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Review of existing automation systems for accounting for wholesale and retail sales. Features of automation of wholesale and retail trade Automation of wholesale trade: opportunities

Wholesale trade is a fairly profitable business that is developing every year. Effective and innovative automation of warehouse wholesale trade must ensure complete interconnection of all branches of a trading company in one single database. In addition, it is very important that such a system makes it possible to analyze and subsequently plan all purchases and sales, as well as record the movement of goods and promptly maintain inventory records of goods. Conducting a trading business nowadays should be fast, efficient and convenient, only in this case there will be income and success. Therefore, it is very important to approach the organization of the enterprise’s work as carefully as possible.

For the successful operation of a warehouse to record the receipt and consumption of goods, it is necessary to organize an automated accounting system based on personal computers, data collection terminals and other special equipment. Depending on the size of the warehouse, it is important to ensure that data can be exchanged with the main database when goods are received or shipped from any location. In this case, the software should allow exchange with data collection terminals both in real time and through periodic communication sessions.

Any accounting automation system only performs its functions when it has the means to process the information accumulated in the system and obtain summary data in a form convenient for viewing and analysis. As a rule, to solve such problems, the accounting automation system has a subsystem for generating reporting documents (they are also called output documents). Such a subsystem can generate a set of various reporting documents sufficient to satisfy the needs of system users for reliable and detailed output information.


The automation system being developed in this project is designed to account for goods in the wholesale warehouses of the private unitary enterprise Frutimport. The wholesale warehouses of this enterprise accept large quantities of goods from suppliers and release them to customers in small quantities (these conclusions were made on the basis of the studied regulatory documentation of the enterprise). It is required to maintain quantitative and cost records of incoming and outgoing goods, suppliers and clients, generate incoming and outgoing invoices, and also generate reporting documentation on transactions performed.

There is a movement of material and information flows in the warehouse. The warehouse receives and stores finished products; this operation is accompanied by the formation of an invoice. Products are sent based on the invoice. Reception and sale of goods are accompanied by the execution of payment agreements, on the basis of which payment is subsequently made. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to view information about paid, unpaid and overdue contracts.

The need to automate the accounting and control of goods at the enterprise in question arose due to the rapid increase in trade turnover. With a daily turnover of 200 - 500 sales transactions per day, it becomes problematic to keep records manually. The company also has several warehouses that are distributed throughout the city, so the operational accounting of warehouse balances using the manual method of record keeping is labor-intensive and will become impossible over time. It is for this reason that the enterprise needs to switch to an automated office management system.

When building a system, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

Working with a large range of similar products;

Full automation of document movement within the enterprise;

Control of balances across several warehouses in real time;

Maintaining accounting of the enterprise in accordance with the law;

Differentiation of access rights to information databases and documents.

Appendix A provides a diagram of the movement of material and information flows at the enterprise in question. Material flows are represented by the movement of goods from suppliers to a warehouse or from a warehouse to customers, and information flows are represented by the documentation necessary for these operations.

From the above diagram it follows that information flows arrive in the form of incoming and outgoing invoices and are processed by operators. The information obtained is provided in the form of reporting documentation on the movement of goods to the warehouse manager, and in the form of source data for the accounting department. With the help of the received reporting information, the warehouse manager resolves issues regarding the purchase of goods, expanding the product list and providing reports on the work of the warehouse to management. The accounting department carries out the necessary accounting operations, on the basis of which reports are provided to management, as well as information for operators about payment for the received goods of a specific counterparty, for the possibility of providing a new batch of goods. Management, based on the reports received, analyzes the work of the entire company as a whole.

It follows from this that the movement of information flows is accompanied by the preparation of documentation necessary at a specific stage of its receipt. Due to the increase in the volume of information used and the need to reduce the time for preparing documents and reports, the need arose to create an automated system to facilitate and speed up the process of accounting for goods.

The specificity of wholesale trade is that it is necessary to quickly and efficiently ensure the optimal flow of goods to retail chains. At the same time, it is important to monitor warehouse balances, manage suppliers and prices; an automated software system will help do all this. "

Managers and owners of wholesale companies often come to a state of surprise after learning about the existence of other software systems besides the well-known and promoted 1C. Of course, the affiliate network of this company has proven its effectiveness in thousands of enterprises, but choosing such a package offer for a wholesale company is not always the best option.

Warehouse accounting and more

  • Inventory control
  • Accounting
  • System for receiving various reports on demand;
  • Automation of document flow;
  • Control of the movement of material and technical means.

There can be a great variety of similar functions, and they depend on the individual characteristics of the office work of each individual company.

Features of wholesale trade

Those who believe that wholesale trade is practically no different from retail trade are very mistaken.

Characteristic tasks of wholesale trading companies:

  • Creating optimal (best) conditions for our clients;
  • Work with suppliers, retail outlets, transport companies;
  • Purchase of large quantities of goods and their quick sale;
  • Information service for its clients;
  • Marketing research, analysis and processing of flow reports in order to identify promising areas, effective planning, search for an increase or decrease in demand;

As you can see, the vector of activity of a wholesale company is shifting more towards the service offered to trading companies of the retail network. This nuance should be reflected in the enterprise information system. Automation of wholesale trade by the program will reduce the amount of “frozen money” by reducing excess inventory, improving logistics, more accurate planning and timely response to consumer demand. The following functions can also be implemented:

  • Distribution - the formation of a single, common distributed warehouse, which reduces the risk of shortages of goods;
  • Accumulation and storage - off-season, profitable offers or strategic planning allows you to significantly save on purchases and make money on subsequent sales;
  • — high trading intensity will require automation of this business process sooner or later.

If you are interested in developing your own wholesale business, then you should consider the costs of creating a comfortable and secure information environment as an investment. In this case, every penny spent will pay off handsomely, thanks to more.

In Russia, trade automation is being carried out step-by-step in accordance with the requirements of the law. The starting point can be called mandatory accounting in the Unified State Automated Information System for alcoholic products from 2016 under 171-FZ, as well as the installation of online cash registers under 54-FZ. In order not to break the law, stores are required to use modern cash register equipment, and in some cases, software (for example, for Unified State Automated Information System, FGIS “Mercury”).

We'll tell you what automation can be useful in trade, as well as what solutions are suitable for small and medium-sized businesses.

How to automate trading?

Trade automation allows you to simplify routine processes: for example, goods acceptance, pricing, warehouse accounting, document flow and much more. As practice shows, the use of comprehensive trade automation allows you to increase profits by an average of 5-15%.

If you choose the right cash register equipment and programs (cash register software and inventory service), you can reduce unnecessary costs and optimize store operations. In small retail stores, mainly the following types of work are automated:

    cash transactions;

    goods accounting;


As a result, the business owner solves a wide range of problems: competently manages the warehouse and procurement, automates document flow, analytics and marketing, and remotely controls his employees. For example, using a commodity accounting program, you can check the start and end time of each shift, the average receipt, how much money is in the cash register, the number of returns, and the activity of each seller. Thus, an entrepreneur can “keep his finger on the pulse” of the store, even while on vacation.

Let’s take a closer look at what solutions are used for trading automation and which of them are most convenient in terms of price/quality ratio.

Automation of cash transactions

Automation of cash transactions is, first of all, conducting payments through an online cash register, in accordance with 54-FZ. The online cash register “itself” transmits checks to the Federal Tax Service (FTS) through a fiscal data operator (FDO).

However, in a broader sense we are talking about “smart” sales automation. Online cash register helps to automate most cash transactions: adding goods to a receipt, calculating change, discounts, cost of weighted goods, etc. The level of automation depends on the cash register used.

Types of online cash registers

There are three types of online cash registers on the market:

    autonomous cash registers

  • fiscal recorders (with control device)

  • smart terminals.

Either smart terminals or solutions with a fiscal registrar help to automate cash transactions as much as possible. However, first of all they functionality depends on what POS software is installed in the store.

Smart terminals - modern online cash registers with a touch screen and a receipt printer - are widely used to automate small and medium-sized businesses. This is the optimal solution in terms of price and quality ratio. It is easy and convenient to connect scales, a barcode scanner and a terminal for paying for purchases with a bank card to the smart cash register. You can add an unlimited number of products to the cash register database. Some models support battery life from 10 to 24 hours and are indispensable for delivery, field sales, and in stores where there are power outages.

“Advanced” smart cash registers help to fully automate payments to the buyer. The following options are available to you:

    thanks to the convenient touch screen, it is easier for the cashier control the progress of all operations- as a result, fewer mistakes are made and work is done faster.

    easy to add item to receipt(for example, in LiteBox smart checkouts, this can be done by scanning a barcode, searching by the first letters of the name or a panel of favorite products).

    Can sell goods at a free price(some categories of entrepreneurs have this right until 2020, according to 290-FZ). In this case, the price is specified manually.

    easily add a product to the nomenclature in order to subsequently indicate its name on the check. For example, in LiteBox smart terminals it is enough to scan the barcode - the system will find the product in the directory and create its card.

    “smart cash registers” automatically count change and discounts, can issue a refund, deferred check, accept mixed payment (cash+non-cash+certificate for one check).

Fiscal registrars, connected to a computer or other control device, are more often used in large retail chains. The reason is that they require costs to purchase additional equipment - a computer, laptop, tablet, etc.

Autonomous cash registers- This is an old-style push-button technology. “ Autonomous machines can’t do even half of what smart cash registers can do(adding goods to a receipt, calculating change, discounts, etc.). Their only advantage is their relatively cheap cost - about 3,000 rubles cheaper than smart cash registers. However, be aware of the following restrictions:

    in most cases, “autonomous vending machines” are not suitable for the sale of alcohol and labeled goods (from 2019, this list will include cigarettes, perfume, clothing and shoes, and a number of other goods).

    With an assortment of more than 50 items, it is almost impossible to work with autonomy. To sell a product with the name indicated on the receipt, you need to connect the cash register to your computer, assign a code to the product, and when selling, enter it manually, using various “cheat sheets.” From February 1, 2021, all sellers, including individual entrepreneurs, are required to indicate their name.

Thus, push-button cash registers do not support the proper level of automation. After a couple of years, they will still have to be changed so as not to break the law and not get a fine.

For “smart” automation of a retail store, it is preferable to choose solutions with a fiscal recorder or smart terminals.

Using an online cash register is only part of a comprehensive trade automation system, the first stage to speed up settlements with customers. If you wish, you can connect a commodity accounting program to the cash register for complete automation of trade. Read more about this below.

Why do you need inventory?

Inventory accounting programs are needed in order to to manage warehouse accounting, procurement, document flow. In most cases, they perform the following basic functions:

    generate invoices for ordering goods, help plan the procurement schedule

    help to automatically set a markup on a product

    keep records of sales, statistics on profits, expenses, movement of goods

    automate document flow

    keep records of alcoholic products in the Unified State Automated Information System

    keep track of product balances, allowing you to reduce inventory time, etc.

What other functions will be available to the entrepreneur depends on the selected program for automating trade accounting. For example, the LiteBox cloud service includes systems for complete automation of warehouse accounting, purchasing and pricing, analytics and marketing, document flow, accounting with Unified State Automated Information System (for alcohol) and FSIS “Mercury” (for food products).

The Lightbox program provides not only basic inventory accounting functions, but also convenient additional features:

    Inventory without closing the store

Accounting of balances is carried out in real time, they can be uploaded by category and quickly verified in parts, during hours when there are no buyers.

    Automation of warehouse accounting

Control of warehouse stocks at points of sale, automatic registration of write-off and re-sorting acts, automation of goods return, movement between stores.

    Automation of pricing and ordering of goods

Invoices are generated in the program taking into account the speed of sales and receipt of products. You can set a % markup or a fixed price so you don’t have to enter data manually every time you receive it. In addition, the inventory service makes it easy to track changes in purchase prices from suppliers so that you can set optimal prices in your store and not lose money.

    Management of loyalty programs, promotions and discounts

You can create rewards cards that are valid at all your retail outlets.

    Sales analytics

You can easily identify popular and illiquid products, track sales dynamics, view sales reports and adjust the operation of the outlet. The program maintains more than 40 types of reports.

    Complete document flow

All necessary documents are automatically filled in: cash book, invoices, alcohol declaration, cash receipts and debit orders, registration log, return receipts, goods write-off acts (TORG-16), commodity reports (TORG-29), etc.

    Working with EGAIS and FSIS “Mercury”

For those who sell alcohol or products of animal origin (for example, meat, dairy, fish). All operations are automated and take a minimum of time. At the same time, you do not need to pay anything extra for access to EGAIS and Mercury, and when the legislation is amended, the cloud program is automatically updated.

    Remote control over store operations

Through your personal account, from anywhere in the world, you can track the start and end time of a shift, the average receipt, how much money is in the cash register, the number of returns, and the activity of each seller.

Automation of accounting

All trading enterprises are required to maintain accounting records, and even individual entrepreneurs are increasingly choosing to use accounting programs to ensure transparency in their own business.

If you apply automation accountingin wholesale or retail trade(for example, in 1C or Kontur programs), you can set up data exchange with a commodity accounting program. For example, LiteBox integrates with 1C and the Kontur.Elba program through file sharing or or via API.

Thanks to data exchange with Lightbox, it is much more convenient for an accountant to work: synchronize product and counterparty directories, account transactions. Reports in the accounting program are generated based on commodity accounting data. For example, after acceptance of goods, unloading in 1C occurs in the context of item, quantity, and name of supplier. Further postings are carried out in 1C in the required unified form.

Automation of accounting and inventory allows an accountant to:

1. Get data on inventory balances for each day, as well as the ability to classify them into categories.

2. View the availability of money in the cash register, as well as cash turnover for a certain period.

3. See and consolidate the report on the sale of goods: receipt/expense/return of goods.

4. See illiquid and mismatched goods.

5. See the movement of goods to the warehouse.

6. Receive all the necessary information about suppliers in the context of incoming and sold products.

7. Upload data on products and suppliers into Excel.

LiteBox: a ready-made solution for trading automation

The LiteBox company helps entrepreneurs automate trade using the one-stop-shop principle:

    connect an online cash register (smart terminal or fiscal registrar) with a free cash register program

    connect a commodity accounting program (full commodity accounting, modules for working with Unified State Automated Information System and FSIS “Mercury”).

You can choose LiteBox online cash registers designed for retail chains or small businesses. For example, as a ready-made solution for a small store, you can consider a mobile phone (with or without acquiring), which supports work with Unified State Automated Information System (EGIS) and FGIS “Mercury” and has a battery life of up to 20-24 hours. You can connect to the cash register for only 500 rubles per month!

Modern wholesale trade automation system must ensure the interconnection of various departments of a trading enterprise in a unified information system. The ability to plan purchases and sales, as well as cash flow planning, is an important feature of the system, as well as operational accounting for wholesale trade.

Let's consider the most important requirements for wholesale trade automation system:

  • Support for large volumes of a product directory, the possibility of a structured description of the nomenclature, storing data on the location of goods in the warehouse, storing images of the appearance of goods, certificates, etc.;
  • Assembling goods, the possibility of selling sets;
  • Storing detailed information about suppliers and customers, storing information about contact persons of counterparties, contracts and current accounts. Possibility of customer classification (ABC, XYZ classification);
  • Comparing prices with competitors, storing supplier prices, automatically calculating sales prices from purchase prices, applying individual prices, the ability to set a discount or markup on goods;
  • Planning of purchases, sales, funds;
  • Reservation of goods for customers up to a specific series, both in the warehouse and in future deliveries;
  • Inventory control
  • Possibility of connecting commercial equipment;
  • The possibility of selling goods from the warehouse of another legal entity that is part of our enterprise, the possibility of shipping goods “at a loss”;
  • Control of payments and debts;
  • Calculation of piecework wages for managers.

Our company is ready to offer you the optimal program to solve your problems. We offer two solution options: a set of programs - “1C: Trade Management 8” + “1C: Accounting 8” + “1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8” and the program “Comprehensive Automation 8”.

The program "1C: Trade Management 8" is intended for maintaining operational and managerial accounting. The program provides the ability to upload documents to the 1C Accounting 8 and 1C Salaries and Personnel Management 8 programs (for calculating piecework salaries for managers). There is the possibility of two-way data exchange with 1C: Accounting 8. In the 1C: Integrated Automation program, all three blocks are included in a single information system.

Let's take a closer look at the configuration capabilities of “1C: Trade Management 8”.

In configuration wholesale trade automation“1C Trade Management 8” allows for accounting for several organizations, as well as multi-currency accounting.

The system supports work with retail equipment: barcode scanners, data collection terminals, cash registers, readers RFID tags, electronic scales, customer displays, etc.

The directory of goods in the program can be hierarchical; directly when viewing the list of goods, you can see information about the state of the goods in the warehouse: availability in warehouses, in which bin in the warehouse the goods are located, whether there are reserves for these goods, what is the cost of the goods.
Detailed information about the product is specified in the product card.

The configuration provides accounting for product characteristics, for example, you sell shoes and the same item can be sold in different sizes and colors, and instead of entering all combinations, you can enter one item. The documents indicate the product and its characteristics, as a result of which the product directory is shortened, and inventory and prices are kept in the context of the product and its characteristics.

The 1C: Trade Management 8 system provides the following functions: wholesale trade like selling kits and kits.

If the number of your company’s clients amounts to hundreds or thousands, then it is probably impossible to do without an automated customer relationship management system.

Customer relationship management, also known as CRM or Customer Relationship Management, is an integral functional area of ​​a modern integrated enterprise information system.

CRM is a concept for managing customer relationships in an environment of active competition, aimed at maximizing the potential of each client and partner in the interests of the enterprise.

The CRM concept involves the regular collection and analysis of information about each client, real and potential: how the client responded to the business proposal, whether he is satisfied with the quality of service, whether his preferences change over time, how carefully he fulfills his obligations, and ultimately how much the client brings (or could bring) income to the enterprise.

All stages of the relationship with the client are tracked. Signs of a dangerous deterioration in relations are carefully detected, since, as is known, in a competitive market the costs of attracting a new client are an order of magnitude higher than the costs of retaining an existing client.

The CRM concept provides a harmonious combination of a formal approach and individual attitude to each client. But if the number of active clients of an enterprise is measured in tens or hundreds, and the number of potential clients is measured in hundreds or thousands, respectively, then the full implementation of the CRM concept will lead to the accumulation of huge amounts of information, which will be simply impossible to work with without the use of special automation tools.

The configuration contains automation tools for the CRM concept. Configuration functionality allows an enterprise to successfully manage relationships with customers, suppliers, subcontractors and any other counterparties.

Registration of all actions for concluding and executing transactions, registration of all contacts with clients, both real and potential, is provided.

The configuration allows you to do the following:

  • use a personalized approach to the needs and requirements of each client;
  • store complete contact information on contractors and their employees, history of interaction with them;
  • manage the sales process using the business process mechanism (transactions with the client);
  • analyze unfinished and plan upcoming transactions with customers and potential clients;
  • register each request from a potential client and subsequently analyze the percentage of customer acquisition, as well as analyze the satisfaction of primary demand;
  • quickly monitor the status of planned contacts and transactions;
  • conduct an integrated BCG analysis of customer relationships;
  • register and promptly process customer complaints;
  • analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of managers’ work with clients.

Automated customer relationship management mechanisms can be used not only as an effective tool in the competition for profitable customers. A repository of information about the enterprise's clients is provided. An employee who has received a call from a client he is unfamiliar with can get up to speed right during the telephone conversation by quickly scrolling through information about the client and the latest contacts with him on his computer screen (client dossier).

Configuration capabilities for managing customer relationships may be in demand by the commercial director, marketing director, and employees of the marketing, sales and supply departments of the enterprise.

The program allows you to set sales rules, individual for clients or standard for client segments.

These include various payment conditions, price conditions, and discount conditions.

Sharing standard agreements and segments allows you to quickly change the sales rules and the conditions under which they are provided:

  • To change the sales rules for a specific partner, it is enough to move him to another segment, and this can be done automatically, according to the specified rules.
  • To change the sales rules for all clients from a certain segment, it is enough to change the standard agreement used for clients of this segment once.

The program monitors compliance with sales rules: sales that deviate from the established rules can be made only after additional approval from the manager or other responsible persons.

For important clients, individual sales agreements can be drawn up.

All possible payment options that are used in a trading enterprise are recorded using a payment schedule.

For example, 30% prepayment, 70% loan with deferred payment for 5 days, Full prepayment in cash, “Loan for 2 months with payment of 50% per month” and non-cash payment, etc.

The payment terms that apply to the sale are stated in the agreement.

If necessary, after agreement with the responsible person, a payment schedule different from the standard one may be indicated in a separate order.

The program fully tracks sales processes. At the same time, sales can be processed both according to the full cycle of sales registration (starting from the moment the commercial proposal is agreed upon based on data on the client’s primary interest in the transaction concluded with him), and without pre-registered commercial proposals and customer orders, according to the so-called “simplified scheme” . Possible sales document flow diagrams are presented in the figure.

The capabilities of the procurement management program allow you to solve problems of monitoring the delivery time of goods, cash expenditures and timely payments to suppliers.
The program allows you to register discrepancies when receiving goods, analyze the reasons for supply failures (suppliers’ refusal to supply goods), take into account additional services and additional costs when delivering goods.

The program provides various options for the supply of goods: receipt of goods on an advance payment basis, receipt of goods on commission from the consignor, receipt of imported goods, receipt of goods under an order scheme with subsequent execution of financial documents.

Upon receipt of goods, additional services and additional costs arising upon receipt of goods may be recorded.

Receipt of goods can be issued as part of an order, agreement or as a separate delivery of goods:

  • you can arrange the delivery of goods to several warehouses;
  • you can register the receipt of goods for several orders;
  • automatic distribution of received goods according to supplier orders specified in the document is provided.

The program allows you to record discrepancies in the quality and quantity of goods when registering deliveries of goods.

If there are discrepancies, the delivery document separately indicates the list of goods actually received and the list of goods in accordance with the financial documents.

The program allows you to register services and additional expenses associated with the purchase of goods. For example, delivery services.

Such expenses are recorded by indicating the expense item. Depending on the distribution option chosen in the article, expenses can be attributed to the financial result in different ways:

  • directly to the financial result,
  • in the cost of goods,
  • into deferred expenses.

The organization of warehousing can be different; the structure can be either simple or quite hierarchically complex. Warehouses or storage places can be located either on the territory of the enterprise or located remotely.

Information about warehouse stocks can be entered into the information system with a high degree of detail: to the level of product characteristics (color, size, dimensions, etc.), to the level of serial numbers and expiration dates of goods.

To speed up the processes of receipt, shipment and inventory of goods in warehouses, you can use various types of retail equipment: barcode scanners, data collection terminals.

The program implements an order warehouse accounting scheme. It can be enabled independently for shipping and receiving transactions. Warehouse orders are issued on the basis of order documents, which can be orders or invoices. Records are kept of orders received but not executed; Warehouse operating technology can be based entirely on electronic orders.

The program implements targeted storage of goods, i.e. maintaining the balance of goods in the context of storage locations (cells, shelves, racks) and product packaging.

In this case, it is possible both for reference placement by cells, when it is indicated only in which cells the goods can, in principle, be located, and control of balances in cells, when an accurate record is kept of the quantity of goods in each cell.

When using control of balances in warehouse cells: the system allows you to manage the placement of goods into storage locations upon receipt, assembly from storage locations during shipment, movement and unpacking of goods. The algorithms embedded in the system automatically select the optimal storage locations when placing goods. For goods that are stored and shipped in packages of different sizes, it is possible to automatically generate unpacking tasks if there is a shortage of smaller packages.

At any time, you can control the process of assembling goods in the warehouse in accordance with issued “electronic” orders or the process of placing incoming goods.

The wholesale trade automation system “1C Trade Management 8” provides extensive pricing options. The configuration can store an unlimited number of price types, which can be calculated based on each other or entered by users.

Price calculation rules can be detailed down to price groups of goods. Each price group of a product can have its own calculation formula. When creating calculation formulas, you can use the Formula Builder.

The program implements a mechanism for calculating automatic discounts (markups), which allows you to configure discounts set for customers subject to various conditions, as well as rules for the simultaneous application of several discounts:

  • Discounts can be assigned for a specific product segment, both in percentage and in total terms. The percentage and amount of the discount can be specified by price groups of the product;
  • Discounts can be assigned to certain customers or a group of customers (partner segment) within the framework of trade agreements concluded with them;
  • Discounts can be assigned as part of marketing promotions, and marketing activities can be carried out only for certain segments of partners or in certain stores (sales offices);
  • There is also the possibility of providing discounts on loyalty cards. In this case, both personalized loyalty cards and general purpose cards (for example, social cards) can be used.

Like any “self-respecting” wholesale trade automation system, the “1C Trade Management 8” configuration provides for full-fledged work with the cash register and the bank. The configuration contains all the necessary primary documents; data on incoming and outgoing bank payments can be uploaded and downloaded from the client-bank system. Based on these planned payments or expenses, you can create a payment calendar. The system provides the ability to plan cash flows and compare them with facts. To prevent unwanted expenses, you can enable a mechanism for requests for cash expenditures, with the mandatory approval of management.

To obtain a complete, most accurate picture of the financial result, the program provides the following features:

  • accounting for revenue and cost of sales,
  • accounting for other income and expenses,
  • distribution of costs for the cost of goods,
  • distribution of income and expenses among areas of activity,
  • analysis of income, expenses and financial results.

Cost accounting in the program can be implemented both by the average price per month and by FIFO (moving and weighted average).

The program allows you to divide the financial results of an enterprise into areas of activity, thus allowing you to separately assess the profit of the enterprise in each area. The composition of areas and the rules for assigning financial transactions to each area can be determined very flexibly. For example, directions can correspond to points of sale (for retailers), assortment (for distributors), projects, etc.

All this allows you to analyze in detail the efficiency of the enterprise and develop the business, optimizing the composition of areas of activity.

The program allows you to keep track of other expenses broken down by expense items and additional analytics objects determined by the expense item.

Additional analytics can be configured in 1C:Enterprise mode. For example, additional purchase or sales costs can be attributed to the corresponding order, storage costs to the warehouse, etc. This allows, on the one hand, to analyze the cost structure in detail, on the other hand, to correlate costs with revenue for the same objects analysts.

Other expenses during distribution can be included in the cost of inventory or, according to customizable rules, written off to specified areas of activity.

Similar to the accounting of other expenses, the accounting of other income is implemented.

In “1C Trade Management 8”, as in any 1C configuration, it is possible to restrict user access rights to certain configuration objects (for example, purchasing managers cannot work with sales documents or a number of junior managers cannot view profitability reports), but in addition Therefore, in “1C Trade Management 8” it is possible to restrict specific users or groups of users from viewing and editing data for specific organizations and counterparties, and the data will not be available to these users when generating reports.

Thanks to the completely open source, the configuration can be customized to suit any Customer requirements.

Surely many of you have heard or even encountered a problem when the developer of an internal automation system decides to quit, and no one knows how this system works, and often where it is physically located. Such cases have already been encountered in our practice.

When a system is developed by 1C specialists, the code remains open, which means any other 1C specialist can understand how the system works EVEN without documentation.

In addition, if you decide to automate your enterprise in our company, then a technical specification for modifying the standard configuration will be written in advance. And you always know which system objects were changed by our specialists. Your wholesale trade automation system belongs to you, not the system developer!

As for the scalability of the system, our specialists have already implemented the “1C Trade Management 8” configuration for more than 500 workstations, where more than 400 users worked simultaneously.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 system provides the ability to programmatically manage database table locks to increase system performance.

Course work

Automation of sales accounting


1. The essence of accounting and its features in trade

1.1 Accounting and its main purpose

1.2 Accounting, operational and statistical accounting

2.Two approaches to automating enterprise activities

2.1 Problems of creating an effective enterprise management system

2.2 Two groups of DBMS used in automation systems

3. Analysis of operational accounting software products

3.1 Application of complex automation systems

3.1.1 Automation system “1C: Trade and Warehouse”.

3.1.2 Automation system for trade accounting “Galaktika – Store”.

3.1.3 Subsystem “Sales and Trade” of the “Flagman” information system.

4. Development of a sales accounting program

4.1 Purpose of the program, its composition and main functions

4.2 Description of program forms




Trade is one of the largest sectors of the economy of any country, both in terms of the volume of activity and the number of personnel employed in it, and enterprises in this industry are the most widespread. The activities of trading enterprises are related to meeting the needs of each person, are influenced by many factors and cover a wide range of organizational, technological, economic and financial issues that require daily solutions. A dynamic competitive environment and new business conditions place increased demands on the organization of management at a trading enterprise. In modern conditions, the organizational structure of management is a strategic factor of competition. The growth in physical volumes of trade and the expansion of its assortment determines the need to improve the management activities of trading enterprises. Thus, the study and rationalization of information processes in the management system at trade enterprises is an urgent task in scientific and practical terms.

Possible directions for increasing the efficiency of an enterprise are the comprehensive automation of all enterprise activities or the automation of individual processes that are bottlenecks for a given organization.

The purpose of this course work is to develop a sales accounting automation program that performs the following functions:

Organization of accounting for sales of goods.

1. The essence of accounting and its features in trade

1.1 Accounting and its main purpose

The main purpose of accounting is to form a basis for data on the state of the enterprise. In this case, we are talking not only about the accounting of goods, but also about the state of all data characterizing the enterprise (the quantity of goods in the warehouse, on the way, how much goods have been ordered, paid for, issued, authorized for release, how much has been released, released on credit, for cash payment , how many were returned for complaints, etc.). And this list, which is far from complete, refers to goods, but there are also fixed assets, inventories, contractual relations with obligations, relations with staff, with budget representatives, and private relations with the head of the company. All aspects of production activities are reflected in the accounting department of the enterprise.

Accounting is one of the most labor-intensive but necessary management functions. It consists of observing, measuring, recording and grouping the phenomena taken into account. Accounting indicators reveal the quantitative and qualitative aspects of economic processes that characterize the factors of economic life.

A distinctive feature of accounting is the large scale and homogeneity of the initial and final indicators and the routine work on their formation. As a rule, the final indicators are formed by repeated grouping of the original primary data according to various characteristics without the use of complex calculations.

1.2 Accounting, operational and statistical accounting

Economic accounting is a combination of accounting, operational and statistical accounting.

These types of accounting are organically interconnected and complement each other, although they differ in the scope of their application, purpose and method of implementation.

The main goal of economic accounting is the formation of high-quality, complete, reliable and up-to-date information about the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, necessary for the management and establishment of a market economy.

Statistical accounting is used in the study of mass socio-economic objects in the field of economics, culture, science, healthcare, etc. Statistics collects and summarizes information about the state of the economy, the movement of labor, prevailing prices in regional labor markets, goods, securities, etc. ., the size and composition of the population for the purpose of analyzing and forecasting the socio-economic development of society. Statistics has special methods for collecting and processing primary data: statistical observation (continuous and selective), summary and grouping of statistical observation data, calculation of average indices.

To obtain primary accounting data, statistics uses accounting documents and data from special statistical observations.

Accounting is an orderly system of collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the property, obligations of an organization and their movement through continuous, continuous documentary accounting of all business transactions. Accounting provides the most important and reliable information, systematizes and processes scattered data, after which it becomes the basis for making management decisions.

Operational accounting is used to monitor, register, process and control individual phenomena of the financial and economic activities of an organization. Most often, it is limited to the framework of one enterprise and is organized at the places where business operations are carried out (site, workshop, warehouse, department).

Its distinctive feature is the speed of providing data, which can be received by telephone, fax, oral conversation, or in the form of a notice by mail. Operational accounting data is used for daily, current management and management of the enterprise’s activities (accounting for production, output of products, services provided, fulfillment of contracts, shipment and sales, availability of inventories, attendance at work, receipt of goods from suppliers, state of purchasing demand, etc. .)

A feature of accounting in trade is the great dynamics of changes in this area, which requires frequent changes to existing information storage databases. Therefore, when accounting for trade transactions, prompt updating of information is important.

2.Two approaches to automating enterprise activities

2.1 Problems of creating an effective enterprise management system

A modern enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership, is a self-developing organism, the existence and viability of which is ultimately ensured by the predominance of the revenue side of its budget over the expenditure side. Hence, the goal of any enterprise is to create conditions that would ensure maximum income from its activities while minimizing costs.

The most optimal way to achieve this goal is to create an effective enterprise management system. This, in turn, implies solving a number of problems facing the enterprise, among which the following should be highlighted as the most basic:

Strategic planning;

Optimization of technological process control;

Human resources (personnel) management;

Increasing the efficiency of the enterprise;

Saving money and minimizing costs.

The current level of development of science and technology allows us to successfully solve the entire range of these problems in the most effective way, namely, using advanced computer and information technologies that allow us to automate the activities of organizations.

One of the inevitable problems that an enterprise faces when transitioning to automated management tools is implementation.

Implementation problems arise when staff are forced to use automation tools to perform core work. Unlike auxiliary means (let's call them instrumental), the decision to use which is made by the staff, instrumental means must be implemented regardless of the wishes of the staff. In any case, the introduction of weapons entails some change in technology, the need to train and debug the interaction of personnel in new conditions.

Automation tools will be viable if they provide the possibility of a smooth transition from existing technology to modernized technology. Such a transition assumes that these tools will initially play an auxiliary role (for example, they should make it possible to quickly print invoices, payments and invoices and keep records of them). Any person quickly masters those tools that help or free him from the need to perform simple but routine work. As you master simple operations, you will see ways to perform more complex operations using automation tools.

With the development of trade and trade relations, the question of automating the accounting of sales of an enterprise became obvious. The presence of a large number of papers, invoices and other documentation, in many cases completely unsystematized, the inability to provide the necessary information to buyers, etc. pointed out the need to create tools to automate this area of ​​enterprise activity.

Sales accounting automation systems are usually implemented to solve problems facing the organization, such as:

Ensuring more effective management through automatic control of implementation, transparency of the activities of the entire organization at all levels.

Supporting the effective accumulation, management and access of information and knowledge.

Exclusion of paper documents from the internal circulation of the enterprise. Saving resources by reducing costs for managing document flows in the organization.

Eliminating the need or significantly simplifying and reducing the cost of storing paper documents due to the availability of an operational electronic archive.

The results of implementing sales accounting automation systems are:

Reliable storage of documents – the likelihood of loss of a document or access to it by unauthorized persons is significantly reduced;

Quick search for documents;

Increasing the level of customer service by reducing work completion time and reducing the number of errors;

Automation of standard procedures (making changes, generating various reports, etc.).

The advantages of automating this type of activity are undeniable, however, when the management of an enterprise decides to start automation, the problem of choosing the means for their development and creation becomes acute. This issue cannot be approached unambiguously, and before choosing a development tool, its purpose should be determined. What needs to be created: a custom-made unique system or a software product for the market? Will it be an application program or a tool system? What is the expected lifespan of the program? Will it be necessary to maintain it (i.e., make changes to it at the request of the customer) or just correct errors? There are many more questions, the answer to which to some extent influences the choice of funds.

There are two approaches to implementing automation.

On the first approach a unique system is created to order. This approach is used mainly by small enterprises and is driven by economic benefits. The advantage of this option is that programs are written strictly for a specific organization, taking into account its characteristics and the wishes of the customer. However, creating a large automated complex using this method is impossible, since it requires large material costs and highly qualified specialists. Basically, with this approach, software systems are created that help perform routine work, and it does not matter how quickly they perform their functions, as long as they work faster than a person. Such systems should be built on software that allows simple and quick creation of application programs that meet current needs. Actually, integrated packages like MSAccess, Clarion or FoxPro are created for such tasks.

The essence second approach is that if a company is really serious about the automation system or wants to automate not only a specific area of ​​its functioning, but the activities of several areas, then an analysis of the corresponding software products available on the market is necessary.

It should be noted that in order for the automation system to operate effectively, enterprises must be based on advanced technologies. It is safe to say that the most common solution in this case today is the use of client-server technology. This is evidenced by the large number of products on the market.

2.2 Two groups of DBMS used in automation systems

The choice of DBMS when building an automation system largely determines such parameters as performance, scalability, security and reliability. All DBMSs used in automation systems can be divided into two groups: those using file-server technology and those using client-server technology.

The file server system has the following disadvantages:

Heavy load on the network and increased requirements for its throughput (with a large number of users and significant volumes of processed information, failure to comply with these requirements can lead to system inoperability);

Increased requirements for the PC due to the fact that data is processed at the user’s workplace;

Inability to work with data simultaneously;

Failure to maintain data security.

Client-server technology is free from almost all of the listed shortcomings, primarily due to the fact that all processing in it is transferred to the database server, and at the user’s workplace only queries are generated and the results are displayed. The choice of a specific DBMS is determined by many parameters, including reliability and stability, performance, availability of application development tools, compatibility with other platforms and OS, and support from the manufacturer.

Among developers of enterprise automation systems, the most popular DBMS are Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, InterBase and some others. It should also be noted that recently complex automation systems with the latest versions of DBMS have begun to appear - “1C:Enterprise 8.0”, “BOSS-Company” (“IT”), “Virtuoso 1.3” (Miratekh), “Transportation” ( SoftLogistic), “Folio-WinSklad” version 7.0 based on MS SQL Server 7.0, “Landia” (“Landia-Soft”) based on InterBase, “Monopoly” (“Formosa-Soft”) based on Oracle 8.0.

3. Analysis of operational accounting software products

3.1 Application of complex automation systems

When automating not individual areas, but the entire activity of the organization as a whole, it is advisable to use complex automation systems. Sales accounting is one of the components of accounting at trade enterprises, therefore it is necessary to analyze existing application packages for accounting and operational accounting.

Among the trade automation systems presented on the Russian market, one can note the offers of the companies 1C (1C: Trade), Information Systems and Technologies (Aspect system), Galaktika-Magazin (Galaktika system), Sales and trade" ("Flagman" system), "Parus", "Meta" (Complex of automation in retail trade), "Intellect-Service". Let's consider the most representative of them.

3.1.1 Automation system "1C: Trade and Warehouse"

“1C: Trade and Warehouse” is the “Operational Accounting” component of the “1C: Enterprise” system with a standard configuration for automating warehouse accounting and trade.

The “Operational Accounting” component is designed to account for the availability and movement of material and cash assets. It can be used both independently and in conjunction with other 1C:Enterprise components.

“1C: Trade and Warehouse” is designed to record all types of trade transactions. Thanks to its flexibility and customizability, the system is capable of performing all accounting functions - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to obtaining various statements and analytical reports.

Functional and service capabilities of the system include:

Improved pricing mechanism.

A “quick sale” operation that allows you to automatically generate and print the required package of documents when selling a group of products.

Group processing of reference books and documents.

Automatic initial filling of documents.

Possibility of detailing mutual settlements with counterparties in the context of contracts.

“1C: Trade and Warehouse” automates work at all stages of an enterprise’s activities.

A typical system configuration allows:

Maintain separate management and financial accounting;

Keep records on behalf of several legal entities;

Maintain batch accounting of inventory with the ability to select a cost write-off method (FIFO, LIFO, average);

Keep separate records of your own goods and goods taken for sale;

Register the purchase and sale of goods;

Carry out automatic initial filling of documents based on previously entered data;

Keep records of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, detail mutual settlements under individual agreements;

Generate the necessary primary documents;

Issue invoices, automatically build a sales book and a purchase book;

Reserve goods and control payments;

Keep records of funds in current accounts and in the cash register;

Keep records of trade loans and control their repayment;

Keep records of goods transferred for sale, their return and payment;

In "1C: Trade and Warehouse" it is possible to:

Setting the required number of prices of different types for each product, storing supplier prices, automatic control and prompt changes in price levels;

Working with interrelated documents;

Performing automatic calculation of prices for write-off of goods;

Quickly make changes using group processing of directories and documents;

Keeping records of goods in various units of measurement, and funds in various currencies;

Obtaining a wide variety of reporting and analytical information on the movement of goods and money;

Automatic generation of accounting entries for 1C: Accounting.

“1C: Trade and Warehouse” can be adapted to any accounting features at a particular enterprise. The system includes a Configurator, which allows you to configure all the main elements of the system if necessary:

Edit existing and create new necessary documents of any structure;

Change screen and printed forms of documents;

Create journals for working with documents and arbitrarily redistribute documents among journals for effective work with them;

Edit existing and create new directories of arbitrary structure

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" contains a variety of tools for connecting with other programs.

The ability to import and export information via text files will allow you to exchange data with almost any program.

“1C: Trade and Warehouse” provides work with commercial equipment: cash registers, receipt printers, scanners and barcode printers, electronic scales, data collection terminals, customer displays and other types of equipment.

“Intelligent” interaction with retail equipment allows, for example, filling out documents by reading barcodes of goods with a scanner.

3.1.2 Automation system for trade accounting “Galaktika – Store”

The automation system for trade accounting "Galaktika - Store" is designed for maintaining operational records of product movement, for maintaining accounting records for retail sales through the trading floor.

This software package is universal - it can be used both to automate small stores and to organize a network of large supermarkets.

The configuration is implemented on the basis of the Galaktika-Start CIS, therefore:

It has a low cost and at the same time has wide functionality;

Supports all regulatory documents;

The functionality of the system allows you to automate the main accounting tasks of an enterprise - from supply and sales management to payroll calculation;

With further development, the enterprise has the opportunity to switch to the Galaktika CIS without the problems of transferring the database;

The parent company, which has chosen the Galaktika CIS, organizes interoffice exchange with its network of stores, using only invoices and price lists.

- “Galaktika-Store” is also used if small stores use one PC both for operating the sales floor and for accounting (and turning off the PC does not affect the cashier’s work);

The main functional features of the system include:

Accounting for remaining goods in the company’s warehouses and sales areas;

Control of timing of goods sales;

Control of minimum balances of goods in warehouses;

Analysis of the sales speed of goods and product groups;

Monitoring the work of cashiers;

Control of the total expression of balances in the sales department;

Conducting mutual settlements with suppliers;

Automatic accounting of trading activities on sale;

Possibility of gradual implementation of the system at a retail enterprise;

Support for working with a wide range of commercial equipment;

Possibility of using a single database in distributed retail enterprises.

All this allows you to increase the speed of customer service, guarantees the absence of errors when entering data on the cash register, quickly monitors the availability and movement of inventory items and makes timely orders.

Using the Galaktika-Shop solution allows you to identify inventory items received by an enterprise by barcode, transfer information about available inventory items into the memory of cash registers and read sales information from them, generate documents for their sale to customers, carry out inventory, generate reports based on sales results. With the Galaktika-Shop system, the enterprise will be able to work in a single information space, which will help optimize the management of the entire enterprise and increase its competitiveness.

3.1.3 Subsystem “Sales and Trade” of the “Flagman” information system

The “Sales and Trade” subsystem of the “Flagman” corporate information system is designed to automate the work of sales services of manufacturing enterprises and trade enterprises. The main functions are the formation of a portfolio of orders for the supply of products and services, accounting for the shipment and sale of products and services, and reserving goods.

The main tasks of the subsystem include:

Accounting for balances and movement of finished products and goods;

Accounting for sales of products, goods and services.

The system takes into account the acceptable periods of storage and sale of products. Operations with cash reserves are supported, with optimal volumes of reserves, and calculations of deficit and excess positions are carried out. Within the framework of the subsystem, goods reservation operations are supported, and current sales and sales operations are carried out. Price history is kept.

The subsystem implements various chains of business logic: from the formation of a portfolio of orders to the release and shipment of products for these orders. The subsystem provides the ability to maintain contracts, product shipment schedules and payment receipts. Based on contracts and applications, a portfolio of orders is formed, invoices and orders for shipment are issued. The “Sales and Trade” subsystem can work together with the “Marketing”, “Technical and Economic Planning”, “Schedule Planning”, “Accounting” and “Warehouse Accounting” subsystems. The subsystem partially includes the functions of the “Agreements and mutual settlements” and “Warehouse accounting” subsystems. Retail functions are implemented as an independent software block, with the possibility of using cash registers.

4. Development of a sales accounting program

To achieve this goal, a program has been developed that allows you to keep track of sales of a company selling software.

4.1 Purpose of the program, its composition and main functions

The developed program is designed to store data about the software that the company has and the volume of its sales, as well as information about clients. For reporting, organization, searching for the required software and information about the buyer, information covering all the required aspects is stored in the database.

Take into account the following attributes of buyers: full name, profession, address, telephone.

Information about the software includes: software name, purpose, supplier, cost.

Each purchase contains only one name of software, and includes the following fields: name of the software, full name of the buyer, quantity of purchased software, sales amount, date of purchase.

The main functions of the developed sales accounting program are:

Updating, adding, deleting and maintaining the integrity of information;

Selecting information from the database according to user requests;

The results of the database are reflected in reporting forms;

All elements of the application program are presented as a single project, which is controlled through the user menu.

4.2 Description of program forms.

The program is controlled from the main form of the application, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Main form of the program

The main "Software Implementation" form opens by default when the application is launched and includes "Directories", "Documents", "Requests", "Reports" and "Exit". The “Exit” element contains the “Exit application” command and when selected, the program closes. The “Directories” form (Figure 2) contains the elements “Software”, “Buyers”, “Suppliers”, “Manufacturers”, “Company Data”.

Figure 2 – Form “Directories”

This form allows you to make changes to the database: update, supplement, delete information. For example, a form for editing customer data is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 – Customer data editing form

The remaining elements of the “Directory” form have a similar type of data presentation.

The “Documents” form (Figure 4) contains the elements “Delivery of software”, “Order of software”.

Figure 4 – “Documents” form

It provides the functions of generating an order for the supply of goods and executing an order for sale to a specific buyer.

The form for generating an order for the sale of software to a client is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Form for generating a sales order

The “Requests” form includes the elements “List of software”, “List of transactions”, “Buyers with last name starting with D”. The “Requests” form is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 – View of the “Requests” form

The form for generating a request to provide a list of software is presented in Figure 7.

Figure 7 – Results of a request to generate a list of software available to the company

The program allows you to generate reports, such as “Software purchased by the client” (a form for entering search parameters opens), “Software with a price above $50”, “Information about the software”. The “Reports” form is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 – View of the “Reports” form

The type of report on the software purchased by the client is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 – View of the report on purchased software

The program has a convenient, intuitive user interface, while providing accounting for the company's sales and storing, updating, editing, and deleting information.


As a result of the course work, the following results were obtained.

The first chapter analyzes the concept of accounting. It is shown that accounting is one of the most labor-intensive but necessary management functions. A distinctive feature of accounting is the large scale and homogeneity of the initial and final indicators and the routine work on their formation. A feature of accounting in trade is the high updating of data, which to some extent complicates its maintenance.

The second section analyzes the problems that arise when implementing enterprise automation systems. The need for automation is shown and the results of implementing automation systems for the work of organizations are presented.

In this course work, a database and an application program have been developed for managing this database “Accounting for the activities of a company in the sale of software”, which allows you to obtain information about the software owned by the company, about customers, and place an order for the purchase of software. The application has a convenient user interface. All elements of the application program are presented as a single project, which is managed through the window of the main project form. Undoubtedly, the advantages of the developed program “Accounting for the activities of a company selling software” include the following capabilities:

Updating, adding, deleting and maintaining the integrity of information in the created database;

Selecting information from the database according to user requests;

The results of the database are reflected in reporting forms that allow you to save and print the necessary information;

Therefore, this program performs all the necessary functions and can be used for direct use by software companies.


trade accounting automation sale

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