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Organization of taxi service in a small town. How to open your own taxi service and make money from it

Let us briefly describe how to open a taxi dispatch service. After all, this is quite a profitable, interesting and relevant business. Today, the demand for transport services of this kind exists in every city, regardless of population size.

With the right approach and a well-designed business plan, you can organize a service that will accept orders and direct drivers to the right place. And if you get positive feedback from clients, offer additional services, and create a high-quality service, then within six months you can expect a full payback for the project.

Enterprise concept

To enter the market competitively, you should first study it. To do this, find out what services already exist in the city, what they offer, how many calls they receive per day, the size of the average bill, etc. For this purpose, you can become a client and personally communicate with drivers of different companies.

Also study the other side - people’s opinions about existing offers, services provided, prices. For example, such topics are often discussed on forums and social networks. You will be able to find out the wishes and complaints of potential clients and form your own concept, thanks to which you will be ahead of your competitors from the very beginning.

To immediately stand out from the list of taxi services, you need to think about a unique offer. And here it is not necessary to underestimate the cost of services, since this strategy is unlikely to justify itself. It is better to offer something in addition to the usual transportation from place to place, for example:

  1. Delivery of groceries or other goods from stores.
  2. Accrual of so-called free kilometers to regular users.
  3. Favorable prices for servicing large events (weddings, corporate events).
  4. VIP transportation.
  5. Providing a car with a driver for the whole day at an agreed rate.
  6. Callbacks and order notifications via SMS.
  7. Transportation services for children, pensioners, etc.

You can open a taxi dispatch center in three options:

  • purchase cars and hire drivers;
  • offer work to car owners at a fixed rate;
  • a similar scheme of actions, but with a drawn up agreement on piecework payment depending on completed orders.

If you choose the second or third option, then a novice entrepreneur will have a number of advantages:

  1. Creating your own business from scratch does not require large investments.
  2. By providing a variety of services, you can significantly expand the scope of your activities.
  3. It is not necessary to rent a large room for a control room.

If you do not purchase your own fleet of vehicles, then the invested funds will be minimal, and all worries about the maintenance and servicing of the vehicles fall on the shoulders of their owners. True, there are also some disadvantages when organizing this project:

  • Today this area is highly competitive;
  • special attention will have to be paid to the advertising campaign.

In order for your taxi dispatch service as a business to start making a profit in a short time, you should provide customers with good service, timely delivery of cars, reasonable prices, clean interiors, polite staff, ease of use using any modern means of communication.


If you decide to purchase cars, then you will have to register as an LLC or any other form of legal entity. But in order to create a simple dispatch service, where drivers with their own cars will work, it is enough to submit an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur. In this case, the entire process will take no more than a week and requires payment of a low state fee.

In order to be able to expand the scope of activity in the future and offer new services to clients, it is advisable to take care in advance about the correct OKVED codes. The following options are suitable for the dispatch service:

  1. 4 – provision of information services.
  2. 2 – for work in the transport sector.
  3. 61.2 – sale of goods via the Internet.
  4. 6 – for carrying out activities related to modern technologies and computer equipment.
  5. 83 – services of secretary, editor and translation of information.

When submitting documents, you should immediately decide on the taxation scheme. In the case of organizing a dispatch service, the simplified one (STS) is more suitable. Don't forget to register as an employer with the Pension Fund and Social Insurance. In some cases, permission from Roskomnadzor and a license from the Ministry of Transport will be required.

To better understand what requirements apply to such services, cars, drivers, as well as what exactly is needed to conduct legal activities, carefully study Federal Law No. 68. It talks about taxis and each region has its own nuances in this area.

Arrangement of the premises

One of the advantages of organizing a dispatch service is that you can choose an inexpensive building somewhere in the outskirts of the city. The important parameters are the following:

  • availability of small parking nearby for cars waiting to be called;
  • stable telephone connection;
  • the ability to connect high-speed Internet;
  • communications carried out to maintain equipment in working condition, it is advisable to have your own generator.

That is, you choose a place so that there are no interruptions in communication with clients and drivers. But the size of the building does not matter much. To accommodate several dispatchers, 15-20 square meters is enough. m. But it is advisable to separate each employee working on the phone with a partition and provide free space.

The premises are also zoned for the arrangement of the control room itself, a relaxation room, a bathroom and an office for administrative staff.

Purchase of equipment and software

To furnish an office, simple and comfortable furniture is sufficient. The most important part of organizing a dispatch service is the installation of office equipment and special programs. The following technical equipment is needed:

  1. Classic multi-channel IP telephony for taking orders.
  2. Telephone and Internet services - choose responsible and reliable providers who are ready to provide your office with uninterrupted network operation.
  3. Special software for dispatchers and drivers, which helps keep track of all received calls and fulfillment of orders - there are different models and options, you must choose the most optimal one for your needs.
  4. Install video surveillance, since the desire of clients to contact this service again or recommend it to someone else greatly depends on the work of dispatchers and drivers, so carefully monitor your subordinates.
  5. Each car can be equipped with a modern navigation system.
  6. Computers and laptops.

Special programs developed for such taxi services today can greatly simplify the matter and help monitor the activities of employees. So, such software is capable of:

  • record the client’s phone number and enter it into the general database;
  • calculate the entire route and its cost, duration of the trip;
  • provide feedback to drivers;
  • notify the client via SMS about the waiting time for transport and the price for services;
  • calculate how much each driver and dispatcher earned, etc.

In this case, you need to use only licensed software and seek the services of a specialist to install it. It is better to sign an agreement for ongoing technical support of the system to avoid various risks.

Machine requirements

Severe demands are placed on cars in this type of business. After all, they are the face of the company and the impression that the car makes on the client largely depends on whether he will still want to use your services. Road safety for the driver and his passenger is also extremely important.

Therefore, keep an eye on these points:

  1. Special identification marks are installed on the vehicle.
  2. A taximeter is mounted on the dashboard.
  3. Magnetic tape is glued to the body.
  4. The machine must be regularly (every six months) inspected at a service station.
  5. Be in excellent working order.
  6. The interior is washed once a week, and the external parts every day.

A good advertising move would be to place brief information about the taxi service on the vehicle itself. To do this, apply the company logo, phone number and a short slogan. Thus, your company will become more recognizable and conquer the market faster.

We select personnel

One of the key factors in the development of business in the service sector is employees. The reputation of the company depends on how they communicate with clients. Dispatchers taking calls must be polite, competent, have clear diction, and be able to calmly resolve conflict situations. It is also useful for drivers to communicate discreetly with passengers, become friendly, show goodwill and be very good at navigating the route.

You can start working as a dispatch center with several people on the phone and drivers with their own cars. But as the client base develops and grows, you need to have a whole staff of employees:

  • dispatchers (their number depends on the ability to answer all calls) - work in three shifts to ensure round-the-clock reception of requests;
  • drivers;
  • accountant – can be an incoming accountant or the function can be outsourced;
  • System Administrator.

It is very important to properly consider the salary amount. Dispatchers and other employees can set a fixed rate and enter into agreements with drivers, according to which you take a certain commission from their earnings. Usually it is 7-18%, but it is better in each specific case to agree in such a way as to prevent staff turnover and at the same time make a profit from the organization of the enterprise.

Today the taxi market is quite saturated and in almost every city there is huge competition among such services. To stand out among them, you need to offer unique and sought-after services, as well as engage in targeted mass advertising. To do this, use all available means:

To attract regular customers, today they come up with many interesting promotions - “Tell a friend”, “Nth trip is free”, count accumulated kilometers, etc. But this will not work if dispatchers or drivers become rude to passengers, the car does not arrive on time, it will be difficult to get through , and the cost of services will be higher than the regional average. So pay attention to high-quality service at every stage of the work.

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It is very important to draw up a competent business plan, which will indicate expenses and income. Then you can calculate over what period you can return all investments and receive net profit from your own business.

Initial investment Price, in rubles
1 Office equipment 85 000
2 Router and Internet 3 000
3 Headset for dispatchers 6 000
4 Connection and installation of all equipment, telephony 15 000
5 Software 60 000
6 Registration of a company and collection of documents 30 000
7 Office rent (per month) 20 000
8 Advertising 20 000
9 Payment for dispatchers 35 000
Total: 274 000

Video: how to open a taxi service - a business idea with small investments.

A taxi service is either a dispatch office with hired employees, or a company with its own fleet of vehicles. Options vary in the amount of starting capital and advertising costs. If you study the city market, you can choose a narrow direction and focus on your niche, without giving in to numerous competitors.

Taxi service options

Typically, there are 3 options for operating a taxi service.

Private transportation

More recently, the owner of his own car could offer passenger transportation services, but today it is no longer possible to operate without special permits. At a minimum, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and work as a private owner.

Since this option is a “one-man company,” taxi drivers offer services at the exit from train stations and airports.

The average revenue of one car is from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles per day.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the presentability of your car and offer discounts to customers.

With an established client base, you can achieve a stable income, however, given that everyone will have to do it on their own, the profitability of the business will be relatively low, and this is not counting competitors.

Dispatching service

The essence of a taxi with a dispatch service comes down to the fact that there is a company for transporting passengers, but without its own fleet. The dispatch organization hires car owners and offers to fulfill orders by radio or telephone.

Motorists can work with the dispatch center even if they do not have their own car by renting a car.

When the driver takes an order, he receives a financial reward of 25%, the rest goes to the dispatch company. Each organization sets its own tariffs and payment systems, depending on the volume of work and employment.

The company is required to enter into an agreement with hired workers, but it often happens that the dispatch company requires the driver to present an individual entrepreneur.

For its part, the taxi service provides employees with the following benefits:

  • Choice of order fulfillment;
  • Ability to work at any time of the day without supervision;
  • Opportunity to work for yourself.

According to the agreement, the dispatch center does not bear the cost of servicing the car or gasoline, but takes into account the condition of the car, as well as the age and experience of the motorist.

Taxi with its own fleet and dispatch center

The organization of such a business is the most impressive in terms of start-up capital, but also the most profitable. The company requires both its own machines and a control room.

A standard taxi service may include 20 cars with drivers and 2 dispatchers. Motorists are not required to have personal transport, since the car is a company car. Although sometimes there are business options - having your own fleet of vehicles and additionally cars with independent employees. This is required in cases where the company is expanding and there is no need to take its own cars.

Range of customer base

A taxi service is the transportation of passengers, but each service differs from the other in its narrow profile. You can provide services in the following segments:

  • Average price tag for a wide range of clientele;
  • Elite VIP taxi for passengers with high incomes;
  • A taxi operating within a city or even a microdistrict, for example, only towards the airport.

There is no point in purposefully reducing the potential profitability of a business if competition allows it. It is better to highlight areas within the organization and offer additional services. For example, you can increase the cost of the service for passengers who want to order a business class car, and pay for trips to the airport at separate rates with discounts.

If the competition is too strong and it will take a lot of time to achieve a decent income, you can focus on your core area. For large cities, the idea is of particular importance, otherwise the taxi service will get lost among dozens of others. Here are just a few options for the most common and proven solutions:

  • Taxi with free Wi-Fi;
  • Taxi, where the drivers are only women;
  • Taxi with a fleet of identical cars (by color, make or country of origin);
  • Taxi with the ability to transport disabled people;
  • Taxi with the lowest fare in the city.

What do you need to know to analyze the market?

To analyze the taxi market in your city, rely on the following factors:

  • City population;
  • The presence of airports and train stations, as well as the presence of traffic (if the city is large and a resort, then at certain times the services will be in great demand);
  • Presence of competitors;
  • Using additional ideas from competitors to attract interest in your business.

Taking these factors into account, you can build your own business line and take advantage of an unoccupied niche.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a taxi business

To open a taxi business, like any other business, you need to go through the registration procedure, rent an office, hire employees and think through advertising. But there are certain specifics that need to be taken into account.

Enterprise registration

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a company providing taxi services must have a permit (license) for freight and passenger transportation. This is true even for one driver who has opened an individual entrepreneur. They receive licenses for a period of 5 years only after registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the transport supervision service.

Usually the license is valid only within the region, but if regional agreements exist, the license may be broader. More information about the license (registration and receipt) -.

Rental of control room premises and equipment

The most important thing for the control room is communication, so its quality is taken into account first. The immediate location of the control room is not important, but for smooth operation it is required:

  • GSM communication with stable channels from cellular operators;
  • Additional power supplies to ensure uninterrupted power supply;
  • Internet channel with unlimited traffic (if necessary, use the services of several providers);
  • IP telephony.

A control room with two employees does not require a large room to operate. More important are stable means of communication.

You also need to purchase computers for the premises. Based on the calculation of the same two dispatchers, three PCs will be required, two of which are needed by employees to process orders, and the third for server operation.

Today, software has been developed for the taxi service that allows you to automatically:

  • Place orders;
  • Calculate the cost of the order;
  • Calculate payments for operators and drivers.

The same software ensures communication between dispatchers and drivers.

Search for employees

The key employee of a taxi service is the driver, and it doesn’t matter whether he has his own transport or not. Ideal taxi driver:

  • Communicates politely;
  • Knows the city very well;
  • Punctual;
  • Knows how to keep the car clean.

In addition to the listed qualities, the driver must have at least 3 years of driving experience, but not be an advanced pensioner. Pre-trip medical examinations will also help weed out those who fail due to health reasons.

Standard working conditions for a taxi driver are one day every two. This allows, in the presence of a branded vehicle fleet, three drivers to work on one car. In this case, employees are paid the rate with interest. If there is no own fleet of cars, the company pays only interest on revenue.

No less important is the work of dispatchers or operators. Young girls are usually hired to work as dispatchers. Their most important qualities for this job are:

  • A pleasant voice;
  • Correctly delivered speech;
  • Clear diction;
  • Friendliness;
  • Communication skills.

Taxi services will also require the services of an accountant and manager. The latter may be the business owner himself.

Advertising and Marketing

For a taxi, especially in conditions of fierce competition, you need to think about what will be remembered by the client:

  • Nice and simple room. Such numbers - with the same numbers or a small number of symbols - are always heard and quickly remembered. But at the same time, their cost is an order of magnitude higher than a regular room. For a taxi, the telephone number is important, so it is better to write it down as an expense item.
  • Logo. A bright and memorable logo is an ideal solution and excellent advertising. Cars with the logo drive around the city and thereby attract attention. The taxi is in plain sight, and if the number is easy, then it’s easy for a potential client to remember who to call. Registering a trademark costs money, but for taxis with their own fleet, this is the best solution.
  • Corporate color of cars. Another visual advertising trick is the color of the taxi fleet. This is used by taxi companies in New York, where yellow has become the color of taxis. If you don't stop at the logo and use the same color for the cars, this will make the taxi even more memorable.
  • Place advertisements in the newspaper;
  • Distribute leaflets;
  • Open your own website with the ability to order a taxi online;
  • Post advertisements on stands at entrances to residential buildings.

Today in this publication we will talk about how to open a taxi from scratch. Here we will also talk about what is needed for this and how to do everything correctly. If you don’t know what business to start in your city, then we recommend organizing your own taxi service. Although the competition in this market segment is quite high, it’s still worth a try. And if you organize everything correctly and competently, then you will have a chance to become a leader.

Helpful information

Taxi as a business is a serious matter. The essence of such a business is to create a dispatch service, which, in turn, unites taxi drivers engaged in private transportation. This means that the administration, through advertising and centralization, is taking business to a new level, thereby making it beneficial not only to drivers, but also to itself.

As for advertising, this means placing posters at train stations and airports. Printing business cards will also help you find out about your taxi. And for a proper advertising campaign, we recommend that you advertise your services on radio, television, newspapers and the Internet.

If you don't know to how to open a taxi from scratch, then you should first of all take care of proper advertising and other nuances. And if you do the right advertising, calls with orders for your services will not keep you waiting.

Naturally, all calls will go to the dispatch service, which will transmit orders to drivers. Each driver who accepts an order must pay for it. The order price is a percentage of the cost of the entire order or some fixed amount.

Premises requirements

One of the criteria for a good growth in the popularity of the dispatch service is communication, so the choice of appropriate premises must be approached with the utmost seriousness. So, the selected premises must meet the following requirements for high-quality communication:

  • Stable GSM communications from cellular operators whose services you request.
  • Purchase of additional power supplies. This will ensure uninterrupted power supply, you will protect yourself from short circuits, and the power supply in the office will be reliable.
  • High-quality Internet channel, from 512 Mbit/s, without traffic restrictions. It’s better to install a couple of channels, preferably from different providers.
  • IP telephony provider in the office. That is, a provider capable of providing office telephony using modern VoIP protocols (SIP or h.323 protocols).

Telephone communications

In this publication we talk about how to open a taxi. Here step-by-step instructions will help us deal with this issue. The simplest option, in the absence of IP telephony providers, is to organize four or five regular analog telephone lines. But we recommend, so to speak, the ideal option - IP telephony. In general, find out the availability of IP telephony providers in your city.

Personal computers

To begin with, you will have to purchase three modern PCs. In this case, two of them will serve as dispatchers’ workplaces, and one as a server. Be sure to install a special dispatch program that will allow you to:

  • record all orders
  • automatically determine the cost of the trip,
  • carry out correct calculations with drivers, operators and dispatchers,
  • will provide communication with drivers.

Terminals also require a special program. It is installed in the taxi driver's phone and is equipped with a conversation recording system. And the dispatcher's phone uses a special computer headset.

Taxi drivers

Do not forget that the driver who has entered into an agreement with the dispatch service works, first of all, for himself. Therefore, his illiterate work and poor attitude towards clients will affect you, first of all, since future passengers call your dispatch service telephone number. Therefore, take the search and selection of taxi drivers very seriously.

Dispatch service workers

Dispatch service employees should also be approached with the utmost seriousness. It is better to give preference to dispatchers with experience. A good dispatcher in your taxi service should have:

  • competent speech,
  • in a friendly and pleasant voice,
  • good knowledge of your city.

There is no need to skimp on purchasing a beautiful and memorable number. Remember that the cost of purchasing it will definitely pay off. One of the most competent forms of advertising is considered to be colorful leaflets with information in residential buildings (at entrances and in elevators). At the same time, advertising posters should be colorful and medium in size.


Of course, in this, as in any other matter, there are many nuances and difficult moments. But competently structured work of a taxi dispatch service will bring you a good income. And most importantly, this income will be stable. Therefore, we can say directly that passenger transportation is a very promising business that will make every entrepreneur a rich man

Current ideas for making money

Taxi transportation in Russia is gaining momentum. Taxi as a business develops most successfully in large cities and regions with consistently high incomes. It is quite difficult for a carrier to find and occupy its niche in the market - competition is high. A new market player must take into account many factors in order for its taxi service to find its customers. Then consistently high profits will be ensured.

Where to begin?

Determine your place in the market. Consider what type of clients you are targeting:

  • social taxi;
  • VIP class;
  • corporate clientele.

Based on the development concept, select a fleet of vehicles and build a pricing policy.

Taxi service organization

The business is transporting passengers. The system for receiving and distributing applications helps to quickly deliver the car to the desired address. A centralized dispatch service receives and processes orders.

Drivers accredited in this dispatch center carry out customer orders. Taxis are equipped with special distinctive signs (“checkered”), a walkie-talkie and a taximeter.

How to open a taxi so that drivers are interested in the final result, and the owner receives maximum profit? Most entrepreneurs use a work scheme in which drivers work individually, “for themselves.” They are required to give a certain amount (plan) to the owner of the taxi service. Profits increase as the number of drivers filling orders increases.

Another option is that the drivers are on staff. The company must have its own fleet of vehicles. All profits are concentrated in your hands. In this case, questions arise about depreciation of the vehicle fleet and the search for good drivers.

Many entrepreneurs prefer to open a taxi service using drivers who work for themselves. As the company develops and the profitability of the enterprise grows, its own fleet of vehicles is replenished. The quality of service and an increase in the number of regular customers contributes to the speedy achievement of the break-even point and the receipt of solid dividends.

Draw up a business plan for a taxi fleet that takes into account the specifics of doing business in a given region, market capacity, and all financial, organizational and legal issues.

Enterprise registration

When obtaining permits, follow the Federal Law “On Taxi” No. 69, as amended and supplemented, which came into force on January 1, 2013. Officially register your business. The business can be registered as an individual entrepreneur. The transportation of passengers falls under UTII. Be sure to enter into an agreement with each of the drivers, in which you stipulate a percentage of the revenue or a fixed amount that they are obliged to give to the owner of the taxi service.

For each car you must obtain a vehicle transportation permit from the transport committee. The permit is valid for 5 years in the territory of the federal district where it was received. The document is in the cabin. At the first request of the passenger, the driver is obliged to present it.


Choose a room at the highest point in the city to ensure good communication quality. To get started, the office size can be small - 25–30 sq.m. A minimum set of furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets) is required in the dispatch service room.

Create comfortable working conditions for taxi service dispatchers to increase concentration levels. Unfortunately, taxi owners often save money on this expense item. Main disadvantages: cramped space, uncomfortable furniture, lack of sufficient time to rest between work shifts, high workload per dispatcher.

Staff are forced to work in uncomfortable conditions. Constant stressful situations and a busy work schedule worsen the quality of work of dispatchers, lead to misunderstandings and mistakes, which ultimately worsens the company’s image and leads to an outflow of clients. By saving little, you lose a lot of money.


Before opening a new taxi service, purchase the necessary equipment:

  • a computer with special software (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • multi-channel telephone communication. The phone number should be simple and memorable. Each channel will cost 2-3 thousand rubles;
  • program for automating order accounting. Cost – up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • "checkers" for taxis. Cost – 600 rub. a piece.

To operate, you need VHF radio communications. You will need a license, which is difficult and expensive to obtain. Many people do the following: they enter into an agreement with a third-party operator who has a license to use radio frequencies and pay him a monthly subscription fee.


You can open your own taxi only after recruiting a staff of competent, stress-resistant workers. For a dispatcher, a prerequisite is fast typing, attentiveness, politeness in communication and a pleasant voice.

  1. Director. In most companies, the director functions as the owner.
  2. Accountant. Hire a visiting specialist. Fixed salary.
  3. Dispatchers. Number – at least 3 people. Establish piecework wages to increase employee commitment.
  4. Drivers. The number of drivers increases as your company becomes more famous. For full-time employees, an acceptable option: rate +%. If the driver works “for himself”, the entire amount in excess of the submitted plan remains with the driver. He pays his taxes himself.


Your task is to inform the population as quickly as possible that a new taxi service has opened, offering customers excellent travel conditions. Where to advertise your company? Good options:

  • on banners and billboards along roads;
  • in popular print media. A newspaper with advertisements is the best option. Your advertisement should occupy a large enough space for readers to notice it immediately;
  • print business cards, leaflets. Hire students to distribute in public places;
  • place an ad on the Internet.

An important detail is the company name. It must contain the word “taxi”. The second word should reflect the concept and range of clients: economy taxi, luxury taxi, ten taxi, first taxi, etc. The name should be easy to remember, as should your company's phone number.

Business payback

A business will pay off faster if there are a large number of cars in the fleet. The shorter the waiting time for an ordered car, the more successful the business develops. If you have about 50 cars, the costs will pay off in six months. If you work with car owners, the profit of the dispatch service is 10-15% of deductions from the drivers’ wages. A taxi fleet business plan will help you calculate labor costs.

How to improve business efficiency

Taxi transportation has its own characteristics. The customer satisfaction factor is important. A satisfied client will recommend calling your taxi. A dissatisfied person will tell everyone he knows that they shouldn’t contact you.

Having regular customers allows the company to develop successfully. Provide such customers with discounts on every 10th or 20th trip, on their birthday or on holidays.

Watch how drivers maintain their cars. Cleanliness and good condition are required.

Keep your rates reasonable. Inflated fares will scare away potential customers.

Reduce machine delivery time. Try to avoid misunderstandings and confusion in addresses.

If you are seriously thinking about how to open a taxi dispatch service, study the recommendations of experts and develop your own concept. Your company must be different from competitors and satisfy customer needs as fully as possible.

One of the most common problems when starting your own business is difficulty choosing a field of activity. Below we offer detailed instructions on how to open your own taxi from scratch. Most beginning entrepreneurs in this area believe that at the initial stage it is enough just to purchase the necessary transport and hire the appropriate personnel. As a result, the main thing is forgotten - advertising promotion of the new service.

Also, at the initial stage of business planning, you need to decide on the service sector: freight transportation or a standard taxi service. Below we propose to consider a detailed business plan, which will take into account various nuances and possible risks. In order to assess the profitability of this business, you should understand the operating principle of such an enterprise.

A taxi service is a business that involves transporting passengers.

The organization of passenger transportation is, first of all, based on the correct distribution of received orders and a competent system for receiving applications. To organize such a business, competent and coordinated work of dispatchers is important. It is also necessary to approach the selection of candidates applying for the role of drivers with all responsibility. In order for your service to be popular, the company’s personnel should consist only of responsible and polite employees.

Transport itself plays an important role in this matter. Each vehicle owned by the organization must be equipped with all necessary equipment. The standard set of such a car is a walkie-talkie, a taximeter and checkers.

First stage

In order to open your own taxi fleet from scratch, you should familiarize yourself with a certain set of actions that must be completed before starting the service. In order to carry out passenger transportation, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation in this service market. The constant technological process over the past few years has greatly changed the work of such a service.

To make a profit from this enterprise, you should pay special attention to the well-coordinated work of the team. The dispatch service and drivers must be strong links in the chain, which are in constant interaction with each other. Only by taking this approach into account will the service provided be able to satisfy the passenger, and your service will be in demand.

An entrepreneur thinking about opening his own taxi fleet will find it useful to study the operation of services such as Yandex. Taxi, Uber and Skuterino. All of the above services allow you to receive an influx of clients in a short time after opening your own business. But in addition to the above services, there are methods for developing your own enterprise. The methods below will allow you to organize the work of a taxi fleet both within a small city and a metropolis.

Various formats of business development strategy

At the stage of developing a business plan, you should find answers to several questions that are of particular importance. First of all, you should carefully study various aspects of this area, as well as conduct a market analysis. Based on your financial capabilities, you need to calculate the amount of the initial investment in advance. Opening your own business to make a stable profit is quite difficult. In this case, the entrepreneur must be aware of the possible risks and be aware of the various methods of running a transport business.

A taxi as a business will become a source of permanent income only if a novice entrepreneur becomes familiar with various nuances from his own experience. At the stage of drawing up a business plan for a taxi fleet, you should obtain a license for taxi transportation and try to transport people yourself. This approach will allow you to become familiar with the various aspects and problems that taxi personnel face on a daily basis.

Today, a taxi has ceased to be a luxury, but has become a necessity.

If you have capital, you should organize the work of a dispatch service that will accept incoming applications. However, at the initial stages, this task can be entrusted to the drivers themselves. It is very important to approach the creation of a taxi fleet correctly.

When opening an enterprise, the organization must have at least five cars in its fleet.

According to statistics, in order to experience profit in the initial stages of developing your own taxi service, you should open a small taxi fleet. But it is important to note that such an enterprise requires considerable financial investments to purchase a fleet of vehicles and set up a dispatch service. Recruited employees must be trained in future job responsibilities in order to reduce the risk of possible downtime due to incorrect assignments.

What is needed to open a taxi service

Below are step-by-step instructions for developing this business. At the first stage of such an enterprise, it is necessary to collect a package of documents to obtain a license. After registering the status of an individual entrepreneur, you should choose a more convenient form of tax deductions. To do this, you will need to collect a complete package of certain documents.

One of the main requirements when registering this business is having a correctly completed registration card. You will also need a photocopy of the founders confirming their consent to open a new enterprise. The above documents must be submitted to the control authorities in two copies. Along with them, copies of personal documents of the person in whose name the company is registered are submitted to these authorities. One of the important requirements when opening any business is a timely order for the production of a company seal.

When opening a dispatch service, it is the responsibility of the entrepreneur to obtain a special license. Separately, it should be noted that such a license has a limited validity period (five years) and implies the operation of the enterprise only in a certain region. If you expect that your taxi service will operate in several regions, you should authorize the control authorities in advance. In this situation, it should be understood that not only traffic police officers, but also every passenger have the right to ask for documents for such transportation.

That is why, when opening your own taxi fleet, you should be very careful in collecting and completing the necessary documentation. The package of documents required to open a taxi dispatch service includes:

  • Document confirming registration of activity.
  • A copy of the personal data of company employees who have direct contact with clients. Here it is necessary to prepare in advance copies of medical certificates and driver's licenses of all hired drivers.
  • Technical documentation for all available vehicles.
  • Photocopies of concluded employment contracts.
  • Documentation confirming the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment (taxi meters, checkers, walkie-talkies).

Taxi business plan - the format in which you plan to open a company

The question of what is needed to open a taxi is especially relevant at this stage. One of the most important documents for conducting this activity is a license permitting the transportation of passengers. It should also be understood that this type of activity requires special attention to the technical condition of transport. Each of the cars in the fleet must undergo a technical inspection twice a year. Also, each car in the fleet must be equipped with certain insignia (checkers, lights, taximeter). Often, when opening a fleet of vehicles, it is necessary to repaint the existing vehicles in a certain color.

There are two main strategies for the development of this area. The first involves hiring drivers who have their own vehicles. The second strategy is based on purchasing cars and hiring drivers who know your city well.

Pros and cons of each strategy

Both proposed options can become a source of high profits with the right approach to business development. If, when opening a dispatch service, you recruit employees with your own vehicles, the amount of initial investment will be significantly reduced. The only task of an entrepreneur in this situation is to rent or purchase the necessary territory and recruit a staff of dispatchers. However, since the work of drivers will be paid as a percentage of the profit received, the income from such an enterprise will not be high enough.

By purchasing cars yourself and then hiring drivers, the level of initial investment increases significantly. But in this case, the purchased transport is the property of the organization, which significantly increases the level of income. To optimize the work of the dispatch service, many entrepreneurs are trying to develop their own pages on the Internet. When opening a private vehicle fleet, you should organize a full-scale advertising campaign. A great way to attract public attention is a loyalty program and a system of discounts for regular customers.

A taxi dispatch service must carry out its activities based on the main requirements of consumers of this service. In taxi work, the speed of processing an incoming application, the ability to go to any destination, as well as polite communication from the service employees are important. In order to attract clientele, it is necessary to organize a 24-hour service.

The taxi business plan must provide for the official registration of the business

Initial investment amount

Below is a taxi business plan with calculations, sample:

  1. Obtaining a license and other necessary documents– from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles.
  2. Renting the necessary premises and repairs– from 70,000 to 80,000.
  3. Purchase of transport– 4,000,000 (5-6 middle class cars).
  4. Purchase and installation of necessary equipment– from 180,000 to 200,000.
  5. Website creation and promotion— 30,000 rubles.
  6. Installing a multi-line telephone and purchasing “beautiful” numbers– from 15,000 to 20,000.
  7. Radio frequencies rental– about 8,000 rubles monthly.
  8. Purchase of 10 walkie-talkies– from 45,000 to 75,000.
  9. Purchase of 10 taximeters– from 40,000 to 60,000.
  10. Purchasing the necessary software– from 100,000 to 150,000.
  11. Installation of identification marks– from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.
  12. Payment for work activities of dispatch service employees– from 60,000 per month.

This business plan for the fleet suggests that the amount of initial investment is about 5,000,000 rubles. With the right approach to organizing a business, the investment pays off within 6 months.

To organize the work of the dispatch service, a particularly large premises is not required. On average, a room of thirty square meters is sufficient for work activities. When choosing a rental property, you should pay attention to the quality of cellular or telephone communications and the stability of the Internet signal. In addition to renting the necessary premises, you should purchase a set of necessary furniture in advance. It is necessary to equip a kitchen and a break room for company employees. The company's office should be located in the city center in order to avoid possible problems with the operation of the radio station. All purchased equipment to equip transport must have all the necessary certificates.

How to register a business correctly

This type of business activity is included in the UTII category, so you can register a company with the status of an individual entrepreneur. Once permission to open a company is in hand, an employment contract is concluded with the employees. On the pages of this agreement it is necessary to indicate that wages are calculated from a fixed percentage of the monthly transport income.

If an entrepreneur purchases a fleet of cars using company funds, it is best to contact a recruitment agency that will select the necessary personnel. Each driver must obtain a transportation permit.

To open a taxi, you will also need to obtain the appropriate license, which is issued for each car separately.

Key points

When drawing up a business plan for a taxi service, it is necessary to take into account the remuneration of the company’s employees. In addition, you should take into account monthly contributions to the tax service, pension fund and other organizations. In addition, it is necessary to find an accountant in advance who can take care of the documentation. In small taxi companies, the dispatch service staff consists of only two people working in shifts.

When hiring drivers, preference should be given to those people who have long experience in this field. Monthly expenses must include the cost of paying for the cleaning company. The main expense item is payment for radio communications, Internet and advertising.


The profitability of a taxi fully justifies the initial financial investment. When opening such a business, it is necessary to take into account possible risks associated with improper organization of labor activities. This business is suitable for motivated men who understand the nuances of passenger transportation. In order to recoup the investment, it is necessary to constantly increase the existing vehicle fleet. For a taxi service to begin generating constant and high profits, the company’s garage must have at least ten cars.

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