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Thoughts for every day read thick. Aphorisms for every day

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

Thoughts of wise people for every day

“During the serious illness of L. N. Tolstoy in January 1903, when his life hung by a thread and he could not devote himself to his usual work, he still found the strength to read the Gospel and, out of habit, every day tearing off the calendar that was in his bedroom, he read the collected there are sayings of various great people. But last year’s calendar came to an end, and Lev Nikolaevich, lacking anything else at hand, wanted to compose excerpts for himself from different thinkers for every day. Every day, while in bed, as much as his strength allowed, he made these extracts, and the result of this work was the book offered to readers.

This included selected thoughts of the following writers and sages: Epictetus, Diogenes, Marcus Aurelius, Socrates, Confucius, Buddha, Lao-Tse, Aristotle, Plato, St. Augustine and more modern ones: Pascal, Rousseau, Spinoza, Luther, Vauvenargues, Kant, Schiller, Bentham, Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Klinger, Thackeray, Dostoevsky, Vilmain, Ruskin, etc..».

"The Mediator", 1903

One winter, Francis walked with his brother Leo from Peruza to Porzionkul; it was so cold that they were shivering from the cold, Francis called Brother Leo, who was walking ahead, and said to him: “Oh, Brother Leo, God grant that our brothers set an example of holy life throughout the whole earth; “Write down, however, that this is not complete joy.”

“And write down, brother Lev, that if our brothers heal the sick, cast out demons, make the blind see, or raise the dead for four days, write down that there will be no complete joy in this either.”

And, going even further, Francis said to Leo: “Write down again, brother Leo, that if our brothers knew all languages, all sciences and all scriptures, if they prophesied not only about the future, but knew all the secrets of the conscience and soul, “Write down that there is no complete joy in this either.”

Having gone even further, Francis again called Leo and said: “And write down again, brother Leo, sheep of God, that if we learned to speak in the tongues of angels, if we knew the course of the stars, and if all the treasures of the earth were revealed to us, and we knew If only all the secrets of the lives of birds, fish, all animals, people, trees, stones and waters, write down that this would not be complete joy.”

And, having walked a little more, Francis again called Brother Leo and said to him: “Write down also that if we were such preachers that we would convert all the pagans to the faith of Christ, write down that there would be no complete joy in this either.”

Then Brother Leo said to Francis: “What, Brother Francis, is perfect joy?”

And Francis answered: “But this is what. What if, when we come to Portsionküll, dirty, wet, numb from the cold and hungry, and ask to be let in, and the gatekeeper tells us: “Why are you tramps wandering around the world, seducing people, stealing the alms of poor people, get out of here?” ! - and will not open it to us. And if we then are not offended and with humility and love think that the gatekeeper is right, that God Himself inspired him to do this to us, and wet, cold and hungry we will stay in the snow and in the water until the morning without complaining about the gatekeeper, then, brother Leo , only then will there be complete joy.”

People find it difficult, worry and worry only when they are busy with external affairs that do not depend on them. In these cases, they anxiously ask themselves: “What will I do? Will something happen? What will come of this? How would this or that not happen? This happens to those who constantly worry about what does not belong to them.

On the contrary, a person who is busy with what depends on him and dedicates his life to the work of self-improvement will not worry himself so much. If he began to worry about whether he would be able to adhere to the truth and avoid lies, then I would say: calm down - what worries you is in your own hands; look only at your thoughts and actions and try to correct yourself in every possible way. Don’t say: “Will something happen?” Whatever happens, you will turn it into learning and benefit.

– What if I die fighting misfortune?

- Well, what? In that case, you will die the death of an honest man, doing what you should do. You still need to die, and death should find you doing something. I would be pleased if death found me doing something worthy of a person, doing something good and useful to all people; or that she would catch me while I was trying to correct myself. Then I could raise my hands to God and say to Him: “Lord! You know Yourself how much I took advantage of what You gave me to understand Your laws. Have I reproached you? Did you resent what happened to me? Have you shirked your duty? I thank You for the fact that I was born, for all Your gifts. I have used them quite a lot: take them back and dispose of them as You please - after all, they are Yours!

Could there be a better death? To survive to such a death, you do not need to lose much, although, it is true, you will gain a lot by doing so. If you want to keep what is not yours, then you will certainly lose what is yours.

Anyone who wants to have success in worldly affairs does not sleep all night long, constantly fussing and fussing, fawning on strong people and generally acting like a vile person. And in the end, what did he achieve with all this? He achieved that he is surrounded with some honors, that he is feared and that, having become a boss, he controls some actions. Don’t you really want to work hard to free yourself from all such worries and sleep peacefully, fearing nothing and not suffering from anything? Know that such peace of mind does not come for free.


Whether our life ends with carnal death is a question of the greatest importance, and it is rare that a person does not think about it. Depending on whether we believe or not in eternal life, and our actions will be reasonable or senseless. Any reasonable act is necessarily based on confidence in the immortality of true life.

Therefore, our first concern should be to disassemble and understand what is immortal in life. Some people work hard to understand this for themselves. They recognize that their whole life must depend on it.

Other people, although they doubt immortality, are sincerely tormented by their doubt and consider it their greatest misfortune. They spare nothing just to find out the truth, tirelessly seek it and consider this the most important thing in their lives.

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From the publishers

During the serious illness of L. N. Tolstoy in January 1903, when his life hung by a thread and he could not devote himself to his usual work, he still found the strength to read the Gospel and, out of habit, every day tearing off the calendar that was in his bedroom, read the collections there. sayings of various great people. But last year’s calendar came to an end, and Lev Nikolaevich, lacking anything else at hand, wanted to compose excerpts for himself from different thinkers for every day. Every day, while in bed, as much as his strength allowed, he made these extracts, and the result of this work was the book offered to readers.

This included selected thoughts of the following writers and sages: Epictetus, Diogenes, Marcus Aurelius, Socrates, Confucius, Buddha, Lao-Tse, Aristotle, Plato, St. Augustine and more modern ones - Pascal, Rousseau, Spinoza, Luther, Beauvenargues, Kant, Schiller, Bentham, Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Klinger, Thackeray, Dostoevsky, Bielman, Ruskin and others.

1st of January

One winter, Francis walked with his brother Leo from Peruza to Porzionkul; it was so cold that they were shivering from the cold. Francis called Brother Leo, who was walking ahead, and said to him: “O Brother Leo, God grant that our brothers set an example of a holy life throughout the whole earth; write down, however, that this is not where perfect joy lies.”

“And write down, brother Lev, that if our brothers heal the sick, cast out demons, make the blind see, or raise the dead for four days, write down that there will be no complete joy in this either.”

“Write down, brother Lev, that if our brothers knew all languages, all sciences and all scriptures, if they prophesied not only about the future, but knew all the secrets of conscience and soul, write down that there is no complete joy in this either.” .

Having gone even further, Francis again called Leo and said: “And write down, brother Leo, sheep of God, that if we learned to speak in the languages ​​of angels, if we knew the course of the stars and if all the treasures of the earth were revealed to us and we knew everything the secrets of the lives of birds, fish, all animals, people, trees, stones and waters - write down that even this would not be complete joy.”

And, having walked a little more, Francis again called Brother Leo and said to him: “Write down also that if we were such preachers that we would convert all the pagans to the faith of Christ, write down that there would be no complete joy in this either.”

Then Brother Leo said to Francis: “What, Brother Francis, is perfect joy?”

And Francis answered: “But this is what. What if, when we come to Portsionküll, dirty, wet, numb from the cold and hungry, and ask to be let in, and the gatekeeper tells us: “Why are you tramps wandering around the world, seducing people, stealing the alms of poor people, get out of here?” !” - and will not open it to us. And if we then are not offended and with humility and love think that the gatekeeper is right, that God Himself inspired him to do this to us, and wet, cold and hungry we will stay in the snow and in the water until the morning without complaining about the gatekeeper, then, brother Leo , only then will there be complete joy.”

January 2

People find it difficult, worry and worry only when they are busy with external affairs that do not depend on them. In these cases, they anxiously ask themselves: “What will I do? will something happen? what will come of this? lest this or that happen?” This happens to those who constantly worry about what does not belong to them. On the contrary, a person who is busy with what depends on him and dedicates his life to the work of self-improvement will not worry himself so much. If he had not worried about whether he would be able to adhere to the truth and avoid lies, then I would say: calm down, what worries you is in your own hands; look only at your thoughts and actions and try to correct yourself in every possible way. Don’t say: “Will something happen?” Whatever happens, you will turn it into learning and benefit.

– What if I die fighting misfortune?

- Well, what? In that case, you will die the death of an honest man, doing what you should do. You still need to die, and death should find you doing something. I would be pleased if death found me doing something worthy of a person, doing something good and useful to all people; or that she would catch me while I was trying to correct myself. Then I could raise my hands to God and say to Him: “Lord! You know Yourself how much I took advantage of what You gave me to understand Your laws. Have I reproached you? Did you resent what happened to me? Have you shirked your duty? I thank You for the fact that I was born, for all Your gifts. I have used them quite a lot: take them back and dispose of them as You please - after all, they are Yours!

Could there be a better death? To survive to such a death, you do not need to lose much, although, it is true, you will gain a lot by doing so. If you want to keep what is not yours, then you will certainly lose what is yours.

Anyone who wants to have success in worldly affairs does not sleep all night long, constantly fussing and fussing, fawning on strong people and generally acting like a vile person. And, in the end, what did he achieve with all this? He achieved that he is surrounded with some honors, that he is feared and that, having become a boss, he controls some actions. Don’t you really want to work hard to free yourself from all such worries and sleep peacefully, fearing nothing and not suffering from anything? Know that such peace of mind does not come for free.


January 3

Whether our life ends with carnal death is a question of the greatest importance, and it is rare that a person does not think about it. Depending on whether we believe or not in eternal life, our actions will be reasonable or senseless. Any reasonable act is necessarily based on confidence in the immortality of true life.

Therefore, our first concern should be to disassemble and understand what is immortal in life. Some people work hard to understand this. They recognize that their whole life must depend on it.

Other people, although they doubt immortality, are sincerely tormented by their doubt and consider it their greatest misfortune. They spare nothing just to find out the truth, they tirelessly seek it and consider this the most important thing in their lives.

But there are also people who don’t think about it at all. Their carelessness, where it concerns themselves, surprises, outrages and confuses me.

Blaise Pascal

4 January

Judge not lest ye be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not feel the plank in your own eye? Or, as you say to your brother: let me take the speck out of your eye; But is there a beam in your eye? Hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Matt. VII. 1–5

It is easy to notice the errors of others, but difficult to notice your own; They love to understand the mistakes of their loved ones, but they hide their own, just as a rogue tries to hide his false dice.

A person is inclined to constantly blame others: he looks only at their mistakes, but his own passions grow more and more, removing him from improvement.

Buddhist wisdom

5 January

Do not judge your neighbor until you are in his place.


One thing we know, or can know if we want, namely: that the heart and conscience of man are divine, that in the denial of evil and the recognition of good, man himself is an incarnate deity; that his joy in love, his suffering in anger, his indignation at injustice, his glory in self-sacrifice, are eternal, indisputable proofs of his unity with the Supreme Sovereign; that in this, and not in bodily advantages and not in a greater variety of instincts, he himself is the ruler over the lower animate world. Because he denies or violates the dictates of the heart and conscience, because he dishonors the name of the Heavenly Father, and does not sanctify His name on earth; since he follows them, he sanctifies His name and receives from the fullness of His power.

John Ruskin

6th January

One whose faith is weak cannot arouse faith in others.

Lao Tse

The sin of the whole world is, in essence, the sin of Judas. People do not believe in their Christ, but sell Him.

John Ruskin

Jan. 7

Whoever has laid down his life in the light of understanding and serves it, there can be no desperate situations in life, he does not know the torment of conscience, is not afraid of loneliness and does not seek noisy society - he has a higher life, does not run away from people and does not chase after them. He is not confused by thoughts about how long his spirit is imprisoned in a fleshly shell; the actions of such a person will always be the same, even in view of his imminent death. For him, one concern is to live wisely in peaceful communication with people.

Marcus Aurelius

January 8

The pious, the people of action, say: glory to our youth, which has not disgraced our old age.

The penitents say: glory to our old age, redeeming our youth.

But both of them say: it is good for him who is sinless, but for those who have sinned, repent, correct yourself, and you will be forgiven.


January 9

A person standing on tiptoes cannot stand for long. A person who exposes himself cannot shine. He who is satisfied with himself cannot become famous. He who boasts cannot have merit. He who is proud cannot rise. Before the court of reason, such people are like waste food and are disgusted by everyone. Therefore, he who has understanding does not rely on himself.

Lao Tse

January 10

He who hates his neighbor, as it were, sheds human blood.


The one whose anger has no boundaries, the one who is entwined with it like a dodder, will soon lead himself to where only his worst enemy would like to push him.

Fresh strained milk does not sour, an evil deed does not immediately bear fruit, but, like a fire buried in warmth, it gradually burns and torments the madman.

Buddhist wisdom

“Thoughts of wise people for every day” (1903) is the first of four sets of aphorisms created by Leo Tolstoy in the 1900s. This collection owes its name to the famous “Thoughts” of Blaise Pascal, the reading of which made a great impression on the writer, as well as to numerous collections of teachings written by the Fathers of the Church. Tolstoy's goal was to compile a book where the most pressing issues for man would be discussed through the lips of the great. The result of studying and collecting “the fruitful thoughts of various writers” was a book where, under one cover, the statements of thinkers of the past and present are combined, including St. Augustine, Aristotle, Confucius, Mohammed, Socrates, Seneca, Spinoza, Goethe, Voltaire and many others. The collection also includes aphorisms from Tolstoy himself - about the meaning of life, about spiritual birth and growth, about temptations and repentance, about false and true knowledge.

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Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

Thoughts of wise people for every day

“During the serious illness of L. N. Tolstoy in January 1903, when his life hung by a thread and he could not devote himself to his usual work, he still found the strength to read the Gospel and, out of habit, every day tearing off the calendar that was in his bedroom, he read the collected there are sayings of various great people. But last year’s calendar came to an end, and Lev Nikolaevich, lacking anything else at hand, wanted to compose excerpts for himself from different thinkers for every day. Every day, while in bed, as much as his strength allowed, he made these extracts, and the result of this work was the book offered to readers.

This included selected thoughts of the following writers and sages: Epictetus, Diogenes, Marcus Aurelius, Socrates, Confucius, Buddha, Lao-Tse, Aristotle, Plato, St. Augustine and more modern ones: Pascal, Rousseau, Spinoza, Luther, Vauvenargues, Kant, Schiller, Bentham, Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Klinger, Thackeray, Dostoevsky, Vilmain, Ruskin, etc..».

"The Mediator", 1903

One winter, Francis walked with his brother Leo from Peruza to Porzionkul; it was so cold that they were shivering from the cold, Francis called Brother Leo, who was walking ahead, and said to him: “Oh, Brother Leo, God grant that our brothers set an example of holy life throughout the whole earth; “Write down, however, that this is not complete joy.”

“And write down, brother Lev, that if our brothers heal the sick, cast out demons, make the blind see, or raise the dead for four days, write down that there will be no complete joy in this either.”

And, going even further, Francis said to Leo: “Write down again, brother Leo, that if our brothers knew all languages, all sciences and all scriptures, if they prophesied not only about the future, but knew all the secrets of the conscience and soul, “Write down that there is no complete joy in this either.”

Having gone even further, Francis again called Leo and said: “And write down again, brother Leo, sheep of God, that if we learned to speak in the tongues of angels, if we knew the course of the stars, and if all the treasures of the earth were revealed to us, and we knew If only all the secrets of the lives of birds, fish, all animals, people, trees, stones and waters, write down that this would not be complete joy.”

And, having walked a little more, Francis again called Brother Leo and said to him: “Write down also that if we were such preachers that we would convert all the pagans to the faith of Christ, write down that there would be no complete joy in this either.”

Then Brother Leo said to Francis: “What, Brother Francis, is perfect joy?”

And Francis answered: “But this is what. What if, when we come to Portsionküll, dirty, wet, numb from the cold and hungry, and ask to be let in, and the gatekeeper tells us: “Why are you tramps wandering around the world, seducing people, stealing the alms of poor people, get out of here?” ! - and will not open it to us. And if we then are not offended and with humility and love think that the gatekeeper is right, that God Himself inspired him to do this to us, and wet, cold and hungry we will stay in the snow and in the water until the morning without complaining about the gatekeeper, then, brother Leo , only then will there be complete joy.”

People find it difficult, worry and worry only when they are busy with external affairs that do not depend on them. In these cases, they anxiously ask themselves: “What will I do? Will something happen? What will come of this? How would this or that not happen? This happens to those who constantly worry about what does not belong to them.

On the contrary, a person who is busy with what depends on him and dedicates his life to the work of self-improvement will not worry himself so much. If he began to worry about whether he would be able to adhere to the truth and avoid lies, then I would say: calm down - what worries you is in your own hands; look only at your thoughts and actions and try to correct yourself in every possible way. Don’t say: “Will something happen?” Whatever happens, you will turn it into learning and benefit.

– What if I die fighting misfortune?

- Well, what? In that case, you will die the death of an honest man, doing what you should do. You still need to die, and death should find you doing something. I would be pleased if death found me doing something worthy of a person, doing something good and useful to all people; or that she would catch me while I was trying to correct myself. Then I could raise my hands to God and say to Him: “Lord! You know Yourself how much I took advantage of what You gave me to understand Your laws. Have I reproached you? Did you resent what happened to me? Have you shirked your duty? I thank You for the fact that I was born, for all Your gifts. I have used them quite a lot: take them back and dispose of them as You please - after all, they are Yours!

Could there be a better death? To survive to such a death, you do not need to lose much, although, it is true, you will gain a lot by doing so. If you want to keep what is not yours, then you will certainly lose what is yours.

Anyone who wants to have success in worldly affairs does not sleep all night long, constantly fussing and fussing, fawning on strong people and generally acting like a vile person. And in the end, what did he achieve with all this? He achieved that he is surrounded with some honors, that he is feared and that, having become a boss, he controls some actions. Don’t you really want to work hard to free yourself from all such worries and sleep peacefully, fearing nothing and not suffering from anything? Know that such peace of mind does not come for free.


Whether our life ends with carnal death is a question of the greatest importance, and it is rare that a person does not think about it. Depending on whether we believe or not in eternal life, our actions will be reasonable or senseless. Any reasonable act is necessarily based on confidence in the immortality of true life.

Therefore, our first concern should be to disassemble and understand what is immortal in life. Some people work hard to understand this for themselves. They recognize that their whole life must depend on it.

Other people, although they doubt immortality, are sincerely tormented by their doubt and consider it their greatest misfortune. They spare nothing just to find out the truth, tirelessly seek it and consider this the most important thing in their lives.

But there are also people who don’t think about it at all. Their carelessness when it comes to themselves surprises, outrages and frightens me.

(Vlas Pascal)

Judge not lest ye be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not feel the plank in your own eye? Or how will you say to your brother: Let me take the speck out of your eye, but there is a beam in your eye? Hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

(Mm. VII, 1–5)

It is easy to notice the errors of others, but difficult to notice your own; They love to understand the mistakes of their loved ones, but they hide their own, just as a rogue tries to hide his false dice.

A person is inclined to constantly blame others: he looks only at their mistakes, but his own passions grow more and more, removing him from improvement.

(Buddhist wisdom)

Do not judge your neighbor until you are in his place.


One thing we know, or can know if we want, namely, that the heart and conscience of man are divine, that in the denial of evil and the recognition of good, man himself is an incarnate deity; that his joy in love, his suffering in anger, his indignation at the sight of injustice, his glory in self-sacrifice, are eternal, indisputable proofs of his unity with the supreme Sovereign; that in this, and not in bodily advantages and not in a greater variety of instincts, he himself is the ruler over the lower animate world. Since he denies or violates the dictates of his heart and conscience, he dishonors the name of the heavenly Father, and does not sanctify His name on earth; since he follows them, he sanctifies His name and receives from the fullness of His power.

(John Ruskin)

One whose faith is weak cannot arouse faith in others.


The sin of the whole world is, in essence, the sin of Judas. People do not disbelieve in their Christ, but sell Him.

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

Thoughts of wise people for every day

“During the serious illness of L. N. Tolstoy in January 1903, when his life hung by a thread and he could not devote himself to his usual work, he still found the strength to read the Gospel and, out of habit, every day tearing off the calendar that was in his bedroom, he read the collected there are sayings of various great people. But last year’s calendar came to an end, and Lev Nikolaevich, lacking anything else at hand, wanted to compose excerpts for himself from different thinkers for every day. Every day, while in bed, as much as his strength allowed, he made these extracts, and the result of this work was the book offered to readers.

This included selected thoughts of the following writers and sages: Epictetus, Diogenes, Marcus Aurelius, Socrates, Confucius, Buddha, Lao-Tse, Aristotle, Plato, St. Augustine and more modern ones: Pascal, Rousseau, Spinoza, Luther, Vauvenargues, Kant, Schiller, Bentham, Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Klinger, Thackeray, Dostoevsky, Vilmain, Ruskin, etc..».

"The Mediator", 1903

One winter, Francis walked with his brother Leo from Peruza to Porzionkul; it was so cold that they were shivering from the cold, Francis called Brother Leo, who was walking ahead, and said to him: “Oh, Brother Leo, God grant that our brothers set an example of holy life throughout the whole earth; “Write down, however, that this is not complete joy.”

“And write down, brother Lev, that if our brothers heal the sick, cast out demons, make the blind see, or raise the dead for four days, write down that there will be no complete joy in this either.”

And, going even further, Francis said to Leo: “Write down again, brother Leo, that if our brothers knew all languages, all sciences and all scriptures, if they prophesied not only about the future, but knew all the secrets of the conscience and soul, “Write down that there is no complete joy in this either.”

Having gone even further, Francis again called Leo and said: “And write down again, brother Leo, sheep of God, that if we learned to speak in the tongues of angels, if we knew the course of the stars, and if all the treasures of the earth were revealed to us, and we knew If only all the secrets of the lives of birds, fish, all animals, people, trees, stones and waters, write down that this would not be complete joy.”

And, having walked a little more, Francis again called Brother Leo and said to him: “Write down also that if we were such preachers that we would convert all the pagans to the faith of Christ, write down that there would be no complete joy in this either.”

Then Brother Leo said to Francis: “What, Brother Francis, is perfect joy?”

And Francis answered: “But this is what. What if, when we come to Portsionküll, dirty, wet, numb from the cold and hungry, and ask to be let in, and the gatekeeper tells us: “Why are you tramps wandering around the world, seducing people, stealing the alms of poor people, get out of here?” ! - and will not open it to us. And if we then are not offended and with humility and love think that the gatekeeper is right, that God Himself inspired him to do this to us, and wet, cold and hungry we will stay in the snow and in the water until the morning without complaining about the gatekeeper, then, brother Leo , only then will there be complete joy.”

People find it difficult, worry and worry only when they are busy with external affairs that do not depend on them. In these cases, they anxiously ask themselves: “What will I do? Will something happen? What will come of this? How would this or that not happen? This happens to those who constantly worry about what does not belong to them.

On the contrary, a person who is busy with what depends on him and dedicates his life to the work of self-improvement will not worry himself so much. If he began to worry about whether he would be able to adhere to the truth and avoid lies, then I would say: calm down - what worries you is in your own hands; look only at your thoughts and actions and try to correct yourself in every possible way. Don’t say: “Will something happen?” Whatever happens, you will turn it into learning and benefit.

– What if I die fighting misfortune?

- Well, what? In that case, you will die the death of an honest man, doing what you should do. You still need to die, and death should find you doing something. I would be pleased if death found me doing something worthy of a person, doing something good and useful to all people; or that she would catch me while I was trying to correct myself. Then I could raise my hands to God and say to Him: “Lord! You know Yourself how much I took advantage of what You gave me to understand Your laws. Have I reproached you? Did you resent what happened to me? Have you shirked your duty? I thank You for the fact that I was born, for all Your gifts. I have used them quite a lot: take them back and dispose of them as You please - after all, they are Yours!

Could there be a better death? To survive to such a death, you do not need to lose much, although, it is true, you will gain a lot by doing so. If you want to keep what is not yours, then you will certainly lose what is yours.

Anyone who wants to have success in worldly affairs does not sleep all night long, constantly fussing and fussing, fawning on strong people and generally acting like a vile person. And in the end, what did he achieve with all this? He achieved that he is surrounded with some honors, that he is feared and that, having become a boss, he controls some actions. Don’t you really want to work hard to free yourself from all such worries and sleep peacefully, fearing nothing and not suffering from anything? Know that such peace of mind does not come for free.


Whether our life ends with carnal death is a question of the greatest importance, and it is rare that a person does not think about it. Depending on whether we believe or not in eternal life, our actions will be reasonable or senseless. Any reasonable act is necessarily based on confidence in the immortality of true life.

Therefore, our first concern should be to disassemble and understand what is immortal in life. Some people work hard to understand this for themselves. They recognize that their whole life must depend on it.

Other people, although they doubt immortality, are sincerely tormented by their doubt and consider it their greatest misfortune. They spare nothing just to find out the truth, tirelessly seek it and consider this the most important thing in their lives.

But there are also people who don’t think about it at all. Their carelessness when it comes to themselves surprises, outrages and frightens me.

(Vlas Pascal)

Judge not lest ye be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not feel the plank in your own eye? Or how will you say to your brother: Let me take the speck out of your eye, but there is a beam in your eye? Hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

(Mm. VII, 1–5)

It is easy to notice the errors of others, but difficult to notice your own; They love to understand the mistakes of their loved ones, but they hide their own, just as a rogue tries to hide his false dice.

A person is inclined to constantly blame others: he looks only at their mistakes, but his own passions grow more and more, removing him from improvement.

(Buddhist wisdom)

Do not judge your neighbor until you are in his place.


One thing we know, or can know if we want, namely, that the heart and conscience of man are divine, that in the denial of evil and the recognition of good, man himself is an incarnate deity; that his joy in love, his suffering in anger, his indignation at the sight of injustice, his glory in self-sacrifice, are eternal, indisputable proofs of his unity with the supreme Sovereign; that in this, and not in bodily advantages and not in a greater variety of instincts, he himself is the ruler over the lower animate world. Since he denies or violates the dictates of his heart and conscience, he dishonors the name of the heavenly Father, and does not sanctify His name on earth; since he follows them, he sanctifies His name and receives from the fullness of His power.

(John Ruskin)

One whose faith is weak cannot arouse faith in others.


The sin of the whole world is, in essence, the sin of Judas. People do not disbelieve in their Christ, but sell Him.