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Office suicide bombers. The most dangerous jobs are for secretaries, couriers, accountants and engineers

Scientists say that night shift work disrupts the normal functioning of the body and sooner or later leads to various diseases. Working at night leads to disruption of established habits, psycho-emotional overload, problems with the heart and blood vessels, stomach and intestines, increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders, metabolic syndrome and diseases of the female genital organs, mental disorders and neoplasms.
Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

Night shifts and obesity

A study was conducted at the University of Colorado that showed that working at night (on the night shift) leads to a decrease in metabolism, a slowdown in metabolic processes and lower energy consumption compared to exactly the same day work.
By the way, during the day, despite the fact that it is less deep than at night, about 15% less energy is spent.

In addition, observations by scientists have shown that working at night is usually accompanied by eating monotonous food based on fast food products (burgers, pizza, sandwiches, chips and chocolate bars). This diet does not bring any health benefits and contributes to excess weight.

Nocturnal activity and cardiovascular diseases

It has long been known that working night shifts increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the harm to health increases with frequent and long night work (8 hours more than 2 times a week). At night, in general, according to statistics, heart attacks and strokes, hypertensive crises occur more often, and if you also work during this period, the likelihood of an exacerbation of the disease increases several times.

Night work and diabetes

Constant disruptions of biological rhythms during constant night shift work inevitably lead to metabolic disorders, increased blood sugar levels and increased fat deposition in the subcutaneous fat and around internal organs, appearing in blood vessels. The result is obesity, atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Night work and mental disorders

It has been established that working at night disrupts the production of serotonin, which leads to decreased mood and exacerbation of affective disorders. In addition, frequent night shifts are a serious psychological burden on a person who has to work in conditions where mental performance, attention and coordination of movements are reduced, which means there is an increased likelihood of errors and work-related injuries. Periodic social isolation also takes its toll due to separation from family and friends during repeated night shifts and subsequent daytime rest.

Gastrointestinal diseases and night waking

It has been established that the negative effect of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum increases at night, and therefore peptic ulcer disease is more common among night shift workers. Of course, both dry food and mental stress play a big role here.
Working at night also provokes the development of diseases such as functional dyspepsia (functional indigestion), syndrome.

Night work and reproductive system disorders in women

Long-term observations of pregnant women have shown that working at night significantly increases the risk of miscarriages, complicated and premature births. In addition, women who worked at night were more likely to have menstrual disorders, endometriosis and infertility. Scientists suggest that such disorders are associated with the adverse effects of night work on the hormonal function of the female body, immunity, and central nervous system.

Night shift work and oncology

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified shift work as a probable carcinogen. According to Western researchers, working at night increases the risk of disease by approximately 50%, and to a lesser extent - tumors of the colon, rectum, prostate gland in men, and female genital organs in women.

It is believed that this may be due to the suppression of the production of the hormone melatonin, which is most actively produced by the body at night during sleep. But being awake at night in illuminated rooms disrupts the production of this hormone, which can become an impetus for the development of a malignant tumor.

Work or sleep?

So what can you do to prevent health problems associated with working at night?

  • Firstly, exclude night shift work for minors, pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • At a young age - from 18 to 35 years old, night work should be no more than 2 times a week. In this case, daytime sleep should be at least 8 hours (sleep in a dark room), nutritious food, regular physical activity, stay in the fresh air for at least two hours a day.
  • After 40-45 years, it is advisable to exclude night shift work or, in extreme cases, plan it no more than once a week. After all, it is at this age that the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, endocrine disorders and cancer increases significantly. And any unnecessary shock to the body (including working at night) will be harmful. So think about what is more important to you – money or health?
  • In order to promptly identify incipient diseases associated with night work, it is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations. This is a consultation with a cardiologist and an ECG with stress (treadmill, VEM) for early diagnosis, examination by a mammologist for women + ultrasound of the pelvis and mammary glands, examination by an endocrinologist + tests for sugar, thyroid hormones and sex hormones. A health check should be done at least once every 2 years, and preferably annually.

In general, periodic night work at a young age, subject to proper work and rest, nutrition and physical activity, will not have an adverse effect on the body. In other cases, it is better to abandon regular night shifts as soon as possible.

Russians consider the most dangerous professions to be firefighters, rescuers, police officers and test pilots. Such data are provided by the Levada Center, but representatives of seemingly calm office professions are exposed to no less, and sometimes even greater, danger at work. American researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology came to the conclusion that office workers receive severe, including life-threatening injuries. injuries are no less common among miners, builders and lumberjacks, whose work has always been considered the most dangerous. In this case, office employees are divided into two groups. The first is those who receive serious damage through their own fault and without the participation of third parties. The second is those who get their nuts from angry clients, the police or a violent boss.

In the first group, the leading positions are held by system administrators, engineers, couriers, cleaners and secretaries, in the second - lawyers, accountants and deputy managers.

In Russia, there are no accurate statistics on office injuries, but even without statistics, based on simple reports from ambulance departments, emergency rooms and police, we can conclude that our clerks are not inferior to their American colleagues.


Girls sitting at the entrance to the office at solid counters most often suffer from burns, cuts, head injuries and broken limbs. They regularly receive burns from coffee machines, coolers and cups of tea, coffee or broth. In one of the St. Petersburg advertising companies there was a tradition: every day at six in the evening the secretary had to heat up soup for top managers. For a while, everything was calm, the management slurped and slurped broth in unison, and the girl successfully coped with her duties, but one fine day the young lady dropped a tray with six cups of hot soup on herself. She was wearing a woolen skirt, which only made the burns worse. The secretary was hospitalized.

Another secretary girl, this time in Moscow, carried a package of bottles of drinking water to the manager’s office. The plastic burst and the bottles fell on the employee's legs, causing tendons to rupture.

Another secretary spent a month on sick leave with a concussion. The culprit was a poorly secured window frame that fell on her head. The girl just wanted to open the window to ventilate the room.

Secretaries often suffer because of perfectly polished glass doors. Thus, the assistant secretary of one of the capital's architectural bureaus was out of work for a month due to a collision with an office door. According to Olesya, she was in such a hurry to get home at the end of the day that she did not notice that the glass door to the common hall was closed. “We had a designer handle on the door, also glass, so when the cleaners washed the glass, it seemed like there was no door there at all. So I hit it with my face as hard as I could,” the girl recalls. As a result, she broke her nose, split her lips and almost lost her teeth. Moreover, the secretary herself later wondered how she managed to hit her face. “I have, excuse me, quite decent breasts, and my posture is fine, I don’t walk head first! I should have just spring back, but I stuck my nose right into the door!” - the victim complains.

Representatives of this profession often experience severe concussions, which occur mainly due to impact with a tabletop. Thus, an employee of a Moscow cargo transportation company, Valentina K., hit her head hard on the tabletop when she reached for a folder with documents that had fallen under the table. “I collected them for a long time, realizing that the boss really needed these papers, I was in a hurry as best I could, and then the phone rang. I straightened up sharply, and I vaguely remember what happened next,” the girl recalls. The blow was so strong that Valentina lost consciousness. The furious boss, who came to collect the documents literally a minute after the incident, saw only the secretary’s legs sticking out from under the table. Fortunately, everything turned out to be two weeks of sick leave, which was also paid for by the company. Unfortunately, this is the exception rather than the rule, since employers rarely pay sick leave to their awkward employees.

According to Vladimir Kalinin, director of the Center for Loss Settlement for Personal and Property Insurance at ROSNO, employers rarely insure office workers against accidents. "Office employees are the least risky category for the employer. Basically, such policies for personnel are purchased by large companies, in particular banks. When determining the accident insurance rate for office workers, the lowest coefficient is applied. As a rule, office injuries are similar to household ones (bruises, cuts, etc.) Most insurance cases among office workers occur on the street on the way to work or home, for example in winter, when anyone can easily slip on ice and get injured,” Kalinin believes.

Despite the fact that “office plankton” is almost not insured, injuries and damages occur frequently, which, in general, explains the reluctance of employers to spend money on injured personnel.


A whole series of attacks on couriers took place in March in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv. All crimes followed the same pattern. The goods were ordered through an online store to the address of a rented apartment, the criminals beat the courier, taking the order and, of course, without paying for it. Finding scammers is not so easy - their addresses are new every time.

Those who consider the work of a courier to be simple and uncomplicated are mistaken. In addition to the financial responsibility that the employee bears for what he transports, he also has to take care of his own integrity and safety.

Alexey, who worked as a courier for a software company in the capital, was attacked by a pack of stray dogs. The young man barely fought off the dogs only at the cost of bitten legs, right arm and back. He still receives injections.

Couriers are more likely than other office workers to be hit by cars. In a hurry to deliver goods or documents, they run across the streets in the most unexpected places. If the collision is the fault of a pedestrian, the employer usually does not pay for medical expenses.


The work of an accountant is usually quiet, calm, monotonous, even boring. But this is only at first glance. Not only are accountants attacked, they are regularly robbed by scammers, and law enforcement agencies are accused of theft, forgery, or other illegal activities. On top of everything, if you are “lucky” with a boss who is prone to adventures, you will constantly be subject to pressure: either they will force you to sign a “fraudulent” deal, or hide part of the funds from the tax authorities, or “cash out” them.

At the end of last year, law enforcement officers detained fraudsters who forged Sberbank bills worth 20 million rubles and tried to sell them. If an accountant had approached the bank with such purchased securities, he would have gone under Article 186 of the Criminal Code “Manufacture or sale of counterfeit money or securities.”

Another danger is associated with the periodic need to carry large sums. An accountant takes risks even if he rides in a car with a security guard. One example is an incident that occurred in the Moscow region. Armed robbers caused a car accident. It was not difficult to take away a bag with money at gunpoint and escape after that. After this ill-fated trip, the company was missing more than 6 million rubles, and the accountant was missing the lion's share of nerve cells.


An installation engineer from Vladimir received fatal injuries after falling from a height of 3.5 meters. He was working on a loose wooden deck that had shifted at the most inopportune moment.

An engineer at one of the hydraulic power stations had his hand pulled into the machine. The man himself did not understand how this happened, because in his native workshop he knows every nut. The hospital insisted on amputation. The injured engineer was lucky: he found a brave and dexterous surgeon who took the risk of performing the operation. The hand was saved.

In offices, engineers often suffer because of electricity and furniture. When setting up and repairing electrical wiring, they are regularly electrocuted, and when moving, they crush their legs and arms with furniture.

In addition, engineers usually have the responsibility of arranging a new company office or accepting new premises, which also involves risks to life and health. Thus, in the Moscow region, during the acceptance of new warehouse premises, the staircase leading to the third floor of the warehouse broke under the engineer. The poor fellow flew one flight, crashed through the stairs on the second floor and landed on the concrete floor. Fortunately, he escaped with only serious bruises.

A similar story happened to an engineer at a construction company in the Arkhangelsk region. Andrey Kh. went to inspect the new premises. There was no light there yet, the engineer walked briskly along the corridor of the second floor, opened the doors, and examined the rooms. Having opened the next door and stepped inside, Andrei realized that he was falling down. “There simply wasn’t a floor there, and the window was also covered with some kind of rag. The only thing that saved me was that I didn’t have time to let go of the door handle.” The engineer did not accept the object, but he wholeheartedly praised the workers for the quality of the handles.

Overworking, hard work can cause deterioration in your health. For example, hypertension is a frequent companion of both those who work hard in factories and those who stay up late doing business in the office until dark.

Recycling is harmful!

Scientists have long proven that workaholics get sick much more often than their less diligent colleagues. They often have heart attacks, and the risk of injury is also higher than others. Women who linger at their workplace until dark usually do not eat normally, but snack quickly, smoke excessively, and pay less attention to sports and their health than others.

By the way, even if the processing time per week is only a few hours, it still has a negative effect on the body. Researchers at the University of California Irvine concluded that men and women who work 41-50 hours a week are 14% more likely to suffer from high blood pressure than workers who work no more than 40 hours a week. If more than 51 hours are devoted to work per week, then, accordingly, the risk of developing this disease is already 29%.

Alternate work and rest

Thanks to scientists, an interesting pattern has emerged: even complex intellectual duties associated with considerable mental stress can protect against hypertension, provided that the employee can actively influence his working conditions. To improve your health, as well as to maintain physical fitness, active rest is recommended, for example, cycling or a light jog in the evening.

Scientists from Holland have proven the negative impact of working night shifts on the condition and functions of the cardiovascular system. The research results are clear: those who work at night are twice as likely to suffer from tachycardia. And tachycardia in the future can cause heart attacks or even sudden death.

Industrial hazards

Heavy physical activity at work over time leads to occupational diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bones and muscles suffer. If an employee regularly has to inhale harmful substances due to his occupation, the risk of developing, for example, asthma or another upper respiratory tract disease increases significantly. Electromagnetic fields, various noises and vibrations will also not add to a person’s health.

Occupational disease usually occurs due to unsatisfactory working conditions in which the employee is regularly exposed. If it is proven that you have an occupational disease, then the organization in which you work must pay you compensation on a monthly basis. Sometimes such payments even amount to 100% of wages. You are also entitled to additional vacation, medications at the expense of your company, a trip to a sanatorium every year, as well as other measures aimed at rehabilitating your health condition.

It is no secret, however, that work associated with mental stress is no less harmful than work in industrial enterprises. So, if half of the working day is spent in front of a computer monitor, such work is assigned the category “harmful”. The cause of vision deterioration, neuralgia, and other diseases can be a long stay at the monitor. This kind of work is generally not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, so they have the right to demand a transfer to another position.

If the harmfulness of work lies precisely in a long stay near a computer monitor, the employer is obliged to submit lists of employees to Rospotrebnadzor and discuss regular scheduled medical examinations with sanitary doctors.

5 dangers of the office

Danger No. 1 – monitor

Keep in mind: working on a computer on a daily basis damages your eyesight. Those who already have poor vision are advised to wear special glasses for working in front of a monitor screen. Their special coating protects the eyes and reduces the negative effect of the monitor on vision. It is also advisable to perform certain eye exercises throughout the working day.

Danger No. 2 – air conditioning

In summer there is coolness, in winter there are hot air currents. This device causes the skin to dry out, literally dehydrating it. Therefore, it is recommended to lubricate your hands with moisturizer at least twice a day and restore makeup at least once. Conditioned air is also harmful to those suffering from bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases. In addition, “under air conditioning” it is very easy to develop colds.

Danger No. 3 – hard stool

Sitting on a hard chair negatively affects your posture, and working in a sitting position generally has a negative impact on your overall health. Therefore, if you feel like it, be sure to stretch - this will make your muscles stronger. You can also solve the problem of sedentary work with lunch walks. It would be a good idea to refuse the elevator service. Periodically throughout the working day you need to do short (literally a couple of minutes) physical relaxation for the muscles. You need to get up and do a few simple exercises, at your discretion.

Danger No. 4 – a picky employer and an irregular schedule

Because of these two reasons, you have to worry endlessly. You work from early morning until late evening, trying to achieve unattainable heights. However, often the result of such efforts is only a nervous breakdown and a broken family life. Finally, understand: the result is important, but no one will pay you money for excessive zeal! You don’t need to do something that no one asks you to do and that, in fact, is not particularly important, but takes a lot of time.

Danger No. 5 – heels

The result of constantly wearing heels is damaged veins. Of course, it’s impossible to completely give up branded stilettos, so let’s solve this situation in a different way: wear replacement shoes at work or take off your shoes under the table and move your toes.

Question of the day: is working harmful?

“Anyone who is as active as a bee during the day, strong as an ox, works hard as a horse and comes home in the evening as tired as a dog should consult a veterinarian.
For there is a high probability that he is an ass.” (Folk wisdom)

Scientists from the Finnish Institute for Occupational Safety and Health answered the question “ Is it harmful to work? ? After many years of research, the answer was unequivocal: working is harmful . And for both physical and psychological health.
True, the Spanish “associate professors with candidates” make a significant reservation: working is harmful , if the work is unloved.

That’s how it goes: we’re fussing, we’re in a hurry, we’re nervous that we won’t make it in time...
Having studied the bad statistics, doctors now strongly recommend stopping one day, catching your breath, looking back, looking around and soberly and honestly analyzing: what have we done wrong in this “squirrel wheel”?!
And was it worth such a subtotal when it’s scary to look at yourself in the mirror?!
This is called the cumulative effect...

“You don’t have to work hard, but with your head,” the unforgettable Steve Jobs used to say.
And it’s true, “the head was given to a person not in order to work, but in order not to work.”

The standard working time in the EU is now forty hours a week. I know that in Canada, for example, they practice long weekends – three days off almost once a month.
Why so?!

In many cultures, the axiom “work hard” is considered hereditary. A is it harmful work - you couldn’t even think about it, sedition...
Make a career, they say, and you’ll be fine... Not a fact. Now doctors are often forced to cool down their workaholic rage.
Apart from the well-known wear and tear and occupational diseases, people smoke and drink frequently to relax after work. So is it harmful to work ?!

Is it harmful to work – this is not a rhetorical question...

The work can take hours, days, years, or even a lifetime. There are studies that to become a pro in any craft, you need to devote ten thousand hours to it, that is, three hours a day for ten years.
With all that said, work is just a part of life, and try to convince me that the most important...

Rutherford's biographers cite the following story...
One day, Rutherford walked into his laboratory late at night and saw one of his promising employees there, despite the odd hour.

“What are you doing here so late?” - the scientist was surprised.
“I’m working,” he replied.
“What, then, did you do during the day?”
“Of course he worked.”
“And in the morning? Did you really work in the morning too?”
“And in the morning too.”
“Excuse me,” Rutherford was genuinely amazed, “when do you think?” - and stopped placing special hopes on this employee.

If work is in the foreground, then health, family, children, pleasures and other joys of life are in the second, fifth, tenth... But work is a vampire, and the mentioned joys of life are donors. So is it harmful to work ?

They claim that the work made a man out of a monkey... Just a version for now. It is easier to prove that the work made a tired and sick monkey out of a monkey...

Agree, “the phrase “Get to work!” The most satisfying thing is when she toasts!”

Be healthy!

Comments are accepted. Comments are welcome. Additions are encouraged.

All professions are important, all professions... are harmful! No, but how could it be otherwise?! We have to spend most of our lives at work, as a result of which it robs us of our youth and, in general, our best years. But if time passes by our personal order, then no one has signed up to give up their health to work. But this is exactly what happens. Whether it's sitting at a computer for many hours, constantly moving around the city on your feet, sitting in the driver's seat or constantly lifting heavy objects. Almost any job has an irreparable impact on your health.

So, yes, if you want to stay beautiful and healthy all your life, make the right choice - stop working... well, or at least don’t do the work that is most dangerous and harmful to your health. So that you understand what we are talking about, studied research data from the American Medical Association, on the basis of which the Analytical Center compiled a rating of the most harmful professions. Consider everything below and think: perhaps it’s time to think about changing your profile?

Accountant and other office workers

Your back is unlikely to thank you for 9 hours of sedentary work in a stuffy office. According to statistics, about 40% of office workers suffer from back pain. Even regular exercise does not help - the colossal loads on the cervical and lumbar spine cannot be compensated for by almost anything. Everything gets worse if your workplace is not equipped with comfortable office furniture - in this case, you are guaranteed pain and obesity.

However, regular physical activity will still help somewhat compensate for the loss of health. No, this is not working at the dacha on weekends, but stable training in the gym. At the same time, you’ll get your figure in order. And yes, AMA experts advise taking walks in the fresh air more often.

Cooks and other catering workers

In Soviet times, the work of a cook in a canteen was considered very lucrative - it was rare that a catering worker went home without several bags full of food. Today, in fact, nothing has changed. As a result - 75% of workers in this field are obese due to constant overeating. Of course, they have less stress at work than other representatives of this list, but it is difficult to envy them in this regard. They constantly have to stand on their feet in elevated temperatures, which also adversely affects their health. High blood pressure, constant back pain, and heart problems are just some of the things chefs have to deal with.


Sellers and other trade workers are another area whose representatives traditionally suffer from high cholesterol, obesity and heart problems. Ungrateful customers, standing work, daily rudeness, stress - all this negatively affects the health of sellers.

Plus, a very low salary, due to which it is impossible to compensate for all professional losses and afford to eat normally. Health problems caused by such work are obvious, so not everyone today is ready to choose this previously revered profession.

Medical workers

Doctors, of course, lead a much more active lifestyle than office workers, which, however, does not make the impact of their work on health less significant. Thus, a traditionally poor diet, a serious overload of stress hormones caused by constant night shifts, many patients and their health problems, leave an indelible mark on the health of doctors, paramedics and nurses. This, in particular, is reflected in an increased risk of the onset and development of diabetes, the spread of intestinal colitis and heart problems, such as heart attacks, among them.


The work of law enforcement officers is traditionally associated with serious stress caused by both the specifics of the work, irregular work hours, and the contingent with whom they have to communicate. In addition to the serious threat of getting a heart attack due to stress, every third law enforcement officer suffers from high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which, naturally, does not have any beneficial effect on their bodies.

Plus, there are objective threats to life and health caused by the work itself - a huge number of police officers are injured every year and even lose their lives when catching criminals.


Working behind the wheel has never brought anyone any benefit. Drivers have a constant risk of getting into an accident, which requires constant attention from them, since they are often also responsible for passengers, and this causes them constant tension. As a result, fatigue and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. But this is not the only problem. The fact is that driving is fraught with stagnation of blood in the pelvis. And this, as is known, is the cause of such unpleasant diseases as hemorrhoids and prostatitis. Plus, you constantly have to breathe in exhaust fumes - your body definitely won’t like them.


The risk of getting burned or injured is by no means the worst thing that awaits domestic firefighters. The fact is that most of them do not end their lives from old age and do not die in fire - they usually have a heart attack. This is all due to constant stress, tension, work in a non-standard, irregular mode and constant combat readiness.

In fact, it is difficult for firefighters to ever relax, because at any moment the need to go to a call may arise! In addition to this, constant lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and participation in physically demanding activities. No wonder firefighters suffer from heart attacks...

Miners, metallurgists and other working professions

It is difficult to imagine that this kind of profession could bring any health benefits at all. Hard physical labor speaks for itself. But problems, for example, with the back, are only trifles compared to what working in metallurgical plants or mines is fraught with for hard workers. Large domestic industrial enterprises literally poison their workers, forcing them to breathe coke and sinter emissions and carcinogens. It has been repeatedly proven that workers at metallurgical plants are many times more at risk of developing cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The situation is similar with miners who have to breathe coal dust. It is not for nothing that all these professions are classified as the most harmful and dangerous at the legislative level.