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New business ideas in America year. EIC network - free search for business partners in Russia and abroad

America is a leading country not only in cutting-edge technologies, but also in business development. There are many worthy examples and ideas that can help many people on the planet find the opportunity to earn money independently in today’s economic conditions. This article is about several small business ideas.

Business ideas related to housekeeping

America is a country where, other things being equal, the majority prefer to live in their own homes. It’s not for nothing that the symbol of America is a one-story house. There are many business ideas, both large and small, associated with running a home and helping with it.

1. Pet care

This could include activities related to walking dogs and cats, or temporarily keeping pets while the owners are on vacation or on a business trip. Even a half-hour walk with the dog will be an invaluable service to owners who do not have enough time for this. She will be generously rewarded.

2.Cleaning business

Often housewives do not have time to maintain the house, and business ideas related to cleaning the entire house or individual areas may be suitable options. Washing windows, clearing snow or mowing the lawn: this type of business assumes that the main goal is to free the client from routine household chores.

3. Installation and maintenance of solar panels

Another type of entrepreneurship is associated with home life support systems. More and more houses and cottages are supplied with autonomous power supply systems. There is a wide scope for installation and maintenance of solar panels and wind generators, as well as control systems for this complex economy.

4. Smart homes

The fashion for smart homes is gaining momentum around the world. Some of the functions of security, life support and solving everyday problems are taken over by automated systems. It is possible to profitably organize software maintenance for devices associated with the internal systems of the house - air conditioning and heating.

5. Small services

Providing assistance or caring for the inhabitants of a house or cottage is a profitable business. Delivery of products ordered by customers through the online store, lunches and drinks from restaurants. Day care ideas for young children can also be cost-effective. You can build a work scheme through network technologies: according to the operating principles of companies such as Uber or Airbnb.

New farming

Traditional farming is also rapidly changing species. In addition, residents of developed countries prefer natural products, and farms offer food and some elements of recreation.

6. Fish farm

This is not just a pond where carp and trout are caught to serve at the restaurant table, but also a place for recreation. For example, fish caught by a client is baked before his eyes and served with a glass of good white wine.

7. Farms for growing organic products

Here, enterprising Americans also went further. Clients may not come to the farm and pick ripe cucumbers, tomatoes or Chinese cabbage themselves and try to make a salad according to a new recipe. This option is especially attractive for tourists: they will definitely enjoy coming to the vineyard and seeing with their own eyes the process of making wine, and at the same time tasting it.

8. Livestock farms

Often residents of big cities, especially children, are deprived of such a simple joy as communicating with animals. It’s all the more pleasant to come to a farm where rabbits or piglets are raised, to look at, pet and feed them.

Car business

9. Car washing at the customer’s place

Despite the fact that the automotive business and market have long-established models and forms of service provision, there are opportunities for small businesses here too. In particular, you can organize a small car washing business at the customer’s place. The equipment is a trailer (trailer) with an autonomous system for washing and collecting dirty water. A distinctive feature of this format is that the owner of the car does not need to go somewhere to wash the car. You can carry out a full car wash cycle right in the yard of your home.

10. Car sharing

Another form of small business related to the operation of cars is the creation of a car sharing company. The car is rented not to one person, but to several, depending on the individual schedule of each of them. Payment is made in the form of a subscription. Each participant has his own window of time when he can go about his business. The company assumes responsibility for servicing and providing the vehicle at the appointed time.

Businesses related to trade

There are still many niches here that have not yet been occupied by supermarkets, and where there is an opportunity to develop your own small business.

11. Organization of an online store warehouse

It is a fact that the network of online stores is expanding exponentially, but not every owner of such an online store has its own logistics center and delivery capabilities. It is beneficial to organize your own small warehouse with elements of delivery, logistics and work with several online stores.

12. Delivery of goods

Delivery of goods both using our own courier service and using modern technologies, for example, delivering pizza or ice cream to the beach using drones or quadcopters.

13. Servicing corporate events, family celebrations and parties

This type of business can be targeted both at a specific group of clients and at children’s parties and school celebrations. This includes not only the delivery of groceries, but also, for example, taking guests home.

14. Thrift store

It is not for nothing that there is a saying that everything new is well forgotten old. More and more in America, as in other developed countries, consignment or second-hand stores are appearing. Moreover, such stores often have the format of online auctions.

15. Internet platform for exchange of services

This business combines two main models. The first is the creation of a platform where everyone can offer their services in exchange for others. The second is the organization of mutual settlement of such services. For example, a person has the opportunity to paint a fence, but in return wants his tiled roof to be repaired. With the help of such a platform, two clients can find each other and, without losing extra money, get what they need.

16. Self-service stores

Opening a store with vegetables or fruits, everyday little things. The client, coming to such a store, independently selects the product and pays through the payment terminal. There are actually no staff in this store.

17. Delivery of fresh drinking water

This business occupies a leading position in American homes and offices, and this directly includes a special water purification plant.

Real estate

As stated at the beginning of the article, many types of traditional businesses will either disappear or change greatly. The real estate market will be no exception. What is in demand now in the American market?

18. Online real estate agency

The online platform combines orders and offers for renting out real estate without the direct participation of an agent. The client himself chooses the property, determines the conditions and price, and the landlord, in turn, sets his own conditions. The function of an Internet agent is to make mutual settlements between counterparties and ensure that the services provided meet a certain quality standard.

19. Real estate sharing companies

The business organization is built on the same principle as car sharing. A property, for example a villa, is distributed among many clients. This usually works well with commercial real estate formats such as motels, hostels, and recreational boats and yachts (for example, houseboats).

20. Coworking

Often small companies do not have the opportunity to have their own office, and they have to look for a “corner”, sometimes paying significant sums for this. The essence of the business is that premises are bought or rented, for example, a former construction warehouse, they are put in order, communications are installed, amenities are created - and then a couple of dozen office sites can be organized there. The main thing is that it is convenient for clients to work, there is parking and everything necessary for business, engineering communications, including high-speed Internet.


Service areas of various types and aimed at different groups of clients provide a good opportunity to create your own business. What is in demand in America now?

21. Design studio

These services are used not only by the commercial sector, but even by home owners who want to decorate the facade of their house with something unusual. An installation dedicated to a holiday - Columbus Day or Chinese New Year.

22. 3D printing studios

This is a rapidly growing business where you can print any plastic shapes and products according to customer orders.

23. Organization of courses, seminars

Americans love direct communication; it’s not for nothing that there are countless clubs, associations and circles in this country. You can organize the rental of a studio or a small conference room (with all multimedia), where educational seminars, trainings, master classes of various specialists will be held. For example, in skiing or crucian carp fishing.

24. Art objects

Various museums and art galleries, even small ones, are in demand in America. There you can hold exhibitions of sewing machine collections or drawings by local college students. These art events typically feature auctions and sales, which can also form part of the business's income in the form of commissions. At the same time, you can do charity work.

25. Food analysis laboratory

Many people take their health seriously, and it is important for them to know what food they eat, what pesticides and other additives they eat. You can organize a small mobile laboratory for this.

26. Emergency assistance

Emergency non-medical care services. To remove a cat from a tree or pull out a child stuck in a fence, you do not need to call the police or firefighters. All you have to do is call the emergency services, which will help you open the jammed door.

27. Making cakes

You can show originality by giving a custom-made cake. You can express your attitude through culinary art. Services for preparing and delivering cakes are in demand not only in the States, but are also becoming a good tradition in many countries around the world.

Internet business

28. Copywriting

Americans have learned to make good money by writing articles and essays for various online publications or local print newspapers. Copywriting is developed in America as a business, and you can make money from it.

29. Online

Organizing broadcasts of radio programs through network applications, including YouTube or Telegram channels. Earnings come from traffic. The more traffic passes through the created resource, the higher the price of advertising space.

Construction and repair

The construction business usually involves the creation of a large company and considerable initial capital investment. But in America there is an opportunity to make money in the construction industry.

30. Landscape design

To become a landscape designer and improve a 20 sq. m. area around the house. meters, you don’t need to graduate from an architectural institute.

31. Construction of block houses

The modern house-building industry has reached the point where a comfortable house can be assembled or built in a few days, like a construction set. The organization of a business is aimed at searching for contractors and a house structure that will be assembled on the client’s site.

32. Disposal of construction waste

This is a headache for all builders. This is where the services of a company that specifically deals with the disposal of such waste in accordance with local environmental regulations will come in handy.

33. Minor repairs

Such types of construction services as repair of plumbing and heating systems should not be ignored. In the modern format, the search for orders takes place on the company’s Internet platform, where the client searches for what he needs, including in emergency situations.

34. Remote security of houses and cottage communities

Installation and maintenance of security alarms, 24-hour video surveillance of both the perimeter of private households and critical access points.

35. Land development

It is profitable to buy a plot of land. Divide it into several plots, conduct communications, create engineering infrastructure. Plots prepared in this way are sold for individual residential development, but at higher market prices.

The US is an innovator in many areas of business. This country sets the rhythm for the whole world. Silicon Valley has long been a center of new startups and technologies that are exploding around the world. Today I would like to talk about new startups and business ideas from the USA in 2016-2017. There is an opinion that what is in demand today in America, after some time begins to develop in Russia and other countries of the world. New business directions from America in 2017 do not appear by chance. Startups are not only about innovative services and products, but also about improving old ideas. With careful scanning and analysis, you can find many flaws in any business. Consumers are increasingly demanding the quality of goods and services. In this publication, I have collected the most promising and working ideas that have great potential for development.

No. 1. Store with goods without packaging

Small businesses in the United States are actively developing. Many unique startups are emerging that find their own circle of clients and consumers. For example, like in any other country in the world, in America there is a class of poor people who prefer to save on almost everything. As you know, beautiful and stylish packaging makes up about 15-30% of the cost of the product. People with limited financial resources are not always willing to overpay for packaging that will end up in the trash anyway. Especially for such people there are stores with goods without packaging. There are such stores in Canada and the USA. The buyer can purchase various goods without packaging (from essential food products to sweets) so as not to overpay extra money.

No. 2. Mobile applications

What business can be called the most profitable and promising in 2016-2017? In my opinion, in the field of mobile technology and innovation, mobile applications occupy the first place. To see this, look around, look at the young people who do not let go of their smartphones. The time has already passed when people said that a mobile phone is needed only for calls. Perhaps there are people with such old concepts, but they are greatly mistaken. The smartphone has turned into a real mini-computer with numerous applications, games, and convenient tools for searching information on the Internet. In the USA, this market is actively developing. At the moment, there are a variety of mobile applications there. In Russia, the number of people searching for information using mobile devices is increasing every year. Any entrepreneur who keeps up with the times should use mobile applications to promote their business.

No. 3. Production of solar-powered goods

Many well-known entrepreneurs, scientists and developers pay special attention to the renewable energy market. In 2016, there is a lot of talk that we are approaching the end of the oil and gas era. Solar panels and other renewable energy sources are becoming more powerful and efficient. American manufacturers bring to market a variety of products that operate on solar panels. On the market there are camping stoves that convert fire into electricity, a stove with solar panels, autonomous vending machines using solar panels, and tourist personal panels for hiking and outdoor trips.

No. 4. Solar chameleon panels for houses and cottages

American entrepreneurs have created SolarSkin chameleon solar panels for homes and cottages. To reduce electricity costs, such panels are installed in the sunniest place. Such a place is the roof of the structure. Unfortunately, modern panels have one drawback - they spoil the appearance of the building. New SolarSkin chameleon solar panels can have a wide variety of colors, which match the design of your home or cottage. It may look like a tile roof, a tree, green grass, etc.

No. 5. Virtual reality

Virtual reality glasses have revolutionized the market. They are used not only in video games, but also in other areas of business: viewing real estate through virtual reality, training for complex operations, training for the police and military, advertising business, watching matches, etc.

No. 6. Delivery of goods using drones

Drone delivery services are opening in the United States and other countries around the world. This idea is especially relevant for catering establishments. It is not always possible for the client and buyer to deliver this or that product on time. The main reason is traffic jams. For this reason, today delivery services for pizza, lunch, and goods using drones have appeared, which bypass traffic jams and quickly deliver the goods to the client. The United States is planning to use drones to deliver medicines to hard-to-reach regions.

No. 7. Hotels with per-minute payment

The hotel business does not stand still. Another interesting business from the USA with everything was recently launched in the city of San Francisco. We are talking about hotels and hotels with per-minute payment. The client can rent a hotel for any time, even if he needs a hotel for 5 minutes to take a shower. There are no time restrictions - that’s the main idea of ​​the new service. There is a large category of people who need a room for just a few minutes, for example, to take a shower, have a snack, drink a cup of coffee, relax for a few hours after a long trip, feed a small child at home, etc.

No. 8 Rent of office space for a short period

This service allows you to rent office space for a short period of time – from 30 minutes to a day. For example, you need to give a presentation to clients, sign an important document, have a business meeting, or do a little computer work. To perform these tasks, you can rent an office for a short period of time. The service is a mobile application through which you can find a suitable premises, rent and pay. After booking an office space, the user receives a PIN code with which he can open the office door.

No. 9. Contactless payment for goods using a photo

Previously, we paid for all goods only in cash, but everything changed after the advent of bank cards. Today, most people do not carry cash with them, but make all purchases using bank cards. A few years ago this would have been difficult to imagine. What will payment for goods look like in the foreseeable future? Google is already testing its new contactless payment technology. This will be a special application that is linked to the owner’s bank card. It recognizes the buyer from a photograph. At the checkout when making a payment, the scanner recognizes the buyer’s face and then debits the required amount from his card. The buyer does not have to carry the card with him all the time.

№ 10. 3 D house printers

In Western Europe, Australia, including the USA, 3D printing technology is being developed. In America today, construction printers are actively being tested, which automatically print at home. This technology is going to be used not only in the construction of private houses and cottages, but also in the construction of multi-storey buildings. 3D printers have a whole range of advantages: high efficiency, fast work, labor reduction, absence of human factors and errors during construction.

New business ideas in 2016-2017 from the USA and Europe

Modern society continues to develop dynamically, generating constant demand for certain goods and services. It is wrong to say that all market niches are occupied and that modern business has no areas left for development. Both in a metropolis and a small city, there are a large number of areas, the implementation of which will be in demand and generate income. The main thing is to find a new idea.

How to choose the right new idea for business development from scratch:

  1. determine the target audience;
  2. develop a hypothesis about how to improve what the target audience does;
  3. consider new or improved existing areas;
  4. evaluate the activities of competitors;
  5. choose the best option and proceed to drawing up a business plan.

Advice: When looking for a new business idea, it is better to choose a niche in which you are well versed. It is also worth assessing the relevance for the selected region.

Many entrepreneurs today have managed to achieve success by implementing radically new business ideas from scratch and selling new products to a selected target audience. On the one hand, such options are profitable because they have no competitors. But, on the other hand, it is difficult to assess the consumer’s reaction to the emergence of a radically new product/service, and moreover, large advertising costs are required.

The most popular areas of small business in 2016 include:

  1. Retail. Selling food products will always be in demand. People will buy milk, bread, vegetables and meat even in the most severe crisis. Clothing, furniture and household appliance stores are not giving up their positions.
  2. Online stores and delivery services are not lagging behind. Today, in a frantic pace, every person wants to save time, choose what they need without leaving home, and quickly receive their order. Unlike European and American countries, in Russia this area is not yet fully saturated and indicates great prospects.
  3. Development and preschool education of children. Many parents have had to face a waiting list for kindergarten or the need to look for additional sources of knowledge and development for their child. Therefore, private kindergartens, centers, playrooms, nannies, psychologists and development groups will be in demand almost everywhere. and it will be very profitable in the metropolis. In addition, no one wants to save on their child and tries to provide him with the best.
  4. Over the past decade, humanity has changed and revised its lifestyle, wanting to make it healthy and fulfilling. In connection with this, the demand for fitness centers, gyms, aerobics, yoga and dance classes has increased.
  5. In large cities, as citizens become more busy, they have less and less time for cooking. This is why most catering establishments simply do not remain empty. Moreover, each price segment finds its buyer - both elite restaurants and ordinary eateries.
  6. Salon business. Every person wants to look irresistible. Therefore, the services of stylists, hairdressers, and cosmetologists are in great demand.
  7. Entertainment industry. People have always demanded “bread and circuses,” which is why various entertainment centers and clubs for both adults and children do not lose their relevance.
  8. Providing installation, construction and repair work.

Despite the statistical data, the success of the implementation of a new project will depend on the entrepreneur himself, the efforts made, the ability to make prompt constructive decisions and keep up with the times.

There are many cases in history when unusual and even absurd ideas brought great income to its founder from scratch. Therefore, any new business ideas can become in demand and popular.

New business ideas in Russia in 2016

As already mentioned, the best project can be organized in an area in which the entrepreneur is oriented and can predict the reaction to the appearance of a product/service on the consumer market. But every year, experts compile a rating of popular and profitable new ideas in Russia that may be useful to you.

Since the focus is on small businesses, we will consider new business ideas that do not require oligarchic capital.

Educational courses online

In modern society, against the backdrop of the dynamic development of the labor market, the requirements for specialized education are increasing. Many people need to gain new skills and knowledge. At the same time, there is a growth trend not in traditional courses and trainings, but in online learning. Thanks to new technologies, you can give lessons online at a time convenient for you and the teacher. The main thing is to provide lessons that are truly in demand (foreign language, IT technologies, business training, preparation for entering higher education institutions, cosmetology, etc.).

When implementing this business idea from scratch, the main difficulty is to select qualified personnel, since the number of clients depends on their professionalism, punctuality, and ability to present material. The main motivation of employees in this case is salary. The wage fund will be the main investment in this business. Also, start-up capital is needed for advertising.

Key indicators for the implementation of training courses in 2016 from scratch:

  • starting capital – 2-4 thousand dollars (costs are needed to rent premises, purchase equipment, advertising and pay staff);
  • approximate payback period for a new business idea: 1-2 years;
  • difficulty of implementation - the need for qualified personnel;
  • time to organize a new business idea – 1-3 months;
  • availability of special knowledge – orientation in the chosen niche.

To explore a niche, you can start by organizing courses in your own name online. Thus, there is no need for office rental and labor costs.

Highly specialized online stores

According to statistics from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, 70% of Russians over the age of 18 constantly use the Internet, while the number of daily users in 2016 was 53%. Since 2006, this figure has increased tenfold.

Many of them constantly buy new things on the Internet. Just imagine what prospects open up, given the absence of geographical restrictions. You can conduct trading activities around the clock, and add new products in a few minutes.

Even during a crisis, the volume of online commerce continues to grow. The only caveat is that when choosing a new business idea, beginners are advised to focus on a narrow niche. As practice shows, those who want to cover several areas at once do not find their client and are forced to close after 1-2 years. It is recommended to start with 2-3 product categories, provide a high-quality and widest range of products at favorable prices, then gradually expand.

To conduct business you need to register with the tax authorities. An aspiring businessman can obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur or.

An approximate financial plan for the implementation of a business idea to open a highly specialized online store in 2016 from scratch:

  • what you need at the start: launching a website with a description of the products offered, purchasing the first batch of products (depending on the unit cost);
  • starting investments – from $500;
  • project payback – six months;
  • time to implement the plan – 2-4 weeks;
  • No special skills required.

Business ideas 2016 from the USA (America)

Without exaggeration, the United States can be considered a generator of business ideas. New directions, which are distinguished not only by demand, but also by creativity and originality, come to us from America. The only caveat is that the standard of living, wages, and even the perception of the population of our country and the United States are radically different. Therefore, not every new business idea that is successful in the United States can become profitable in Russia. Let's consider several relevant new ideas for our region.

Food delivery

Delivery of various dishes to order is not yet in great demand in Russia in 2016, while in Europe and America it has become a habit for the average citizen. This business idea is already working in big cities of Russia, but at an insufficient level, so there are a lot of opportunities for development from scratch. You can cover only one segment (for example, sushi or Indian cuisine) and arrange delivery in many cities. You can, on the contrary, cover one city and offer a varied menu.

When implementing this business idea, it is necessary to allocate funds for advertising, especially at first. Registration with regulatory authorities is also required. It is cheaper and faster to choose an individual entrepreneur as a legal form, it is minimal, and the registration process will not take more than 5 working days.

Advice: processing and receiving orders can be organized over the telephone or online by creating your own website. To save on renting a kitchen and staff, you can take ready-made food from a restaurant or cafe, having previously concluded a cooperation agreement.

Calculations for organizing a new food delivery business idea in 2016:

  • the amount of starting capital is from 70 thousand rubles. (courier payment and website creation). To minimize these costs, you can limit yourself to distributing leaflets in places where potential clients gather and creating a group on social networks;
  • To start, you need to create a website and negotiate with a food supplier (catering establishment);
  • payback period – about 6 months;
  • time to organize a business is 3-4 weeks.


How often have you come to a cafe, but could not find on the menu exactly what you wanted most at the moment? The United States has dealt with this problem for a long time. On the menu you will not see the names of standard dishes (and non-standard ones either). There are only ingredients listed there, which can be combined in any way the client wishes. Having placed the order, the chef will proceed to realize the client’s wishes. Meat in chocolate sauce, shrimp pie and much more are no longer a fantasy. In the shortest possible time, a visitor to a designer cafe will see what he wants on his plate.

The implementation of this new business idea for Russia requires considerable investment, but the profit can also be impressive.

  • the amount of starting capital is from 500 thousand rubles. (renting space, hiring staff, purchasing products).
  • payback period – 1-1.5 years;
  • time to organize a business – 2-3 months;
  • No special knowledge is required.

Business ideas 2016 on the Internet

Internet business is developing along with offline. Every year there are new rules and new development trends. There are business ideas that require little starting capital. But if you want to make a big profit, get ready not only to spend “your hard-earned money”, but also to build a competent plan and development strategy for the near future.

Traffic arbitrage

You need to buy a target audience and direct them to a service/product for which they are willing to pay.

This direction requires careful processing and analysis of data. You need to study traffic sources, create blacklists, abandon sites with low conversions, and much more. These requirements may seem incomprehensible to a beginner, but if you spend time studying this new aspect, doing business with traffic arbitrage will be easier than that.

Mobile application creation

According to statistics, more than 12 million users access the Internet from mobile devices. This is approximately 10% of the total number of users. You don’t need to be a professional analyst to understand that this figure will grow every year. There are still many sectors in Russia in which there are no worthy applications.

Selling information flow

Without exaggeration, the Internet today is a big hole in which it can be very difficult to find high-quality and truthful information on a particular issue. To do this, you need to search among a lot of sources. Against this background, information businessmen are thriving, who can competently and structuredly present their knowledge and skills for selling information products in 2016.

All this knowledge can be properly formatted and started selling to those who will be interested.

Business ideas 2016 without investment

If “finance sings romances” and you are tired of regular work, you can try to organize a business without starting capital or with minimal investments.

In any type of business, it is important to come up with a good profitable idea and draw up a business plan that confirms profitability. If you have a description of a project that you are 100% confident in, you can turn to an investor or try to get a loan from a bank in search of money. But translating the above into reality is very difficult. There are many . The most popular in 2016:

  • organization of holidays. You can start by independently searching for customers and animators, then as you develop, move on to a more expensive project with your own office to meet with clients, qualified personnel and a good advertising campaign;
  • husband for an hour - provision of construction and repair work on call, payment is made depending on the volume of work performed or hourly;
  • tutoring. In addition to schoolchildren and students, other categories can be taught. It all depends on the information provided - teaching a foreign spoken language, stylistics, design, cooking, etc.;
  • make-up artist, stylist, cosmetologist, massage therapist or hairdresser on call at home.
  • resale of goods online () from scratch, etc.

Business ideas in 2016 in Moscow

Many people consider Moscow to be a separate state, and it’s hard to argue with that. The level of development, informatization and technological equipment has reached new heights, but the main thing is that in the capital there is a large and constant demand for certain goods and services. Here you can implement old proven options for organizing a business or radically new business ideas from scratch.

Trading in traffic jams

“Now Moscow traffic jams start two hours earlier,” local residents joke. It's hard to believe, but there are people who are happy about traffic congestion. These are entrepreneurs who were able to organize trade on the roads in a traffic jam. In such a congestion, drivers and passengers, constrained and restricted, cannot leave their vehicle. Seeing a bottle of cold mineral water or a delicious sandwich in front of you, not everyone can deny themselves the pleasure, especially if they still have to waste time on tedious waiting.

Features of organizing a new business idea for trading in traffic jams in 2016:

  • starting capital - 20 thousand rubles (costs are needed to buy groceries, a comfortable bag, an inexpensive good uniform, as well as to pay staff);
  • approximate payback period for a new business idea: 1-2 months;
  • difficulty of implementation - the need to find conscientious and punctual personnel;
  • time to organize a new business idea – 1-2 weeks;
  • No special knowledge is required.

Business ideas on wheels

The dynamic rhythm of the capital, eternal traffic jams and constant lack of time limit the possibilities of Muscovites. This is why flexible and mobile types of businesses that provide standard services/products, but do it in a place that is convenient for the client, are gaining popularity.

Options for organizing a new business on wheels in Moscow in 2016:

  1. Mobile sauna - all technologies for creating a sauna are easily installed in a vehicle. As a result, the client orders a sauna for a certain time in a specified place. Payment is hourly.
  2. Mobile dry cleaning, laundry or pillow cleaning. This idea will work near military units, student dormitories, and hospitals.
  3. A buffet on wheels will help you have a fun corporate party and not only have a good time, but also arrange a sightseeing tour of Moscow.
  4. Mobile car wash - the equipment fits into a standard Gazelle. The essence of the business: the car wash arrives on call to any point in Moscow, and in a few minutes a pool is installed in which the car body is washed. The inflatable mobile car wash is also easy to assemble.

Opening your own business means becoming the owner of your business, realizing your potential and receiving high income. The lack of start-up capital will no longer stand in the way of realizing your dream. There are many new business ideas that do not require significant expenses. You can find “your niche” in both a large metropolis and a small town. The main thing is desire, maximum effort and constant work.

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Any practice begins with an idea that can captivate a novice entrepreneur. Remember that “working for yourself” should bring interest, moral satisfaction and a constant desire to improve and achieve new heights.

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Many aspiring entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a profitable business idea. Most often, they focus on the experience of domestic businessmen, but, unfortunately, this approach is not always justified, so some newcomers take business ideas 2018 from the USA as a basis. In this article, we have collected several of the best projects that can generate good income in our country.

Features of business in American

It is worth noting that American small business ideas have their own characteristics. For residents of this country, entrepreneurship is a way of life. Perhaps some business ideas in the USA will seem unusual and even outlandish to you. Therefore, when choosing a direction of activity, we need to take into account the mentality of our people and compare them with real conditions. The fact is that not all business ideas from the USA can show high efficiency in Russia. American culture consists of traditions of different peoples. Thanks to this, in the USA you can open a business related to a wide variety of areas of human activity. But there are also models that can only work overseas. They are unacceptable in our country.

Despite this, many domestic entrepreneurs successfully implement American business ideas that do not exist in Russia and receive a decent income. Of course, in every field there is a certain level of competition. This is how the modern business world works. In principle, you can choose one of the new business ideas in the USA with a complete lack of competition. In this case, you will become a real pioneer. Of course, competitors will appear sooner or later, but by then you will have time to earn good money.


These interesting business ideas from the USA are great for pet lovers. The first option is a pet taxi. This service is usually used by wealthy people who are very busy with their own affairs. Your task is to accompany pets to the veterinary clinic. To work you will need a spacious car and special comfortable cages. It is most profitable to open such a business in large cities.

Another small business idea growing in the US is a pet hotel where you will house your pets and provide them with proper care. Such a business brings good income both in the USA and in European countries. In Russia, hotels for animals are also not uncommon. Their services are used by people who go on business trips or vacations and do not have the opportunity to take their pets with them. While the owners are traveling, hotel staff look after the unusual guests, providing them with proper care and food.

Personal consultations

This idea of ​​small business in the United States appeared relatively recently. Only specialists with extensive experience and the necessary knowledge in a particular field provide individual consultations in America.

In our country, many citizens need outside help and practical advice. If you are a good economist, lawyer or psychologist, try acting as a personal consultant. This is one of the simplest American business ideas without investment. All you need to get started is knowledge, a computer and access to the Internet. At first, you can provide this service for free in order to attract the attention of customers to your business.

Rubber paving slabs

Some business ideas from Europe and America are already working in our country and bringing in good income. These include the production of rubber paving slabs. According to experts, such a business opens up broad prospects for newcomers. There is no high level of competition in this market segment. The profitability of such a business reaches 40%.

Rubber tiles have many advantages. First of all, it has a long service life. It retains its original appearance and shape for more than 20 years. In addition, such tiles do not slip, crack or fade in direct sunlight.

Such products are made from crumb rubber, which, in turn, is obtained from old car tires. This is from America. The cost of raw materials depends on the method of their manufacture, color and fraction. If we talk about equipment, to implement such a promising business idea in the USA you will need:

  • Volcanic press;
  • Forms;
  • Mixer;
  • Drying chamber.

If you want to make multi-colored tiles, you can use different dyes.

Silent events

Holding parties, trainings and other noisy events using wireless headphones is one of the coolest small business ideas from Europe and the USA. This line of activity opens up incredible prospects for budding entrepreneurs.

If you are interested in organizing various events, try implementing such a project in our country. Of course, you will have to spend a certain amount on purchasing special equipment and advertising your business. All initial investments will be returned in the shortest possible time. Since this new business idea from America and Europe has not yet become widespread, there is practically no competition in this market segment.

Product without packaging

Everyone knows that if a product is sold without packaging, it should cost much less. In some cases this does not work, because there are products that are difficult to sell unpackaged. But mostly, this trick attracts the attention of consumers.

If you want to open a small store, install transparent containers in it and try to sell various sweets, tea, nuts, cereals, etc. by weight. To properly formulate an assortment, ask the experts. In difficult economic conditions, people try to buy inexpensive food products, so you need to focus on budget products. This could be mid-price segment pasta, cereals, inexpensive loose leaf tea, coffee, etc. Selling goods by weight is a great idea for small businesses in Europe and the USA, which will significantly increase sales.

Jeans for men

Many men do not like shopping, so every trip to the store for new jeans is a real torture for them. This activity is nerve-wracking and time-consuming. To make life easier for men, special stores are opening in the United States. Firstly, they only sell men's jeans. Secondly, they are not stacked on shelves, but are hung facing customers. Most often, models of the same size hang on racks.

To choose jeans in such a store, you need to download a special mobile application to your phone, scan the model code and indicate the size. After a certain time, your smartphone receives information about which fitting room contains the jeans selected for you. If the item fits, you take it to the checkout. Jeans that you don't like must be thrown into a special hole provided in the fitting room.

Customers believe that shopping in such a store is a complete pleasure. This American business idea increases the profitability of a trading enterprise by 10 times.

Shopping at the airport

Another new American idea for small businesses is food delivery to the airport. Each person who leaves his home for a certain time removes all perishable food from the refrigerator. When he returns home, after a tiring flight, he has to stop at the supermarket to replenish his food supplies. According to experts, delivering goods to the airport is unique. The client places an order through a mobile application, and upon arrival at the airport a courier is waiting for him with his purchases.

Restaurant with calorie counting

In some European and American restaurants, the menu opposite each dish indicates its fat content and calorie content. This business idea for America and Europe in 2018 can be easily developed and made more attractive. For example, a person who ate the most high-calorie dish may receive a glass of wine as a gift.

Luggage storage facilities on the motorway

The creators of such businesses in America receive huge income, since many citizens enjoy using this service. Storage lockers are installed on the highway, where you can leave any valuables for a certain period of time. This is very convenient for people who travel to another city. On the way back, the person picks up his things and pays for the service. Anyone can implement this American business idea from scratch, since it does not require large financial investments or any special knowledge.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

Travel kits

If you can't think of one, try selling special camping kits for outdoor recreation. In tourist shops you can find folding furniture, mugs, spoons, etc. It would seem impossible to offer anything new in this segment. But one American nevertheless figured out how to make money on such products. He developed a special portable travel kit consisting of a kitchenette, bed, shower, table and chairs. That is, it provides everything you need for a good rest in nature. If you are interested, be sure to pay attention to this area of ​​activity.

Trade in used items

In Western countries, trading in second-hand items is considered quite commonplace. If you are interested in this line of work, ask

Business ideas from America - 8 unique solutions for small businesses that destroy outdated concepts of entrepreneurship + how to apply them in Russia.

The history of business development in the United States began during the Great Depression and continues to this day.

Historical processes have created a stable platform for entrepreneurial activity in America.

New business ideas in America appear literally every day.

The article discusses 8 unique solutions for small businesses.

It is difficult to implement them in the current conditions of the unstable Russian economy. However, an example from “over the hill” can inspire fresh decisions in your own business.

Why is small business so developed in America?

Every year the number of new business ideas in America increases.

One can argue for a long time about the real scale of business processes in the United States. But any arguments against are crushed by real statistics:

The share of small businesses in America's GDP is 75%.

Why are new business ideas thriving in America?

America has provided ideal conditions for the development of new ideas in the field of entrepreneurship.

An incomplete list of privileges for entrepreneurs implementing business ideas in America:

  • small business lending,
  • infrastructure support,
  • information and technical assistance.

In such conditions, any form of small business is subject to constant modification, which leads to the emergence of new ideas.

Competition is growing, which means that only a non-standard approach to the implementation of business ideas can bring profit.

The idea must be unique, contain significant competitive advantages, or simply occupy a new business sector.

Business ideas from America: 8 unique options

In this section of the article you will learn about non-standard business ideas in America.

They will not necessarily become role models for you.

But, at a minimum, success stories of owners of similar types of businesses from abroad prove how important it is for an entrepreneur to show his personality, tastes and individual approach in organizing a business.

1. American business idea in Denver: “Crock Spot”

The creators of this business idea are a married couple from Denver. They are fans of cooking using simmering. This form of heat treatment allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins in products.

But any business ideas related to a healthy and environmentally friendly life are now approaching the peak of popularity.

This is especially true for America, a country with a huge number of semi-finished products.

The idea of ​​such a family business is not just new and original.

It is also socially noble: to try to improve the health of the nation, to find a replacement for the “fast food” that has occupied the streets of America in the last 10-15 years.

The original name of the healthy food brand is “Crock Spot”.

The uniqueness of this business idea also lies in the organization of the process: the preparation and delivery of dishes are carried out according to the client’s order in a van equipped like a mini-kitchen.

The smell that comes from the cooking process lures new customers.

And excellent taste qualities instill a love for healthy and wholesome nutrition.

Crock Spot Restaurant Van

The van, which serves unique recipes, has become a favorite among Denver residents. Soon after the first fast food restaurant opened, the business expanded to several locations.

It was the new concept of the “right food van” that brought success to this business idea.

This format destroys the stereotype that mobile restaurants usually sell fast food.

2. Hotel in America: “Inn”

The hotel business is a competitive market in America and beyond.

To stand out from the crowd, a business idea must be different from the rest. It is also important to create a high-quality marketing plan.

Hotel “Honor&Folly” is unique due to its successful interior design and the provision of special services.

The design of the rooms accurately reflects the life of the inns of the last century.

The interior details have a vintage character, and there are many unique items purchased at a flea market.

The hotel's chefs also conduct master classes on preparing themed dishes: clients can try themselves as cowboys cooking meat over a fire.

Example of a room interior

The idea to decorate the hotel in this way came for a reason.

Americans are a very patriotic people. History is their greatness, their heritage.

So for an American, paying a hefty sum to stay in such a hotel is not a problem.

The main idea of ​​the establishment is to leave the bustle of the present for a while, plunge into the past, and relax in comfort.

3. New business ideas in America: “MakeItFor.Us”

The Internet portal “MakeItFor.Us” invites users to make their dreams come true.

The American dream in this case is the ability to order any thing seen on the Internet.

The service allows you to find a contractor for the production of any product.

To some extent, the portal can be compared to a freelance exchange, where participants also choose a performer to carry out their idea.

Portal address -

The idea of ​​this business - the production of everything you could want - captivates users.

The service became popular in America in a short time and brought significant profits to the creator.

4. New business idea: Echo Park Time Travel Mart store

There are many things that come in handy for successful time travel.

Sounds like a phrase from a science fiction movie or book, right?

But, as it turned out, even this can become the basis for creating a business, specifically a store of special goods.

Let’s clarify right away: such an idea will be in demand only among people of a certain outlook. That is, in Russian realities the business will not bring much income (like other stores for fans and geeks).

Example of store products

Just think for yourself: what could be cooler than mammoth stew?

Well, let it be that in real life the goods from this store are of no use.

Such products attract store visitors simply by their interesting appearance, attractiveness and unusual idea.

Interestingly, the store donates proceeds to an educational center for children.

This once again emphasizes: the business owner’s intentions are not focused on making money, but are aimed at implementation.

5. Pizza Museum “Pizza Brain” – a business idea from America

The restaurant-museum “Pizza Brain” has the largest assortment of vintage items and paraphernalia related to the preparation of pizza.

The establishment is located in Philadelphia (America).

Its founder is Brian Dwyer - a pizza fan, collector, and for some time also an entrepreneur.

Pizza Brain interior

The interior of the pizzeria fully reflects the inner world of the business creator. It can only be described in one statement - “Love of pizza.”

A variety of pizza boxes, an oven created to ideal parameters, which Brian personally ordered, and other exhibits.

Food is another competitive advantage.

It is logical to assume that a person who knows so much about pizza knows how to cook it.

Brian personally gives pizza making advice to his chefs.

Classic and new pizza recipes have become the hallmark of the “museum.”

6. “Company for Sunday dinner”: an idea for a restaurant

"Sunday Dinner Company" - black cuisine in Detroit, Michigan (America).

The peculiarity of this establishment is the atmosphere: a cozy room with a huge wooden table, at which everyone feels like one family, delicious food, the opportunity to chat about successes, problems, and ask for advice.

Restaurant "Sunday Dinner Company"

The implementation of the idea is as reminiscent of home cooking as possible. The concept of “Sunday dinner” is supported throughout.

Public gatherings are held in the restaurant hall to discuss and implement local social programs.

The idea is not only to feed visitors, but also to bring the community of the city together - just like in the movies about small communities in America, where everyone knows each other.

The example of the “Sunday Dinner Company” idea once again proves that government support for small businesses leads to excellent results.

7. Business idea from America: “Gatherball”

The idea of ​​creating a social network for a certain circle of people is far from new.

But at the moment there are still few worthy projects on the Internet.

This is GatherBall, an idea brought to life in America.

GatherBall -

If you find yourself in an unfamiliar place and don’t know who to turn to for help, the solution is very simple - use your gadget.

There will always be people who have already traveled to places on the planet that interest you. In the GatherBall resource, they are happy to help each other solve difficulties and problems.

The main idea of ​​this resource is to help you organize your vacation correctly, taking into account all sorts of difficulties in the travel process.

The number of regular users is constantly growing.

This means that earnings from this business will increase with the same progression.

8. “The Big Board”: “beer exchange” in America

“The Big Board” – located in America (Washington).

The original idea of ​​this establishment is that pricing is directly dependent on demand.

The idea of ​​the business is so unique of its kind in the field of the restaurant business that it was impossible not to remember it in the final part of the article.

Pub main board

Demand creates supply - an eternal truth.

The creator of “The Big Board” in America put forward a lucrative offer: the more beer visitors pour into themselves, the less money they will spend.

The pub also serves a huge variety of beer snacks.

Of course, in terms of its menu, the establishment is not particularly different from similar ones. But the clients are happy and they like the basic idea.

The excitement that arises among pub guests provokes them to spend more and more money.

The idea of ​​hooking a customer, especially in a pub, has a positive effect on the amount of money a business owner makes.

3 more original business ideas from the USA are presented in the video:

How do new business ideas from America apply to Russia?

The business ideas brought to life in America discussed above are an example of a relevant, original and profitable business.

It is worth noting that any of these ideas could have failed if they had been guided only by the uniqueness of the idea.

Behind any success story is an analysis of the market, people’s needs, and the creation of a competent marketing concept.

The influence of the state is also of great importance.

US legislation is structured to simplify the conditions for opening your own small business as much as possible.

This has an extremely positive impact on the variety of forms of entrepreneurship and brings huge income to GDP.

Small businesses in Russia, on the contrary, have a number of problems that do not contribute to the emergence and implementation of new business ideas:

  • monotony of ideas and banality of decisions;
  • the government does not adequately support business owners;
  • insufficient market competition in some industries and excess in others;
  • use of black PR, illegal and dishonest ideas for business promotion;
  • corruption in inspection bodies;
  • the impossibility of developing small businesses without significant capital investments.

A small percentage of the business ideas described above and similar ones can be successfully implemented in our country.

However new business ideas in America can serve as an impetus for the development of domestic entrepreneurship.

Business in the USA is much more advanced when compared to Russia.

However, every entrepreneur starting a business should not rely only on the experience of others.

Be unique!

Strive to generate new ideas, and you will definitely be able to realize your full potential.

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