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At the same time, the composition of the mojito cocktail is quite simple. The ingredients of a mojito are rum, sparkling water, lime, mint, cane sugar and ice. It is better to use light rum, for example, as in the Mojito recipe with Bacardi rum. Here's the traditional way to make a mojito. Pour sugar into a glass and squeeze the juice out of the lime with your hands. Place mint on top and mash it thoroughly. Then add ice, but not too much. Pour rum, then soda, as much as there is room in the glass. Yours is ready mojito, classic recipe. Unusual new product, this is a strawberry mojito. The non-alcoholic strawberry mojito recipe has little in common with a real mojito, however, it exists and tastes very good. Strawberry Mojito, a non-alcoholic recipe, can again be given to children, just do not forget that it is served cold, so they should be treated to children with caution. The same applies to such a dessert as mojito ice cream. The composition of this ice cream includes low-fat cream and all other ingredients of a non-alcoholic mojito.

Of course, no one wants to give up the pleasure of drinking a mojito at home. Making a mojito at home becomes especially important in the summer, so with the arrival of the heat, many lovers of this refreshing drink are interested in how to prepare a mojito at home, how to prepare a mojito cocktail, how to properly prepare a mojito, how to make an alcoholic mojito, how to prepare a non-alcoholic mojito, how to properly make a mojito, how to make a mojito cocktail, how to make a non-alcoholic mojito at home, how to prepare a mojito, how to make a mojito at home, how to make a non-alcoholic mojito cocktail recipe. Recipe mojito at home it doesn’t even require a shaker or any other special equipment or utensils. But there is one secret in making a mojito: the recipe will be incorrect if it does not include grinding the mint. After all, it is the essential oils of mint that make the mojito cocktail unique. The recipe with photo clearly demonstrates this simple procedure. Depending on what kind of mojito you want to make, choose a non-alcoholic mojito recipe with photo or an alcoholic mojito cocktail photo.

A recipe for a mojito without alcohol also exists and is very popular. Eliminate the rum from the classic mojito recipe, here's how to make a non-alcoholic mojito. There is another option for making a non-alcoholic mojito. Cocktail mojito non-alcoholic can be prepared with Sprite. The Mojito recipe with Sprite will appeal to those who don’t want or can’t buy lime. In fact, a non-alcoholic mojito recipe with sprite can be given even to children, and of course to those for whom an alcoholic mojito recipe is contraindicated. In addition, there is also a Schweppes Mojito. So open your refrigerators and make a non-alcoholic mojito at home.

And of course, we wouldn’t be Russian if we hadn’t come up with a recipe mojito with vodka. Apart from vodka, in this case the composition of the mojito does not change in any way. An alcoholic mojito with vodka will certainly not have the taste of rum, but after some alcohol you won’t notice it. In addition, making an alcoholic mojito with vodka at home is easier and cheaper.

Do you often prepare the great Hemingway’s favorite cocktail - the mojito? Then you can’t do without a couple of mint bushes in your garden. And if you remember how delicious dishes with mint- then you will immediately want to grow it in whole plantations. After all mint- it is both a seasoning, a spice and medicine. It is added to desserts, salads, drinks, and is used to make a healing decoction that helps with insomnia, relieves stress, and reduces sweating.

Growing mint It can be produced from seeds both in the garden and in the apartment.

You can all year round enjoy fresh mint, growing it right on your windowsill - for this you only need buy seeds and plant them in a container with loose, fertile soil to a depth of 0.5 centimeters. With active watering and sufficient light, mint plant shoots will appear in your apartment within 2.5-3 weeks. For good development pots with mint should be kept at a temperature of about 25 degrees.

In the garden cultivation mint it will also not require much effort - the main thing is to choose the right place for planting. Ideally around mint There should not be any vegetables at a distance of about a meter, especially beets, cabbage or cucumbers. The fragrant plant does not tolerate such proximity and necessarily “takes over” the diseases of other crops. They appear as dark spots, and they are almost impossible to cure.

Therefore, we determine the optimal location and plant the seeds mint V open ground. The distance between plants should be at least 35-40 centimeters. In summer, the garden bed needs to be watered daily, and the soil needs to be loosened at least three times a season. remember, that mint loves moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogged soil.

Whatever way growing mint If you didn’t take advantage, you have a “delicious” season of mint drinks and dishes ahead of you. A buy mint seeds you can do it in two clicks - just go to online store "KlumboGryadka" and place an order.

Recipes for making alcoholic and non-alcoholic Mojito.

Mojito is a refreshing cocktail from Cuba. It was on this island that it was prepared for the first time. But the tasty drink quickly became popular in America. He was simply adored by Ernest Hemingway and Fidel Castro.

Classic alcoholic mojito recipe

Initially, the drink included only light rum and mint. But now there are a lot of recipes for making the drink. Soda, lime, syrups and fruits are added to it. The most common is the alcoholic Mojito. It is prepared in all bars at resorts. It is very refreshing and pleasantly fogs the head.

Alcoholic Mojito recipe:

  • Squeeze the juice from half a lime and dissolve 2 tablespoons of cane sugar in it.
  • Stir the liquid and add a few mint leaves to it. It must first be washed or crushed in a mortar.
  • Fill a glass with mint, lime and sugar, half filled with crushed ice.
  • Pour in 50 ml of white rum. You can take any you find in the store, but the ideal option is Cuban Bacardi.
  • Top up the glass with soda (Sprite or Schwebs), regular soda will do.
  • The drink is served cold

Mojito with rum

This is a variation of the classic recipe that contains rum. It has a specific taste and aroma. We rarely prepare a drink with rum, since this alcoholic drink is not common among us.

Mojito recipe with rum:

  • Grind 10 sprigs of mint with half a glass of sugar in a container, pour the juice of half a lemon into the aromatic powder
  • Pour 4 cups of crushed ice into a jug, pour in 250 ml of golden light rum.
  • Add 750 ml chilled soda
  • Serve in glasses, garnished with mint sprigs. These ingredients are enough for 6 mojito servings

This is a recipe familiar to our country. Many tasters claim that the substitution of vodka for rum can only be distinguished by a true admirer of the Cuban drink. Vodka is much cheaper and is available in every bar.

Vodka mojito recipe:

  • Place 10 mint sprigs in a bowl and crush it with a spoon. Add 50 g sugar and 30 ml lemon juice
  • Pour the mixture into a large glass and fill it almost to the top with crushed ice.
  • Pour in 30 ml of vodka and fill the remaining space with Schwebs

Using syrup, you can give a classic drink an unusual flavor. Restaurants often use Mojito syrup. This is a pre-prepared sugar mixture based on rum and lime juice.

In our country, the recipe has been diversified and mint, berry and even orange syrup are introduced. Mojito syrup contains sugar, lime juice and peppermint extract.

Mojito recipe with Mojito syrup:

  • Fill the glass with crushed ice and pour in 30 ml of syrup
  • Add 40 ml of vodka and a spoonful of lemon juice to the container
  • Fill glass with Schwebbs or soda
  • Decorate glasses with mint sprigs

This is a drink that can be prepared in alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions.

Drink recipe with Sprite:

  • Place a few crushed mint leaves in a glass
  • Add 20 g sugar and 50 ml lemon juice. Cut the second half of the citrus into small slices and place in a glass.
  • Fill the glass with ice. It is best to use crushed ice
  • Pour in 30 ml Havana club rum
  • Fill the container to the top with Sprite
  • Garnish with lime and mint leaves

Espresso mojito

This is an unusual drink with Espresso coffee and ice cream. It is simply adored by those with a sweet tooth and those who want to cheer up.

Recipe for making an espresso mojito:

  • Crush the ice into crumbs and pour in a cup of Espresso coffee
  • Add 20 ml of mint syrup and 35 ml of Mojito liqueur to a glass.
  • Place a scoop of ice cream on top. It is better to take mint or cream

This is a refreshing drink with a pronounced berry taste. For cooking, you can use both fresh and frozen berries.

Strawberry Mojito recipe:

  • A glass of washed strawberries must be removed from the stalks
  • The berries are cut into 4 parts and poured into a jug
  • Grind mint with a glass of sugar and pour into strawberries
  • Add 100 ml lemon juice and a few wedges of lime
  • After this, 260 ml of white rum and 70 ml of strawberry syrup are poured into the jug
  • Add three cups of crushed ice and stir

To crush ice, you need to pour the cubes into a thick fabric bag and beat them with a rolling pin. If desired, crush the ice in a blender.

Mojito non-alcoholic recipe

If you don't drink alcohol or want to please your kids, make a non-alcoholic cocktail. He diversifies the table children's party in the summer heat.

Recipe for non-alcoholic Mojito:

  • Pour sugar, a few mint leaves, and lime wedges into a container. Crush the ingredients
  • Pour in 50 ml of Mojito syrup
  • Fill the ingredients with Schwebs or Sprite
  • Add crushed ice and mint leaves before serving

There are quite a few mojito recipes. Experiment with the ingredients and choose the recipe that suits you best.

VIDEO: Making mojitos at home


Cuba has given the whole world a huge number of different drink recipes, and one of the most popular and widespread is the mojito. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic, with various additives - a cocktail that can satisfy any taste.

History of the drink

The bartender of the Seville Hotel, located in the capital of Cuba, in 1930 came out of the current situation in a very original way when his bar ran out of whiskey. This alcoholic drink was replaced by white rum, thanks to which the bartender’s creation became famous for many years.

The second version of the origin of the cocktail recipe says that it was created in the La Bodeguita del Medio cafe in the 1940s. Every year on May 25th, this cafe celebrates the birthday of the Mojito.

A similar drink, which included mint, was called “criollo” in 1928-1932.

There is a very original opinion that attributes the creation of a cocktail similar to the classic alcoholic recipe “Mojito” to pirates - they say, in the 16th century, one of the Drakes created a drink from mint, rum and lime. The resulting drink had considerable strength and tart taste.

Classic mojito recipe

The classic mojito cocktail recipe includes only six ingredients: lime, mint leaves, ice, white rum, sugar and sparkling water.

It is prepared very simply: place mint leaves, sugar in a container and grind until a bright mint aroma appears. Lime is also placed there, everything is ground until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The resulting liquid is poured into glasses and mixed with rum, ice, tonic or sprite. If tonic is poured, then a smaller amount of lime is taken. However, the amount of ingredients is adjusted to the taste of the person preparing the mojito cocktail.

Tip: Brown sugar can be replaced with white sugar, lime with lemon, which will radically change the taste of the drink.


Place a lime cut into large slices, fresh mint leaves and washed strawberries into a glass. All ingredients are kneaded with a special mortar or a regular spoon until they form large pieces and not puree.

Half fill a mojito glass with ground ice, add white rum and sugar, and mix everything until smooth. The remaining ice is added to the glass. At the end, add tonic water, fresh strawberries and mint leaves or sprigs.


Half a lime and half an orange are crushed and placed in a glass. Mint and sugar are added to them. All components of the mojito are kneaded until juice appears. Then ice and alcohol are added. The entire mixture is placed in a shaker and shaken, then poured into glasses.


This mojito recipe calls for sparkling Italian Proseco wine, which is mixed with crushed sugar and mint, syrup, juice and stirred. Crushed ice, rum and wine are added to the glass. Everything is thoroughly mixed and decorated with mint.

Raspberry cocktail

Sugar is kneaded with mint, ice, half a lime juice, raspberry liqueur, white rum and soda are added. The mojito drink is decorated with raspberries and mint.

With currants and mint

Black and red currants for mojito are kneaded in a separate container. A tall cocktail glass is filled with crushed ice and berries are placed on top. Stir in mint, currants and a slice of lemon until juice appears and a paste forms.

The resulting mixture of leaves and lemon is laid on top of mint currants and sprinkled with sugar. The rest of the ice is laid out on top, everything is carefully filled with soda. You can garnish the mojito cocktail with thin slices of lemon and mint leaves on top.

Apple mojito

Mint leaves, sugar and lime wedges are placed in a mojito cocktail glass. All components are lightly kneaded with a masher until the lime and mint juice are released. Then crushed ice and Bacardi Apple rum are added. Carefully add soda water and mix everything. You can use a slice of apple to garnish the cocktail.

With added pepper

Sugar syrup, lime juice and vodka are mixed and shaken in a shaker. Lemon and red pepper are cut into small pieces, added to the shaker, mint is added there and everything is thoroughly mixed. The cocktail is diluted with soda.

Tip: This motito recipe works best with Absolut Peppar water - it combines green Jalapeno peppers and red Capsicum peppers.

Blackberry cocktail “In Black”

5 blackberries and syrup are kneaded in a container. Add lime soy, white rum, liqueur, everything is thoroughly mixed. Soda and crushed ice are added. The finished mojito drink is decorated with mint leaves or sprigs.

Blueberry mojito

Without allowing the formation of a paste, lime and mint leaves are ground in a mortar. The finished mixture is transferred into a cocktail glass. Lime juice and blueberries are also added there, rum is poured in and crushed ice is added. The finished mojito cocktail is decorated with a sprig of mint and whole blueberries.

With added pineapple

Lime, mint leaves and pineapple pieces are kneaded and placed in a shaker. Add ice, white rum, Triple Sec liqueur, pineapple juice, shake everything well and serve.

Pomegranate mojito

Mint leaves are ground with sugar until juice is formed, mixed with lime juice and crushed ice. White rum, soda and pomegranate juice are poured into the container, everything is thoroughly mixed and served.

With mint and grapefruit

Water and sugar are heated in a saucepan. The finished syrup is removed from the heat, mixed with mint leaves and infused under a closed lid for 10 minutes. The cocktail liquid is filtered and cooled.

The zest is carefully removed from red grapefruits in the form of long strips, which are filled with white rum in a separate container. Leave to infuse for half an hour, then strain.

Separate slices without membranes are carefully cut out of grapefruits. Mojito glasses are filled with 2-3 segments and three-quarters of a glass of crushed ice. In a separate container, mint syrup, white rum and a quarter glass of mineral water are mixed. The resulting mixture is poured into a glass and decorated with mint leaves.

Beer mojito

Half a lime, sugar, white rum, mint and crushed ice are shaken in a shaker and poured into a glass. Light beer is poured into the resulting mixture, and the resulting cocktail is decorated with a sprig of lemon balm and a thin slice of lime.

With the addition of tangerine

Sugar and mint are kneaded until juice and a bright aroma appear, tangerine slices, peeled from seeds and membranes, and lime juice are added. Add crushed ice, add white rum and soda, and mix everything thoroughly.

Cherry mojito

Place two cups of pitted cherries, mint leaves, lime juice and zest, ice and sugar in a blender. Add soda, the remaining ice and white rum to the resulting mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed, the mojito cocktail is poured into glasses and served to the table.

With the addition of basil and kiwi

Bring the sugar and sugar to a boil over low heat. The mixture is boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved, then for a couple of minutes at maximum heat, after which it is completely cooled.

Thin kiwi rings are placed in a container along with torn basil leaves, and cooled sugar syrup is poured into them. All components of the mojito cocktail are mixed with a masher. White rum and lime juice are added and everything is thoroughly mixed.

The finished mixture is poured into a shaker, mixed with ice and shaken for half a minute.

Homemade grape

Sugar syrup is kneaded with mint leaves, halved grapes are added to them, everything is lightly stirred and crushed. Lime juice is poured into the resulting mixture and crushed ice is added. Then soda and white rum are added and all components of the cocktail are thoroughly mixed.

Alcoholic with sprite

One of the variations of the timeless classic recipe is homemade mojito with sprite. One serving requires one lime, a bunch of mint, white rum and Sprite.

The citrus is cut in half, its juice is squeezed into a glass or glass. Mint leaves, torn by hand, are also sent there. Everything is gently kneaded with a mallet to release the juice and aroma of mint. Then white rum and soda are added to the future mojito cocktail.

Homemade mojito is served with a straw and decorations - mint leaves, lime wedges.

Non-alcoholic with sprite

Another classic cocktail recipe consisting of ice, mint, Sprite, two limes and two teaspoons of sugar. A mojito is prepared similarly to the alcoholic version: mint, lime juice and its slices, sugar are placed in a glass, everything is crushed with a masher.

Then the lime is removed, Sprite is poured into the mixture and crushed ice is added. When serving, you can decorate the glass to suit any taste and color - with citrus slices, mint leaves or sugar rim.

Mojito with vodka and tonic

An acclimatized version of a Cuban cocktail that has turned into an independent drink. Despite the modified recipe, it tastes as close as possible to the original. This drink is prepared from a bunch of fresh mint leaves, lemon or lime, ice, sugar, 500 ml of tonic and a glass of vodka.

Mash mint and sugar in a glass until the juice is released. Then the juice is squeezed out of the citrus fruits, vodka and tonic are added. Lastly, crushed ice is added to the cocktail.

Mojito in Brazilian style

The cocktail is prepared at home not only in the vastness of our country - according to this recipe, the mojito drink is prepared in Brazil. Fresh mint, sugar and lime wedges are placed in a glass and crushed until the ingredients release juice and begin to exude a bright aroma.

Lemon rum and white rum are mixed in a separate glass, added to the citrus and mint mixture, then diluted with champagne and Sprite.

Non-alcoholic with lemon

One of the simplest and easiest to prepare non-alcoholic mojito recipes. A handful of mint leaves is crushed in your hands and placed in a glass. Lemon is cut in half. One of the halves is cut into quarters, the juice is squeezed from the second into a glass with mint. Sugar and lemon slices are also sent there. Everything is thoroughly kneaded with a mallet. The cocktail is diluted with tonic and crushed ice.

Tip: the ideal version of a mojito is to use Sprite or Schweppes classic.

Non-alcoholic watermelon

A refreshing mojito drink without added alcohol that perfectly quenches your thirst. In a cocktail glass, mix sliced ​​lime and mint until juice appears. Sugar is also sent there, everything is thoroughly kneaded with a mallet until juice appears. Watermelon pulp, peeled from seeds, is added to the glass, everything is thoroughly crushed. Honey is added to the finished drink, everything is mixed and served.

Cucumber mojito

Sugar syrup is prepared from water and sugar over low heat and cooled to room temperature. In a tall glass, slices of cucumber, lime and mint leaves are mashed until juice appears. Everything is transferred into a shaker.

White rum, simple syrup, lime juice and crushed ice are also added to the shaker and shaken thoroughly. The resulting mojito cocktail is filtered and poured into decorated glasses.

Mojito with rum

An alcoholic drink prepared at home for any event: both for guests and for family gatherings.

Mojito with rum is often called “Royal” and is a unique and original drink that will serve as a real decoration for any party. A delicious drink with a bright and rich taste - one of the most favorite women's cocktails.

It is prepared very simply: put mint in tall glasses and mix with lime juice. Crushed ice is placed there to the very edge, and prepared sugar syrup, dry sparkling wine and white rum are poured in a thin stream. The resulting drink is carefully stirred with a spoon, the mojito is decorated with mint leaves and a thin ring of lime, and a cocktail tube.

Mojito with vodka

Fans of strong and easy-to-prepare drinks will not ignore the classic recipe for a mojito cocktail with the addition of vodka. For those who do not like rum, this version of the drink will be a real salvation. To prepare it, you need 60 ml of vodka, a few mint leaves, sugar, lime juice, sparkling water and ice cubes.

Pre-chilled glasses are filled with vodka, sugar and lime juice. The components are mixed until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add mint leaves and crushed ice, and fill the glass to the brim with sparkling water. You can use mint sprigs and lime wedges as decorative elements.

With Bacardi rum

One of the varieties of the classic mojito cocktail with an unusual, rich and bright taste and aroma. Traditionally, it is prepared very easily and simply; it does not require the use of special bartender utensils - it can be prepared in an ordinary jar.

Before preparing the cocktail, fresh mint leaves are washed and dried - there should be no excess liquid left on them.

Place 15 mint leaves in a small jar. Sugar syrup and lime juice are poured into them and everything is mixed. The remaining half of the lime is cut into thin rings and placed in a jar.

The container is filled to the brim with ice cubes, soda and Bacardi rum. The drink is decorated to the manufacturer’s taste with citrus slices and lemon balm sprigs. Mojito is served in tall glasses with a straw.

With Limoncello liqueur

This cocktail is very easy to prepare at home. Limoncello liqueur can be taken either ready-made or prepared on your own in advance.

Mint and a quarter of citrus are placed in a highball glass, everything is carefully crushed until the juice appears and covered with crushed ice.

Sugar syrup, Limoncello liqueur, dry vermouth, white rum and soda are poured in alternately. All mojito liquids should completely fill the glass. Everything is stirred, ice is added again.
Angostura bitter is added in a minimal amount - one drop. The drink is decorated with a mint branch. The cocktail is served to the table with a straw.

"Warming Mojito"

Not only tasty, but also a truly warming drink that allows you to warm up in cold weather.
Before you start preparing a mojito cocktail according to this recipe, you need to prepare a small enamel saucepan or saucepan.

Mint, strawberries and lime are crushed in a blender and placed in a saucepan. Strawberry and sugar syrups, soda water are also poured into it, and the resulting mixture is boiled over low heat.

As soon as the liquid begins to boil, remove it from the heat, strain and pour into glasses without cooling. You can decorate a mojito cocktail with mint branches, citrus slices and strawberry slices.

Alcoholic mojito with tequila

A wonderful original drink that will decorate any party or friendly gatherings. The alcoholic cocktail mojito with the addition of tequila is what you need for such meetings.

Mix sugar and water in a small saucepan. The resulting mixture is brought with constant stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. The syrup is removed from the heat and mixed with mint leaves. Infuse the syrup for several hours - it should cool completely and be saturated with the bright aroma of mint.

The cooled sugar syrup is filtered and mint leaves are removed from it. It is then mixed with Sprite, lemon or lime juice and tequila. The resulting mixture is mixed using a straw or a long spoon. This drink is served in chilled glasses with added ice, decorated with citrus fruits and mint.

Those who appreciate the exquisite taste of the Cuban mojito cocktail immediately rush to try the recipe. It is commonly believed that in Spanish this word means “slightly wet”, but not at all! In the dialect of African slaves brought to Cuba, “moho” means “witchcraft,” and the creation of a cocktail is not in vain reminiscent of a mysterious act.

How to make a mojito at home?

There is a legend that the Mojito cocktail was invented by English pirates, who were the first to add mint and lemon juice to rum. Everyone can become the creator of their own recipe by changing the composition of the mojito. There are several rules for making the perfect drink:

  1. It is best to prepare the cocktail directly in a glass.
  2. Rum. The inexpensive anejo variety is perfect. It does not age for a long time and does not have an exquisite taste, but is great for cocktails.
  3. Mint. Freshness is ensured by menthol, which is more abundant in pepper grass; 1-2 sprigs are enough for a serving. Be sure to tear off the leaves from the stem, which gives off bitterness. If you add mint with long leaves, then you will need 5-7 sprigs per glass.
  4. Lime. Gives a sour-bitter taste. The fruit should be strong, with a smooth, yellow-green skin. The juice should be squeezed directly into a glass.
  5. Ice. It’s best not to take cubes, but crushed ones. It quickly absorbs the smell, so you need to prepare fresh portions each time.

Alcoholic mojito at home - recipe

The alcoholic mojito is in great demand, the recipe of which is known to every bartender. The classic mojito contains only rum, but in the new version it is diluted with vodka, lime or lemon and mint leaves are added if desired. Preparation tips from professionals will help you prepare a cocktail without much difficulty.


  • mint leaves – 5 pcs;
  • soda – 60 ml;
  • lemon or lime – half the fruit;
  • sugar, preferably cane sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vodka – 40 ml.


  1. Place sugar and large mint leaves into a glass.
  2. Grind the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Squeeze out the lime juice.
  4. Place ice cubes.
  5. Pour in soda, vodka and mix everything.
  6. Garnish with mint and lime.

Modern cocktail creators could not help but use the refreshing components of the drink for the children's table. Those who prefer to leave parties in their own car are also willing to buy. Mostly such a cocktail is made on the basis of Sprite, then you can do without sugar.


  • lemon or lime – ¼ fruit;
  • "Sprite" - 200 ml;
  • sugar (optional) – 1 teaspoon;
  • ice – 3-4 cubes.


  1. Freeze ice in advance; it is advisable to take purified or boiled water.
  2. Cut the lemon or lime into 4 parts; 1 serving will require a quarter of the fruit.
  3. Squeeze the lime into a glass, add mint leaves and sugar, grind.
  4. Add soda and ice.
