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Equipment for the production of milk powder. Profitable business: milk powder production

Today, your own food production business is becoming increasingly important, as this industry allows you to make good profits. Unfortunately, at present, many entrepreneurs do not pay any attention to the production of milk powder.

But this is sad and stupid! In most regions of our country there are no local producers left at all. Meanwhile, the food industry’s needs for this raw material are great, and sometimes it has to be imported from abroad.

Where is it used

Oddly enough, milk powder is used much more often than ordinary people remember about it. For example, it is used for the production of expensive types of natural cosmetics, for the production of reconstituted milk and some fermented milk products. This is especially true for the regions of the Far North, where it is impossible to keep cows (for obvious reasons).

Of course, it is widely used in the confectionery industry, in canning and in the production of animal feed. In a word, the production of milk powder is justified, if only because the sales market is huge, and its saturation is negligible.

This is especially true for those regions where dairy farming is poorly developed for some reason.

Raw materials used

The advantage of the freeze-dried milk production business is that it does not require large investments. As a raw material, it is permissible to use the cheapest milk with low fat content and a maximum content of somatic cells. The requirements of GOSTs and equivalent federal laws (which do not yet exist) are quite mild.

Development prospects

By establishing the production of milk powder, you can fully count on its further development. You have every chance of establishing a full-fledged plant producing all types of dairy products. Considering the cost of it in recent years, you are unlikely to complain about low profits.

If you are not afraid of the strict requirements of the SES and constant inspections, we recommend that you pay attention to the production of dry milk formula for baby food.

In addition, the same equipment can be used to produce egg powder, bases for soups and broths, and perform extraction.

Thus, you get a multifunctional complex that can generate huge profits. By the way, how much does powdered milk cost?

Even in international markets, the demand for milk powder is huge: for example, a ton of this product in the USA and Canada can earn up to 4 thousand dollars, in Australia it can be sold at about the same price, and Europe buys it for 3-3.5 thousand. Please note - these are only low-fat varieties!

If we talk about products with standard fat content (about 25%), then a batch of such milk will cost 5 thousand per ton. In our country, a ton of products with the same fat content will cost approximately seven thousand rubles. Despite this, even in our country, the production of milk powder is quite a profitable business, the profitability of which is 30-40%.

Requirements for workshops

The premises in which these food products will be produced must meet sanitary requirements. A plumbing system, sewerage and heating, as well as electrical wiring rated at 380 volts, are required.

It is absolutely necessary to equip the workshop with systemic forced ventilation, and cover the floor and walls with ceramic tiles. For this purpose, you can use plastic or other materials that can be easily washed and disinfected. The same requirements apply to warehouses, with the exception of heating, which is optional in this case.

Necessary equipment

To produce freeze-dried milk, only one installation is required. This is a special drying chamber, the design of which includes several components, a pump, the sublimation chamber itself, which runs on gas or electricity, and a bunker for finished products. Powdered milk is fed to a special sifting unit, after which it goes to a packaging machine. Recuperators, conveyors and fans, fat content meters, etc. will also be required.

Direct production technology

The technology for producing milk powder itself includes several stages: acceptance of raw materials and their purification from mechanical impurities, normalization of fat content, pasteurization and cooling. After this, in the sublimation chamber it is first thickened, then brought to a homogeneous consistency, after which it is finally dried.

Let's look at all stages of the process in a little more detail.

Detailed description of production

First, the milk is heated to a temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius. After that, it goes to the purifier, where it is driven through a system of filters that removes small lint, wool and other debris that passed through the filters on the farm.

Often, milk powder producers in Russia are faced with a high content of somatic cells. This is due to the fact that it is not so rare for cows with mastitis to be milked into the general flow. So in our case there are no extra filters!

The milk is heated so that products with different organoleptic characteristics are mixed as evenly as possible. Immediately after this, it is sent to a normalizer, where it is separated into a product with the required fat content and cream.

After this comes the turn of pasteurization, the conditions of which can vary greatly depending on its type: if the milk is heated to 65 degrees for half an hour, then we are talking about a long-term variety; when it heats up to 95 degrees within a minute - about short, and at 98 degrees and a couple of seconds of heating - about instantaneous.

This process serves to destroy harmful microflora. The milk is then cooled, filtered again, and then goes into a sublimation chamber, where it is evaporated until 40% of the dry matter remains in the mixture.

Then the resulting composition is homogenized, that is, brought to a uniform consistency. And only after this, the production of skimmed milk powder enters the final stage, when it is subjected to final drying. Subsequently, the finished product is packaged in branded packaging.

Equipment and its cost

Today on the market there are many offers for selling the equipment you need. Moreover, for approximately 55-60 million rubles you can become the owner of a monoblock complex, which can easily produce not only powdered milk, but also the entire line of dairy products, even cheeses.

A separate sublimation installation will cost around 10 million rubles. The price depends on the power, manufacturer, and other factors. It will be necessary to purchase additional cooling and heating units, pasteurization machines and fat content analyzers, filtration systems and tanks.

What to buy: a ready-made plant or each component separately?

If you see what equipment for the production of powdered milk needs to be purchased separately, you will probably decide that purchasing a plant (monoblock) is more justified. In principle, this is how it is. Firstly, it will be much easier to set up. Secondly, having the opportunity to produce such a wide range of products, you will in any case find your niche in the market.

Simply put, high-quality and fresh dairy products will be sold by retail chains with pleasure. Another thing is that finding a suitable site for such a large-scale production can be difficult.

Alternative approaches

Despite the extremely high profitability of selling milk powder in regions with weak agricultural development, an entrepreneur may still be faced with a situation where there are simply no raw materials for production.

In this case, the only optimal solution may be to organize your own small dairy farm for at least 500 head of livestock. Of course, all this makes setting up your business ten times more expensive, but in the future you can receive excellent dividends.

In addition, we once again draw your attention to the fact that whenever possible you should not focus only on powdered milk: the more varieties of this product you produce, the more protected you are from market risks.

In this case, the business will become much more stable. In a word, summing up all of the above, I would like to recommend building a plant for the production of milk powder in those regions where there are no problems with raw materials. In this case, it will be necessary to establish good logistics to supply products to those areas where there is a shortage.

Powdered milk is obtained from cow's milk as a result of a complex technological process consisting of several stages. The peculiarity of this product and its difference from its whole counterpart is its longer shelf life, without loss of quality and nutritional properties. Production of the product requires special equipment and adherence to certain technologies.

The milk powder production technology consists of several successive stages:

  • Normalization (reducing the percentage of fat),
  • Pasteurization (carried out at temperature conditions of +81 +86 C),
  • Pre-thickening (the process is aimed at increasing the percentage of dry components),
  • Drying,
  • Receipt and packaging of finished powdered milk.

During the cooking process, water from whole milk is evaporated in two stages. Thickening the product is the first step, and the second is drying.

The already condensed milk mixture undergoes a drying process until a powder with a given moisture content is formed. The moisture level of the finished product is determined by the quality of the connection of powdered components with water. And the permissible humidity is up to 15% of the mass fraction of milk protein.

The moisture level of milk powder is determined by the quality of the connection between the dry components of the powder and water. The permissible moisture content of the product is up to 15% of the mass fraction of milk protein.

The production of milk powder involves the gradual supply of concentrated milk raw materials to a special dryer, after which the product acquires a moisture content of three percent. The use of this technology allows us to obtain high quality milk powder.

When the condensed product comes into contact with the hot drum of the drying unit, the caramelization process begins. Skimmed milk powder, which is produced using a roller dryer, has a higher fat content. The only disadvantage of this method is rather low productivity.

Once drying is complete, the skim milk powder is cooled, filtered and packaged.

Necessary equipment

The production of milk powder is impossible without special and rather bulky equipment, as well as without a reliable source of electricity and water supply. The premises where the equipment is installed must have good ventilation and be in accordance with sanitary requirements.

Necessary equipment for the production of milk powder:

  • Vacuum evaporation equipment,
  • Crystallization equipment,
  • Spray drying equipment.

Vacuum evaporation unit

This equipment allows you to obtain concentrated whey and milk itself. The peculiarity of the installation is that it is equipped with special devices that resemble the shape of a pipe. They separate milk fractions from condensate. Standard units also have blocks for larger milk capacity, and parts that cool the finished product. So the finished product does not require additional cooling, which is very convenient for manufacturers. The vacuum evaporation unit is quite easy to use because it has a built-in automatic control panel.

Crystallization equipment

The main function of this equipment is the crystallization of whey and condensate, preparing them for the drying apparatus. Crystallization is possible due to the work of inert gases that fill the chamber. The body of the device is made of durable steel. The plant also has a sophisticated system of pneumatic valves and pumps that simplify the recycling of milk raw materials.

Spray Drying Plant

This device undergoes the final stage of production. In the chamber of the drying unit, the remaining liquid evaporates, which has a positive effect on the shelf life of the finished product. The result of the dryer is well-flowing and quickly soluble granules of white or light beige color.

The drying technology is very simple: with the help of an internal pump, crystallized milk raw materials are delivered to spray nozzles inside the fluid bottom chamber. It mixes cold and hot air flows, which ensure the evaporation of residual moisture from the raw material.

Types of milk powder

Regular or whole milk powder is more nutritious because it contains more fat.

It cannot be stored for as long as its low-fat counterpart, and the energy value per hundred grams of powder is 550 kcal. Skim milk powder contains very little milk fat and can be stored for eight months. One hundred grams of low-fat product contains no more than 370 kcal. There is also instant milk powder. It is a mixture of skim milk powder and whole milk powder. Typically this type is used in the preparation of baby food and many fast food products. The manufacturing process and manufacturing technology do not depend in any way on the type of product.


If the types of milk powder differ in the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, then what they have in common is their vitamin composition, which also includes minerals and beneficial amino acids. According to the state standard, the composition must contain vitamins B, PP, A, D, E and C, choline, calcium (at least 1000 mg per hundred grams of product), potassium (at least 1200 mg per hundred grams of product), phosphorus ( not less than 780 mg per hundred grams of product), sodium (not less than 400 mg per hundred grams of product). It also contains quite a lot of selenium, cobalt, molybdenum and iron. Of the essential amino acids, it contains lysine, methionine, tryptophan, leucine and isoleucine.

Benefits and harms

Not everyone knows about the beneficial qualities of milk powder. Many people claim that powdered milk has nothing beneficial, and all the vitamins are killed in the process of preparing the powder. This statement is not true. This product plays an important role in the life of northern regions and peoples, since it can be stored for a longer time. During the preparation process, raw materials undergo complex stages of thermal and physical processing, which means they contain much less dangerous pathogenic bacteria.

If you use the product regularly, the risk of anemia and rickets is reduced, bones and tendons are strengthened, and the normal functioning of the nervous system is restored.

Powdered milk can also have a negative impact on health. The product is especially dangerous for people with congenital lactose intolerance or an allergy to milk protein. Consequences range from slight redness of the skin to swelling and anaphylactic shock. Another risk is related to the quality of the product and the rules for its storage. Unscrupulous manufacturers add vegetable fats, including palm oil, to reduce the cost of the finished product. This reduces not only the quality and nutritional value, but also makes the product hazardous to health. Violation of storage conditions and sealed packaging can provoke the growth of harmful bacteria and mold, which will cause serious poisoning.

Producers of powdered milk in Russia actively cooperate with many food industry enterprises, since it is much more profitable to use powdered milk in the preparation of many products. Whole milk spoils quickly, is quite expensive to transport and takes up quite a lot of space during storage.

The product is widely used:

  • In the confectionery business,
  • In the production of bread, pastries,
  • In the production of dairy products: cheeses, condensed milk, curd products, yoghurts and milk drinks,
  • At meat processing plants,
  • In the production of alcoholic beverages,
  • In the cosmetology industry,
  • In the production of various semi-finished products,
  • In the preparation of dry animal feed.

Enterprises producing milk powder

There are about seventy dairy plants operating in Russia. Some of them are also engaged in the production of dry products. This:

  • Lyubinsky Dairy Plant, Omsk Region,
  • Blagoveshchensk Dairy Plant, Amur Region,
  • Bryansk Dairy Plant, Bryansk Region,
  • Ulyanovsk Dairy Plant, Ulyanovsk region,
  • Meleuzovsky milk canning plant, Bashkortostan
  • Sukhonsky Dairy Plant, Vologda Region.

The idea of ​​producing milk powder as a business can be quite tempting. We’ll tell you what equipment is required for this and offer feedback from experienced entrepreneurs. Today this direction is considered quite promising and profitable even when opening a small plant.

Food production activities are highly profitable forms of business. After all, all people without exception need nutrition every day. For an enterprising businessman, the difference is only in the choice of the final product for consumers.

Relevance of the issue

Powdered milk is used in various industries:

  1. For creating infant formulas.
  2. In expensive cosmetics.
  3. In order to restore milk and its derivatives in regions where, for objective reasons, cow breeding is impossible.
  4. When feeding young animals in livestock farming.
  5. In the preparation of confectionery, bakery products and various semi-finished products.
  6. For canning.
  7. As a dietary supplement.
  8. When creating special mixtures for sports nutrition, etc.

It is surprising that such a sought-after product is becoming increasingly scarce in our country. Although it was Russia that only a few decades ago occupied a leading position in its production and export. Setting up such a line is quite simple and relatively inexpensive, but the profits promise to be high. Today there is almost no competition in this area of ​​activity, and demand significantly exceeds supply.

To understand how profitable it is to engage in powdered milk as a business, it is enough to find out the average sales value. So, in our country they are willing to pay no less than 7,000 rubles for a ton of products. If you set up production for the purpose of export, then for the same amount of milk powder you can earn from 3,000 to 5,000 dollars.

An attractive point is the win-win nature of such a business. After all, even if powdered milk cannot be sold for some reason, this equipment can be used for the production of other equally popular goods - egg mass, blood serum, formed elements, broths, various extracts, hydrolysers, etc.

Required documents

An LLC is considered a more convenient form of business registration. To do this, contact the tax service and create a legal entity. You will need to submit the following list of papers:

  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • company charter;
  • agreement on the establishment of a company;
  • confirmation of ownership of the premises;
  • or a letter of guarantee from the building's landlord.

In this case, a suitable taxation system is selected, most often UTII, and the activity code OKVED 10.51 is indicated - and dairy products (except raw). You will also have to obtain a license from Rospotrebnadzor to manufacture this type of product.

Since the food industry is very strictly controlled by the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with their requirements for the arrangement of the premises, hygiene standards, as well as the standards for the quality of the finished product. All this will be checked regularly. Each batch of goods must comply with the prescribed standards in GOSTs.

Preparing the premises

You won’t be able to make powdered milk with your own hands in the kitchen. At the very least, for industrial scale and compliance with all quality characteristics of the finished product, it will be necessary to set up a separate workshop. A room measuring 25-30 square meters is suitable for this. m. But if you immediately decide to engage in large-scale production and purchase equipment capable of producing up to 5 tons of powdered milk per day, then you will have to find a building with an area of ​​at least 110 square meters. m.

In any case, you need to prepare it in a certain way. The workshop must meet the following parameters:

  1. Tiled floors and walls at a height of 2.5 meters.
  2. Plumbing supplying warm and cold water.
  3. Heating provided.
  4. Installed forced ventilation system.
  5. The electrical network must withstand an industrial load of 380 V.
  6. Good lighting, distributed evenly throughout the area.

All surfaces must be thoroughly wet cleaned and disinfected daily. Monitor the cleanliness of the premises, as SES representatives will often visit the workshop and check such parameters. Don’t forget about fire safety, for which you will have to comply with GPI standards.

Equipment purchase

For entrepreneurs in this area, there is a fairly wide selection of suitable equipment. You can purchase a whole monoblock with a ready-made system for the entire production cycle, or create an automated line based on individual units. Typically the following elements are required:

  • High pressure pump;
  • drying chamber;
  • electric or steam heater;
  • storage bunker;
  • sifter;
  • packaging line;
  • recuperator;
  • cyclone;
  • fan;
  • screw conveyor;
  • crystallization plant.

You will also have to purchase a sufficient set of containers, additional lighting fixtures, control systems for various parameters, etc. In order to save money, you can pay attention to domestic manufacturers of this equipment. But a lot depends on your goals. It is important to focus on the quality of the equipment and its power. The cost of a finished line can range from 1 million rubles to several tens.

Production technology

The entire process of turning regular milk into a dry product can be described as follows:

  1. Preparation and cleaning - the raw material is slightly heated, which makes it easier to bring it to the required parameters of fat content and density. At the same time, it is passed through many filters to remove excess impurities and cells.
  2. Normalization - in this case, the desired parameters are achieved, and thanks to the separator, the cream is separated and the milk is skimmed if necessary.
  3. Pasteurization - due to which the raw materials are completely disinfected, all harmful bacteria are destroyed in it. This can happen in three different ways - long (at 65 degrees), short (at 90°) or instant (98°).
  4. Cooling - this process takes place in a storage tank where the milk is cooled to low temperatures.
  5. Thickening - what is an evaporation plant used for? In it, under the influence of vacuum, the raw material is thickened to 40-45% of the dry matter.
  6. Homogenization - achieve uniformity of the resulting mass.
  7. Drying – by spraying in a special chamber, a dry concentration is achieved.
  8. Sifting and packaging is the last stage of production at which the product receives its finished appearance.

The usual raw product is used as the main substance to create milk powder. You can order it at any farm where cows are kept or from private owners. For the business to be profitable, it is advisable to create such a plant near livestock farms and cowsheds. At the same time, you will not have to pay for the delivery of raw materials from distant regions.


If you start producing milk powder at a large enterprise, you will need about 10-15 employees to maintain the technological process. But for a small workshop, a few people are enough:

  • technologist;
  • ordinary workers;
  • cleaners;
  • accountant;
  • driver.

Sales of products

Since the demand for milk powder is quite high, and existing factories provide only 54% of it, it will remain to make itself known in the market so that buyers will line up. To do this, you can use any available advertising - in the media, the Internet, classifieds, or establish personal contacts with the owners of large enterprises where this product is required.

You can deliver goods directly:

  1. To the confectionery shop.
  2. To bakeries.
  3. Dairies located away from farms.
  4. Northern regions.
  5. Retail grocery chains, etc.

Financial calculations

When opening a small workshop for the production of milk powder, you can get by with an investment of 1-1.5 million rubles. At the same time, the sale of finished products at a cost of 7,000 rubles per ton and a productivity level of 300 kg per day for a year of operation will bring a profit of about 756,000. Therefore, in 2-3 years, the initial investment will fully pay off.

If we talk about a larger-scale business, then we should focus on the following figures:

With a production capacity of 5 tons of goods per day, an annual profit of 12.6 million rubles can be achieved. If we organize the export of products, then income will increase significantly. But even at minimum prices, you can count on a return on capital investments within 5-6 years.

The profitability of this production does not fall below 30-40%. And if you add other options for creating goods to the business plan, then the payback of the project will come much earlier.

Video: your own business in the production of milk powder.

According to experts, despite the modern trend towards consuming everything natural, in Russia there is an increase in sales volumes of powdered milk. Moreover, further growth in demand for this product is predicted. Well, excellent prerequisites for organizing your own profitable business. The technology for producing milk powder is simple, modern equipment is automated, the sales market is huge - isn’t it time to start implementing your plans? Milk powder is a water-soluble powder obtained by heating whole cow's milk.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment – ​​from RUB 2,500,000.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 7/10.

The benefits of the planned business, in addition to a simple technological scheme and minimal investments, are difficult to overestimate:

  • Over time, a mini-workshop for the production of powdered milk can be turned into a full-fledged dairy plant by adding new equipment to the existing line and establishing the production of other products - kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, pasteurized milk.
  • Consumers of the finished product will be not only individuals, but also large enterprises (confectionery, dairy, agricultural) using milk powder as a raw material.
  • The business will not require spending on an advertising campaign.

So, everything is clear with business prospects. So how is powdered milk made? And what is important to know when drawing up a business plan for a future mini-workshop.

Milk powder release process

Technological diagram for the production of milk powder

The share of manual labor in automated production will be minimized, since almost all operations are carried out using special equipment.

In general, the production flow chart looks like this:

  • Receiving milk and checking its quality.
  • Normalization of milk to a certain fat content.
  • Pasteurization of milk.
  • Pre-condensation of milk.
  • Drying milk.
  • Packing and packing of finished milk powder.

It would seem that the process is extremely simple, but let's not forget that this is a food enterprise. Therefore, it is very important to comply with all technological regimes at each stage. Also, incoming raw materials and finished products are carefully checked. Control must be carried out by a qualified technologist.

And in order for a mini plant for the production of milk powder to process only high-quality raw materials, the entrepreneur will have to establish contacts with bona fide suppliers who offer high-quality milk at reasonable prices. There are many farms, but you should pay attention to those that are located closest to the workshop. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of purchasing raw materials.

Workshop technical equipment

Milk powder production line

The next thing the entrepreneur has to do is buy equipment for the production of milk powder. Now you can see a lot of offers from suppliers selling ready-to-use lines that differ in configuration, degree of automation, and, accordingly, in price.

The milk powder production line itself is a special drying unit consisting of the following components:

  • High pressure pump,
  • drying chamber,
  • storage containers for raw materials and finished products,
  • sifter,
  • packaging machine.

In addition to the devices that perform basic functions, the production process involves conveyors, cyclones, fans, and a steam generator.

But the final price of equipment for milk powder will not be limited to the cost of the drying unit alone, since the line will also need to be equipped with a pasteurizer. It turns out that it will take at least 3,000,000 rubles to fully equip the workshop. There are lines that are much more expensive, but these are characterized by high productivity, which is absolutely useless for a young workshop aimed at producing small quantities of the finished product.

And if the production of skim milk powder is also combined with some other areas of the dairy industry, then the cost of equipment will generally be prohibitive for many beginning entrepreneurs - over 10,000,000 rubles.

If you want to save money, you can consider offers to sell used equipment.

Where to locate the workshop?

The premises chosen to launch the workshop must fully comply with all norms and standards of the SES. Without following certain rules, it is unlikely that you will be able to obtain all the necessary permits to conduct business in the food industry.

What should be provided in the workshop where spray drying is carried out?

  • heating,
  • water supply,
  • sewerage,
  • electricity.

Special requirements are also imposed on warehouses for storing the finished product. Powdered milk needs to maintain certain conditions in terms of temperature and humidity, and therefore you will have to spend a lot of time and money to properly equip the warehouse.

How profitable is the business?

It has been proven in practice that the production of whole milk powder can become quite a profitable business. And despite the impressive start-up investments, all expenses, if managed correctly, can pay off in no later than 2.5 years.

It will take at least 3,500,000 rubles to organize the smooth operation of the workshop. This figure is obtained taking into account how much the technological installation costs and how much will need to be spent on re-equipping the workshop and documenting it. If you equip the workshop with supported machines, the costs will be reduced to 2,500,000 rubles.

You can understand how profitable a business is after some economic calculations. 1 ton of cow's milk costs approximately 8,000-11,000 rubles. This amount of raw material will yield ≈150 kg of milk powder. The average wholesale cost of the product is 150-200 rubles/kg. Net profit in each specific case will vary, since line productivity and pricing policies in the region are different.

Can milk powder production be a profitable business? Milk concentrate is necessary for many products and is often used for nutrition, including for children. At the same time, many are sure that milk powder is harmful to health, and the demand for it is gradually decreasing. We tell you why powdered milk is needed, what arguments its supporters and defenders give, and also how much it costs to create its production for sale.

Powdered milk is specially dried pasteurized cow's milk. It is a powder with a faint milky odor. It is believed that such a product retains all the beneficial properties of the original. It is convenient to use in industry and cooking: for the production of infant formula, confectionery, and reconstituted milk. It has a long shelf life, which is another advantage for industry.

There are 2 types of milk powder:

  • Whole. The composition is dominated by fats (26% per 100 grams), therefore it is higher in calories - 550 kcal per 100 grams. Made from whole milk.
  • Low fat. The composition is dominated by proteins (36%), with only 1% fat. Less caloric - 373 kcal. From skim milk.

Powdered milk is made from pasteurized cow's milk

Composition of the powder, its benefits and harms

Powdered milk is made from pasteurized cow's milk. Special technology allows you to dry normalized milk and obtain a powder that retains all its nutritional properties. With proper organization of production, the finished powder should not contain any foreign impurities. This is a natural product and, in limited quantities, is harmless to anyone who is not allergic to lactose.

However, in modern conditions it often happens that the product contains foreign impurities, most often vegetable fats, soy or sugar. This has a bad effect on the quality of the product and deprives it of the declared beneficial macro- and micronutrients.

Benefits of milk powder:

  • preserves the nutritional properties of milk, proteins and vitamins;
  • has a high calorie content, useful for feeding children;
  • useful for anemia and diabetes;
  • does not contain bacteria, so it can be diluted without boiling water (the product is made from pasteurized milk, which has already been heat-treated);
  • the powder is more convenient to use in cooking;
  • has a long shelf life.

Disadvantages of powdered milk:

  • not suitable for people with lactose intolerance (like regular milk);
  • strong allergen;
  • when dried at high temperatures, oxysterols are formed in milk powder - the most dangerous type of cholesterol;
  • The high nutritional value of the product is not suitable for people prone to gaining excess weight.

Thus, contrary to popular belief, milk powder is more of a healthy product than a harmful one. It completely retains all the advantages of “natural” milk, but is stored longer. If the manufacturer follows the technological process, there are no foreign impurities or unnatural components in the powder.

Where is milk powder used?

Powdered milk is used in several areas. The most common ones are food, production of reconstituted dairy products, sausages and confectionery. Its use makes it possible to increase the nutritional value of the product, in particular, to increase the protein content. In practice, using a powder concentrate is much more convenient than a liquid product.

For manufacturers, powdered milk is more profitable than natural milk. It allows you to extend the shelf life of the product and reduce the cost. For example, powdered milk for cheese production allows you to reduce production time by 2 times and cut costs by at least 30%. In this way, high-quality soft cheese can be produced. The main condition is that milk processed at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees is suitable. In addition to cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir, processed cheese, ice cream and, of course, reconstituted milk are produced from powder.

Confectioners value powdered milk for its ability to simplify the preparation of baked goods (and reduce their cost). They only use the low-fat variety. Sausage manufacturers also use powder concentrate as a binding component (in original sausage recipes, regular cow's milk is used).

Finally, whole milk powder is diluted at home as a milk drink. The taste of reconstituted milk, prepared independently, differs from natural milk, but is still quite pleasant. Suitable for adults and children, it perfectly covers the daily need for proteins, fats, magnesium and phosphorus.

The production of milk powder requires equipment worth 4–5 million rubles

Registering a business and obtaining permits

Food production in Russia is strictly regulated by legislative and sanitary standards, so a start-up milk powder enterprise must fulfill a fairly extensive list of requirements.

The business must be officially registered, preferably as limited liability company. To obtain a certificate of a legal entity, you need to submit an application in form P11001 and attach to it the charter, minutes of the meeting of founders and a receipt for payment of the fee (4 thousand rubles). Unfortunately, this is not the only and easiest document to draw up. It is recommended that, simultaneously with receiving the certificate, you submit a notification about the transition to the simplified tax system - this is the most favorable tax regime.

The manufacturer must prepare the premises for inspection by SES and Rospotrebnadzor. Most likely, you will have to invest money in repairs and partial re-equipment. A good solution would be to rent an already equipped food production workshop. We will talk about the requirements that the premises must meet in a special section.

The company will purchase raw milk from producers, rather than keeping cows on its own. These products must have a veterinary certificate - it must be presented by the supplier. It is not recommended to use an uncertified product in production: regulatory authorities may close the business.

Production flow diagram

Let's look at what it is milk powder production technology:

  1. Cow's milk is heated to 40 degrees and purified through several filters. This helps remove excess impurities, wool residues and other contaminants that are sure to be present in a natural product.
  2. The product is normalized, that is, divided by fat content, producing cream and skim milk.
  3. Pasteurization - heating to disinfect and increase shelf life. Depending on the type of pasteurization, milk is heated to 65–98 degrees and “boiled” for a certain time, from 30 minutes to several seconds.
  4. Cooling.
  5. Evaporation in a drying chamber. The output should be a product containing 40% dry matter.
  6. Homogenization. The product is brought to a homogeneous consistency.
  7. Spray drying treatment.
  8. At the final stage, the concentrate is sifted and packaged. Powdered milk is ready for sale.

Thus, making milk powder is a fairly simple process. The production of skim milk powder goes through similar stages, but skim milk is used as a raw material (it is obtained at the normalization stage).

To obtain 1 kg of milk powder, approximately 8.7 liters of natural product are used. This ratio ensures that the calorie content of the concentrate increases 10 times.

To produce 1 kg of milk powder, you will need almost 9 liters of natural

What equipment will you need?

The production line includes the following equipment:

  • high pressure food pump - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • apparatus for normalizing milk - from 250 thousand rubles;
  • evaporation plant - from 3 million rubles;
  • spray drying unit - from 1 million;
  • sifter - from 90 thousand rubles;
  • packaging line - from 200 thousand rubles.

The minimum cost for equipment for the production of milk powder will be 4.5 million rubles. This is quite a large amount for a start-up business, which can be reduced in several ways. For example, find used equipment (the cost will be reduced by up to 50%), select a ready-made kit from one manufacturer (price reduction by up to 30%) and purchase equipment on lease (the price will not decrease, but it will need to be given away in parts).

If an enterprise plans to produce not only milk concentrate, but also products from it, for example, to organize the production of cottage cheese from powdered milk, additional equipment will be required for approximately the same amount - about 5 million rubles.

Premises requirements

To accommodate all the necessary equipment and provide employees with comfortable working conditions, you will need a workshop with an area of ​​at least 50 sq.m. It must be connected to all communications - water supply, heating, electricity. The power of the electrical connection is at least 380 Volts. All equipment runs on electricity.

Supply and exhaust ventilation and good lighting are of fundamental importance.

The room needs to be divided into 3 zones: production workshop, raw material storage area (with freezers) and finished product warehouse. Staff need a room for rest and storage. The production workshop must be tiled to a minimum height of 2.5 meters.

Required Personnel

The technological scheme for the production of milk powder requires the presence of a food industry technologist and workers servicing the equipment. Their number depends on the scale of the work. Technologists need special education (higher professional education); workers are trained on the job.

The company will bring and unload a lot of raw materials, as well as ship finished products, so at least 1 loader with a license to operate an electric forklift is required. You may need your own driver. The staff of technical personnel is covered by cleaners and cleaners, who not only ensure cleanliness in the workshop, but also carry out disinfection on schedule.

All employees who come into contact with products must have medical records - undergo a medical examination and sanitary training.

Sales of products should be handled by a manager or an entire sales department - it depends on the scale of the work. The same can be said about the purchase of raw materials. Accounting is handled by a specialist on staff or outsourced, documents are handled by the manager or his assistant.

Manufacturers of cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurt, baby food, sausages and confectionery are interested in milk powder

Sales of finished products

Well-organized sales are of fundamental importance for the company's profit. The more channels an enterprise finds, the more coordinated its work will be. Above we named the areas of use of milk powder. This business should be your first priority when looking for wholesale buyers.

It is profitable to buy powdered milk wholesale from the manufacturer enterprises of reconstituted dairy products, meat, sausages and confectionery products. They will be the target audience of the milk powder production company.

Statistics show that the milk powder market is only 54% satisfied with domestic producers. The remaining share falls on foreign companies. This makes such an undertaking very promising and promises a quick payback due to high demand.

Market analysis

Domestic producers do not satisfy the existing market demand for milk powder. This product is imported in huge quantities from foreign countries. This situation slightly simplifies the work of a novice manufacturer, because he offers a product that is in demand. In reality, there is quite high competition between enterprises, and potential buyers are not always in a hurry to change a proven supplier to a newcomer.

  • "Chebarkul milk";
  • "Prince's milk"
  • "Meleuzovsky MKK";
  • "Valuyskoe milk";
  • TD "Prodholding";
  • "Agrofirm "Verkhniy Uslon"

It is difficult to say which of these companies is the best manufacturer. Powdered milk is a standardized product, the quality of which depends solely on adherence to technology.


Powdered milk is not perceived by consumers as a uniquely healthy product, however, it is in demand among manufacturers of a wide variety of food products - cheese, cottage cheese, sausage and ice cream. Setting up an enterprise will cost at least 5 million rubles due to expensive equipment. Russian manufacturers do not objectively cover the needs of the market, so a start-up business has every chance to occupy a profitable niche.