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Starting a small business from scratch: ideas and rules of conduct. I want to open my own business, where to start? Business ideas for beginners

In a financial crisis, when the number of jobs is declining, but at the same time the consumer and service sectors remain in demand, ideas or even businesses from scratch occupy the minds of ordinary citizens.

The desire to find opportunities for additional income is an important reason for searching for activities without capital investments. The benefit of such a business can be considered a minimal amount of risks, and if a person believes that he is strong in some area, then this will serve as an additional guarantee of the success of the new endeavor.

Business from scratch - does it happen?

No, such a business does not exist. In any case, you will have to invest:

  1. Education.
  2. If there is no education, time.
  3. And, in any case, great enthusiasm.

There is a point of view that all the proposed ideas for beginners are not a business, but a craft. But there are no other options with a zero start. If there is no money for hired workers, you have to be your own hired worker. And only with the growth of your business, your own skills, abilities and income, will it be possible to delegate some of your functions to someone else. Moreover, very often even “grown” small businessmen are forced to create an adequate replacement for themselves over the years. This is the specificity of small business. Small business is a way of life. To dream that in a couple of years the gears will turn without any of your participation is at least naive.

This material contains proven ideas in which you can still find your niche. Think about what your highlight is among the masses of the same, and go ahead. Each of these ideas fits perfectly into the “low start” requirements.

Types of businesses you can start without large investments

We will present at least 100 ideas that allow... There is no clear division into separate groups, but for a better understanding of the field in which you can go, we will accept a conditional classification by type:


Automotive business ideas

The best ideas in the car business include the following:

Earn money online

For women

Video review

This article from To Biz looks at the newest ideas of 2017, and the authors argue that these ideas are indeed promising, work, but have not yet become too competitive.


The production sector includes a large number of different ideas, but you should be prepared that a certain amount of start-up capital will be required.

Creative ideas

Some business ideas may initially be results-oriented because they are creative and unusual.

Home business

You can also find ways to earn money while sitting at home. Most home ideas are related to the hand-made industry.

Ideas for 2017

Every year new types of business appear, designed to generate, albeit small, income and capable of meeting the needs of society.

Ideas in crisis

In the wake of the crisis, you should choose business ideas in areas that remain in demand even with the scarcity of potential clients.

Ideas for business in Moscow

It is difficult to surprise the metropolitan public, and the market is so saturated that ideas are required that are either not yet very developed or have competitive advantages.

Some examples of investments and payback periods for a business idea

The main thing that will concern everyone who decides to open their own business is the amount of investment and the payback period of the project.

Business idea Investment amount Skills Payback period
Tutoring ——— Knowledge in a specific field, diploma Depending on the number of students
Vending massage 1 chair 35 thousand rubles Not required 1 person - 100 rubles, per day throughput 10 people = 1000 rubles. 30 thousand per month. Payback in three months
Mafia game or similar Renting premises and organizing advertising (approximately 30,000) Not required Income per month 28,000, payback two months
Sewing clothes for pets Buying fabric, 1 meter = 300-500 rubles Sewing skills One ready-made suit costs from 1500 to 2000. Payback period is a month
Home beauty salon 30,000 rubles Knowledge of hairdressing 4-5 months

Opening your own business with minimal investment is real. The most important thing at the initial stage is to monitor the market situation, identify a niche area and draw up a business plan. Next you will need only perseverance and desire to make a profit. You should not expect that the money will flow like a river; in the first months you will have to work hard.

Good day! Today we'll talk about small business from scratch for beginning businessmen.

As usual, before starting to write the article, I browsed the Internet and was not at all surprised by what I saw in the first TOP10 articles. Anything: business ideas for small businesses in 7 articles is exactly this information, which of course is not at all what the user wants to know.

I have neither the strength nor the desire to criticize the articles themselves and their ideas (although I should do this).

I will describe how to start a small business for beginners and all its main points:

Small business for beginners

If you decide to connect your life with business, then a small business is exactly the first thing a beginner will encounter.

As everyone knows, everything great begins with small things, the same is true with business. Afterwards, in case of successful start and development of a small business, it will grow into a medium-sized one and, God forbid, into a large business.

Although, by and large, about 99% of entrepreneurs remain in small businesses.

Money for small businesses

Unlike medium and large businesses, you can start your own small business without money.

That is, we define two areas of small business:

  • Small business without investment. This business is based on providing services. That is, in a small business without financial investment, you invest your professional knowledge and time;
  • Small business with investments. This business can be based on services (some of them require the purchase of expensive equipment), on opening a catering establishment, opening a store or small production.

So you and I have reached the areas in which small businesses operate:

Small business activities for beginners

  1. . Originally a business that is classified as small and about 50% of small businesses are involved in the service sector (for beginners I would recommend starting your business in the service sector);
  2. . Also, this small business is started by beginners who have something to invest besides their knowledge, that is, money. If we consider a small business in public catering, its size of the total is about 15%;
  3. . Many newcomers start their small business by trading, opening a store or their own boutique. In small businesses, trade takes up about 25%. Subsequently, with competent management in trade, it is not so difficult to move into medium-sized business;
  4. Production. Beginners rarely start their business with production. There are reasons for this, of course. It is difficult for a beginner to organize his own small business in production, even if he has money, and it is precisely the lack of experience that hinders him. The share of small-scale production does not exceed 10%.

Sooner or later, many people take their first steps in business. Some people burn out in the first years of their existence, while others create companies that become examples of success and profitability. So, what will allow the company to stay afloat in its infancy and bring the day closer when the enterprise reaches the level of self-sufficiency? To do this, you need to follow simple instructions that tell you how to develop your business.

The first step is choosing a sphere

Business is the child of the entrepreneur. And its creation in the same way requires clear planning and multifaceted preparation of its parent. The very first stage of this planning will be choosing a niche for the enterprise.

Starting your own business is an important decision. First you need to determine the priority direction. What is most suitable for an entrepreneur meets his interests, needs and desires.

A small test will help you choose a niche. It may be familiar to many, but it is quite effective and simple. All human actions can be divided into three main groups:

Favorite things

This includes all activities in which a person enjoys doing. Those things that he can do for free, solely for the sake of pleasant sensations.

Income cases

Various human activities that can be paid for by people. Even if you don’t have a full-time job, there are things that other people are willing to pay for. If the future entrepreneur cannot answer this question for himself, then he can turn to his friends or colleagues.

High class affairs

Even a gray mouse can be strong, but in something of its own, special.

Perhaps the businessman is not the brightest representative in this area, but he is much better than those around him. If it is difficult for yourself to answer this question, you can again turn to friends or, rather, to their requests. The subject of their request shows professionalism in this regard.

As a result, three groups will be formed, some points of which may overlap. They will be the best options for opening a small business. In the end, it doesn’t matter what the choice falls on. The main thing is to do one thing without being distracted by anything else. The best results will be achieved when the entrepreneur is enthusiastic.

The problem is that about 80% of people never decide on a niche in which to open their own small business. They are subject to daydreaming and hopeless planning during a period when they can try their business in different directions.

Having dealt with the point that explains how to find yourself in business, you can proceed to the next step - identifying advantages over possible competitors. With such an analysis, the scope does not matter; first of all, the products or services produced by the enterprise are analyzed.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a business for aspiring entrepreneurs can be obtained at a free online seminar conducted by our partners.

You will learn:

  • How to choose a business idea without wasting time and money?
  • How to create a business without investing your own money?
  • How to create a selling website, run advertising for free and immediately receive your first orders?
  • How to prepare documents and receive the first money from clients?
  • Step-by-step plan for starting your own business.

Competitiveness is everything

The positive result of choosing a niche should be consolidated with the next step - planning competitive goods or services, depending on the area. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the products of possible competitors for the purpose of qualitative comparison. As a result, you will get a list that will become the foundation for creating your own products that are superior to the competition.

In addition, the enterprise’s business plan must include the main ways to maintain its level of competitiveness. In modern market conditions, several methods are distinguished:


This method uses enterprise pricing policy management. To begin with, the entrepreneur reduces the cost of products, attracting increased demand. Having gained a leading position and a good reputation, the company returns prices to the previous level or increases them by a certain percentage.

However, as practice shows, this method can lead to confusion. So, at the end of the 20th century, a certain American corporation for the production of aluminum products began to reduce prices until they lost profitability. The main competitors, seeing this, also followed suit. As a result, cheap resources from European countries poured into the American market, which led to the bankruptcy of the Americans.


The second millennium became the founder of the use of this method. It is based on improving the quality of products and services, its maintenance and many other factors. Organizing your business taking into account the non-price method implies increased attention to:

  1. Quality.
  2. Safe use and product reliability.
  3. Economical use of products.
  4. Ease of use of the product.
  5. Environmentally friendly.
  6. Production speeds.
  7. Advertising.


This method is closely related to the above, but their use is punishable by law. Even if the state does not find out about this, competitors will not put up with such boorish behavior of the entrepreneur.

Planning a competitive product will reduce the time it takes for an enterprise to reach self-sufficiency. After preparing the so-called “menu” of the company, it is worth moving on to the next step, which allows you to reduce the costs of starting a small business.

Using tax laws to your advantage

Any enterprise is faced with the fact that its activities are subject to state tax. And in order not to wait for tax “surprises” in the future, you need to prepare for them at the business planning stage. This is one of the most important stages of instructions on how to properly start your business. An analysis of tax legislation and possible government subsidies will allow you to plan start-up capital, which will be discussed below.

Tax legislation provides a choice of tax payment system for various types of business. There may not be many of them, but they exist.

General system

A standard complex, which is the least convenient and profitable for entrepreneurs. It includes all types of taxes, all payments have deadlines and established reporting forms, full accounting is required, and much more. Only large companies can benefit from this system

Special Modes

The purpose of such systems is to make accounting easier, lower the level of taxes and facilitate the preparation of reporting on them. The most common voluntary options are the simplified tax system (USNO) and the use of patents. In the mandatory section, UTII took first place.

In addition, there are various modes that can be used by enterprises that meet certain criteria:

  • Unified agricultural tax. Any enterprise engaged in the production of agricultural products can count on its use;
  • The system used in the implementation of production sharing agreements.

Planning the taxation of an enterprise at the stage of organizing a business is the most profitable option. Small business taxes can be minimized and additional benefits can be obtained from the state. However, starting from 2015, tax holidays will apply for some enterprises falling under certain areas of production, which will allow them to be exempt from paying taxes for 1-3 years.

Business planning

A business plan is essentially the initial foundation of an enterprise.

It is on the basis of the plan that the business will be created and developed. The stability of the company in the first years of its existence depends on how well the information is analyzed and costs are calculated.

Many novice entrepreneurs have no idea how to write a business plan and are happy to hand over large sums to writing firms. However, compilation does not require supernatural abilities and can be done by almost anyone who is at least slightly familiar with economics.

What it is?

This is a document necessary in the further development of the company. It indicates all the moments from the beginning of creation to the achievement of the intended goal. It outlines the objectives, various strategies, advertising campaigns, product sales process, etc.


All information is presented in short but understandable sentences, in which there is virtually no use of specialized terms. The business plan must be understandable to potential investors or lending institutions. It is also worth considering that at first the company’s personnel will work in accordance with the plan. This is another plus in favor of using simple language.

The main guideline for the plan is the end result. The detail of the description of the goal will be an additional advantage of the enterprise to investors.

Do not forget that at first the enterprise will be managed according to plan. That is why it must contain various development strategies, basic financial instruments and ways to attract additional funds. The more carefully the organizer approaches the preparation of a business plan, the less you will have to struggle with drawing up temporary plans during the operation of the company.

Things to think about

Before drawing up a plan, you need to refer to the information you have already received and carefully consider some issues that will certainly affect the enterprise in the future:

  • Is there a possibility of entering a large domestic market and, subsequently, a foreign one?;
  • What will be the demand for products or services depending on the economic situation?;
  • What will be required to achieve the assigned tasks?;
  • What methods of searching for suppliers will the enterprise use?;
  • What will the implementation costs be based on?;
  • Will the product be competitive, and what methods of competition will be inherent in the organization?;
  • What will be the performance indicator?


Having reviewed and written down everything that was stated above, you can begin writing. The structure includes several points, the writing of which is in any form:

  1. Summary. At its core, this is an introduction. The objectives, main idea and conclusions are indicated here. There is no need to describe it too much, ten sentences will be enough.
  2. Goals and objectives. It briefly and clearly describes what the entrepreneur wants and how he will achieve it.
  3. Description of the enterprise. You can forget about all fantasies and write exclusively real facts. The company will be created according to this plan, so it is worth clearly describing the required personnel, structure and methods of interaction.
  4. Finance. How to get it, what to spend it on, where to raise additional capital from, and what taxes the organization will pay - all this is indicated in the financial plan.
  5. Marketing. Detailed story about products or services. How competitive are they and who will buy them.
  6. Production. The plan includes the entire path of products from the manufacturer to the shelves in the sales area. The most voluminous section in which all technologies and techniques are indicated.
  7. Organizational plan. A detailed statement of the distribution of responsibilities to achieve the final goal. The hierarchy, acceptable bonuses and bonuses, vacations and everything else are indicated in as much detail as possible.
  8. Staff development. The name speaks for itself - it describes ways to improve the skills of employees and their development.

This structure is most common in the Russian Federation and is in high demand. However, to enter the international market you will have to create a business plan adapted to foreign standards and legislation.

Having drawn up a business plan, we move on to another important issue - the formation of start-up capital. Let's look at the main ways to attract him.

Initial capital

Many projects that can bring good profits in the future today fail due to a lack of start-up capital and unpreparedness for the financial crisis.

Initial capital is the main thing you need to start a business.

The Internet is full of various articles on business topics. However, most of them, talking about how to start their own small business, begin their stories with the fact that initial capital must be sought first. On the one hand, this is true, since the search may take a long time, but on the other hand, the entrepreneur will not know the specific amount required to organize a business.

There are a great many options for attracting initial capital - their number is limited solely by the desire of the entrepreneur. It is worth considering the most popular of them.

Personal earnings

The hit parade opens with the salary that the entrepreneur will save for a dream called “I want to open my own business.” The longest option, since most of those who save money do not have a good income. Therefore, accumulating start-up capital using this method can take a very long time, and by the time the amount reaches the required level, the desire to create something may disappear.


Relatives and friends can borrow money without interest and for long periods. However, how much can you expect? If a small business is opening, then perhaps this will be enough. However, if a business requires the purchase of expensive equipment or the rental of expensive premises, then a loan from relatives may not help.

In addition, it is worth considering that a poorly thought-out business can go bankrupt, and debts will remain. Because of this, you can lose the trust of loved ones, which is much worse than lost business. That is why this method of attracting start-up capital is at the very end of popularity.

Credit institutions

An option suitable for those who are 100% confident in the success of their business, for example, franchisees. When applying for a loan, you should take into account many factors, such as: term, interest, possibility of early repayment and much more. In this case, the words “I want to start my own business” will not be enough; you will have to provide a standard set of documents to draw up a loan agreement.

It will not be possible to take out a large loan, since at an early stage the entrepreneur is an ordinary individual. A more or less large amount can be obtained using real estate as collateral, however, there are very high interest rates and short terms. You can also lose real estate.


In this case, the business will be divided between several people. You need to have a good amount of funds so that partners do not later remember that at the organization stage the owner of the idea invested the least of all.

When organizing a partnership, it is necessary to use documentation - contracts, checks, bank statements, etc. If the entrepreneur does not have documentary evidence, unscrupulous partners will simply “dump” him. Then you will have to think not about how to start your own business, but about how to get your hard-earned money back.


The best way to get a large amount for a long time. There are many options for subsequent payment; they are established by personal agreement between the entrepreneur and the investor.

The only difficulty is to find an investor interested in investing in the business of the investee. The best assistant in this will be a clearly drawn up business plan and the choice of a promising niche for the enterprise.


The story about how to start your own business is over. In conclusion, it is said that when creating a business you need to be extremely careful, prudent and economical. . In this case, the chances of the enterprise being “buoyant” will be higher, and the company will expect good profits in the future.

The phrase “Start a business from scratch” does not inspire much confidence. For some reason, it seems that behind it are hidden offers such as playing on the stock exchange or participating in network marketing. How to open your own business from scratch, having no free money, no goods, no resources? Is it possible?

It’s possible, you just need to take a fresh look at the resources you have. Where to start your business from scratch? From an assessment of available opportunities - education, skills, work experience, connections and acquaintances, the time you are willing to spend. And also add a computer, phone, car. Already a lot. But what about money, that same starting capital? The fact is that start-up capital alone does not ensure business success. If the measure of entrepreneurial success was only the money invested, then achieving it would be much easier. This means that you need something else besides money.

What business to start

Business is built on meeting the needs of customers and clients, and the profit goes to those who can offer the best combination of price-quality and good service. This means that in order to open a business from scratch, you need to understand for yourself what value you can offer to the consumer. Moreover, by working as a hired worker, you provide this value; only the employer stands between you and the consumer. This is a businessman who has chosen a sought-after niche, hired the right employees and organized a sales or service cycle. But, perhaps, he was faced with the same question: “How to start a business from scratch without money?”, only he has already answered it, and you have not yet.

When thinking about how to open your own business from scratch, decide for yourself which direction is closer to you: services, trade or production? There are hundreds and thousands of ideas in each of these areas. No matter how trivial it may sound, everyone will have their own recipe for commercial success. There is not a single one that is 100% guaranteed and will work with a bang without exception. And vice versa - there are ideas that are assessed by many as failures, but have more than one example of successful implementation.

If you want to start a small business from scratch, then answer these questions:

  • What and where did you study, what skills are you well developed or have you been dreaming of learning this for a long time?
  • What activities do you enjoy? If in your full-time job you have to do something that doesn’t bring you pleasure, then there’s no need to build a business on it.
  • What needs do you, as a consumer, have? Perhaps you know how to provide this service in the best possible way?
  • Is there a formed demand in your chosen niche in your locality?
  • Can a selected product or service be sold several times to the same consumer or is it a one-time sale?
  • What will it take to make a profit from one transaction - what time and effort?
  • Will you be able to start your own business while continuing to work for hire?
  • Do you know people who are ready to start with you without demanding payment for their work at the initial stage?

Provision of services

It is generally accepted that services require the least cost, but this is not always the case. Indeed, if the service requires from the performer only a certain education, qualifications, and skills, then such activity is a good answer to the question: “How to create a business from scratch.” And there are services for which skills and knowledge alone will not be enough; you will also need equipment, consumables, and premises. The scale of service organization also matters. For example, to do your own nails or hairstyles, it is enough to purchase professional tools and a small supply of cosmetics. You can serve your first clients at home. If you dream of opening your own business, then you already need serious investments, from one million rubles.

Here is a list of services that you can start providing without investment or using personal property.

  • In the business sphere - legal, accounting, consulting;
  • IT services - website creation, computer setup and repair, programming;
  • Handicrafts - tailoring and knitting to order;
  • Information and educational - writing texts, translations, tutoring, organizing courses and trainings;
  • Repair - household appliances, housing, shoes, clothing, furniture assembly;
  • Housekeeping: cleaning, cooking, caring for children and the elderly;
  • Drawing paintings and portraits to order;
  • Advertising - setting up contextual advertising, creating selling texts, developing business cards and booklets;
  • Leisure - organization and management of holidays and events;
  • Express delivery;
  • Design and decoration of premises and open space;
  • Mediation in the sale and rental of housing;
  • Cooking - making cakes and ready meals.

Of course, providing services, if you do it personally, cannot be called a full-fledged business, but it is a good experience in receiving money directly from the client, and not through the employer.


How to start a business from scratch without money in trading? What to sell if you don’t have the money to purchase goods and open a store? The first step in such a situation is quality mediation. Find buyers and sellers, connect with each other and receive rewards.

How to find out what buyers are looking for? Query analysis can be done using the tool. Select queries with the word “buy wholesale”, select 30-50 products that are being searched for, and search for manufacturers on the Internet. Study the product price list, make a commercial offer, post it on bulletin boards or send it to wholesale buyers if you have found their contacts. Are you interested in a buyer? Then contact the manufacturer and inform them that you can sell a batch of goods under a certain percentage. Of course, you can answer that manufacturers have their own sales departments and there is no point in even trying to offer their services as an agent. But thinking this way is the same as not deciding to go out to sea for a catch on a rubber boat, because there are already a lot of large fishing trawlers there.

The capabilities of manufacturers' sales departments are limited by the number of managers; in addition, you can be more convincing in negotiations with the buyer. Try again and again. Imagine that this is your own product, and you need to get your investment back as quickly as possible.

Another option is to take the goods for sale and offer them for sale at an existing retail outlet on commission terms. Yes, it is not so easy to find such options, but they also exist. Think about what connections and acquaintances with manufacturers you could attract? They wouldn’t give the product to a stranger to sell, but they will give it to you because you are a matchmaker, brother, godfather, or just a good friend.

The third model of trading without money is dropshipping. Here you bring together a manufacturer or large supplier not with a wholesale buyer, but with the end consumer. The disadvantage of this model is that the buyer is required to pay in advance, but there are sellers who agree to cash on delivery terms.

In the book “Wholesale Trade” we have collected sites with current offers from manufacturers and suppliers and other important information. You can access the book at .


How to start your own business with minimal investment if your choice is production? This is unlikely to happen completely from scratch, because... production already requires raw materials, tools, equipment. First of all, these are ideas for home production:

  • souvenirs, accessories, jewelry;
  • soap and bath balls;
  • agricultural tools,
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • wooden and wicker products;
  • household and decorative items;
  • Knitten things;
  • bags and other leather goods;
  • screens and curtains to order;
  • handmade cards and boxes;
  • advertising structures;
  • bouquets of sweets and toys;
  • photo printing on clothes;
  • growing mushrooms, flowers, vegetables, fruits, berries.

If you have no idea how to build your business from scratch, because in the chosen niche you cannot do without premises and equipment, then explore the possibility of getting what you need with the condition of payment for the products produced.

Do you have a working idea for producing a sought-after product or even a patent for an invention? Contact business angels or venture investors. Make a commercial proposal with calculations of costs and payback and post it on message boards and specialized forums. If the idea is really worthwhile, and only money is required to implement it, then you will definitely find it.

Let's summarize: where to start your business from scratch if there are no free funds for it yet, but you are ready to invest time, effort, use personal property and acquaintances?

  1. Decide which area interests you most and choose a few suitable ideas.
  2. Become a member of thematic groups on social networks; they contain many examples of failures and inspiring stories. When someone has already taken the road you have chosen, it is easier to see from the outside the mistakes in the implementation of the idea and its hidden potential.
  3. Advertise services and products on free channels, such as local newspapers and notice boards. Call the advertisements of clients or buyers yourself.
  4. Without a financial reserve, you shouldn’t leave your job for at least six months, so choose an activity that will require you to spend no more than 20 hours a week. You won't last long in 24/7 mode, plus the quality of your work duties will suffer.
  5. Involve family members, friends, acquaintances, and like-minded people in your business with the condition of payment for their work if successful.
  6. Don’t stay long in the position of a single freelancer, invest the money you receive in development, hire employees, enter into partnerships.