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Is it possible to buy air? Business selling air in cans - a joke or an original idea

I sell air. Expensive. No, this is not a joke. They really sell air in Russia. Seven years ago, St. Petersburg businessman Sergei Luchnikov began selling air in cans with a beautiful label. At first glance, the idea may seem crazy. On the second - simply brilliant. Do you want to buy air from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Sochi? Please. If you want to order air from your favorite city, no problem. Selling air is not fun, it's a business that makes people a little happier and makes them smile.

It is not known for certain who first came up with the idea of ​​selling air, but it happened 15-20 years ago. Since then it can be bought in Berlin, Paris, Tel Aviv and other cities. Why, in Iceland you can buy not only air as a souvenir, but also fog and rain. There would be money. Therefore, Sergei Luchnikov did not invent any bicycles, he simply became the first to sell air in Russia. And how does he do it? website publication correspondent.

- How did you come up with the idea of ​​selling air in cans?

The question arose: why do they sell air in Europe, but not in Russia? That’s how the idea was born easily in 2003 air sales St. Petersburg. The project was dedicated to the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the founding of the northern capital, and was initially designed for foreign tourists.

- What was the first batch of products like, and was it difficult to sell it?

The first batch (a thousand cans) of canned air sold out quickly. First, the “Publika” restaurant ordered 300 pieces at once, then an agreement was concluded with the “Che” club, and “air” was sold at retail in the souvenir rows near the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. One of the first large buyers was the Moscow Investment Bank, which took a wholesale gift batch of 300-400 pieces. Later, SELA Corporation purchased several hundred cans for its clients. And away we go.

- What is the current production volume?

Now I sell tens of thousands of cans a year. Retail, mainly canned air buy at train stations and airports. There cans with air They leave by the dozens a day. Over time, the range also expanded: air from Moscow, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Ugra, Kostroma and other cities appeared. A new type of client has also emerged. It turned out that large companies are very fond of buying “air”, using it for their image or corporate events. The largest batch (one hundred thousand cans) was produced for one Ural ski resort.

Today, business brings its owner not only money, but also a good mood. But a lot of work preceded this. Then, in 2003, no one knew what would come of the crazy idea: whether there would be a demand for canned air, what to pack it in, how much it should cost...

- How much did you need to invest in this business at the first stage, and how quickly did the investment pay off?

First cans with air They were made at a cannery, the lids were brought from Italy, the labels were glued on by hand. The initial investment was about 3.5 thousand dollars. As a result of joint efforts, the result was a compact and lightweight souvenir with one of the symbols of St. Petersburg - an angel against the blue sky.” By and large, nothing has changed since then.

- Why do people buy air?

My product is a kind of test for a sense of humor. I remember how in 2003 a Japanese man bought a can of air. He laughed and rejoiced like a child: he opened the jar, turned it over, and smelled it. And then I bought ten more. My “air” brings positive emotions to people.


If a business generates income, then it will always have followers. Cunning people who are ready to make money on someone else's happiness. Is it true that you received a patent to protect your copyright for selling canned air?

Unfortunately, this did not protect me from competitors. Back in 2003, at the Savior on Spilled Blood, some people set up a table, two steps away from where the original was sold, and displayed a pyramid of cans with homemade “air” labels. They were sold for 90 rubles and had an absolutely unpresentable appearance.

After the criminal code was explained, these people immediately disappeared somewhere. Already in our time, Baltic air began to be sold in Kaliningrad. At first the man wanted to cooperate and promote my “air” in Kaliningrad, but then he disappeared somewhere. He appeared later, but with his own goods. I had to sue, and in the end this businessman compensated for the damage and lost profits. But there are a lot of fakes, and it’s impossible to fight them all. I even collect counterfeit cans.

Speaking about his air business, Sergei Luchnikov notes that profit is not the most important thing for him; in the city he is better known as a successful restaurateur and realtor.

-Have you made a lot of money from the air?

It was important for me to prove to myself and others that money can be made from nothing. From the air. And I did it. Until air began to be packaged in cans, it was just a substance, but now it has become a commodity.

Of course, Mr. Luchnikov is being somewhat disingenuous; “air” brought, if not to him personally, then at least to the people working for him, good incomes. Otherwise, why look for regional representatives and expand your business? However, Sergei has one idea that, in his opinion, can make good money - the Olympics in Sochi. To go with it, he plans to produce two million cans of canned air.

Andrey Parabellum


Information business and its monetization

Part 1

Infobusiness from A to Z: Packaging and selling your knowledge

I am grateful to all of you for giving me a few minutes (or hours) of your precious time and deciding to read these lines. It’s not for nothing that they say that time is more valuable than money. After all, you can earn as much money as you want, but time is gone irrevocably and forever.

I will try to explain in a simple and intelligible form what information business is, what its key features are, what development opportunities it can provide each of us.

However, before I begin, I want to note: I hope that you did not open this book by accident. After all, there really are no accidents, they are all patterns, the mechanisms of which we (yet) do not even suspect...

When you read about the new opportunities that the information business brings, do not forget to stop periodically, highlight the most important things, and immediately put them into practice. Some things will work out right away, while others will take a long time to grow... But the very fact of using these materials in practice will move you forward much faster than trying to understand a bunch of theories.

Implement! And share your finds with others!

And then they will return to you a hundredfold...


So, let's start with the definition of information business. What is information business?

InfoBusiness(in its simplified form) is business of packaging and selling information, as well as related services.

In other words, this is what most of you have done before, not suspecting that you can also make money from it. And sometimes it’s quite good.

The problem of “free advice” exists for each of us and manifests itself when another friend asks us something or asks: “Please look at my new website / broken computer / bad tooth /... Can you advise me anything?” .

At the same time, we are once again convinced that these “free tips” not only do not work, but in the end no one even tries to apply them.

Thus, they remain useless not only for our friends, but also for you - after all, you spent your time thinking and making recommendations, and this ultimately did not lead anyone to any result.

If you are reading these lines, I hope that from now on your positions will change in many ways - both in what you advise and in how much you are paid for your experience and your knowledge.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) in the information business, much depends not only on What you sell, but also from How You are selling it. In general, whether someone will buy your experience, knowledge or skills from you or not, often depends to a large extent on proper packaging.

This may upset someone, but no matter how amazingly interesting and useful information you give out, no one may buy it (or only a few will buy it) if it is not properly packaged.


Let's take any information business topic as an example.

Let's say learning how to care for exotic pets.

If you decide to teach someone something, first of all, it is important to know thoroughly who this information is intended for, why it is especially interesting to these people, why it is useful, what pressing problem it helps solve.

First you need to determine what exactly they want to get.

And the deeper you penetrate into their emotions, analyze their needs, the more information you will be able to sell, and the better your clients will learn.

Indifference greatly hinders sales.


By the way, do you know why it is very difficult to sell information to technicians and professionals?

And, especially, for those who consider themselves a “true professional”?

(Although it would seem that they should, in theory, be its best consumers...)

So, it’s very difficult for them to sell anything, because their system, their craft, teaches them to turn off their brains. The less emotional they are, the better for them. And the more successful they are in one thing, the less likely they are to achieve good results in another, or, moreover, several others.

(By “techies” I mean not only those who are involved with computers or any technology, but more broadly - those who consider themselves professionals in their field, have studied the basics of their craft, the strategy and tactics of their activities for a long time and tediously. These are techies from early school to university (and then second or even third) education who delve into one topic and understand only that.

If the following helps any of you become richer, then I will consider that my time was well spent. It just so happens that in my life I have opened 12 different companies. I have some experience. But every time, before starting something new, it was not easy for me to make the right choice and decide what exactly was best to do? And as it turned out later, it was this choice that determined my further success, or led to failure.

And if you are reading these lines now, then it seems that you have a similar situation, and you are thinking, “What kind of business should I start?” This is true? If yes, then you should read this text further. So, for myself, I made some conclusions that help me avoid mistakes, loss of money and time. Now, when choosing a new business, I always evaluate:

    1. How much do other people need what I am going to produce or sell? How valuable will this be to them? I’m trying to figure out whether my product will help them solve any of their important problems, become more successful, or feel more comfortable, improve their health... And, presumably, what is the percentage of these people?
    2. How big is the competition in this area, and can I become No. 1 in my region without any problems?
    3. How much effort and money will I need in the beginning, and how quickly will I start making a profit?

I carried out the next such analysis ten months ago, when the work of my company “Badge Master” (by the way, produces excellent equipment for the production of advertising and souvenir products!) was debugged, an executive director was appointed, and free time appeared. I’ll tell you what I got as a result of searching for a “new product”.

And so, I started with the analysis on point No. 1. Answer me the question, what does a person consume the most in his life? It's simple. Of course, air! More precisely, 20-25 kg per day. I wish I could sell air, right? There would be no end to customers, everyone needs air. But there are no problems with air supplies in the market; it is available everywhere. Here I wanted to throw this product aside and not return to it again. But I thought... Stop, people also consume water, there is plenty of it in nature, but they make a lot of money from it! So you need to look for options. What do I know about air? The fact that in cities it is of poor quality and heavily polluted. It is also known that most centenarians live in mountain villages and breathe clean mountain air. That's it, nothing more.

Then I talked with my friend, he is the head of the SES laboratory for air and soil, and as a result of the conversation I learned something that I could not even imagine before. In particular, that:

    • The air in modern apartments and offices is 4-6 times dirtier and 8-10 times more toxic than outside air!!!
    • Various widely used finishing materials (linoleum, wallpaper, plastic, carpet, paints, varnishes...), as well as detergents and cleaning products, fill the indoor air with toxic fumes and particles, the concentration of which is many times higher than in the open air.
    • Any room is full of dust, which is a huge source of infection because... Germs and viruses use dust particles for movement and contact. Indoor dust is the #1 allergen.
    • 150 square meters of space produce 20 kg of dust per year, which is home to about 15 varieties of dust mites! At 12 gr. dust lives about 42,000 dust mites!
    • 90% of colds and infectious diseases are acquired through the air, indoors!
    • Due to the fact that modern apartments and offices are literally entangled in electrical wires and filled with electrical appliances, the air in any room is highly electrified.
    • Household dirt is not dead - it not only lives, but also multiplies in the form of mold, fungi, viruses and bacteria. Why? Because the environment is very favorable. Residential buildings and offices are filled with sources of energy, heat, food, and there is no natural circulation of fresh air.

And a lot more... A resident of a civilized city spends about 90% of his time indoors, can you imagine how much energy the body spends to neutralize all this nasty stuff? Hence the most common consequences of this situation: Allergies, drowsiness, headache, irritability, fatigue, irritation of the eye mucosa, frequent colds and infectious diseases, lack of energy, insomnia.

Then I thought: “since this problem is relevant for absolutely everyone, then maybe it’s worth selling clean indoor air?” Good idea! But how, and in what form? I remembered that in Japan, in the center of Tokyo, there are machines where you throw a coin, and for some time you breathe excellent, clean air. But don’t install such machines in houses. And you won’t sell air in cylinders along with oxygen masks either; our people will not understand or appreciate this. I began to study the CIS market. What is there anyway? I see - nothing sensible! Only various Chinese ionizers, and a Chizhevsky chandelier. The effect of them is very weak, they solve little, there are a lot of contraindications, but even this people buy it in full! So, I think, I would like to find a device that actually works well and solves all the above problems. Solves effectively! So that people don’t even have doubts. Do you agree that with such a device success would be guaranteed? The consumer market is huge and practically empty in this area, there is zero competition, here you can easily become No. 1 in any region. But where can one find such a device, and does it even exist in nature? It turns out it exists! The latest development, produced in the USA, has just appeared on the world market, and few people know about it. I won’t tell you about all the ups and downs associated with his search; I’d better tell you a little about the experiments that I conducted with him when I ordered and received the first copy.

I installed it at home, turned it on in the evening, pressed various buttons, and checked the remote control. Everything seems to be working. And it’s winter outside, the refrigerators are closed, the windows are closed, the radiators are heated, but to make it warmer the heater is still on. In general, it’s a common story for our people. It’s warm, of course, but the air is very heavy. These, I think, are just the conditions for testing that are needed. I didn’t really believe in success, but still... I barely fell asleep, I was so excited by hope. I wake up... and catch myself thinking that the heaviness of the air has disappeared, there is no that oppression and slight morning weakness with which I usually wake up. I restrain myself: “Calm down, it’s too early to rejoice, let’s continue...”. I take the device and move it to the toilet. And taking into account the fact that I have a Staffordshire terrier puppy at home who still pees anywhere... and the fact that my son doesn’t wash the mop well after wiping it all off... the smell in the toilet is not jasmine at all. I set a special function for accelerated sanitation (the device starts working at 120% power) and go out. I return 2 hours later, and I don’t believe myself. There is not even a sign of an unpleasant odor! Neutralized everything! Later, I learned and received documentary evidence from research at the University of Kansas that the device destroys 99% of fungi and bacteria not only in the air, but also on any surfaces in the room.

What happened next was even more interesting... I asked a friend to smoke in the room. He smokes cigarette after cigarette, and I sit a meter away from him, but I don’t smell any smoke or smell of tobacco. This is where I gave free rein to my emotions and was heartily happy. Then I also placed my son’s unpleasant-smelling sneakers next to the device... sanitized the clothes hanging in the closet and the bed... took the device for air measurements to the SES laboratory... gave it to friends who suffer from allergies, and to a friend whose renovation had just been completed... A lot of things. The results and reviews were invariably encouraging. The SES told me that they finally had a real solution for the many people turning to them for help.

Five months have already passed. As I expected, people like the product, the devices are selling with a bang, just have time to deliver them. What works especially well is that any interested person can take the device for 3 days of free use and see its effectiveness personally. This makes selling very easy.

This is the story I got with this idea - “selling air.” So, friends, if suddenly one of you becomes interested and asks: “can I start this business?” The answer is: “Yes, you can. And how!” The market is huge. From experience, I can say that in a medium-sized city, working alone, you can earn $5,000 or more.

Do you want to earn money? Sell! Do you want to earn a lot? Sell ​​a lot! Harry Halbert sold words. Words can sell everything, even air.
You've probably seen more than once beautiful sales pages with very convincing sales texts that promise you to earn a tidy sum without doing practically anything?

Maybe you caught yourself thinking that everything is so simple, you have to try... Maybe you bought what these convincing texts, pictures, videos, screenshots, reviews offer...

Maybe you managed to earn exactly as much as was promised on these pages? Or were you once again disappointed?

We all know how money makes money, but when I say “make money out of thin air,” I mean “extract money from the Internet.”

The Internet is a limitless virtual environment from which it is quite possible to make a profit, and the size of this profit can be as limitless as the Internet is limitless.

Today in the article

All the money in the world is made in sales

Some people go to work every day, selling their time and their knowledge or skills for a very reasonable price, while others value themselves highly and do not agree to spend their lives selling themselves for pennies.

It turned out a little rough, but that’s the gist of it.
The Internet is developing at a crazy pace; there is a solvent audience in it that is constantly growing, to whom you can sell anything.

But what to sell, you ask, if I have nothing and how to sell if I don’t know how?

In this article, I want to show that the biggest money is not earned by the one who is smarter or has outstanding abilities or skills, but by the one who understands what the public wants and is ready to present the solution to this public on a silver platter.

So what does the public want? And the public wants freebies. Unfortunately or fortunately (for others), this is an indisputable fact.

Freebie sellers (aka air sellers) wrap the freebie in a bright, attractive wrapper (selling page) and call: buy the freebie inexpensively and you will be happy.

Of course, they don’t call the freebie a freebie, they come up with a solid name for this freebie, like “step-by-step instructions for making a million while lying on the couch.”

And a large army of freebie lovers buys. Of course, they don’t receive the promised “mountains of gold,” but oddly enough, they go in search of a new freebie and buy and buy again and again...

I will not cover the moral side of the issue in this article and discuss whether this is good or bad. This is the case and it is a fact.

And you can also use this if you are not afraid of ruining your karma.

Isn't it an attractive prospect to make money out of thin air?

What does it mean? Making money out of thin air is making profit out of nothing. That is, if you don’t have anything that you could sell and make a profit, you can sell “air” - an ephemeral substance that doesn’t seem to exist.

Currently, there are people who are doing exactly this - making profit out of nothing, that is, “selling air.” They mostly do this on the Internet.

They make money out of thin air.

And it doesn't matter WHAT they sell, what matters is that they do it.

And they earn millions and live in Thailand or somewhere else. Where they want, and not where they have to.

And in general, there is no need to buy anything anymore - EVERYTHING is available on the Internet for free.

It’s just that if a person knows something, he will not remain silent about it - he will definitely make a video, write a post or present information in any form.

And that will be the WHOLE point.

And then he thinks - now I’ll package it, cover it with various instructions, recommendations and bonuses and sell it to those who already know everything, but they don’t do shit (sorry for the slang, but this word best conveys the essence), it’s like that for 100 bucks $…

They make money not from their intelligence and their experience, but from banal human greed and the desire for freebies. It’s paradoxical, but it’s a fact that truly useful products are less popular than ephemeral ones.

Air sellers use one technique, which can be briefly formulated as follows: come to us, you don’t need to know anything and almost nothing to do, we will give you a step-by-step golden pill and you will have a lot of money. And they use this attractive spell in different variations.

The so-called manuals on making money are gaining momentum on the Internet (they can also be called cases, working schemes, unique new techniques, the best ways to get rich, programs for making money, highly profitable instructions, reliable systems for making quick money, super-courses on making money, etc. and etc.).

These manuals offer step-by-step instructions for getting rich quick. But I will tell you what is contained in these manuals and you will not need to buy them.

You already know what is stated in these manuals. Why pay for what you already know? And if you don’t know, I’ll tell you about it.

I got acquainted with some of these creations, and confirmed my assumptions about their essence.

However, if you look carefully at the sales pages of these get-rich-quick manuals, it will become clear to you what they are.

Judging by the number of such “get rich quick instructions”, everyone should have gotten rich a long time ago. But why doesn't this happen? And only those who work hard, and also those who sell these instructions, and not those who buy them, get rich?

For example, how do you like the “working scheme for making big money”, more than half of the time of which is occupied by a description of how to register a webmoney wallet and how to register on the Glopart service, and then it is proposed to become a partner of the same manual and earn money on its sales...

Is it worth paying money for such “masterpieces”? Are you not able to figure out how to register for any service yourself?

It's not a very fair partnership, don't you think?

The essence of these manuals is very simple: For your money, the authors of the manuals will offer you to become their partners and will tell or show you that you need to sell their manuals by advertising them in other people's mailing lists.

For each sale, as in any affiliate program, you will receive affiliate royalties. Great, right?

Some “advanced” manual specialists, realizing that offering customers to sell their own product in a paid manual is overkill, suggest something like the following: “make a website on any interesting topic, for example, about diets,” write an information product (preferably on the topic of diets or penis enlargement )) and transfer traffic from teasers, social networks, etc. to your selling website...

And especially narcissists literally advise the following: “Rewrite my manual in your own words and start selling it.” Like this. Remember your school Russian language lessons - write a presentation or an essay on a given topic))

And I, naive, always believed that spam could not be an acceptable method for promoting anything on the Internet. And this is not only my point of view, but also the generally accepted one.

They provide “advertising ready materials.” These materials are contained within the manuals; to obtain them, you must first purchase the manual. Well, how do you like it? It always seemed to me that honest and serious affiliate programs provide advertising materials for free.

These advertising materials are very easy to use: you just need to insert your affiliate link into the finished texts, and then copy and send messages to thematic groups on VKontakte, forums, in Odnoklassniki, etc. Particularly “advanced” ones will even give or sell spam programs.

And the inner essence of these manuals is this: to earn a lot quickly and a lot, sell me, and for this any means are good.

More options.

Some kind of affiliate program is taken, on which, in principle, anyone can earn money if they put some effort into it. But some author makes an information product out of this, shows on the sales page the very attractive huge sums that he supposedly earns from this affiliate program, and says that doing this is as simple as a steamed turnip.

Take any service that allows users to earn money. In sales, the earnings amounts are exaggerated a certain number of times, and the author does not care at all that it is impossible to earn such amounts, the main thing is to sell your information product.

I'm not even talking about “automatic programs” that, after five minutes of setup, will literally shower you with heaps of money.

In general, there are many options, if you apply your imagination to this not very noble process...

More and more manuals are appearing online that offer schemes to get rich quickly without any effort (even a child can do this and, what is especially cynical, even a pensioner!

Why is this happening? Because there is a huge demand for something like this. More and more new manuals appear, overtaking each other in the rankings. Real tough competition!

So, if you want to hit the jackpot on this gold mine, hurry up, the topic may die.

But it seems to me that this is an eternal topic, because the so-called “freeloaders”, people who want everything at once, but at the same time
they don’t want to study or work and are ready to buy “secret secrets” again and again containing promises of quick riches.

There are many such people, many of them are solvent, and many are even ready to give their last money for the “chocolate life method.” These people make up a large target audience, to whom you can sell such “techniques-manuals” ad infinitum.

Therefore, it is quite possible to make money by selling manuals of dubious quality (if you are not afraid of ruining your karma).

To do this you just need to act.

That's the whole secret that they sell you for money. Are you ready to pay money for what you are told: YOU MUST DO? Don't you know this yourself?

By the way, you can sell anything online in the same way. Yours or someone else's. Didn't you know about this?
True, there is one secret in working with manuals about making money...

The secret is that such manuals are aimed at an audience that wants to get rich quickly, and if you find a way to reach such an audience and convey information to it, you can really earn a lot quickly and a lot.

A significant part of this audience lives in mailing lists dedicated to making money on the Internet.

So, step-by-step instructions for making big money with earnings manuals

  1. Choose the manual that suits you best; there are plenty of them on Glopart, for example, or other similar services.
  2. Become an affiliate of this manual and receive an affiliate link.
  3. Advertise your affiliate link and make money with a shovel.

Advanced method

  1. Create your information product on a popular topic, preferably this product offers a solution to a problem, for example: how to lose weight, how to get rid of something, how to make a lot of money. Use your imagination.
  2. Create a selling mini-site.
  3. Advertise.
  4. Recruit partners, offer them favorable terms of cooperation, and let them also advertise your product.

The most advanced method

  1. Create your own information product.
  2. Create a selling mini-site and a subscription page.
  3. Create your own newsletter and offer some useful freebies in exchange for a subscription.
  4. Promote your subscription page, give subscribers useful free material, and then direct them to a sales page where you offer your paid product, preferably with a limited-time discount.
  5. Recruit partners, offer favorable partnership terms, and let them also advertise your product.
  6. When your subscriber base becomes large enough, in addition to your product, advertise affiliate products.
  7. From time to time you can sell advertising space in your newsletter.

How to create your own product and where to get useful freebies

To get started, you can create your own inexpensive product in the form of a pdf book. Technically, this is very simple to do: write a book in the form of a Word or OpenOffice document and save it in pdf format.

Despite the fact that information on this topic can be easily found for free on the Internet, and it’s not difficult to figure it out on your own, some information businessmen successfully sell information products specifically on this topic: how to create an e-book.

Here is an example of creating your own information product. Many such examples can be given.

We can even say with some confidence that the majority of information products sold on the Internet are rewrites of the public.

And everything is freely available on the Internet. Take it and do it. Of course, you will have to spend time to find really high-quality information, concoct an information product from it and give it a “marketable appearance”.

Structured useful information from the public may well be in demand and represent a full-fledged information product.

You can use this. You can add something of your own, express your vision of a problem and ways to solve it.

You can write down your knowledge or experience in a particular area or simply state your point of view.

You can interview someone (interesting to the public) and create a highly sought-after information product from it.

You can write detailed instructions for using any service...

Choose a topic that interests you (ideally if you are passionate about this topic), otherwise your online business will not survive long. This is an axiom tested by many information entrepreneurs and time.

This is as old as time. But this is so important that I’m not too lazy to say it again. Before you start creating an information product, you need to check
the topic you have chosen for relevance, for example, using the services or and analyze the competition by looking at sites and forums on this topic in Yandex and Google results.

If there are a sufficient number of requests on this topic (it is believed that there should be at least 2000 per month), it means that people are interested in it, and you can use it to create your own information product.

Your topic should be relevant, profitable and popular. It may be popular in certain circles, it may be a narrow niche, but still the popularity must be sufficient for you to have a target audience willing to pay for your product.

You can follow the path of least resistance and create a manual on the topic “How to make a million in a short period of time, easily and simply, without knowledge, without experience, without investments, without putting much effort into it.”
You don't know HOW? Do you think the authors of numerous manuals on similar topics, which are already successfully sold, know this?

This is a very popular topic in certain circles, there are buyers for it, and there are many of them, I would even say there are a lot of them. Your target audience will be an inexhaustible army of “easy money” lovers.

I can’t say with 100% certainty, but I suspect that the BIGGEST MONEY is made in this niche.

Because the instinct of Freebies and Curiosity are the eternal companions of humanity

Those who understand this earn big money.

If you also want to earn big money, create your own product on the topic “How to easily and simply make a million.” I hope you have already realized that despite the fact that this is impossible, numerous products on this topic are successfully sold in huge quantities.

If you find yourself thinking that you also belong to the category we are talking about here, that’s okay. This can even be used, for example, when creating your own information product.

Describe your experience. For example: “I bought manuals in batches, but none of them brought me closer to the coveted million.

This happened until I realized: we should not buy, but sell!

Eureka, I exclaimed and set about creating my manual...” Well, etc.

If you don’t even know how to express your thoughts (this happens), you can use the services of freelancers.

And you will have your own information product, then a second, third, etc. You will have your own line of information products, which will definitely bring you profit.

But creating an information product is half the battle. In order for it to be sold and make a profit, it needs buyers.

How to show your creation to the world

Where to get buyers and how to advertise your product

It’s no longer a secret that the basis of successful sales on the Internet is its own base of loyal subscribers.

Therefore, any online business should start with exactly this: by creating a subscriber base.

Technically, this is not at all difficult; the most popular services Smartresponder or JustClick can help you. Despite the fact that they are quite easy to understand and the services themselves have free instructions and lessons, courses on how to use these services are successfully sold on the Internet. By the way, here’s another idea for creating an information product.

In order to start collecting a subscriber base, you need useful freebies. Where can I get it?

Of course, it is best to create it yourself, but this is not at all necessary.

On the Internet you can freely find a lot of books or courses from various authors who allow you to distribute them for free. This is not the best option, since these products usually contain links to resources from these authors, but it is quite acceptable.

You can also purchase or find free products with resale rights. In general, this is not a problem. Take it and do it.
Then you need to create a subscription page. If you don’t know how to do this, this is not a problem at all; many authors offer entire collections of excellent subscription pages in exchange for a subscription, and there are also services that allow you to create pages without any hassles or technical knowledge.

Write letters

This is perhaps the most crucial moment. For your newsletter to really bring you benefits in the form of profit, it must be of high quality.

Your readers should be delighted with your letters. Send them interesting and useful content. Do not overuse advertising in your newsletters. Take as much time as you need to do this. You are creating the foundation of your Internet business.

But what should I do if I don’t know how to write letters at all, you ask, so this whole information business with its good profits is not for me?
Of course, this is not a problem either! Now some Internet entrepreneurs offer a ready-made “turnkey business” that already contains all this: a free product, subscription pages, sales pages, ready-made series of letters for subscription, a paid product.

You can take advantage of these offers. But know that together with you, many others will take advantage of this, that is, you will have competitors. Maybe on the scale of the Internet this is nothing, but still, if you create something of your own, your Internet business will be more stable.

As a last resort, if you don’t know how to create anything at all and don’t want to learn it, you can do without your own products and mailings altogether, and simply promote affiliate products, which, with the right approach, can also bring good profits.

There are many options, the choice is yours.

The most important thing is to act.

Only actions lead to results

For this whole scheme to work long and successfully, it is desirable that the information contained in your products or in the affiliate products you advertise is relevant, so that the subscription and selling pages look beautiful and attractive, and the selling texts are composed correctly both in terms of spelling and in terms of copywriting and marketing, so that advertising is addressed to the target audience and reaches it.

Perhaps, if all these conditions are met, inevitable success awaits you!

However, it should be noted here that since we are talking about the sale of “air”, the issue of the quality of information is on your conscience.

Often, what matters most in terms of benefits for you is not the quality of information, but the way it is presented.

If your information is targeted at a specific audience, which we call
“lovers of freebies”, the most important thing is promises. Seduce your audience with sweet “iron” promises of “mountains of gold”. Tested - it works.

I emphasize once again that this is not a guide to action, but only a demonstration of possibilities.

Where and how to advertise

Visit the most popular mailing service Smartresponder. Choose thematic mailings that contain third-party advertising, contact the authors and negotiate advertising placement. It should be advertised in the form of a separate advertising letter.

First of all, you should pay attention to the subject of the newsletter and the number of subscribers. But it should be borne in mind that often good results are achieved by advertising not only in strictly thematic mailings, but also in related topics or even non-thematic ones to some extent. For example, people who want to learn a foreign language also want to learn how to make money on the Internet.

And the number of subscribers, unfortunately, does not always translate into quality. An equally important indicator is the open rate of emails. Request detailed statistics on subscribers from the authors of the newsletters, do not take their word for it, do not hesitate to do this, this is a normal working moment. Some mailing lists are created specifically to make money by placing paid advertising, and the authors of such mailing lists can be disingenuous, exaggerating the merits of their mailing list.

Be vigilant, if some authors themselves offer you “profitable advertising” in their mailings, first find out information about these authors, because instead of PR on a “mega-cool base of 100,000 people for mere pennies,” you may end up with nothing how. Yes, in this seemingly “white and fluffy” topic there are also individuals who want to “make money from fools,” do not let them deceive you.

Be sure to read the archive of the newsletter you are interested in, and if it is not there, subscribe to the newsletter to understand whether it is worth placing your advertisement in it.

Hi, friend!
You urgently need money, and are you already tired of jerking off to other people's stats? There is an exit!
The new mega-super-cool manual is already on sale! (here is your affiliate link)
Earn 3 (5-7-10-45) thousand rubles a day easily and simply, without special knowledge and skills! Only 2 days, only 7 copies left, they will be taken off sale soon, hurry up, don’t be late! Get there before they sell out! (here is your affiliate link)” Etc. and so on.

Of course, you understand that I am exaggerating, write a serious advertising letter with competent motivating text. Secret tip: don’t use the phrase “MOUNT BUTTON” - it doesn’t work anymore.

If not, don’t be lazy to work on it some more, this is a very important point on which half the success depends.

We looked at perhaps the most effective method of paid advertising (with the right choice of thematic mailings). If you learn to use this correctly, this will be enough, and you will not need to resort to other methods of paid advertising. I emphasize once again: the target audience is concentrated in thematic mailings. After all, these people themselves subscribed to a topic that interests them.

But if you wish, you can, of course, use other advertising methods.

Where else can you advertise?

Of course, there are a lot of free ways to get targeted traffic - social networks, thematic blogs and forums, article directories, your own blog or website... But this is a very long way.

To make a profit as quickly as possible, you still need to use paid methods to attract targeted traffic.

“Business from scratch” is no longer a business, but a leisurely walk along unsightly streets. Take a few right steps in the right direction - great neighborhoods await you!

If you imagine that your treasured million is on the roof of a skyscraper, free traffic means walking up the stairs. To use a high-speed elevator, you must use paid methods to attract targeted traffic, especially since large sums are not required.

The main paid ways to attract targeted traffic

  1. contextual advertising
  2. Teaser advertising.
  3. Banner advertising.
  4. Advertising in thematic groups on social networks.

Are you saying that you already know all this? Then why are you reading this?

Take action! Only actions lead to results.

Special attention should be paid to contextual advertising. Along with advertising in thematic mailings, this is another one of the most effective methods of advertising with which you can attract targeted visitors.

But you need to know how to use this method. It's not very simple, but it's also not as difficult as it might be, as you've heard.

Of course, paid advertising carries the risk of “wasting the budget,” that is, losing money. Therefore, before you place paid advertising, think about who it is addressed to. Imagine a portrait of your potential client, think about what he wants and offer him exactly that. Try to make an offer that he cannot refuse.

Consider all the nuances, including the appearance of the selling page, selling text, graphics, etc.

Use exit traffic. If a person leaves your page, don’t just let him go. Be sure to offer some tasty freebies to make him your subscriber.

There are excellent ready-made solutions for this, take a look and be sure to use them.

If your budget allows, you can try advertising on VKontakte, in thematic groups, contacting their administrators, or use advertising exchanges.

Advertising on thematic forums also gives good results.
In fact, there are a lot of options for advertising: context,
teasers, banners, advertising lines, etc. But this is a topic for a separate manual.

But, as you understand, no one can guarantee you the result. You act at your own risk.

But there is no business without risk. If you learn how to get targeted traffic on the Internet, you will never be short of money again.

Due to the incredible profitability of this business (selling information on the Internet), many payment acceptance services and affiliate program directories have appeared, such as Glopart, qwertypay, A-Pay, Paysystem, Pay24, etc.

They sell a lot of information products that are described as “water” or “dummy” or even “outright deception.” But in this regard, one cannot think that these are bad services.

These are just services - aggregators of affiliate programs and automatic payment acceptance, which provide favorable terms of cooperation to everyone - both authors and partners.

These services are very convenient, and you can use them too, you just need to learn how to choose products and “distinguish the wheat from the chaff.” These same services also offer high-quality, truly useful information products.

But, as we have already found out, you can make money on any information products, both high-quality and not so good. And, unfortunately, it’s even easier to make money on outright duds than on truly useful information, because the thirst for FREEbies is inextinguishable!

You can sell everything on the Internet

From the point of view of “air sellers”, who have the only goal - to make money, what is of great importance is not WHAT to sell, but HOW to sell.

As a rule, the authors of such information products, intended for those who like to get rich without effort, compose just such selling texts that have a very good effect on the audience to whom they are addressed, and therefore sell well.

If you liked the idea of ​​selling air, you can learn it too.

How to write sales texts that actually sell

There is a classic scheme for composing selling texts for selling pages.

  1. You must have a USP. Unique selling proposition. How is your offer different from others? What is your unique and attractive idea? Why should they buy from you? Define this at the very beginning and tell the potential buyer on your sales page.
  2. A catchy headline that attracts attention and contains information about solving the buyer’s problem.
  3. An introductory text that defines the problem of the target audience in more detail and reveals ways to solve it.
  4. The main selling text. Describes the problem of a potential buyer in detail and colorfully, suggests ways to solve it, lists the benefits, and describes the advantages of your product or offer.
  5. The proposal itself. Present your product with a face listing all the benefits and benefits. Re-emphasize his ability to solve the prospect's problems and briefly show how he will do it.
  6. Call to action. What must your visitor do to purchase the product? It would seem that this is already clear, but nevertheless, tell him about it.
    “Click buy now” and similar things work!
  7. Price. Show how much your product costs and why it's a good price. These could be discounts, crossed out old prices, time restrictions (“Today only!”, “Left until the price increases!..”, “Limited offer,” etc.)
  8. Create a feeling of scarcity (limited number of copies, limited sales time).
  9. Quality guarantee, guarantee of results, money back guarantee - these things also push the client to purchase.
  10. Place customer reviews on your sales page (of course, positive and preferably real).
  11. Offer useful bonuses or gifts. A good technique is to create intrigue in the form of an offer of a “secret bonus”, the contents of which the client can find out only after the purchase.
  12. Place the order button in the most visible place and make it beautiful, bright, and calling for action.
  13. In conclusion, you can tell the client how much he will lose if he does not buy your product and it will be just a cosmic loss of losses.

Advice. Don’t make your sales page too long, don’t forget the eternal truth: “brevity is the sister of talent.” Choose an attractive design for your sales page, post clear and specific information, without any fluff.

If we consider the “selling of air,” that is, information aimed primarily at making a profit, rather than caring for the client, there are certain nuances here.

For some time I analyzed products on the Glopart service that were among the “leaders of the week.” As a rule, what ended up here were not good quality products, but outright dummies that promised to teach you how to earn some specific large amount of money “per day”, “per month”,
“per day”, “per year”, “from scratch” or “today”.

What are their distinctive features?


The title is intriguing, attention-grabbing, sometimes even provocative.
It may include words and phrases: “secret”, “proven”, “how”, “automatically”, “unique”, “unparalleled”, “author’s”, “explosive”,
“step-by-step”, “ready-made”, “best”, “reliable”, “honest”, “stable”, “fast”, “exclusive”, “easy”, “today”, “turnkey”, “earn money”, “ from scratch”, “for beginners”, “on autopilot”, “hard”, “kit”, “really working”, “profitable”, “lifetime”, “without difficulty”, “guaranteed”.

But the most popular word is perhaps “money.”

Also, the headline may contain numbers promising a certain income for a certain period of time, for example: “from 3,000 rubles. per day”, “450 dollars per week”, “150,000 rub. in a day"; There is also such a trick as indicating specific non-integer numbers: “24478 rub. in one day”, “$1279 in the first month” - this arouses interest and trust in a potential client, it seems that the author himself has earned so much, which means he will teach me too.

The correct title is very important, it attracts the attention of potential buyers, as well as partners who want to sell your product, and the more partners you have, the greater the profit.

Create favorable conditions for partners.

If you learn to attract many partners, you will never have problems attracting traffic again, your partners will do it.

Sales page

Distinctive features of sales pages

If you don’t know yet, any reviews are also bought and sold. This is already a service, and there was also an information course on this topic.

A huge army of freebie lovers is an inexhaustible target audience that is ready to buy “magic methods of getting rich” again and again.

Some of this audience also consists of people suffering from curiosity. They understand perfectly well that truly working schemes for making money are not sold for pennies and they will again have to be disappointed in this next “masterpiece,” but nevertheless they buy. Just out of curiosity!

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: in order to earn good money on the Internet, you do not need to buy manuals about making money, but you need to sell them.

Those who create their own manuals and sell them with the help of numerous partners earn the most. If you learn to create products that are attractive to partners, you will no longer need to worry about anything, partners will provide you with traffic and sales, and you can only count your profit, and if you want to increase it, create new information products.

Affiliates who know how to choose products to promote and attract targeted traffic also earn good money. If you know how to attract targeted traffic, you don’t have to create your own information products, but sell affiliate ones.

Choose what you like best - and act!

I do not urge you to sell “poor quality air”, I just showed that this has a place, it brings good profits, and you can use it if you wish. But the choice, of course, is yours.

I wish you to earn a lot of money, but don’t forget that “you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty,” and even more so with money from the Internet.

History knows a wide variety of ideas that actually bring profit to their creators out of nothing. Just look at the value of a whole lot of stock exchange instruments, futures (?) and indices, speculative instruments, which, in fact, do not carry anything real except money. However, this is not even surprising, because the modern economic model has already become accustomed to such situations. The air sales business is already extremely strange.
How can you imagine that you can earn a lot of money by selling air? But we are not talking about the global volumes of supplied air. It is this original idea that we will talk about.

The essence of a new idea

The idea of ​​selling air is not new. Of course, we are not talking about the industrial scale of selling air to some ephemeral places where there is not enough of it, as is the case with water, for example. Since the middle of the last century, one could see empty bottles in souvenir shops around the world with the inscription, for example, “Air of Paris” or “Air of Venice.” Such souvenirs carry exclusively lyrical and psychological meaning and have no monetary value of their own. Actually, this is a souvenir in every sense. But as practice shows, vacationers are happy to pay a lot of money for the opportunity to take home a bottle filled with the atmosphere of the resort.

In Ukraine, since the 80s, it was possible to purchase Odessa air. Moreover, on the packaging it was indicated that the air was carefully collected on the streets of the city during Humorina, which only fueled the interest and feelings of tourists. The extraordinary value of such a souvenir is not understood by everyone. But if a person who has been to Odessa then looks at a jar of Odessa air, then the memories of the trip will definitely emerge in bright colors. A souvenir jar of air acts as a kind of beacon for memory.

This would not have been possible to find in Russia until recently. However, enterprising guys from St. Petersburg took up the task of correcting this unfortunate miscalculation. As they themselves said, such an idea arose just after a bottle filled with the air of Paris fell into their hands. It was at this moment that they were absorbed in finding new directions for their activities, and such a simple idea was just in time.

Beautiful wrapper and favorable presentation of your product

The decision to start selling air was made almost instantly. However, before practical implementation, many points had to be thought through. After all, it is not yet clear in what form the souvenir should be served, with what bag and label. How to organize all this and test it for suitability, and most importantly, profitability.

What is needed from a technical point of view:

  • air of St. Petersburg. There is plenty of this goodness, more than enough;
  • beautiful and symbolic jar;
  • equally attractive lid;
  • an attractive label indicating and describing the most valuable contents of the souvenir jar.

If with the air everything is extremely simple, especially since the first souvenirs were supposed to be identified with the air of St. Petersburg, then the remaining points still had to be guessed and calculated.

Tara was ultimately chosen to be extremely recognizable. It was the same as saury blanched in oil was once sold. Such a recognizable outline and appearance was also practical: compact and cheap.

The entrepreneurs had to tinker a bit with the lid. An ordinary lid is unremarkable and only makes the souvenir very prosaic. It was decided to use not a simple lid, but with a key to open it. It’s just that no one from domestic manufacturers has undertaken to produce these on the cheap. Ultimately, it was necessary to seek help abroad, so caps from Italy were chosen for the sale of air in cans. Although they were much more expensive than the can itself, compared to the overall picture, they did not particularly affect the cost of production. This is understandable, given the subject of trade.

It was decided not to bother with the label and make it simple and uncomplicated. And yet its contents could baffle anyone. After all, we decided to write everything as it is with only minor improvements.

The label featured an Angel from the Peter and Paul Fortress in contrast with the blue sky in the background. There was also an inscription Air of St. Petersburg with a repetition in English and understandable numbers 1703-2003. In addition, naturally there was also the composition of the product, how could it be otherwise. After all, the person who opened the jar should know what exactly he is getting. In the course of some deliberation, an excellent formula was adopted, which was later reflected on all similar souvenirs from St. Petersburg enterprising businessmen. The composition was designated as follows:

  • Air Nevsky Prospekt – 15%;
  • Petrodvorets Air – 2%;
  • Summer Garden Air – 50%;
  • Air of the Peter and Paul Fortress – 5%;
  • Air of Pushkin – 20%;
  • Air Pavlovsk – 5%
  • New Holland Air – 3%;

You can speculate as much as you like why this air ratio was chosen. You can even try to find some logic or ingenuity in this, but this is unlikely to reflect reality. Ultimately, this is the composition that was printed on the can of air sold, moreover, in Russian and English.

Protect your idea from attacks

Naturally, the question arose about acquiring certain rights to their products. Without this, it is simply impossible to count on running a profitable business, especially considering the subject of trade. The solution is patenting.

But taking into account the fact that the sale of air in cans is already widely used all over the world, patenting was decided to be carried out only in Russia, where no one had tried to do this before. A decision was made, and naturally it was implemented. After some time, a patent appeared for souvenir products in the form of cans with air. The wording of the patent itself is quite difficult to make out at a glance, which is quite understandable, because every patent must:

  • different from everything previous;
  • reflect the essence of the innovation as fully as possible, often in a veiled and intricate manner.

This helped in the future to legally discourage everyone else from profiting from the idea by simply copying it.

Trial batch, first results

Before the mass launch of production, especially when it comes to such a controversial thing, it was necessary to launch a trial batch for sale. This is the only way to evaluate the actual results and assume the liquidity of the business idea.

To begin with, we produced a batch of 1000 cans of St. Petersburg air and launched it for sale in a number of souvenir shops. The result of the test run was partly influenced by the choice of the manager responsible for distribution. He turned out to be a very dexterous and intelligent person, which was immediately evident from the way the souvenirs were sold out.

As expected, competitors appeared almost on the second day. But the patent, obtained earlier, allowed them to cool down their ardor and convince them that it was not worth interfering in someone else’s business, because there would be a considerable fine and administrative liability.

The popularization of a new product in the field of souvenirs was influenced by excellent marketing steps. Cans of air were offered to a prominent figure, who was then the head of a large corporation. He liked the idea, and he immediately ordered several hundred cans and distributed them as souvenirs among his subordinates, who also liked it.

Experimental copies were also provided for distribution among film festival visitors as part of gift sets.

Air sales business development

The stunning effect of the first batch led to an increase in turnover and expansion of the business. After some time, it was decided to sell the air not only of St. Petersburg, but also of Moscow, and then Lipetsk, Gelendzhik, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, etc. The composition naturally varied depending on the city and reflected the features and attractions of each of them.

In just 8 years of existence, savvy entrepreneurs have achieved sales volumes of over 30 thousand cans per year. Considering the considerable price of each of them and, keeping in mind the contents of the jar, the profits turn out to be very impressive. This is how it turns out that the air sales business is very successful and prosperous. In the same way, you can develop any other original business idea, even if at first glance it seems absurd or clumsy.