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New autumn holidays in dou scenario. Autumn holiday in kindergarten

Autumn holiday for children senior group kindergarten. Scenario "Autumn Meetings"

An exciting trip to the autumn forest, garden and vegetable garden will give children a sea of ​​positive emotions and immerse them in the world of autumn colors.
Target: To consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems and skits.
- develop in children the ability to expressively perform songs, dances, and poems
- develop communication skills
- foster respect for nature

The progress of the holiday

The music starts, the presenters come out, the curtain is closed.
1st Presenter: Look around, the leaves are flying.
The birds flew south like a wedge yesterday.
2nd Presenter: Autumn will soon leave, everything will fall asleep until spring.
But you won’t forget our autumn concert!
The presenters open the curtain, music plays, children run out in pairs and stand on their spots.
Dance composition “LEAVES ARE FLYING”.
1. Today the holiday looked into every home,
Because autumn is wandering outside the window.
The autumn holiday came to the kindergarten,
To please both adults and children!
2. Like the whole street is burning with fire,
The leaves argue with the breeze.
I even want to close my eyes,
Everything around is so beautiful!
3. Birds fly to warmer climes,
I will quietly wave my hand after them.
The sky scatters beads of rain,
For me there is no more beautiful time!
4. Autumn will soon say goodbye,
Having given a colorful outfit,
It’s not in vain that her beauty
They call it golden!
Children sit on chairs to the music.
The cry of cranes sounds.
1st Presenter: Hear, there, in the distance, cranes are flying.
Let them wave their wings and call our autumn to us.
Music sounds, Autumn enters.
Autumn: Hello my guys!
You invited me to visit.
But trouble happened
I've been crying all day today.
2nd Presenter: We, Autumn, will not let you be sad,
We can cheer you up with a cheerful song!
Autumn: So thank you guys.
For your song, preschoolers.
But I didn’t come here easily,
I brought you gifts.
She put them in the chest,
She spoke magic words.
I wrote down those words on three maple leaves,
Yes, the bad weather scattered all the leaves all over the world.
Without magic words I can’t open the chest,
How can I get maple leaves?
1st Presenter: We'll go look for maple leaves together.
Along the paths, along the paths, we will return the leaves of Autumn!
2nd Presenter: Let's get on the high-speed train,
He will take you and me!
The train whistle sounds, the children stand up, imitating the movements of the train, and move in a circle.
A voice announces: “Attention! Lesnaya station.
Music sounds and Mushroom Boletus enters.
Mushroom Boletus: I am Boletus mushroom!
Both beautiful and great!
In a thick hat on one side,
The leg is thick, like a stump.
Sit down, relax,
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered in all directions.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Mushroom Boletus: I'll look for leaves
And then I’ll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
In the meantime, stay with me.
Take a walk in the autumn forest,
You will learn a lot of new things.
Music sounds, bring out the Christmas trees.
1st Presenter: In the morning at the forest edge,
Behind a stump on a hummock.
It’s not the little animals that have gathered,
Mushrooms have gathered.
Mushrooms come out to the music, stopping randomly with their faces towards the audience.
Mushroom Boletus: Did you recognize the boletus?
I have a strong leg.
Well, why should I brag?
I am familiar to everyone, of course.
Russula: Russula is known to everyone,
I am, of course, a lovely mushroom.
Know everyone that I'm in pickles -
This is simply delicious!
Boletus: I'm neither small nor tall

Boletus is a fungus.
Eat whoever finds me
I don't feel sorry for myself.
I'll be there for the mushroom picker
A delicious gift!
Chanterelles: 1. We foxes are respected
Girls and boys.
2. If only they roast us,
You'll be licking your fingers!
fly agaric(comes forward):
What nonsense is this!
The most beautiful of all is the fly agaric!
You wanted to go into the pan,
To be boiled and eaten?
I'm not afraid of mushroom pickers
And I’ll laugh at you! (laughs)
Mushrooms turn to fly agaric
Russula: Oh, you stupid braggart!
What's the use of standing like that?
The boy will kick you
He won't want to pick it up!
Boletus: And you'll get caught by snails,
They'll drill holes in the hat,
If you escape from them,
The worms will eat you!
Chanterelles: 1. Well, we won’t be sad.
We bring joy to people.
2. Let them dry and salt us,
Marinate and eat!
2nd Presenter: Until then we get bored
We invite everyone to play!
Mushroom Boletus:
Mushroom-Borovik was amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
Autumn: Thank you, Borovik!
You are used to helping everyone!
Mushroom Boletus: Well, now it's time for you,
Goodbye, kids!
Music sounds, Borovik leaves. The sound of rain sounds.
1st Presenter: What is this? The sky darkened,
It was as if she wanted to cry.
Two children come out under an umbrella.
1. This cloud is angry,
The cloud was loudly indignant:
"It's autumn, not summer,
There will be no more bright light!”
I took gray paint,
Rain fell from the sky.
2. We play hide and seek with the rain and rain.
He is looking for me, and I am hiding under an umbrella!
2nd Presenter: An umbrella doesn't save us from the rain,
The rain fills large puddles.
Tell me which one of you, brothers,
Wants to go for a run in galoshes?
1st Presenter: IN Express train we sit down,
We'll get to the right station!
A whistle sounds, the noise of a train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Sadovaya - berry-fruit".
Music sounds and Uncle Grapes comes out.
Grape: How many guests do I see?
Adults, small children!
I am Uncle Grapes,
Come in, I'm very glad!
Sit down, relax,
Why did you come, tell me.
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered in all directions.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Grape: I'll look for leaves
And then I’ll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
In the meantime, stay with me.
Let's go for a walk in the garden,
Invite everyone to the dance.
Grape: The apples in my garden are green and red,
Look at them, how beautiful they all are.
Guys, help me,
Take these apples apart.
Grape: Thank you for visiting me,
Uncle Vinograd was amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
The train is ready for you to move on,
Fast track! Good luck on your journey!
Music sounds, Vinograd says goodbye and leaves.
Autumn: I already have two leaves,
We are looking for the last one, go ahead, friends!
2nd Presenter: We're getting on the train again,
We'll get to the right station!
The whistle sounds, the sound of a train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Vegetable".
The music sounds and the Scarecrow comes out.
1st Presenter: Who is this and where is it from?
What kind of miracle is this?
Scarecrow: I am Scarecrow, I live in the garden,
And even though I seem harmless,
I put on rags, rags,
I scare everyone with my scary appearance. (Reluctantly waves his hands)
2nd Presenter: Garden Scarecrow?! Very nice!
Why are you sad, we don’t understand?
Scarecrow: One harvested
He led the birds south.
The sky is dripping, the winds are blowing,
And my nose smells winter.
1st Presenter: The guys won't let you get bored,
Get up in the middle - let's play!
Scarecrow: I could play like this all day
What happened to you, don’t you find out?
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered in all directions.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Scarecrow: I'll look for leaves
And then I’ll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
In the meantime, stay with me.
All spring and summer we worked in the garden,
Guess, friends, difficult riddles.
1. To dig up the earth,
I need you guys
New and durable
2. So as not to dry out under the sun,
All plants need
Clean, transparent,
3. How to hill potatoes,
Grandfather and grandmother know.
Mom knows, dad knows,
It will come in handy...(Chopper)
4. Cucumber and tomato, everyone knows
I'm used to the warmth.
And of course they need it,
Warm film…(Greenhouse)
Scarecrow: You guessed it, beauty!
Then there's another game for you.
Who's brave here? Don't be timid!
Find the vegetable in the bag quickly!
Autumn: There are a lot of vitamins in the garden bed,
We have a rich harvest, look, guys!
Vegetables, honest people,
Start a round dance!
Round dance "GARDEN - ROUND DANCE".
Scarecrow: Thank you for visiting me,
The garden scarecrow was amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
And I will new job wait,
When the harvest has to be protected!
The Scarecrow says goodbye and leaves.
Autumn: What a beauty, I have all the leaves!
You guys don't yawn,
Repeat the magic words after me!
“One-two-three, little chest, give me magic!”
The chest does not open, Autumn repeats the words several times, and on the last one says:
Autumn: The children shouted together
Why were the parents silent?
Now everyone is together: “One-two-three, little chest, give me magic!”
Magic music sounds, Autumn opens the chest.
Autumn: Here the chest has opened,
He doesn't need a castle!
And it contains a treat from me,
Sweet delight!
Autumn gives the treat to the host.
2nd Presenter: Thank you Autumn for the treat,
Here's to the holiday and good mood!
Autumn: The autumn holiday is over,
The leaves flew off the trees.
The snow fell on the fields,
I have no more business here.
Well, in next year,
I will come to visit you again!
Music sounds, Autumn is leaving.
1st Presenter: We are finishing our holiday,
We invite everyone to join the group!
The children leave the hall to the music.

Autumn matinee in kindergarten. Middle group

Scenario for an autumn matinee in kindergarten

Scenario for the autumn holiday “Autumn Bouquet”


Autumn leaves - for every child; vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes) and four baskets for playing; musical instruments(tambourines, rattles, wooden sticks) - for each child; autumn bouquet; teddy bear basket with berries; fruit basket.




Bear cubs

The hall is decorated in the shape of an autumn forest; among the low bushes there are garden beds with vegetables on them (cabbage, turnips, carrots, cucumbers).


The brushes of the rowan trees glowed brightly,

The aspen dresses became gold.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

1st child

Outside the window the breeze is having fun -

Either he will jump, or he will hide.

2nd child

And the leaves run along the path,

Like yellow mice from a cat.

Dance with leaves (optional)

Children collect them in a bouquet and sit down.

Autumn enters the hall.


I bring the harvest

Sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees.

But I don't touch the pine trees

And Christmas trees. I am Autumn.

Song about autumn (optional)

Children say hello to Autumn and sing with her.


Here you go guys

Everything that I have in the forest is rich,

Everything I collected

Everything I stored in the summer.

And in the spring, my bunny helpers planted cabbage.

French folk song "Planting Cabbage"

Autumn. For our cabbage to grow well, we need rain.

1st child

Rain, rain, more

Through flowering meadows.

Rain, rain, rain all day

For oats and barley.

2nd child

Let the green wheat

It will start to sprout soon.

3rd child

Rain, rain, water -

There will be a loaf of bread,

There will be rolls, there will be baked goods,

There will be delicious cheesecakes.

(Russian folk chant)

Song about rain (optional)


Let's see now, guys.

What grew in the garden?

Lots of dresses, lots of crunch.

What is her name?.. (Cabbage.)

Yellow side, round side,

Gingerbread man sits on the garden bed,

Rooted firmly to the ground.

What is this?.. (Turnip.)

The red spine is hidden,

Only the top is visible from above.

And you will pick it up cleverly -

And in my hands... (carrot).

One day in the summer under a leaf

A house grew in the garden.

We took it from the ground

And they brought it home to us.

Not a hut or a palace,

And green... (cucumber).

Game "Harvest"

Four children participate: the 1st collects carrots, the 2nd collects potatoes, the 3rd collects tomatoes, the 4th collects cucumbers. The number of vegetables should be the same. The first participant to collect his vegetables in the basket wins.

Autumn. Now let's see what kind of cabbage we have grown.

Staging of a poem by T. Petukhova


Tanned tomato

I started a conversation with the cabbage.


How white are you?

Not tanned at all!


Try to sunbathe

If there are forty-five dresses.

While I'm taking off my dress,

The sun will set.

Autumn. What a wonderful cabbage the bunnies grew! Now I’ll reward them for their good work and give them an autumn bouquet.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Just like that”

(based on the cartoon)

Autumn gives the bunny an autumn bouquet.

Autumn. A bunny runs along the path, rejoicing. Suddenly he sees mice in the clearing getting naughty.

Russian folk melody “Like ours at the gate”

The "mice" children play noise instruments.

Autumn. The hare liked how the mice played in the orchestra, and he gave his autumn bouquet to the smallest mouse. The mouse ran further with the bouquet and met a hedgehog in the forest.


The hedgehog curled up into a bun,

There's no way you'll turn it around.

This is a gray bun -

He has a prickly side.

A. Blinov

Song “Hedgehog” by F. Leshchinskaya

Autumn. The mouse liked the song and gave her autumn bouquet to the hedgehog.

Hedgehog. That's for me?

Mouse. You!

Hedgehog. For what?

Mouse. Just.

Autumn. The hedgehog thanked the mouse for the gift and began to play with it.

Game "Hedgehog and Mice"

Children stand in a circle, in the center of which is a “hedgehog” child.

The hedgehog is running - stupidly, stupidly, Holding hands, the children walk in a circle.

All prickly, sharp tooth! The “hedgehog” runs in the opposite direction inside the circle.

“Hedgehog, hedgehog, where are you going?

What's the matter with you?"

Hedgehog legs - “Hedgehog” and the children do three springy half-squats.

Knock-knock! Stomp first with the right foot, then with the left.

Hedgehog eyes - Do three half squats.

Lup-loop! Raise your arms bent at the elbows and clench and unclench your fingers twice.

The hedgehog hears - They put their right hand to their right ear (“listen”).

It's quiet everywhere. Place your left hand to your left ear.

Chu, a mouse is scratching in the leaves! They clench and unclench their fingers (“scraping”).

Dance, dance, hedgehog! Children clap their hands, “Hedgehog” dances.

Don't feel sorry for your legs!

You catch your own mice,

Catch up with our children!

Autumn. And here are the bears and their mother bear playing in a forest clearing.

Staging of the song “Merry Little Bears” by E. Poplinova

The role of mother bear can be played by a teacher.

Autumn. Only one bear cub is not dancing. He is afraid of losing the basket of raspberries. He sits and sulks. The hedgehog decided to please him and gave the bear a bouquet.

bear. That's for me?

Hedgehog. You.

Bear. For what?

Hedgehog. Just.

Bear. OK! Thank you!

Autumn. The bear decided to get home quickly, but he came across busy squirrels.

"Dance of the Squirrels"

Sl. M. Sadovsky

Music M. Kartushina

The sun is hot, shine!

You are my mushrooms sushi!

Oh, what a bitter cold

You need dried mushroom! (2 times)

This hat is a bitch -

The result is a cap.

And behind it a leg

I'll dry it a little. (2 times)

I jump tirelessly

I want to find a hundred mushrooms

It will be in the winter cold

I feel warmer with them. (2 times)

And I'll pick up some nuts

By the stream in a steep ravine,

I'll be there without haste

Autumn. It’s a pity for the bear to give a bouquet to the squirrels. He began to back away and bumped into the squirrel himself, and immediately hid the basket behind his back.

Squirrel. It's all for me?

bear(holds out a bouquet). You!

Squirrel. For what?

Bear. Just!

Squirrel. Thank you very much!

bear(holds out the basket). Here, take some raspberries.

Squirrel. Thank you!

Autumn. Oh yes, Mishka, how generous he has become! Well done! Not greedy at all!

Round dance to the “Song-exercise” by M. Lazarev

Autumn treats the children to fruit, says goodbye and leaves.

Organization: MDOU No. 1 “Caramel”

Locality: Vologda region, Vologda

Leading Summer flew by quickly

The wind rustled.

Autumn is looking through our window,

Frequent rain knocks.

The doors were opened by the wind,

She unfurled a fan of leaves,

I collected birds for the journey,

She brought us a treat.

The soundtrack of the song is playing "Autumn has knocked on our door" Following Autumn, children appear in the hall and dance. At the end they stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Leading Look how much light there is

And smiles and guests!

This is a good omen

So, the holiday is at the door.

Autumn I came today, children,

Every year I come to you,

I always find you funny.

I am preparing my outfits for you,

Are you happy about my arrival?

Children of Rada!

1 child Autumn at a fox's pace

Sneaks through the ravines

Along the rivers and rivulets

And along the forest edges.

2 reb. Sneaks and at the same time

We paint everything with fox color:

The birch tree turned yellow,

Rowan has turned red...

And the maples turned red,

And Autumn, closer, closer... (comes to the fore)

Autumn Yes! I, children, walk through the forests

With paints and a brush,

So that the trees and bushes

Give fox coloring.

The song “Autumn is like a red cat” sounds. Kulikova (jailed)

Leading The brushes of the rowan trees glowed brightly,

The aspen dresses became gold.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

Autumn I come to visit as a sorceress

And I delight you with my beauty.

I'm like a good fairy in nature

I give you a crimson and gold outfit.

Dance “Golden Autumn”

3 reb. The leaves are spinning again

In a golden dance,

Only the sun is getting less and less often

He comes to our house.

4 children The days are getting shorter again

There is no more heat.

And the nights became longer -

Autumn has come to us. (M. Eremeeva)

Autumn shows the children a basket.

Autumn I came with a basket,

It brought surprises.

5 reb. What surprises are in your basket?

Tell us quickly!

Autumn Every little surprise -

This is Autumn's whim! (takes out a piece of paper)

I want it in this room

Now we have played with you.

Finger game "Leaves" (all)

Autumn rustling with leaves, shaking their arms above their heads

Autumn is golden.

Spun the "Lanterns" up in the air

Having fun playing. "Lanterns" down

Here is a birch leaf Bend your fingers one by one

Here is a rowan leaf,

Here's an oak leaf

Here is an aspen leaf.

A maple leaf Spread your fingers and lower your hand down

He immediately fell under our feet.

Only the Christmas trees stand Connect your fingers like the top of a Christmas tree

They don't want to drop the needles. Shaking their heads and wagging their fingers

Leading Multi-colored leaves are falling,

Autumn has come to visit us again.

Again she pleases us with colors,

This time is wonderful.

Dance “The most gentle waltz” music. L. Gortsueva

Autumn I came today, children,

Celebrate the holiday with you.

And through the forest after me

The mischievous rain was rushing down.

6 children A drop fell from a cloud,

Autumn rain, prickly rain

It's drizzling lightly,

He's in a hurry to get the guys wet!

7 children The rain teases: “Hey, guys!”

He plays hide and seek with us.

It will let you go, then it will go away,

It will disappear, then it will return.

The rain is getting louder and louder

Along the branches and along the path.

Autumn takes a bell from the basket and says:

Dili-don, dili-don

This is a bit of a ringing sound.

Take the bells

Yes, tell me about the rain.

Song "Mischievous Rain" music. Vikhareva (children play bells to the intro music)

Autumn It really rained

All the trees sparkled.

Come out and dance

Celebrate the Autumn Festival.

Dance “Don’t be sad” (Autumn holiday dropped by...) At the end, the children remain standing in a circle.

Leading Autumn is golden

Came to visit us

And there are many gifts

I brought it for the children.

Game "Gifts of Autumn"

Autumn (walks in a circle towards the children)

I walk along autumn paths,

I will find a gift for everyone,

Make-believe on the palms

I'll give a little bit to everyone.

Who accepts the gift?

He presses his palms to himself (shows)

Who doesn't take a gift?

He will throw up his hands! (shows)

Carrot. Tomato...

Watermelon rind,

Milk mushrooms, mushrooms,

Swamp hummocks,

Pine nuts,

Oak acorns,

Golden leaf fall,

Torrential autumn rain...

A tub of sauerkraut

Bug-eyed frog

Apples and pears

Dirty ears

There's jam in the jar

To everyone's surprise

And a pie with potatoes,

And the first little white snow?

Would you like some cucumbers?

You guys are great! (sit down)

Leading Gold autumn,
Red-haired beauty!
It's your holiday guys
I really, really like it.

Autumn Ball is in full swing! Songs and laughter!

Music calls us all

Have fun, dance,

Just don't imagine.

They boldly gave their hand to a friend,

Became in pairs in a circle!

“Dance “Clap-clap-clap” l.n.m. (sat down)
Autumn I am grateful to you guys
You gave me the opportunity to rest.
I'm happy to have fun at the holiday,
But soon I’ll be on my way back.
8 children What are you, Autumn! It's too early to rush!
We want to have some more fun during the holiday.

Dance "Boom-boom"

9 children Oh, what a miracle it is

Autumn golden forest!

And they fly from everywhere

The leaves are a motley crowd.

10 reb. How many different sounds:

The cone will fall from the tree,

A branch crunches under your feet,

The bird will fly from the tree.

Autumn I have in my basket

Wonderful surprises.

Delicious surprises -

Main whims.

Who can guess the riddle?

My surprise gets:

He grew up in a birch forest.

Wears a hat on his foot.

The leaf stuck to it on top.

Did you find out? This...

Children Mushroom!

Autumn Yes, there are countless mushrooms in the forest,

There are all kinds of mushrooms.

You hurry up and stand in a circle,

Yes, play with the mushroom.

Game “Pass the fungus” r.n.m. “Oh, you, canopy” (parents and children stand in a circle)

Hey guys, don't yawn, They sing and pass the fungus around

You are transmitting the fungus.

Who has a fungus in their hands -

Come out and dance in a circle! Who ended up with a fungus?

songs, comes out in a circle and dances

All other participants clap

11 children You're still a little bit, Autumn,

Play with us.

A cheerful round dance

Get up quickly.

"Colorful game" music. Savelyeva (together with her parents)

Autumn I have a basket in my hands

It contains autumn gifts

Everything I'm rich in

I brought it for the kids.

We had a lot of fun

I am very grateful to you!

And for this I give gifts

I’ll give you autumn ones.

Autumn It’s time to close the autumn holiday,
And I was very glad to see you, kids.
But you can't turn back time.
The time has come when it’s time for me to hit the road.

Autumn is leaving.

Leading The autumn holiday is over,

I think it lifted everyone's spirits.

I want to sing and always smile

Children, do you agree with me?

Leading Well, our holiday has come to an end. Until we meet again in this hall.