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Organizational methods of small business development. Technology for organizing a small business enterprise

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Most entrepreneurs begin their activities by creating a small enterprise that allows them to provide acceptable living conditions for the entrepreneur and his family.
A small enterprise can also be organized on the basis of an existing company as a legally and economically independent business entity (a method widely used in the early 1990s) or as a subsidiary affiliated to the structure of the parent enterprise. First of all, this concerns the organization of regional sales structures, to which the parent company delegates authority to carry out commercial transactions.
A characteristic feature of a small enterprise is the specialization of activities carried out in the following areas: production of components when performing the function of a subcontractor for a large company (for example, the production of automobile suspension parts for AvtoVAZ); assembly of final demand products in the B2C market (for example, installation of kitchens, window units, etc.) or in B2B with the possible production of individual parts (for example, installation of fire safety systems, ventilation, air conditioning, etc. at customer sites); performing design, architectural, and engineering work in construction, mechanical engineering and other industries; carrying out research, development, and innovation work on orders from other enterprises or government
government organizations. According to many experts, the development of innovative small businesses is most promising on the basis of government organizations that have a scientific background.
Small businesses have become widespread in the field of household services, car repairs, household appliances and electronics. In recent years, many small businesses have appeared in the field of information technology related to the Internet, software development, etc.
Entrepreneurs are assisted by various government and public organizations: educational and business centers, business incubators, technology parks, industry associations of entrepreneurs, regional entrepreneurship support centers, as well as other entrepreneurship development centers on the following issues: developing a business plan; advising GGOs on various business problems; training aspiring entrepreneurs; conducting an initial examination; searching for investors and partners.
Starting a small business requires relatively little investment, which is a key factor for a person who decides to become an entrepreneur. Another positive factor in starting a small business is the quick return on investment, which allows the entrepreneur to count on break-even activity. The advantages of small business also include the simplicity of the management structure, high susceptibility to innovation, and the speed of implementation of decisions made.
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that many new small businesses cease to exist due to unsatisfactory financial performance. For example, in Germany in the late 90s. XX century more than 14,500 small businesses failed, and 40% of them lasted no more than 5 years. The most common causes of bankruptcy of small enterprises are failures in the sales of products, as well as insufficient competence of entrepreneurs and lack of experience.

In this regard, it is appropriate to indicate the most typical mistakes made by a novice entrepreneur: a detailed business plan or marketing plan has not been developed; the business area is incorrectly defined, the wrong segments are selected for the sale of goods or services; the price for the company’s goods is too high, which is unknown to potential consumers; an active sales system has not been organized, primarily aimed at systematically searching for clients; the cash flow forecast was incorrectly made and many, at first glance insignificant, expenses, the number of which may be large, are not taken into account; there is no clear program of action agreed upon in terms of time and funding for each event.
Small businesses also have objective disadvantages in relation to medium or large businesses, among which it is advisable to highlight the following: limited financial and material resources for business development; difficulties in obtaining loans; high dependence of business on the conditions of the given market and on the demand for the products of large (dominant) companies; high administrative barriers; usually high rental rates.
In most cases, the starting capital is the entrepreneur’s own funds, which fundamentally distinguishes Russian small businesses from small businesses in Europe, where lending is actually carried out. Russian entrepreneurs prefer not to risk personal property, so they do not offer it as collateral.
In July 2006, the All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses “Support of Russia”, together with VTsIOM, conducted a study, the purpose of which was to study the conditions for the functioning of small businesses in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Based on the analysis of the research results, several determining factors that shape the business environment were identified: support for small businesses; legal protection; safety; government policy; availability of financing; freedom of competition; availability of property resources; influence of big business.
Approximately 76% of respondents believe that it is quite difficult or practically impossible to obtain ownership of industrial, office or retail premises. It is much easier to obtain real estate for rent - only 42% of respondents said that they had difficulty obtaining premises for rent. The main problems associated with obtaining premises for rent are the high cost of rent and lack of information about the premises themselves. In general, entrepreneurs also note significant difficulties in obtaining real estate for rent and ownership (69%).
As state support for the development of small businesses, one can indicate the organization of state orders and the creation of business incubators for beginning entrepreneurs.
State orders for small businesses can be one of the most effective mechanisms for supporting entrepreneurs at both the federal and regional levels and will help improve the situation in this area. The Russian government plans to increase the volume of government procurement from small and medium-sized entrepreneurs from 400 billion to 800 billion rubles. It is envisaged that state customers in the total order volume allocate the volume of products established by law (15%) and place it only among small businesses, for example, by dividing technically complex products into component parts, the production of which can be entrusted to small enterprises. Small enterprises strive to receive government orders for the supply of stationery to government agencies, for the construction of small facilities, and in the research field.
A business incubator is a structure created by local government authorities designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs organize their business.

Entrepreneurs who implement original scientific and technical ideas are “placed” in a business incubator. The task of a business incubator is to provide the entrepreneur with material, information and consulting services and thereby facilitate the entry of the enterprise into the market.
As a rule, business incubators rent out the premises they need to their clients on preferential terms. Auxiliary premises (kitchen, meeting and recreation rooms) can be common to all entrepreneurs of a given business incubator. The contract is usually concluded for a period of no more than 3 years with the possibility of extension for another 2 years.
Applicants wishing to enter the business incubator must provide the following documents for consideration: a questionnaire filled out in a special form and a concept for a future business (entrepreneurial idea); space requirements; business plan.
The first stage of selecting applicants for a business incubator is an economic justification for the feasibility of creating an enterprise from the point of view of real demand and the competitiveness of future products (services). If the entrepreneurial idea and the content of the business plan seem interesting, then the second stage is the development of the constituent agreement, charter and registration of the enterprise.
Example. OJSC Technopark of St. Petersburg, together with the Finnish business development company Technopolis, has created a business incubator in the city, which plans to house start-up innovative companies. It is planned that he will attract investors and provide information, consulting and legal services to start-up domestic companies. At the initial stage, the city government will finance the project. The projected costs of operating the business incubator are 48 million rubles, of which the lion's share will go to promoting projects of innovative companies. Companies that have undergone business incubation will in the future be able to count on the provision of premises on the territory of the technology park. According to RIA Novosti - Real Estate, in 2009 the business incubator hopes to attract about 30 resident companies.

To organize a small enterprise, it is advisable to perform the following steps: decide on the size of the enterprise; select location; make a list of necessary equipment; determine the approximate number of employees; calculate the approximate area (office, production); calculate the required investment costs; determine approximate current costs for the payback period of the business; develop a marketing plan to bring the enterprise to the market. SUMMARY OF THE MARKETING PLAN General characteristics of the scope of activity of the future enterprise. First of all, the overall image of the company should be chosen. It is necessary to determine how the company wants to appear in the eyes of investors and in the eyes of customers. Thus, an enterprise should not simultaneously try to create a reputation for itself as a company offering goods of the highest quality and as a company offering goods at the lowest price. Price must be in balance with the buyer's perception of the value of the product. Analysis of external factors operating in the market. This section should include an analysis of all major issues and risks that may affect the product during its life cycle. Marketing strategy. In this section, you need to determine the overall marketing strategy, including who the company's clients will be and what sales methods will be used. An analysis of the main competitors is carried out, their strengths and weaknesses are examined, and it is established how the company can use the information received for its own purposes. Analysis of potential buyers. In this section you need to determine for which buyer the company's products are intended. You should also indicate what benefits the client will receive from purchasing the company's products. Setting the price. In this section, you need to consider the pricing strategy that the entrepreneur intends to use, such as skimming or penetration. The skimming method involves setting a high initial price for a product in order to
sell it to buyers who really want it and are willing to pay a high price. Once the group of buyers who desperately need the product is satisfied, the price is reduced, thereby attracting buyers who do not have the opportunity to buy the product at the highest price. With the penetration method, the pricing policy is based on a low initial price, which allows reaching a large number of buyers. Analysis of product sales channels. In this section, you need to show how the product will be sold, how additional services will be provided to the buyer, and warranty service will be provided. In the same section, a sales forecast is made. This part should show how many units of the product will be sold and to whom. Here you should indicate what the system of remuneration for sellers will be. It is necessary to make a preliminary calculation of sales costs. Promotion program. This section is devoted to how the product will be promoted. Advertising channels are determined, an advertising campaign schedule is drawn up, and a budget for its implementation is approved. Monitoring the implementation of the marketing plan and evaluating effectiveness. It is necessary to establish indicators by which the implementation of the marketing plan will be assessed, and the frequency of monitoring.
In conclusion, we can point out that the marketing plan for bringing a small enterprise to the market is not a deterministic document and can be changed and supplemented during the process of creating an enterprise.
Test questions for Chapter 4 List the main options for organizing a business, their advantages and disadvantages. List the main stages of creating an enterprise. List the main types of work at the pre-investment stage of creating an enterprise. Analyze the role of marketing at each stage of creating an enterprise. What is the sequence of formation of the enterprise structure? What is the controllability rate and what does it depend on? List the types of organizational structures of an enterprise and give a brief description of them.
How does a divisional structure differ from a departmental one and in what cases is it advisable to use them? Justify the need to create an enterprise project and list the features of its organization. Give examples of organizational structures of Russian enterprises.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Ural State Pedagogical University"

Institute of Personnel Development and Management

Department of Theory and Practice of Organization Management


on the topic “Technology for organizing small businesses”


« » ________ 2010 Group:IIIcourse, 31M, correspondence

Grade Head: Alikperov I. M.,

«___» ______________ Ph.D. economy Sciences, Associate Professor,

_____________________ Associate Professor of the department TPUO

Alikperov I. M.,

Ph.D. economy Sciences, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the department TPUO

Ekaterinburg 2010




1.1. The role and essence of small business in economic development. . . . . . . . . 5

1.2. Business plan as a method of creating a new enterprise. . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.3. Business plan structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14



2.1. Analysis of the external environment of Megapolis LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.2. Comparative assessment of competitors' activities

Megapolis LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29




Small business represents the largest layer of small owners, who, due to their massive numbers, largely determine the socio-economic and partly political level of development of the country. In terms of their standard of living and social status, they belong to the majority of the population and represent both direct producers and consumers of a wide range of goods and services at the same time.

Based on the level of small business development, experts even judge a country’s ability to adapt to a changing economic situation. For Russia, which is at the initial stage of development of market relations, it is the creation and development of small businesses that should become the main task of society in order to ensure the transition of the entire country's economy to a market economy. Therefore, one of the decisive conditions for carrying out economic reforms in Russia in order to bring the country out of the crisis and achieve the effective functioning of production and the service sector is the development of small businesses. This sector of the economy creates the necessary atmosphere of competition, is able to quickly respond to any changes in the market economy, fill emerging niches in the consumer sphere, creates additional jobs, is the main source of the formation of the middle class, that is, it expands the social base of the reforms being carried out.

Nowadays, the most common dream of a modern person is the opportunity to start his own business, but only a few make this dream come true. In addition, only a few of those who have already taken the path of a businessman achieve real success in this matter. You can become an entrepreneur in any field. Also, success does not depend on the gender of the entrepreneur, his belonging to a certain ethnic group, country of residence and other parameters. The most important thing for a future entrepreneur is to be able to set the right goals for yourself and those around you, achieve them, while bearing the necessary responsibility. The most important reward for any entrepreneur will be the satisfaction that he receives from the work he himself has done, which will clearly be reflected in the profit received. Naturally, the most important danger that awaits every entrepreneur can be failure in business, which will entail the possible destruction of personality, as well as money.

There are different opinions regarding what motivates people to start a small business. . Some talk about the desire to survive, earn money, provide for their family, since the country has an unfavorable economic and social situation, for example, unemployment, others talk about the thirst for profit, enrichment, others stand for the presence of intellectual and material potential, others say they do not want to be financially dependent on state, that is, going into small business is an opportunity to work for yourself, a desire for economic freedom. But no matter what motivates people to such a form of activity, the most important thing is this start right, build and develop a business.

Where then to start creating a new enterprise? What is the chosen line of business, what area of ​​business to engage in?

As world practice shows, the creation of a small business begins with defining a strategy based on a business plan as an integral element of strategic planning and guidance for execution and control, as well as as a method of planning intra-company management.

This coursework proposes a technology for organizing a new enterprise based on creating a business plan, describing its structure, role and significance for the organization throughout its entire business activity. Unfortunately, the scope of work standards do not allow us to consider the business plan itself as a document using the example of Megapolis LLC, but to conduct market research for its development and evaluate the business plan as a method for creating a new enterprise, and therefore as a technology for organizing a small business in general - quite acceptable standards.


1.1. The role and essence of small business in economic development

The word "business" (from English. busipess) means any activity or business that generates income. A person doing business is a businessman (from the English. bisipesstap), i.e. businessman, merchant, entrepreneur. In new economic reference books, business refers to the economic activity of a subject in a market economy, aimed at making a profit by creating and selling certain products (goods, works, services). Also, the concept of “business” can be considered as a synonym for the concept of “entrepreneurship”. Entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurship, is the proactive independent activity of citizens and their associations, aimed at making a profit, carried out by citizens at their own risk and under property liability within the limits determined by the organizational and legal form of the enterprise.

Thus, business is an income-generating activity of citizens who own property, as well as a set of relationships between all its participants, forming a team of like-minded people with the goal of generating income, profit, and developing a company, enterprise, or organization. The question arises - who can be a participant in a business and what is a small business?

Business participants are the following groups of people:

1) the entrepreneurs themselves, i.e. persons carrying out proactive activities at their own risk, under their own economic and legal responsibility, as well as teams of entrepreneurs.

2) individual and collective consumers of products offered by entrepreneurs, as well as groups of consumers forming their own unions, associations, etc.

H) workers those carrying out labor activities for hire, on a contract or other basis, as well as their trade unions.

4) government bodies, institutions and organizations when they act as direct participants in transactions. We are talking about providing government orders to entrepreneurs, determining prices, the composition and volume of benefits for their implementation. In such cases, government agencies are equal partners of other business participants.

The very concept of “small business”, it seems, should imply an emphasis on the quantitative characteristics that are most often used to determine the size of a small enterprise (number of employees, annual turnover, size of the authorized capital, participation in the capital of the enterprise of other firms and organizations, etc. .). In relation to Russia, the Federal Law “On State Support of Small Business in the Russian Federation” No. 88-FZ of June 14, 1995 defines small businesses as “commercial organizations in the authorized capital of which the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public and religious organizations (associations), charitable and other funds does not exceed 25 percent, the share owned by one or more legal entities that are not small businesses does not exceed 25 percent, and in which the average number of employees for the reporting period does not exceed the following maximum levels (small businesses):

    in industry - 100 people;

    in construction - 100 people;

    on transport - 100 people;

    in agriculture - 60 people;

    in the scientific and technical field - 60 people;

    in wholesale trade - 50 people;

    in retail trade and consumer services - 30 people;

Small businesses that seem to us cannot in any way influence the course of development of the economy as a whole: a small number of workers, sales of products and making a profit within their own country, the scale of production is small, and the number of entrepreneurs themselves in each industry is so sufficient that the liquidation of one of them cannot influence significant changes in the market economy. But world practice convincingly shows that even in countries with developed market economies, small businesses have a significant impact on the development of the national economy, solving social problems, and increasing the number of employed workers. In terms of the number of employees, the volume of goods produced and sold, and the work performed, small businesses in individual countries play a leading role. In adopted in the Russian Federation during 1991-1995. legislative and regulatory acts indicate that the development of small businesses in the country is one of the areas of economic reform that contributes to the development of competition, filling the consumer market with goods and services, and creating new jobs.

Owners of small businesses are more inclined to save and invest; they always have a high level of desire to achieve success, which generally has a positive effect on the activity of the enterprise. Small enterprises know better the level of demand in local markets, they provide livelihoods to more people than large enterprises, thereby contributing to the training of professional workers. Small enterprises, compared to large ones, in some countries occupy a dominant position, both in number and in their share in the production of goods, performance of work, and provision of services.


1. ROLE AND PLACE OF SMALL BUSINESS IN THE MODERN ECONOMY………………………………………………………………………………..5

1.1. Small enterprises in the structure of the economy…………………………….5

1.2. The role of small enterprises in solving economic, social and

political problems………………………………………………………..10

1.3. Organizational and legal forms of enterprises………………………....15

2. FEATURES OF ORGANIZING A SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE………………………………………………………………………………………...20

2.1. Stages of formation of small business and its current state……...20

2.2. The procedure for creating an enterprise……………………………………………………………...25

2.3. Liquidation of the enterprise……………………………………………………………..37


BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST…………………………………………..43


The economic situation creates conditions for the optimal variant of an economic unit, such as a small enterprise, small business. This is economically beneficial, because the emergence of a large number of companies leads to the emergence of new jobs, it is easier to manage a small enterprise in conditions of an unstable national currency exchange rate, and this will bring real money to the budget of not only the center, but also the regions, which is especially important. And one of the most important advantages is that small and medium-sized businesses inevitably lead to the emergence of competition in the domestic market, which was so lacking in the economy of the Russian Federation in recent years, which led to the creation of monopolies and the concentration of power, both political and economic , in the hands of a small group of people. The creation of small enterprises in the banking sector is especially important. But in order to avoid as many mistakes as possible, you should first learn from the experience of other countries in this area and understand what conditions are necessary for the development of small business in our country.

The active growth of the share of small enterprises in the structure of the economy of Western countries began to occur in the mid-70s and early 80s. Today, in the most developed Western countries, small firms make up 70-90% of the total number of enterprises. For comparison, we can take, for example, the USA - where 53% of the total population is employed in small businesses, Japan - with its 71.7%, and the EU countries, where approximately half of the working population works in similar enterprises. These figures alone speak of the enormous importance of small businesses for the economies of these countries 1 .

The effectiveness of these firms is supported by the fact that they introduce 17 times more innovations and developments than large enterprises, which give birth to only 10% of new technologies; the remaining 90% are introduced by small businesses and independent inventors.

Finally, the development of small businesses is necessary only because they give life to old large-scale enterprises and, in alliance with them, receive significant benefits both for themselves and for the market economy as a whole.

The purpose of this course work is to study the organization of small businesses.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

Consider small enterprises in the structure of the economy;

Identify the role of small businesses in solving economic, social and political problems;

- study the organizational and legal forms of enterprises;

- analyze the stages of formation of small business and its current state;

- explore the procedure for creating an enterprise;

- characterize the liquidation of the enterprise.

The object of research in the course work is small business.

The subject of the course work is the organization of small businesses.

When performing the work, methods were used: abstract-logical, comparisons and others.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, including paragraphs, a conclusion and a bibliography.


1.1. Small enterprises in the structure of the economy

Understanding the role of small business requires a clear understanding of what place it occupies in the economy and what its distinctive features are. The formation and development of market relations presupposes the free and equal coexistence and development of various forms of ownership and various sectors within each form of ownership. Considering the private sector of the economy, we can talk about three groups of enterprises, which, according to generally accepted terminology, are defined as large, medium and small enterprises depending on their size. Each of these three groups has its own internal interests that determine the strategy of their economic behavior, attitude towards the state and its policies, and towards socio-economic, political and national problems.

Big business mainly determines the economic and technical strength of a country. For the purpose of self-preservation and development, it tends to integrate, absorbing or concentrating smaller partners on the one hand, and on the other, uniting into international structures, losing part of its independence and falling under the influence of stronger partners. At the same time, guided by the situation on the international market and fulfilling the will of stronger partners, large capital becomes an instrument of expansion of international business structures in the domestic market of the country.

Medium-sized businesses are more dependent in their activities on the internal economic situation and are forced to compete within their group, as well as with large domestic and foreign capital. This determines the interest of medium-sized businesses in protection in the domestic market through the implementation of protectionist state economic policies and the formation of certain rules of market relations, which predetermines a closer connection of medium-sized businesses with national interests.

Small business, or small entrepreneurship, represents the largest layer of small owners, who, due to their massive numbers, largely determine the socio-economic and partly political level of development of the country. In terms of their standard of living and social status, they belong to the majority of the population, at the same time being both a direct producer and a consumer of goods and services. The small business sector represents the most extensive network of enterprises operating mainly in local markets and directly related to the mass consumer of goods and services. Together with the small size of small enterprises, their technological, production and managerial flexibility, this allows them to react sensitively and timely to changing market conditions 2 .

The small business sector is an integral, objectively necessary element of any developed economic system, without which the economy and society as a whole cannot exist and develop normally. Although the “face” of any developed state is made up of large corporations, and the presence of a powerful economic force - large capital - largely determines the level of scientific, technical and production potential, the true basis of life in a country with a market economic system is small business as the most widespread, dynamic and flexible form business life. It is in the small business sector that the bulk of national resources are created and circulated, which are the breeding ground for medium and large businesses.

High adaptability and massive coverage of almost all areas of the country’s domestic market ensure the sustainability of economic development and contribute to the stability of the state. Small business owners, on the one hand, are small owners and are united by corporate interests in property with large and medium capital. On the other hand, representatives of small enterprises are distinguished by the fact that their living conditions and activities, as well as the position of an active producer and at the same time a consumer in the domestic market, force them in everyday life to strengthen ties with their regular and potential clients from various social groups. All of the above determines the social behavior of small business representatives, based on direct dependence on local and national interests.

In our country, the advantages of large-scale production have been promoted for a long time. With certain positive aspects, such absolutization led to the absence of conditions for the formation of competitive relations. At the same time, the opportunities for small businesses are very great, especially in modern conditions. Many years of experience in developed countries have shown that without a wide network of small enterprises, the functioning of the commodity market is impossible. The presence of a sufficiently large number of small enterprises makes it possible to intensively rebuild the structure of the economic complex.

Large firms are characterized by the following disadvantages. First of all, they are unable to keep track of all their products and all their markets and view any change as a risk. Large enterprises are unable to get along with obsessed people, who are often the initiators of new ideas. It is very difficult for such a company to decide to invest money in a project that may begin to make a profit in decades. Big companies spend too much, too quickly. The process of waiting for funds to be released quickly deprives them of the necessary potency. Finally, at large firms it is not customary to reward risk. Here, company managers approve and approve plans, not products.

Small businesses accept some risk and continually strive to develop new or upgrade existing products and technologies. In fact, only through the implementation of innovations can they survive in the conditions of fierce competition in the market for goods and services.

The well-known flexibility of small businesses helps them, if they fail in one area of ​​activity, to move to another, more effective one. In addition, small firms usually work on several ideas at once, that is, they implement a multiple competitive approach. If large corporations develop special measures to prevent such a situation, then small firms accept such a situation quite naturally. Finally, small firms know how to work with investors in risky ventures. Here the investor knows that one success can immediately compensate for many failures. In a large company, one failure can seriously undermine its entire well-being.

In terms of production and sales volumes, profits, employee income levels, and solvency, small enterprises have higher potential capabilities compared to large-scale production.

An important economic advantage of small firms is the relative cheapness of their products, the possibility of reducing production costs through narrow specialization and cheaper means of production. Products and services of small businesses, as a rule, are of no worse quality than large firms, and production costs are lower. They have shorter construction times and require relatively small initial capital. The advantages of small business also include characteristics such as:

Responsiveness to demand;

More economical use of resources, including secondary ones;

Increased capital turnover rate (about 2-2.5 times higher than that of large firms;

Lower inventory levels;

High level of socio-psychological relations

Reducing indirect costs associated with the maintenance of management non-production structures;

Ease of management (no rigid hierarchical structures, the ability to quickly adjust goals and redistribute responsibility).

One of the main advantages of small enterprises, as already noted, is the ability to ensure the competitive nature of production and its democratization.

These benefits allow small businesses to:

Accelerate the filling of the product market with products required by consumers;

Accelerate the implementation of scientific and technological achievements;

To better satisfy the needs of the country’s economy and population for industrial, construction and other services, to expand the range and quality of services;

Establish production of products in small batches 3.

Thus, freedom of action, flexibility and efficiency in decisions, adaptation to local small-scale, irregular and specific demand, entrepreneurial spirit, lower management and operating costs, higher capital turnover - these are the practically significant circumstances that ensure the competitiveness and survivability of small businesses , its rapid development over the past decade.

The place of small business is predetermined by objective economic laws, since it is approximately the same regardless of the characteristics of the political structure, the history of the country's development, the sectoral structure of the economy and other factors.

Small enterprises as commercial organizations are created in accordance with the principles established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws on individual organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity, and other legislative and regulatory acts governing (regulating) the entire process of creation and functioning of business organizations.

The creation of small enterprises requires the following basic conditions:

Availability of property for the formation of initial capital;

Availability of a certain amount of financial resources necessary to form the minimum authorized (share) capital;

Availability of non-residential premises necessary to accommodate the office of a future organization to carry out the intended activities, or the availability of opportunities to conclude a lease agreement for non-residential premises;

Preliminary study of the intended market to which the entrepreneur will offer the results of entrepreneurial activity for sale;

Forming a team of qualified founders (partners)

State registration of legal entities is an act of the authorized federal executive body, carried out by entering into the state register information on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities, as well as other information about legal entities in accordance with federal law.

The state register contains the following information about a legal entity:

a) full and (if available) abbreviated name, including company name, for commercial organizations in Russian;

b) organizational and legal form;

c) address (location) of the permanent executive body of the legal entity;

d) method of formation of a legal entity (creation or reorganization);

e) information about the founders of the legal entity;

f) copies of the constituent documents of the legal entity;

g) information on legal succession - for legal entities created as a result of the reorganization of other legal entities, the constituent documents of which are amended in connection with the reorganization, as well as for legal entities that cease their activities as a result of the reorganization;

h) the date of registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity, or in cases established by law, the date of receipt by the registering authority of notification of changes made to the constituent documents;

i) the method of terminating the activities of a legal entity (by reorganization or liquidation);

j) the amount of authorized capital specified in the constituent documents of a commercial organization (share capital, authorized capital, share contributions or other);

k) last name, first name, patronymic and position of a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney, as well as passport data of such a person or data of other identification documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and taxpayer identification number (if any);

l) information about licenses obtained by a legal entity.

During state registration of a created legal entity, the following documents are submitted to the registration authority:

a) an application for state registration signed by the applicant in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

b) a decision to create a legal entity in the form of a protocol, agreement or other document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

c) constituent documents of a legal entity (originals or notarized copies);

d) an extract from the register of foreign legal entities of the relevant country of origin or proof of equal legal force of the legal status of the foreign legal entity - founder;

e) document confirming payment of state duty.

The decision on state registration made by the registering authority is the basis for making a corresponding entry in the state register. The moment of state registration is the entry by the registering authority of the corresponding entry into the state register.

Refusal of state registration of a legal entity being created in accordance with federal law is permitted in the following cases:

a) failure to submit documents necessary for state registration;