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Unusual restaurants. Facts about restaurants and the restaurant business Coffin-shaped restaurant

Fun facts

1 . On August 4, 1668, the monk Dom Perignon invented the sparkling drink Champagne. By law, only France has the right to call its sparkling wine "Champagne". The production of sparkling wines in France began relatively recently, from the end of the 17th century, and in the 19th century their production became widespread. And only at the beginning of the last century, France received the exclusive right to call its sparkling wines “champagne”.

2 . One Dutch restaurant introduced a rule according to which the client, after dining, pays not according to the bill, but as much as he sees fit. Imagine, the restaurant is thriving, and its owner admitted that on average he receives a dollar and a half more from a client than if he presented him with a bill.

3 . Kuwaiti restaurants are prohibited from serving unopened oysters. The Kuwaiti authorities considered this a form of gambling, since one of the shells could contain a pearl.

4 . It turns out that in Brazilian restaurants they charge visitors a fine if they do not finish what they ordered! This is somewhat different from European-American, and already our, traditions, when visitors take away the uneaten food with them.

5 . In New Hampshire, tapping your foot, shaking your head, or tapping your fingers on the table to the beat of the music is prohibited in restaurants and cafes.

6 . Dr. Alice Chace, who wrote Healthy Eating and many books on nutrition, died of malnutrition.

7 . The feeling of hunger disappears in a person 21 minutes after he eats a piece of bread.

8 . Every year, more money is spent on alcohol and cigarettes than on life insurance.

9 . On average, a person drinks up to 750 liters. water per year, and in his entire life he eats 35 thousand buns and 70 thousand cutlets.

10 . To commit suicide with coffee, you need to drink 100 cups in a row.

11 . 7% of Americans eat at McDonald's restaurants every day.

12 . In 1995, for the first time in history, the Japanese ate more meat than rice.

13 . The British call coffee with milk "white coffee".

14 . Charles de Gaulle once remarked about France: “How can you govern a country that has 246 types of cheese?”

15 . The 16th-century Flemish naturalist Carl Closius spoke of chocolate as follows: “suitable for feeding pigs rather than human food.”

16 . Fanta is the third most popular soft drink in the world after Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

17 . The sandwich was invented by John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich.

18 . Roquefort cheese is covered with the Penicillium Roquefort mold.

19 . Dry wine is called dry because sugar is completely fermented in it (“to dryness”).

20 . Coffee drinkers have sex much more often and enjoy it more than those who don't drink coffee.

21 . After 1680, every Frenchman over 7 years of age was required to consume 7 pounds of salt annually. For violating this law, the perpetrator was sentenced to a fine of 300 livres.

22 . At the Bollesje restaurant, located in a former prison in the German city of Rüdesheim, guests are fingerprinted before entering and read the rules of conduct. Then visitors are invited to try a “thieves' cocktail” and put on a prison uniform, in which they are immersed in the atmosphere of prison life for some time.

23 . In the middle of Broadway in New York you can be transported back to the 50s. The interior and menu of Ellen's Stardust restaurant correspond to a typical "diner" (roadside restaurant) of those times. All the service staff are professional singers who entertain visitors with pop performances.

24 . There's a fish restaurant in Oslo called "The Whale" where if you show documented proof that you're named Jonah (any variation) - from Jonas to Yunus - you'll get a free chicken roast, and if your surname comes from that name, you'll dine for free. As compensation for the suffering of the biblical Jonah in the belly of a whale.

25 . According to a survey conducted by the British restaurant chain Pizza Express, 70% of women reserve the right to choose a restaurant, (69%) choose all dishes for both persons, (58%) manage to complete the whole process in 5 minutes, and responsibility for wine tasting is taken by 70% of the women surveyed felt the same way.

26 . Honey was the best Russian drink until the end of the 17th century. All foreigners living in Muscovy unanimously praised the virtues of Russian honey. It was drunk by kings, patriarchs and common people. The owner's lack of honey was considered a sign of extreme poverty. Before the reign of Peter I, Russia did not know such drinks as tea and coffee; vodka has not yet become widespread.

27 . Not long ago, in night restaurants in the English city of Brighton, a giant snail 30 cm long and weighing half a kilogram was shown as an attraction. She was famous for drinking beer.

28 . The history of human nutrition is amazing. About two hundred years ago the world did not know either food concentrates or methods of artificial freezing. Even the most civilized countries often suffered from famine caused by crop failure; the lack of necessary fodder crops led to massive autumn slaughter of livestock; Often people were forced to live on corned beef and smoked meat for months. Even earlier, three hundred years earlier, Europeans did not have potatoes, corn, coffee, or tea in their food.

29 . About 500 years ago, alcoholic beverages were already in widespread use, as evidenced by the first decrees of local authorities against drunkenness. Several generations later, sailors in the Dutch navy nearly rioted when ale was replaced by gin in their daily rations.

30 . A FORK is an integral part of cutlery; the first fork in the form of a golden awl on an ivory handle was made in one copy for a Byzantine princess in the early 70s of the 11th century, that is, almost a thousand years ago. In Italy, in Venice, the fork became known through Byzantium in the 12th century. and was made for doges, emperors, popes with two teeth in single copies, rather as a fun toy.

31 . Chile is called a wine paradise. Wine began to be made in Chile in the mid-16th century, when Christian missionaries arrived here. True, the drink they produced did not cause anything but a smile among true connoisseurs. This is how the French historian Andre Julien describes the Chilean wines of that time: “They have the color of a decoction of rhubarb and senna, and the taste is quite close to the taste of the tarred goat skins in which these wines are transported.”

32 . The ancient Greeks valued figs to the same extent: for smuggling them, one could be put on trial for high treason.

33 . Muslims almost banned coffee due to its stimulating effect - the muftis equated coffee with forbidden wine.

34 . On October 25, 1955, the American company Tappan Company first introduced a microwave oven. The price of the new item was $1,200. The microwave oven was invented by American engineer Spencer. In 1945, Spencer received a patent on the use of microwaves in food preparation, and in 1949, according to his patent, the first microwave ovens were produced in the United States for the rapid defrosting of strategic food stocks.

35 . People who regularly include chili peppers in their diet noticeably improve their sleep quality, ABC reports. This interesting data was obtained by scientists from the University of Tasmania, who over the past 18 months have been studying the effect of chilli on people's health and well-being.

36 . British scientists decided to make life easier for sloths, as well as for those who like to save time. They invented a kettle that can be turned on via SMS. As Ananova reports, now, without leaving the couch or on the way from work, you just need to type the word “Turn on” and send a text message to your kettle, and it will start boiling water.

37 . Craftsmen from Germany have developed a technology with which a beer mug can inform the bartender when it is necessary to pour an additional portion of beer to the client. According to the specialists who developed the new product, they made the mug “speak” using sensors built into the flat stand for the beer glass.

38 . In November-December, the brewing company Asahi Breweries will begin selling a new drink in Japan, Asahi Super Yeast Draft - this is a beer whose taste and aroma changes over time. If the bottles are stored at room temperature between 10°C - 20°C, the second phase of fermentation is guaranteed by specially selected yeast. Changes begin 30 days from the date of production; after another two to three months, the beer is noticeably transformed, while, according to the company, “the freshness remains.” The drink will be bottled in 334 milliliter bottles. Retail price: 210-220 yen (approximately $2).

39 . The idea that coffee is actually a healthy drink has now received scientific confirmation. Not only does it refresh your mind and stimulate your body, coffee provides your organs with more antioxidants than any other food. This is evidenced by a published study by American scientists.

40 . 33-year-old American Donald Gorske is called the king of the Big Mac. The fact is that during his life he ate twenty and a half thousand of these “calorie bombs”.

41 . The loudest belch recorded on film came from the throat of Briton Paul Hannah, 34 years old. The sound intensity turned out to be 104.9

42 . The most expensive omelet in the world can be tasted at Norma's restaurant in New York. It's called the Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata and costs €770.47.

43 . For the first time in history, the new White House chef is a woman. The search lasted six months, and was personally led by US First Lady Laura Bush. Philippine native Cristeta Comerford spent 10 years as an assistant to Walter Scheib III, who stepped down as executive chef in February. W. Sheib was appointed to this post by Hillary Clinton. He recently signed a deal to write a book about how food is prepared in the White House.

44 . The UK's Food Standards Authority (FSA) has published its first official definition of the multi-faceted concept of junk food. "Junk" means "junk" in English. So far, such popular products among the younger generation as corn flakes, oat bran, sugared oats, hamburgers and fried chicken from fast food restaurants, white chocolate, salted nuts, potato chips, as well as a variety of colas and sodas have been blacklisted.

45 . What can you do when depression sets in, everything falls out of hand, and love brings only suffering? A study has shown that a third of British boys and girls escape from unhappy love through food. The Priory group estimates that around 11 million UK adults have food problems. 52% of adult survey participants admitted that they nibble on chocolate when they are not in the mood, while the other 25% then indulge in hamburgers or French fries.

46 . Extravagant but essentially useless gifts, such as expensive dinners and opera tickets, are the most effective way for a man to win a woman's heart. This is evidenced by a new British study. But when a man pays for entertainment on first dates, he often saves gifts of long-term value for later.

47 . It turns out that in Brazilian restaurants they charge visitors a fine if they do not finish what they ordered!!!

48 . So, according to the ancient recipe, it was necessary to chop small fish and all sorts of their entrails into a giant vat, sprinkle them with layers of salt and leave this vat in the sun. The contents of the vat must be stirred periodically for several days. After the mixture has stood in the sun for the required time, the amber liquid is filtered out of it, which is the sauce, and a sediment of rotten fish remains at the bottom... Hot dishes are prepared with a similar sauce and foods are fried...

49. At O"Noir Montreal, everything is done in dark colors. To escort guests to their tables, waiters have to use night vision devices. In Canada, this idea has been “improved” - only blind waiters work in a local dark restaurant. It is prohibited to use lighters or mobile phones in dark rooms telephones and other devices with illumination.

50. How about dining at Dinner in the Sky? A height of 50 meters above the ground, a table for 22 people, three chefs, a waiter and an entertainer - this is what you need for a heavenly lunch or dinner. This whole company is lifted into the sky by a crane. By the way, guests have to wear seat belts.

60. At Modern Toilet Taipei in Taiwan, the dishes and chairs are shaped like toilets. However, the menu is no different from similar establishments. But according to restaurant owner Eric Wang, this restaurant is a lot of fun.

61. Gluttons and meat lovers should visit the Big Texan Steak Ranch Amarillo restaurant in the USA. In it you can eat a steak weighing 2 kg for free. One caveat - you need to finish the dish within an hour. Otherwise you will have to pay.

It’s not easy to surprise a sophisticated tourist with delicious food or elegant interiors. We have collected 10 unusual restaurants in the world where you can experience unforgettable emotions: from nerve-tickling fear to infectious laughter, from surprise to admiration. A visit to any of them can become a grandiose gastronomic adventure.

Dick's Last Resort (USA)

A chain of quirky American restaurants with a charmingly boorish staff and an atmosphere of inventive banter without boundaries of morality or decency.

Everything in the restaurant is done deliberately carelessly: cheap wooden benches, tables without tablecloths, a menu clumsily written by hand - and even the waiters call you names, take away your spoons, spill sugar on you and throw papers at you. In addition, each guest is placed on his head with a humorous white cap, on which some funny obscenity is written. In short, the local situation becomes a real test of your sense of humor.

The cuisine in the chain's restaurants is American: sandwiches, fried potatoes, steaks, salads, pork ribs, grilled fish and seafood. The average check is $17-$30.

3850 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109
315 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60654
Quincy Market, Faneuil Hall Marketplace, S Market St, Boston, MA 02109
For addresses of establishments in other cities, see the website

Sun-Thu 11:00-23:00, Fri-Sat 11:00-00:00
Sun-Thu 11:00-23:00, Fri-Sat 11:00-00:00
Sun-Thu 11:00-22:00, Fri-Sat 11:00-23:00
For schedules of establishments in other cities, see the official website

Vampire Cafe (Japan)

Those who like to tickle their nerves will certainly enjoy this unusual Japanese cafe, stylized as the ominous lair of Dracula. Fluttering bats, a talking skeleton, “blood” oozing from the mirror – these are just part of the shocking surroundings. The food makes an equally terrifying and at the same time funny impression: don’t be surprised if you find an “eyeball” or a crunchy “shard” in your dessert.

In contrast to the design, the cuisine here is quite traditional, international: pizza, French fries, spaghetti, roast beef, salads. The price of dishes starts from 666 JPY.

Lape Building 7F, 6-7-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Daily 17:00–23:30

Heart Attack Grill (USA)

If you are tired of proper nutrition, quickly go to Las Vegas, where there is a fantastically “harmful” restaurant with the characteristic name “Heart Attack”. His menu includes the most fatty and high-calorie foods: multi-decker hamburgers, potatoes fried in lard, milkshakes and other foods that doctors so often warn us against.

And speaking of doctors, the hall of this unusual restaurant is stylized as a hospital: the waitresses are dressed as nurses, guests are given hospital gowns, and instead of orders they are given “prescriptions”. You must eat all the food yourself; sharing it with a friend is prohibited, as is taking food and drinks to take away. But those heroes who are able to handle triple and quadruple burgers are taken out of the restaurant by charming nurses in a wheelchair specially prepared for this mission.

Heart Attack Grill's signature dish is the amazing Quadruple Bypass Burger (9,982 calories), it weighs about 3 pounds (over 1 kg) and costs $15. The average price of a high-calorie lunch in a restaurant is from $20.

450 Fremont St #130, Las Vegas, NV 89101

Daily 11:00-22:00

Dinner in the sky (Belgium)

Forbes magazine included Dinner in the sky among the ten most unusual restaurants in the world. Although it is still unknown what is more here: a restaurant or an attraction.

22 guests are seated at a special table, fastened with seat belts, and then the platform rises to a height of 50 meters. Soaring beneath the clouds, people watch the country's top chefs prepare food in real time at such an impressive height. Stunning views, incredible sensations and an amazing gastronomic experience all come together to create an unforgettable experience.

The unusual restaurant has long become an international project, covering 45 countries around the world. Accordingly, depending on the location, the menu changes, but the food remains consistently delicious. The meal can take from 25 minutes (light cocktail, wine tasting) to several hours (full gourmet dinner). In different countries, the cost of such a gastronomic adventure varies from 50 € to 285 €.

See the restaurant address on the official website

See the official website for the location of the restaurant.

Daily 13:00-23:00

The Labasin Waterfalls Restaurant (Philippines)

The picturesque open-air restaurant Labasin Waterfalls is located in Villa Escudero, a giant coconut plantation covering 800 hectares.

Here, on the edge of the Labasin waterfall, near the dam on the river, bamboo tables and benches are installed right in the water, and literally a couple of meters from them there is a roaring water cascade - how beautiful and unusual! The water pleasantly cools your feet, and its soft flow massages your feet, relaxing and soothing. Many guests throw themselves into the water jets in their clothes, while others, without hesitation, lie down in the light waves to relax. Oh yes, and most importantly - shoes are not welcome here!

The restaurant offers lunch in the traditional "Kamayan" style without the use of cutlery or plates, when food is simply taken with your hands. In this case, these are Filipino dishes, as well as fruits and vegetables. This unusual establishment is open to guests of the villa and closes only in bad weather. The average check is 20 €.

Tiaong, Quezong

Daily 12:00-00:00

Fangweng Restaurant (China)

Fàngwēng is an absolutely incredible restaurant over the abyss. It is literally “carved” into the rock of the gorge. You need to get to it via a suspension bridge, which in itself becomes a test of courage.

The unusual restaurant is located inside a cave, and the lamps hang directly from the raw ceiling. There is a pleasant twilight all around, and from the windows you can see the marvelous landscapes of China. The most courageous guests can sit at tables on the balcony directly above the abyss and watch the fearless bungee jumpers - a jumping area is equipped at the entrance to the restaurant.

Fàngwēng specializes in fish menu. For example, here you can try yichang sturgeon fish, a rare sturgeon fish, and this is one of the few restaurants that has permission to prepare it. The average cost of lunch for two is $40.

Yemingzhu Rd, Xiling Qu, Yichang Shi, Hubei Sheng

Daily 9:00-00:00

SnowRestaurant (Finland)

SnowRestaurant in Kemi is part of the Snow Castle, and everything inside the restaurant is carved from solid blocks of blue ice: walls, tables, sculptures and even drink cups. Amazing jewelry work! Just be prepared before visiting this fabulous place to dress as warmly as possible and don’t forget your gloves, because the usual temperature in the hall is about +5°C.

Sitting in the cool bluish twilight at the ice tables, it is so pleasant to savor the steaming and aromatic Lapland dishes: local lamb in dark beer, beef brisket, venison soup. To prepare mashed potatoes, we use a signature variety of local potatoes - Lapin Puikula, one of the special ingredients of Finnish cuisine. The cost of lunch is from 26 € (for adults) and from 15.6 € (children from 4 to 11 years old).

Lumilinnankatu 15, 94100 Kemi

Daily 12:00-00:00

Tali Wiru (Australia)

Can you imagine the magic of dining under the stars, with the warm breath of the desert evening all around you instead of walls? This is what a delightful evening looks like at Tali Wiru, in Australia's famous Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.

Guests are served an exclusive 4-course dinner accompanied by premium Australian wine in a fabulously tranquil atmosphere. And then the locals, to the sound of the didgeridoo, happily tell amazing legends from the life of the desert. And rest assured: you will not find anything similar in any other corner of the world. The cost of dinner in a restaurant is from $360.

175 Yulara Dr, Yulara NT 0872

Mon-Fri 8:00-18:30, Sat-Sun 9:00-17:00

Ithaa Undersea Restaurant (Maldives)

The most beautiful restaurant in the world (New York Daily News, 2014) and also the best restaurant of the year (World Luxury Restaurant Awards, 2017) is located off Rangali Island, at a depth of 5 meters. It is incredibly difficult to concentrate on food here, because the tables are located under a transparent spherical dome, which offers a magnificent view of the underwater depths. Colorful fish, soaring stingrays and even reef sharks swim right above the heads of the guests - dinner in such an atmosphere is like a fantastic dream!

The most expensive, the strangest, the funniest, in in the dark, on a tree, on an airplane ...
Expensive restaurants

In Forbes magazine's list of the most expensive restaurants, the old Moscow restaurant "Savoy", formerly known as the "Alpine Rose", was in 15th place, where at the beginning of the 20th century there was a private art club, which included artists from the Bolshoi and Maly theaters.
And this is what the top ten most expensive restaurants look like:
(The dollar amounts shown are the price of a meal per person, including one soft drink and gratuity, or a flat price for a meal.)

1. Aragawa (Tokyo)

Aragawa gets its famous beef from a single farm nearby, and it truly melts in your mouth. The restaurant is recognized as the best place in Tokyo where you can taste meat, which, by the way, is served only with pepper and mustard. All other condiments are considered blasphemy (especially fun for those who are allergic to pepper and mustard).

2. Arpege (Paris)

Chef and owner of the extra-expensive Parisian restaurant Arpege Alain Passard has turned cooking vegetables into an art. Even though regulars complain about the high prices, guests may regret it if they pass by the restaurant that everyone is talking about. The menu, which is dominated by vegetables, will appeal to anyone who does not skimp on banknotes and calories.

3. Eigensinn Farm (Toronto)

Two hours north of Toronto is the legendary private farm Eigensinn Farm. Everything served here in the restaurant of the same name is grown, slaughtered and prepared right on site. The eight-course menu costs $213 per person, excluding wine. The restaurant's location may not be convenient, but it is one of the most unique dining establishments in North America, and it's worth the money.

4. Sketch (London)

Chef Pierre Gagne and Algerian restaurateur Mazouz have teamed up to create Sketch, one of London's most impressive venues. The restaurant's new French cuisine, which Gagné borrowed from his three-star Michelin restaurant in Paris, is receiving rave reviews. The restaurant has impeccable service, an in-house DJ and even a rotating art exhibit.

5. Petermann`s Kunststuben (Zurich)

The six-course menu (without wine) at Petermann`s Kunststuben in Zurich includes foie gras, zucchini with lobster, scallops, mushroom soup and pumpkin chutney. The dessert changes every week, but the Napoleon cake with pineapples is always popular. Chef Rico Zandonella has gained fame in Europe thanks to his French cuisine.

6. Tetsuya`s Restaurant (Sydney)

To get into Tetsuya`s Restaurant you have to wait more than a month. And the ten-course French-Japanese menu doesn't come cheap. The menu changes frequently and you can never be sure what you'll get. But classics such as gazpacho with spicy tomato sorbet, tuna and seared ocean trout are served frequently.

7. Vitrum (Berlin)

The decor of the Vitrum restaurant at 63rd place, with its black marble columns and Murano glass chandeliers, is reminiscent of a Venetian villa. The menu is mainly Italian, and chef Thomas Kellerman does not hide his passion for fish.

8. Steirereck (Vienna)

The Steirereck restaurant's wine cellar with 35,000 bottles of wine, a cheese cellar, a bread menu famous throughout Europe and a huge selection of sherbet: these are the reasons to visit the Steirereck restaurant in Vienna. To create a special atmosphere, the restaurant owners moved ancient beams and arches from one of the castles in Styria into it.

9. Yamazato (Amsterdam)

Yamazato, the famous Japanese restaurant at the Okura Hotel in Amsterdam, may be a little pricey, but it has a special selection. The award-winning seven-course seasonal menu costs $108 per person, but there is another set of menus, some of which can be considered inexpensive, with prices ranging from $84 to $30.

10. Zalacain (Madrid)

The three-course menu at Zalacain costs $108 per person, but the experience is worth every penny. When the restaurant opened in 1973, it was an outpost of new Basque cuisine in Spain. Today the menu is still innovative, featuring exotic seafood and a variety of Spanish game. Cigars are offered to guests, both men and women. Strict dress code is required to visit the restaurant.


Toilet-themed restaurants are a common phenomenon in China. In such an unusual establishment, clients sit on chairs that imitate toilets, and food is served in mini-bidets, toilets, and pots. Toilet paper is used instead of napkins and towels.

Such a restaurant is decorated with various shaped urinals and toilet places on the wall. The sound design matches the theme.


The Aurum restaurant in Singapore resembles an operating room or a morgue from the inside. The lighting is like in an operating room. Clients sit on golden wheelchairs and food is served on operating tables. Cutlery used for food includes medical cutlery. Not far from "Aurum" there is also a small eatery "Clinic", in which the atmosphere corresponds to the name: customers are served by waitresses in nurses' uniforms, and the bar menu includes medical alcohol.

Bon appetit!

Pet Friend

In 2005, Dorothy Moore opened the Dog Dinner in the United States, the first cafe for dogs and their owners at the same time. This is one of the few restaurants in the United States that is ready to feed both people and animals at the same time. The menu includes dog cocktails, special snacks and desserts that are friendly to your furry pets.


Cabbage and Condom are popular condom-themed restaurants in Thailand. These restaurants promote safe sex and family planning. The menu consists mainly of creative dishes with a theme, such as "protective salad." And along with the bill, the visitor is given a package of condoms.


The Duvet Restaurant promotes the bed theme. For convenience, customers are offered slippers at the entrance to the restaurant, and the table is served right in bed, on special tables. Duvet is famous for its rich bar menu.

Rough Service

If rude service amuses you, say, as a nostalgia for Soviet times, then go to Chicago, Dick's Last Resort. This is the place where you can not only enjoy the dishes of a rich menu, but also have fun watching the waiters , who joke rudely with customers and lightly mock each other.


The prison theme in the hotel and restaurant business is no longer new. For example, in Thailand you can safely visit a prison restaurant. It is furnished exactly like a real prison, occupies more than one floor, and is served by waitresses in sexy guard costumes. At the request of the client, one of them can be handcuffed in the prison cell where lunch is served. The food, however, is not like in prison, but like in a very good restaurant.

Release of anger

The Chinese eatery in Nanjing is a place where customers can release the anger caused by the stress and problems of everyday life. They are allowed to throw and break dishes, glass, tables and even hit waiters.

Body like a table

Hadaka Sushi, a Japanese restaurant in Los Angeles (USA), introduces the sensual concept of "Nyotaimori", which involves the female body as a food tray. The restaurant employs beautiful models who are laid out on the table, most of their body covered with banana leaves on which the sushi is placed.


Funny Restaurants

** In Vancouver, at the Le Sutton Hotel there is a special department, which has both a restaurant and sleeping apartments for pets accompanying their owners. The menu includes steak, tuna fillet with black caviar, game, and mineral water. A variety of services are offered, including massages and bedtime story reading.

** About 30 years ago, many Budapest restaurants and even cafes indicated two prices on the menu. For example, sausages - 6 forints, with music - 8. As a rule, in the evening, after six o'clock, everyone was forced to eat at an expensive rate.
** In one Miami restaurant, a group of three people was entitled to a free lunch if only two conditions were met: one person had to be over 80 years old, and the other two had to be his parents.

** One California restaurant's revenue nearly doubled after adding a daily changing crossword puzzle to its menu.

**One of the tasks of the commander of the Hindenburg passenger airship was to maintain the strictest level of flight and prevent a roll of more than 2-5 degrees. Several times a day these requirements were even more stringent, during breakfast, lunch and dinner - due to the fact that the airship had a restaurant for wealthy passengers.

** Small restaurants in Greece usually do not have a menu, and tourist visitors are allowed directly into the kitchen. The fact is that in most cases tourists do not speak Greek, and the owner also does not speak foreign languages. The visitor, going straight to the stoves, chooses his lunch depending on what he sees around him.

** One restaurant in Kolkata has an ingenious rule. A table can only be occupied by visitors dressed in swimsuits and who have previously taken a very exotic shower. From an elephant's trunk.

** Tokyo's crowded Ginza district is home to a bar that attracts railroad enthusiasts of all ages. While sipping cocktails, you can watch the movement of miniature electric trains around the bar counter.

** Club Count Dracula is a well-known establishment throughout Romania, glorifying the country’s national hero Count Dracula.

** Minus 4 degrees Celsius, walls made of ice - all this is the exoticism of Chinese Harbin, famous for its establishment on Sunny Island.

** Children's toys will be provided to its guests by one of the restaurants in Hamburg. The establishment was created for women who go shopping, while hapless husbands can have fun in an impromptu kindergarten.
** Restaurant Aurum in Singapore is famous for its unique molecular gastronomy cuisine. It is an avant-garde movement that uses scientific methods to create new tastes in food.

** Le Zoo chez Felix in Abidjan, Africa, serves exotic snacks made from crocodiles and rats.

** In Beirut there is a snack bar called Buns and Guns, which is located in Hezbollah-controlled territory. The chef here wears a military uniform, and diners sit behind a wall of sandbags and eat their bomb burgers.

**Modern Toilets restaurant chain is growing in popularity in Taiwan. When designing them, designers use the attributes of restrooms.

**Clothing Optional Dinner - nudist restaurant in New York. Full compliance with sanitary standards means that all staff must be clothed and guests bring mats to sit on.

** According to the owner of the Thai restaurant Cabbages and Condoms, security should always wear a condom on their heads when serving cocktails.

London restaurant serves food in the dark

A unique restaurant has opened in London, where visitors are invited to enjoy delicious dishes in pitch darkness.
For the first time, an establishment called “Dans Le Noir” (“In the Dark”) was opened in Paris and caused a phenomenal stir. The ideology of the establishment is simple to the point of paradox. Its owners are confident that all of a person’s senses, including taste, are significantly enhanced when he does not see what he is eating.

And here everything is without fools. Restaurant visitors actually have absolutely no idea what kind of food they are served. Tables are served by visually impaired or completely blind waiters who serve food and drinks, and also lead visitors to a table or take them to the toilet. In addition, anything that could disturb the darkness is prohibited in the restaurant, in particular a mobile phone or a burning cigarette.

“This is a real celebration of the senses. Your nose, fingers, ears - all this really makes you feel the taste of food. In addition, you do not see the people with whom you communicate, and this allows you to form an opinion about a person not by their appearance,” says Edouard de Broglie, a 43-year-old French businessman who came up with and brought to life the concept of these unique restaurants.

Restaurant on a tree

** In the restaurant business there is practically no such thing as “sick leave”. Yes, if a waiter breaks his leg, he will stay at home, but a cook with an acute respiratory infection, sore throat or flu will still come to work, because he does not want to lose his money due to illness. And these are the people who serve us.

**. You've probably often seen in films how waiters or cooks add something indigestible to dishes or even spit into food? So, this is a really common phenomenon, of which you yourself can become a victim if you attack waiters with or without reason.

** Never say “I’m a friend of the owner of this restaurant.” When you cross the threshold of your friend's restaurant, he automatically turns into the owner of this establishment, who does not want to spend his money feeding his friends and acquaintances for free. Actually, even if this is the case, you still shouldn’t abuse friendship.

** Treat the restaurant or pub staff like a human being, the way you would like to be treated. This is common advice, and yet people often forget it.

**Snapping your fingers to call out waiters is bad form. It’s still worth raising your hand, more or less politely calling the waiter. Otherwise, you can pay - read point No. 3.

** It is advisable not to order anything that is not on the menu. If you still force the chef to cook it, you may end up with an indigestible dish - after all, the menu, first of all, shows what the chef can do best.

**If you need lemonade, order it - no need to force the waiter to bring water, sugar and lemon separately. This delays the waiters and does not show the visitor in the best light.

** If you like the way a particular waiter serves you, always ask to be seated in the section he/she is serving. Also, recommend this waiter to your friends. As a result, this person will receive more money, receive gratitude from the owner, and will serve you even better.

** If you feel sorry for tips, then it’s better not to dine at a restaurant. By the way, the waiter usually gives from 20 to 40% of the tip to other people on the service team.

**. Always check your receipt. This is especially true for those who come “out” in a large group. Sometimes the waiter may simply make a mistake, but more often than not these are intentional “mistakes” that help the waiter get even more money from inattentive visitors.

**If there are no seats in the restaurant, try offering more tips to the waiter. Maybe there will still be a place.

**. Don't arrive at a restaurant 15 minutes before it closes. The cooks are already tired, the waiters can hardly walk at all. In general, no one will be happy with you, and the attitude will be appropriate.

Would you like to know in which country they fine you for a restaurant visitor not finishing his food? Or about what height is the highest restaurant? Or about where you can eat a 2 kilogram steak absolutely free? If you are really interested, then you just need to read this article...

1. Who would have thought that the restaurant administration could fine a visitor if he did not finish the ordered dish? However, this is exactly what happens in restaurants in Brazil. I wonder how they would react to an attempt by Russian tourists to take leftover food with them?

2. The specific standards of the German restaurant Bollesje make an unforgettable impression. It is located in Rüdesheim, in a former prison. To further immerse guests in the atmosphere of prisons, upon entering they are introduced to the standards of behavior and have their fingerprints taken. But that's not all. Next, visitors must put on prison robes and drink a glass of the so-called thieves' cocktail.

3. It turns out that the idea that all restaurants always cheat is outdated. There is an amazing establishment in Holland where guests pay not a fixed price for food, but as much as they want after dinner. Oddly enough, everyone leaves a little more money than what would be on the bill. As a result, the restaurant prospers.

4. Another incredible innovation in the restaurant business is that now the owner of the establishment can be located anywhere in the world and manage his business through a tablet. Such a program for restaurant automation and cash register equipment can be purchased on the website, and for a price of just over 1000 rubles. Excellent service, automation of work, convenience for customers.

5. The Broadway restaurant Ellen's Stardust, like a time machine, transports you to the atmosphere of the 50s. Its design, furnishings and assortment of dishes completely copy old roadside restaurants. The staff here are professional artists who replace each other on the stage.

6. Incredible but true: New Hampshire restaurant customers are not allowed to “play along” with the music by tapping their fingers on the tabletop. They are also prohibited from tapping their feet or making rhythmic head movements.

7. Do you want to eat a piece of meat that weighs 2 kg for free? Then head to Big Texan Steak Ranch Amarillo. But this American restaurant sets one small condition: if you don’t finish the steak in 1 hour, you will have to pay the bill.

8. English Brighton came up with another know-how: he surprised visitors to night restaurants with a snail of incredible size. She weighed 500 g and, to the delight of the guests, drank beer.

9. The owner of the Taiwanese restaurant Modern Toilet Taipei came up with another “trick”. He shaped the chairs and dishes into the shape of toilets. The menu remained the same. They say that visitors to this unique establishment are very pleased with such exotica.

10. Those named Jonah will be lucky in the capital of Norway. In the famous fish restaurant called "Whale" you just need to show your ID and you will be treated to a free roast whale. The reason for this generosity is the biblical parable of Jonah and his torment in the belly of a whale.

11. Extreme lovers strive to get to Dinner in the Sky. Lunch takes place at a height of 50 m. Guests are lifted to a table designed for 22 people by a crane. Their safety is ensured by special belts.

12. The name of the O"Noir Montreal restaurant is telling. There is absolute darkness, and the interior contains only dark colors. The waiters are equipped with night vision devices to accompany guests. Any devices or devices that can disturb the pitch darkness are prohibited from being used.

13. In Kuwait, oysters are served in open shells. Owners of establishments are obliged to do this, since they may contain pearls. In this case, serving closed shells, according to the authorities, is equivalent to gambling.

The concept of selling food for profit dates back to ancient civilizations, including ancient Rome and China, where street vendors sold bread and wine to people in cities. Modern restaurants are much more complex organizations, but the basic concept has not changed, people come to a restaurant to eat delicious food. Here are some facts about restaurants and the restaurant business.

In 2008, a German court ruled that having a kebab thrown at you in a restaurant does not constitute a "serious violation of human dignity and honor."

The Bawabet Dimashq restaurant in Damascus has 6,014 seats, making it the largest in the world.

The French Revolution invented excellent cuisine. After Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lost their heads during the French Revolution, the French aristocracy collapsed and the chefs who were employed by the noble families found themselves out of work. Therefore, many decided to open their own establishments and offer delicious dishes to the masses. Eventually the French style of dining spread to Great Britain and across the Atlantic to the United States.

Restaurant business figures

10% of the entire workforce in the United States is part of the restaurant and food industry. Shishas bar on Arbat

8 out of 10 restaurant owners who start their careers in the restaurant industry started in entry-level positions.

When choosing a restaurant, nearly half (48.9%) of diners surveyed said they first seek information from trusted friends, but more than 8 in 10 (80.1%) respondents do more research after receiving a recommendation.

Restaurant chain Starbucks switched its stores to LED lighting, which reduced energy consumption by 7% at each location.

Spain and the USA have the most positions in the ranking of the 50 best restaurants in the world (7 each)

Fast food restaurants

Anywhere in the continental US. Any McDonald's restaurant is located no more than 115 miles away. From time to time, McDonald's rejects more applicants than Harvard.

Taco Bell has attempted to open stores in Mexico twice. Their food was labeled "American food."

After he left KFC, Colonel Sanders began to hate the company. He once described the food as "the worst fried chicken I've ever seen" and said the sauce was like "wallpaper paste."