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My profession is interior designer. Essay-reasoning: why did I choose the profession of a designer as a future profession? Message on the topic of my future profession: designer

At all times, man has strived to improve the beauty of his home, clothing and even the environment in order to be able to be in harmony with nature and himself. Some made masterpieces with their own hands, while others turned to professionals who could create incredible views for help. In the modern world, the specialization of such people is known as the designer profession.

Who is a designer?

Despite the fact that the profession of designer became truly popular and in demand only in the twentieth century, the name itself has a long history. Its origins date back to the Italian Renaissance, when the word "disegno" was used to describe the drawings and designs that were the basis of an idea.

Depending on the type of activity of a design specialist, there are several main branches of this profession:

  • industrial (design and creation of household appliances, transport, tools, furniture);
  • environmental design (creation of interiors, design of buildings, sites);
  • graphic (creation of trademarks and signs, commercials using computer graphics);
  • 3D design (creation of animations, presentations, layouts using special computer programs);
  • landscape (work related to the design of land plots, parks, gardens);
  • design of clothing, shoes and accessories.

The listed branches of design art are just the tip of the iceberg. Today, the scope of activity of a graphic designer is simply huge, so every year new directions in this art appear (phytodesigner, puppeteer, color corrector, stained glass artist, etc.).

Design objects are present everywhere and in everything that surrounds us. In addition to the currently popular specialists in creating clothing and interior design, developers of jewelry, accessories, tableware, furniture, etc. are widely in demand in the modern world. In a word, anything can become a design object, from a needle to an airplane.

Important qualities

According to many applicants who choose interesting and creative work, every talented artist can become a designer. However, professionally important qualities and skills should not be underestimated. After all, a real designer is a creator of a good product, a picky perfectionist who is able to concentrate not only on the external side of an object, but also on describing its details, internal essence and functionality.

To become a specialist in this field and have a stable financial income, you must have the following qualities and skills:

  • observation;
  • creative thinking;
  • developed imagination;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to work with large amounts of information;
  • patience;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • a sense of tact in communicating with clients.


Contrary to the belief of many self-taught designers, this art requires special education. To become a true professional, you must not only have good taste, developed imagination and drawing skills, but also be able to work in modern programs for designing interiors, landscapes, etc. The art of design does not stand still. Every year new materials, techniques and methods for creating masterpieces appear. Therefore, in order to stay on the crest of the wave, both a beginner and a professional designer must constantly learn, improve their skills and keep abreast of all trends.

Today there are many specialized schools and educational institutions where they teach the art of this activity. However, as practice shows, private courses are not always effective.

When choosing an educational institution, it is important to remember that there are no general-purpose designers. Each graphic designer can be a professional in only one direction of art.

Place of work and career

A wide field of activity opens up for every designer. He can work for himself, offering his services on the Internet and the media. In this case, the graphic designer independently looks for clients and estimates the cost of the project. The success of such a freelance designer depends on his professionalism and ability to find profitable and highly paid orders.

A graphic designer can also work on the staff of specialized departments of large companies whose activities are related to the art of design. Moreover, the more prestigious the company, the greater the chances for career growth, and, consequently, for increasing income and achieving recognition.

In addition to large companies, there are also narrow-profile design studios. And although the likelihood of career growth in such companies is small, working as a graphic designer will help to achieve success for a person who is only at the beginning of his creative career.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Unlike many other professions on the labor market, design can bring not only pleasure, but also good financial profit. A specialist works to order, therefore, unlike an artist, he can always be sure that his work will be paid for.

However, on the other hand, the designer cannot afford to create only when there is inspiration. Sometimes an order must be completed as soon as possible, because the client is not ready to wait. It’s good if creativity, as they say, is in the blood of a graphic designer. But if creative thinking requires excessive effort, then the constant search for new ideas often leads to moral exhaustion and depression.

Another problem may be the designer’s internal disharmony. The tastes of the client do not always coincide with the tastes of the designer, and then you have to do work that is not to your liking.

Of course, the art of design is not an easy craft, but it has many advantages. Design activities bring good income, which increases with increasing professionalism.

Another undeniable advantage of work is the ability to work from home. You can generate ideas and create projects not only in the office, but also in your room, since only the result is important to the client.

Thus, the profession of a designer can become a real calling for creative and creative people who are not accustomed to monotonous and routine work, but dream of creating, making the world more beautiful and receiving a good financial income.

This essay-reasoning will help you in writing an essay on the topic of your future profession, especially if you yourself want to become a designer.

Why did I choose to be a designer as my future profession?

What will you be when you grow up? What do you want to become? What does your dad do? Who is your mom? What do you like to do, what is your hobby? I have been asked these questions since childhood, and, in my opinion, they are a little strange, or at least incomprehensible.

What if you like a little of everything? Or don't like anything? How can you decide at a young age what you will become when you haven’t really tried anything yet? Will I like the profession of an engineer if at the age of 6 I don’t even know who it is? Or maybe a lawyer. It was difficult for me. I did karate, chess, drawing, skiing and much, much more. From the entire huge list, I was attracted to many things, but only one thing really caught my eye - creativity. I knew that I liked to draw. Dream up. Write on markers. Painting the door at the dacha. Create sunshine on the asphalt with crayons. Time passed, but the love for drawing did not disappear.

In high school, I understood what awaited me, what path I would take, but at the same time I knew that just being able to draw is not enough, and, moreover, it can quickly get boring if you do it all the time. And it’s even worse when you don’t want to. Little by little I had to “grope my way” in the darkness of the adult world by depicting reality or, conversely, something fictitious and unreal.

Drawing helped to distract myself and get rid of worries. Pass the time. When you transfer what is in your head onto paper, it becomes easier. It is especially pleasant when the soul lies in creativity. Sometimes the work turns out amazing. But, over time, I realized that just drawing is not what I want to be able to do in life. You need to combine this with something. And I found what. Design is a very broad concept.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a common language with the customer, and here you need to use all your communication skills. Don't lose your temper, don't get irritated. I was told a lot of cases when difficulties arose with customers. It was impossible to find a common language. You say one thing to a person, but he simply does not listen and does not even try to understand the essence of the matter. For example, you tell him that a load-bearing wall cannot be demolished, and in response he gets an angry look and a “stupid” defense of his interests. But, in itself, the profession is creative. A person must be diversified.

Working in an office on a regular schedule would be very difficult for me. I can’t sit in one place and do the same job. It's like a generation of robots. Creating is a living concept, saturated with colors.

In this article I would like to talk about my future profession. Soon I will become an interior designer. I am sure that this activity will help me finally find my true calling and place in life, as well as realize my remarkable creative potential.

If you think for a moment, it becomes clear that tasks related to the design craft come across us every day and, practically, at every step. The ability to independently come up with something new and bring it to life gives a lot of joy and positive emotions that accompany every, albeit not significant, success, every smallest achievement.

Interior design is also a kind of art, but an art that is subject to strict rules of proportions, color, fashion and demand. This is an art elevated to the rank of a fairly successful business, and in the competition for your customer you should take into account many purely marketing subtleties, be a good psychologist, a foreman of a repair team, sometimes a little bit of an architect, and generally combine a huge variety of knowledge and skills.

If you manage to become a kind of universal soldier, you can count on the trust and gratitude of your customers, as well as a stable flow of new clients in the form of friends and relatives of those with whom you have already worked before.

You must always remember that an interior designer does not just select the color of the walls and the upholstery of the sofas. His task is to create a unique space that has not only an exclusive and elegant style, but also a warm, comfortable atmosphere that will delight those who will inhabit this space. Moreover, it is not enough to create it in your thoughts. Your idea must be clearly and aesthetically depicted in sketches and painstakingly and accurately transferred to the drawing.

Of course, like any other, the profession of an interior designer has both pros and cons. The undoubted advantages include the fact that this is extremely exciting work, allowing you to fully open up and realize your creative potential. In addition, at the moment, a qualified specialist in this area can easily find an income sufficient for a comfortable life.

But, of course, you have to pay for everything, because this same income, sufficient for a comfortable life, does not come easily. You have to work a lot and hard on each project, collaborating with a variety of, not always pleasant, people. These are, first of all, customers who do not always know what they want, and even if they know for sure, it is not always aesthetically pleasing or in good taste.

You also have to closely cooperate and resolve conflicts, and there will be quite a few of them, with suppliers, builders and all services that are related to housing and communal services. An interior designer needs to exercise supervision over the implementation of the project at all its stages and, often, take up the trowel himself.

Having received a specialty, an interior designer can realize his or her potential both independently and by working in interior design studios, curtain salons and furniture manufacturing companies.

If you also decide to choose this path for yourself, then you will certainly need patience and communication skills, because all people are different and sometimes it is not at all easy to find a common language with them. You also cannot do without subtle taste and artistic abilities, because they are what make the designer who he is.

And if you want your customers to remember you with gratitude, you, among other things, need to be extremely attentive and diligent in order to consistently and clearly achieve your goals.

Since childhood, every person has dreamed of getting some kind of profession in the future. Everyone had different dreams: some liked technical professions, like an engineer or an architect. Some preferred more creative professions, such as choreographer, musician or designer.

Since early childhood, I liked the profession of designer. What I like most about it is that I can show my full creative potential to the fullest. This profession gives you the opportunity to fully express your imagination and imagination. It’s great that you can start learning basic design skills at absolutely any age. That is, no age limits for this profession are a hindrance. Of course, I would like to note that designer is an incredibly popular profession today, since for most people in modern society their appearance is very important. We should not forget that in order to work in the fashion field, it is not necessary to study to be a designer. Individual talent, as well as some basic knowledge of this industry, will be enough.

As for me, the profession of a designer combines importance and creativity at the same time, so I do not regret my choice.

Essay I want to become a designer

The world that surrounds us has millions of shades and shapes, and they are not always in harmony. The designer’s task is to transform the environment, give it comfort and beauty. An experienced representative of this profession can immediately identify the shortcomings and advantages of an object and outline ways to correct errors.

A designer is a creative person who has an unlimited field of activity. Representatives of this profession create clothes, shoes, interiors, landscapes, furniture, accessories, stained glass windows, toys, household appliances and many other interesting things.

The designer’s responsibilities include not only giving the product a beautiful appearance, he is obliged to monitor the internal structure and functions of the object. A representative of this profession must be observant, have creative thinking, be able to process a large amount of information, get things done, defend his opinion, command and obey, build relationships, be patient, be able to communicate tactfully with clients, have a creative imagination, and constantly develop his abilities .

You can’t just want to become a designer. In addition to abilities, you need to learn how to work with many computer programs, know the basics of your profession, and constantly monitor new products in your industry.

The work of a designer brings good financial income. But only those who work well can earn good money, sometimes beyond the norm; the tastes of the customer and the performer do not always coincide; endless efforts to find new ideas can lead to internal burnout or depression.

You can organize a workplace at home, but it is also possible to organize a creative studio or office. For the customer, it is not the process that is important, but the result. The more experience a designer has, the higher his professionalism, and therefore his salary.

Nowadays, the profession of a designer is in great demand, there is a prospect for professional growth, the work is varied and interesting. If this is a real calling, then you can achieve very great heights and have a good income. For creative people, choosing this profession will help them realize themselves in life.

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Profession designer

A designer is a specialist engaged in artistic and technical activities within one of the branches of design: industrial, transport, graphic, landscape, process design, environment, furniture, clothing, accessories, etc. The name of the profession comes from the Italian “designo intero”, which meant the artist's idea.

The origins of design can be traced back to ancient times, when people first encountered issues of convenience and ergonomics of tools and other household items. The history of modern design is connected with the development of industrial production in the mid-19th century, when the need for design and artistic activity arose.
Soon, in the 20s of the 20th century, the first design schools appeared, which became a response to the massive need for specialists.…

Many areas of design are associated with the need of a person to transform the space around him, to decorate himself and the world. In order to do this successfully, you often need a specialist with a special sense of taste and special skills. Therefore, in modern society, a designer is one of the most sought-after specialists.

A designer can carry out his activities individually or be an employee of a design studio. Many areas of design activity allow a creatively thinking person with an artistic vision of the world to realize a variety of aspirations - be it car design or landscape design. The services of a designer who has proven himself with high-quality work are highly paid and are in constant demand.

To promote their services on the labor market, a designer needs to have a high-quality portfolio. When designing and implementing design projects, it is necessary to take into account the client’s wishes. A competent designer must not only skillfully combine shapes and colors, but also his own artistic aspirations with the desires of the customer.

The design profession can be acquired at specialized faculties of technical and art universities, as well as cultural universities. Currently, there are also many professional retraining courses and design courses, where you can undergo training in this specialty in a short time. For further professional growth, the designer must also attend master classes and study specialized literature.