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An unusual safety scenario in kindergarten. Scenario for a life safety event; methodological development for life safety on the topic

The holiday scenario "Basics of Life Safety" is designed for all age groups preschoolers of preschool educational institution. Outdoor games, variety of materials and colorful design not only arouse cognitive interest in children, but also contribute to good mood, formation of knowledge and skills on this topic.



Holiday scenario

Pudeeva Ekaterina Alekseevna

"Fundamentals of Life Safety"

Leading: Hello guys, I'm glad to see you at our holiday. Today we will learn what “danger” means, what dangerous situations are and what to do in this case.


It's hot in my belly

And there's a hole in my nose,

When everything is boiling inside me,

Steam is coming out of your nose(Kettle)

He sucks both dust and rubbish,

Cleans chairs and carpet.

He will collect garbage from the house,

And never sneezes(Vacuum cleaner)

I'll collect shirts, T-shirts,

And I’ll tell her: “Wash it!”

Spin it in a drum

Return the linen clean" (Washing machine)

I'm in charge in the kitchen!

No matter how hard you work without me,

Go without lunch!(Plate)

On the linen side,

Along the Prostynya River

The ship sails back and forth.

And behind him there is such a smooth surface -

Not a wrinkle in sight!(Iron)

Leading: Well done guys, now let's play!

Game “dangerous - safe” (for junior and middle groups)

Materials and equipment: cards depicting dangerous and safe objects.

Leading: If the card shows a dangerous object, you stomp your feet loudly; if not, clap your hands.

Relay race “Dangerous - Safe” (for older groups)

Materials and equipment: cards with images of dangerous and safe objects, a hoop, 2 bedside tables.

Children are divided into 2 teams; in the center of the hall there is a hoop with cards on the floor. The goal of the first team is to collect all the cards with images of dangerous objects, and the second - of safe ones. At the end of the relay - a discussion of the choice of teams (why do you think this item is dangerous - is it safe?)

Competition "Smeshinka" (for all groups)

Leading: guys, do you know what they call the people who work in hazardous conditions? (children's answers: firefighters, police officers, doctors, rescuers). I will now show you pictures of rescuers, and you will tell me whether they are or not (showing pictures “rescuers Chip and Dale are rushing to the rescue”, “rescuers are friends of man”, “EMERCOM rescue service”, etc.) Joint discussion.

Competition “Assemble a backpack for a rescuer”

Materials and equipment: 2 backpacks, the contents of a toy first aid kit, food models and various toys, a hoop or cabinet.

Children are divided into 2 teams, in the center of the hall there are various objects on the table. The goal of the teams is to collect the items needed by the rescuer into a backpack. At the end of the relay, there is a discussion about the choice of teams.

Leading: Guys, something bad happened in the forest - the forest caught fire! Poor animals are calling us for help.

Competition “Save the animals!”

Materials and equipment: 2 large toy cars, toy animals, pictures of a fire.

Children are divided into 2 teams and take animals out of the burning forest in cars.

Competition "Let's help people affected by fire"

Materials and equipment: dolls painted with gouache (traces of disaster), fitballs (for middle and older groups) or large toy cars (for younger groups).

Children are divided into 2 teams and take people out of the burning forest in cars.

Leading: Guys, dangers can lie in wait for us everywhere: at home, in the forest, on the street, this is even talked about in fairy tales. Remember what happened to Pinocchio when the cat Basilio and the fox Alice called him to go with them to the Field of Miracles? (he was robbed). What mistake did he make? (You can’t go anywhere with strangers). What happened to the heroes of the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Little Red Riding Hood”? (examination of illustrations for fairy tales)

Game “Sparrows and a car” (for junior and middle groups)

Materials and equipment: hoops according to the number of participants.

Purpose: to introduce the rules of the road.

Children - birds fly around the room, flapping their arms (wings). Leading says: “the birds arrived, small birds, they all flew, they all flew, (children run, smoothly flapping their arms) flapping their wings. So they flew, flapped their wings, flew onto the path, (sit down, tap their fingers on their knees) and pecked the grains.” Then he picks up a toy car and says: “The car is running down the street, puffing, hurrying, blowing a horn. Tra-ta-ta, beware, beware, tra-ta-ta, beware, move aside!” (children-birds run from the car).

Game “Finish the poem” (for all groups)

Don't let your uncle into the house

If the uncle is unfamiliar!

And don't open it to your aunt,

If mom is at work,

After all, the criminal is cunning,

Pretend that... (fitter)

Or he will even say

What has come to you... (postman)

He will show you the package

And under the arm….(gun).

Or he put on a robe,

And under it there are about five... (pomegranates)

And the “old lady” hurries after him,

She has in her string bag... (a gun).

Anything happens in life

With the one who opens the doors... (opens).

So that you don't get robbed,

Not grabbed, not stolen,

Don't trust strangers

Close it tight... (door)!

Competition "Rescue Call" (for older groups)

Materials and equipment: 2 cabinets, leaflets with telephone numbers of services: ambulance, fire inspection, police; 2 toy phones.

Game rules:run to the phonedraw up short story according to the plan (sample): correctly and clearly state your name, surname, address, briefly describe the problem.

Final part (for all groups)

View the presentation on the topic “Safety at home - advice from a wise owl”


MDOU "Kindergarten No. 22 combined type"

  • Date: June 10, 2015
  • Venue: music. hall
  • Conducted by: Misyurenko O.N., Sheveleva Yu.N., Us V.A., Apasova N.V., Matyskina L.A.. Cerr L.V. 2015



  • Screen, benches;
  • A hare with a bandaged paw;
  • Truck,
  • Thermometer, medicine;
  • Bibabo dolls: hare,
  • Fox, bear, magpie, light on a stick;
  • Telephone; fire extinguisher;
  • Christmas trees, red shreds;
  • Sandbags;
  • Matches.


  • Presenter
  • Hare (toy, bibabo doll)
  • Aibolit
  • Firefighter
  • Fox (bibabo doll)
  • Fire
  • Magpie, Bear (bibabo dolls)

Progress of entertainment:

Presenter - I invite you to the clearing.

The children come and see a hare with a bandaged paw.

Presenter -

The gray bunny is fast asleep and doesn’t look at the kids.
We'll wake up the bunny and dance around.
Round dance "We went to the meadow"
Bunny - Hello, were you the one who woke me up?

And I slept soundly and didn’t bother anyone.

Presenter - Bunny, what happened to you? Why is your paw bandaged?

Bunny - Look what happened to me. Go to the benches.

The children sit down, the hare goes behind the screen.

Puppet show:

Bunny - One, I decided to play, jump on the road.
And I didn’t think then that something bad would happen!
A truck quickly appeared on the road.
A car passes by.

Oh, how it hurts, guys!
My poor paw hurts!
Presenter: If your paw hurts, you need Dr. Aibolit.
Good Doctor Aibolit.

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone.
I need to call him - "O3" .
Hello! Hello! Dr. Aibolit,
Our hare's paw hurts.

Come urgently and help the hare.

Ambulance siren.

Aibolit comes out.

Aibolit - Where is the patient? What happened to you?
Bunny - Oh, how painful it is! Oh oh!
Aibolit - Take your temperature, drink the mixture.
We'll anoint your paw and tie it with a bandage

For now, take a little rest,

Look at the guys.

Presenter - And the guys and I will dance for you.

Dance "Let's clap"

Aibolit - There are quite a few road rules in the world.
It wouldn’t hurt you to learn them all.
You cannot play or ride on the road.
If you want to stay healthy.

You know the rules, go ahead boldly

Both paws and tails will be intact.

Presenter - That's right, Aibolit, you say you can't play on the road.

Bunny - Thank you guys, I feel better now.

Aibolit - Let's go, bunny, I'll take you home!

He leaves with the hare.

A magpie appears.

Magpie - Tra-ta-ta-ta! Nightmare! Nightmare! There's a big fire in the forest!

Help! Help! Call the firefighters!

Magpie flies away

Presenter – "o1" we'll recruit and call the firefighters.

Hello! Hello! There's a fire in the forest! And acrid smoke and intense heat!

You go to the forest, and quickly save the forest from fire!

And we won't waste time.

We will all help the firefighters.


Presenter - Here we are in the forest.
Here in the forest lived a Fox.
Fox is a red beauty.
The little fox went for a walk.

And sunbathe in the sun!
Sunbathed, rested,
She dipped her tail into the river.
Lisa - What should I do? What do i do?

How can I dry my tail?
So I found matches, here are leaves, here is grass.
I’ll shovel everything into a pile now, and then I’ll set it all on fire.
Presenter He ran like a stream, a light in the old grass.

Timidly the fire ran along the leaves,
He quietly licked the bark of the trees,
Some garbage has already been taken up,
Suddenly, like a crazy fire, it rose.

Disturbing music.

Dance of Fire.

Presenter - Cars are driving, sirens are sounding.
Firefighters are coming, watching vigilantly.
A fireman comes out.
Fireman - Hello, here I am! Children, was the name of the fireman, are you friends?

Carry sandbags and help put out the fire

Children carry bags.

The fire was put out.

Fireman - Surrendered The fire died down and went out.
Now the time has come for learning.
Why are you, Fox, so careless with fire?
Now he turned into an enemy for everyone.

Animals and children! It should be clear to everyone:
Don't touch the matches! Is it dangerous!
Let's save the forest, guys, so that it doesn't disappear completely.
Hare, Fox, Bear come out.

We say thank you to everyone, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Fireman - Animals, take care of the house!
So that you don’t have to grieve later!
Animals: We will protect the forest.

We won't set fire to the forest.
And with the guys now,
Let's dance this very hour!
Dance "We're stomping, stomping, stomping" Zheleznova

Celebration of life safety at preschool educational institutions. Don't touch the matches, there's fire in the matches

Sports and educational holiday on the basics of safety and life for preparatory group

Target: consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules, instill skills in careful handling of fire, and instill a sense of responsibility.

Decor: In the gym on the walls - hang posters, newspapers on fire safety, photos of fires, fire signs.
Characters: Malchish-Plokhish, presenter, performers of poetry.

(The gym includes 2 teams “Rescuers” and “Firemen” consisting of 8-10 people each)

Team greetings:
Team - “Firemen” Our motto is “Don’t touch the matches, there’s fire in the matches!”
Team – “Rescuers” Our motto is “To prevent trouble from coming to our home, always be careful with fire!”
Children read poetry:
1. Everyone knows: a man without fire
Doesn't live a single day!
In the fire, as in the sun, it is light!
It's warm during the fire and in winter!

2. Look around, guys.
Fire is our everyday friend!
But when we are careless with fire,
He becomes our enemy.

3. Fire is a man’s friend,
Just don’t touch him in vain!
If you play around,
Then troubles cannot be avoided -
The fire is not good for you

4. Don't play, friend with a match!
Remember, she is small
But from a small match
The house might burn down!

Morning, evening and afternoon,
Be careful with fire!

Presenter: You can make a thousand matches from one tree, and with one match you can destroy a forest!

(A frightened Bad Boy runs into the hall in the hands of a match.)

Bad Boy: Oh, what have I done?
Why did I play with matches?
Why did I light a fire?
Now the fire will burn the whole forest,
There the smoke rose to the skies.
(The Bad Boy runs around the hall and speaks to the children)

Malchish - Bad; Children need to save the animals, they will die in the fire.

Relay: “Young Rescuer”
(20 animal toys, 2 baskets, 2 flags)
Children run to the basket, take a toy and return, pass the baton and stand at the end of the column.

Boy-Bad: We saved the animals, now we will put out the fire.

Relay race "Firefighting"
(2 flags, 2 basins)
Children run with a basin, reach the flag, imitate pouring water from the basin onto the fire (flag), return and pass the basin to the next child.

Host: And now the warm-up joke. Guys! We will ask questions, and you all must answer together: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” But be careful...
He: Who, hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire?
She: Which of you, seeing smoke, say: “Fire! We're on fire!"
He: “Which of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and day?
She: Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others?
She: Who hides matches from their little sister? Children at home?
He: Tell me, which one of you is playing with fire?
She: Very good, guys! Well done! Let's move on to the next competition.

Relay race "Young Fireman"
Host: To become a young firefighter you need to go through an obstacle course.
(2 flags, 4 stands, 2 hoops)
Children run, climb over the counter, crawl under the counter, climb through the hoop. They run to the flag, return in a straight line and pass the baton to the next child.

Relay “Carrying the Wounded”
Presenter: Rescuers must be able to carry the wounded.
(2 flags, 2 ice cubes, 2 dolls)
Children put the doll in a sled and run with ice, run to the flag, return in a straight line and pass the baton to the next child.

Boy-Bad: And now guys, there are riddles for you. Let's guess together.

Coal from the Skok stove,
And... setting fire to the rugs.
Don't be an observer
Fill the coal with...(water)
The stove is burning - don’t touch it,
Because in it... (fire)
Naughty man with matches playing pranks
Naughty to the hospital... (got it)

Not big in stature
A small match.
Only touch the matches
Don't have... (habit).

Thanks guys! You are very good at solving riddles.

Relay race “Dressing the Wounded”
Presenter: Rescuers and firefighters must be able to provide medical care
(2 white coats, 2 bandages)

(A group of guys comes out. In their hands they have drawings depicting:
fire, box of matches, gas stove, electric iron).
1. FIRE: I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys.
But when they play pranks on me,
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around!

2. BOX: Don’t touch the matches,
There is fire in matches!

3. GAS STOVE: Be careful with gas...
Gas can cause a fire!
4. ELECTRIC IRON: Both shirts and pants,
I'm ironing for you, kids,
But remember friends,
That you can't play with me!
Boy-Bad: I will never play with fire now.
Thank you very much for helping me put out the fire, saving the animals and telling me about fire safety rules.
Presenter: For your courage and resourcefulness, I present you with prizes.
(Children go into groups to the music)

Journey to the Land of Safety

Ved: Dear Guys! Today I invite you to travel to the Land of Security. And we will go by train. Bend your elbows and let's go.


First stop"Mishkin Forest" . Let's go out and see what's there? Look, there is a house in the forest. Mishka apparently lives here with his family. Let's knock.

Music. A bear cub comes out.

Hello, Bear! (Mishka greets the children)

For some reason your door is open? Why are you so small and alone at home?

bear: And my mother went to the store, so I was left alone.

Ved: Aren't you afraid to be home alone? And with the door open?

bear: No.

Ved: But this is very dangerous. The door must be closed. If strangers suddenly ring the doorbell, what will you do?

bear: I'll probably open the door.

Ved: Guys, what would you do in this case? (Children remember the rules).

Ved: If a policeman, doctor, locksmith, postman rings the doorbell, still don’t open it if you don’t know these people. Criminals can call themselves anyone and dress in any uniform.

1. Don't let your uncle into the house,

If the uncle is unfamiliar!

And don't tell your aunt

If mom is at work.

2. After all, he is a criminal, he is cunning,

Pretend to be a mechanic.

Or he will even say

That the postman came to you.

3.He will show you the package

(And under his arm is a pistol).

Anything happens in life

With the one who opens the doors.

4. So that you don’t get robbed,

Not grabbed, not stolen,

Don't trust strangers

Close the door tight!

Ved: Well, Mishka, did you remember the rules that need to be followed if you are left alone at home? You should only trust people you know, but a stranger can be dangerous and cause harm, for example, separating you from loved ones, scaring you, or simply stealing. In such cases, you need to call: 02, and if this cellular telephone, then dial: 112.

Do you know, Mishka, what dangerous objects there are in the house? Now the guys will tell you (children's answers)

1. I’ll tell you briefly myself,

What you don't need to do.

Give me a quick answer:

Can I take medicine? - No!

2. All forgotten needles

Ask to put it on the shelf.

3. Don’t climb into the window,

Don't play with scissors!

4. There is a knock on the door, the bell rings,

Learn this lesson!

Don't run to the door

Don't open it yourself!

5.The cake is baked, rises,

You sit opposite, waiting.

But don't touch the oven

Otherwise you'll burn your fingers!

6. Don’t take it from the table

A knife never forgotten!

7. Do not place the kettle on the edge,

You can scald yourself like that!

8. So that there is no fire,

You can't play with matches!!!

Game-relay race “Dangerous and safe objects”

Educator: Do you remember, Mishka? Now go home, lock the door and only open it for mom. Goodbye! And we go further along our Country of Security.

2nd stop."Forest town" » (safety on the street ) The noise of the city.

Ved: Noisy intersection, Noise from every direction,

It’s not easy to cross, you must know the rules!

Let's remember the rules of the road, guys!


1.When we walk in pairs -

Don't leave the columns

Sing a song together,

Keep up the pace

2.Attention! Stares straight

We have a three-eyed traffic light.

Green, yellow, red eye

Everyone is given an order.

3. Although you have no patience,

Wait - red light!

4.Yellow light on the way –

Get ready to move on!

5.Green light ahead -

Now move on!”

6. Pedestrian pedestrian,

Remember about the transition!

Dance game " Road sign»

Music. Bunny comes out And "cries".

Ved: Bunny, what happened? Why are you crying?

Bunny: I'm lost. And I don’t know where my mother is.

Ved: How can we help the bunny? (Children's answers).

If you have lost your parents in a strange place, stay where you are lost. If they are gone for a long time, ask for help: on the street - to a policeman or in a store - to a salesperson.

Our guys will teach you now.

1.If you are invited to swim,

To appear on TV,

They promise to give you candy

Speak firmly: "NO!"

2.You will be offered a monkey

Or even money in the bank

Or even a ticket to the circus,

Speak firmly: "NO!"

3.Are you walking alone? Be careful!

Don't talk to strangers:

An angry person can offend!

He will lure you in - no one will see!

4. He will promise you candy

Or something else - of course, don’t believe it!

“Daddy is coming!”- shout loudly

And flee from the villain like the wind

Ved: Never go for a walk without asking. Parents should always know where you are. Bunny, what is your address?

(Bunny says his address: “Flower Glade, house No. 5”)

Ved: And I suggest you play game"Give me your home address" .

(Children take turns running up to the Leader or the Bunny and say their home address)

Well done, now it will be easy to get you home even if you get lost.

Come on, Bunny, we'll take you home. Get on our train. next station "Flower Glade"

Here is your forest, Bunny! Look, guys, how many trees, flowers, mushrooms there are...

Bunny: (The bunny spins around and fixes his gaze on the beautiful package and toy). Oh, I’ll go and take that beautiful toy and the bag - it probably contains sweets.

Ved: Bunny, what are you! Under no circumstances should this be done.

Bunny: And why?

Ved: These can be very dangerous objects that can explode. You've probably often heard that if you find suspicious objects or toys, you need to immediately inform an adult (parents, teachers, police officer, etc.)

Bunny: Well, I’ll at least take this carrot (stretches, the carrot “runs away”)

The Wolf comes out and grabs the bunny

Wolf: Yeah! Gotcha, oblique!

Ved: Come on, let our Bunny go!

Wolf: Yes, I just wanted to play with him.

Ved: You see, Bunny, what happens if you violate safety rules!

Dangerous items often found on the ground, on benches, in entrances. If you accidentally find something like this, do not touch it under any circumstances, do not throw it into the water, do not take it apart

Ved: Remember? The boys and I are traveling around the country of Safety and remembering the safety rules on the street and at home.

Do you, little animals, know the rules of behavior in the forest?

    Everywhere in the clearing

    Flowers and herbs grow,

    I picked them for my mother,

    I collected a large bouquet.

    And then, suddenly, I remembered

    That there is one prohibition:

    Among the famous plants

    There are a lot of poisonous ones.

    Children are jumping on stumps.

    Suddenly - a hornet's nest,

    It buzzes without stopping,

    Then it moves.

    So that she doesn't bite you,

    The wasp didn't sting

    Don't stick your nose anywhere,

    She won't forgive you.

    I wanted to frolic

    And run along the stream?

    It is important not to stumble here!

    It’s clear: you can’t do that!

    If the sky turns black

    Gray clouds will find

    Rolling thunder will rumble,

    Flashes of lightning here and there,

    Don't hide under the trees

    Better sit in the bushes

    And don’t run across the clearing if you suddenly become afraid!

    Don’t pick mushrooms alone,

    They are very cunning

    They grow in the forest, show off,

    They disguise themselves as edible.

    So that poisoning does not happen,

    Don't touch them without regret!

    Ved: I suggest you play and pick mushrooms!

    Game "Collect mushrooms"

    Wolf: Now you can light a fire and cook mushroom soup! So I have matches!

    Ved: Guys! Is it possible to light fires in the forest? Why? How do you put out a fire? Let's play game "Firemen" (bucket relay race)

    Wolf: Thank you guys for the science! Now Bunny and I will know all the safety rules and will never break them.

    Bunny: Oh, and my mom came home from work! I have to go! Goodbye, guys!

    Wolf: Goodbye friends! (leave)

    Ved: and it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Train.

    Ved: So we returned to our native kindergarten.

    What do you remember from our « Travel to the Land of Safety » ?

    What did you like?

    Let's consolidate our knowledge. Attention to the screen!

    Presentation on life safety

    Ved: Well done! Now I know for sure that nothing bad will happen to you. Be sure to share your knowledge with your friends and parents.