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Organization of the confectionery shop, equipment. Technological equipment for a confectionery shop, upkktey Inventory used in a confectionery shop

Who among us as a child did not dream of working in a confectionery factory, eating sweets with impunity? Most of us remember our childhood dreams with a smile, but some still decided to make them come true by opening their own confectionery factory. What are the advantages of this business?

First of all, the confectionery business brings constant income. After all, regardless of economic conditions, people will always want to eat. Surely you have noticed: no matter how prices for products rise, they will always be in demand, and confectionery products even more so. Name days, holidays, celebrations, weddings will never stop. And who among us doesn’t mind treating ourselves to a delicious pastry or cake after a hard day at work? Such a business will never be at a loss.

Do you know what equipment is needed for the production of confectionery products? In fact, this is not necessary. It is enough to know only what you need, and for this you need to decide what exactly you want to produce, according to a standard or your own recipe, in what volumes, etc. Each type of sweets uses its own unit, power and type of control.

What equipment is needed and how much does it cost?

Regardless of the type of product, there is a standard set of tools and equipment that will be needed for the production of confectionery products. First of all this:

    Hearth oven(price: 50-70 thousand rubles). Most pastry shops prefer to follow time-tested traditions by baking baked goods in deck ovens. Their advantage is that the bread turns out airy, soft and with a crispy crust. Due to the fact that it has few moving parts, it does not break down so often. It is easy to keep clean and adjust the desired temperature on the touch screen for the best baking results.

    Flour sifter (price: up to 20 thousand rubles). The modern confectionery equipment market presents hundreds of types of flour sifters of different quality and price categories. Its main task is to cleanse flour from impurities, loosen and enrich it with oxygen. This is necessary so that the dough comes out more fluffy and airy. Therefore, when choosing equipment, you should first of all pay attention to the quality of the sieve. Usually the kit includes two types: large and small for different types of baking. Also consider the throughput of your production - how many sweets do you plan to produce per day? This factor influences the choice of power and energy consumption of the flour sifter.

    Plate for the production of fillings (price: 40 thousand rubles). ABOUT Pay attention to the package: all parts must be made of high-quality stainless steel and easy to disassemble. Check with the seller for the warranty period. High-quality equipment has a guarantee of up to 5 years.

    Convection oven (price: 200 thousand rubles). Thanks to the internal fan, the oven distributes hot air well, you can regulate the temperature and humidity, and also monitor the baking process through the glass door. For electric ovens, you do not need to install a hood; for gas ovens, it is required. This type of oven is considered the most popular and affordable option for confectionery equipment.

    Mixer for batter and creams (price: 30 and 18 thousand rubles, respectively). This type of mixer is called planetary. They must be equipped with a stainless steel bowl, have removable working parts and a closed body so that moisture and confectionery mixture do not get there. Also pay attention to the power and energy consumption of the equipment.

    Dough mixer (price: 30 thousand rubles). In large industries, floor-mounted dough mixers are used - they are more powerful. If you have a small business, you can use desktop equipment. In both cases, pay attention to the type of adjustment. Smooth adjustment is the most convenient and practical, as it allows you to more finely regulate the kneading force and bake the dough according to your own recipe. Other types have a fixed power adjustment or just one, which is suitable for enterprises producing only one type of confectionery product.

This concerns special equipment for opening a small workshop. But you will also need additional equipment:

  • Bathtubs, tables, racks, price: 20 thousand rubles each;
  • Refrigerators and freezers for storing ingredients and raw materials, price: 50 thousand rubles;
  • Refrigeration chamber for storing finished products, price: 120 thousand rubles;
  • Bakery equipment.

In order for the numbers to remain in memory, you need to take a break from monotonous reading :)

Let's continue, so in more detail about each type of technological equipment, what is needed and why.

Flour sifter necessary primarily from the point of view of sanitary standards.

The next stage of preparing raw materials is making cream, fillings and kneading dough. For this purpose they use mixers And dough mixers.

After kneading the dough, the stage of molding the products begins. Typically, this process is carried out manually. Therefore, let's move on to the more important stage - baking. Most confectionery shops bake products in deck ovens– from 1 to 4 tiers.

Many enterprises, in order to increase productivity, have switched from deck ovens to rotary kilns. Baking in such units occurs on rack trolleys, which rotate during baking. Such equipment has the ability to change the air flow speed, and the large volume of the baking chamber allows you to bake products of any size, as well as produce products that require different baking modes.

Can be used to decorate cakes pastry attachments, bags. Such products will help turn a sweet product into a real work of art.

In the confectionery business, proper zoning of the room is very important. A mid-level confectionery shop should be divided into the following sections:

    Kneading dough

    Cutting and baking

    Preparing the cream

    Product decoration

    Proofing yeast dough

    Preparation of fudge and syrups

    Cooling of finished products

    Cooling of semi-finished products

    Storage of finished products

    Sifting flour

    Storage of raw materials

    Food preparation

  • Washing
  • Container storage

It is worth understanding and remembering that no matter what equipment you use, the determining factor in the confectionery business is human. Those. the most important thing is the professionalism of your employees. The confectioner is the king and god in production; he performs all operations, including automated ones, with his own hands.

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9. Dishes, equipment, confectionery shop equipment

The production of confectionery products involves the use of a large amount of equipment, which is due to the diversity of the product range. The type of equipment used depends on the quantity of products produced. In public catering establishments, where the production of products per day is low, small-sized types of equipment are mainly used, and the production of the product itself is carried out in a periodic manner using manual labor.

At a low-power enterprise, it is necessary to have scales or scale-weight scales with a load capacity of up to 1 ton. For portion weighing of individual types of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, there must be dial scales with a load capacity of 0.2 - 5 kg.

Each confectionery shop must have a sufficient amount of equipment for transporting raw materials, semi-finished products, rack trolleys, hand trolleys with a lifting platform. Nikulenkova T.T., Lavrinenko Yu.I., Yastina G.M. Design of catering establishments. - M.: Kolos, 2000. - P.56

Equipment for preparing raw materials for production includes sifters for flour and granulated sugar, rubbing machines, washing machines or devices for washing berries, raisins, and fruits. It is necessary to have a sugar solvent, a tempering machine, grinders, mixers, cream whippers, mixers, cooking equipment, equipment for roasting nuts, baking flour confectionery products and semi-finished products and other specific equipment.

Finishing of products is carried out mainly manually at catering establishments or by mechanization and consists of decorating, partial or complete glazing of the surface.

Specialized equipment is widely used for wrapping and packaging flour confectionery products.

Disposable packaging can be made from various polymer films and is intended for cakes, pastries, and butter cookies. Such packaging helps to better preserve the quality of products and is the most hygienic.

Refrigeration equipment. Refrigeration equipment includes refrigeration chambers designed for positive temperatures (2 - 8 ° C) and cabinets for storing frozen foods at temperatures from minus 16 to minus 18 ° C.

Production equipment of a confectionery shop

Production of cakes requires production equipment, tools and utensils.

The confectionery shop should have a sufficient quantity of aluminum cauldrons of 20 and 30 liters, aluminum pans of 2 - 10 liters, stewpans and other necessary utensils. The use of galvanized and enameled buckets is not allowed.

To process the dough, the following are used: wooden rolling pins without handles and with handles; metal rolling pin for rolling and rolling dough; metal corrugated rolling pin for applying a pattern; disk cutter for cutting dough to a certain width (the distance between the disks can be changed using inserted bushings); cutter with frequently mounted discs.

For cutting dough, baked semi-finished products, as well as leveling cream and fillings on layers of semi-finished products, a pastry knife with a blade size of 300 x 240 mm and a handle of 130 mm is used.

A knife with a serrated blade is used to cut the puff pastry. A table knife is used to coat the side surfaces of cakes and pastries. Knife handles are made of plastic, plexiglass and other hygienic materials. The sizes of knives may vary, depending on the size of the baked semi-finished products. Knives are also used for cutting sheet dough into four strips of variable width Zolin V.P. Technological equipment of public catering enterprises: textbook. for the beginning Prof./V.P. Zolin. - 6th ed. Ster.- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007.- P.96.

To transfer cakes from sheets to trays, use a spatula with a length of 300 mm without a handle and a width of 80 mm. Another spatula for placing cakes in boxes has a length of up to 300 mm and a width of 250 ... 300 mm. The blades are made of duralumin.

Measuring containers (glasses with a capacity of 0.25 - 5 l and buckets of 15 l) are widely used for low-power enterprises. To store semi-finished products, you can use plastic tanks of various capacities, bowls with a diameter of 16... 40 cm, intended for food products. To transfer dough, cream, fillings, syrup, and other semi-finished products, ladles, scoops, and measuring cups made of plexiglass or other polymeric materials are used.

To finish the surface with cream and other semi-finished products, metal and plastic scrapers are used.

To fill products such as custard tubes with filling, a pastry syringe with a filling dose of 30 - 100 g is used.

In the batch production method, dough for flour confectionery products is baked in baking trays, on sheets or in molds.

Baking dishes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The materials for their manufacture are iron, white and black tin, aluminum, and in recent years carbon steel has been used.

Special parchment paper is used for baking products.

Electric stoves are used for boiling syrups, lipsticks, and brewing dough. To quickly heat water, electric boilers of different power are used. Decorating cakes and pastries, depositing choux pastry and other semi-liquid masses is carried out using depositing bags with a set of tips of a wide variety of configurations.

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Public catering is an important sector of the national economy, which combines the functions of producing ready-made food, selling it and organizing consumption by the population. Human health, performance and life expectancy depend on the organization of nutrition.

The confectionery shop occupies a special place in public catering establishments. As a rule, he works independently, regardless of the hot shop.

Confectionery shops are organized at procurement factories, as well as in restaurants, canteens, and cafes.

The production of flour confectionery products involves a more complex technological process compared to the conventional flour production of small-piece bakery products. This is caused by the use in the confectionery shop of a much wider range of perishable ingredients such as butter, eggs, milk, sour cream, cream, and so on.

Confectionery shops operate mainly independently, so they must study customer demand, organize sales of their products, concluding agreements with other catering entrepreneurs who do not have confectionery shops, and with retail enterprises.

Characteristics of the confectionery shop

The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of a variety of flour confectionery and culinary products. The products of the confectionery shop are supplied for sale not only to the main enterprise. Confectionery products do not require additional heat treatment before being released to consumers, which determines increased requirements for compliance with sanitary, hygienic and technological rules during the production, sale and storage of these products.

They are classified according to productivity and product range:

Shops that produce up to 12 thousand products per shift are considered low-capacity;

Average capacity - 12-20 thousand products per shift;

High capacity - from 20 thousand products per shift.

In restaurants, canteens, and cafes, confectionery shops with a smaller capacity are organized: 3,5,8 or 10 thousand products per day.

Number of products produced in confectionery shops: up to 3 thousand per day; products are produced from 2-3 types of dough (yeast, shortbread, puff pastry), without cream finishing (short cakes, muffins, puff pastries, etc.).

The area of ​​the premises of a confectionery shop depends on the type, capacity of the enterprise, and the number of employees.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery shop must correspond to the sequence of operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of counter flows of raw materials and finished products.

The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (molding) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, fondants, whipped egg whites. To perform these operations, workplaces are organized in the departments of the confectionery shop.

For the normal conduct of the technological process in the confectionery shop there must be the following departments:

pantry and refrigerator for daily food storage;

egg processing room;

rooms for sifting flour;

premises for kneading and fermenting dough;

rooms for cutting, proofing and baking confectionery products;

premises for washing dishes, containers, equipment;

preparation of finishing semi-finished products;

confectionery finishing;

pantry and refrigerated chamber for finished confectionery products;

shop manager's room;


This composition of premises improves working conditions in the workshop. In small confectionery shops, the number of premises can be reduced to 2-3.

In the dough cutting department, the dough is kneaded and the necessary semi-finished products are prepared.

First sift the flour (preferably in a separate room).

Dough kneading machines are used to knead dough, an operation that requires physical effort. In small shops, a universal drive with a beater is used for this purpose. To ferment yeast dough, mobile bowls are used, which are placed for some time near pastry ovens.

For cutting and shaping confectionery products, a dough dividing machine, various molds, and recesses are used. The workplace should have a production table, a flour chest, a mobile bowl with dough, scales, a drawer for knives, and mobile racks with pastry sheets for prepared products.

Rolling out the dough is carried out using a dough sheeter, which allows you to obtain a layer of dough of the required thickness. The workplace should have a refrigeration cabinet for cooling butter, as well as dough when making puff pastries.

To prepare fillings, minced meat, syrup and fudge, install a small stove (gas or electric) and use a meat grinder, a grinding machine (from a universal drive). Fillings are transported in mobile tubs.

An important mechanical assistant for the confectioner is the cream whipper. Baking of confectionery products is carried out in confectionery and bakery cabinets. Baking ovens that run on electricity, solid, liquid or gaseous fuel are also used. Confectionery cabinets can maintain a certain regime.

Separate production tables are used to decorate confectionery products, and in large enterprises special rooms are allocated for this purpose. Tables should have drawers for tools; a tripod for pastry bags is mounted on the table tops, a syrup tank and scales are installed. There should be mobile racks near the work tables for delivering finished products to the refrigeration chamber or to the expedition.

Confectioner's workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process of preparing flour confectionery products. The technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, molding of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Correct placement of equipment, preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary equipment, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, electricity during the shift are important factors in the economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

In the pantry for a daily supply of food, chests, racks, stock shelves are installed, and a refrigerator is equipped. For weighing products, scales with weight measurement limits from 2 to 150 kg are used. and measuring utensils. Here they also prepare raw materials for production (dissolving and dosing salt, sugar, diluting yeast, stripping oil, removing packaging, etc.), these operations require staffing workplaces with small-scale mechanization equipment, equipment, tools and transport devices.

The eggs are processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and baths with four compartments are installed for their sanitization. The eggs that have passed through the ovoscope are kept in sieves in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% bleach solution. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% solution of baking soda and in the fourth they are washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, and if necessary, the white and yolk are separated using a special device.

The dough kneading room is equipped with dough kneading machines with bowls of various capacities. The dough is kneaded sequentially from the beginning with the shortest cycle. The room for portioning dough is equipped as follows: install a table, a dividing and rounding machine or dough divider, a flour chest (under the table), a knife box (in the table), and dial scales. They also provide space for moving the bowl with dough. The dividing and rounding machine divides the dough into pieces of a certain mass and rolls them into balls, which facilitates the very labor-intensive operation of weighing and rolling each portion of dough. Shortbread, puff pastry, and then yeast.

The workplace for molding products is equipped with tables (with pull-out chests for flour, drawers for tools), and wall-mounted shelving.

Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which whipping machines of various capacities and with different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. The cream is cooked in special tilting boilers with a steam jacket or in stove-top boilers.

A special table with drawers for storing tools is also needed; powder is sifted on it and other operations are performed. To decorate confectionery products with cream, pastry bags with nozzles, stencils, spatulas for applying a layer of cream, combs for leveling it and applying a pattern, etc. are used. To soak confectionery products with syrups, watering cans with a special (shower) attachment are used.

To make lipstick, a production line is organized, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a beater. The table cover is metal with sides and two pipelines with cold and hot water are placed under it. One of the side boards, adjacent to the overhead tray, is made removable.

The baking department is equipped with pastry cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating.

In the washing room, bathtubs with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed for washing tools and equipment. Shelving is located next to the washing tubs. In large workshops, a machine is used for washing functional containers. Pastry bags are dried in an electric drying cabinet.

The shelf life of confectionery products is from 7 to 36 hours.

If an autoclave is not available, bags are sterilized in stovetop boilers by boiling for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling. Tips from bags and small equipment are also boiled for 30 minutes after processing and stored in a specially designated container with a lid. Containers intended for processing and storing pastry bags, tips and small equipment are not allowed to be used for other production purposes. Usually, each shift is assigned pastry bags, which are not allowed to be transferred to another shift, since even the slightest residue of cream in the bags can lead to bacterial contamination. All equipment and in-shop containers used in the production of confectionery products must be marked by the name of raw materials or semi-finished products. The use of unmarked containers, and also not in accordance with the markings, is prohibited.

Finished confectionery products are sent to storerooms or refrigeration chambers of the workshop for short-term storage. Manufactured products are placed in specialized containers.

The shelf life of confectionery products at a temperature of 2-6 C from the end of the technological process should be as follows:

with protein cream - no more than 72 hours;

with butter cream, including Potato cake - 36 hours;

with custard, with cream cream - 6 hours.

Transpanting of confectionery products is carried out by specialized transport with refrigerated or isothermal bodies. Confectionery products prepared for transportation must have a label indicating the shift, date and hour of preparation, storage conditions and periods. Transportation together with other products is prohibited.

The sale of confectionery products with cream in catering and retail establishments is possible only if refrigeration equipment is available. During the warm season, the production of cakes and pastries with custard and cream is prohibited.

Organization of work in a confectionery shop

The management of the confectionery shop is carried out by the head of the shop. He introduces the foremen to the range of manufactured products, distributes raw materials between teams, and controls the technological process of preparing confectionery products.

In confectionery shops, as a rule, a linear graph is used. In large workshops, work is organized in two shifts, in small enterprises - in one shift. Teams are organized either by type of product (one prepares products from yeast dough, the other prepares cakes and pastries), or by technological process operations (kneading, cutting, baking and finishing products). Each shift employs two or three teams, depending on the capacity of the workshop. There is an operational division of labor among the team members.

Confectioners of the V category make curly, custom-made cakes and pastries. They prepare and check the quality of raw materials, fillings, finishing semi-finished products, prepare dough, mold products, and perform artistic finishing of products.

IV category confectioners produce various cupcakes, rolls, premium cookies, complex cakes and pastries.

Confectioners of the III category make simple cakes and pastries, bakery products. They prepare various types of dough, creams, fillings.

Qualification requirements for a pastry chef:

know the recipes and technology for the production of flour confectionery and bakery products from various types of dough, finishing semi-finished products;

know the commodity characteristics of raw materials, types of flavoring and aromatic substances, leavening agents and dyes permitted for the manufacture of confectionery products;

the confectioner must have primary or secondary vocational education;

comply with sanitary and hygienic conditions for the production of flour confectionery products, their shelf life, transportation and sales;

know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of confectionery products;

know the methods and techniques of highly artistic finishing of complex types of confectionery products;

know the operating principles and operating rules of technological equipment used in the manufacture of confectionery products.

Qualification requirements for a confectioner are specified in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard OST 28-1-95 "Public catering. Requirements for production personnel." This standard is used for certification of catering services.

Confectioners of the second category perform individual work in the process of making cakes, pastries, and prepare syrups and creams.

Confectioners of the first category perform work under the guidance of confectioners of the highest category, remove baked goods from baking sheets, clean confectionery sheets, baking sheets and molds.

Bakers of the II and III categories bake and fry confectionery and bakery products. They determine the readiness of semi-finished products for baking, prepare the ice cream and lubricate the products. The baker must know the technological process, modes and duration of baking confectionery products; know the yield standards of finished products, factors influencing baking, cooling mode of baked products; know the design, design principles and operating rules of the equipment being serviced.

Confectioners must be aware of the responsibility for the work they perform.

The workshop manager and foremen monitor the rational organization of labor in the workshop.

The work of confectionery shops is carried out in accordance with the planned production target.

Equipment in a confectionery shop

The confectionery shop uses a wide variety of equipment:

Dough mixers

It consists of a plate, a housing, a drive installed in the machine body, a bowl on a three-wheeled trolley and a kneading lever with a blade. A vertical housing with a drive, as well as a bowl with a capacity of 140 liters, mounted on a three-wheeled trolley, are assembled on a cast-iron base plate. Inside the housing there is a gearbox, an electric motor, a chain drive and a crank connected to a kneading lever. On the side wall of the case there are machine control buttons. Rotation from the electric motor through two gearboxes and a chain transmission is simultaneously obtained by the dough mixing lever and the bowl. Thanks to the simultaneous rotation of the bowl and the dough mixing lever in opposite directions, the loaded product is intensively mixed and forms a homogeneous mass saturated with air.

At the workplace for kneading dough, dough mixing machines of various types are installed: TMM-100M (bowl capacity 100 dm3), MT-40 (removable bowl 40 l), MTM-20P (removable bowl 20 l), MTU-50. In the dough mixing department, a workplace is also organized for performing auxiliary operations: processing and washing raisins, preparing and straining sugar syrup and salt solution. At this workplace, a production pole with a built-in bathtub and a flexible hose for filling the bowl with water is installed. The standard table length per workplace is at least 1.25 m.

Commercial scales are used to weigh products.

After kneading, the bowl with yeast dough is rolled away to a warm place, closer to the oven.


This machine consists of a body, a tank lifting mechanism and a driving mechanism. A removable tank is mounted on a mobile bracket, which can be moved in a vertical direction using the handle of the lifting mechanism. The machine drive is mounted inside the housing, which consists of an engine, a V-belt speed variator, gears and a planetary gearbox. Replaceable beater mechanisms are attached to the working shaft using a pin and a shaped cutout. An automatic switch is installed on the side wall of the machine to start and stop the engine.

A whipping machine is installed at the workplace for preparing biscuit dough. Beaters are used in different types, for example, MV-6M, MV-35M (messile-beater). In a machine, beat sugar with egg mass or melange and combine with flour; A production table is installed next to the machine. The prepared mass is poured into a baking sheet lined with parchment or into molds that are intended for baking.

To prepare puff pastry, a production line is organized, which includes a dough mixing machine, an MRT-60M dough sheeter, a production table, a refrigerated cabinet or a table with a refrigerated cabinet, since when making puff pastry it must be cooled.

For the preparation of choux pastry, a separate area is allocated, where an electric stove and production tables are installed. To brew the dough, use stovetop boilers and equipment (mixer, whisks). To deposit choux pastry pieces onto confectionery sheets in large workshops, a MTO machine is used. The design of the machine provides for easy readjustment and weight adjustment up to 100g. To prepare choux pastry and fudge, a universal confectionery machine MKU-40 is used, where an electric boiler is combined with a mixer.


Dough sheeters;

Universal drive with a set of replaceable mechanisms (meat grinder, sifter, wiper, beater);

Food boilers;

Electric stoves;

Electric baking cabinets;

Refrigeration equipment.

Machines and equipment are made of metal and non-metallic materials that must meet sanitary requirements. All materials must be strong and rigid, neutral to products and detergents, not subject to corrosion, not have a harmful effect on products and can be easily cleaned from them.

All equipment must be compact, silent, electrical and fire safe.

Workstations for cutting dough

The dough sheeter can also be used for rolling out yeast and shortbread dough. To prepare puff pastry, it is rolled out in a machine at least 4 times, and after each rolling the dough is cooled.

In confectionery shops, various tools and devices are used to cut dough. In small confectionery shops the dough is rolled out by hand. To prepare cakes from puff pastry, it is rolled out into layers of 4-6 mm, placed on prepared pastry sheets, which are placed on mobile racks and sent for baking.

To form puff tongues and cones, the dough is portioned using corrugated paddles.

The cutting of yeast dough and shortbread dough and the molding of products from them is carried out at the workplace, where production tables with a wooden covering and drawers for flour and equipment storage are installed. Table scales VNTs-2 are placed on the table. On these tables the dough is divided into portions of a certain mass.

To speed up dough portioning, use a manual dough divider or an electrically driven dough divider A2-ХТН, TD-30.

The formed pieces of dough are immediately placed on oiled pastry sheets, which are placed on proofing racks.

Products made from shortcrust pastry are formed on production tables using figured cuttings (Ring cake, cookies). Metal molds (tart pans) are used to make cake baskets.

Baking confectionery

After cutting, shaping and proofing, the products are subjected to heat treatment - baking. For baking, ovens of various capacities are used: ShZhESM-25, ShPESM-2, ShZhE-0.51, ShZhE-0.85. The selection of cabinets depends on the capacity of the workshop. Ovens are installed in the baking area; Industrial racks and tables on which sheets of products are placed to be lubricated with leison or oil.

Products are baked in accordance with a schedule that defines the sequence of baking products from various types of dough, depending on the production time and temperature of the baking mode. (see table)

The dough for pastries and cakes is baked in baking sheets and molds on sheets. The pastry sheet can have one, two or three sides so that the semi-finished product can be easily removed from it after baking. After cooling, the yeast dough products are placed in pastry trays lined with paper. From 50 to 100 products are placed in confectionery trays, depending on the type.

Preparation of finishing semi-finished products

Confectionery shops produce finishing semi-finished products: fillings, syrups, sweets, creams, jellies, etc. Syrups for creams and sweets are cooked in the room for cutting and baking products. The workplace must have electric 2- and 4-section stoves and production tables. The syrup is boiled in stovetop boilers. The prepared syrup is poured into a special bath to cool. If there is no special bath for cooling the syrup, a bath is provided in which a boiler with syrup is placed. The bath is filled with cold water. To prepare a small amount of fudge, you can use special tables with a marble surface to cool the syrup. The cooled syrup is poured into the bowl of a whipping machine, where it is beaten until the fudge is obtained in the form of a white crystalline mass. The finished fudge is placed in a cauldron and left to mature for a day. Before glazing the products, the fudge is heated in a water bath at a temperature of 500C.

The preparation of creams is carried out in a separate room, where a whipping machine, production tables with refrigerated cabinets or separate refrigerated cabinets, and shelving are installed. Butter and protein creams are prepared by beating products on beaters.

Shop workers use various devices for cutting and moistening biscuits and decorating cakes. For layering and cutting semi-finished products from biscuit, puff pastry and shortbread dough, disc cutters, a knife-saw, and measuring plates are used. Layers of sponge cakes and pastries, as well as rum baba, are soaked in syrup using a special watering can. This speeds up the work process and promotes uniform wetting of the product surface. The DK cream dispenser is used to fill choux pastry tubes with cream.

At the workplace organized for finishing cakes and pastries with cream and other components, a table with a refrigerated cabinet is installed. Confectioners decorate products by applying designs using pastry bags with various tips and pastry combs.

The washing department of the confectionery shop is intended for washing dishes and equipment. It contains bathtubs with two or three compartments. Detergents and brushes are used to wash dishes. The equipment is washed in soda water at a temperature not lower than 450 C, and then rinsed with hot water (not lower than 600 C) and a 2% bleach solution. After washing, the equipment is dried and stored on racks.

To sanitize pastry bags and tubes, a sterilizer (autoclave) is used, where the bags are degreased and then rinsed in drying cabinets or table drawers.

Sanitary requirements for raw materials

confectionery shop dough cutting

All incoming raw materials and manufactured products must meet the requirements of current standards, technical specifications, medical and biological requirements, and have hygiene certificates or quality certificates.

A hygiene certificate is issued for the type of product, and not for a specific batch. Confirming the compliance of a batch of manufactured and supplied products with the established requirements (to guarantee the appropriate quality of the product) is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Selective monitoring of safety indicators in finished products of the baking and confectionery industry is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the product manufacturer in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities and guaranteeing product safety.

Raw materials are allowed into production only if there is a conclusion from a laboratory or technological control specialists of the enterprise.

Raw materials entering production must be prepared for production in accordance with technological instructions and Instructions for preventing the ingress of foreign objects into products.

Flour should be stored separately from all types of raw materials. Flour in containers should be stored in stacks on racks at a distance of 15 cm from the floor level and 50 cm from the walls. The distance between stacks must be at least 75 cm.

Salt should be stored in separate bins or chests with lids, as well as in dissolved form in containers equipped with filters, and can only be supplied to production dissolved and filtered.

Fats, eggs and dairy products should be stored in refrigerators at temperatures between 0 and +4° C.

Egg melange is allowed in dough for the production of small-piece confectionery and bakery products if it meets the required organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological parameters. Egg melange is stored at temperatures from -6 to +5° C; re-freezing melange is strictly prohibited. Storage of defrosted melange for more than 4 hours is not allowed.

Pasteurized cow's milk is stored at a temperature from 0 to +6° C for no more than 36 hours from the end of the technological process of its production.

The butter is carefully checked after unpacking and the surface is cleaned. If there is contamination on the surface and in case of microbiological spoilage, the oil is not allowed for the production of confectionery products with cream. The duration of oil storage before cleaning in the oil cutting room should be no more than 4 hoursConclusion

The creation of public catering establishments in Russia with high quality prepared products, a level of service that is as convenient as possible for visitors is one of the most important tasks facing the public catering system today.

In modern production conditions, a pastry chef, like any chef, must have certain knowledge and the necessary practical skills.

Among the knowledge and skills one can highlight: knowledge of the basics of rational nutrition, knowledge of the rules for preparing main dishes and safety conditions during preparation.


    Buteykis N.G. Organization of production of public catering enterprises. M., 1985.

    Technology and technical and chemical control of bakery production / L.F. Zvereva, Z.S. Nemtsova, N.P. Volkova. – M: Light and food industry, 1983.

    Tsyganova T.B. Technology and organization of production of bakery products, 2006.

The confectionery shop occupies a special place in the restaurant industry. As a rule, he works independently, regardless of the kitchen, and usually supplies his products, in addition to the main one, to small enterprises, buffets, etc. The total area of ​​the workshop and its layout depend on the quantity and range of products that are manufactured. A confectionery shop producing 2-3 thousand products may consist of two divisions: procurement and finishing. In the procurement department, the preparation of products for baking and the actual baking of the product is carried out, and in the finishing department, its design is carried out.

Large workshops, producing up to 10-12 thousand products per shift, allocate separate rooms for kneading dough, cutting (molding) products, baking and decoration. It is clear that such enterprises produce products for supply to other restaurant and trade enterprises; they must provide for expedition facilities and washing containers when designing the premises.

The placement of the premises of the confectionery shop may be different, but it is always necessary to prevent the possibility of counter flows during the technological process. The premises of the confectionery shop must be bright; the rest of the requirements are the same as for the hot shop.

The following operations are performed in the confectionery shop: sifting flour and preparing (kneading) dough, shaping, baking, decorating products after baking, preparing sweets, syrups, creams, beating egg whites.

At the workplace for sifting flour, appropriate equipment and sifting machines are installed. Depending on the capacity of the workshop, sifting machines can have different capacities. Modern sifters take up little space and are convenient for use in confectionery shops. In the absence of machines, flour is sifted using a sieve, which is installed above the container in which the dough will be kneaded.

Kneading is an important operation when preparing all types of dough. It involves the application of physical effort, which is why modern confectionery shops are equipped with dough mixing machines. The simplest one consists of two units: a beater with a drive mechanism and a mobile bowl. The mobile bowl is delivered to the place where flour is sifted, filled with dough ingredients and brought to the beater, which does the kneading.

You can also install a universal drive for confectionery shops and use it to do this job. This usually happens in small workshops. The process of kneading dough by machine lasts from 10 to 20 minutes.

In addition to the dough kneading machine, this workplace should have a water heating apparatus, a production sink with a hot and cold water mixer, and a commercial scale for weighing flour.

Flour is supplied to the workplace sifted, salt and sugar are supplied in the form of a strained solution of a certain concentration. For convenience and ease of dosing salt and sugar, install a measuring steel container with a tap and filter at the bottom.

In the absence of dough mixing machines and universal drives, dough is kneaded manually. For this, it is recommended to use a special table-box of the following dimensions: length 100 cm, width 75 cm, height 98 cm, depth 43 cm. A box with a height of 90, a width of 70 and a depth of 50 cm is also used.

In the dough mixing department, a workplace is organized for performing auxiliary operations: sorting and washing raisins, preparing and straining sugar syrup and salt solution. Here a production table is installed with a sink built into the lid, to which cold and hot water is supplied. A box for salt and sugar is placed next to the table. A locker is installed at the workplace for tools and equipment.

As in the baking industry, to create the necessary conditions for the fermentation of yeast dough in large confectionery shops, special rooms are allocated in which the optimal temperature is maintained. If there are no such premises, the dough is transported or brought to pastry ovens, where the air temperature is higher. Fermentation of the dough occurs in the same tubs in which it was kneaded.

After fermenting the yeast dough or kneading it, the products are formed. When performing this operation, the dough is divided into pieces of a certain weight and given the required shape. Forming products takes a lot of time, although this operation is often mechanized. These are special semi-automatic dough makers that divide the dough into portions of a certain weight, automatic and semi-automatic machines that divide the dough and shape the products. At the workplace for dosing dough there should be a production table equipped with a drawer for flour, a drawer for knives and scales. A tub of dough is installed to the left of the worker, and to the right is a dough divider and a table for forming the dough. Dough sheeters are used to roll out the dough. In small enterprises or when producing a small number of products, rolling can be done manually, although it is difficult to obtain the dough of the required thickness. The rolling process is much easier when using a control rocker, consisting of a hollow metal working roller with a diameter of 80 mm with an axis located inside it. Control rings are placed on the edge of the roller on both sides. The roller axis has handles secured to the axis with screws and washers. The control rings are secured to the roller using pins. The roller set includes five numbers of rings with an outer diameter from 88 to 100 mm

Roll out the dough on a table with a lid that has a flat surface. To roll out and apply a specific pattern to the dough, wooden rolling pins with stamps cut out on them are used. The molding of products can be carried out by various recesses adapted for the production of semi-finished products of a certain weight.

To cut the dough, a cutter is used, with the help of which the dough with jagged edges is obtained, the fragments are formed, the dough is cut into equal strips, and the cutter is used for cutting into circles. These devices are not used in large enterprises.

Workstations for dispensing, rolling out dough and molding products are organized differently, depending on the degree of division of labor of the confectionery shop workers. As a matter of fact, all these three operations can be performed at one workstation. In workshops where operational division of labor is applied, three specialized workplaces are organized, located nearby. The number of workers at each of them is determined taking into account the labor intensity of a particular operation.

At the workplace for rolling out dough, in addition to production tables, a dough sheeter and a refrigerator for cooling the dough are installed. It is recommended to make production tables with cabinets for tools and drawers for flour.

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1 - Confectionery pins for transporting finished confectionery semi-finished products to pre-production or auxiliary workshops.

2 - Refrigerated cabinets for storing the ingredients of confectionery products.

3 - Production table.

4 - Wall shelves for storing bulk confectionery ingredients.

5 - The universal drive is used for preparing dough, confectionery mincemeat, and whipping cream using a planetary mixer. A mechanism for chopping nuts is also used.

6 - Rack for storing equipment and attachments for the universal drive.

7 - Pastry tables.

The workplace for molding products is equipped with the same specialized tables as for rolling out dough. To the left of the table, movable small-sized racks and cabinets with confectionery sheets are installed, on which the molded products are laid out. As they are filled, they are rolled back to the proofing area.

At the filling preparation workplace, a production table and a small gas or electric stove are installed for preparing fudge, choux pastry, and cream. They also use a wiping machine and a meat grinder from a mobile universal drive. To transport and store fillings, bowls on wheels, mobile bathtubs or chairs with trays installed on them are used.

If a pastry shop produces deep-fried pies, a special workplace equipped with electric or gas fryers is organized. For a large task of producing pies, a pie machine can be installed.

Products made from puff pastry and shortcrust pastry are prepared at the same workplaces as products made from yeast dough, but at a different time. If it is necessary to simultaneously produce products from these types of dough, additionally organize workplaces similar in equipment to workplaces for the production of products from yeast dough.

A separate workplace will be equipped for preparing biscuit dough. Beating of biscuit dough is carried out on a mechanical beater with an individual electric motor or from a universal drive.

To perform preparatory operations (preparing egg mass, sugar, etc.), as well as to place the whipped dough into molds, a production table is installed. After the products have been given a certain shape, they are laid out on confectionery sheets and placed on racks. Mobile metal racks are the most convenient to use; they are easy to move and can be installed near the workplace. In addition to mobile racks, stationary metal shelves built into the wall.

After molding and proofing, the products are subjected to heat treatment - baking. Baking time depends on the size of the product; readiness is determined by appearance.

Electric and gas ovens are used for baking confectionery products. Nowadays, there are electric frying and pastry cabinets equipped with thermostats that allow you to automatically maintain the set temperature within any range.

Baking different types of confectionery products requires the appropriate temperature. Thus, buns, pies, cheesecakes, kulebyaki are baked at a temperature of 200-250°C; biscuit dough - at 200-210°C; sand piece products - 210-220°C; sheet piece products - 250-260°C; tubes and buns made from choux pastry - 215-220°C.

After baking, the products are removed and placed on cooling racks, and then sent to the finished product storage room. Biscuits, cake layers, cream buns, etc. are cut, moistened with syrup, covered with cream or fondant and decorated. In large workshops, a special room is allocated for these operations. To wet the biscuits, you can use a 2-3 liter funnel.

The decoration of confectionery products is carried out mainly by hand. Various devices are used to perform this operation. So, to grease cakes and pastries with cream, you should use a large and small spatula. It is more convenient to fill cakes with cream using a pastry bag secured in a rack. Various shaped tips attached to piping bags make it possible to apply a variety of designs to pastries and cakes. To facilitate this process, you can use wire stencils with a diameter of 4 mm.

In large confectionery shops, a pneumatic device is used to fill products with cream, which is mounted on a mobile metal table. An air compressor with an electric motor is installed at the bottom of the table, from which compressed air is supplied to tanks with cream installed on the table. A rubber hose is attached to each tank, at the end of which there is a tip with a handle.

The next operation is the preparation of syrups, creams, whipped egg whites, and sweets. To carry it out, the confectionery shop has simple heating equipment - stoves or special devices on which confectionery boilers are installed. Large enterprises use open steam and electric sauce boilers without lids. In small workshops, cookware is available for this purpose.

For small production volumes, it is advisable to use a water bath to heat and store heated fudge. To do this, place a smaller saucepan with fudge in the bath and use it if necessary, always having it on hand. In a water bath it does not crystallize and always has the desired temperature.

To beat and mix products, large enterprises install whipping machines, others use universal drives, meat grinders, and low-power grinding machines.

Universal drives for confectionery shops in combination with a universal whipping machine make it possible to prepare many types of semi-finished products: choux pastry, dough for sponge cakes, cakes and pastries, fudge, butter and protein creams. In the absence of machines, these processes are carried out manually using pastry whisks.

To perform other operations, various tools and devices are used - mortars and pestles, manual and electric coffee grinders, sieves, colanders, screens, etc.

When preparing puff pastry, cool it after each rolling. To do this, in the processing room, away from the confectionery ovens, a refrigerated cabinet is installed, which also serves to store perishable products (butter, minced meat, etc.). Finished confectionery products are laid out in trays and stored until sale in a separate room - an expedition, equipped with shelving. They are transported from the workshop on mobile racks or carts.

In a large confectionery shop, it is necessary to provide a warehouse for a daily supply of raw materials to ensure uninterrupted operation during the day.

Tool cabinets are installed in the workshop to store tools, fixtures and equipment.

In confectionery shops that produce products with buttercream, a separate room is set up for washing eggs. Before entering the workshop, eggs are checked for freshness, treated in a disinfectant solution, neutralized in a soda solution, and then washed in running water.

To process eggs, a bathtub is installed at the workplace, next to it there is a table with an ovoscope and a table with a box for eggs intended for testing. The eggs checked on an ovoscope are placed in a net and lowered alternately into a bath with a disinfectant solution, then into a bath with a soda solution, and then into a bath with running water.

Equipment and its types for a confectionery shop are selected depending on the expected productivity of the workshop. This takes into account the number of downloads, operating time and utilization rate of each machine.

Thermal equipment (pastry oven, cabinets) is selected depending on the hourly productivity of the devices. To do this, you need to know the weight of the baked products, their number on one baking sheet, the number of decks, and the duration of baking.

Organization of work in a confectionery shop.

The management of the confectionery shop is carried out by the head of the shop. He introduces the foremen to the range of manufactured products, distributes raw materials between teams, and controls the technological process.

In confectionery shops, as a rule, a linear graph is used. In large workshops, work is organized in two shifts, in small workshops - in one. Teams are formed either by type of product (one produces products from yeast dough; the other produces cakes, pastries), or by technological process operations (kneading, molding, baking and product design). Two or three teams work in each shift, depending on the capacity of the workshop according to the operational division of labor.

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1 - mobile confectionery rack; 2 - metal stock; C - refrigerator; 4 - office table; 5 - production table; 6 - washing bath; 7 - table with cooling; 8 - whipping machine, 9 - vibrating sieve with stand; 10 - dough mixing machine; 11 - table with built-in washing tub; 12 - production rack; 13 - sterilizer; 14 - washing bath; 15 - cream dispenser, 16 - electroshafa; 17 - dough sheeters; 18 - bowl for kneading dough; 19 - electric stove; 20 - device for cooling syrup

Confectioners of the V category make custom-made figured cakes and pastries. They prepare and check the quality of raw materials, fillings, finishing semi-finished products, prepare dough, shape products, and carry out their artistic design.

IV category confectioners produce various muffins, rolls, premium cookies, complex cakes and pastries.

Confectioners of the III category produce simple cakes and pastries, bakery products, various types of dough, creams, fillings. Qualification requirements for a pastry chef:

o the confectioner must have primary or secondary vocational education;

o know the recipe and technology for the production of flour confectionery and bakery products from various types of dough, finishing semi-finished products;

o know the commercial characteristics of raw materials, types of flavoring and aromatic substances, leavening agents and dyes permitted for the manufacture of confectionery products;

o comply with sanitary and hygienic conditions for the production of flour confectionery products, their storage, transportation and sale periods;

o know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of confectionery products;

o use methods and techniques for highly artistic finishing of complex types of confectionery products;

o comply with the operating principles and operating rules of technological equipment used in the manufacture of confectionery products.

The qualification requirements for a pastry chef are determined in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard GOST 30524-97 “Catering. Requirements for production personnel,” which is used when certifying the services of restaurant enterprises.

Confectioners of the II category perform individual work in the process of making cakes, pastries, and prepare syrups and creams.

Confectioners of the 1st category perform work under the supervision of confectioners of the highest category, remove baked goods from sheets, read out confectionery trays, sheets and forms.

Bakers of the II and III categories bake and fry confectionery and bakery products. They determine the readiness of semi-finished products for baking, prepare the ice cream and lubricate the products. The baker must study the technological process, modes and duration of baking of confectionery products, know the yield standards of finished products, their cooling mode, as well as the rules of operation and maintenance.

Confectioners must be aware of the responsibility for the work they perform. The workshop manager and foremen monitor the rational organization of work in the workshop, which is carried out in accordance with the planned production target.

Gingerbread cookies and cookies, buns and cakes, macaroons and cupcakes, muffins and donuts, eclairs and croissants... A knowledgeable cook or an experienced sweet lover can easily continue this list. Confectionery products are indeed in good demand among buyers. If the attractive appearance is complemented by excellent taste, its popularity increases significantly. Not the least role in the overall success of a confectionery shop belongs to the competent selection of equipment.

The profession of a pastry chef has been considered honorable at all times. For example, in France in the 18th century, to learn this craft it was necessary to be able to draw and sculpt, and attend classes in drawing, architecture and art history.

Equipment for a confectionery shop

The set of required equipment for a confectionery shop, of course, depends on the volume of production and the goals set, but a certain standard list or the required minimum still exists. It will be discussed below.

Flour sifter

A flour sifter is necessary in a confectionery shop for two reasons:

1. To remove foreign impurities from flour. They definitely will not improve the taste of the final product.

2. To loosen and enrich flour with oxygen. Being packaged for a long time, it becomes heavily compressed and ceases to be saturated with oxygen. Leavening and aeration are necessary to obtain a fluffier and softer dough.

As the name suggests, it is used for kneading dough. Such devices differ in power, bowl volume (dough container) and type of working element. The latter can be S- and Z-shaped. S-shaped or otherwise spiral dough mixers are optimal for preparing puff pastry, unleavened dough or yeast dough. Z-shaped ones are better for getting a very stiff dough. They are used in the preparation of cookies, noodles, pasties or dumplings. For various models of dough mixers, both the working element and the bowl, or only one of these elements, can rotate around its own axis.

Allows you to obtain layers of dough of a given thickness. Such equipment can be desktop or floor-standing. Both options are suitable for use in bakeries, pizzerias, dumpling shops, cafes, restaurants and confectionery shops. The type of dough sheeter you choose depends on the room in which you will be placing it. Currently produced dough sheeters are designed to work with different types of dough. So, to make dumplings or pasties you will need equipment with a powerful engine that can handle tough dough. Some car models are equipped with reversible engines. They are optimal for working with puff pastry. In addition, dough sheeters differ in the control system (mechanical, electromechanical or sensor), the degree of automation (mechanical, semi-automatic or automatic) and the maximum dimensions of the resulting layers.


Another convenient tool for the pastry shop is a planetary mixer. It received this name due to the similarity of the nature of the movement of its working body and the planets in star systems. It is known that planets simultaneously rotate around a star and its own axis. By analogy with this, the mixer attachment also participates in two movements simultaneously: around the axis of the bowl and its own. The bowl itself remains motionless.

The main advantage of a planetary mixer is its versatility. The device is suitable not only for kneading dough, but also for preparing mousses, sauces, mayonnaise, creams, cream, meringues, soufflés and more. It is equipped with several types of attachments (whisk, spatula and hook) and can work with mixtures of different viscosities. Tabletop and floor-standing models of mixers with different capacities are available.

Proofing is the process of fermenting yeast dough before baking. For it to occur, certain conditions are required: temperature up to +38 ° C and humidity 75–85%. During fermentation, the dough is saturated with carbon dioxide, becomes looser, airier and increases in size. Proofing is one of the most important stages in the preparation of baked goods. To carry it out, proofers are used. All of them, regardless of size, are equipped with temperature and humidity control systems.


The oven can be called the main element in a set of equipment for a confectionery shop. Most often, convection models are used in practice. Their distinctive feature is the presence of circulation fans in the design. They ensure fast and uniform heat distribution in the working chamber. As a result, product preparation time is reduced by approximately 25%. All stove models are equipped with a steam humidification system. Together with uniform airflow, this allows you to get a glossy crispy crust on the surface of baked goods.

Another popular type of ovens is hearth or deck ovens. The number of hearths for different models can vary from one to four. Each of the tiers is equipped with electric heating elements or gas burners for uniform heat distribution. Some models are equipped with steam humidifiers to maintain a given microclimate. A distinctive feature of multi-tier deck ovens is the ability to independently control the operating mode of each section separately. This allows you to bake completely different products at the same time.

Syringe dispenser

The dispenser syringe is used in the preparation of croissants, muffins, custard cakes, eclairs and other confectionery products. It is used to dispense and extrude jams, fillings and creams. Various models of such equipment can operate in manual or automatic mode. They can be piston, gear or screw.


Carts have a multi-level structure and are often called bakery racks or studs. They are used for moving and storing trays with semi-finished or finished confectionery products. Carts are very convenient in terms of saving work space.

Baking trays

Baking trays are another necessary accessory for a pastry shop. They differ in size, depth and shape of the side, material of manufacture, and may have a non-stick coating and perforation. Thick-bottomed baking sheets ensure more even temperature distribution. Some models are equipped with handles for easy movement. Most often, such products are made of stainless steel or food grade aluminum. These materials are resistant to aggressive environments, corrosion and temperature changes.


To the above list you can add tables, shelving, various baking equipment, refrigerators and freezers, but they rather refer to additional equipment. Another point to remember is the importance of the human factor. No amount of equipment, even the most modern, can replace a real master pastry chef. Qualified personnel are the basis of a successful and prosperous confectionery shop.

One of the most famous confectioners is the Belgian Pierre Marcolini. In his homeland he is called the wizard of taste and the master of chocolate. In some types of his sweets, Marcolini uses completely unexpected fillings: for example, with the addition of flowers from tropical plants, which bring a person into a state of mild euphoria.