universal semi-automatic line for the production of dry mixtures
complete with a drum-type sand drying unit

Universal line for the production of high-quality dry building mixtures
based on the sand drying site "OSA-5"


Mini-plants of the PASB series make it possible to produce dry construction mixtures on both gypsum and sand-cement bases.


Semi-automatic line for the production of dry construction mixtures complete with a BS series drum sand dryer

Semi-automatic line for the production of dry construction mixtures up to 8 tons per hour
ORIG-80PA allows you to produce up to 8-10 tons per hour of dry construction mixtures on a sand-cement base.

Production of dry building mixtures - step-by-step instructions + 3 opportunities for selling finished products.

Capital investments: from 2.5 million rubles (on a rented plot).
Payback: from 3 months.

Construction technologies have undergone many changes in recent years.

The simplest mixture of cement and sand, used several centuries ago, is now supplemented with new components so that all structures remain strong for many years.

Construction mixtures are special compositions that contain a certain amount of different components in a strictly defined ratio: from fillers to dyes.

To get started production of building mixtures, you need to analyze what work is being carried out in a particular region and what mixtures are used most often.

For example, buildings located near highways require soundproofing panels.

The intricacies of business organization, product sales channels and financial calculations - you will find all this below.

What documents are needed to open a business?

To start a business producing construction mixtures, you need to register the enterprise as an LLC.

In this case, in addition to retail sales, the company will be able to accept wholesale orders from enterprises cooperating with legal entities.

The following documents should be collected:

  • copies of passports of all Company Members;
  • copies of the director’s and accountant’s passports;
  • decision to establish the Company and the constituent agreement;
  • application for state registration of a legal entity;
  • cash receipt orders for the receipt of funds into the authorized capital of the Company.

A production workshop requires a premises that must first be inspected by the fire inspectorate and the sanitary-epidemiological service.

If all requirements are met, the production manager will receive special certificates that allow him to participate in tenders of large companies.

You can do without a certificate, but this will not allow you to accept large-scale orders.

In this state of affairs, it is possible to issue a waiver document, which will confirm that all manufactured products comply with established regulations.

Production of dry construction mixtures: key points

A business plan is an important document for any entrepreneurial endeavor.

To create a successful formula for the production of dry mixtures, you must first decide what will be sold.

All types of planned products must be clearly described, detailed recipes for their preparation, as well as detailed composition, must be indicated.

Before starting production, you should analyze all the difficulties in this field of activity.

For example, request a loan from a bank if you do not have your own capital or search for investors to find a source of financing for the business.

For registration, you will only need two permits, which must be issued by the SES and the fire department.

The business plan contains the following key points:

  • assortment of construction products;
  • selection of premises and equipment;
  • sources of investment;
  • raw materials for production (who will supply);
  • staff (responsibilities, salaries, work schedule are indicated).

Varieties and components of mixtures

Construction mixtures are necessary for cladding, masonry, installation, puttying and other similar works.

For each composition there is a separate recipe for its production.

The components in building mixtures are different, but the main ones are:

  • mineral binders;
  • special additives (to retain moisture);
  • inert fillers;
  • polymer binders.

Each manufacturer has its own exact recipe for a particular mixture, with a certain ratio of all components.

The finished mixture may contain gypsum, lime, cellulose ethers, and various organomineral complexes.

The composition of the components allows you to determine how resistant a particular mixture is to temperature changes, in rooms with what level of humidity it can be used and how long it takes to harden.

To achieve a high level of stability, powdered superplasticizers are added to the composition.

The classification of mixtures is determined by the following indicators:

  • What does the cementitious filler look like (with and without the addition of cement)?
  • What is the level of dispersion of the binder filler (usually coarse grain, up to 2.5 mm, or fine grain, no more than 0.320 mm)?
  • What are the products intended for?

Production technology: recipe and features

Each manufacturer has its own recipe, but the production process remains almost unchanged and includes the following steps:

  1. All components are carefully handled and then sifted.
  2. The prepared raw materials are loaded into bins.
  3. Raw materials are used in strictly defined proportions.
  4. All components are thoroughly mixed, packaged and sent for storage.

There are many types of mixtures, as well as their compositions, but the basis is always cement and sand.

It is very important to ensure that the sand in the drying drum is well twisted and dried.

In this process, sand is divided into fractions: from coarse to fine.

When the auger is completely filled with sand, the equipment automatically stops and must be emptied immediately.

Before receiving the finished product, all you have to do is wait for the system to thoroughly mix everything and send it to the packaging bin, where the product will already be packaged and ready for transportation.

What is the difference between dry and liquid construction mixtures?

There are two types of building mixtures - liquid and dry.

The second type of mixtures is most in demand due to its stable composition and long shelf life, even if the temperature is below the established norm.

At the same time, the quality of the mixture does not change during construction work.

Dry building mixtures have many advantages: high homogeneity, increased cohesiveness, water-retaining qualities and the ability not to delaminate.

A very powerful argument for the production of dry building mixtures is also savings.

Such mixtures have lower consumption; if necessary, they can be diluted in small portions immediately before facing or finishing work.

In trade there are seasonal fluctuations when demand for goods drops sharply and then increases again, and sales of liquid mixtures also depend on the time of year.

But dry construction mixtures have a longer shelf life - from 1 year or more, depending on the composition.

Therefore, the demand for them is distributed more evenly.

However, we can say that they are also a seasonal product.

Most sales occur in the summer season, from April to September.

What kind of premises do you need to start producing building mixtures?

Without premises it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged business plan.

In addition to the production workshop, you need to decide on a warehouse, the area of ​​which should be from 50 square meters. meters and more.

Equipment for the production of dry construction mixtures

The business plan also needs to specify all types of equipment that will make up a full-fledged production line.

There may be more than one such production lines - 2-3, depending on the planned sales volume.

One production line consists of the following equipment:

Equipment for the lineQtyPrice, rub.)
Total: RUB 21,450
1 from 7 000
Packing hopper and auger
1 from 1 800
Drying for sand
1 from 10 000
Vibrating sieve for sifting
1 from 1 700
electronic scales
1 from 400
Commodity scales
1 from 400
Euro pallets
from 20from 150

Such a production line can produce from 8 tons of products per hour.

Selection of the necessary personnel

Basically, all manufacturing firms work around the clock, producing products in shifts.

With such a schedule, day and night shifts for personnel are drawn up, which should also be reflected in the business plan.

At the initial stage of production, the team, in addition to the manager and accountant, needs:

How much does a dry construction mix business cost?

To start the production of dry construction mixtures, you need start-up capital, which will be needed to purchase professional equipment, pay rent for premises and pay salaries to employees.

Start-up investment in the business

Regular investments

There are expenses that an entrepreneur makes regularly (usually monthly).

Profitability and payback of business

Each 25 kg bag of dry construction mixture costs the manufacturer 60-70 rubles (product cost).

During a shift, you can produce a batch of 450 of the same bags, which equals a total cost of 22,000 rubles (not counting production costs).

You can sell each bag from 200 rubles, and by selling a daily batch of bags, you can earn 90,000 rubles.

The profitability level of this business is quite high - from 150%.

If sales figures are stable and high, then all initial investments can soon be recouped.

Experienced manufacturers call the period from 3 months.

The video below shows the step-by-step process for producing building mixtures:

Sales opportunities for finished products

For full-fledged and continuous work on accepting orders for the production of mixtures, a large customer base is needed.

It can be expanded thanks to the following sales areas:

  • intermediaries specializing in the sale of dry building mixtures;
  • retail stores and markets;

At the first stages of production, the equipment should not work around the clock, without interruptions, so that you do not have to write off stale goods later.

Although the shelf life of the product is quite long, it is better not to abuse this fact.

There is a lot of competition in the construction market, and in order to avoid losses, it is advisable to deliver mixtures no more than 300 km from the production base.

Constantly expanding the customer base and assortment, the new production can produce up to 12 tons per shift in just 5-6 months.

According to the experience of sellers and manufacturers of building mixtures, the payback on the initial investment will occur in 3-4 months.

In six months, you can achieve fairly high production rates - up to 12 thousand tons of products per shift.

This is possible with a varied assortment of 15 different mixtures and attractive prices for wholesale and retail, and also if equipment for the production of dry construction mixtures will be of sufficient quality, and the process will not be delayed due to breakdowns.

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Dry building mixtures are far from a new invention. They appeared on the domestic construction market back in the 60s of the last century. The first cement-sand mixtures were used for laying brick, stone, and for plastering work. They did not have a complex composition, were not flexible enough, were inconvenient to use and were not suitable for thin-layer application. As technology developed, these shortcomings of dry building mixtures were eliminated, and now they have become a separate direction in the production of construction and finishing materials. They are indispensable for both construction and repair.

Dry building mixtures are carefully prepared mixtures for various purposes, which consist of mineral binders, aggregates and fillers mixed in strictly maintained proportions, and polymer modifying additives. To give mixtures the special properties required in a given situation, their composition may also include various accelerators or, conversely, hardening retarders, blowing agents, defoamers, water-repellent, coloring and other additives. There are two main types of mixtures used in construction – commercial and dry. The first ones are manufactured using traditional technology and arrive at the facility in a ready-to-use form. The latter, as the name implies, are delivered to the construction site in dry form. There they are brought to full readiness for use by adding them to water in a given amount. Sometimes, after mixing the dry mixture with water, it must be kept for 10-15 minutes before mixing again.

Dry building mixtures have many advantages over commercial (liquid) mixtures, which explains their popularity and demand. In particular, they have a more stable composition, which is ensured by careful preparation of all components and their precise dosing. They can be stored for a long time (including at low temperatures) without deteriorating the original properties of the mixture, they are convenient and profitable to transport (dry mixtures weigh much less than commercial ones).

In contrast to traditional dry mixtures, ready-made dry mixtures are characterized by higher homogeneity, since they are prepared immediately before use, increased cohesiveness and, therefore, higher non-separability and better water-holding abilities, better adhesion to substrates and higher strength of the applied layers. Dry mixtures have lower consumption (they can be mixed with water, if necessary, even in small portions and applied in thin layers). Accordingly, their use makes it possible to increase labor productivity (since preparing and using the mixture does not require much effort).

Finally, there is a large selection of dry building mixtures that are intended for one or another purpose - facing and finishing work. There are several main classifications of the types of mixtures: according to the type of binder, the dispersion of the filler and the main purpose. In the first case, cement content and cementless mixtures are separated. According to the dispersion of the filler, mixtures can be coarse-grained (with the largest filler size up to 2.5 mm) and fine-grained (with a filler grain size of no more than 0.315 mm). According to the scope of application and purpose, dry building mixtures are: protective and finishing plaster (for external and internal decorative parts), plaster (leveling - for leveling walls and ceilings), primer (to improve the adhesion of finishing layers to the base), putty (for sealing sinks and unevenness before finishing), painting (for interior and exterior decoration of buildings), adhesive (for laying facing tiles, gluing thermal insulation materials and reinforcing mesh in light plaster thermal insulation systems and sealing seams between tiles).

Thus, the production of dry construction mixtures for specialized stores, bases, wholesale trade and construction companies, and private customers is a profitable business, which, what is especially pleasant, practically does not depend on seasonal fluctuations in demand (at least as other types of construction products ). To organize it, a relatively small start-up capital is required. And the high profitability (it is 23%) and the high demand for high-quality and competitively priced mixtures allows you to quickly recoup all costs at the initial stage.

Any dry mixture consists of a binder, fillers and additives. The binding components are white and colored cements, gypsum, lime, and Portland cement. All these components, of course, must meet the requirements of regulatory documentation. Fractional quartz sands are used as fillers. They, in turn, are obtained by crushing marble, limestone and other rocks, as well as finely ground fillers of various types (marble and limestone flour, etc.). To impart certain qualities and properties to mixtures, various water-retaining, plasticizing, air-entraining, polymer and other additives are used. To give mixtures color, certain pigments are added. Powdered superplasticizers (mostly domestically produced, but there are also additives from foreign companies) are used as plasticizing additives, which make it possible to reduce the water mixing of the mixture and, therefore, improve the stability of the prepared mixture and increase the strength of the hardened solution. Depending on the purpose of the finished composition, a separate recipe is developed and a certain ratio of all components in the mixture is used.

When drawing up a business plan for your production of dry building mixtures, you need to decide on the range of products. There are positions that are in constant high demand. These include various adhesives (facade, tile, wallpaper), mixtures for cement screed, waterproofing compounds, compositions for self-leveling floors, putties (gypsum, cement, finishing, facade), installation mixtures, gypsum plasters.

The production process of dry construction mixtures includes certain stages: preparation of components and their transfer, sifting, placing raw materials in storage bins, dosing, mixing, packaging, storage. This process itself is apparently quite simple, but it requires the use of special equipment. You will need a production line (a set of standard equipment and molds). For its location, depending on the type and configuration of the line, you need a room with an area of ​​120-180 square meters. meters (production room 100-120 sq. meters plus warehouse 50-80 sq. meters), and maintenance will require at least four workers and one technologist. The temperature in the production room must be maintained at 16-18 degrees Celsius, so it must be heated and equipped with an exhaust hood.

There will be no problems finding equipment for the production of dry construction mixtures. One line includes: a mixer, a filling hopper with an auger, sand drying, a vibrating sieve, and an automatic auger. You will also need electronic scales, commodity scales, various devices, tools and Euro pallets. You can purchase an inexpensive installation with a capacity of 5 tons of products per hour (however, packaging on it is carried out only in semi-automatic mode). The cost of such a line is about 1.6 million rubles. An installation with twice the productivity (10 tons of products per hour) with a packaging machine will cost almost twice as much (about 2.9-3 million rubles). From the raw materials you will need Portland cement (white and gray), quartz sand, calcium carbonate, hydrated lime, chemical modifying additives, etc. Their cost ranges from 10 to 170 (the most expensive are modifying additives) rubles per kg. To work in production for one shift, you will need a workshop master technologist, a dosing and mixing station worker, a packer and a loader.

So, let’s calculate the main expenses: rental of production and warehouse premises (from 18 thousand rubles per month), purchase of equipment (1.6-3 million rubles), transportation (200 thousand rubles), purchase of raw materials for the first two months of work ( about 400 thousand rubles), wages of employees, other expenses (100 thousand rubles). To organize a small production of construction dry mixtures (with a capacity of about 12 tons of products per shift) a minimum of 2.5 million rubles will be required.

The raw material cost of one 25-kilogram bag of adhesive composition is, for example, 60 rubles. The production capacity of the equipment is 480 bags. Thus, the raw material cost per day is 22 thousand rubles plus production costs - 4 thousand rubles. Total, the total cost (excluding taxes) is 26 thousand rubles. The average market price of one bag of adhesive composition is 160 rubles (over 72 thousand rubles for 480 bags).

However, to get such a profit, you need to organize sales of your products. These could be stores (regular and online stores) of building materials, construction bases, construction companies, etc. Keep in mind that in the first months of operation, your production will operate at best at 50% of full capacity. And the competition in the market of dry construction mixtures is already quite high. At the same time, it only makes sense to sell such products in your own region. Experience shows that it is profitable to transport dry construction mixtures at a distance of no more than 300 km from production. The further the distance, the higher the transport costs.

Manufacturers and sellers of equipment and production technologies claim that already in the third month of work you will be producing and selling all 12 tons of products produced in one shift. But this is only possible if you can produce a large range of mixtures and at the same time in the shortest possible time (while maintaining high quality and an attractive price). In addition, do not forget that although dry mixes are not considered a seasonal product, there is still some decline in this segment from November to March. This also needs to be taken into account when calculating payback periods. On average, under other favorable conditions, they amount to one year.

Nowadays, any construction is carried out using building mixtures. And this applies to completely different types of work: cladding, wall construction, finishing wall surfaces and others. In all such cases, various types of building mixtures are used. Their use is economically and practically beneficial and justified. Such mixtures are capable of ensuring high quality of work performed, their effectiveness and high speed.

Today there are many variations of recipes for preparing and diluting dry construction mixtures, depending on construction tasks. In addition, depending on what components are included in the dry mortar used to prepare the mortar, the degree of strength of the mortar, its resistance to temperature fluctuations, low temperatures, humidity, etc. can vary. That is why today professional builders, instead of the traditional solution of cement and sand, which is prepared, as a rule, in the ratio “by eye,” are increasingly using industrial dry construction mixtures.

As mentioned above, the use of dry construction mixtures in work has tangible advantages and benefits. Let's look at some of them.

Firstly, the use of dry mixes allows you to save time (and in the construction process this is an important factor) and space for storage and mixing (there is no need to purchase all components separately, look for a place to store them and containers for mixing).

Secondly, due to the variability of the production process and high-quality European-style technological equipment, it is possible to produce custom-made mixtures of varying complexity.

Thirdly, the mortar can be prepared in the volume that is currently needed, excluding loss of dry matter.

Fourthly, the use of dry construction mixtures in sufficiently large volumes allows for significant savings in transportation costs, since in this case the need for constant delivery of ready-made mortar to the construction site is eliminated.

Fifthly, the use of dry construction mixtures always guarantees high quality, since their preparation uses a technologically correct recipe and precise dosage of the components used.

As we can see from the above, modern dry construction mixtures are a high-quality product of scientific technologies that can significantly increase labor productivity and achieve high quality construction work. Which is quite difficult when using traditional cement and sand solutions. It is not surprising that the manufacturing companies of these products keep their recipes for preparing building mixtures in the strictest confidence, but the components included in them and the main specific characteristics of the materials are widely known.

Experts distinguish 4 main groups of constituent components of the composition of modified dry building mixtures. These are mineral binders, inert fillers, special additives (mainly moisture-retaining) and polymer binders (they function on the same principle as mineral binders, but differ in their mechanism of action).

Considering the demand and high quality of these products, the idea of ​​organizing your own business for the production of dry building mixtures with subsequent implementation seems to be a promising business idea. Moreover, these products are quite in demand at construction sites, specialized stores, construction companies and individual clients. Therefore, the production of dry construction mixtures can be a good and stable source of income. Moreover, this is not a very expensive production and pays off fairly quickly.

The range of use of dry construction mixtures is quite wide. Since they are powdery bulk substances, which, when combined with water, produce a variety of waterproofing, installation, plastering, putty and adhesive mixtures. The advantage of dry mortars (dry mortars) is that they are stored well, unlike ready-made mortars, and you can prepare a mortar from them at any time and in the required quantity.

The composition of dry mixtures can be quite varied, but the basis is always the following components:
. binders;
. fillers;
. functional additives.

The composition of binders includes mineral substances (these include silicate or aluminate cement, clay, lime, gypsum and others), organic derivatives (such as polymer powder, water-soluble cellulose ethers) and organomineral complexes (various polymer cement and polymer silicate compositions) .

The composition of fillers for SSS, as a rule, includes waste stone, marble, limestone, quartz, dolomite, ash and slag.

The composition of functional additives may be different. As a rule, these are substances that accelerate the process of thickening and hardening of the finished solution. These are also substances that give the mixtures high strength, the necessary plasticity, heat and moisture resistance. The recipe for preparing the composition depends on its purpose in the future. This is what determines the use of binders, fillers and functional additives in different proportions, which actually gives different results.

What building mixtures can a small business produce?
In the Russian construction market, most manufacturers began their business activities by producing various types of tile adhesives. The technology for producing such glue is quite simple. And the products produced are quite profitable, especially given the intensive growth of production.

It should be noted that the largest range of properties, as well as brands and prices of dry construction mixtures are offered mainly to the group of adhesives. In addition, the consumption of ceramic tiles in the construction market has increased significantly (up to 30% according to data from 2003 - 2005). Over the past year and a half, there has been a slight decrease in the production volumes of tile adhesives and, accordingly, in the consumption of dry construction mixtures.
This trend is likely to continue in the near future. According to experts, the ratio of consumer use of modified dry building mixtures on the Russian market will remain approximately as follows: tile adhesive - 32%, plaster adhesive - 32%, putty adhesive - 13%, floor levelers - 16%, and others needs - 5%.

In light of the above, the question arises: will the production of modified dry construction mixtures be promising in the current situation?
It should be noted that the use of modified SSS significantly simplifies the work of builders and finishers. A wide range of dry mixtures allows you to choose compositions that are optimally suited for specific types of work. Experienced builders note that both in private cases and when performing large-scale finishing and construction work, it is much more convenient to use a ready-made composition, which just needs to be diluted with water, stirred and can already be used. Therefore, there has always been a demand for these products.

The high growth rates of construction in the modern world also determine consumer demand for repair and finishing services for industrial, office and residential premises. And this, in turn, generates a stable demand for modified dry construction mixtures. Therefore, the business of producing such products is not only promising, but also pays off relatively quickly.

Among the main production areas it should be noted:
- plaster mixtures;
- tile adhesive;
- mortar for masonry;
- glue for gas and foam concrete;
- self-leveling mixtures.

Materials used in production are available and relatively cheap:
- cement;
- granular sand (up to 0.6 mm);
- finely ground chalk;
- ground quartz, dust fraction;
- functional additives (methylcellulose, starch ether, copolymer polyvinyl acetate).

The production technology of SSS is quite simple. The basis of most dry mixes is cement and sand. Despite the fact that the composition of mixtures is constantly changing and improving, the production technology remains virtually unchanged. Let's look at the production stages in more detail.

The sand is sent through a conveyor to the drying machine. The drum of the drying apparatus rotates at certain intervals, and with it the sand, which is gradually poured onto special blades located along the entire drying drum. At the moment when the blade reaches the top point of rotation, the sand begins to spill out and enters the hot air streams and thus dries out. In this case, excess moisture from the sand is removed from the room through ventilation. And the already dry sand is poured onto a vibrating sieve, where it is scattered and divided into three different fractions: coarse sand, fine sand and screenings.

When a lot of screenings accumulate, the sensor transmits a signal to the computer, which gives a command to stop production and remove the screenings. In the same way, with the help of a computer, operations are carried out with sand, when a sufficient amount of it accumulates in intermediate bunkers, then intermediate augers come into operation, unloading sand into storage bunkers. Using a forklift, the finished cement is loaded into a cement bin and packaged. Auxiliary bulk substances are poured into the hopper of additional materials manually. The system is automated, so the exact ratio of additional. substances are entered into the computer by the responsible technologist, according to the recipe.

After this, the operator displays the name of the product on the computer screen and starts production. The computer, according to a given program, weighs each component and pours it into the mixer one by one. The completion of each operation is indicated by the computer in the form of a light signal on the display. The system carries out the process of mixing the ingredients of the dry construction mixture. When this process is completed, the computer requests permission to move the mixture to a separate filling bin. Here the packaging takes place in paper bags.

Production of SSS in stages.
The production process of dry construction mixtures consists of the following stages:
1. Preparation and transfer of necessary components.
2. Sifting these components.
3. Placement of the necessary components into large bins.
4. Determination of the dosage of components.
5. Mixing all the necessary ingredients.
6. Packaging of the resulting mixtures.
7. Warehousing.
Naturally, each production stage requires the necessary equipment.

For those who want to purchase a ready-made business, it is of course easier. You need to carefully study the market and business plan, without wasting time searching for premises and equipment. And this needs to be given considerable attention, since the quality of the products depends to a large extent on this. So, for this type of business you will need premises and equipment for the production of SSS and their packaging. It should be noted that European equipment is many times more expensive compared to the same equipment produced domestically or made in China.

Video - Mini mixer with manual dosing but automatic packaging::

At the stage of business formation, it is enough to purchase a minimum set of equipment. For installation, you will need a room with an area of ​​50 square meters and a height of about 7 m. You can order equipment of various configurations from many manufacturers, according to the customer’s conditions. The payback period for production equipment is on average 10 - 18 months.
Equipment for packaging CCC can be purchased separately (manual or automated line) depending on needs and financial capabilities.

Brief description and operating principle:
Mini-factory control system. The mini plant is quite simple to operate. It works with the help of a computer system. It can be controlled either automatically or manually. In addition, the use of such a system makes it possible to reduce the number of personnel involved in production. And this contributes to a faster payback of the equipment, and also guarantees the stability of product quality.

Sand supply. Usually a silo is used to store sand, with all the necessary extras. equipment. This includes: filter, safety valve, aeration system and level sensors. Using a screw conveyor of the VK series, already dry sand from the silo is supplied to the sand weighing hopper. An integral part of the mini plant can be a drum-type dryer, the “SP” series.

Cement supply. To store cement, use the same silo with additional equipment as for storing sand. The “VK” screw conveyor delivers cement from the silo to the cement weighing hopper.

Supply of additives. Additives are weighed separately on special scales, after which they are poured into the mixer. The amount of additives used is calculated separately. After this, the mixture of additives is placed in a separate hopper of the VK159 screw conveyor and fed into the DMD150T dosing hopper, where all the components are mixed.

Mixing components. Mixing is carried out in a mixer for SSS. When the mixture is ready, the sensor is triggered and it is discharged through the gate into the hopper. Level sensors control the volume.
Packaging of ready-made mixtures. The finished SSS is fed into a special bunker, which has valve bags for packaging. After filling, each bag is transferred from the loading belt to the conveyor and moved to the packaging area.

Video - Mini plant for the production of dry mixtures for construction needs:

Sales of dry construction mixtures.
Main sales directions for these products:
- construction bases and shops;
- online stores;
- large construction companies;
- private consumers.

Prospects for the development of the dry mixtures market.
According to the forecasts of specialist analysts, in the near future there will be active development of such market segments of dry construction mixtures, which are used for insulation and decoration of facades of premises, as well as for pouring floors. Moreover, preference is increasingly being given to CCC based on cement and gypsum binders.
It should also be noted that the use of simple mortars is gradually decreasing and preference is given to dry construction mixtures. And these are good forecasts for those who decided to open their own business.

Ideas for Business from the section:

The development of construction technologies has led to the fact that any work in this area is carried out using building mixtures prepared for a specific type of work. Separately for wall cladding, construction, finishing and more. As practice shows, such differentiation improves the quality of work and its efficiency. Therefore, dry construction mixtures are always in demand during construction work.

Benefits of using dry mixes

In short, the main advantages of using dry mixes are:

  1. Significant savings in time and space. There is no need to waste time preparing dry mixtures for specific jobs or storing components at the construction site.
  2. Each manufacturer can produce a mixture of any complexity to suit individual customer requests.
  3. The material is prepared exactly in the quantity required for a given amount of work. This eliminates the loss of raw materials.
  4. Saving on logistics costs - no need to constantly deliver new solution and worry about its quality during transportation.
  5. The mixtures are of high quality, since their production technology allows you to strictly adhere to the established recipe.

Types of dry mixtures

Before you start a business, you need to understand it a little. In particular, study what types of dry mixes there are and which of them are most in demand on the market. As already mentioned, the recipe depends on the type of work for which the mixture will be used. Also, the composition of the components varies depending on the requirements for resistance to temperature changes, humidity, strength and other parameters.

The composition of dry mixtures includes the following four main components:

  • mineral binders;
  • special additives (usually to retain moisture);
  • inert fillers;
  • polymer binders.

The classification of dry mixtures is based on:

  • type of binder filler (with and without cement);
  • its dispersion (having coarse grains, up to 2.5 mm or fine grains, up to 0.315 mm);
  • purpose of products.

What to build a business with

You need to develop your business by producing the most popular mixtures in your region. It is worth studying in advance what kind of construction work is being carried out in your region, what type of dry mixes is most in demand, and its required volumes. But as a general rule, the most popular material is the following:

  • gypsum plasters;
  • mounting mixtures;
  • various putties;
  • compositions for self-leveling floors;
  • waterproofing mixtures;
  • compositions for cement screed;
  • various kinds of adhesives (wallpaper, tiles, facade).

Mixture composition

The components of any mixture are the following three main components:

  • binders;
  • fillers;
  • functional additives.

The characteristics of the final mixture depend on what specific raw materials are taken and what proportions are used. The exact recipe is usually developed separately by each manufacturer and kept secret.

The binders usually used are:

  • minerals - gypsum, lime, cement (aluminum, silicate);
  • organic derivatives - cellulose ethers that dissolve in water, polymer powder;
  • organo-mineral complexes – polymer silicate and polymer cement.

The fillers used are slag, ash, dolomite, quartz, limestone, marble or stone waste.

Functional additives are used depending on the characteristics of the mixture that need to be achieved. Additives can give it special strength, increase drying speed, degree of thickening, moisture resistance, etc.

Production technology

Briefly, the production technology of dry mixtures goes through the following stages:

  • preparation and handling of components;
  • sifting components;
  • loading material into supply bins;
  • dosage of raw materials;
  • mixing;
  • packaging;
  • storage.

To be frank, the production technology, despite the variability of the final material, remained the same. The basis of this material is sand and cement. First, sand is poured into the drying drum. There it is periodically scrolled and, as it dries, poured onto a vibrating sieve. Here it is screened into fractions: fine, medium and coarse sand.

As the auger accumulates sand of the required fraction, the automated equipment stops. The sand is loaded into a storage bin, a forklift takes it to a cement storage bin, where all the necessary additional substances are added. The technology involves complete automation of production, so the output material is of high quality. After thorough mixing, the system moves the mixture into a filling hopper and packs it in special paper bags. This completes the technology for producing the mixture. The material is stored for storage or delivered to the customer.


The technological process is simple if you work with special equipment. The market offers a lot of production lines of various configurations. But it is better to decide on them in advance, since the requirements for the premises, which are included in the business plan, depend on this.

If you are building a business from scratch, you can purchase a minimum kit that will take approximately 50 square meters. m and will require a room with a ceiling height of 7 m. A medium-sized business will require an area of ​​at least 120 sq. m. m., of which approximately 50 sq. m is allocated for storage, and the rest for equipment.

The room renovation plan should include the installation of a good exhaust hood, as well as heating, so that the temperature in the room is maintained at approximately 16-18 o C.

Equipment for the production of building mixtures

One of the main issues that your business plan must address is the purchase of equipment. As a rule, a fully equipped production line is purchased immediately. It includes:

  • mixer;
  • auger and filling hopper;
  • lift;
  • dispenser;
  • drying for sand;
  • work site;
  • vibrating sieve;
  • the auger is automatic.

Separately, the procurement plan must include Euro pallets, tools, commodity and electronic scales.

How much money to include in the spending plan for such a line depends on its configuration and functionality. For example, a line with a capacity of 5 tons of mixture per hour will cost 1.6 million rubles. But the packaging stage is carried out semi-automatically. When purchasing a line with a capacity of 10 tons, its price will also double.

Raw materials

The business plan necessarily includes the costs of purchasing raw materials and paying staff. The most expensive raw materials will be modifying additives. In addition to them, you need to purchase hydrated lime, calcium carbonate, quartz sand, gray and white Portland cement. The cost plan for raw materials should be calculated based on the cost of 10-170 rubles. per kilogram of each component.

Few raw materials are produced in our country. If we are talking about expensive additives, they are not produced at all. The material will have to be purchased abroad, where the production of such raw materials has been going on for decades. But in any case, the technologist must check each batch for the required properties. In addition, it is advisable to require a certificate of conformity from the supplier for each component. You will need them to obtain the appropriate certificate for the final product.

Production personnel

If you plan to work in one shift, it will require the following number of personnel:

  • dosing and mixing station worker;
  • loader;
  • packer;
  • master technologist

The work of a technologist is the most expensive, since he develops the composition of the mixtures on which your business will mainly depend. He also decides which suppliers to work with depending on the quality of raw materials they offer.

Sales of finished products

Before you start working to order, you need to develop a client base. To do this, you need to work closely at the initial stage on its formation and search for sales channels.

A sales plan can be formed based on the following sales channels:

  • specialized online stores;
  • Retail Stores;
  • markets;
  • construction companies;
  • intermediaries.

At first, the equipment will operate at approximately 50% capacity so that the goods do not become stale, since it will be difficult to immediately make a sales plan. Moreover, due to the high competition in the market, entering it will not be easy. Please note that transporting mixtures further than 300 km from the production site is not economically profitable. Therefore, you need to focus on your region.

As practice shows, from about the third month of operation of the enterprise, the production plan can be increased to 12 tons per shift. But such productivity can be achieved if you offer a wide range of products and produce each item in the shortest possible time. Of course, without compromising quality and price.

Sales of goods have some seasonality. Since construction and renovation work subsides from November to March, interest in products also drops noticeably.

Business formalities

The business must be legally registered. It is advisable to choose a form of organization such as an LLC. In this case, you will be able to take large orders from enterprises that usually work only with legal entities.

For the workshop to operate, the premises must be brought into compliance with the standards of the fire inspection and sanitary-epidemiological service. After checking for compliance, they will issue you special certificates.

Product certification

Today the law does not require mandatory certification of this type of product. Whether to receive it or not is voluntary. But if you plan to participate in tenders of large organizations, you simply need such a document. There are two options for getting out of this situation.

You can issue a refusal letter for the goods. This is a document that confirms that this type of product is not subject to certification in accordance with current regulations. But according to market operators, when participating in tenders, preference is given to those who have such certificates.

The entrepreneur himself decides whether to issue a certificate of conformity or not. But we must take into account that this is an additional expense item.

Economic calculation

The expenditure part consists of the following items:

  • rental premises - from 18 thousand rubles. per month;
  • production line – from 1.6 million rubles;
  • logistics – from 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials – 400 thousand rubles. (for two months of work);
  • wages and other expenses – 100 thousand rubles.

In total, to launch a production line with a capacity of about 12 tons of products per shift, approximately 2.5 million rubles will be required.

The cost of a bag of dry mixture weighing 25 kg is about 60 rubles. 480 of these bags can be produced per shift. That is, you can produce products worth 22 thousand rubles per day. To this amount you need to add 4 thousand rubles. production costs. That is, 26 thousand rubles will be required per day. for the production of goods. The cost of a bag is on average 160 rubles. This means that you can earn 72 thousand rubles per day for 480 bags.

As practice shows, the profitability of such production remains at 150%. If you actively work to find distribution channels, you can return your investment in 3-4 months. On average, the payback period is six months.