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About the company and products. Wholesale and retail electricity markets Model of the wholesale electricity and power market

2. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tariff Service and the Federal Antimonopoly Service shall agree by March 25, 2011 on the adjusted sources of financing for the investment program of the open joint-stock company " Federal Hydro-Generating Company.

3. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tariff Service must agree, by March 25, 2011, on adjusted sources of financing for the investment program of the open joint-stock company "Russian Concern for the Production of Electrical and Thermal Energy at Nuclear Power Plants".

4. The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation must approve, by April 1, 2011, adjusted sources of financing for the investment program of the open joint-stock company "Federal Hydro-Generating Company".

5. The State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" to approve, by April 1, 2011, the adjusted sources of financing for the investment program of the open joint-stock company "Russian Concern for the Production of Electrical and Thermal Energy at Nuclear Power Plants".

A) within 2 weeks from the date of approval of the adjusted investment programs specified in and this resolution, revise the components of power prices corresponding to the amount of funds necessary to ensure safe operation and financing of investment programs of electric power industry entities in terms of nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants (in including pumped storage power plants);

To revise for 2011 the prices for power for generating facilities supplying power in forced mode, indicative prices for electric energy and power supplied in the price zones of the wholesale market for buyers - subjects of the wholesale market for electric energy and power under contracts concluded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation Federations with guaranteeing suppliers (energy supply organizations, energy sales organizations, whose buyers of electrical energy (power) include the population and (or) equivalent categories of consumers), as well as with wholesale market entities determined by the Government of the Russian Federation - buyers of electrical energy (power) , operating in certain parts of the price zones of the wholesale market, for which the Government of the Russian Federation has established the peculiarities of the functioning of the wholesale and retail markets. The indicated prices apply to legal relations arising from April 1, 2011;

Adjust by year the parameters of changes in the required gross revenue of the open joint-stock company "Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System" in order to smooth out tariffs, ensuring a reduction in the required gross revenue for the maintenance of electric grid facilities related to the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid in 2011 in the amount up to 5 billion rubles, and revise the established tariffs for services for the transmission of electrical energy through the unified national (all-Russian) electrical network provided by the open joint-stock company "Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System";

Revise the tariffs established for 2011 for Kaliningrad CHPP-2 (open joint stock company INTER RAO UES) for electric energy and power supplied in non-price zones of the wholesale market, tariffs for electric energy and power sold (purchased) on the wholesale market under regulated prices (tariffs) for the purpose of import (export) into the electric power systems of foreign countries established for the Kaliningrad region, and indicative prices for electric energy and power for buyers - subjects of the wholesale market of electric energy and power in territories not united in price zones of the wholesale market ( non-price zones) established for 2011 for the Kaliningrad region. The indicated prices (tariffs) apply to legal relations arising from April 1, 2011;

C) before July 1, 2011, together with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service, submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals to amend the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding the participation of representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the non-profit partnership "Market Council for organizing effective systems of wholesale and retail trade in electrical energy and power" in the work of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs.

Within 9 months, prepare, together with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Tariff Service and the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals for adjustments approved by this resolution, in terms of provisions relating to organization of power trading on the wholesale market (including the application of coefficients established by the specified Rules when determining the volume of undersupply of power in the event of non-fulfillment (partial non-fulfillment) by the supplier of the conditions for maintaining generating equipment in a state of readiness for generating electrical energy, as well as the possibility of transition to the formation of prices for electrical energy based on the full costs of generating electric energy and power), based on an analysis of the functioning of the wholesale market for electric energy and power after the end of the transition period.

8. In order to establish cases of manipulation of prices for electrical energy, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, in agreement with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tariff Service, shall, by May 1, 2011, approve a methodology for determining the compliance of price applications for the sale of electrical energy with economic requirements validity.

9. To the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs from May 1, 2011, tariffs (tariffs) established for 2011 for services for the transmission of electrical energy through electrical networks owned by right of ownership or other legal basis to territorial network organizations for electrical energy (power) supplied to customers in retail markets in territories not united in price zones of the wholesale market, with the exception of electrical energy (power) supplied to the population and equivalent categories of consumers, as well as sales markups of guaranteeing suppliers, taking into account, and of this resolution and based on an increase in the average single-rate tariff for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for services for the transmission of electrical energy through electrical networks owned by property or other legal basis to territorial network organizations, and sales markups of guaranteeing suppliers by no more than 15 percent. In agreement with the Federal Tariff Service, executive authorities in the field of state regulation of tariffs have the right to extend the effect of decisions to reduce the tariffs and sales markups of last resort suppliers specified in this paragraph to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2011.

1. These Rules establish the legal basis for the functioning of the wholesale market for electric energy and power (hereinafter referred to as the wholesale market), including the regulation of relations related to the circulation of electric energy and power in the wholesale market, from January 1, 2011.

“group of delivery points” - one or several points in the electrical network (delivery points) related to one node of the calculation model and (or) to a single technologically indivisible energy facility, in relation to which a wholesale market participant purchases and sells electricity and (or ) capacity on the wholesale market, or limiting the territory in respect of which the purchase and sale of electrical energy and (or) capacity on the wholesale market is carried out by only one participant in the wholesale market, and used to determine and fulfill obligations related to the supply and payment of electrical energy and ( or) power;

"commercial metering" - the process of measuring volumes of electrical energy and electrical power values, collecting and processing measurement results, generating by calculation based on measurement results data on the amount of generated and consumed electrical energy and power in the corresponding groups of delivery points, as well as storing and transmitting the specified data;

“competitive selection” - a procedure for determining prices and volumes of electrical energy or power as a result of selecting price applications based on the criterion of minimizing the cost of electrical energy or power;

“price manipulation on the wholesale market” - committing economically and (or) technologically unjustified actions, including using one’s dominant position on the wholesale market, which lead to a significant change in prices (prices) for electrical energy and (or) capacity;

“commercial infrastructure organization” - a market council, a commercial operator of a wholesale market or another organization entrusted with the functions of providing commercial infrastructure;

“deviations” - volumes of electrical energy corresponding to changes in hourly volumes of production (consumption) of electrical energy by a participant in the wholesale market between the moment of determining the volumes of planned hourly production (consumption) of electrical energy in accordance with these Rules and the end of the hour of their delivery;

“calculation model” - a description of the electric power system, intended for constructing a mathematical model of the process of production, transmission and consumption of electrical energy and power, with the help of which the volumes of production and consumption of electrical energy and power and the corresponding prices are calculated;

“system limitations” - maximum permissible values ​​of technological parameters of the functioning of the Unified Energy System of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the UES of Russia) (including the voltage level and capacity of the electrical network), determined by the operating parameters of electric power facilities;

“node of the calculation model” - an integral part of the calculation model, corresponding to the connections of the electrical networks described in the calculation model and the points of connection of consuming and (or) generating objects to them (in this case, each generating object connected to high voltage networks is described separately in the calculation model) ;








In accordance with the Federal Law "On Electric Power Industry", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Rules of the wholesale electricity and power market;

changes that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the organization of the functioning of the wholesale market for electric energy and capacity.


2. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tariff Service and the Federal Antimonopoly Service shall agree by March 25, 2011 on the adjusted sources of financing for the investment program of the open joint-stock company " Federal Hydro-Generating Company.

4. The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation must approve, by April 1, 2011, adjusted sources of financing for the investment program of the open joint-stock company "Federal Hydro-Generating Company".


6. Federal Tariff Service:

a) within 2 weeks from the date of approval of the adjusted investment programs specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Resolution, revise the components of power prices corresponding to the amount of funds necessary to ensure safe operation and financing of investment programs of electric power industry entities in terms of nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants (including pumped storage power plants);


7. To the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation:

within 9 months to prepare together with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Tariff Service and

State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals for adjusting the Rules approved by this Resolution, in terms of provisions relating to the organization of power trading on the wholesale market (including the application of the coefficients established by these Rules when determining the volume of undersupply of power in the event of non-fulfillment (partial non-fulfillment) by the supplier of the conditions for maintaining generating equipment in a state of readiness for the generation of electrical energy, as well as the possibility of transition to the formation of prices for electrical energy based on the full costs of generating electrical energy and power), based on an analysis of the functioning of the wholesale market for electrical energy and capacity after the end of the transition period.


8. In order to establish cases of manipulation of prices for electrical energy, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, in agreement with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tariff Service, shall, by May 1, 2011, approve a methodology for determining the compliance of price applications for the sale of electrical energy with economic requirements validity.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. PUTIN

1. These Rules establish the legal basis for the functioning of the wholesale market for electric energy and power (hereinafter referred to as the wholesale market), including the regulation of relations related to the circulation of electric energy and power in the wholesale market, from January 1, 2011.


1) trade in electrical energy and capacity at regulated prices (tariffs) based onpurchase and sale agreements(supplies) of electrical energy and (or) power (hereinafter - regulated contracts). The sale and payment for electric energy and power can be carried out under a single regulated agreement providing for the purchase and sale of electric energy and power, or under separate regulated agreements;

2) trade in electrical energy and (or) capacity at free (unregulated) prices based on contracts purchase and sale of electrical energy and (or) capacity (hereinafter

- free contracts);

3) electrical energy tradingat free (unregulated) prices, determined by competitive

selection of price requests from buyers and suppliers,


4. On the wholesale market, trade in electrical energy and capacity is carried out using the following methods:

4) capacity trading at free (unregulated) prices based on resultscompetitive power take-off;

5) trade in electrical energy at free (unregulated) prices, determined through competitive selection of applications from suppliers and participants with regulated consumption, carried out no later than an hour before the delivery of electrical energy in order to form

balanced mode of production and consumption of electrical energy (hereinafter referred to as competitive selection of applications to balance the system);

11) trade in power under contracts for the purchase and sale (supply) of power produced using generating facilities during the period for which the power of such facilities was not selected based on the results of competitive selection of power, if it is necessary to maintain these facilities in working condition to ensure the established technical regulations and other mandatory requirements for the operating parameters of the UES of Russia, life support systems, water use regimes (hereinafter referred to as generating facilities whose power is supplied in forced mode);


6. System operator in order to minimize the cost of electrical energy selects the composition of the switched-on generating equipment and the generating equipment in reserve (hereinafter referred to as the composition of the VSVGO equipment), no later than 24 hours before the start of the period for which the selection of the equipment composition is carried out, the start time and duration (no more than 10 days) of which are determined by the system operator and are brought to the attention of participants in the wholesale market in accordance with the agreement on joining the trading system of the wholesale market.

To make this choice, wholesale market participants - electricity suppliers provide the following information:

parameters of generating equipment;

the amount of costs for starting and shutting down generating equipment;

maximum prices indicated in price applications for the sale of electrical energy submitted to participate in the competitive selection of price applications for the day ahead and in the competitive selection of applications for

balancing the system for each hour of the specified period - for market participants operating in the price zones of the wholesale market.

Organization and functioning.

2. The Electric Power Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall ensure:

1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) referral for official publication of this order within ten calendar days after its state registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in periodicals and in the Adilet information and legal system;

3) placement of this order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on the intranet portal of government bodies;

4) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission to the Department of Legal Service of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of information on the implementation of the measures provided for in subparagraphs 2) and 3) of this paragraph.

3. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the supervising Vice Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order comes into force ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

Rules of organization and operation
wholesale electricity market
1. General Provisions

1. These Rules for the organization and functioning of the wholesale electricity market (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with subparagraph 9) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 9, 2004 “On Electric Power Industry” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and determine the procedure for the organization and functioning of the wholesale market electrical energy.

2. The following concepts and definitions are used in the Rules:

1) the actual balance of production and consumption of electrical energy in the wholesale electrical energy market of the Republic of Kazakhstan - a document drawn up by the system operator that establishes the targeted distribution of volumes of produced, supplied and consumed electrical energy in the decentralized and centralized trade markets, the balancing market of electrical energy for the billing period. The actual balance is the basis for mutual settlements between subjects of the wholesale electricity market of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) market for centralized trading of electrical energy - an organized trading platform for the purchase and sale of electrical energy in the short-term (spot trading “during the operating day” and in the “day ahead” mode), medium-term (week, month) and long-term (quarter, year) basis;

3) electric energy purchase and sale agreement - an agreement concluded between subjects of the wholesale electric energy market for the purchase (sale) of contractual volumes of electric energy with their physical delivery in a certain period;

4) transit of electrical energy - a service for the use of electrical networks of one or several neighboring countries for the transfer of electrical energy from the energy system of another country;

5) facility for the use of renewable energy sources - technical devices intended for the production of electrical and (or) thermal energy using renewable energy sources, and related structures and infrastructure that are technologically necessary for the operation of the facility for the use of renewable energy sources and are on the balance sheet owner of a facility for the use of renewable energy sources.

Other concepts and definitions used in these Rules are applied in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry.

Footnote. Clause 2 as amended by the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676

3. The wholesale electricity market in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a system of relations related to the purchase and sale of electricity, operating on the basis of agreements between subjects of the wholesale electricity market, and consists of interconnected markets:

1) market for decentralized purchase and sale of electrical energy;

2) market for centralized trade in electrical energy;

3) balancing electricity market;

4) market for system and support services.

Organization procedure
wholesale electricity market

4. Subjects of the wholesale electricity market are allowed to participate.

5. Energy-producing organizations, including energy-producing organizations using renewable energy sources, participate in the wholesale electricity market if the following conditions are met:

1) supply to the wholesale electric energy market in an amount of at least 1 megawatt (hereinafter referred to as MW) of average daily (base) power (for facilities using renewable energy sources of average annual capacity) and the availability of automated commercial accounting systems, telecommunications, ensuring their unification with systems, installed by the system operator;

Footnote. Clause 5 as amended by the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

5-1. Energy-producing organizations using renewable energy sources participate in the wholesale electricity market by selling electricity to consumers under bilateral agreements or by selling electricity to the Settlement and Financial Center.

Footnote. The rules were supplemented with clause 5-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

5-2. Energy producing organizations that use renewable energy sources and sell electricity to consumers under bilateral agreements participate in the wholesale electricity market if the following conditions are met:

1) supply to the wholesale electricity market under bilateral agreements with consumers in the amount of at least 1 megawatt (hereinafter referred to as MW) of average annual capacity and the availability of automated commercial accounting systems, telecommunications, ensuring their unification with the systems installed by the system operator;

2) availability of access to the national and, if necessary, regional electrical network.

Footnote. The rules were supplemented with clause 5-2 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

5-3. Energy producing organizations that use renewable energy sources and sell electricity to the Settlement and Financial Center participate in the wholesale electricity market if the following conditions are met:

1) the presence of automated commercial accounting systems, telecommunications, ensuring their unification with the systems installed by the system operator;

2) availability of access to the national and, if necessary, regional electrical network.

Footnote. The rules were supplemented with paragraph 5-3 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

6. Energy-producing organizations are provided with access to the national power grid and (or) the regional power grid subject to agreements with the system operator:

1) for the provision of services for technical dispatching of electric energy production and consumption modes in the unified electric power system of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) for the provision of system services for organizing balancing of production and consumption of electrical energy in the unified electrical energy system of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) for the purchase (sale) of balancing electrical energy.

6-1. Energy-producing organizations using renewable energy sources and selling electricity to consumers under bilateral agreements are granted access to the national power grid and/or regional power grid if there are contracts:

1) for the provision of services for technical dispatching of electric energy production/consumption modes in the unified electric power system of Kazakhstan;

2) for the provision of services for organizing balancing of production/consumption of electrical energy in the unified electric power system of Kazakhstan;

3) for the purchase/sale of balancing electrical energy.

Footnote. The rules were supplemented with clause 6-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

6-2. Energy producing organizations using renewable energy sources and selling electricity to the Settlement and Financial Center are provided with access to the national power grid and/or regional power grid if they have an agreement with the System Operator for the provision of services for technical dispatch of electricity production/consumption modes in a single electric power system of Kazakhstan.

Footnote. The rules were supplemented with clause 6-2 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

7. Electricity consumers, including energy transmission organizations, participate in the wholesale market if the following conditions are met:

1) purchase on the wholesale market of electrical energy in an amount of at least 1 MW of average daily (base) power and the availability of automated commercial metering systems, telecommunication systems that ensure their unification with the systems installed by the system operator and, if necessary, the regional power grid company;

2) availability of access to the national and, if necessary, regional electrical network.

8. Consumers of electrical energy, including energy transmission organizations, are provided with access to the national electrical grid if they have:

For the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy through the national electrical grid;

For the provision of services for technical dispatch of imported electrical energy (in the case of import of electrical energy);

To provide system services for organizing balancing of production and consumption of electrical energy in the unified electric power system of Kazakhstan;

For the purchase (sale) of balancing electrical energy;

2) agreements for the provision of transmission services with an energy transmission organization, including one operating regional-level electrical networks, to whose networks the consumer of electrical energy is connected.

9. Energy supply organizations operate in the wholesale electricity market if the following conditions are met:

1) availability of a license for the right to purchase electrical energy for energy supply purposes;

2) fulfillment of requirements for supply (consumption) from the wholesale electricity market in an amount of at least 1 MW of average daily (base) power;

3) availability of access to the national and, if necessary, regional electrical grid.

10. Energy supply organizations are provided with access to the national electrical grid if they have:

1) agreements with the system operator:

for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy through the national electrical grid;

for the provision of system services for technical dispatch of imported electrical energy (in the case of import of electrical energy);

for the provision of services for organizing balancing of production and consumption of electrical energy in the unified electrical energy system of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

for the purchase (sale) of balancing electrical energy;

2) agreements for the provision of transmission services with an energy transmission organization, including one operating regional-level electrical networks, to whose networks the energy supply organization is connected.

3. Participation of energy producing organizations
in the wholesale electricity market

11. Energy-producing organizations sell produced electrical energy to subjects of the wholesale electrical energy market on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12. In the process of carrying out their activities on the wholesale electricity market, energy producing organizations:

1) carry out, together with the system operator, regulation and maintenance of the standard frequency in the unified electric power system of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) provide the operator of the centralized electricity trading market with the information necessary to monitor the electricity market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including information on electricity purchase and sale agreements concluded on the centralized and decentralized electricity markets;

3) ensure the maintenance of power reserves, the volume, structure and placement of which are determined by the system operator on the basis of concluded contracts;

4) ensure the availability of means of dispatch technological control, including means of communication with dispatch centers of the system operator, operational information complex of dispatch control, unified with the operational information complex of the system operator;

5) provide the system operator and the regional power grid company with unimpeded access to commercial electricity metering devices.

4. Consumer participation in the wholesale market
electrical energy

13. Electricity consumers on the wholesale electricity market buy electricity on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

14. Electricity consumers when carrying out activities on the wholesale electricity market:

1) comply with the electricity consumption regimes specified in the electricity purchase and sale agreement;

2) maintain the proper technical condition of electrical and power installations and commercial metering devices owned by consumers, fulfill the requirements for their technical condition in the manner established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry;

3) provide measurement data of commercial metering devices within the time limits established in accordance with the concluded contracts;

4) provide the system operator and the regional power grid company with unhindered access to commercial electricity metering devices;

5) ensure the availability of means of dispatch technological control, including means of communication with the dispatch centers of the system operator and the regional power grid company, the operational information complex of the dispatch control, unified with the operational information complex of the system operator and the regional power grid company, or the availability of a document on the transfer of powers for operational-dispatch interaction with another dispatch center;

6) ensure the presence of a system for collecting and transmitting telemetric information connected to an authorized dispatch center;

7) promptly warn their counterparties under electricity purchase and sale agreements and the system operator about changes in the terms of the electricity purchase and sale agreements.

15. Consumers of electrical energy who do not have contracts for the purchase of electrical energy are subject to disconnection from the national and (or) regional electrical grid.

5. Participation of energy supply organizations
in the wholesale electricity market

16. Energy supplying organizations purchase electrical energy for the purpose of energy supply to their consumers, taking into account the relevant marginal, estimated or individual tariffs on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

17. When carrying out their activities on the wholesale electricity market, energy supply organizations:

1) ensure that the system operator and (or) the regional power grid company has unhindered access to commercial metering devices for electric energy of the consumers served;

2) ensure the existence of an agreement on the provision of dispatch services with the relevant dispatch center or point of the regional power grid company;

3) promptly warn their counterparties under electricity purchase and sale agreements, the system operator and (or) the regional power grid organization about changes in the terms of the electricity purchase and sale agreements.

18. If the energy supplying organization does not have valid contracts for the purchase of electricity, retail consumers are subject to transfer to the guaranteeing supplier of electric energy in the manner established by the Law.

6. Participation of energy transmission organizations
in the wholesale electricity market

19. Energy transmission organizations of electrical energy on the wholesale electrical energy market provide services for the transmission of electrical energy, purchase electrical energy to compensate for the technological consumption of electrical energy and economic needs on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

20. Services for the transmission of electrical energy through the regional electrical network are provided to consumers of electrical energy connected to the regional electrical network, energy supply organizations, at a tariff established by the government body that manages the areas of natural monopolies.

In cases where substations of an energy transmission organization are connected by power transmission lines belonging to it to the National Electric Grid according to the “entrance-output” scheme, the energy transmission organization carries out the movement of electrical energy through such power lines and substation equipment without charging payment.

Footnote. Clause 20 as amended by the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication); as amended by order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 14, 2017№ 200 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

21. When carrying out their activities on the wholesale electricity market, energy transmission organizations:

1) carry out the transmission of electrical energy through the regional electrical network in accordance with established reliability standards and quality standards of electrical energy in the manner established in accordance with the Law;

2) provide equal conditions for access to the regional electrical network;

3) ensure the maintenance of operational readiness of the regional electrical network and its maintenance;

4) ensure stable and reliable operation of the regional electrical network, timely adoption of measures to prevent, localize and eliminate accidents at energy facilities included in the operational management (maintenance) zone;

5) together with the system operator, ensure the quality of transmitted electrical energy in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electric power industry and in the field of technical regulation;

6) carry out commercial metering of electrical energy at agreed metering points on the borders of the regional electrical network;

7) interact with the system operator in the process of operational dispatch control of the modes of production (consumption) of electrical energy in the unified electric power system of Kazakhstan;

8) carry out financial settlement with the system operator of their own imbalances of electrical energy at agreed points of commercial metering at the boundaries of the national and regional electrical grid;

9) receive and carry out quality control of the necessary information for carrying out activities on the wholesale electricity market from all subjects of the wholesale electricity market, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

7. Participation of the system operator and market operator
centralized trade in electrical energy
in the wholesale electricity market

22. The system operator participates in the wholesale electricity market in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electricity.

23. The operator of the centralized electricity trading market provides services for organizing and conducting centralized trading in the manner established in accordance with the Law.

24. Operator of the centralized electricity trade market:

1) ensures and maintains the trading system in constant readiness for conducting centralized trading in electrical energy on the wholesale electricity market;

2) organizes a centralized system of guarantees and settlements in the centralized electricity trading market in order to minimize the commercial risks of wholesale market entities;

3) conducts training for participants in the wholesale electricity market to work with the trading system;

4) monitors the execution of transactions concluded at centralized trading;

5) provides subjects of the wholesale electricity market with information on indicative prices for electricity established at centralized auctions and other market information.

24-1. The financial settlement center participates in the wholesale electricity market in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electricity and supporting the use of renewable energy sources.

Footnote. The rules were supplemented with clause 24-1 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

24-2. When purchasing electrical energy produced using renewable energy sources, the financial settlement center and conditional consumers do not enter into agreements for the provision of transmission services with energy transmission organizations.

Footnote. The rules were supplemented with clause 24-2 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

24-3. The settlement and financial center enters into an agreement with the system operator for the provision of services for organizing balancing of production and consumption of electrical energy in the unified electrical energy system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with electricity purchase agreements concluded with energy-producing organizations using renewable energy sources.

Footnote. The rules were supplemented with clause 24-3 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015№ 676 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

8. Operation of the wholesale electricity market

25. In the market for decentralized purchase and sale of electrical energy, a wholesale market entity independently enters into an agreement for the purchase and sale of electrical energy. The volumes and timing of electrical energy supplies are determined by the terms of the contract.

26. In the centralized electricity trading market, contracts and transactions for the purchase and sale of electrical energy are concluded based on the results of centralized trading conducted by the operator of the centralized electrical energy trading market, in the manner established in accordance with the Law.

27. Participation of subjects of the wholesale electricity market in centralized trading is carried out on a voluntary basis, except for cases provided for by the Law, and on the basis of a participation agreement concluded with the operator of the centralized electricity trade market.

28. Contracts for the purchase and sale of electrical energy in the market for decentralized purchase and sale of electrical energy and in the market for centralized trade in electrical energy are concluded in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also provide for the following conditions:

1) the schedule of hourly daily (seasonal) changes in the mode of supply of electrical energy agreed upon by the parties;

2) indication of the points of physical and commercial accounting of supply to the network and reception from the network of contractual volumes of electrical energy by consumers of electrical energy and energy-producing organizations;

3) terms of supply (reservation procedure) of electrical energy in the event of emergency violations;

4) the procedure for limiting and (or) terminating the supply of electrical energy in the event of late payment by the buyer of electrical energy.

29. Electricity purchase and sale agreements providing for the supply (purchase) of electrical energy to neighboring states, the transfer or transit of electrical energy through the electrical networks of neighboring states are subject to agreement with the system operator in terms of technical implementation in the manner established in accordance with the Law.

30. Relations arising in the wholesale electricity market for transactions for the export and (or) import of electricity are regulated in the manner prescribed by the relevant agreements, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electricity and interstate agreements.

31. Export and import of electrical energy is carried out subject to compliance with the requirements of the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, unless otherwise established by a ratified international treaty to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a party.

32. Subjects of the wholesale electricity market, on the basis of concluded contracts, send applications to the system operator for the supply (consumption) of electricity for the coming day.

33. The system operator forms and approves daily schedule based on applications from subjects of the wholesale electricity market.

34. The supply (consumption) of electrical energy is carried out in accordance with the declared volumes of supply and consumption of electrical energy specified in the daily schedule approved by the system operator, taking into account agreed adjustments.

35. The balancing electric energy market is a system operator’s tool for maintaining the balance of electricity and capacity in the unified electric power system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

36. The system operator ensures the contractual values ​​of interstate balances of electric energy flows with the energy systems of neighboring states and the settlement of interstate imbalances of electric energy. The system operator settles interstate imbalances in the manner prescribed by the relevant agreements, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and interstate agreements.

37. The market for system and auxiliary services includes services for the transmission, dispatch, regulation and reservation of electrical energy and power, is determined by the characteristics of the production, transmission, consumption of electrical energy and operates in the manner established in accordance with the Law. System and auxiliary services are provided and received by subjects of the wholesale electricity market on the basis of concluded agreements for the provision of relevant services.

Footnote. Clause 37 as amended by the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 25, 2017№ 471 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

38. Mutual settlements for electrical energy actually supplied and consumed on the wholesale market are carried out by subjects of the wholesale market in accordance with the values ​​of volumes of electrical energy indicated in the actual balance of production and consumption of electrical energy on the wholesale market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, compiled by the system operator based on the results of the billing calendar month.

As of today, relations in Russia regarding the purchase and sale of electricity can be divided into two main parts:

  • purchase and sale on the wholesale electricity market (wholesale electricity and capacity market);
  • purchase and sale of electricity on the retail electricity market;

The basics of the retail electricity market were discussed in other articles on the site, so in this article we will dwell in more detail on the concept of the wholesale electricity market and WECM capacity.

So, what is the wholesale electricity and capacity market, what rules of the wholesale electricity market exist, as well as which subjects of the wholesale electricity and capacity market have the right to work on it and this will be discussed in this article.
In the wholesale market, sellers and buyers can be:

  • generating companies of the wholesale electricity market;
  • electricity export/import operators;
  • energy sales companies and suppliers of last resort;
  • grid companies (territorial grid companies and JSC FGC UES) - regarding the purchase of losses;
  • large consumers.

The above-mentioned subjects of the wholesale electricity and capacity market of the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market can be both sellers in the wholesale electricity and capacity market and buyers. In order to obtain the status of the wholesale electricity and capacity market and the right to trade on it, an organization wishing to become a participant in the wholesale electricity and capacity market must meet the requirements set out in the “Rules of the Wholesale Electricity Market”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2010 No. 1172, as well as in the Agreement on Accession to the Wholesale Market Trading System (it can be downloaded on the website of the NP “Market Council”).

In Russia, the wholesale electricity and capacity market currently operates only in price zones. The price zone is a part of the territory of the Russian Federation where competition is possible between participants in the wholesale electricity and capacity market. There are two price zones:

  • first price zone (territory of the European part of Russia and the Urals);
  • second price zone (Siberia).

In addition, there are so-called non-price zones (regions of the Far East, Arkhangelsk region, Kaliningrad region and the Komi Republic). In these territories, competition is still impossible for various technical reasons. In non-price zones, electricity is sold on the retail electricity and power market at regulated prices. The price and non-price zones of the wholesale electricity market are discussed in more detail below.

Basic principles of operation of the wholesale electricity and capacity market

As the name suggests, the wholesale electricity and power market involves trading of two goods - electricity and power.
Power is a special product, upon the purchase of which the buyer has the right to demand that the generating companies of the wholesale market maintain equipment intended for generating electricity in constant readiness.

In its present form, the wholesale electricity and capacity market has been operating since 2006.

Electricity market

There are several market sectors operating in the wholesale electricity and capacity market:

  • regulated contracts sector;
  • day-ahead market;
  • free contracts sector;
  • balancing market.

Under regulated contracts in the sector of regulated contracts, electricity tariffs are determined by the FTS of the Russian Federation. At the same time, electricity is purchased in this sector only for supply to the population, as well as to consumers in the area of ​​operation of IDGC of the North Caucasus.

Volumes of electricity that are not purchased under regulated contracts are purchased at unregulated prices within the framework of free contracts, the day-ahead market (DAM) and the balancing market (BM).

The main meaning of free contracts is that participants in the wholesale electricity and capacity market independently determine with whom they will enter into contracts, as well as the prices and volumes of electricity supply.

The day-ahead market (DAM) of the wholesale electricity and capacity market is a competitive selection of price bids from suppliers and buyers carried out by ATS OJSC a day before the actual supply of electricity with the determination of prices and supply volumes for each hour of the day. On the DAM, marginal pricing is carried out, i.e. the price is determined by balancing supply and demand and applies to all market participants. The DAM price is determined for each of about 8,000 nodes in both price zones.

Price indices and trading volumes on the DAM are published daily on the website of ATS OJSC.

To submit an application for the purchase of electricity on the day-ahead market, buyers of the wholesale market send these applications in accordance with the established deadlines to ATS OJSC. Thus, all large consumers who operate in the wholesale electricity and capacity market must submit applications with planned hourly electricity consumption to purchase electricity on the market one day in advance.
To eliminate the risk of price manipulation on the day-ahead market, applications for the purchase of electricity with the lowest price must be satisfied first.

However, actual electricity consumption always differs from planned electricity consumption. In this regard, a consumer who has submitted an application to purchase electricity on the day-ahead market will either have a shortage of electricity (if the fact is greater than the plan) or an excess of electricity purchased on the day-ahead market (the plan is greater than the actual). Because of this, these deviations are traded in real time in the balancing market. It is worth noting that the purchase price of electricity on the balancing market is significantly higher than the purchase price on the day-ahead market, and the selling price is significantly lower. Those. It is necessary to plan your hourly consumption in such a way as to achieve a minimum deviation of the actual from the plan, because a significant deviation will result in a significant increase in energy costs. At the same time, for every 3 hours up to the hour of actual delivery, the system operator (SO UES OJSC) conducts additional competitive selections of suppliers' applications, taking into account forecast consumption in the power system, economic efficiency of loading stations and system reliability requirements.

In addition, deviations of actual consumption from planned ones are qualified by one’s own or external initiatives. Own initiative arises due to the actions of a market participant (consumer or supplier), external initiative - as a result of commands from the System Operator or an accident that led to a forced change in the mode of production or consumption of electricity. To determine the cost of deviations for various types of initiatives, calculation formulas (cuts) are used, calculated for each hour of the day for each node of the calculation model. Cut-offs are defined as the maximum (minimum) values ​​of the BR indicator and the DAM price, thereby stimulating more accurate execution of planned electricity consumption and production. Based on the cost of deviations, the preliminary requirements and preliminary obligations of the BR are determined, the difference between which forms the imbalance of the balancing market. Negative imbalance is distributed among participants in proportion to their own initiatives. The positive imbalance is distributed between suppliers, in proportion to the amount of execution of external initiatives, and consumers, who adhere to planned consumption as closely as possible. Thus, in BR, market participants who allow the largest deviations of actual consumption and output from planned ones on their own initiative are “fined”, and participants who adhere to planned consumption and carry out the commands of the System Operator as accurately as possible are “bonded”.

Power Market

Since June 1, 2008, capacity trading has been carried out on the basis of competitive capacity selection (CPO) conducted by the system operator. Wholesale market participants who have passed the procedure for admission to the COM have the opportunity to submit applications in an amount not exceeding the maximum available capacity taken into account by the Federal Tariff Service of Russia in the forecast balance for the corresponding regulatory period. Buyers are required to pay for all power taken from the KOM in their price zone. Suppliers in each price zone are jointly and severally responsible for fulfilling their obligations to provide capacity.
The transitional capacity market provided the opportunity to sell part of the capacity at unregulated prices, within the framework of electricity and capacity purchase and sale agreements (SPEA), including on the stock exchange, and the purchase and sale of capacity based on the results of competitive selection. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 89 dated February 24, 2010 approved changes to the Wholesale Market Rules, ensuring the launch of the long-term capacity market (LCM) model. As in the area of ​​electricity trade, since 2011, power has been supplied under regulated contracts only in the volumes necessary for supply to the population and equivalent categories of consumers.

The main differences between the DRM and the transitional capacity market:

  • Within the framework of the KOM, power is selected not for a year in advance, but for 4 years (starting from 2016), which guarantees payment of power to the supplier for the period of construction of new capacities;
  • Pricing is carried out within the framework of free flow zones (FZZ), rather than price zones, which makes it possible to generate local price signals for buyers and power suppliers;
  • As part of competitive selection, not all available capacity is selected and paid for, which contributes to increased competition among capacity suppliers.
  • The long-term capacity market includes capacity supply agreements to ensure financing of investments in new generation.

Price and non-price zones of the wholesale electricity market.

Price and non-price zones of the wholesale electricity market

On the territory of Russia it is customary to distinguish two price zones of the wholesale electricity and capacity market. On the map they are marked 1 and 2. In the price zones of the wholesale electricity and power market of the Wholesale Electric Energy and Power Market, electric energy and power can be supplied at unregulated (free) prices. Those. electricity prices on the wholesale market are formed taking into account competitive bids from sellers and buyers (subjects of the wholesale electricity market). Generating companies of the wholesale electricity and capacity market also sell generated electricity and capacity on the wholesale market at unregulated prices. The average value of the unregulated price per month for a participant in the wholesale electricity and capacity market is called the weighted average unregulated price for electrical energy. Guaranteed electricity suppliers are required to post free, unregulated electricity prices on their official website every month.

At the same time, not everywhere in Russia the price of electricity and capacity for consumers is formed using elements of competition: for example, in the territory marked on the map with the number 5, competition is in principle not possible. Such zones are called isolated zones of the wholesale electricity and capacity market.

Territories marked 3 and 4 are non-price zones of the wholesale electricity and capacity market.

In some territories that are shaded on the map there are Features of the operation of the wholesale and retail electricity and capacity markets.

Do you want to know how to enter the wholesale electricity market so as not to regret it later? Read this article

Subjects of Russia included in the first price zone of the wholesale electricity market

Republic of Adygea

Republic of Bashkortostan

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Republic of Kalmykia

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Mari El Republic

The Republic of Mordovia

Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

Republic of Tatarstan

Udmurt republic

Chechen Republic

Chuvash Republic

Krasnodar region

Perm region

Astrakhan region

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Volgograd region

Vologda Region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kirov region

Kostroma region

Kurgan region

Kursk region

Leningrad region

Lipetsk region

Moscow region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Novgorod region

Orenburg region

Oryol Region

Penza region

Pskov region

Rostov region

Ryazan Oblast

Samara Region

Saratov region

Sverdlovsk region

Smolensk region

Tambov Region

Tver region

Tula region

Ulyanovsk region

Chelyabinsk region

Yaroslavl region

city ​​of St. Petersburg

part of the territory of the Tomsk region (within the boundaries of which the equilibrium price of the wholesale market is formed) and the Omsk region, for which electrical energy is supplied from the territory of the integrated energy system of the Urals

territories of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Stavropol Territory, Republic of Karelia, Murmansk Region, Tyumen Region, within whose borders the equilibrium price of the wholesale market is formed.

Subjects of Russia included in the second price zone of the wholesale electricity market

Subjects of Russia included in non-price zones of the wholesale electricity market

The first non-price zone of the wholesale electricity and capacity market:

Kaliningrad region

Komi Republic

Arhangelsk region

The second non-price zone of the wholesale electricity and capacity market:

The territory of the Far East, which unites the territories of the South Yakut region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region

List of territories of price zones of the wholesale market, for which the features of the functioning of the wholesale and retail markets are established

The Republic of Dagestan;

The Republic of Ingushetia;

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic;

Karachay-Cherkess Republic;

Republic of North Ossetia - Alania;

Chechen Republic;

CO is the main technological infrastructure that ensures the functioning and development of wholesale electricity and capacity markets.

Together with the Association NP Market Council and JSC ATS, it carries out a full range of work necessary for the functioning of market mechanisms and ensuring reliable operation of the energy system in accordance with the Rules of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market.

Electricity markets

Day Ahead Market

The day-ahead market (DAM) is a competitive selection of price bids from suppliers and buyers a day before the actual supply of electricity with the determination of prices and supply volumes for each hour of the coming day.

On the DAM price depends on the hour of the day, day of the week, period of the year. The main criterion by which electricity suppliers are selected for the next 24 hours is the competitiveness of price bids. This gives electricity suppliers a direct economic incentive to use all their technological capabilities to reduce costs.

Balancing market

All changes in consumption levels, network restrictions, and the condition of generating equipment cannot be predicted in advance with absolute accuracy. When controlling the operating mode of the power system in real time, it is necessary to compensate for emerging deviations from the mode planned a day ago. Calculation and delivery of generation schedules to control objects during the actual management of the UES in real time is implemented within the framework of the balancing market.

During the day, the System Operator repeatedly generates demand (consumption) forecasts and updates the calculation model taking into account changed system conditions. Based on this information, competitive selection of price bids from suppliers is carried out, ensuring the economic efficiency of station loading and reliability requirements.

Real-time control of modes is based on minimizing the cost of electricity supply, as well as measures that make unauthorized deviations from planned values ​​unprofitable and stimulate the execution of CO commands to control the mode.

In the balancing market, when deviations of actual consumption or production from planned values ​​occur, market participants are “fined” if the deviations are caused by their own initiative, or “bonded” if the deviations are a consequence of the execution of the System Operator’s command.

The main task of SO UES JSC in the wholesale electricity markets is to ensure compliance with the established parameters for the reliability of the UES of Russia and the quality of electrical energy - is carried out using economic methods using price signals:

  • day ahead market: differentiation of market prices depending on the hour of the day/day/period of the year gives the participant a direct economic interest in using all available technological capabilities to align the consumption schedule;
  • balancing market: Market participants are interested in the exact execution of the schedule set by SO UES JSC. Independent deviation from the given operating mode is paid to the participant at the least favorable price at a given hour. In addition, electricity suppliers are additionally interested in changing the generation schedule at the command of SO UES JSC - these deviations are qualified as an external initiative and are paid at the most favorable price at a given hour.

Main functions:

  • ensuring the functioning of the calculation system for choosing the composition of the included generating equipment for the week ahead;
  • formation of an updated calculation model for the Commercial Operator to carry out competitive selection in the day-ahead market;
  • ensuring the functioning of the balancing market - calculating and updating generation schedules during the actual management of the UPS in real time.

Power Market

Power is a special product, the purchase of which gives a wholesale market participant the right to require capacity sellers to maintain generating equipment in a state of readiness for generating electricity.

The capacity market makes it possible to avoid power shortages in the medium and long term, to create obligations among the owners of generating equipment to maintain capacities in a state of readiness for operation, and also to reimburse part of the semi-fixed costs during the operation of generating facilities. Due to the functioning of market mechanisms that take into account the return on invested capital, the investment attractiveness of the construction and operation of electric power facilities increases.

The main task of SO UES JSC in the capacity market is to ensure the functioning of economic mechanisms that stimulate the maintenance and development of generating capacities:

  • in the required volume;
  • with the required technological parameters;
  • within the required time frame;
  • taking into account the forecast for the development of network infrastructure.

The main function of SO UES JSC is to organize procedures for competitive selection of power in compliance with the conditions specified above.

The market for services to ensure system reliability (system services market) creates a source for financing specific costs of equipment owners that cannot be compensated within the electricity or capacity market. The main task of SO UES JSC in the system services market is to ensure the functioning of economic mechanisms that stimulate the maintenance and development of equipment with specific, optional for all entities, characteristics in the UES of Russia:

  • ability to participate in normalized primary frequency regulation;
  • ability to participate in automatic secondary frequency regulation at thermal power plants;
  • regulation of reactive power using generating equipment of power plants that is not involved in the production of active power;
  • operation of elements of emergency control systems in the Unified Energy System of Russia, created in order to increase the throughput in controlled sections of the electrical network.

SO UES JSC determines technical requirements, selects service providers and concludes long-term contracts for their payment.

Markets of non-price zones

In non-price zones, SO UES JSC carries out all business processes performed for the functioning of electricity and capacity markets in price zones, with the exception of procedures related to the competitive selection of price applications from suppliers, since Payment for supplies is carried out according to tariffs.