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Young industrial engineers: demand, requirements and careers. Profession engineer-technologist Career growth of an engineer

The position of a designer has been considered incredibly important and prestigious for hundreds of years. What exactly does a designer do, what are his rights and responsibilities? This will be discussed further.

Who is the designer?

What can you tell us about the profession presented? A designer is a specialist who develops special plans and diagrams. The peculiarity of the specialty under consideration is that workers in the field of project construction can work in almost any field. Of course, everything will depend on who exactly the designer studied to be: a worker in the field of construction, aviation, mechanical engineering, etc. It’s worth however, it should be noted that the general functions and responsibilities of the workers in question are not much different. What exactly is characteristic of such a specialist as a designer? This, of course, is the main goal - custom development of various kinds of drawings, diagrams, plans, etc.

Thus, the profession presented is considered incredibly important and necessary in society. Skilled engineers capable of competently performing their job functions have always been needed. What about the skills, knowledge and responsibilities required to be a designer? More on this later.

Knowledge and skills required for work

As mentioned above, it is considered very difficult, but at the same time very important and prestigious.

What skills, knowledge and abilities must the specialist in question have in order to competently and effectively carry out his work activities? This includes such important qualities and character traits as punctuality, high efficiency, attentiveness, creative thinking and much more. It is worth paying attention to the skills required for the job. So, it is worth highlighting:

  • ability to produce high-quality drawings - written or programmatic;
  • organizational and communication skills;
  • skills to work with a large amount of documentation and some other points.

The knowledge required for work can be structured as follows:

  • knowledge of the basics of architecture;
  • knowledge of public utilities, mechanical engineering, repairs, etc. (depending on specialization);
  • knowledge of the basics of geodesy, etc.

Thus, a designer is a worker with a fairly wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities. Obtaining this profession will not be so easy: you need to study a lot and diligently, work and improve yourself in order to obtain the specialty in question.

About responsibilities

It’s worth noting right away: a designer is a specialist who primarily engages in mental work. The employee’s responsibilities include the development, discussion, verification and implementation of various types of projects.

A specialist is required to participate in meetings and conferences, create presentations of his own work, communicate with colleagues, etc. Thus, a designer is an intellectual profession, with an almost complete absence of physical labor. And what does it prescribe? Here is what can be highlighted:

  • accurate preparation of schematic designs in accordance with all necessary standards and norms;
  • work with documentation: its execution, certification and transfer to management;
  • presentation of your own projects and verification of others (depending on skill level).

Education required for work

Getting a profession as a designer, if you make all the necessary efforts, is not so difficult today. First, you need to complete all 11 grades of school and get good scores in subjects such as Russian, mathematics and physics (some universities also require scores in chemistry and foreign languages).

Secondly, you need to submit documents for admission to the appropriate higher education institution. Universities that are ready to train citizens in the design profession include technical and special engineering educational institutions. In particular, the following main specialties can be distinguished:

  • ventilation and heat supply;
  • electrical networks and systems, etc.

It is worth noting that the best option would be to call the university reception office and ask whether the university has faculties or departments that are ready to train a person in the design profession. The profession, description of the specialty presented and information about it will be provided by the relevant educational institution.

About the demand for the profession

What do people know about such a profession as a designer? Who is a designer in the minds of the majority of the population, what does he do? It is worth answering all these questions. Design engineer is a very well-known and widespread profession.

Probably, every person has an acquaintance whose profession is identical to the one in question. The thing is that almost any production or construction organization needs a represented specialist. This means that the profession is very in demand and necessary in society.

Thus, the design profession is considered quite common in the labor market. Due to the high demand among employers, getting a job today will not be that difficult. What can you say about the career of such an employee?

About career

As mentioned above, the profession in question is quite common and in demand in society. What are the chances of an ordinary worker to improve his qualifications or rank?

Everything is quite simple here. Specialists who have the desire and ability to improve themselves and strengthen their existing knowledge will have much greater opportunities for career advancement than other employees.

There is an opportunity to get the position of lead designer or chief engineer. Timely advanced training will help you soon master new positions.

How much are you willing to pay? What do you need to learn to earn more?

Process engineers monitor compliance with production process technology and equipment operating rules. They study and refine existing and develop new technological processes. These specialists calculate the production capacity of the equipment, the required consumption of raw materials and supplies, and develop technological documentation.

In addition, these specialists are responsible for identifying, analyzing the causes and eliminating defects and violations during the operation of equipment on production lines. Technological engineers participate in the development of technical specifications for the design and production of equipment, conduct experimental work on the development of new technological processes.

The average salary of Moscow industrial engineers is 40,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, process engineers earn about 33,000 rubles. monthly, in Nizhny Novgorod and Rostov-on-Don - about 22,000 rubles. Such data is provided by

Graduates of specialized university faculties who have no experience in production can apply for initial positions as a process engineer; applicants with incomplete higher or secondary specialized education must have at least 1 year of experience as a process engineer. Young specialists must know the features of design and organization of the technological process, the requirements of a unified system of technological and design documentation, labor safety rules and regulations. Beginning process engineers need to be confident in using a computer and have the skills to read technological documentation.

Entry into the next salary range is open to process engineers with a specialized higher education who have the skills to identify and eliminate violations in the technological process, experience in developing technological documentation and measures to improve the efficiency of production processes. Work experience as a process engineer in a similar production must be at least 2 years. Salary offers for specialists who meet the specified characteristics in Moscow reach 50,000 rubles.

Technological engineers with 3-5 years of work experience, experience in introducing new types of products and skills in designing production lines from scratch can qualify for the maximum income. Their earnings in the capital reach 80,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 70,000 rubles.

According to labor market research, the majority of applicants for the position of process engineer are specialists under the age of 30 (65%). There are almost equal numbers of women and men among the candidates: 49% versus 51%, respectively. 87% of specialists have higher education. 11% of industrial engineers are fluent in English.

Typical functionality:

  • analysis of existing, modification and development of new technological processes;
  • calculation of equipment production capacity, consumption of raw materials and supplies;
  • development of technological documentation (technological standards, instructions, route maps, etc.);
  • development of technical specifications for the design and production of equipment;
  • carrying out experimental work on the development of new technological processes;
  • identification of defects and irregularities in the operation of equipment on production lines (new and existing), analysis of causes and their elimination;
  • monitoring compliance with production process technology and equipment operation.

Salary level

Employment type: full-time.

The level of remuneration for a specialist is determined by the welfare of the company, the list of job responsibilities, work experience in the specialty, and the level of development of professional skills.

A study of the array of data on salaries in the regions under study allows us to identify several main salary ranges, each of which is characterized by a certain typical set of requirements and wishes for the candidate.

RegionBand IRange IIRange III
Moscowup to 35,00035 000 - 50 000 over 50,000
Saint Petersburgup to 30,00030 000 - 42 000 over 42,000
Volgogradup to 16,00016 000 - 24 000 over 24,000
Ekaterinburguntil 23,00023 000 - 33 000 over 33,000
Kazanup to 17,00017 000 - 24 000 over 24,000
Nizhny Novgorodup to 20,00020 000 - 27 000 over 27,000
Novosibirskup to 22,00022 000 - 30 000 over 30,000
Omskup to 16,00016 000 - 23 000 over 23,000
Rostov-on-Donup to 20,00020 000 - 25 000 over 25,000
Samaraup to 18,00018 000 - 25 000 over 25,000
Ufaup to 20,00020 000 - 25 000 over 25,000
Chelyabinskup to 20,00020 000 - 28 000 over 28,000

Position requirements

Each subsequent salary range includes the requirements formulated for the previous ones.

Salary rangeRequirements and wishes for professional skills
  • Higher/incomplete higher/special secondary (technical/technological)
  • Confident PC user
  • Skills in “reading” technological documentation
  • Knowledge of the requirements of a unified system of technological and design documentation (ESTD and ESKD)
  • Knowledge of the design and organization of technological processes in production
  • Knowledge in the field of labor protection
  • Experience as a production engineer for at least 1 year, possibly without work experience + higher education in the field
  • Higher education (possibly narrow-profile)
  • Skills in identifying violations in the technological process and eliminating them
  • Experience in developing technological documentation
  • Experience in developing measures to improve the efficiency of technological processes
  • At least 2 years of experience as a process engineer (preferably in a similar production)
  • Experience in introducing new types of products into existing production
  • Experience in designing technological lines from scratch
  • 3-5 years of experience as a process engineer in a similar production

Position statistics

  • The age range of process engineers most in demand on the labor market is 23-45 years; technological engineers under the age of 30 make up 65% of the total number of applicants; aged 30 to 40 years – 21%, aged from 40 to 50 – 11%, aged over 50 years – 3%
  • 51% of industrial engineers are men
  • 64% of industrial engineers speak English at a basic level and at a level sufficient to read specialized literature; at conversational and free levels – 11%
  • 87% of industrial engineers have higher education; 6% – incomplete higher education, 7% – specialized secondary education
  • 55% of industrial engineers have a driver's license category "B"

They say that working in the production and technical department is more about creativity than work. But education comes first. How to become a VET engineer? Let's find out!

The VET department monitors the production of competitive and high-quality products that meet all standards and norms, not only Russian, but also international.

Basically, a PTO engineer determines the cost of construction, pricing in construction, cost estimates, participation in tenders, ensures compliance with technologies, and guarantees the safety and durability of the objects being built.

How to become a VET engineer?

You can obtain the profession and key skills of a technical and technical equipment engineer after studying a construction specialty at any construction university. After receiving a special education, you can begin to build a career ladder as a technical equipment engineer in a construction company, gain experience and become familiar with the peculiarities of production.

Also, if you have a higher education, you can become a VET engineer by taking advanced training courses or estimator courses. The position of engineer can only be obtained after several years of work in an enterprise or company.

The work of an estimator is in demand in cases where it is necessary to determine the cost of work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures, at current and major repair sites, as well as at all new construction sites.

Professional skills of a technical equipment engineer

The high responsibility placed on a technical equipment engineer, his work, calculations and decisions, requires a competent, experienced and qualified approach.

Therefore, a VET engineer needs to build a career ladder from receiving an education, and high demands are placed on the professional skills of a VET engineer, specialized higher education, and 3-5 years of work experience in this industry.

The estimator must know the technology of work, easily navigate the field of pricing, use information sources, be able to work with construction programs, and carry out automatic calculations.

Each organization or company has its own nuances of work, its own requirements for a technical equipment engineer, as well as specific knowledge and subtleties of the technological process. The estimator is required to perform his duties accurately and scrupulously.

The key skills of a PTO engineer are aimed at accurately drawing up cost estimates, calculating the cost of work, preparing cost estimates for additional types of work, and preparing reports on the quality of work.

To carry out all this work, you need knowledge, experience, and awareness in all areas of the production processes being performed.

But in addition to knowledge and experience, certain qualities and skills of a VET engineer are also required. Working with large volumes of information and mathematical calculations requires discipline, organization, perseverance, and attention from a specialist. After all, it is very difficult to carry out calculations in such volumes, but there should be no errors.

In addition to correct calculations, a technical equipment engineer must understand the technical terms that are used in production and clearly know their meanings. The work of an estimator involves communication with many structures, work colleagues, regulatory and supervisory authorities, therefore important qualities are communication skills, sociability, and the ability to navigate in any situation.

Career ladder of a VET engineer

The knowledge and skills of a PTO engineer are so high that he has information on many issues in production and construction, clearly understands documentation, drawing up estimates, can carry out automatic calculations, and prepare documentation for participation in tenders.

After working for several years as a VET engineer, gaining experience in project implementation, prospects for career growth and development open up. Therefore, very often he can apply for the position of head of a department. This is the first step in the career ladder of a technical equipment engineer, which can later lead to the position of enterprise manager.

The work of a technical equipment engineer is complex and requires certain skills, knowledge of many technological processes, pricing in construction, and maintaining calculation and estimate documentation. But this knowledge and skills can lead to career growth, to the opportunity to increase your status and take a high position in an organization where all processes are familiar and calculated.

In addition to working in a specific organization, an experienced technical equipment engineer can carry out work at the request of various small companies that do not have their own estimator on staff. This is very much in demand, and will bring quite a lot of profit to a competent specialist.

If you are still hesitant about becoming a technical engineer or going into another field of civil engineering, don't hesitate. Try your hand at the production and technical department.

An engineer is a highly qualified specialist who develops new and optimizes existing technologies. He is a seeker and inventor who knows how to bring any technical idea to life.

The main task of an engineer is to create new working developments that will benefit people.

Engineers are needed in various industries that require knowledge of the exact sciences. These are aviation, construction, research organizations, the military sphere and astronautics.

  • constructor– works on projects of devices and mechanisms, individual parts;
  • technologist– deals with optimization of production processes of various products and finds weaknesses in them;
  • economist– analyzes and plans economic indicators;
  • organizer– manages issues of economic activity.

Engineering specialties:

  • physicist– uses knowledge about physical properties and laws to develop new technical discoveries;
  • electrical engineer– designs, develops, configures and installs industrial electrical equipment;
  • chemical engineer– is engaged in the development and improvement of existing technological standards for production;
  • engineer estimator– determines and checks the estimated cost of work, coordinates contractual prices for construction and installation work, draws up reports of work performed;
  • civil engineer– designs various buildings, bridges and roads;
  • programmer– writes algorithms and computer programs to automate various processes;
  • military engineer– designs and builds military developments, as well as automates the control of military equipment;
  • environmental engineer– develops and improves equipment aimed at protecting nature using computer technology;
  • bioengineer– directs knowledge in biology to the creation of new technologies in the field of medicine, ecology and looks for solutions to eliminate problems of various nature in this direction.

The profession of an engineer allows you to choose a specialty to your liking. All these people are connected by one goal - to develop devices, structures or algorithms that will make our lives better. The scope of their responsibilities depends on the specialization and specifics of the enterprise.

History of the profession

Initially, the title of engineer was awarded to people who created military vehicles. People will never forget the famous inventor Leonardo da Vinci. This man had a lot of useful technical ideas in his head that were ahead of their time and could not be implemented due to the lack of capabilities of that era. He invented a diving suit, thought about creating a parachute, a hang glider, a helicopter, a car and a bicycle. In his manuscripts you can find an idea for creating a spotlight.

In the 16th century, the concept of engineer began to be applied to people involved in the construction of roads and bridges.

Professional holiday

In Russia October 30 is a professional holiday for workers in engineering and technical specialties. In Iran, it is customary to consider Engineer's Day 24 February(the day when the great Persian mathematician, astronomer and mechanic Tusi was born).

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects include:

  • demand for the profession in various fields;
  • a person working as an engineer can, if desired, understand almost everything: from setting up equipment to designing houses;
  • the opportunity to realize your own ideas, having professional equipment at hand.

The profession is often accompanied by negative aspects:

  • difficulty in learning - due to the large number of complex, narrowly focused technical subjects;
  • the need to improve your knowledge and keep abreast of the latest scientific and technological advances;
  • monotony and painstaking work, since most of the time you have to work with technical documentation;
  • I have to do a lot of work on the computer, which adversely affects my vision and leads to pain in the spine.

The main disadvantage is the low wages set for employees of state-owned enterprises

Requirements for the profession

When applying for a job, a specialist is required to meet the following requirements:

  • presence of higher technical education;
  • ability to read drawings and diagrams;
  • confident PC user;
  • Proficiency in office equipment: fax, printer, scanner and copying equipment.

Job responsibilities

The main responsibilities of an engineer include:

  • activities related to design, creation of an information base, technical control, provision of equipment and other scientific and technical work;
  • performing technical and economic data analysis;
  • researching;
  • solving production problems;
  • development of regulatory materials, manuals and technical documentation, as well as projects and programs;
  • introduction of rationalization proposals and scientific achievements into production processes;
  • testing developed devices and making decisions regarding their commissioning;
  • records management.

Engineer's Responsibility

A specialist of this level bears the responsibility for solving many problems. A mistake and dishonest approach to work can affect the livelihoods of thousands of people. Sometimes you have to answer for the quality of design with your own life. For example, when testing a railway bridge in tsarist times, the engineer had to stand under it during the first test.

History knows of cases when the mistakes of inventors became fatal: turning into large financial costs for the state, innovations brought more harm than good.


The engineer has the right:

  • demand all possible assistance from senior management for the development and implementation of ideas, but within the limits of the job description;
  • ask to resolve issues regarding the supply of equipment and supplies for testing;
  • request projects, diagrams and other documentation necessary for work;
  • improve your skills.

Features of the profession

All the activities of an engineer can be divided into 4 points:

  • set a task;
  • find information to solve it;
  • develop data about the innovation;
  • control the production process.

An engineer is, for the most part, a “male profession.” You need to be well versed in technical devices and mechanisms, have deep knowledge of physics and other exact sciences.

Professional skills and abilities of an engineer

The position includes:

  • work with modern means of communication;
  • knowledge of the technical characteristics of materials;
  • ability to draw up projects, create drawings, read diagrams;
  • be able to organize your work and the activities of the employees entrusted to you;
  • know the principles of operation of various electrical mechanisms;
  • skills in concluding contracts and additional agreements;
  • processing tender documentation;
  • operating technical languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian, English).

Personal qualities of an engineer

The position requires the specialist to have analytical skills and a mathematical mind.

It is important for people to have qualities such as

  • hard work and perseverance;
  • purposefulness and accuracy;
  • literacy and responsibility;
  • curiosity and erudition;
  • creativity and creative approach;
  • spatial imagination and ingenuity.

The work of an engineer requires a person to have a good memory, attention and active thinking.

Engineering career

Having got a job as a simple technician, you can reach the position of engineer in a couple of years.

A person holding this position may be invited to replace the head of a department, the head of a workshop, the chief engineer, or even the deputy head of an enterprise, but all this is provided that the specialist has numerous talents and organizational skills.

The engineering specialty provides extensive opportunities for career growth.

Where does the engineer work?

People of this profession will be in demand

  • in construction organizations;
  • in scientific institutions;
  • at manufacturing enterprises;
  • in food companies.

An engineer can work as anyone, anywhere, but not everyone can work as an engineer.

How much does an engineer earn?

The income level of a specialist depends on the place of work. At a state-owned enterprise, the average salary of a specialist is $260.

Private companies are willing to pay competent inventors huge sums of money.

How to become an engineer

To get a position as an engineer, a higher education diploma is a prerequisite.

However, education alone is unlikely to be enough; employers want to see smart specialists in their team who want to benefit society and make a significant contribution to the common cause.

Alexander Yurievich

Director of a recruitment agency

If there is production, there is definitely a technology for this production. The specificity of the specialty is determined by the fact that industry is a broad concept that includes a wide variety of industries. This determines the versatility of the technologist, his specialization, depending on the area of ​​application.
Hobby: develops new product technologies for himself (patents for himself, then can sell patents to enterprises). If a technologist is a radio electronics specialist, then he can solder something at his leisure.
The profession of industrial engineer is chosen by both women and men, although with an advantage in favor of the latter. Women technologists are predominantly employed in the food industry. The work requires good knowledge of the specifics of the area where you intend to work. By age - they start immediately after graduation, that is, from 22 years old.

Primary requirements: knowledge of technological processes of a specific production, methodological and regulatory materials on technological preparation of production; product designs or product composition for which the technological process is designed; production technologies of the enterprise's products.
An important quality is the ability to work in a team, since work is associated with collective activity.

Conventionally, there are 3 categories of process engineers:
1. A process engineer who simply maintains existing technology.
2. A technologist who can modify the existing system and modernize it.
3. An innovative technologist, capable of developing a completely different approach to technology, for example, a new product.

To maintain his qualifications, a process engineer must constantly read specialized literature, monitor new trends and inventions in his field.

Job responsibilities: monitoring compliance with technological processes at the enterprise, standardizing time, material consumption, developing technological processes, drawing up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculating production capacity and equipment load.
Education: higher technical education. In each specific case - profile. By specialty, this could be “design engineer”, “metallurgical engineer”, “mechanical engineering process engineer”.

Career growth. There may be several career development options for a process engineer.
For example, from a designer (category 3) to a leading designer, then growth to the head of a design bureau, and as the next step - chief (leading) technologist.
An alternative option: process engineer, then leading process engineer, and only then chief technologist. Job titles and responsibilities depend on the scale of production, job description, and industrial sector.
The chief technologist can also rise to the position of production director, technical director (production manager), however, this option is possible only after a long period of successful career, and when the technologist is interested in it.

It is important to note the following point: in the case when a technologist begins to believe that he has already grown professionally, there is no need to acquire new knowledge - he ceases to be a good specialist and loses his qualifications, since the rapid pace of development of production and scientific and technical thought pushes everything to new and new advances in technology.

Applied skills: Knowledge of application programs such as AutoCad, Compas, CoralDraw is desirable. An integral part of the activity is working with drawings, so a high level of understanding is important. In modern production, foreign equipment is often installed; in this case, knowledge of the language of the country of origin of the equipment is added to the professional requirements.

Wage level: depends on the production system. The lower limit starts from 15,000 rubles, the upper – from 50,000 rubles (for the chief technologist).
The incentive to change jobs is the lack of career and professional growth (the area of ​​work is too narrow and the industrial engineer wants to develop and expand his knowledge).